X" MO KKMS, 82 00 PER ANNUM, "THE iXOBLST MOTIVE ',1S THE PUBLIC GOOD." , PAYABLE IN ADVANCE FAYETTEVILLE, N. O., SATlJUD AY, NOVEMBER 5, 1859. VLUML XX. NO. 1,0C8. I"- i i. OF .L"iJSCKil'TlOiN. Copy, ill ;u:ct;. J.''!' ililliUin $2.00 at me ul ill jeur 2,00 -1 1 1 I - c(iij.-. live cunts. No n::i,il-j.i will be received for less than six iuu.ih,-. . d-.-; of jVdvcri iriins. i r - I'l.ire ol Iti lai or less, for the . i; - ior eueu suo.-e-iueut insertion, lor 1 !i i ' i' m on t hs. . inti.i i la, ...... Si 00 :.!. a ::s 0 00 1- Oli. s"by 'the year on favorable la A i .- -I. ai'j i .i i-1 . u i a i-1 y requested to ai in of ;i; rllciis desired. it Iiitu-ikp thv Will u , i , , , i .ii i i- i Tt 1 ii it! i I. n-oid. and eliarged accordingly. t i U'oiiiv of all kinds executed neatly and SINCLAIR & BANKS. ! a ;.a i: claihnt win cut, ATToltNEY AT LAW, .i- ;: i,,;; ill I lie i-uH'i t ies of 1 aden . S-anip-' 1 ' i !.' i 'land. Prompt attention given c . ,. i - a i a i i . i to . ti' clair -c. Y. IS'OIiMKNT. :;:-:::v ans cm snklou iT law Li'MI'.irrOX, N. C. . t I : i i he ( ..ail y :i n 1 Superior Courts, i ' ' '' - ' ' it ni' H-rhuid. J;ladeu and Colum- i- t i in rusted to his care, will receive a '..'a:i. Mice hi the Court Uouse. 1 - 1-v-w- v ill.i f!-)NKi-.ll a COM.MLSSiuX MERCHANT, I vi - I S s I of ( Jill'.'Sjiie Street, i-' v:-;i-ri:vn.i.K. X. C. . i :;. i -" Jm . Oj' .Ci VbJL .'L lias. LiaL j CLj :i .tljjiaa itlcrcljant. '.:. xinux, x. c. 'A, .-a.,. ,). otupt and p-rr.-ou;il attention to all ' ! i n of Spirit Turpentine, Rosin. ; t . i . ; ' I ail .oiiiii ry jsroiluce for sale. ) , . ', .'. no -i.iir- ovr lie- Store of Mr Von t iolnai Lutterloh's wharf. North Water Street. 1 -. i- :'. tf '.sr. i' r.-i ; H V I LI,E, N. c. : a ! IN '! i N a. (Mtnii, Flour. Bn-k :. I'.;-:. ...I fnilt. Flaxseed. Beeswax. . .Vi-.. Ac. piii-ohas. :'. at the hi-lust I.;;;,; !s!s .1 ie i ted .-" T ; aO. V. Sl'PKPlNG. 1 - ' w ! f .PILL. PP iPiilLTOK. iilS. ill'' n:o-t eomniod tens Hotel :,tih i'ir"ih:a iron ting. :5(. ' i on il::v.llld Pciat lilscli si leetS. is mi', !i !l:e eelilre of the PiiMliesS i. tie ! sin r-:: lid- d by ail the Piuik ..'.e iiieie'iaiits and principal pro- w ill laid tie.' Hotel a convenient v.- and d; part from this Ilo4el. ii ' ! ."!i. 1 vr D?ioot-Iron . . ; ii a, .v C . orinient of Boxnnd cooking ; S!i--et - Iron : Lend I'io-. Al- - ib by JAMKS MA UT I XE. rlall.V PPK'allASPn THE Pi in. 1 am now carrying on the - at '.'oiiricil s P.luii' ? R. II. LYON. w 'f T.vo i)jor.s ;i'.ioo C T. llui.li A: 6on's Store, i-'.tyci tuville, C. O-t. 1, 1:S. lv. e9 i'-.T F ! V i Pi!a. A SPIT-RIOR" STILL CAP and t" .ok ii t -n i'.aiils. which I will sell on r-'.i -.i. Pa. ! V SOI.l'l. JAMES MARTIXE. Mav !:. '."!. w-tf fc- ' i i. Paid. Lhisced and Tanner's ()IL ; 1 ' 1 ' P.iAi); iinrning Fluid : Putty : Window Gl.l - ..I -.a:i ot ail sa:e. ALSO A IVa-'i su-ply of fund's Pain Detrover. For JAS. MAUT1NE. N'-.. . -7. t f n:-: ;y;vi: ..ns ..v clients Per - a!.- at r.'iiu: ed p;u -s, at the AuePion Store -t A. M. CAMPBELL. A alt "I. 1 ----- tf i):vITATi NOTICE. ATATJ. !. S ". ' t' i o:r -r.- his profe.-ioual services to . f 'h 1 i.en -i'.y a id may be seen at his office. T a " : a. Pa; Mariat. w-tf A XI) LOOKING-GLASSES. t no-v i"i - 'vin;' hi- FALL STOCK, which includo e i, :-e a- a-ti:ients of new stvles of White Graniti a'll t5i-.i' ."r:--.'ed Ware. Plain and Gailt China Tea Sels ; a go j 1 assortment of anl a sP.-T: " Gl;-a--Ware twice as large tin usual Tli- aart'i ri-,. re h.iving been imported to order rt:l j ', . - . ; ..hi- at a a. lion. t less t4i:in man u fat till-"-" ;'. 'a' sire liiat h; cn'i furnish Country f .'"c'ii ), ; - . g- -ls qn'a ti cheaply as they ca, at p' - . i ii- -i'l -s iioai liie N rlh. Sept. 17, 1". d K-w-tf J - l. a K. Y l. J , IS now receiving his usual supply of Goods, among v hich are JJich .Silks, ColM and Elack : French Merinos and delaines ; English Do. Do.; Kid and Net Cloves, assorted ; Bed and Negro Ulaukets ; Bolting Cloths, .No. 1 to 10 ; Ready-.Made Clothing ; Boots and Shoes : With a very large assortment of other Goods. All o Purchased by the package at the lovvesf Those pure-hashing will please call and look at the j. - ' . uoods and prices, Sent l(i I8"i w-tf X LlIPOltTATlOSS FOR THE FALL OF 1S59. rIlI i" subscribers have received most of their pur JL cha.-es for the approaching Fall Trade, embra cing a large and general assortment of Cooceric?, Hollow -Ware, By the Ton or less ; Sole Leather, Calf Skins, Shoe Findings. "With articles generally wanted for manufacture of Shoes: Iu great variety, aud SADDLERY HARD-WARE. They have also added largely by Direct Importation from the Manuiactures iu Lurope to their IIARD-WARK .Sc CTJ'T. JI i" Department, by which they are enabled to save to their customers the .Northern Jobbers7 Profits, aud they are disposed to sell at a small advance on cost on their usual terms. They solicit, an examination of their uoods by the Trade generally In addition to the above variety of Goods, which in the aggregate constitute one of the largest it not The Largest Sto:k to be Found in Xorth Carolina, the undersigned are Sole Agents in this place for Mess. Win. Carter &, Sou, of Chatham Co., lor the sale ot their SUPCKIOR BROGANS. Messrs. C. Son are manufacturing Shoes from Leather t.vnne.' by themselves except the outer sole; they have all the recent improvements in machinery, and are makii.g A SIme That Planters Will Find Ssiyerior in every respect to any ever offered for sale in this section, aud at a reasonable price. Gall and see ! ! GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. August 9, 48rO d-lt w-3m untiew m.:r:isr:E II AYE associated with me, in this line. Mr John K. Dailey, and will style the firm ORRELL & DAI LEY. We have purchased the Steamer Sovthkkxhr, and in a few days, will have a New Flat employed with her. Those favoring us with their patronage may rely upon prompt despatch, by applying to Mr. Dailey on board, or to me at my office. R. M. ORRELL. R. M. OP. REEL March 2(5. 18.19. JOHN K. DAILEY. -tf. LOST. OPPED from my Sulky, on the Fayettcv5!e ind Centre Plank Road in about 11 miles of Fay- tfeville. mv Medical hairs, containing a pocket case if Instruments Ac. The tinder will lie liberally re- warded lv ad.lressing the ubseril.er at Fn vet 1 evil c Julv 23d 1859. JXO. M. McLEAN AMES M.ARTINE is now receiving a large and general assortment of everything in the above line. ALSO A piinie article of Bio. Laguira and Java COFFEE; Crushed and Brow n Sugar ; Sugar House Syrup and Molasses. All of which is offered on as good terms as can he bad in this market. Nov. 27. tf A CARLK A Word To My Old Friends. f y 1 HOSE persons for whom I have been attending to .mL Banking businness for years : I am still willing to serve you with the same promptness that I have al ways done ; and to others that may want discounts. Pension business. Ac, A;c. I offer my services, w ill? a promise of strict attention JAS. G. COOK. June 27, 1559. tf NOi'lCE TO SOLDIEli'S WIDOWS. rHIE WIDOWS OF MEXICAN Soldiers, M and the Widows of Soldiers who died IX SERVICE in the war ot 1812, can have their pensions continued by calling on the undersigned. Congress having made additional provision for them. Give mc the management of your claims, and the money shall come at once, or no charge. JXO. M. HOSE. Agt. for Pensions. F ayetteville June 19, 1858. tf CT XT SMITH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Medicines and Chemicals, TEAS, SriCES, PERFUMERY, Brushes, Glass, Faint , Oils, D'jc-Stujjs SOAPS, DENTAL AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES, BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Pure Liquors for Medical Use, 3ISTILLECS' fcU ts, tilSDEX Ai FIELD SEEDS, &.f . piIE SUUSCKIBER is now in receipt of his Fall . Supplies, and iuvites the attentiou of Physi cians. Merchants aud others to his larKe and select iUr '"S every article in hi line, r-sr- Orders from the couutry promptly attended to. and Eatistacuon guarantied. JAS. N, SMITH. Sept 8th, d It. wtf. DrUgSkt ChemiSt- F, M. & W. L. Meadow's Tobacco. JUST RECEIVED 25 BOXES which I will sell lo j at reduced lactory prices July 27 1859, JAMES W, OORXE. -id HI &i A 3--&A fPIIIS Company has been "at operation more than L six years, and has paid its Fire losses, amount ing to o-ai..2 t.sii" w ithout any a.sses.-ment : insurance averaging its members about i per cent. Amount of property now insured, ftl.5(i3,41)0.0l Amount premium notes now on hand, 247,7o8.03 DIRECTORS Geor-e McNeill, . T. Hawley, D.A.Ray, W. X. Tilliushast, II. L. -Myrover; A. A. .McKethan. S. W. Tillinghast, J.D.Williams, Henry Lilly, James C Cook, N. A. Stedman, A. W. Steel, S. J. Ilins lale, James Kyle. 1 - S. Luttei loh, Hon. J. G. Shepherd. Ya. McLaurhi, R.F.Urov.-u, Wilminoton. A. I-1. Hall, Wilmington. OFFICERS: ceoi'.ge .McNeill, phesident. d. a. 1iav, vice tkesioent. c. a. mcmillan, secretary. J. Collins and C. C. McCrummen. Travelling Agents. 7&3- The Company invite applications. -"63 May 19, LS;59. wly'r MOKE NEW GOODS!!. I AM JUST RECEIVING MY SFRIXfi STOCK GOOOS in my lini-. Tlicy re .sclcctcil in the Northern f'ilirs by my self, wit h jri-t-at c:tie. anI l.fmht on the must reasonuLle terms, by which 1 :iin enabled to otfov tin largest stock 1 ever be fore oBVreU to the public, aud to offer them generally AT GltKATLY K HDUCED PllICES. FRUITS RAISONS, FIGS. PRl'NES. AVPl 1-S. LKMONS. ORANGES CnKKlilKS. CURRANTS. Sec; PICKLES, JELLIES AM) FItESERYES, A GREAT VARIETY ; FKRFUM ERI ES AN I) EAT It A( TSj OE VARIOUS KINDS; Fancy St.ais ami Pomades ; M US I C A L 1 X ST RUMEN TS FIDDLES.DUUMS.Fi EES, FLUTES. BANJOS. UUITAR8.&C tVilkinii; ("ain-s of every kind : BA SKE T A NU TI IE L G IV 1VA RE; Hobl.y Horses. ktv : NUTS; FINF. AND COM. VON CANDIES: SARDINES FINE CIUAKS : SMOKIXU A NO CH EWINli TOBACCO - CRACKERS : FINE POCKET KNIVES: A I.AKOE ASSORTMENT OF FUltT-Xi ON A 1F.S. HOME VI.RV NICE: FAN(.V F.NV K.l.OPKs'. AND FA N ' l.'lleBS. TUiS AND VANKEK NOTIONS : AN SS t I'.T .; I'.JS i' OF I N O I A RUH B Eli liOOIIS. Y 1 1 i PS, COMBS. FISliINU TACKLE. The public are re-eetfnlly invited to call and examine my stock. I have a great many handsome things that cannot fail to please. JAMES R. LEE. April 2. 1859. -tf Hotel Ruildinjr. AYER'S i tt Tn -E -"r u ii Hi ii a x m PECTORAL. FOR THE RAPID CUKE OF Colds, "CosisjJjs, :tul Urimfiet.d, Ia-s.. 20th Dec, 1S55. I)R. J. C. Avi:r : 1 do not ItesiMte to say the best renv.'dy I have ever totmd for Cuiijih.s, la lit ai .-iies. iiitiii'ii..u ami iiej eo:ic;'UJllMlit i svniptoiiis of a di!d. is nui- t'iii.i;!;v I'i-:: Tor.AL. v Its -..ust. tut ihh iu ni.v in;ietic-- and my family for Tl.e last tea y.-:Us I:. is slii.v "i it a p ...-.s? ss sS " " Ktlj.eriui- -virtues I" .- th" tr. aita.-nt of iliesci i" , eunielaints. KISEN K.NU111T, M. D. A. R. MOUTI.EV, EsQ.-of ITti.-a. X. Y.. writes: "I have used yiuir l'::''T ... '. I. in . m'! l and in to t;t in il.v ev.-r sin.-e yi ui invented if. a-id heh.-ve it tl. - he-t me.Ut'iiie for ijs purpose ev.-r pnt out. Willi a liini ( '1 ! sh v.ild .sooner pay twenty-five di. liars for a buttle than do without it, or take any other remedy." Croup, M'hoojiiiis: CG?h, Influenza. g! r.!N.'iri..Lr, Miss.. Fell. 7, 1S56. ItP-OTITER AVKTI : Twill eli.'ortitiiv Cel-iil'v yolir Pi;. .. KAL is the best remedy we possess f'.-r th" ra.'e of II' in a,.",. Orntip, H!ld theehest dis.-as.'M ot chieit'-n. We ol' yonr t"rare-iiit. in ihe Sonih appreciate your eikiil, and c-P-ttiis-tMl vonr to-- Heine to our pevipio. lllUAM'COXKLIX, M. D. A5IOS LEK, Esq., Moxterev. Ia.. writes. Ssl Jan., lS'.fi: "I hal a tedious I nliu-.-n.a. which eoniine 1 me in doors six weelts; took many medieines; wiihout relief; finally tried yoi;i 1'kctorai. by the advice of our clergyman. The lirsf dose relieved the soreness in lay throat and lnns; les than one half the bottle made me completely well. Your he-diemes are the cheapest aa well as the best we can buy. and we esteem you, lloctor, and your remedies, as the poor man s i'liend." Asthma or Phthisic, and Ftrnnchitis. We.-i MAXeiirsii-it. I'a., leb. 4. 1856. Sir: Your Chekhy Pf.ctoi.al is p.-rt'.rniiim; marvellous cures in this section, lc has relieved several from alarming symptoms of consumption, and is now curing a man who has labored under an affection ol the lungs fur the last tbrtv wars. 11 EX 11 Y E. I'AKKS, Mirchatit. A. A. RAMSEY, M. I)., Air.iox, Mont.oe Co.. Towa, writes, Sept. 6, IS55: Iiuriiii; my praetieeof many years 1 have found nothing equal to your C'meut Vector i. for pivinjr ease and re lief to coiisumiJtive j.atieuts, or curing si-.ch as are curuble." AVe mii-'ht add volumes of evidence,, but the most convincing proof of the virtues of this remedy is f mud !n its effects upon trial. Consumption. Probably no one remedy has ever been known which cured bo many and such dangerous cases as this. Some no human aid can reach ; but even to those the CHERitr I'ectoral affords re lief and comfort. Astok ITouse, New York City, 51arch 5, lSr.6. Doctor Ater, Lowell: 1 feel it a duty and a pleasure to in form you what your Cherry Pix-toral has done fjr my wife. She had been five months laboring under the dangerous symp toms of Consumption, from which no aid we could procure cave her much relief. She was steadily failing, until Dr. Srrnnu, of this city, where we have come for advice, recommended a trial of your medicine. We bless his kindness, as we do your skill, for she has recovered from that day. She is not yet as strong as ehe used to be. but is free from her cough, aud talis herself well. Yours, with gratitude and resrard. OKLAXIAJ SI1ELUY, of SnELr.YVTLLE. Cbnsumptires, do not despair till you have tried A yeh's Coefry Pectoral. It is made by one of the best medical chemists in the world, and its cures all round us bespeak the high merits of it virtues. 1'hiladt Ipliia Ledger. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. THE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been taxed their utmost to produce this best, most perfect purpitire which is known toman. lnnumeiabW proofs are shown that these Pii.LS have virtues which surpass iu excellence the ordina ry medicines, and that they win unpivccdciirediA- upon the esteem of all men. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulate thevi;al activities of the ljody, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the blood, aud expel disease. They purjre out the foul humors v h;ch breed and &rrow distemper, stiniulale sluirisii or disordered or gans into their natural action, and impa.-t hcallhy tone with strength to the whole system. Xot only do tle.-v cure the every day complaints of every body, but also formidable aud lianer. ous diseases that have battled the l est of human skill. V bile they produce powerful effects;, they are, at the t-ame time, in di minished doses, the safest and best phytic tiia" .-an be employed for children. Being supir-coaled, they are pleasant to take; and being purely vegetable, are free from any risk of harm. Cures have been made which surpass belief were they not sub stantiated by men of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many eminent clergymen and physicians have lent their names to certify to the public tiie re liability of my remedies, while others hav sent me the assur ance of their conviction that my Preparations contribute im mensely to the relief of my afiiicted. suffering leliow-men. The Agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my Amer ican Almanac, containing directions for their use, and certifi cates of their cures of the following complaints: Coetiveness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy. Heart burn. Headache arising from a foul Stomach, Xfiusca. Indiges tion, Morbid Inaction cf the Bowels, and Pain arising therefrom, Flatulency. Loss of Appetite, all l lcen us and C'.;ta:ieoi-.s Uia eases wloch require an evacuant Medicine, Scrofuia cr King's Evil. Thev also, by purifying the blood and stimti'.ating the sys tem, cure many comi.-Iaints which it would net be supp. sed tbey could reach, such ns 1 eafness. Partial Blindness, Xeumigia and Nerrous Irritability. Derangements of the Liver aud Kidneys, Gout, and other kindred complaints arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its amotions. Do not be put otf by unprincipled dealers with some other pfll they make more profit oc. Ask f;?r Ayer's Pills, and take noth ing elsa. No other thev can give you compares with this in Its intrinsic value or curative powers. The sici want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. Prepared Iy Ir. J. C. AlTEIt- Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell Haas. Pmci, 25 Cia. pbb Box. Five Boies pob $1. SOLD BY S. J. II INS ALE, Feb-y 19, 1859. ly FayettevHie,. C. Dr. Tronic lVilHam's Rye Wldslicy. T) MITCHELL ha? made arrangements with Di l- Frank Wiili-Aina to be constantly supplied with his celebrated RYE WIT ""KKV, ulacb enn be had at his .-.lore at all times, by wholesale or rciiil. Oct. 1(, 180S, tf ' A ATfE AKii RECEIVING I ADDITION' to our ' - ,.VZ.esevt stock the following- goods, n S??9 Com:e' R!- Laguira ami Java, -a -50 Bblsand Hbds, Suar, different grades. 4o iioxra Soap, assorted qualities. V' ln "lfC,jls Ka?le Mills Snuff, in small bladders. - J08 and Kegs Super Carbonate Soda 4 20 Stewarts Candy. k ri ! Ca ulles, Alarainine and Sperm. - m Bajrging, Dundee and Cunny. 1 Tons Hoilowware. ,'p; 200 Sacks Liverpool Salt.! 500 Lbs Bar Lead. 50 Bags shot. -x 100 Kegs Aails. . "' - ALSO I, AND CUTLERY. .-'KaAtllery, Collars. WIiIds. Sec. iLSUQES AND SOLE LEATHER, urruruK, rtif-rcK ana M'lUJii ""Wimlow Glass, Patty and White Lead. Cigars, Green and Black Teas. Bale Rope and Twine. Manilla Kope, Sash Cord rc. Brooms. Buckets, Pails aud Ttehes. Cotton Yarns and Sheeting at actory prices. And a good many other articles not mentioned, and expect to make such additions to our stock, as the trade requires. We will sell at wholesale or retail, low for CASH ; or on tune to prompt paying custo mers, or exchange for country produce. Persons wanting goods in our line, are requested to examine our stock before purchasing. PEMBEIiTON & SLOAX. E. L. PEMIiEHTOX- GEORGE SLOAX. Oct 22. W-tf "WoShb n m I X will offer tor sale at public Auction, on the nrem- 1 iscs on Tuesday the 8th day of Nov. next, the Pkintatioiion which I now live, containing 1535 acres, together with all my Crop, Stock, Furniture, and farming utensils. Any person wishing to locate in old liobeson, for the purpose of farming or making Turpentine, could not do better than to buy my land as it is as good farming land as any in the neighbor hood, ami is well timbered with round Pine. There is a comfortable new dwelling House, on the premi ses, and also, a Saw and Grit Mill and Cotton Gin. Terms for the land .- oae fourth cash, the remainder one. two and three years, For the personal property all cash, M. MeBRYDE. Randalls ville Robeson co., Oct, 29, 151) w-ts $20 Reward. 1 ANAWAY from the subscriber on the 8th inst., a jW) negro boy named MA.NUEL. Said negro is a bout 25 years old, ti feet 1 or two inches high. He is supposed to be iu the neighborhood of W. H. Brown in llobeson county, where he was last seen. I will give the above reward of twenty dollars for his deliv ery to me wilhin sixty days from this date. I will give an additional rew ml of S20 for evidence suffi cient to convict any white man of harboring said ne gro. JAMES McNATT. Aug 20, 1859. w-tf Scliool Motice- Y School in the DONALDSON ACADEMY will be re-opened on Monday, October 3rd. - Teiisus per Quarter of ten weeks En-fish,, ?7 50 Latin, $10 00 Latin and Greek, $12 5.1 Contingent, 25 A fe.v pupils can be furnished with board in the family of the i'rincipal, on Hay Mount. JESSfc: R. McLEAN. A. M., Principal An jr. 13. "859. w-tf Griltesnci IZael Kpanletts, Silli. and Worsted Sa3ies, Billions, Plumes, ' Army Caps, Lace, Cunl, Tassels, Stars, Bugles, Belt Clnps, Eagles, Spurs, WlilililSCJ l)!:Uf!9. DRUM-HUADS, MUSKET BA LLS. AXU CA PS. Now on hand and for Sale at No. 11, Hay St.. v.ATCII AND JEWELRY SORK. W- PRIOR. 4iEXEil.iL CIlDUt XO. 6. Head Quarters 33rd Regiment N. C. Malitia. 5 Fuyetteville. Oct. 14 1859. TIIE Commissioned and non-commissioned officers of the 3:!ni ilegimetit of North Carolina Militia, are hereby ordered to oppear at the Court House in Fayetteville, on Friday the 11th. Nov. at 10 o'clock A. M., armed and equipped as the law directs, for Drill. Also to parade their respective Companies, at the same place on Saturday the 12th Nov. at 10 o'clock A. M., for review and inspection. By order of lirigM Gen l DRAFGIIAN, C. E LEETE Col. TIIOS. C. FULLER, Adj't. Oct. 14. 18." 9. w-tm dl t "STATE OF NOF.TII CAROLINA ROBESON COUNTY. 5 Court of ricas and Quarter Sessiofis At o list Term, 1859. It is ordered by the Court that thu following Tracts of Land be sold for the Taxes. The Owners being non-residents, of the County. Therefore Publication br.made in the North Carolinian, according to law Ford, Eli as I?. 350 acres on Aligator Swamp $2.73 Mclntyie, John C. 105 ' west ot'Aehpele 61 Meliityre, D. W. 1j5 " " " 73 From the Minutes. JOHN M. HAHTMAN, Clkkk. Oct. 12, Tr. Adv. $3.15 5-tw l-td STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ROBESON COUNTY. $ Court of Pitas and Quarter Sessions August Term, 1859. Jacob Alford, Adm'r of Arch'd McKay, dee'd, vs. Nelly McKav. and others. PETITION FOR ACCOUNT AND SETTLEMENT. In this caselt appearing to the Court that Alex't McKay, Arch'd McPhaul, 2aniel McPhaul, Flora Mc Phaul, Alex'r McPhaul, vVilson Thammond, and wife Elizabeth, William McPhaul. aud Campbell, all re side beyond the limits of this State. It is therefore ordered that Publ cation, be made in the North Car olinian, for six weeks notifying paid Defendants, to appear at the next Term of this Court to be held at the Court House in Lumberton. there to plead answer or demur to said Petition, or Jugment pro eonfesso will be rendered, and the same heard ex porti as to them. Witness John M. Hartraan, Clerk of our Said Court at office in Lumberton the Fourth Monday in August A. D. 1859. J. M. HARTMAN, Clerk. Oct. 12 Pr- Adv. ea 25, 5t-w lt-d PRICES IN THE STATE! I AM now giving the highest prices fwNo. 1 young NEGIiOES. Persons having any to dispose of would do well by giving me the first call, or write to me, stating the size, age, quality and appearance of heir negroes. I may always be found at the Shemwell House, Fayetteville. JNO, O. ARMSTRONG. Aug. 12, 1859 .-is w-tf THE X0RTIL CAROLINIAN. FAYETTEVILLE, N. U. WEDNESDAY BORIIIfi, KOTESBEfc i, I8S9. The Contrast. Our inclination to give the people a true under standing of the sentiment of the northern press upon the Harper's Ferry outrage, lias lead us to the con sideration of the vast difference in the tone of Dem ocratic .and Republican journals. Some of the latter approve of the course pursued by old Brown, others consider that the time for such a demonstration had not arrived. Some consider the object justifiable while the act is condemed, and more consider it an unhappy occurrence and Brown a martyr. We have examined our Democratic exc' JU& ;es from Maine to Iowa, and without one single XC tion, the whole affair, the mo.ive, act and nstr i mentare condemned and denounced. We d y e :- amination to prove that one solitary democrat nte nation, from New England to the far west l.s 8 Tj fused to condemn the whole affair. Need we point out the duty, of the South ; has blinded fanaticism so far led her astray, that she is not able to see her duty ? an she longer raise up her hand to oppose herself i will she so far for get herself as to give the fatai stab to her dearest friend ? Had this affair assumed an active importance in the North had old Brown been able to make a suc cessful crusade against the south, there is not a man north of Mason and Dixon's line, except the democrats, who would not be found heart and hcffld in the work of murder and rapine. What do our old line whig friends saj' now to an opposition party ? Of what must it be composed? There are but two parties North, the Republicans and Democrats. Are you willing to form a party composed oue half or two-thirds of the Black Re publicans ? Are you willing to allow office hunters and amhitious politicians with their irresponsible journalists to lead you forever? We warn you in time, raise up from this slavish condition, this bond mansliip to men, and follow no farther a phantom. a will-of-the-wisp, which will ultimately lead you to destruction. You have opposed Democracy. Why ? Because it is democracy! You can't give any other reason. Your fathers opposed it, therefore you oppose it. Is this manly, is it honorable 1 You say the democracy is extravagant they steal the public funds that is an iufainous false hood, but we let it pass and coucede it for argu ment. Suppose they steal the public funds your allies steal your private property, and consider they do God's work at that. The fact is, you have been lead by your sensa tion journals jrour printing presses to forget who are your friends. They have placed a serpent in your breast and you hug it in ignorance of its venomous nature. Is it not time for you to act ; to cut yourself loose from any affiliation with your deadly foe, and resolve that hereafter you will work and labor in the cause of democracy aud the nation? Sound Sextimexts. The Philadelphia Pennsyl vanian, in the course of an able article on Democracy and Southern politics, speaks thus : "Opposition n the South to the Democratic party is therefore uicidal. It is playing into the hands of her enemies, nd can have no justification unless in an object and fanaticism equally as detestable as those of the Abolitionists of the North. The rights of the South are secured by the Constitution, and the Democra cy is the only Constitution party ; hence to give aid or comfort to the Opposition, directly or indirectly, is the strengthening of the enemies of the Constitu tion and impairing tlfe stability of her own institu tions." What a happy Commentory upon these Editors of our Opposition papers who advocate a Union with the Republicans ? Any man who takes a common sence view of this question will see immediately that the only salvation of the South and of the Constitution rest with the Democrats. We learn that Jeremiah Anderson, one of the ri oters who was killed at Harper's Ferry was in this town in May last, begging for money, and fooled a number of our honest citizens to the tune of five aud ten dollars each. Now though this insurrection is looked upon by the Black Republican Press as a trivial affair, it is evident that their schemes were extensive. What would bring this man to Fayetteville except to se cure assistance and accomplices ? We do not believe that there is a being in our midst so hell-bound as to associate in any way in this diabolical scheme, but it is a warning to us all to watch closely such stragglers, and if suspicion attaches to them aay thing of a nature inconsistent with our institutions they should be furnished with a free pass, and a warm coat to keep the cold out. Europe. We learn by the foreign intelligence this moruiug, that the treaty of peace is signed by the Zurich Conference. This is preliminary to the European Congress which will and must be called to settle finally the Italian question. We are anxious to see the result of their labo riousfand protracted session at Zurich. It must cer taiuly be an improvement ou the Villa Franca peace' We hope to lay it before our readers soon. We lay before our readers to-day, the first piece from the peD of our gifted contributor "Min nehaha." It is a tale of the pocket of a lady friend and written by the request of another. We trust that she may often find leisure to send us a few lines of wit and untiment, which we know will be appreciated by the readers of the North Carolinian. We return our thanks to W. J. Stuart, Esq., Secre tary of the Robeson county Agricultural Society for honorary badges, admitting us to the approaching exhibition. One of the Editors will be present. We learn from the Tarboro Southerner that Hen- j ry W. Miller will deliver his great Oration at that place in November. We learn by private letters from Pa., that winter has set in there. They had snow last week, and ice is beginning to form. , PRESBYTERIAL. The Presbytery of Fayetteville met at Bethcar Church, county of Bladen on Friday 2Sth instant, at 12 o'clock M., and was opened by a sermon from the retiring Moderator, Rev. James Sinclair, Queensdalc. The Rev. Colin Shaw was elected Moderator for the next six months, and the Rev. M. McQueen, 2nd Presbyterian Church Wilmington, and Harris, Esq., were elected temporary clerks. A considera ble amount of routine business was transacted dur ing Friday and Saturday, some items of which may be interesting to our reader s Galatia Church in Cumberland county is the next place of meeting, aud Thursday before the second Sabbath in April the time. Calls from China Grove and Cypress Churches were placed in the hands of Rev. I). Fairley, and he having signified his acceptance of the same, Presby tery took the necessary steps for ordaining and in stalling Trrm pastor Over sti Churches. Mr. Nicholson from Richmond was received under" the care of Presbytery as a candidate for the Gospe1 ministry. A committee was appointed to visit the head wa ters of the Big Juniper and ascertain the feasibility of organizing a new church there, and report to the next meeting of Presbytery. A committee was appointed to confer with the treasurer of Presbytery in reference to the contin gent fund and the churches delinquent to that tund. Presbytery also appointed a committee to re-as-sess the churches within its bound, as the present assessemnt falls far short of the expenditures. County Seat of Harnett. Official returns by J. 11. Graddy, Sheriff Lillington, 108 GS 175 83 51 18 - 118 Toomer. a o i 30 ;.j 2o 21 Toomer, 140 Averasboro, Grove, Neill's Creek, Buekhorne, Upper Little River, Stewart's Creek, Barbacue, Lillington, G24 It will be seen by the above that Lillington is the County Seat of Harnett, by a majority of 4t 1 votes pretty decided majority. We do sincerely hope that all the trouble is at an end. 5ggrThe Ruleiyh Standard of this date contains the valedictory of F. I. Wilson, Esq., assoc iate Editor, who retires from the labouriou.s pursuits of Editorial life. Mr. Wilson has been co-editor of the Standard for five years, during which time he has conducted him self in a manner acceptible to every gentleman of which he is a true type. We are sorry that it is necessary for him to re tire, for thereby, we have lost an able, earnest and ndependent advocate of conservative principles. The Standard will henceforth be conducted solely by W. W. llolden, Esq., whose name is itself a tower of democracy. He needs no eulogy our readers know him. ESf There it is again, why is it that they will poke fun at us, up in New York ? We lindtbe fol lowing in the New York Daily News : "At Raleigh, N. C, last week Messrs. llolden, Whitaker, Brittan, Pennington, and Walsh, all edit ors of country journals, casually met in a restau rant" The idea of Messrs. llolden, Whitaker and Walsh meeting in a restaurant all three and Pennington too! Well, well, extremes will meet sometimes. What we think worst of, is, that Messrs. llolden, Brittan, Pennington, and Whitaker are called editors of country journals.- They dare to call the rity o Charlotte and the city of Newborn country ; pre posterous ! and our capital Wake Court House is termed a country place. We think this is abso lutely cause enough to demand pistols and coffee for four. We congratulate friend Fulton of the Journal that he was not there, thereby the Journal and North Carolinian can hereafter be considered City Journals ! Thanksgiving Day. Thursday, Nov. 24th, has been appointed a day of Thanksgiving by the Governors of South Carolina, Alabama, Pennsylvania, N. York, New Hampshire Ken tucky and North Carolina. Mass Meetimg of Know-Notiiixos We learn that the Know Nothings have had a grand mass meeting in the plug usly city of Baltotnore on 27th of Oct. All the guns of the order, including, Brooks, Ulhnan, Morris; Mallory, Harris Bolts, Goggin, Stuart and Boetler of Virginia were tho A New Kixk. Napoleon has taken a new turn, likely to prove fatal to poor Piedmont and disastrous to the seemingc peae of all Europe. He has demand ed indemnity for the cost of the late war. Thus has all the bug-bear of Italian liberty passed away. He is preparing for war on a general scale and ere the year 18G0 is 3 months old he will doubtless have hot work for his Zouaves. It would be better for the peace of the world were Napoleon assignee! the neat cottage of his illustrious uncle ou that mem orable secluded island. The Black Republicans of New York are alarmed for the safety of their ticket because of the Harper's Ferry riot. Our own Opposition exchanges are comfortless, the union" being now impracticable. W We learn from the Petersburg papers, that Roger A. Pryer, regular democrat, is elected to the vacant seat in Congress from the Petersburg district, over Col. Goode Disgruntled.democrat, supported by the opposition and anti-convention democrats. Mr. Pryer's majority is expected to exceed loUU. The First Ice. Last Friday, says the Wilson Ledger, was quite a cold day. Jack Frost visited us, and we even aw some very thin ice too thin, indeed, to brag on, but quite thick enough toremiui us of old Winters near approach. Well let him come there is health in hia blusteriug breata and vior in liis cold embrace. We love the Old Gentleman, albeit he nips our nose and freezes our toea, lor the fn eside comforts and the social joys he ushers in. " Hail Winter ! ru ler of the inverted year 1 We crown thee King of in timate delights." Terry's Scccessok Vre learn from Califor nia that on the 20th September, at Sacramento, VV. VV. Cope was sworn iu by Judga Baldwin, as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of San Fraucisco, in place of Judge Terry, resigned.

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