' ': ,. .U v, si t r TERMS, 82 00 PER ANNUM, "THE NOBLST MOTIVE IS THI PUBLIC GOOD." PAYABLE IN ADVANCE VLUME XX, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, SATUEDi Y, DECEMBER 3, 1859. NO. 10" 2 NORTH ....... . 'CI i if Tjl RMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Single copy, hi advance, per annum $2,00 " at the end of the year 3,00 Single copies, five cents. Xo subscription will be received for less than six !' ull UlS. Xt..te.s oF .A-'lvertissirig. Sixty cents per square of 10 lines, or less, for the first, and .in cents for each, subsequent insertion, for any period under three months. For three months, . .X- . . S4 00 For six months, ...... G 00 For twelve months, 10 00 Other advertisements by the year on favorable terms. Advertisers are particularly requested to state the number of insertions desired, otherwise they will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. yrST-.() WOlllv of all kinds executed neatly and promptly. SINCLAIR & BANKS. CLE yilYS T G TWILIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fayottovillo, HM". CJ- 7 ILL practice in the counties ol "Bladen, teamp- son and Cumberland, l'rompt attention given to all bu-iness committed to his charge. April 2, le..s. tf Y. S. NORMENT. ATTORNEY ANB COUSNELOR &.T LAW LUMIiEUTON, N. C. TILL ATTEND the 1 ountyaiiu .-superior uuuns. of R'be-tn. Cumberlaim. inaueii aim vuiuui- b n All business intrust. -.1 to Ins care, win leceive prompt attention. Office in the Court House. .1 uly i , 1 i-y-w- jf-. 3VE. Cil33.r"fcOll, AL'CTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT, Kast Side of Gillespie Street, V VKTTtVIl.l.K, N. C. Nov. 13. IrOX H . GRAHAM, Coin mi s s i o u ill cr c I) an t . WILMIXOTOX, N. C. ILL gi ve prompt and p irsoual attention to all 1 ' isi-'.iiu 'iiis of Spirits Turpentine, Rosin. far. Turp mi! in . and .ill count vy produce tor sale t4-OFFl ;!; i; sttiis ovr t !ir Store of .Mr oh ;U'j.ra:id joining ' Lut t.-ib'li's wharf. North Water Street. .run- is. IS !. tf 11 a v sriis: r, F V !: T T i ; V 1 L L 1 N. I'COTS Ti y ( '.,: ;il rv I. '! ;i ! low. ! in a I Ut l )n. t s . INF.. Col ton. Flour. T-a k i.-d Fruit. Flaxseed. Beeswax. -.. liurc Iimsi d at the highest '1; A 1 on -i e; 1; :i : ited. -O T. W. Sl'ERLINC Oct 1. i. -.')) v. It" 1 VA!)!:1L-E. I'RoriMETOR. IT I 1 111S. the liiot eoiiniiou ions Jioiei in Noi-!h Carolina, fronting 3U0 "eel on II. iy and !oii.i!(I-on streets, is 1, n'tlie ci'iilri' ol' the business portion of tin- tow n, and surrounded by all the bank ii.H hMii-es. wholesale merchants and principal pro- 1 nee deal --rs. t-r- ll i-iir'ss men w ill lind the Hotel a convenient Kii! ion tort a' de house. All tins Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville. April 2. I ."!). Y TIX-WAUK, .. ON haul, a large asor!ment of Fox ami cooking Sieves: Tin-ware: Sheet-Iron : Lead Tip". Al t, the Ul Doisiiiii'-Mi Cwfft-c lo." For sale by Nov..-!. tf JAMES MAKTINE. NOTICE. HAVING RECENTLY rVKCIIASED GOODS, M;"!..nn.-.il & M.-Kethan. I am now carrying THE on the ,,. .r.-:. mil.- business at Louncil s iiiiu R. II. LYON. Ail lit. lsV.I. w-tf "5 V audi: as, Ilaigii it Son's Store, 5 1 Kk . a a - v Two Doors above C. T Fayetteville, -V C. Oct. 1, 1853. ly. aints, Oils, cfc?o. S " PERM. Retincd. Lard. Linseed and Tanner s OIL ; W1UTI-; I.KA l ; Burning Fluid Tutty ; Window Glass and Sash of al i.es. AI.SO- A fresh For sale by Nov. 27. supply of Pond's Pain Destrover. JAS. MARTINE. tf bi:dsti:.i is .lxd ciliirs For Sab- at re. bleed prices, at the Auction Store of A. M. CAMIT.ELL. A-u-2l.l-oS. tf DKXT1L NOTICE. R. SCOTT oilers hi.s profcsioual services to D'ii the community and may be seen at his ctlice. two door Hast ot the Market. Sept."'. 1 S.V.I. w-tf CUOCKK.t Y, China, Glass-Ware AND LOOK IXC-CLASSES. W. X. TIL1I.(J1IAST, IS no.v receiving his FALL STOCK, which includes entire asortmeuts of new styles of White Granite and Blue 1'riuted Ware, Plain and Caill China Tea Sets ; a good assortment of Common Wares, and a stock of Glass-Ware twice as large as usual The Earthen-Ware having been imported to order, and the Glass bought at auction, at less than manufac turer's prices, he is sure that he can furnish Country Merchants with goods quite as cheaply as they can Bimrtlv themselues from the North. Sep;. 17, l - '.). d It-w-tf los r. DROPPED from my Sulky, on the Fayetteville and Centre Flank Koad in about 11 milesof Fay etteville, my Medical bags, containing a pocket case of Instruments &c. The finder will be liberally re warded by addressing the .-ubecriber at Fayetteville. July ?3d 1859. JNO. M. McLEAN. . T. 3?actory, ASSESS $254,618 62. T1 injr averaging its members about 3 per cent. Amount of property now insured, $1.5G3.190.01 Amount premium notes now on hand, 247,738.08 DIRECTORS : George McNeill, D. A. Kay, II. L. Myrovcr: S. W. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. A. S ted man, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaurin, S. T. Hawley, "W. N. Tillinghast, A. A. McKethan. J. D. Williams, James (i. Cook, A. W. .Steel, James Kyle, lion. J. G. Shepherd, 11. F. Brown, Wilmington. A. E. Hall, Wilmington. . , . ; OFFICr.RS; fJEOKGE McSEIIX, PRESIDENT. I). A. KAY, VICE PRESIDENT. C. A. MCMILLAN, SKCKETAKY. J. Collins and C. C. McGrummen. Travelling Agents. The Company invite applications. "i5& May 10, LS59. wly'r J A M hi S KYLK, IS now receiving his usual supply of Goods, among which are Rich Silks, Col'd and Black ; French Merinos and delaines 5 English Do. Do.; Kid and Net Gloves, assorted ; Bed and Negro Blankets ; Bolting Cloths, No. 1 to 10 ; Ready-Made Clothing ; Boots and Shoes ; With a very large assortment, of other Goods. All Oj. which were purchased Uy the package at the lowes rice. Those purchashing will please call and look at the Goods and prices, Sept. Ki, I "8.5 9 w tf H AVE associated with me, in this line, Mr John K. Bailev, and will style the iirm ORRELL & DAI LEY..." We havenurchased the Steamer Soi"theknki!, and in a few davs,'will have a New Flat employed with her. Those favorin.ii us with their patronage may rely ipou prompt despatch, by applying to Mr. Dailey on i.uard. or to ine at my office. R. M. ORRELL. R. M. ORRELL March 2C. 1S."9. JOHN K. DAILEY. -tf. 4 AMES MARTINE is now receiving a large and -ont'i al assortment oi'evervthiiiK in the above line. i ALSO A p ime article of Rio. Laguira and Java COFFEE; i Ci-iisht-d and Brown Sugar ; Sugar House fcyrup auu Molasses. All of which is offered on as good terms as can oe had. in this market. Nov. 27. tf .NOT! CE TO SOL 01 Clt S WIDOWS. HIE WIDOWS Or MEXICAN Soldiers, uid the Widows of Siddicrs who IIKI I ix skuvu'E in the war ot 1S12, can have their ' pensions confiiiued by calling on the undersigned. Congress having made additional provision for j them. Give ine tiie management of your claims, and the monev Vluill come at once, or no charge. JXO. M. HOSE. Agt. for Pensions. V nyettevillo Juno 19, lSot?. tf The Old Dominion Coffee XQ"t, HAYINC become indispensable to all who have tested its value, AFRESH SIPPLY lias been obtained, among which is a lower-priced ar ticle, viz : viz 2 ext. at 1 o'J and 3 qt. 1 75. ALSO TRIVETS For this Coffee Pot (or boiling vessels of any sort.)at 25 cts., IRON COFFEE POT MATS, (or stands) at 15 cts. " We record our own opinion formed only by drink ing the coffee made in this Cotfee Pot ; but those more immediately connecsed w ith its preparation, are perfectly delighted with the simplicity and economy ot the process. Southern Uliardian, Lutumuia, So. Ca. For sale at the CROCKERY STORK. W. N. TILLINGHAST. May 14, lf9. -tf IMvICKS IN THE STATE! XAM now giving thehigln'st prices fir No. 1 young NEGROES. Persons having any to dispose ot would do well by giving me the tirst call, or write to me. stating the size, age, epiality and appearance of heir negroes. I may alwavs bo found at the Snemwell House, Fayeitcvillc." JNO. O. ARMSTRONG. An-. 12. 15!) .-is w-tf I AXAWAY from the subscriber on the Slh inst.. a V negro boy named MAN CEL. Said uegro is a iiout 25 years'oM, ti feet 1 or two inches high. He is supposed to be in the neighborhood ot "W H. Brown in Robeson county, where he was last seen. I will give the above reward of twenty dollars for his deliv ery to me within sixty days from this late. I will give an additional reward of S20 for evidence suffi cient to eouviet any white man of harboring said ne- Sro- JAMES McXATT. Aug 20, 1359. wtf School Wotice- MV School in the DONALDSON ACADEMY will be re-opened on Monday, October 3rd. Terms per uarir of teu wicks. English, 7 50 Latlll .:l() 00 Latin and .Greek, t 5j Contingent, "25 A few pupils can be furnished with board in the family of the Principal, on Hay Mount. JESSE K. McLEAN, A. M., Principal Aug. 13 1859. w-tf IIS Company has been m operation more man ( ttiat tney are prepareu to execute all orders for Cars six years, and has paid its Fire losses, amount- j of every description, also all kinds of Machine work, At : to S23.521.s7 without any assessment , iiisumii sucu as repaus oi oit-am engines, uonon.. Mill and Xi 4 JmA STATE CAR AND MACHINE WORKS- TIIE undersigned having located in the town of Fayetteville, N. C. and erected buildinars saita- ble for Car and Machine Works, would give notice Miainj? Machinery, heavy forging, such as Mill Spin line 1 1 "i ti 1- c? r of chnrf n r 1 By an arrangament made with the Boston Beltiwg Company, we are prepared to receive orders lor all kinds of India Rubber Belting and Hose at their pri ccs. Having started onr Engine, and Wood worth's Plan er, we are prepared to plane all descriptions of Lum ber and Scantling, which will be kept on hand, for sale either in the rough or dressed, as parties may de sire. Contracts taken for the erection of Buildings, ma terials furnished, and Jobbing of all kinds executed with neatness and dispatch. Counters and Desks made to order. Stores fitted Sash, Doois and Blinds manufactured, eqnal to any i thing of the kind to be found in the Northern fciarke, WALTON & BARRY, Car Builders and Machinists. Fayetteville, Oct 13-d & 8oa c. -tf FRESH ARRIVAL. .J. W. LETT HAS just received a large and general STOCK of Goods suited to the FALL & WINTER trade, consisting of a choice selection of Staple ami FakO' DRY GOODS, Boots and Shots, with almost everything desirable in that line. l'rimc Family Groceries always to be had AT LETT'S. Goodssold at the lowest prices for CASH, or ex changed or country produce. Aligns 27, 1850. ly DR. JAMES IA VIS, having decided on permanently locating in the Town of Fayetteville, respectfully otters his servi ces to the citizens of this place and surrounding eountry. In all the various branches of his Pro fession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experi ence, to which is added a thorough Dental educa tion, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as it is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful man ner, as well as diseases of the mouth, None but the proper metals arc made use of in the various poerutions. Charges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who mav feel an interest in thr preservation of the Teeth. Office over Houston's Jewelry Store, whore he will bo found at all times. May 15, 1858 tf AYE li'S Cathartic Pills. SUGAR COATED,) ARE MADE TO CLEAITSE THE BLOOD AND CURE THE SICK. Iuvliils, Fnlhrrs, Mothers, Physlclaus, i' iii - J. .... l. their Kft'rcU.. u ml juugi; oT tuclr Vlliuo.. . yon the cure of Headache, Sick Headache, Foul Stomach. I'ittsblrc, Pa., M;iy 1. IR. J. C. Avi:n. Sir: I have been repeatedly cured of the worst lii-a.l.i.-ist.' ion- Vudy can have by a dose or two of-your Pills. It s.., iiis tn arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. If they will cure others aa they do me, the fact is v..r! h Knowing. Yours with great respect. KT). W. PKEHLE, Clerk of Steamer Cation. IJilious Disorders and Liver Complaints. l'i:i' ktmi:nt ok the Interior, Washington, 1). C, 7 Feb., 1SC6. Sn; : I h.-oe used your Pills in my peneral and hospital prac-ti,-- -v.-i- since you made them, aud cannot hesitate to say they an' t h.' best ciitliuriic we employ. Their regulating n(ton on tin Itrrr is quick and d.-cided, Conse'juently tliey are an admira ble remedy f..r dorai::cnieiits of that oriran. Indeed, I have Seldom tbuud a case of btlitu$ (lise-isetio obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO liAl.I., M. D., JV.ysician fif the Murine Hospital. ' Dysentery, Relax, and "Worms. Post oi l ii k. Hartlnp, I.iv. Co.. Mich , Nov. 1C, 1S5"i. T'k. Avi:r: Your t'iils are the perfection of medicine, 'i Key . have done my w ile m re irod than 1 can tell you. Sle-ha he.-u si. k and piniiiir away f-.r mouths;. A fnt itif to be doctored at r.-nt eyit.-nse. but ot no letter. She then coiumeiieed takii.jr your Pills, which niii cured her, by expelling lat'L,e l! :-. 2i t i t i'si .i" worms Mead l from her Inidy. They afterwacl.s cured her and our two children of bbiody dysentery, fine of our ueiyhborei had if bad. and my wife clued himw jth two doses of your Pills, while others around us paid from five to twenty dollars doctors' lills. and lost inr.eh time, without b.-imc cured entirely even then. Su.-ii a mi li. ine as yours, whieh-is actually ood and honest, w ill be prized here. IIKO. .1. G li I ! FI N. 1 ' stmasU r. Indigestion and Impurity of the HJood. bhtHit L't'-.J. I'. it nti&. listnr ii f Ailri-ut (Titin-i. j. x.'iitl. Pi:. Avr.l; : 1 have used yur Pills with extlaordinary success -in toy family and anions those I am called to -isit in distress To regulate the organs of digestion and purify the blood they at-.' li:e very best 1'eniedy 1 have ever known, and I can conii denlly recoiunn nd then: to my fiiemls. Yours, .1. V. HIM4.S. Warsaw, Wyoming Co.. X. Y., Oct. '2i 155. I'rsr Sn: : Iain usiiik yourtathartic PiMs in my praciice. ami find tli.-ni an er( ileut juu native to cleanse the system and pu ritS Ilk- lountains id' the blood. JOIIX O. ME AC II AM, M. D. Erysipelas, Scrofula, Kiisy's Kvil, Tetter, - Tukiois, stud Salt Kheuni. rrm a 't'l-iriiniii'ff Mi rtliultt if Joints. I-h'i. 4. ISafi. Tn. A vek : Your Pills are the j ara'.n of all that is irreatjrl nti-diciuc. Tliey havecuretl my litrle dnuirhter.f ulcerous saert upon her hands and f.-ot that had ja-ov.-d incurable for years. Her mother has been lonr ;rrievousl nfi'icted w ith hi. itches and pimples on her sl:in and in lier hair. Afterourchild was cured, she also tried a aur Pills, and they have cured her. ASA JiOUGKTDGK. lihenmatism, Neuralgia, and CJont. Fixlit Ar VtVr. hr. Jt -n:- i.-i. 'j tin M iiii"' i.-t A'..-, t'i. irrrh. 1't I.AsM 11,11 sK. SAVANXill. 'A., Jail. ft. ISO". Honored Sir: 3 should he ungrateful for the relief your skiU ha-- brought me if 1 did not rep- i t my case to you. A cold set tled in my. limbs ami brought on e.vcl uciatin neuralgic pains, wliieh end.-d in i-hronic riieumaiisiu. Xolw iihstamlinir 1 had the besl phvsieiaiis. the dUeas,. j.-rew worse and wurse, until, by the aip.iee of your excellent arent in Pallimoie. III-. Mackenzie, I tried Your Piils. Th ir -lb-cts were slow, but sure. Uy jier seYerinj: in the use .d" them I am now entirely well. Senate Chamb. r. I!aton P.oiok, I. a.. 5 IVc. 1855. Pr. Ayi.c: 1 have 1k-cu ntireljfrrured by your Pills if Kin-it-matic Gout a i.ainful di-ia-c lhat h.ul nuii: ted me for wars. Yi.ci:vr si.iPKLh. For Dropsy, Plethora, or kindred Com- lliitta reuiiinj; an active purge, they arc an excellent remedy. For Co!tiveness or Constipation, and as a LHimcr I'ill, they are agreeable and elfeclual. Fits, Suppression, Paralysis, Inflammation, and even IHafnrss, ami Purtiai Itlindit ess, have been cured by the alterative action of these Piils. Most of the pills in market contain Mercury. Y bich, although a valuable remed in Fkilful hands, is dangerous in public pill, from the dreadful consequences that frequently f..llov its incau tious ue. Tliese cuutaiu no mercury or mineral substance whatever. AYER'S CHERRY PECTOliAL FOR THE RAPID CURE OF t Ol GHS, COLDS, HOARSEKESS, IKFLVEN ZA, IlltOXCHIXIS, WHOOP15GC OIGII, t UOlP, ASTHMA, I3VCIPIKAT COXSCMPTIOX, and for the relief of consumptive patients iu advanced stages of the di-ease. W e need not si-ak to the public of its Tirtnes. Tlireutcliout every town, and almost every hamlet of the American States, ils wonderful cures of pulmonary complaints have made it al ready know n. Ky. few are the families in any civilized coun try on this continent without some personal experience of its effects; and fewer yet the communities any where which have not among them some living trophy of its victory over the sub tle and dangerous diseases of the throat and lunge. While it is the most powerful antidote yet known to man for the formida ble and dangerous diseases of the pulmonary organs, it is also the pleasantest and safest remedy that can be employed for in fants and young persons. Parents should have it in store against the insidious enemy that steals npon them unprepared. We have abundant grounds to believe the CaEERr Pectoral saves more lives by the consumptions it prevents than those it cures. Keep it by you, and cure your colds while they are cura ole nor neglect them until no human skill can master the in exorable canker that, fastened on the vitals, eats your life away. All know the dreadful fatality of lung disorders, and as they know too the virtues of this remedy, we need not de more than aiire them it is still made the best it tan be. V. spare no cost, no care, no toil to produce it the most perfect possible, and thus afford those who rely on it the best agent which cur skill run furnish fbi- their cure. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. ATER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Slas&t AND SOLD BY S. J. TUNS ALE Fayetterille, If. C, Feb'y 19 ,1859 Xy 4 Tin": fAjoirni caholixtax.'. i FTETTEVILLE, N. C. UEDSC vt JI6RmG, KOTEHBER 39, 1859. f- - . t nmiwAiiv With tbirWer of the Cakoltniax, the undersign- ' ?!h T- thCmSClVeS aIne' Uut I Wlth MoSSrS- 15mUn an1 AleXrtn'r f tli0 ' ed closes hU-Unexion. Circumstances about which j'X v u ,1 letin- of th -horn a bct- the 'public jrould not be interested, have induced'. S an Bonepart, like the weather cock j tor democrat and finer gentleman is not to be found me lo volutWilj withdraw. ' nas cnanged his position so "onen, that -he may be in the corps Editorial wish we h id some more of I would dot-Teat injustice to myown feelings did I fail 40 h:lve 'ioxc4lTe Compass" in his Ital- his stamp. s to acknowlu publicly he many kinduesc-ss I have j la"uljro10- " Messrs. I. and A. aro jovial and pleasant gentle, received t( the public, and especially to the man- f " 1 the plea of liberty on his lips, and the hide- ( meU whose society, is both pleasing and insti uetive ner in whi I have been spoken of by my brethren Pnence of the Italians his war cry, he commenced MS may they live to preside over the destinvof of the corp; Editorial. The many flattering notices ; fnd consummated one of the bloodiest and most in- ! tl0 neatest and as ably edited paper as can be found wiuen 1 Dt re receivea m neir nanus, are iuiiy priWtira win long retain jypiace iu my mem- tax, althjh : brief has been pleasant. With t'i y 7?ort-statement I bid adieu t to the readers ot tie tyA3Sri.i.i, ' liep?:!g to wit upon them in a different capacity at a day not far distant. ARCH'D. T. BANKS. Wilmington and Manchester R, R. We learn from the Herald of the 20th inst., that on Friday afternoon the following business was transacted : Resolutions authorizing a subscription of $15,000 to the New York 6c Wilmington Steam line, pro vided the Wilmington & Weldon K. It. Co., sub scribed $30,000. This has already been done, and we may confidently expect the completion of this line. Secondly, that application be made to the T tl C xT 1 .1 r, . , i-1 , r .1 ifgi.--in lure 01 oi 111 anu oouiti Carolina, ior rue passage of a law exempting the employees of the Koad, from all Jury and public duties, and the ne groes hired by said Co., from working on the public roads," " The President's salary was raised from $2,000 to $3,000 per annum, from and after this date." Thos. D. Walker, was unanimously re-elected President, as was also the old Board of Directors. The thanks of the meeting were tendered to His Excellency, Gov. Ellis, for his personal attend ance on the occasion. Thanks were tendered to he Charman and Secre taries, for the faithful discharge of their duties, and the meeting adjourned, to meet in that town on Wednesday, after the 3d Monday in Nov. 18G0." We learn from tlie Journal that the road is in a prosperous condition. We clip from that paper the following extracts from the report of the superin tendent. The net revenue of the road for the year 1859 is, 8209,793 07. That of '58 beinar 150,121 25, a gain of $50,068 82. The total increase of gross re ceipts of this year over last is, $44,851 84. The total receipts for the jear has been $490, 403 59. Disbursements, $402,400 58. Balance on hand, $87,'J03 01. Tiie debt of the Co., has been reduced $02,530 18. -4 - r"' irorw Iju.kI., rj Ponctiln ti alist, -that the House of Representatives of that State has passed a bill, which provides that the election of United States Senators shall take place, at the session of the Legislature immediately prece ding the expiration of the term for which an elec tion is to be made. The clerks and book-keepers of Xo.'fblk, Virginia, are making desperate efforts to procure a repeal o the act of Assembly, which imposes a heavy tax upon their salaries, in many instances mere pit tances. They have held a public meeting, passed resolutions and drawn up a memorial to be prcsent- ed to the next Legislature asking a repeal of the obnoxious law. We think there is a just cause of complaint in tli is State upon the question of income tax. Our clerks, laborers, and every one of that class are tax ed higher th in it is possible for them to bear with -out a murmur. A CAKl). A Word To My Old Friends. HOSE persons for whom I have been attending to Hanking lmsinnef-s for years : I am still willing to serve 3-ou with the same promptness that I have al ways done ; and to others that may want discounts. Pension bustness, &cr.. &c. I cite r my services, wilb a promise of strict attention JAS. G. COOK. June 27, 1559. f Hm. UmMt, WH0ESALE AND RtTAIL DEALER 1. , STAPLE mm FANCY DRY GOODS, JJ ill iu2Jll XjltoE cioil JtI'iElooCIii ojEiS ij MANTILLAS, BOHHJETS. DRESS TRIMMINGS, Clothing and FURNISHING GOODS, SHOES, Ml AND CAPS, TUUXKS, CARPET BAGS, AND VALISES, (DUT'iLBsn&ir, MUSICAL LNSTUMENTS OF ALL KINDS, HAVANA SEGARS, &c, &c, Comprising irt all, one of the largest, handsomest tl.A mnO "l.rr..1rl. n,,fmpi,t nf flo.r,, I Uibited iu this market, and will be sold ery'chcau for i c isH rn i;n tn m-rmivt i,-, ,.-1 1, ,. r. r fr;ini: and tho mi Mir o-.oif.r-i l K- aw rw .... c:Q r i i ly invited to give us an early call and secure a good bargain. " G. & L. BRANDT, South Side Hay Street, Fayetteville, N, C. OctU d-lt . . , . . v, l.uu.,u - -- - ' J " .v., - lV I. . 1 U 1 t EUROPE. To the calm beholder, acquainted with the affairs . of Europe, it is a matter of absorbing interest to con- template the mysterious progression of the snarle in l" " aiKiican ana nis nines in inciate war nave twiu uw wuna nas over wit- , ; .s,.t -vusina, because ot injured race and now that his aim has been actum plished, i. e. his legitimate design, the agrandi,e ment of self, the wiping out" of Austrian pari, in Wa terloo and the creation of a subdued enemy into a- friend, he turns about," and with his foot upon the dearest liberties of the Italians, he scourges them into submission to tjTants, whoso Utile ji "jure is weightier in their humiliation, than was the lody Francis Joseph. The eye of Napolean is large but its sight is blinded by solf ;( the governing passion of his family. What has he done in the amelioration of the con dition of the Italians ? Did he not go in as a liber ator a deliverer, and does he not came cut a con queror in the battles ? Most certainly he has, but his object was a victory in arms not a victory of principle. Where now is Italian liberty ? let us en quire : Austria at the beginning of the campaign was not a greater tyrant than she now is, nor had she less opportunities of exercising it if we ex cept Lombardy, which is now under a more liberal government, having been transferal to Sardinia. lut where is Garibaldi who was induced to enter the field to battle for the liberty and independence of his native land ? Where are the promises made to him of Italian independence ? Napoleon has ac complished his designs and Garibaldi must sheath his sword, whilst his people are trampled by the Emperors of Austria and the French. Doubt less, he will now be compelled to fly for iiis life, and take reffuge on our own continent. If there was a necessity so urgent as that claimed by Napolean, to relieve the Lombardians from the Austrian yoke theie is certainly as great a neces sity to relieve the people of Tuscany and Modena, from the more oppressive rule of their masters the Dukes. Where can he assign a reason for his conduct. In the first instance, no open appeal, or demand, or prayer, was made by Lombardy, to be free of Austrian rule; but the people of Tuscany and .Mo dena have openly appealed to France and Sardinia and they have already banished their oppressors. To show the base selfishness of Louis, it is nec. essary to look into the character of these Dukes and ascertain their family. Tliei'c aro tlnce Uuolitcr, in central lt;vly 'Vvicre- ny rule by Ferdinand I V now 24 years of age, the son of Leopold lid, who is a descendant of the Aus trian Ilapsburgs, and id still alive, having abdicted in favor of his son. Also Modinia, governed by Francis V., now some forty years old, who is the servile tool of the Emperor of Austria and the l'ope. The third is the Duchies of Pai in , governed b Louise as regent during the minority of her smi It . bert who attained his full age in July last. The subject of these various Duchies have de clared their dynasties disinherited, and have deter mined never again to receive them as their rules and have also declared Victor Emanuel, of Sardinia their king. Napolean, having whiped Austria severely is now endeavoring to heal the wound by crushing the hopes of this people, and restoring the relatives o Francis Joseph, to their unwilling subjects, by force if necessary, therefore, he has compelled poor Yictoi Emanuel, through fear to enlist in the restoration ol the Dukes of MjLmvi an 1 Tuscany. iut pooi Loui.- e, she has no friend she is a Spaniard, therefore, she must not be restored to her Duchk Sardinia may have Parma, because Louise is a ircium and has not such a powerful family as the otheas. T is is blowing hot and cold at one time. Does Napoleon remember that an unwilling peo ple had before, to banish an oppressive king, and that that banishment made him emperor of t!u French. Let him be careful that another uprising of an injured people may not place him in the p si ton which he ought to occupy. Whatever the Peace Congress may effjet, it i. certain that Great Ih-itain will not be a party to a manoeuvre whereby the Italians will be compelled by force to re-enslave : themselves by taking back their master. Northern Book Pedlars. This class of men ought to be closely watched; we have never had such a swarm of them in the South ern country as at present, and we presume no more dangerous or unsafe customers could come amongst us. We M ere informed that o.ie of that class has lately been in Davidson county, where he employed his time among the slaves upon the p. nutations, seldom going to the houses of their masters. A man who does this can have no good nurposo iu View. The two young fellows imprisoned i;i Salisbury on last week are named, respecti vely, Emmons G. (Joe, of Hartford, Ct., and Jas. J. Miller, of MidJletown, Ct. AVe do not believe that they are knowingly the'tooLs of the abolitionists but there can be no doubt of the plans of their employers. They are the agents of a Northern man named J. E. Perkins, whose abode is now at Weldon, N. C, he being the agent of throe different houses, one in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. Let the Wel don folks keep their eyes upon him, or he mav- sur prise them some day. A correspondent of the Frederick (A'a.) Recorder says : . It is in error that Col. Lew s W. Washington, m ucuerson, isine nearest relative ol Oen. V ash- ington alive. The venerable Daingerfield Lewis, of King George, is one degree nearer. Mr. Lewis is a C T,.Xf rl . ... "I ,.V . ;ttie, the sister ot , "U'S; l- V. aSUingtOn S UlllH, '-.' late- 9oL GeorS Washington, was only the son oi a nephew. All the nephews of the Oenerai - beuueathed swords in his will, and two are in tnc - ' . possession of the Lewis family, the one worn at , - i i. ,. Wnuf. i w - . i r -r c ir 1 rS VYn-if.- I jiarmion. jure., iaurence oi nawnugw.-, y. I o -y-i-K !-.- ,v wet ra 1 -i ti st iv ncniiiiruiu. til mAwkn i r,f rr,l T.. W Washington, and of course, also a nearer relative." Western Tour. I : We have just returned from our "western lour. aivl have again seated ourseli down to assume our - ; editorial labors, 1 c spent a piep.int nmo m tmnotie, n comiia- ' 5titd We were unfortunately debarred of Ul0 pjivile-e of cnioviuu; the company of Mr. IJrit- ton to Salisbury being " too late" for the cars. We visited the Military Institute, whilst the stu dents were undergoing a dress jarade, but regretted i that we were too lute to sea the whole. Lieut. Lee and Ma. Hill both informed us that the ?!":.. itutiou was flourishing, and that it would prove a complete success. There is one point in regard to its manage ment worthy of remark. Parents need not fear to send their children there, for unlike most of the in stitutions of this nature, its faculty comprise men of the most sterling integrity, and they are also prominent Christians in the community where they live. As we have already written -from Salisbury to our paper, giving 'the most of the news, we mu.-t only touch upon one or two items. We were present during the session of Court, and heard some of the ablest speeches it has been our privilege to listen to for years. Mr Osborne ia the case of Oscar, the slave, already reported, delivered one of the most able and impressive speeches we have ever listened to; his powers of oratory con not he excelled by anyone in the State, while his logical tea soiling and imnressive manner entiih-s him to the first place amongst the members of the bar iu the State. Wo would be derelict in our duty did we not here mention the short opi ning speech of Mr Lander, the Solicitor. Mr L. is a young man, com paratively speaking, but his superior powers would induce the belief that lie was a veteran at the bar clear, earnest and eminently logh-al without that stiffness peculiar to the cl .ss of men who may be styied pr( found reasoners. lie has the peculiar tone of voice calculated to please and convince the listener We regret that we were not permitted the pleas ure of hearing any of the Salisbury lawyers, as the case tried whilst we were there, took up nearly ; of the time. We visited the sivtum of Dro. Spellman, where we found him busily engaged in his laborious call ing. The pe iple of Salisbury, as well as the De mocracy of Itowan and the other counties adjacent, have in him a worthy and reliable citizen and an able democrat. On Thursday evening, we were invited to a sup per given to the members of the bar by two young gcv.tteinvT., Mv lIKcily and II. 11. Moore, lOsi)!.-'., when all present did ample justice lo the deii. ions viands placed before them. There were present on the occasion, Hon. John A. Gilmer, Jas. Vv". Osl o -no, V. C. T.arringer, Lander (Solicitor i, N. X. Flem i ig, It. E. Love, V. L. Saunders, Kiterel, and T. If. Caldwell, all of the legfl profession.' Also, I Irs. Henderson and Caldwell, Messrs r-"hobcr an 1 shaver, of Salisbury, W. li. Smith of the Tarboro Jt ., and J. V. Spellman of the Jianncr, with a number if other gentlemen, whose names we have forgot ton If any one possessed of the first quality of socia lity can go to Salisbury, and fail to be diiighU-d .vita the noble fellows who call that place vh'y then, we would consider that he was l home,"' in !!': f.r my society this side oi Yes, we repe., it AVe left Salisbury pleased with our trip, di-hguted .v ith every body, and every .body : thcmsi'ln deli-hte.-l with The Alexandria, Ln,, correspondent of die X. O, Jresent writes ; ' 1 met here this morning a gentle nan from Georgia, whoai I suspect to he not only a . ar.n frienc" of .M r. Laaiar, luabo an agent. You nive already pa. dished all the public circumstances jonaected witli the disappearance of the yalch Wan- ierer from Savannah: Georgia, aim the public ilecio atiou made by -Mr. Lamar taat she was stolen. The irutb of the nutter is. the Wanderer was sent away oy Mr. Lamar, and is now, in sill probability, oii the oast of Africa, after ancther cargo of Africans. The airent alluded to ahove, in niv opinion, is traveling to ell these negroes, and that he will find customers on .l;d River, 1 have no doubt. I simply suspect Una .iom a casual coaver. aiioa with the gentlemen, where- u we compared notes on the Lii;aii.ity ot" W iT.i:rt.-i.s.- niggtr iiu st iou.' il.e ila.-!S-achusttts hen-? tte has adopted an amendment to its laws, which te- aioves the disability to rec -ive the testimony of alhe .sts ill its courts of law. Th i amendment provides that, '-every person not a believer in any religion .'-hull ic required toto.-ti.ly truly under pains and penalties ofp i jure." To this, au am udineiit v. as adopted as follows : -'And tin; evidence ol such person's diabu lief in the existence of God may be received to alfict their credibility as uitnes-ses.'" The latter clause of the amendment wa- ad qited l y a vote of 10 to 7. The vote upon the amendment, as amended, wa? IS to 1 '' apd it was adopted by the ca ting vote of the Presi dent.. Poi.rnctT.. At a iVe mo" rally meeting held iaVN'n.-h ounsy, X. C, 6a the 15th instant, tho II on. Ex-Governor Bragg, at present U. S. Senator from the .State of X. Carolina, wan recommended as a suitable canui date for Yice-l'resident iu lfc(H). . yJ3- Three stu leuts from North Carolina, named D. L.Stone, Foust and Watson, two coaiucted with the University or Pennsylvania and one with Jeiler.-ou College, have been missing fcmcc Monday last.--tv-ald. Miutakv Fire CoTr.ixny.-Tho fire companies of W.v Orleans propose to organize then. -elves into military rifle companies, compute, in two rcgunents of five hundred men each. 1 ne Mrss.s,,pp. Lng.ne Company has already taken the initiative, by e ec - " iu art5 expected to follow soon, Jifl urtt to be used as drill rooms and i An .uthern Guardian. I ir, Watchfc! xrss. When we Tire alone we have our tfloushtsio watch; in our family, our temper ; in- ,.,,wnv. our tonsruw. it should be our endeavor . ;u.,t,.t.p. our devotions in the morninz ov our ac tion jm jng the day. II. Mure. I S - - The New oik 1 nbuno learns that tenatoi M.m- ' ner has returned with his health completely re-es- tablished, and ready to take his seat in the Senate. - - - - - - - . , . .i.-4fr.n- r..f.c. ner nas reiuincu wnu ms ukuu. w..uvv. - - y.

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