jNuiail CAROLINIAN. FAYETTEVILLE. N C SATURDAY, December 3rd, 1859. Cash Systkm. From and- after the 12th day of August none other than cash subscriptions will be received for the Daily or Weekly North (Carolinian, aii'l the names of all persons who have not pair iheir arrearages will be stricken from, our mail books on the first day of January next. We are compelled, to this course in consequence of the targe amunit of money which is now due this establish ment. A'i monies mailed to its will be at ttur risk. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY coxvi;x'i ion. We are requested to announce, that in pursuance of the recommendation of thu 1 lemoeratie State Execu tive Committee, a convention of the Democracy of Cumberland will bp held in the town of Fayetteville, the I'.th of December, for the purpose of appointing delegates to a democratic State Convention to be held in Raleigh on Thursday, March ,6th, 18(10 ; and also for the appointment ofDclegates to a Dis trict Convention, to le heldatsuch time and place as may hereafter be designated, to select Delegates to represent this District in the next National Demo cratic Convention. Also to appoint a Democratic Executive Committee for the county of Cumber land. l-if SVe are requested to state that there will be a meeting of the Democracy of Harnett county, at the Court House in Toomer, on Tuesday of Decem ber Court, at 2 o'clock. ATTKNT.'OW Democrats will remember that on next Tuesday the County Convention is to assemble at the Town Hall; when we trust there will be a proper repre sentation from the ounty and full Attendance from 'ion. We would not let tl is opportunity pass without inviting all who are opposed to northern ag gression anil fanaticism to be present with us, al though they have not heretofore identified them selves with our party, tic vert heles we trust they may not put oil tho day 1 -Niger. Their duty is plain ami (he attempt of journals kiid leader son the other side to lead then; on as a scounting part, while the battle is in iis highest with the contend ing forces of the North ;:i." jouth, we tiust will prove of l.o avail Suspension of Trad. AV'e publish to-day, in another column, an oditorir al from the Charlotte Iiulletin, which is well worthy the consideration of our merchants. We need not say that the views of the Bulletin meet with our entire approval. The duty of our merchants is unmistakable; the plea that New York, Boston, or Philadelphia, are cheaper markets will not do. Our merchants have made them what they are the quantity of trade nlwa3s governs the price. This being the case, our duty to build up a market in our own midst if im perative. We can boast of harbors equal if not su perior to the North. We have Charleston, Norfolk, and New Orleans, where any ship may gain an entry, and all that is required to m ike these cities cheap markets, is, let us patronise them letjUskeep our money in the South and the South will keep us. We have been feeding No-iln-ru abolitionists for vears ; they have grown fat ujn-n our means, and they have began to think that we arc dependent upon them for our merchandize. There is n"t the slightest doubt, hut a course like (hat advocated by (he Bulletin, would have a won del ful i ffei i u.icn the No:th; at all events, it is worth a trial. KoN I.NTEKt ot SE WITH THE NoKTU. T1)0 RichutOUd Whig cordially appro. es a ugg".Mi.)ii for the forma, tioa of voluntary as-ocia ions throughout Virginia and the South, bound together by a suinuiDD pledge among th -msel yes. neUher to oai, wear buy or use any article whatsoever niaiitifaciiucd at, or imported from the. North" , Supreme Court Judge. We notice that the Newbern Progress, recommentls the appointment of Judge Mauley, to the vacant seat, on the supreme bench. The Judge is a very duo Gentleman, and would do very well, being a thorough .lawyvr. But we do think that Journals ought not to t ike up the question. It is better thai the Governor and his council be altogether releaved of outside sentiments. For our part, we are willing o leave the matter to their judgement, having entire confluence"! n fins wisdom. Orouf we Nor to have on::? It is a r.'marka. ble fact that we have not a law in this State making a crime as that committed by John Brown, treason, Indeed, we Itayti no such State oiVenco as treason known in our code. This matter should be look ed to ta the next legislature. A State is a sovereign ty, and should have a statute punishing any person who would conspire or attempt to overthrow its government. We make tliis timely suggestion and trust it inay-be acted upon, Gone Auain. AVe learn that the Lock and Dam at Red Rock, oh the Cape Fear River, which was about finished, has taken a short voyage to th-e At lantic ocean ria. Wilmington. In all honesty, if this work can be made to stand put it forward ; but if It Is to continue its sudden voyages, as it has heretofore, it ought to be put a .stop to. The people have paid enough money into the .(. in g fund, and they can bear very little move. The Maine Senate Mtitalns one Democratic Sena tor, and a local paper recommends, for getting that Bl iek 'Republicanism is a destitute of magnanimity as principle (hat it would be magnanimous in the Opposition to make him President of the body. Con-idcring that five just men could have paved Sodom and Gomorrah, the suggestion is undoubted ly a good one. "A little salt savoreth a heap," rjsitso?sAi., At a recent meeting of the Trustees of Davidson College held in Charlotte, Alexander Melver, Esq., of Carthage, Moore county, was unan imously elected Professor of Mathematics in the room of Major I). II. Hilh "Js JJk a 'Republican ?' So late as a yea go, ! i the 12th of October, UnJS, the New York Tribune said; "Old John Brown, of Oss iwatomie, and ninetcen tei'.ths of his co-defenders of freedom in Kansas, were and are li-publican, and migrated there under the impulse of Jiepubllcan idea and convictions. To da' Old John Brown wiil pay the penalty of his infamous course, upon the scaffold, of course any attempt by the abolitionist to rescue him will be as vain and futile as the deed committed by Urown proved itself. Daily Carolinian, 27 inst, 1 Let us Unite. We hare said it, and ve propose to show that it i.s indispensible for the people of the South, without distinction of party to unite in opposition to North ern fanaticism. There can be no doubt but at this time many Northern "men believe that the South is dmded within herself to such an extent, that any thing pro posed or advocated by them, to one of the parties, would be eagerly accepted. From this they take encouragement, and continue not only to make war upon us and our dearest rights, but they absolutely gain converts to their doctrine in the North, through a false and foolish impression that the South will bear a?J, and suffer oil. The outrageous sentiment uttered by Northern journals, in reference to Brown and his "heroic" deeds, can surely not pass unnoticed by us. We have our families and our fire-sides to protect, and certainly, our individual and social rights transcend all party feeling and outside considerations. The Northern people who imagine that the oppo- sition party of the South will unite with them or have any feeling in common with theirs, will learn that at least, upon our huljviduaj rights, ave are oxf. and l'Xitku. For our own part, although we have opposed and denounced the opposition, in unmeasured terms, we can but express our knowledge of their nationality and their steadfast adkearance to southern and northern rights. And if at any time they may be lead into the support and conntenance of men who aru not eminently sound, we feel confident that it is merely through the excitement of party feeling, and not because of any'error in their minds upon the all- absorbing question, which at present engrosses the serious any prayerful attention of all good men in our country Now, upon one thing we stand equal, viz: upon the fearless and impartial construction of the Con. stitution, ami the security of our lives and property, to the extent guaranteed by that instrument. Where then, in national affairs, is there a necessi ty for a division ? Can we of the South afford to devide our strength, when such a division must un questionably result in the triumph of that sectional party, whose history began in iniquity, and whose end must be attained at the cost of our blood. Is the old question that hackneyed question of "distribution" or specific duties, or interference by Congress In the affairs of a Territory, or the one hundred little minor questions which have been mooted from time to time, by ambitious politicians for the purpose of capital. Are these things to prevent a union of all the South when her highest and most daored rights are violated ? For the sake of the South, nay, for the sake of peace, humanity, and the perpetuity of the Union, we trust not. No one can be so blind as not to see the issue which must and will be placed before the country in the next campaign. The question is a clear one, and we shall all be compelled to take sides, either by action or non-action, for thoso who are not with the South in that campaign will be compelled, from the force of circumstances, to be against her. In that terrible conflict, no neutral forces can pos sibly be recognized, but the steel of every free man from Maine to Texas, must be found battling either for or against the union of the States, We can not for one moment believe that the south will submit to the election of a Black Republican as President We know that there are a few men, with whose weakness we sympathize, and to whose opinion we can but pay due regard, that think it would be time for the South to secede, upon tho commission of some overt act by the Republicans, by which our rights should be infringed. The folly of this must be seen at a glance, for were we to sanction the inauguration of a Black Re publican, our hands in the event of any such act would be coriipletcly secured. The army and Navy would be transferred from the hands of a friend to that of ar. enemy. Their emmesaries would be found all through the south, and we can now form i)o idea of the power they would wield. We can pride in the just reputation which North Carolina has of being a conservative Slate, but we can also pride in the noble, free and independent spirit of her sons, and we are confident should a Black Republican be elected as President, she would j take immediate steps to secure her rights, or abandon the Union. Jy There is no room in Charlotte for ''two women to take hold of one man." A Census was taken on last week, to ascertain, the number of marriageable people in the City, and the result shows the marriageable condition of sixty young ladies, and oh, horrors ! Sixty five young men ; consequently, five young men will have to take hold of oue woman, thus reversing the order of things. The Editors of the Bulletin, (both unmarried men,) notwithstanding the bad plight into which they are placed by a revelation of this unfortunate state of affairs, give Tent to their feelings, by pro posing a compromise in the difficulty into which the five odd follows are placed. "Young ladies encourage these unfortunate fel lows and let them understand that you are kindly tlisposed, and are only waiting to be asked. By the wa-, we would like to know from those who took the census whether they include iu the count Widows and Widowers. As the coun: now stands live men wjll be compelled to look abroad or grieve to death for the want of the mate. We move that the five who shall be ruled out settle the affair by drawing straws. Call a conven tion gentlemen and let the ladies know your deter mination, ami who have been ruled out. NORTHERNERS AT CABIN POINT VA. We learn from the correspondence of the Peters burg Express, that some forty northerners have some there for the purpose of cutting wood, their conduct is such as to create suspicion that they are Brown sympathizers, and are there for no good. TRIUMPH OF CONSERVATISM. We notice a paragraph going the rounds amongst our Opposition exchanges, under the above caption, where the result of the State election of New- York is styled a conservative triumph. Conservative forsooth, there arc but three conservativ e men elect ed in that State, and they were elected by the Dem ocrats, and if the American vote contributed to the election of these men, it unquestionably assisted in the election of those who are the bitterest fanatics in the North. Do our Opposition friends consider the result of the election a conservative triumph ? Then the elec tion of Seward as Senator is a triumph for if they have done anything they have secured Seward's re election. This is what we should call conservatism w ith a vengeuce. Th.e most important election to conservative men was the Legislature, for that election, was to decide the return of the blackest vilian that has ever breathed, to a scat too sacred and honorable for one of his stamp. Yet he is returned, and it is claimed that the Americans hold the balance of power in New York if that be so, they are responsible. Justice Daniel, of the United States Supreme i of Alexander Carpenter. This is the first judicial ex Court, is seriously ill in Washington, ' edition which has ever taken place iji the Territory. This new nd govern- work devoted to the advancement of t ment, has made its first appearance up! our table. When its prospectus was issued we I to remark that its editor, Hon. T. B. Pa., was well able to make it a standai tk occasion jorenee. or work, and we are happy to say that this numberfjpas met nay, even surpassed our expectations. n the first page is a perfect steel engraving ofqpr worthy Chief Magistrate, J as. Been anan. I -Its content treats upon the following subjects : 1. Saludittory; 2. The relation of tluj Democra ic Party to the Government of the United States ; j 3. History of the Two Years Amendment to the Constitution of Massachusetts, ccc. ; 4. I he Out break at Harper's Ferry; d. The San Juan Ques tion ; 0. James Buchanan ; 7. The Appalachian Group of Indian Tribes a political element; 8. The United States Coast Survey ; 9. The production of cotton and its influence on Modern civilization; 10. Invocation; 11. City of Washington : 12. Quarter- y3 opsis of our Foreign Commercial Relations ; 13. Alfred Tennyson; 14. Rifles; 13. British No velists; 10. Death of Governor Hamilton ; 17. Stan wix; 18. On the Probable 11 of the value of Gold, &C. Was ever a queen so favored of all the earth as "little Vic?" A Cashmere shawl tent and solid gold bedstead, presents to her Majesty from the Ma harajah of Cashmere, have been brought to Wind, sor Castle. These magnificent gifts, valued at S150, 000, will be inspected by the public in the guard chamber of the Castle, after their fornfapresenta tion to the Queen by Col. Willoughbv, of the East j iaJLi House. The Uxiveksitv Magazine. This very able pe riodical is upon our table, containing some highly j interesting and instructive matter. We have had but a moment to glance over its pages, and conse quently can form but an imperfect notion of its real merits, but taking it for granted that it is as good as usual, we must state that we think it an honor to the University, and the young gentlemen who con. duct its columns. THE COURSE OF THE SOUTHERN OPPOSI TION. There is not a particle of truth in the statements fabricated here, and circulated elsewhere, that the Southern Opposition propose affiliating with the De mocracy on organizing the House. Letters from Gii.mek, Vance, Etheridge, Harris, Davis, and others, explicitly deny any such purpose. If the Pennsyl vania delegation meditate, as proposed, and invite a free conference of all the elements opposed to the Administration, for the purpose of organization on ly, it is probable that Southern men will unite with out hesitation. Several have expressed their readi ness to do so. The above is a special despatch to the New York Tribune, and we confess that it does surprise us not a little. That John A. Gilmek and Vaxcb of Noiirn Cak- , olina should be found in such a plan i.s enough. We do trust that these men ma- see the wickedness and treason of such conduct, and change their minds. Their friends in the south ought to caution them against such an unwarrantable and unreasona ble course. We did think Gilmer bad enough, bu had no idea that he would pursue such aline of conduct as that alleged in the above paragraph. As for Davis he is nothing more or less than a Black Republican. All Mad. They seem to be very anxious to prove 11 J ohn Brown a lunatic. Iloyte, who was one of his coun- cel. has srone all the wav to Ohio, and hat. foon.l tb-it old Brown's great grand-father and his aunt, also JoWo nmi, aitu two oi hit cuuurcn were lunatics, and that it is a peculiar trait in their character to get crazied. j The object of Iloyte is to gain Brown a repreave i through this plea. The New York Tribune believes ! firmly in his insanity, and religiously docs not be lieve that even this fact will effect anything in h's favor. We think as the Tribune does that it will be of little avail. Wli3r was it, however, that Grcely gave money to an insane man for his " Kansas work ?" and it the Tribune is earnest in the plea of insanity why do we find the following eulogy to Brow n in the same number of that paper : '; Among the manyjarticlcs in connection with flic great eveut of the day that so interests and absorbs the minds of all who love Freedom, "The Harper's ' Ferry Insurrection, I have vainly looked lor a suggestion of a practical plan as a tittiag testimonial to the hero that so nobly fought and bled for the cause of oppressed humanity. liostou, Worcester, and other places, have called meetings publicly to express their sympathies, ami r,,i-.-oIi miMvsis iii niil nt' tlip wifn iiiid t'ainilv c.f'ltu. heoric victim of Slavery, and its inseparable corrup- tion, But how comes it that no public effort has been made here for the same good puruose ? Is our citv incapable of appreciating Freedom's cause, and sym pathizing with its martyrs ? Had John brow n been successful in his sulime effort to free Virginia h oiu the curse of slavery, I have no4 doubt tut this city would have been among the (irst, if not the first, to celebrate the gieat event, aud make the welkin ring with outbursts of joy aud exultation over Freedom's victory, and shouts of glory, and songs of praise in honor to the conquering hero." If John Brown is insane, the Tribune is worse than insane. If there is any insanity'it is found in the latter. N 0N-INTERC0 URSE S US PENSION 0 F TRADE. AYe observe that several of our Southern exchan ges are discussing the propriety, Editorially and through contributions from their Correspondents, of carrying out a non-intercourse policy between the Merchants of the South and Importers and Jobbers at the North, suspending entirely the trade that has been carried on between the Commercial and Mer chantile communities of the two.sections. We believe that there is wisdom in this line of policy and that if the proposition is sustained and strict non-intercourse observed, it will be productive of incalculable good to the South. On Wednesday last one of the most prominent business men of Charlotte, who had been called on by an Agent of a New York House, remarked that, it was his impression he had made out his last bill for Goods in the New York market that it was very probable he would hereafter make his purchas es in Baltimore or further South. In reply to the above expression of an opini m, the Agent remarked that he had discovered that manj Merchants throughout the South had come to a similar determination, and that if that line of poli cy should be adopted generally throughout the Southern and Western States, it would produce a great change in the conduct and sentiment of the people of the North that it would undoubtedly bring about a reaction, and cause a more healtv sen timent than c-onkl be effected by any other line of policy. , We hesitate not to express our opinion that it is, under existing circumstances, absolutely right and indispensably necessary that every community throughout the South should promptly eject these Northern Drummers who are flooding the South, unless they are well known and vouched for by some one or more of our leading Merchants or gentlemen of character and position. The people of Mecklen burg Charlotte, especially ought to be vigilant J ana act vvitn calmness out uetermination. St. Lou's, Mo., Monday, Nov. 28, 1859-. The Utah mail of the 3d inst., brings accounts of the execution of Thomas R. Ferguson for the murder The National Dkmockatic RevieI STRANGERS FROM THE NORTH. For :ho North Carolinian. It strangers from the North, visiting the South, (lnvs r,,Ffl. , T.-n find themselves the elects of suspicion and an iml 1 v, T ' C ' kkk, Dec. 1, L, ,9 noying surveillance, they must put it down to the I ' J' blNCL uu Esq. str : At a meeting held at account of the depraved state of public opinion in i 'Hri P"ace according to request, the following pci the quarter whence they hail. If the people of the S0Is were appointed delegates to the Convention to South have comp tn "l coming from the North, as prima JijeU 'an incoiid diary and an enemy, upon whom tile burthen must' be thrown of proving, the contrary character, it is ' because the- behavior of Northern people hr.ve iorcett upon the ."south such a conclusion and sudi ; a wary course. Doubtless in some cases, innocent I meaiwill be the subject of this suspicion and sor- -,.zit. i :n - - -i I irU.(inr, uini wui nnu ineir tune m i no .-soutn any- .i . . T tning i.ut i-leasant. Hut thev must retk-et th:it we cannot do away with a general rule because it - I i ;n , e i i -c work.- 1 1 aru in a few exceptional cases, and if, ,.-t '- ,. i - l .i in when tiiev return to their homes, they will set to , , . , - . work anu remove the cause ot tiieir annovmr . . ,, . ... ., -,, , ., . - - treatment in the South, they will find on their next vtsit to it, that they will be treated as "the fellow ; citizens" of the people of the South, and not as j their watched and suspected enemies. I Jlalei'ji Jicyigt.tr' J United States Cikcuit Cot ht. This tribunal, says the Ral. Standard, is in session here this week,"'; His Honor Judge Biggs presiding. Judge Wayne ' and Mr District Attorney Dick are expected, but j had not arrived on Monday evening. Mr Marsal Jones is in attendance. j We learn that the case of Wilkinson, chr-.rged I with robbing the mail, will probably be tried; and! that Williams, formerly Postmaster at Elizabeth' City, who made his escape at the last term of the Court, has surrendered himself, is in town, and will ! receive his sentence. ! notice to Leave a mail was here frot -Last week, says the Standard, New York, of the name of San- 1 burn, whose business appeared to be that of sellin" ! L1 - . . II.-. .4.;. ,i i - .i . viooi j juiieo. l is com ei saiion on UK: suojecT OI slSvery was n'ot wJiat it should have been ; where- upon our Mayor had a talk with him and advised him to leave. He did so on the next morning's train. Sr.wi-nr. Aotioe was given in the Legislature, the 10;h instant, by Mr. Orahrm, of till, fill 1!VI i H tv, i'll.--t w .1, of ! bill . ..In. 111. i.vLlliur , laWjS aiUfit tl,e introduction of skives from abroad j into the State ; and to legalize the holding of blacks in bondage iutro-uiced from foreign countries.' ( 'ol in d i.o i The Ice Speculation. The St. Anthony (Min nesota) Express says that a firm in .Minneapolis is engaged in building eight large i.-e boats, w hich they intend to load with ice at the foot of Lake Pepin during the winter, and run in the spring to Mem phis, i'enn., and other southern markets. The boats wiil lie each 123 Ret long. 2'2 feet wide, and feet deep; they will hold, in the aggregate, about 2.800 tuns. The Bai.oon Ascension Inoei in;ti:i.v Postponed. Prof. Low e has conluded not to go to Europe this winter, The "more convenient season"' or which he was waiting, is vet far in the dim distance. The balloon bubble has been pricked, the farce has 0, 1 " -...-i.ii:,!.. i in- been piayeu out, a very gooii speculation has neeii made out of it, mid the Prof, and those w ho are lire having a- trood "up to snuff in everything laugh at te gullibility of the public. Tho bolloon, or what remains of it, is said to be near the this Company's Works, but one might almost as well try to find a needle- in a hay stack a to discover its precise locality. Sale of Puoeeutv. The sale of the prope ofDrJolmS. Porter, dee'd in this county, v place last Friday. A friend who was present tv forms us that Cattle brought from Slo j head, Mules x IDT (o 2o;T a Mare used by "tl to Ho iier le- eeased as bis saoUle-nagj ;.).), torn 4 to b-t cents per bushel. The land (rather inferior quality) sold at from s t to sS per acre. The sale was on it credit of 12 months, w ith interest. Thef negroes, in all, ranging in age from 0 months to 55 years, were valued bv persons appointed for that purpose at s--tjj7j. There 'were eleven men in the lot. The Will of (lie deceased riovidc- that I the negroes shall have months io choo i. 'aster JJ"J? Z! VL l-., u, high ; Davie county last week ne 'roes brought '. ,'VV prkvs; one, a field hand, isKUb, a girl Hi ye n s old 14-; in. They traders. t ' nrlotte Democrat. another JsltiUU; were bought by Wake Fouhkst Co: i.e-;e. tees of this institution, have adm-tting all young minister. ed with any of the evangelical advantages of I hi- College, jVce i.ml of Trus a reso!,:,i:!i ;ospvl oonmv t !:iatio:i, to tin- pa--et of (he lU'iiou; of ; tl- :i. to t'.. uch lib puhdic era l it v, we ihu, mii.-t coniii Halt iyii . Certainly it is very liin-ral the Trustee and credit Ins'itnti m. Wake . Fore.-t " f l".!',.1 V.lL" are anu uirection ol tiie ha i..q(ist Church Ail tins oia The i-'aculty is an abl Ct-n riot te Democrat. iia comiiC- tent one,- CATCHING WHALES, the whole number of vessel' eng:ur. Tn lof, the busines 't in four war about, in i, oi winch d-'iii, or seventu were American, and :5nt, or three sevenths, were loreisrn. So that twentv-iive vea rs .. Yan i kee enterprise was ahead of the rest of the vvovd a 4 to 'e. In lSD'.t, the whole number is estimated at ! ,,f 'hich (51 are Americ 1 showing ankee enterprise sti I dant ; for we have added 261 in, and 2ot) foreign ; ii':re m ti ie asceu lieet i i ; s to our a grun ol oo per cent., w hile our foreign competi tors have fallen off ? 1 ships a loss of G'.t per cent. In the value of the catch, the increase is sti!! greater, being about $12,:J h),0(m.) in .V.!, against $4,oO,0(K in df about 175 per cent. This how ever, is in a great measure owing to the :fTivanced value of oil and bone, which has increased late years. Scientific Artiaan. inuc h of A Corr SENOiJKS.- Bai.oon to Cahhv Ti:n TnorsAxn Pas Pro!". John W ise, of Lancaster, develops uie iouow u:g : -t cuuic 1001 oi atmospnere weighs 1-- ounce nearly. Displace a bulk of it equal to a balloon of 200 feet diameter, and we gain a buoyant force and uplifting power of 157 tons. Now. to make a balloon of that size would be no difficult task, or even of 400 feet in diameter, which would have a lift .1... i-n. - l l-i... , ing and carrying power ot i, -'ot) tons. A balloon of such dimensions would have a superfice of oo-J.fin square feet, and if made of sheet copper, weighing one pound per square foot, would have a lifting and car rying power of over two millions of pounds, capable of transporting, at a mile per minute speed, allowii'm for weignt of gas, ballast, provisions, etc., ten thou sand human passengers." Sknator from Ticx.vs. .Ye are pleased to learn by a despatch to the Charleston Mercury, tliat Louis T, Wigf'all, of Texa-. has been nominated by the Ibino cratic caucus as their candidate tor the United .States Senate. Gov. Houston, it is thought, will be the on position candidate. Tho despatch to the Mercury states that Col. Wig-fall is a Calhoun Democrat, but opposed te re-opening the slave trade. We hope his election may soon he announced. S". Carolinian. Conversions. A letter punished in the Press d' Orient, announces the conversion to Roman Cath olicism of an entire district in Bulgaria, which num bers not less than thirty thousand souD.'who hitherto belonged to the Greek Church. Thev have addres sed a letter announcing the fact to the French Con sul, who promised (lie uew converts the protection of of France, in caso thev should be moleM-d in the ex ercise of their new faith. It is said that ether districts of Bulgaria are only- waiting to see the issue of this religious movement before following the example. Arkansas. The Fort Smith Times, of the 20th ult., speaks as follows of the progress of improve ment in Arkansas : It i.s a fact remarked by ever)' one acquainted with this Western country, that there never has been a time in the historv of this eounfrv when her prospects were so flattering. AYe believe we f an j say with s;-fetv that tnc-ro has been at least one j hundred freight wagons loaded in this citv this week for the Tndi ties. an coun ntrv nid ing coun - Another Ticket. A Mississippi editor norm- nates' the following as a Compromise ticket : For T'vr-dont. Hon. JohrsiH. Savnrre. of Tonnes See; for V ice-Dresident, lion. Alabama. Columbia Guardian A. B. Meek, of Dr J II Williamson T W Dcvan- S F lit-,. , x, , T , I" , r i , ' w ?, , i A" Aiarsh J- L- lolar; u 1uUc, ul u ln- Alder- ; "iiin, j. ji. toy, u. onus, Isaac wmamsou, ana a. : A. Mcivaskill. - - r , ,r A- Salisbury, Nov. 2 ah 18o0 Mr. EniTon : You left too soon to see the fun. t In ofnH.A mnvmitir f IdTit W-W fl lllflll l Htfk li'itun , , - : " . "! yV-e' -T - T T i J"r 'abolitionist; and said he hoped to live to see the dav . ', , , - , , t nit every slave, owner should have his head cut oil , - 7 , 4 - oy them. In about ten minutes I saw- lam with a "it.. i f ii i- ti coat ot tor and feathers on him, and he on a rail tro- nimseit an coat ot tor and Feathers on him, and he on a rail go- mg to the creek, where he was taken and ducked, several times, and then let loose ; then the town an thorities had him taken up and put in jail, where he remains, awaiting his trial. 1. S. Uscar the slave was convicted, and will be I sentenced next week. - ! forrc-nomlrncc. - Intcrcicw with Jl-itJu-r- Our Pdtilmrg (Pa.) The, llefu'jc aj- )ii ayaiii t'rd hi riou ! f'.s (Jf;iuri i(ir, '.V f II I' I til U I ft 1 li in I'nis'iunj !!'- -ii,"ii ii cirroKjc atxi i ,tx f""jc hc'irccu tci lL.nuiibL$ The Sunday lts SLifjcr Litis. PiTTsui-ut:. Monday, Nov. 20, lr?-'!). Deaji Ca!i: i.imax: Rutherford i.s still in prison. I had an interview with him in his cell on Frida y i"iiT I ri - - last. OS Op He bears his confinement with much hil- ln an eases his ol;1 with the flattering unc tion mat out ol tins sore trial good to him will eventually come. From my heart 1 hope so. to . ' I found him engaged in leading the Book of Com- mon Praver. As vou possiblv may be aware, he i.s by profession an Episcopalian, although by no means ; as stringent as some in that denomination, recog- 1 nizing in the universal Church of Christ a powerful ; j engine lor the cufrancuisement oi the world from ; error and vice. Our conversation turned naturally , ! on his late trial ; about which he talked with be coming calmness and resignation. He found fault, : ! however, with the partiality of the Court, in ruling ! out testimony of the utmost importance to him, and I which, if it had been admitted, would have gone far ; towards explaining away those suspicious circum ! stances that undoubedly weighed so heavily with j the jury. 1 learned many things in this interview : which i should like to tell you, but regret that at ! pec-sent this would be to the prejudice and injury of ; Mr. Rutherford's cause. Let it suffice, that they ; were extenuating, and if confirmed by affidavits ' should insure a new trial, in case one i.s applied f r. i Mr. Rutherford is comparatively very comforta I blv provided for in jail. His cell is one of the cleanest and best fitted up; it is carpeted, and boasts an easy arm cnair and a snug, clean ne t, as welt as a iHlie tame. riling materials ami oooiis are in abundance, and his friends supply him .villi the current news. Nourishing food is iikew ise a i - i i . - : . r .1 1 ....... . I Rut what are (he comforts and even luxuries of life i ii Aurv w incline euio, over m.s leuow i isoiiei s. I to a man who is confined within an eight bv ten eel i and especially to one w ho has been accustomed to ! m-tivitv and iwi i'ecl freedom ? Ho does not sav mucli, but it reipiires no superhuman perception to ' detect the physical and mental distress which he; j suil'c.s conceal it as he may with a veil of. philoso- j jdiy. His wile, although at first estranged, is now :iS devoted as woman could be. 1 lor health is .-light- 111! rove.!, and she freuuently visits the prison. The Sunday carriage case, about the re- 'i:t of in- i which so m.ich interest is felt in this com::) mitv. was argueo. bclore Uie Supreme t on Pittsburg o:i Friaav last. James Neh t sitting in the plain- tiil' in erro.-, who is the n of i; work employee! by John L Logan, Esq., was fined twentylive dol lars by mayor Weaver, under the Acts of Assembly of I7i'-1 a-iui for following his "worldly em ployment' b drhiug his mnsicrs family to church on Sunday, Oct. 2d. Mr Logan, not relishing the decision of his honor, appealed the case to ihe Su preme Court. Arguments were made by Mes.-rs R 15. (.'arnahrm an 1 it. Ah Knight for the plaint lif'in t-i - I ror, an i by .Messrs T. Si. ! Io ward nd 1 1 oi i. '1 no W ii - ' iinimiir ttte-u'.-temfant I.i error. "Too redoubtable I 'J'hom is" appeared hi ihe list without any previous announcement, stating that he was there on behalf of a "number of his fellow citizens." ile made a j argument, the urntc ot wo ton was cunt unci in ! -age from Coleiidgo: "I would not have a ' Sunday, but 1 Would like to know on w'u u. i;.le of right private carriages ought to be al-. 1 to run, and pubii. coaches be co.upclled to a pa Pari prki low; stuuU sun. on tn.it o , lion. R .:.t M.-iviiigh: I-ilio.ve 1 Mr Wiih.in-. If rose i;i ;i p is.- i . , an i ins w-or-ls were cou..eq.ie;iil v disjoiiueti and hi;, ideas mixe i. 11 is speech, as re ported ia the I i p. i !,, was certainly i.i better garb and form than the gentleman uttered if. Vs a livii end triing, the following bust, olfred oy somj em inent Honorable, at a la to i'oton cele'ir.aiion does only impartial justice : "flic Reporters they re port every tuing, and improve everything thev do report. ' This was uii.j ie.-tion:Uly true in -Mr Mc Kuights case, yet 1 ovcrncird him complaining that the report was unfair and meagre! How ungener ous to tiie reporter. The fact of the matter is that Mr iiclvuight is no match in debate li:lii be ''Ulillnl ('iilst'U!1'! bo'l oiih i in debate fur Mr W'i'.- eilher in mind or t the poor figure language and he ft-It m.irtiiied which lie made. Vou will remember that these two gentlemen were rival candidates for Congress from this district last fall and that Mr was elected the prime cause being the McKi.i.-bt Anti-it.-nl- roa 1 Tax sentiments, of Mi V. this county not be ing ready to repudiate her just debts. The Court has not yet delivered its doei.io;i in the case. I will venture to predict, however, that Mayor V'e ivers illiberal and strained construction of the law will not be sustained that the right of a man, to have Lis servant to drive him and his fami ly to church oil the sabbath day, or anywhere- else, will remain intact. Further than this. I believe that the city passenger cars will run on Sunday be fore long, despite the endeavors of a few l'uritaniea 1 enthusiasts and purbiined politicians to prohibit it. If the Supreme Court decides the carriage case as 1 have predicted, the passenger cars cannot be stopp ed for aii)-thing short of a breach of the peace, that is, a suuini-m noine to niuuei or tusiui o tne public worship; or if they are prohibited on the ground of ..u:..: . ... : ... i :.. i i- . i , . woruiy einpio) ment it wm Oo at the sacnuje ot an equal, impartial administration of the law. The j loo-couenee uj iocs, v.oum oe mat me sun nay act wouia he wipeu trom the statue book a result winch every good christi and citizen would deplore. IMPULSE. Anotiikr IIkko for Oli.ii Iki.i.and. According to the News from JHome, an Irish paper published in Philadelphia, there has long been a tradition ex isting in Ireland, that the green spot would some day be delivered from England's brutal tyranny, by ;m" O'Donnell. The prophecy had it that this O'Donnell was, "a red haired man of small saturc, with a natural sign on his arm. He will start from Spain, and vanquish the English in a ter rible battle South of Ireland." Tiie above likeness is said to correspond with 'that of Marshal O'Donnell, the foremost man in Spain at the present day. It is added that the Irish sa!or, on hoard of the Tirhish fleet at Gibraltar, believe that the Marshal is milking his vast warlike preparation more with a view to Ireland than Morocco. We thought all the time that Marshal JcAahon was to he the libera tor of his ancestors' Countrymen. He must not let the Spanish Irishman get ahead of him. Crime Among FroiTivE Negroes. Canada, that portion cursed by the population of runaway negroes is beginning to feel the legitimate effects of the servile fugitive emigration- Of lft persons convicted at the Kent County assizes, recently held at Chatham, 7 were negroes. Levi Harris, negro, was sentenced to the the penitentiary for five years for an assault with :i attempt to commit a rape e.i-oe, was sentenced to the Henry W iOu warn. m:entarv ( years f i manslaughter, and two of L I to the crime, were sentenced to jail s sons, partict or four moral j c.ich Wm. Chapman was sent .n -ed to be hung on the 10th of December fur rape. A s .d commentary upon the elfor-s of the managers of the under ground railroad. L0CALJfE7S. J. C. Coplln vs. Chas- Casady. Action for aault and battery. JohnJOoplin Hworn. Myself aad Casady, came home to our boarding house , ?, ' J touther' and he rather "," M" W U,at 1 Lad DOt so much riht in the Lou'ea9 he. We called each other liars, when he picked up a chair and struck me. Mrs. Urowu testiliel. Said she would not sware to a lie, rover seen the blow struck, dont know anything about it. After the f.v.n,;.,i;.,., c ii.,,.... i,. , , llOilOT IlOlinl tiller- i. i ".niiuiiu.i yj i niuiLi'o. ii in i .-. " "'uuner case. State pi, Chas. ' eiy oi tu peace Coplin testiiid. that he wa i limliW f,. i. oouuy tear ami tremble ofCaadv Rleitr out .all !ii nbri.t i ciipt i 1 lM ,,lt; n,gat, because ot tear "o ill will U,.., , " -0 111 VIU against ; aa(iy, Oa?ady wasbonmi n,-.. ; i i. , ,, , J )uml o er in the sum of tifty j ., J l "mnu over in the sum of fif ty i ' ' ourt to answer to both elm arges . State vs James Marshal, on information of Mar tin Butler. - the compiament charge that James Marshall had disci mru d a pistol iu his face, whilst standiu near j to 11 mb fortunately the cap only took etlect. j This occurred at Campbellton on Monday night, j where they had been enjoying themselves Marshal ' X' lu'.MIul i.. ....... i 1 wco.t . iu .ui.- n i no cuarge at court. ;tatk vs. Joseph Messi.ew iiiti:, white man information of Marv. bis win- to.b.-f i,..,o on surety of the peace. ' Joseph whipped his wife, was put iu prison, and ! at his hearing yesterday before the Special .Justice, had a long talk with Mary, and promised not to beat her again ; whereupon, Mary quashed the pro ceedings. Joseph seems to have a good, q iiet wife an t n lie whips tier again he ought to sutler se i rel Iv. Z-i "Charlotte Lane, f. n., vs. John Lomax, -Complaineiit charges that John had shot an . n. Ox, me property of sual Charlotte, i.ud shoot . , r. uea!t.-(u-d to W hen the c;!s( me to be tried. Charlotte could not i inn her cot rage up to the sticking point, to p osecute Uear John. John agreed h pav ("St, and v nai-iotte said she reckoned she would lei him Ii his time, if he'd he a good boy. Gas AM) its i-.n cor Our town was lighted Gas is a exeat instil mion up with gas lasfnight. md has a wonderful c'feot .,;,,, both darkness and darkies. The farmer has left us for a season; the latter w ere out , last evening. The houses and .stores of our citizens were beautifull v illumina- ted, presentiu a very cheering apnearauce mom '. vc and animating than we have ..v.-r ,.,-o ..! ) Fayetteville. -itcssrs aterhouse a Bo wis le erve great credit for their de: patch in this work. Tin '.' began, wim get an-.- stock I'htL' encouragement could hardly taken o-.y, it is earnestly sou fo Ocu Packs;. Hereafter we will issue our pa: x at a re:. u!a hour in the nit:.) new arrangements moruiUj. for th.st , as we have en'.ci ed purpose. We will a'e ac.-uuts of (he in.1, made a partial oe a-.de tin- winter to give a -c prne.-ciHsigs ;tt Vahiiigt..n, h: ngi eem.-ii' to have a daily letter f is about the be- t time to sub.cri in 't e. Ilii, .;ir dailv iugs an 1 ipe r, tiiat you may be p ! e l upon I::: Uo, s in e metropolis. --- Pei's-.nal.- ! 'Vring our trip w est, v. e had the pleasure of forming the acquaintance of o.ir a'co and disling-.tished Senator, if.:, d". ii. ( 'iiugmaii. Mr C. was on his way to visit his mother in fore leaving for his seat in the S-. na'e. i .ie Hon. vEKi-.N Wivs It P "'11 Vc: ti ii.i carl y, the c; v t-r V .:-hln. as it is epi qiitol. n. ii. I there wid will be needed ic warm -1 r. tl, at Pkhs.-nai..-1 aeiit. of ihe i home. Sv W I jit at. iciii.j Fran -qua. e U iu.d.iw, i'oo, ili-i ju.-- lavoiiie i.i late ll.ig I returned this id. -ice is a vnci . it-ii ls are pleased to see in, ii lo...-ivin we 11. 1): All I.KTTI It OlFiCIL We i: amil.t-d sM-l'dnV jsaysthe Wasbuigtoii Cons! it. U inn of Tues la ', .1 catalogue of ariicies which have ae, -omnia ed iu the aboe named .id . -c .-im-c 1 S 1 . The Department has used ciery i-ilort to restore them to their proper owners, ami oemg unabh: io deii.cr them, they are now to be sold for the postage; the proceeds, if any, after paying charges, to be deposited ill the- l liilcd Stales Treasury, subject to order, should the proper owners hi-reallcr be found. , The catalogue embraces coats, socks, drawers, glove.-, scarfs, suspenders, patent inhaling t ube, gold pens, pencils, of all kinds of small jewelry imagina ble, uiider.-leeves, fans, handkerchiefs, boxes of dis secting insirumeuls, pocket Bibles, childivo's dres ses, l.ice ecliais, books, buttons, cloth, pulses, ,-dip- pers, chemises, bed quilts, boots, shirts, gaits for game fowls, corn field hoe, black silk basque, hoods, .shawls, gaiters, cigar case, snuif box, spectacles, i fal.-e teeth, night caps, brogans, aprons, pantalettes, i ear trumpet, shoulder bracts, silk Hag, razors, ! Ml ; catechisms, watch crystals, nipple glasses, blemi veils, i edgimr, arid a thousand other things too numerous j to mention. No puaw-broker's lmp ever excelled, 1 in variety, the collection .,f th-: Head Letter (hlicc. ORIGIN OF FRAN K.I NO LETTFJ1S. In the twenty-third volume of the Parliamentary History of England is. the following very curious, anecdote concerning this privilege. It 'oceurreit in the debate on the Post oliice bill in the year HiOu : "Col Titus reported the bill for the settlement of the post oilicp, with the amendments. "Sir Walter Earle delivered a proviso for the li t ters of all members ot l'arhaineut logo tree, lui iug their sittings. j 'Su- Ilcneage Finch said it was a poor mendicant j movis... and below the honor of the House. Mr Pvm ooke also ii gainst lue iroio. .Mr i iJi-inkl i iKleV. My Jloscawcii. ;ir ico. i 'owning anu Ser jeant Charlton f.r it; tbt. bitter saying : -The Council's letters w ent free.' "The question being called f r, the Speaker, Sir llarhottle Grimstone, was unwilling to put it, saying he was ashamed of it ; nevertheless the proviso was carried and made part of the bill, which was order ed to be engrossed. 'The Lonts subsequently disagreed to this pro viso, and it was ultimately thro.inout. "At a subsequent period, how ev er, both Houses did not feel it below their honor to secure to them selves this exemption from postage." - - AxoTHKU Fli n AcciDKNT. A most di.-trcssiiig and heart rending accident, says the Norfolk Day Rook, occurred last night about 7 o'clock to a litt le ' girl, the daughter of a Mrs. Litson, living on tueeu , street, bv tne upsetting of a fluid lamp, by which the child was dreadfully burned, and its life" des paired of. It does seem strange to us, tha,t parents, knowing how dangerous it is to handle fluid, will allow their small children to carry tlu lamps from room to room, and run the ri.-k of loosing their lives. An Indian's Comment. When Gov. Tallmadgo came out to Fond du Lac, then a Territory, his new home was graced by several grown daughters. The Indians were "there and thereabouts" at the time and frequently were met by members of the Gov ernor's family. It was an era in female Jdress when the bustle w as a desired accession of grace and out line, but new to the aboriiness. A grave" old chief om- day was a-ke.l what he thought of the Govern- 01 S U.iU i.ity 'uii I.li-i -. "i-reuy squaws, nice w backs broke." What would tine squaws, the ( h.l chief -prcad crino- siiv now i;i these mouern nays ot wu.e-; line '. Fhf.e Nlgroes i" Al.ai5A.ia. The Montgomery yitil says : ''The sentiment is universal, that tho first of January, 18G2, inu at find uo single fvea negro within the limits of Alabama,