W". v-' ox " ; . . V v. --?:, ' . ..-.y ' .. " ; ' - r'v '"T : - , - - -. : " ' r-' : f-T- . 4 'W EIUIS, $2 00 PER AN&UM, THE NOBLST MOTIVE IS' BE PUBLIC GOOD." PAYABLE IN ADVANCE s T - FAYETTEVIIXE, N. O:, SATUV BAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1859. VLUME XX. NO. 1,070. I'uKMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Single copy, in advance, per auno.ni $2,00 . " . at tne cud of the year 3,00 Single copies, iive cents. No subscription will be received for less than six mourns. K.ts of" -.A-iT.vertisin.g. Sixty cents per squaro of 10 Hues, or less, for the i'.rst, and cent lor each subsequent insertion, for any period uudiT Hiree mont'is.. ; l'"or Hue.; laoiitli.-?, S4 00 , 'ur six moaths. ' 6 00 F'r tH-i'lfe in tilths, . . . . . 10 00 Other ,'lverli.enient8 by the year on favorable tcrui-i. .vl Vfcti.si-i s are particular! v requested to state ti; aumber of insertions desired, otherwise they will i; inserted uuti 1 forbid, and charged accordingly. ,?rr- JOB WORK of all kinds executed neatly and promptly. SINCLAIR & BANKS. LEG AL NQTICES. y C L if I KiXT G. WlilGIITfr .VTTliUNLY AT I -AW, lini-l' practice in the counties of Liluden, Samp- T -on and tJiiiuberlaiid. 1'roinpt attention given tu all im-iiH-cojnuiitled to his charge. April t, lot. td Vv . S. iXOHMKNT. ATTOKN KY AND COUSNKLOK IT LAW LUMBKRTOX, N. C. riLI, AT TKN'O the Counlyand Superior Courts, ut I .(hi--ou, Cuinbei land. Bladen and Colum b i-. A!l buin.-ss intrusted to his care, will receive prninp't att.-ntiou. Ollice in the Court House. AUC'l lON'F.Kli & COMMISSION MEKCUANT, r.ast Siilc of Gillespie Street, F VKT TKVILLK, N. C. o mini ss'io n ill cr e I) ant . wu.M :n ; ton, x. c. I r. ''vc l.nr.ii t aiil personal attention to all i-i-auu-iit id' Spirits 1 ui'pentine, liosin. Tar. f in i : i t i 1 1 . and ail country produce lor sale. .- oi'i'I ; K up stairs over the Store of Mr Von 'laha'aad joinin" Lutleib.li's wharf. North Water Str.-et. June IS. IS ,!). -f IJAV svtiv:. T, i r a v i: t t k v i l l e , x. c. OI'IIMTS 'I l"K I'KNT I N F. Cotton, Flour, Ba?k ;m:i!rv l.i.iuor. Dried Fruit, Flaxseed, Beeswax. 'J aihe.v, 'i oliacco, Ac. Ac, purchased at the highest maiivel pri f- L oni mimenis s-oiicm-u, -j: v- GiiO. W. SPERLING. Oct LI, Is.VI. wtf . . . . - ..... . ..ir.:(...l r.-ry- F A Y I ' ! ' T I V 1 1 J . K HOTI.iL., t. 'r , n!-!!.L. I'llci'l'lLTOR.. 4 ''l TllS. the most commodious Hotel 'iS.' 1 2 in North Carolina, fronting 300 :.'-v "iifrir feet on I lav and Donaldson streets, is !Al!ir-J- lorated ;n "the centre of the business i,or"r..'i "i the town, and surrounded by all the bank-l,ou--s. wholesale merchants and principal pro- hK;' IW-iu s- men will find the Hotel a convenient find eonil'ortal'le hous". , . , . 'i the Si a. arrive and depari uoin iinr, - F tleille. Ai.nl IN''-'- 1 v"r Stovos, Slicct-Iron TL-W A U I &.c. o N hand. a lartre assortment of P.ox and cooking Ti U-w;i 1 e : Sn t Iron : Lead l'ip". Al- ... i .. i l jo-f-.i.n C'oi1V ro:." I r sale '')' , Nov. il? if JAMES MAIITINE. ! 3NTOTICE. i;ir!-TI,V IT K'1 1 ASF.P TI1R n.tix'O jtOCl5. Of "AVI NO f fou-ie nerea n ' 1 An 4 I: A MeKetiiin. 1 am now carrying on the l,.;,i,.ss ut ' '. .i? M'-i 1 's ldtltf Ji. II. LYON. w-t f aotory, tin Doors ;:. l.vudeu, a'uove C. T. Uaiii Ac Son's Store, J'.ivetteville, N. C. Two Oct. 1, 1 raints, Oils, efcjo. Sl'KuM. i ; l i u d. I.e.rd. Linseed and Tanner's OIL ; A II 1 I'F. I. FAD : ibirniug t- laid ; Putty ; Window (Jia-s and Sash of all .-.zes. ALSO K fre-h supply of Pond's Pain Destrover. for -ale by JAS. .MAKTINE. Nov. l . t f u:ns ru.ins .hXD cilurs For Sale at reduced prices, at the Auction Store of A. XI. CAXI 1'llELL. . A '.sr -2L1S5S. tf DENTAL NOTICE. DK. l. SCOTT otl'eis his profesion the coniinueity and tnay be seen ional services to at his office, two door Sept. !l Fast i IS 5'J. i th Market. w-lf Cli i)V Sv FoY, Ciiina, Glass-Ware AND LOOK I XG-0 LASSES. W. TI t.i I XISII AS T, S now receiviiia his FALL STOCK, which includes entire asort meats of new styles of White Granite an 1 llue Printed Ware, Plain and Gailt China Tea Sets-; a good assortment of Coiiuu mi Wares, nnl a slock of Glass-Ware twice as large as usual Th-i F;u tiiiirj-'A'ure having been imported to order, and the Glass bought at auction, at less than manufac turer's prices, he is sure that he cau furnish Couutry Merchants with goods quite as cheaply as they can supply themselues from the North. Sept. 17, lS.ilL d lt-w-tf LOST. DROPPED from my Sulky, on the Fayetteville and Centre Flank Road in about 11 miles of Fay- etteviile. :n.v Medical bags, containing a pocket case of ' i-tru '"iit- o. Th--"tinder will he liberally re- yarded by addressing the ,-uOscriber at Fayettevil.. I July aad 1559. JNO. M. McLEAN. 1 J A M t S Ii. Y U U , IS now receiving his usual supply of Goods, among vsbieh are . - ich Silks, Col'd and Black ; :, i'Treuch Merinos and delaines j English Do. Do.; , Kid and Net Gloves, assorted ; Bed and Negro Blabkets ; . Bolting Cloths, No.. 1 to 10 ; ; . lieady-Made Glotliiug ; Boots and Shoes ; -With a very large assortment of other Goods. All f which were purchased by the in.ck&ge at the-lowee . rice. " . . ' i. " Those purchashing will please Call and rook-at the Goods and prices, ' , " , ' " - Sept. 16, 1859 . w-tf " ' 1 I HAVE associated witbm. ia this linef'Mr John Daileyd wilt style "the firm ORKELL nilT a few days, will have a New Flat employed wfth her. Those favoring us with their patronage may rely upon prompt despatch, by applying to Mr. Dailey on board, or to me at my office. E. M. ORRELL. R. M. ORRELL March 20. 1859. JOHN K. DAILEY. -tf. JAMES -MARTINI' is now receiving a large and general assortment of everything in the above line. ALSO A prime article of Rio, Laguira and Java COFFEE; Crushed and Brown Sugar ; Sugar House Syrup and Molasses. All of which is offered on as good terms as can be had in this market. Nov. 2j tf - A CVU I). A Word To My Old Friends. HOSE persons for whom I have been attending to Banking businness for years : I am still willing to serve you with the same promptness that I have al ways done ; and to others that may want discounts. Pension business, xe.,&o. letter my services, with a promise of strict attention JAS. G. COOK. June 27. 1559. tf A Or ICE JO SOLDI Eil S WIU0VS. IIE WIDOWS OF MEXICAN Soldiers, and the Widows of Soldiers who iir.i IN service in the war ot 1812, etm havo their pensions continued by ciiHin;- on the timlersigiicd. Congress having made tidditionul provision for them. Give me the management of your claims, and the monev shall come at once, or no charuc. JNO. M. ROSE. Agt. for Pensions. F ayetteville June 19, 1 t?5c5. tf Tiic Old Doniinion CpfTee Pot, TTAVINfl hecome iudispensable to f XX tested its value. ill who have A F It E S II SIP P L Y Has been obtained, anions wliieli is a lower-priced ar ticle, viz : viz 1 qt. at 1 5'J and o ijt. 1 75. ALSO TK1VFTS For this Collce Pot (or boiling vessels of any sort,)at 25 cts., IKON" COFFEE POT MATS, (or stands) at 15 cts. We record our own opinion formed only by drink ing the coffee made in tliis U'oHee Pot : but those more immediately eouneesed wilh its preparation, arc perfectly delighted with the sin.plicity and economy of the process."' Southern Guardian, Columbia , So. Ca. For sale at the CROCKERY STOBE. Y. N. TiLLINcaiAST. May 14, 1S59. -tf FRESH ARRIVAL. fa , V- j j sssisTsris I temits& ' v.' -r g w ;,;w-t A .J. W. LK'I'T HAS just received a large and general STOCK of Good suited to the FALL & WINTER trade, consisting of a choice selection of Staple and F'ai.cj DUV GOODS, Boots and Shoes, with almost every thing desirable in that line. Prime Family Groceries always to be had AT LETT'S. Goodssold at the lowest prices for CASH, or ex changed or country produce. Augus 27, 1853. ly THE 3 HIGHEST PlilCliS IN THE STATE ! I AM now giving the highest prices frNo. 1 young NEGllOFS. Persons having any to dispose ot would do well by giving me the first call, or write to ir?e, stating the size, age, quality and appearance of heir negroes. . I may always be found at the Shemwell House, Fayetteville. JNO, O. ARMSTRONG. Aug. 12, 1859. -is w-tf $20 Reward. RAN AWAY from the subscriber on the Sth inst., a negro boy named XI AN CEL. Said negro i a bout 2a years old, ti feet 1 or two inches hiodi He is supposed to be iu the neighborhood of W. Ti. Brown in Robeson county, where he was last seen. I will give the above reward of twenty dollars for his deliv ery to me within sixty days tVom this date. I will give an additional reward of 20 iQr evidence sufli- " - wu; nunc uiau Ul UiiriJOrlll fail II - Sro- JAXIES McNATT. Aug 20, 1859. w-tf Scliool Notice- TT School in the DONALDSON AG ADEX1Y will J.VL be re-opened on Monday, October 3rd. Terms per quarter of ten weeks. English, S7 50 Latin, sio 0u Latin and Gree, ,-i;l2 5J Contingent, " 25 A fev pupils can be furnished with board in the family of tlie Principal, on Hay .Mount, JESSiJ R. McLEAN, A. M., Principal Aug. 13, l&9. w-tf 1 THIS Gompaay, has been in .operation more' than six years, and has paid its Fire losses, amount ing to 323,521.87 without any assessment; insurance averaging its members about i per centi , i Amoaat of property now insured,- $1,563,490.01. , Amount premium notes now ou handT 247,738.08 DIRECTORS - " r . ' George McNeill, - -S. T. Uawle ; D. A. Rav. w. a. tv II. L. Alyrover; W. Tillinghast, - A. Al' Henry Liirly, " .N. A: Stedman,. - S.J. llinfl tale . -T. S. Luttrlo Jv , Wm. Mctiauria,ri 1-as i GEORGE McNEILL, pkksidext. D. A. KAY, VICE PRESIDENT. C. A. MCMILLAN", "SECRETARY. J. Collins and C. C. McGrummen. Travelling Agents. TgS" The Company invite applications. TSSJ. May 19, IS59. wly'r MORE NEW GOODS!!. 1' r M JUST RF.rEIVIXfi MY SPRIXO STOCK GOODS n my line. 'l livT were selected in the Northern Cities by liyself. with great eire. . by -which I am enable' yself. with great care, and l.oupht on the most reasonable terms, by which I am enabled to offer the largest stock I ever be- fore offered to the public, and to offer them generally AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. FRUITS RAISONS, FIOS. rill'NKS. APPLES. LEMOXS. ORANGES CHERRIES. CURRANTS, iic; PICKLES, JELLIES AND PRESERVES, A OR EAT VARIETY; PERFUMERIES AND EXTRACTS OF VARIOUS KINDS; Kaucy Soaps and Pomades ; M U S I C A L IN ST R U M E N TS FIDDLES. DRUMS. F I FES. FLUTES. BAN J OS. GUITARS, &c AVilking Canes of every kind ; BASKET AND WILLOW WARE; Hobby Horses. Sic : NUTS; FINE AND O.vi.VO.N CANDIES; SARDINES Fl NE C Hi 1!S ; SM OK I NO A NDCIIK.WING TOBACCO : CKACKKKS; FINE POCK1.T KNIVES; A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF POKT-M O N A I ES. SOME VERY NICE; FANCY ENVELOPES. AND FANCY GOODS. TOYS AND YANKEE NOTIONS: AN ASSORTMENT OK INDI RUP.BK.R HOODS. WHIPS, COMBS. FISHING TACKLE. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine my stoc k. 1 have a great many liuudsome things that cannot fail to please. JAMES R. LEE. April 2. 1859. -tf Hotel Building AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL FOIt THE KAPID CUKK OF Colds, Coiiiflis, :i ml Hoarseness. I!i:imfif.ld, Iash., 20tl-. Dec, 1S55. Dr. J. C. Aver : I 1. not ln-sit:ite tu s;iy the b.-st rcm.'iiy 1 h:ive ever f.'Uii.i for Coughs, It-tjirst'iius. lutUu'ii.i, an.l tli" ctiiic'.milant pyniptoins of a tVM. is your Chi:i:iit 1'kcthkal. I Is e iiistrmt usu in my pra -tict an.I uiy family fur the last ti'ii vents has t-hu-vu it to )"ssess suj)LTior virtues f.r tin tr.-Mnient .of thuse-j Arn. M0RTLF.Y, Ksj.. of Vtica. N. Y., writes: "I have use.l your I'Et-TjiiAi. un well ami iii imv family ever sinre yon invented 'it. mid beli'.-ve it the l est mede iue fur its purpose ever put out. With a ba t e..M 1 should mkim. r pay twenty-live dollars for a bottle than l i without it. or take any other remedy.' Croup, WhoopiKsr Cough, Influenza. Ss'RIN'.TifXi', Miss.. Feb. 7, 1856. np.OTHF.R Aver : I will eh.-.-rhiliy rertifv your i'E. torai. is the best remedy we possess. f..r the cure of Whij-iiifi i'miyh. Croup, and the t he'st diseas. s of ehiidr 'II. We of your fraternity in the South apprecinU) your skill, and commend vour medieiue to our people. Ill RAM COXKLIX, M. D. AMOS I:E, TS.. M.1STPRET. Ia.. writes, 3d Jan., 1S: "I had a tedious luliuen.a. wiii.-h enitined me iu doors six weeks; took many medicines without relief: Anally tried your Pectoral by the advice of our elei tr. tnaii. The lirst dose relieved the soreness in my throat and lo.ics; less than one half the bottle male ute comoiel-'ly well. o;ir medicint'rf tire the cheapest aa well as the best wo can buy. and e esteem you, Doctor, and your remedies, as the poor man's frieud." Asthma or Phthisic, and Hronchitis. West Manchester, Pa., Feb. 4, 1856. Sik : Your Cheery Pectoral is performing marvellous cures in this section. It has relieved several from alarminR symptoms of consumption, and is now curing a man who has labored under au utlectiou of tho lungs for the last forty years. ltbMtY L. I'AKKS, Merchant. A. A. KAM5KY, M. TI., Ai.tiios, Monroe Co., Iowa, writes, Sept. 6, 1805 : ' JJurin my priietice of many years 1 have found nothing equal to your Oiiekut Pectoral for (living ease and re lief to consumptive patients, or curing such as are eurable." We miht add volumes of evidence, but the most convincing proof of the virtues of this remedy is found 'a its effects upon trial. Consumption. Proljiddy no one remedy has ever been known which cured so many and such dangerous cases as this. Some no human aid can reach ; but even to those the Cubrrt Pectoral affords rs lief aud comfort. Astor House, New York City, March 6, 1856. Doctor Ater, Lowell: I feel it a duty aud a pleasure to in form you what your Cherry Pectoral has done fjr my wife. She had been five months laltoring under the dangerous symp toms of Consumption, from which no aid we could procure gave her much relief, i-he was steadily failing, until llr. Strone, of this citv, where we have come for advice, recommended a irial of your medicine. We bless his kindness, as we do your skill, for she has recovered from that day. She is not yet as strong as She used to be. hut is free from her cough, and calls herself welL Yours, with gratitude and regard. OKLANDO SHELBY, OP Shelbtttlle. Cttnsumptiw, do not despair till you have tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It is made by one of the best medical chemists in the world, and its cures all round us bespeak the high merits- of ita Virtues. JiUudeljyhia Ledger. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. THE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been taxed their utmost to produce this best, most perfect purgative which is known to man. Innumerable proofs are shown that these Pills have virtues which surpass in excellence the ordiua " ry medicines, and that they win unprecedentedly upon the esteem of all men. t hey are safe and pleas,ant to take, but powerful to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions or Jts organs, purify the blood, and expel disease. They purge out the foul humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or disordered or gans into their natural action, aud impart healthy tone with Itreu"th to the whole system. Not only do they cure the every day complaints of every body, but also formidable and danger ous diseases that have baffled the best of human skill. hito thev produce powerful effects, they are, at the some time, in minished doses, the safest and best physic that can be employed for children. Being sugar-coated, they are pleasant to take ; and being purely vegetable, are free from any risk of harm. Cures have been made which surpass belief were they not sub stantiated by men of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of uutruth. Many eminent clergymen and rthvsicians have lent their names to certify to the public tne re liabilitv of mv remedies, while others have sent me the assur ance of their conviction that my lTeparations contribute im mensely to the relief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-men. The "V-ent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my Amer ican Almanac, containing directions for their use, and certifi cates of their cures of the following complaints : Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy Heart burn. Headache arising from a foul Stomach, Nausea. Ind.ges Son Morbid Inaction of the Bowels.and Pain arising therefrom, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, all Ulcerous and Cutaneous Dis Msewhich require an evacuant Medicine, Scrofula or Kmg-a tvn Thev aS by purifving the blood and stimulating the sys tem cure many complaints vfhich it would not be supposed they ctuldeachAch Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the Liver ana lAiuneya, 6oul and other kindred complaints arismg from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. TWi not be Dut off by unprincipled dealers with some other pill theymalelnoreprofiton. Ask for Ayers Pills, and Lake noth ine else No other thev can give you compares with this in Its inf. -Slate value or curative powers The sick want tne beat aid there is for them, and they should have it. "Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEB- Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell Mas, Pmcb, 5 CT8. peb Box. Fit Boxs jro f U SOLD BY S. J. II INS ALE, FeVyl9. I85D. Iy FayetteviUe, N. C. Dr. Frank IViUbim's Rye Whiskey. r MiTnirrr t. -.. ,n .-..- arrangements with Dr It- V v.a,y t , h.- ronst.uiilv supplied with l.i i..i".t ..t,.,! u vp wilKKT-TV". wlu.-h can be had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Oct. 16, 185S; ' tf ft i IT ATE CAR AND UJA CHINE WORKS- Tirfderslgned having located in the town of s Seville; Ni C.. and erected buildings suita W'"J iLir and. Machine Work, wnnld cive notice r.a( Of C tWure prepared to execute all orders" for Cars C description, aLso all kinds of Machine work, . A. O T.l - 1 A i II !1 I 3 stiCBJ repairs of Steam Engines, Cotton. Mill and MinVV ' f.chinery, heavy forgin'g, such as Mill Spin die l.saiig, Jfcc;, at short notice. rrKDoaraeBt made with the Boston BeltiBg Cotf,vj-we are prepared to receive orders lor all Ki&;. i "iidia Rubber Belting and Hose at their pri ce. V . : ; - 'started o Engine, and Woodworth's Plan- spared to plane all descriptions of Lum .tlilig. which will be kept on band, for - fhe rough or dressed, as parties may de J -:.' - taken for the erection of Buildings, ma .and Jobbing of all kinds executed . irtinds manufactured." eaiial to ahv thing.of the kind tobe found in the Northern market, . t WALTON & BARRY, ! Car Builders and Machinists. Fajetteville, Oct 13-d & 8544 6- -tf 1 FmHIsIs GOODS. WE ARa RECEIVING IN ADDITION to our present stock the following goods, R5 Bags Cofl'ee, Rio, Laguira and Java, 50 Bbls and 11 lids, Suar, different grades. 4o Boxes Soap, assorted qualities. 15 Hlf Bbls Eagle Mills Snuff, in small bladders. 20 Boxes aud Kegs Super Carbonate Soda 20 ; " Stewarts Candy. 35 " Canities, Adamanine and Sperm. 5 Bales Bagging, Dundee and Gunny. 1 Tons Hollowware. 200 Sacks Liverpool Salt.J 500 Lbs Bar Lead. 50 lags shot. 100 Kegs JNails. ALSO HARDWARK AND CUTLERY. Saddlery, Collars, Wiiips, &c, SHOES AND SOLE LEATHER. GINGER, PEPPER and SPICE Window Glass, Putty and White Lead. Cigars, Greea and Black Teas. Bale Rope and Twine. Maiillii Rope, Sash Cord Ac. Brooms. Buckets. Pails and Mutches. Cotton Yarns aud Sheeting at actory prices. And a .good many other articles tiut mentioned, and expect to make such additions to our stock, as the trade requires. We will sell at wholesale or retail, low for lAMI ; or on time to prompt paying custo mers, or exchange for country produce. Persons wautiujr goods in our line, are requested to examine our stock before purchasing. PEMBEtiTON & SLOAN. E. I.. PEMBERTON GEORGE SLOAX. Oct 22. W-tf dentistry! OH. JAMES DAVIS, having decided on permanently locnting- in the Town of Fuvt tteville, respectfully offers his servi ces to the citizens of this place and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Pro fession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experi ence, to which is added a thorough Dental educa tion, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as of the. A?An treated m a proper and careful man lier, as well as diseases of the mouth, None but the proper metals are made use of in the various prorations. Charges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach ot till "who may icel an interest in thr preservation of the Teeth. LlPOlKce over Houston's Jewelry Store, whert he will bo found at all times. Alay 15, 1858 tf SILVER WARE. Triple, Teui Sugar Cream amal Salt Simons F&rlcs 12 ui- ter aiiel Meruit J&tives 9aj3fJisi Iisigs IScits iiil WViisSIes Thim bles PLATED WARE. Table and Tea Spoons, Cake and Cnrd Baskets, Castors, Candle Sticks, Waiters, Butter Cool ers, Sutrar Bowls. Forks, Cups, Salt Sellers. For Sale at the Watch and Jewe'ry Store No. 11, Hay St., W. TRIOI!. N ov. 2, 31 d 2t-w (Keen. -Brandt, WaOESALE AND RETAIL DEALER I. DRY GOODS, : FRMCH -ARTMC1ALS, aaCTIVI.AS, B91THETS. DRESS TRIMMINGS, Clothing and FURNISHING GOODS, MB MB AND CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPliT BAGS, ANT VALISES, (DttJTTlLIBIffi MUSICAL LNSTUMENTS OP ALL KINDS, HAVANA SEGARS, &c, &c, Como-Uinir in all one of the largest, handsomest and tne most thorough assortment, oi ooous ever ca- habited in this market, and will be sold very cheap for CASH, or on time to prompt paying customers. Our friends', and the public generally are very respectful- Iy invited to give us an eany cau auu tecuxe goo- y invited, to give us bargain. G. & L. BRANDT, South Side Hay Street, Fayetteville, N, C Oct U d-lt TJtE XOUTll 0AUOL1NIAK. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. WED3fCSDA 31CRIC, OVEJlBEtt 16, 1859. The Democracy in Motion. We learn from the Asheville News that a meeting of the democracy of Yancey Co., was held in Burnes ville on the 25th of October, where resolutions were adopted against the Harper's Ferry outrage. Also, strong resolutions endorsing our present worthy State Executive, and recommending his re-election. Resolutions were adopted commendatory of our worthy Chief Magistrate, James Buchanan, and also one strongly condemning Stephen A. Douglas' Ter ritorial Squatter sovereignty. - Ten Delegates were appointed to attend a district December, afitt twenf--'critSfkHnStl attenlHh State Convention to be held at Raleigh. ; We also learn from the same paper that a meeting of the democracy of Madison county was held at their county seat on the 10th of October, at which, reso lutions of a similar nature with those of Yancey Co., were adopted, and delegates appointed as above. We give the Douglas resolution : Resolved, That while we are not disposed to interpose obstacles in the way of the concert and harmony of the action of the approaching National Convention, yet we are constrained from a sense of duty to our party and its ott tried nationality, to declare that the doctrine recently espoused by Mr Douglas, on the 'subject of Federal and Local author ity in the Territories, is not the docti iue of the Na tional Democratic party. Some of our sensible Opposition exchanges think jt was wrong for us democrats to 4 4 make capital" out of the Harper's Ferry insurrection, because the Black Republicans have triumphantly repelled the idea of any connection with it, at the polls in New York and New Jersey. Now this is strange logic ; to us it would seem that the Republicans have endorsed Brown's course, and those who endorse the vote of the Black Republicans must acknowledge that they indirectly countenance the 44 irrepressible conflict." A writer to the New York Tribune intimates that another Brown " another noble, daring heroic Brown would add a greater vote to the Republican cause and crush the Black Democrats." No wonder though it should be so when we find such bitter opposition to the Democracy in the South. Cumberland Co. Aguicultukal Society. By an advertisement in another column it will be seen that a meeting of this Society is to be held on the 15th instant to elect officers and transact other important business. We sincerely trust that the old officers may be re-elected. We desire to see the society prosper, therefore we are anxious to see the present ollicers retained, none could fill the various stations with morp acceptability, or work more earnestly and en ergetically for the good of the institution, than our present board. Whatever may have happened between them and ourselves, will not prevent us from doing our duty to the county and agricultural ,interests. A little scolding does good sometimes to the best of men. When we have such efficient officers, they should certainly be continued as a change might work in jury to the Society in many ways first because we should let well enough alone, and secondly, the charge of political favor having been brought al ready, a change might result in another extreme. Let therefore all who desire the welfare of the in stitution labor to keep it up, and we are certain the best way of doing so, is to elect those who have serv e 1 so well in time past who have brought the So ciety from a State of helplessness to its present pros perous condition. We may have taken exceptions to the way in which w e were treated, but no one can take exception to the present ollicers iu any other way. Accident to a Little Gikl. Edwin Roberts, a free white man, having found some loose change in his possession on Monday, determined to spend it for old rye whisky. The result was that Edwin got drunk gloriously drunk and with the help of his whisky, ranaway with a horse and curt. The horse not being accustomed to such a wild customer, ran away upsetting the cart and seriously injuring a little daughter of Shepherd Maultsby. Roberts was conveyed to the toombs where he whiled away the hours by having a 44 revival" meet ng singing lustily one or two good hymns. Superior Court. This tribunal, His Hon. Judge Caldwell presiding is now in session. No cases of importance were tried on yesterday. The Judge delivered a very pointed and direct charge to the grand Jury; not over wordy, but one which was calculated to remind them of their duty to the State. To-morrow will be the State day when we will be able to give our readers some important items. Daily Carolinian. 15th inst. Bladen County Soebifalty. We learn that at last county Court Sheriff Willis of Bladen county made an offer to resign his office, but a majority of the justices not being present, his resignation would not be received, and he having neglected to give his bond, the office was declared vacant Consequently Bladen county is without a Sheriff the Coroner by virtue of his office acting in that capacity. Accidental Shooting in Bladen County. We learn that whilst the sons of W. L. Gilmore and Nash Whitted, Esqrs., were out shooting in Bladen county a few days since, the gun of one of the par ties was accidently discharged, shooting young Gil more. We have not heard the particulars, but will learn all by our next issue. Arrest of a Murderer. Walter S. Land, who murdered his brother-in-law, Benj. F. Flannigan, at Princess Anne C. H., several months since was ar rested at Goldsboro', on Tuesday of last week. He registered his name as Dr. Jno. S. Way, but was recognized and immediately secured. A reward of 1 -" j fcW uuiauui ouww oi .rrincess Anne, ior nis capture. Ladies American M.vgabine. The December number 0f valuable monthly is upon our table. ,. . ... , , n,l n is cuiucuuuuu nuu uuauui il sicci ;ijjjTi.& fine colored steel fashion plates, tea is choice, . The reading jonesupeeior CocKT His Honor Judge Saun ders, at the Term of Jones Superior Court, disposed of the criminal docket in one hour, on Monday and on Tuesday, in two hours, he disposed of the'eivil docket. For these three hours work, Jude Saun ders received $1)0. It is truly wonderful, how our Judges live on such small pay, and have to under"0 such an amount of labor; no wonder that Judo Shepherd talks of resigning. ; - The above morsel is from the Greensboro" Patriot. A one sided statement of any thing is equivalent to no statement at all. Why did not the editors of the Patriot refer to innumerable instances in which' Superior Court Judges labor hard from o'clock, a. m. till 9 p.m.? Of course it is policy in them, when endeavoring to reproach such men asv Judge Shep herd to print a one-sided statement- only. AYe are gratified to state for the benefit of his traducers th;i . such impotent pieces, concerning Judge Shepherd do j "jiwtlt-Tt,'..-H !.;. to Akrujjjro;- j.-L..' w U.aJU a vTvarrovrs- to effect bJtawtM'ivetat " "Personal. We tad the pleasure of a visit from Judge Person this morning. He looks as if the world used him well, for his health seems to be good. The Judge informs us that it is his intention to at tend Cumberland court regularly, both County and Superor, and he may now be considered one of our regular lawyers at this Court. We were also favored by a visit from B. Fuller, Esq., formerly of this place, but lately from Wash ington, D. C. The corruption of the Capitol does not seem to have any injurious effect upon Mr. 1-'., he looks as well as ever, and that is saying a good deal. Daily Carolinian t loth inst. CP" The following advertisement which appears in the Richmond Whvj exhibits clearly to ourinind that there are southern enthusiasts as well as north ern fanatics : $10,00U IIEWA1U). JOSHUA R GIDD1XGS having openly declared himself a Traitor in a lecture at rniiauclphio, on the 28th of October, and there being no process, strange, to say, by which he can be brought to jus tice, 1 propose to be one of one hundred to raise &10.00 for his safe delivery in Richmond, or ."),(iiO for the production of his head. 1 do not regard tnis proposition extraordinary as it may at first seem, .;thiT- nniiist nr unmerciful. The law of God and the constitution of the country both condemn him to death. For satisfactory reasons I withhold my name lrom the public, but it is in the hands of the editor of the Richmond Whig. There will be no difficulty I am sure in raising the $10,000 upon a reasonable pros pect of getting the said Giddings to this city. Richmond, November 1st, lbo'J. The Democracy. A meeting of the Onslow De mocracy was held at Jacksonville on the 7th inst. Amongst others the following resolution4was passed : JiesoUed, That we have undiminished confidence in the ability and integrity of his Excellency, Johr;' W. Ellis, and that we approve bis administration;, and we lake this occasion to express our preference for his re-nomination, not so much because it is in accodancc with, .custom s it is lecue hjySjgur. first choice. ' Fayetteville a City. We arc gl;td to see that Fayetteville in this State has at last become a city. We get our information from the Carolin ia it, the' 1 Editors of which paper, in a recent article, say ihey j have labored as hard lor the success ot the .Agricui ! tural Society of Cumberland, as any other in the I City meaning Fayetteville of course. Ve are indeed gratified to hear that our sister I is getting along so finely. So much for Railroads ! Because we jo.-ulaily remarked that Wilmington is called a city, our neighbors of the lh rnld laugh at us for calling Fayetteville in thin State a itv. lint why laugh at us V Have we not Carolina, .More head, Newberu, Charlotte, and Wilmington cities ? If all these are called eitn s why make any disci im ination and call Fayet'.eviilo ',i thi State a town. Not 44 so much for railroads" thus far. yif John Pool, Es p, of Pasquotank county, has been selected to deliver the annual address In-fore the two literary Societies at Chapel ilil! at the next commencement. Tub Printer for October was recti. ed a few lys since. We are much pleased-with a scries of arti cles published under the editorial head entitled 'Equivalents for labor, instead of (hunks for jus tice." B- A marriage took place in Nash county on the 3rd instant the groom h,o years of age whilst the bride is only '35. A CIRCUS ROW. A report has been going the rounds vilfe for thfl last dav or two. with r- in Fayette feri nce to a desperate affair in Robeson county, but as it was unreliable we did not pnblish it. A -orresponlent ofthePe. Express, sends the following to that pa per : Whitehouse, Robeson Co., N C, Nov. 8, 1859. A bloody and exciting row oreurred at thisplaco this afternoor, about 4 o'clock. A man named Granthem, who was inebriated, attempted to enter Robinson's Circus, but was repelled by the door keeper. A difficulty ensued, in which circus men and the friends of Grantham participated. The fight was very desperate, bowie knives were u-ed. and pistols fired. Mr Leach, a school-master here, was killed by a pistol shotj mda brother ofJGrmth am was dangerously wounded in the same munner. He is expected to die. One of the circus men named Robinson I have not learned whether he was the proprietor wa dreadfully stabbed on one shoulder, The wound is about four inches in length, and went to the bone. The matter will be legally investigated. Writs have been issued for the arrest of all parties con cerned. A Promised Remembered. In the canvass of 1S.""5, Gov. Wise made a speech in Pittsylvania county, iu which he used the following language : " Lastly, fellow-citizens, let me advert to the fact that should I be elected Governor of this Co.nmou wealth, I shall xirtute officii be the comm m ler-in-chief of her forces. My experience in military af fairs is exceedingly scanty, however. In early Lie I was' elected captain of a horse company in Acco mac. On the day of muster I met the coiiny. called the roll, inquired if there was any one in ho neighborhood who had any oats to be trod out and being informed that there w as no such one. I d.s missed the company and have not seen it Mn.;e This is about the sum- u..J .- ibstance of my milita ry experience ; but, ieiiow-citizens, scanty as it is, I pledge vou that if; during my Governorship, tho soil of" Virginia shall be invaded, or s!-e be ii;vadod in from either outside or inside foes, I myself will fly to the rescue, and by all the means in my power, will strive to repel the invader and protect the lives, j the liberty, and property of my fcllow-citizeus,"

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