-S-tVS-j. v&Z'S BOHEMIAN. KOUli DAYS' LATER NFAV Pi.ihti.and, Nov. -VK The steamship Tinhemian arrived here yesterday, j front Liverpool with dates to theJGth, being four ( davs later news. j The Times says that the feeling of hostility to I Emrland in France is more bitter than since llo. j The enrol nient of :io,ono m,.n f,,r the naval re- serve in F.nland commences on the 1st January. i Cnri-'-nan declines the Italian Jieeencv. Cheva-j li.-i- Biioncompngnie accepts it. LIVF.IU'OOL MABKETS, Nov. loth. Cotton Sab s of two days 12,000 bales; market closed with but little enquiry, and prices weak. Flour, firm : an average bu-iucss doing without quo olable ( ban LLC Wheat, firm; holders having advanced their pre tensions'; sales are only moderate. Corn, quiet, and prices linn. Sots. Turpt. dull. Bo.-in. tea.iv at Is. a -Is. Id. Con-ol- tor account closed, :it JG ARRIVAL OF Till ! j Liverpool j I' I i.ri v x. .Nov. . I tie i-uropa, wuu dates to the l!lh, has arrived. The K auu'aroo, (ceaii OiKcn and r.-ia had ar- 111 the moral courage to say so. Outside the Delim it ratic party, and a few conservatvies of the Choate, rived out. l?-tti!':c;iti.oiw of tin' treaties were to have een ex- ehi-ngcl at Zurich on the -2 1st. j Fraic-.; Jims i ! -d letters of invitation to the Con- , j.T,.Ss to'the IVw.ts that signed the Vienna treaties and three Italian Powers. j The altrndc i" the Kimli-h and French press was l lily b. co.ning more v. ariike. The 44 Times" calls j Upon Nap deoii t put an end to all suspense. j The Congress was expected to meet at Paris, but f the lime was not n c -i it idicd. j The London Society ' Art.s have inaugurated a i llloVellldlt. f 1 ui m ex :i ion 1 oil 111 1 ;-i i-l'. Napoleon op; ing the n.-y. !t wa report c i commai.d oi ' a to Kuoiu-empag'.iico's assuni :.-n! i" d ii bad re- : lira I Italy and joined the Sar unan army. t ( M M VM A 1 ... Ln 1.. N h. --( 'otlon. ---Sales for the hiding 1 - on speculation Piiecs for lower q-mlities el seit dull. Orleans fair an i r; ooi n I r-1 i:ii ' Wh-' YI-'i ' !i hales, including- 7,--e.hs for Saturday, lull. Flour qui t and :i :.! a,! advance of 2 i An Itel .Hi clo, i Is ! 1. c-i quiet, red Us C'-ru (itill and ; . !;.. :52s a hoi iues say that Colli c an .1 111 'ml! ; W C C 1 o , i r net iliaf corn pi. ill qui. les sliglit -t. Sugar i ac ti nil. ai .111 s.ea't" at i M l ii IV V. . a i .a it-: uu r II Is Sell . the by the t in- llli t , . '..'', ilary '. ing , en :.! -! l-o n: ( 'i.iciiinat i'or they were heard in relation to old for him and his a man -1 1 ; p telegraphed mailer, am 1 1 1 1 a lit. ill 11 o i 111. I! ile- car s 1 Harper's rry se 1 c:ii ral .ied ts. -I. iiIj !i 1 lio V Vi IL -tly pro- ! th ! t .1 he llo of not he The . :.-lire ' and tii-. ud th up in, con-can- I hcl i responsible. V: ii ; ' i iv has n 1 V 1 ngag -d to exer ise .luring lance, and refuse to carry cle.i of evil intentions. 1 he week a oroo. r surveit 1 j ers-oS vvh--!u ! v be s-.ip. The co!i:p in y ivf ;se to : .tiiiiil after the execution. Amoir: the j. e - ii rs i 11 tickets for Charleston ay was t n 1 a permit wife of the from Co. ( 1 W 'ill' 1 l.rowa. Mil- ) i-i; coxsr.N'fs Kt mi iu:;vx's fam- 11 V,i::k in tlii -"i!y. Lro'.vn. th.- TO I i A E HiS KKM AiNS. Nuv. ''K lliif !' tlte Aiiiiliti'in slieets . s:ivs ti:v. W ise li'l writt.-n t Mis siiuiise of i !i -Iniin, eni-lo.injr -jui orui'i i'r tiit- i-uii'lui-l it lier mesciiifer to Charlcs- ovt'i-nor states that the reniaiiis of the decently ce :n ;iv. ! red to the ears !' town, ti.nvi. .Mrs i 'i'ilr ( t wi!! in lie. n: 'oi.i mi;i a, S. C met here on Mini' lay. ; occupied chieily in , .Nov The ;v ;tate :i Hairs. The l.i-i;-is! tiu'i ci'iiurV .Vie-:i -.e i I le rccom men Is. liejiiihlic in I 'res in defence of o-;i in c;ie of the election tent, a co operation o .f a the I Hack South !i:st !tut:on t. W ASH I M. T IN Nov. -2'.K Jud-e V says he saw j.j-occjiing L t radie'rs t i ic at!-, w . i i! 'a i H'j '.I : leiiol i i io is direct from ev Mexico, rson in L'j"d health, immediately Hire, an ! iieiiee emphatically C'.m !' I lie 1, liter's death. Washington, Xov. Oi). ; ( i.'iim e.-s liave arrived, i Ahollt S liu ;;ih.!'.-S of C;iiii"iH S el' the rcsyie'-t ivc onvlivs will' he held on Saturday ni-lit. .Indue Douglas and his accomplished wife, de.-ii;n h-r. in j: this city on the !lM:i jiryxinio fir i-'lorida. (v. I miis healin has en tullv restore i. ( From present i:id'n--'.ii..ns it is prohahle tliat the )ress will he supplie.l with copies of the President's .Message an-1 the Depart ment Kepovis, as heretofore. Xov Orleans, Xov. -2!. Ti; of M. t ion a n llr.vt n ihv H t at -icr ii.i ri.is. D.ites from the city 'lii. .-tale that the I'onstitu L'taro twentv-one cannon and n. a large number of prisoner-, hieiu Tcpi.i and an American oiiicer. ..!. !.,. r..;.,'KllMli,v of dinsr (Jen. Alvarez, 'Iiie latter was the Eritish min- Mil" '-" - - ton snail see ine angeis in youi ihiuh'. t nt u Li the battle a I T.ilaiic.irgo, four hundred were i the chariots that bring us bles.-ings do rumble, kllel and half the town was burnt. The liberals j their wheels do sound with prayer. We hear the were victorious. ! prayer in our own spirits, and that prayer becomes lt"i- reported that a c.oujpromi-e has been set-j t lie token of tliu coining blessings. Even as the tied between Rubles, Juarez and Miramon Juarez j el nil foreshadowcth the rain, so prayer foreshado to be Provisional Pre.-idciit at. Mexico; the eonsti- j weth the blessing; even as the green blade is the eating the Church pieperty to ue annuiie-i. Philadelphia, Nov. "2'J. . ' 1) vnguhoi-s CorNTKiU Ki rs- Very dangerous coun terfeit notes on the Philadelphia Bank are in circu ation. Their execution is perfect, deceiving the best" judges. All the Hanks here have been vic timized and probably other cities may suffer. LATKR FROM BROWNSVILLE. ... ii Ni-:W hlLKAN. V,..- Cortmas lias nung o v for the loss of his leader. Americans in re ven g LVi'ER FROM MEXICO. Nkw 0,:.,:ans, Nov. SO.-Byan arrival here we have .lates from the city of Mexico to the 1 Jtn. At the recent battle at Quereta.o the Liberals lost 21 cannon and a huge number of prisoners in cluding (hn. Alvarez. , . m i Tlie Liberals gained a hard fought Dattle at Tul- ftiicinge. New York, Nov. s Death ok "Washington Ikvjno I Washington Irvititr died last.niirht at Irvinrton. Taunton, Mass. Nov. 27. Great Fire in Taunton Mass. A fire broke out this morning, A portion of the buildings on two streets were destroyed. The total loss is esti mated at $150,000, and the insurance $80,000. The Silence of the NoRTn. Not the first public meeting has been held in the non-slaveholding States, to disapprove the effort made at Harper's Ferry to excite the slaves against their masters. The only denunciations of the outrage have been utterred in Democratic meetings, called to promote party inter ests. The reason given tor this silence is, that everv one North, with the exception of the abolitionists, denounces the Harper's Ferry outrage, and that therefore, there is no necessity for meetings to give utterance to public feeling. But is this so? Clarely not. One-half the presses and one-half the pulpits uf the North either openly sympathize with old Brown, or systamatically and constantly denounce the institution of slavery. Lecturers declare that the gallows on which Brown is destined to die, will become thenceforth sacred, like the Cross ; and even this is approved and applauded by multitudes. r . J- il - 1 1 " 1 . . jiauy oi me jou.oai.-, u.;u aui.ni o.o i.iouo , gum , ,-' . - . ' ' , -, engaged in urg.ng ,ov. A ise to pardon him, lest his execution should add to the excitement atrainst ihe South. No, the truth is the is not one locality j n one hundred in the free-States, where a meeting I of the people without respect to party could be cal i led, riiri tro,Lhl ieno" net old UroTu an a criinina- ad jiixl'ij'y his un tali incut. The conservative men ; would be voted down bv the abolitionists. That is the reason why no meeting of the people has been called to tender an assurance to Virginia that the raid of old Brown within her borders is not approved by the non-slaveholding State:-. We feel sure it is uot approved by the great body of the people there ; but then they appear to be wanting in the power or l ilimore, and Lverett stalnp, the .North is abolitiorn zeil ; or, if this is not so, there is no voice breaking the silence to assure us that abolitionism is not the most potent influence in that quarter. S' amlard. Atlantic Telegraphing. The nroieotors and manufacturers of Atlantic cables must either expedite their labors, or he pr : k ........ 7 ; pared to find themselves left behind by a systdm ! of telegraphing where such expensive and troubli?- ! somo ;t...os ,ro di.iw,.il with fr T.in.lnv. nf ! ! lundee, has recently been making known the re- ! suit, of a series of experiments, relative to the i transmission of electric signals across water, with- out the :ud of transverse wires. His method is to immerse two plates or sheets uf metal on one side, and connect them by a wire passing through a coil to move ii needle; and to have on the other side two sheets, similarly con nected, and nearly opposite the two former. Mr. Lindsay commenced a series of experiments in electricity, in lS.'Jl, and made another set :n IS 14, in telegraphing across water without wires first, and then by in -uns ot two uninsulated wires ; and finding the latter method much more powerful, he prcreiTeti it, ami teiegr.ipncu in runt wav, In 1S;24 he re- 1 through severed ponds in Humiee. slimed ( xiiciiniciits without transverse wires, on a 1 , .... . j i ueceeded 111 cross ilim'I Mini:, itll lin.-lll'Piiui, iim ruin iuiu 111 vi'.?.v ing more than a oua.-ter of a mile, More recently 1.' i i t ..,,,1 l;.;,.,l ..v,-,o,-oocot :,,! v:cc h-il o, ..a. ....e.o. .... 444 -n- ;' m eiossui'- tne lav wlu-re it was three quarters or , . . J 1 j a mi e .io n .. i His experiments have shown that only a fraction-i , ,1 , , . . . , J i al part of the eleetru-ty -generated Jioes across, and i the quantity that goes across may be increased m four ways: first, by an increase of battery-power ; second, by inereaseing the surface of the immersed sheet : ihird, by increasing the coil that moves the receiving needle : fourth, by increasing the lateral ; d stance. Where the lateral distance can be got, In- recommends increasing it, as, by that means, a smaller battery is requisite. In telegraphs by this method to Ireland and France, abundance of late ral d-dance could be got; but for America, the Jafer.-ii iii.f ftiiee in liriiiin i inueh less than tlus distance across. According to a calculation he has made, he thinks a battery of UiH square feet, immersed sheet of M.OiM) square feet, and a coil of . , . . 2 H) notimb it, sufficient t- cross the Atlantic, wei; with th( (ireat lri at d distance that could be obtained in ain. a of tel The idea of telegraphing across water without the use of intervening w ires, is, however, not con fined to Mr. Lindsay ; whether or not it will ever he found practicable, for Atlantic purposes, it would le ha, trdoiis at this time to say. It will be iutere-ting to note the progress of experiments in ! that direction. Xciciiti fic Artizof. ,r -V- f I ay of Nkw On 1 il.M. 1 - 1 1 I..V I r.. II 1 lilt. ...VI ur .ir..t iv , ... -. i . . it c r. v, ... i.kaxs. lhe Philixlendiia correspondent ot the New orK. i 'ispatcii iives me ioiiow ni'? : We have :i Melhouist preacher here, who is ft jolly w:t-. - few il.ivs sinee, a yonnp; man who had long i ... ." l.:.. ..I i 1 ..-1... ..l.nf t, HI.V II l.iriK'il Lll lii I lltll I II, (IIIU H hll il "iv , v. , , ..' ... ...-.... i Ii'ave tor .e n leans, eanie to oiu ins pasnu i.n "Anil are ymi f;'"inj; to that degenerate place Xew Orleans are von V" Yt s. sir, lint 1 don't expect to Tie influenced by j an extraneous pressure of any kind,'' responded the j yoath with considerable earnestness. " Weil, I ani ulad to see von so confident. 1 hone i , i n " - i " i i , l ,,,- ( .,. the Lord will u-uide von. Lilt do you know tne t . , - , ' ,i v-i temptations winch exit tliere '. . . Nii, not i larticnlavi v Well, I d ; yo li'ii i I wanton women in iniise o f , Paris, temitiu-- the very elect; and rare wines and : ardent drinks ; and. you'll find gay company, and I niii-ht brawling and ainldiiip;, and dissipation, and j runninpr ntK-r the lu-ts of the old man Ada in." 'Still, sir, 1 hope to eomhat them all successful ly." "I hope you wll, my tear Christian oroJier, was the reply. ""I hore you will. And let me -rive you tiiis much for your consolation in case you should fall from spruce. The tempter is worse than the sin, and the pcater the temptation more merit there is in resisting it. The man who -toes to Heaven by the way of X'ew Orleans, is sure to have twice as liiuli a pla.x in eternal elory as he who reaches Pa radise through .the quiet portals of Connecticut or Pennsylvania." - VERY SELFISH. One of our exchanges advertises for two composi tors "who don't pet drunk," ami adds that "the edi tor does all the ;j:ctthi drunk necessary to support the dignity of the estahlishment." Ax Kmiss utv. The Eutaw (Ala.) Whig learns I that among the effects of liertram Round, who died j a few weeks since iu Marengo county, Alabama, j were three letters from "Ossawattomic Brown," marked "answered." This Round was a peregrin ! athv singing master from abolitiondoni. Prayer is the rustling of the wings of the angels that are on their way bringing us the boons of aven. Have you heard praying in your heart ? , .-. , ... ....... 1 1171 of the blessing which is about to come. Spunjeou. The Buffalo Pepultlir, one of our most interest ing exchanges, in speaking of ilr. Germain's great steamer, says : " We notice that some newspapers are in the habit of ridiculing the steamship project of Mi" Germain. Some people in our own city call it an idle cream. They should remember, that the great flowers that bloom once a century in science and art, spring from the random seeds of dreamers. The str uige birds of America tlew ' Columbus long before they met his ships at t1 ... -do of sun set ; nnd the fbv i' ; s vr. ,..V. c i i liiui in I:..ly, and tno strange -.us uvcd ai'-nsj a hiu.xjn to him, long before ihat night whose morning awoke him' and America forever." Such dreams are the impalpable seeds of the facts to be. Scientific Artisan. A RARE NIGHT. I Remembek said a British officer at the mess table passing a winter's night in a very strange manner. "When I was about eighteen years okl, being quartered near a country village, 1 bought a fine game cock -not to fight, but through a mere freak. He was as fiine a feathered biped as ever strutted on a pair of legs. I had carried him home where he and I had arrived about five o'clock on a winter's evening. It so happened that another youth and myself were obliged for a time" to occu py one small sleeping apartment. 1 had a full-sized bed m it ; my companion occupied a small travel ling bed, which fitted him like a coffin, folded into a portmanteau in the day, and was laid out at night byjus servants No sooner had I arrived than I was summoned to dinner; but what must 1 do with Chanticleer ? I was puzzled ; so I put him, pro tempore, into a dark wooden cupboard, close to the door, among a parcel of old shoes, and coats and pants, and shut the door. Chanticleer no doubt made the best of his quarters, nad went to roost. I went off to dinner, and in the hurry and bustle of a party forgot the cock and as com pletely as if he had never existed. Now it so happened that my friend's little bed was planted with the pillow end close to this same cupboard the sleeper's ear almost touching the key hole, the cupboard not being bigger than a good siztjJ box A,jGut tweIve 0clock I" came home got 'into my bed, ana leii last asleep, still unconscious of Chanticleer iiri( alI that was soon to ensue. My friend had been fast snoring in the arms of Mor pheus for an hour gone. How long I slept I cannot tell, but I was start led with a lengthening roar, which made me think some horrid convulsion of nature was taking place- in the whole country. All aghast and halt asleep, I listened, and presently was made fully aware of what had taken place, ami would be persisted in ; for these birds; be it known, crow full twenty minutes at a stretch, quarter minute time. i thought quite unnecessary to awake my friend, since to sleep was impossible. On went the cock, yelling, at short stated inter vals, more like a horse than any other noise I know. The cock was not aware that my friend's ear was only half an inch distant from his back. Nor was he aware that the cupboard door acted as a perfect sounding board. So on he went, roaring his orisons in a style which set the furniture of the room in a state of tumult. I beg that you will not imagine an abrupt, short, deep crow ; every crotchet of it came from th-j throat, clear, angry, loud, and above all, 1 very long. Presently 1 heard manifest proofs " .1 , . . ,1 IT V 01 uneasiness irom me lenent in tne otner neu. uu went the bugle, again snd again repeated. At last I heard a voice cry : "O Lord, what is that f The ("(-'k was silent for a moment, till again it blew its. angry pipe. v nat is tnac norriu noise r .igauu it was repeateil loud enough to tear down the house. I could bear it no longer. The desire to laugh was insupportable ; so I crammed the bolster into my mouth. The cock continued his matins; my friend struggled with the horrid annoyance, and also with sleep, till at last Chanticleer, by one violent effort, upset some metallic vessel or pan, upon which, no doubt he was perched. This compound clamor raised my friend upon his legs. In a dreadful rage, mixed with amazement and curiosity, he dew to the tinder-box to strike a light. ' When I saw the expression of his face puffing at the match, it was indescribably comic: but it would ,iilve required ribs of steel not to explode with laugh- rer, vt lien ms question to me, ot "un: uear, cietr, what is this noise was urowneu by a yell Irom .,, . , , , . , , - r . V." , "7 , , ' " . r '"P ........... "1"' n .owmiiiij, iioLji a cleep sleet. "What noise do v u mean f At , . 1 - , , . , , , , . ,, , , last, wearied with laughter, 1 told him all, and show- ed him where the Jiero was deposited. Instantly he . , i .1 i i n t - k , removed the bed. Determined on vengeance, he , , , , . , ' vj 'ciini tilt, i.iiin fii.i i u inaii iv t 't v :i si ii i si )tir done than the terrified bird battered out the light with his wings, and escaped into some corner of the room. The candle was lost; so down lay my friend, grumbling. At break of dixy Chanticleer again commenced, but he was quickly assailed with boots and shoes, and all kinds of missiles from both beds, which silenced him until rising time. Such s night of restlessness and fun 1 never did pass before, and I fear never shall again, ft is not of tenone gets so hear y and so innocent a laugh, although, to be sure, my iHeii-i um.i Ohantic-lc-cr were sutU'rcra, PENNSYLVANIA. The Pittsburgh (Penn.) Post objects to our con ceding Pennsylvania to the Republicans in the elec tior of 1 Stiii. 1. states that if Senator Douglas is nominated at Charleston he will certainly receive its electoral vote. Senator Douglas can be elected without Pennsylvania; but it is gratifying to see the confidence which animates our friends that he can also carry that state. He is unquestionably tens of thousands of voL'S stronger in Pennsylvania than any other man, and if it is designed to redeem her he must be the nominee at Charleston. We do not believe any other Democrat has the ghost of a chance i 'im i :.i I...U .. ..- u i,,v lU Villi V 11U1. llltl HAL 1 lUMUUlUiil'. D.ILLIC v oi o v - , . . I ..... I . . ... 11 icii' nut:, out milu ocii.ilvii i'oo-i.i.- ..- om ... , , , ' -, .., t , , ,,- , i Ve shall c-.trry the one hundred and twenty electoi- al votes of the South, and, iu audition, the following ! Stales: . , . H nana 1J Illinois 11 Oregon California 4 5 23 I ; Wisconsin Ohio jw.t Total ,r. ' .. , , lliat is thirty more than is necessary to el ii-,- - , addition, we may carry Pennsylvania, 27 r i. . v. - ' dersej, t ; and Aew York, -. Hut the elect. In Xew priucipal reliance must be upon the North west. It is here that the battle is to be fought, and it is with refer ence more especially to this section of the country i that the nomination should be made. Cincinnati j A'li'juiri r j j (oy. W isi:. The term of Uov. Wise expires the first Monday of January. He has disposed of his ! estate in Aceomac, and will locate himself perma nently near Richmond. The Right Max in the Right Place. The mes senger who brought the news of the noble Schamyl's capture to the Emperor of Russia was Lieutenant Col. Urabbe. Puueh. tX; Jfl(jlt501t Iff., AS RECEIYED ami is daily receiving by far the largest aud most desirable stock of Staple and II FANCY DRY GOODS, ever offered by him to the public. Xot deeming it necessary to enumerate, he would say it embraces all the New Styles for the Fall, and Winter trade. To' which he would call the atteution of his old Customers and the Public generally. ALEXANDER JOHNSON Jr. Sent. S. 18.-9. d i w tt Silver Plated. Castors. Silver Plated Spoons. Silver Plated Forks. V FRESH Supply received. An assortment al wavs OX HAND, at the -CROCKERY STORE,' JuneV d-tf w iu-tf W. N. TILLIXGHAST. Starr & Willliams, importers tuirt Jobbers of Foreign and Domestic Dry-Goods. Hats, Cajs, lioots, Shoes, Uumbrellas and Heady-Made Clatlting. West aid Fayettecille Hotel Building. -i RE now receiv ins theU Second purchase of Goods ,- for the Sea"!!. ' This Stoek is large and well worth the atteution o4" buyers, t---i are invited to call and examine for then1--Ives. J . D. STAU'il. Oct. 13, 3& v.--tf f. WILLIAMS T A DIES CAN BE SERVED IN THIS LINE, 1 j and work done promptly, by cabing at ALEX'R JOHNSON, Jk's. Sept. 26, 1859, d w-tf BY PEMBERTON & SLOAN. DECEMBER 3, 1830. ' : BACO.V AN DUES Adamauliue, Spermi, Tallow. tOKFEE B.io, Jra, COTTON Vair, -. Middling. Ordinary. : ldja 16 . ,.1 0 UAS.-JKS 25 a Cuba. " 28 a 30 New Orleans, 50 a 55 25 a SO .NAILS 5 J " 4.50 a 4.75 42 a 53 f OILS " 18 a 20 Sperm. 0.00 a 2.00 J , Liuseed. 0.00 a 1.00 121-2 a 13 i Tanner's.- ' 70 a 80 141-2al5 POTATOES IS 19 ' Irish. 1 50 a 2 25 . . " Sweet. '.". 00 a 00 10 a 10 1-8 POULTRY 91-2 a 93-4 Chickens, 1 a 25 00 a 00 S , Ducks, 00 a 00 COTTON BAOG1NO Turkeys, 00 a 00 SALT Lierp-lpersack, 00 0 a 1.50 Aluiu I tr bualltl. ' 00 a 50 j SEED I'laxSeed- . 1031.15 Gcdbjt- 17 a 18 Dundee, . 17 a 2'J Burlaps. , OO a 15 COTTON YARNS . No. 4 to 10., 1.00 a 1.05 D.OA1KST1C GOUUS BronSheetiugA. 8 1-4 a 8 1-2 I lover p-r pound. 12a 15 SHOT UiniDurt:s. FEATilfclKS K1SH .M-kercl perbbl.. Sbad per pouuj KLOVR Kiimily, Kine. , Cross. ijRAI N Corn. Wheat, Oatis. P-as, -Rye. . HI UKS Dry. Greeir; IRON S"ed;;3. American, KnglLsh. . L ARO 10S all Common bag, 2.0ft 2.12 45 a 50 ; Buck. 2 12 a 2.25 . SP1HITS 10 a ?.12 i Peach Brandy, 1.00 a 110 00 a OO J : N. C Apple. !) a To Northern, 70 a 9i) - 5.60 a 5 75 i 5.35 5 50 5.10 a 5.29 4 S5 K5.00 N C. Whiskey, 60 a70 Northeru do., , o-i a 40 SICiAli Loaf. " 12 1-2 ' Cruslipd. 12 1.00 a 1 05 ; Porto Itico. 10 a 101-2 1 10 a 1 15 New Orlvans. S 1-4 a& -05 a 75 TALLOU - 0 a 9 1-2 00 a 90 5 TL UPENTIVE r 1 10 a 1.15 Yellow Dip. 00 a 2 15 5 Vivgia 000 a 1.62 8 a 10 ? Si-rH)ie. J.O0 a 1.15 4a 6 ' Spirits per" gallon, 37JiJi;71-2 ( WHITE LEAD 6 a 7 ( Per pound. - 9 a 10 5:i oM WINDOW GLASS 0 a 4 i Eisht hy ten. 2.00 a 2 20 13'4 a 14 Ten by twelve, 2 25 a 2.50 LKAI S.Sa 9 .' WOOL 00 a 20 Btt-b Dressed 5 a 10 Cattle on foot 0 a 0. S I REMARKS. Cotton. There lias been a considerable quantity arriving tliis week, and prie.es have steadily declined, salesjii'ro made on Wednesday at 10 ; ranging; since Tnen down to 101 -8 and 10 cents on' Friday for best grades. Flouii. The receipts during this week have been large and prices have declined over 25 cents per barrel on all grades. Sales on Monday at $5 CO for Super., and on Tuesday and "Wednesday at $ -3U, and ranging on Thursday down to $5 25 and some sales are reported to have been made at lower figures, but market closing on Friday at $o 35 a $5 40 for Super. : . ' Spits. Turpt. There has been but little done this week, sales on Friday at 37 cents.: ' i. Bacon and Lai:d. Scarce anl in demand at quo tations. Po:a;. Sales small lots from carts at 8 a 9 cents. WILMINGTON " MARKET, December 1. TurpenCrie Sales after yesterday's report of 500 bbls., and this mjinihg l,d34 do. at $2 Go for yellow dip, "2 12 for virgin, and SI (Jo for hard, per 280 lbs. Sales yesterday of (J0U bbls. Spis Turpi at 40i cts, and 100 do. (extra bbl-. at 41 ct per gallon ,- No wiles this moruiiig 02 bbls Tar sold this morning at S2 51 per bbl. .Sales yesterday of 285 bales colton at KM a 1(H cents per lb. for strict and good middling. A small lot Flour s Id yesterday at $ti 25 for superfine, and :jj6 50 i'or family :00 bijs. Irish Potatoes sold yesterday at f I '67 h per bbl.,' One raft ordiuary qual ity Timber, solo this morning at $9 per M. ; NEW YORK MARKET, December 1. At the close yetecday. -Cotton closed dull and market heavy ; Middling Uplands 11 cts. Flour buoyant and prices unchaged. Wheat buoyant. Corn advancing ; new advanced 1 a 2 cents- .Spts Turpi dull at 45'cents per gallon. Ros in dul at $1 50. Kice firm and prices steady.- 15-00 55 SI! fllare just Received my Winter Stock of GOO 1) -? iri nxy line. Thoy were selected in the Northern Cities by myself, with great care, and bought on the most reasonable terms, by whirlt I am enabled to otfer the largest stack I ever before olfered to the public, and to offer them AT GltEATLY REDUCED PU1CES. FRUITS MAISOXS.f IS- PRUNES. APPLES. LEMONS. ORANGES, CHERRIES. CfURANTS. PIE FRUITS. STUFF DATES, fco PICKLES, JELLIES AND PRESERVES, - A liRtAT V4UIETV" : PE11FUMERIES AND EXTRACTS OF VARIOUS KINDS; Fancy Soaps and Pomades ; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FI DD LES. DRUMS. KIKES. FLUTES. BANJOS. GUITARS. &c Walking Canes of every kind ; BASKET A XD WILLOW WARE; Hobby Horses. &e : ' FINE AND COMMON CANDIES; SARDINES MNE CIO MIS; SMOKING A N D CHEWING TOBACCO ; CRACKERS; KINE POCKET KNIVES: A LARGE ASSORTMENT OK l'OKT-M ON A I ES. SOME -VERY NICE: FANCY ENVELOPES. AND FANCY GOODS. TOYS AND YANKEE NOTIONS; AN ASSORTMENT OF INDIA RUB B ER GOO OS. WHIPS. COMBS. FISHING TACKLE. ' COCO AND OTHER NUTS. 3 PAI.KRISAMEKS, RKTICVLF.S, CABS, RUBBER ROUND COMBS, .- WATCH ;UAUI)S MOHAIR, SII.K r AM) LEATHER, fANCY BOXES, TISTOLS, POWUK.lt FLASKS. SHOT BELTS, BRANDT peaches in yalloi or 1-2 qui. jars, MACE, C'.OVES, CINNAMON, LARUE LOT OF FIRE-WORKS, AC, AC, AC. spiced and nokfulk oystkrs, constantly on hand. Country lo:ler5 and the public are respectfully invited to call ami examine ray Stock, as it is imposs -ble to enumerate but a few of the leading articles. I have a great many handsome things which cannot fail to please. ... 7prS 30 bushels up-country Apples, for pale at 90 cents per bushel. - J. R. LEH. !Vo. 40, Hotel Building. Dec 3,1859. w-3ni. d-tf. STATE OFNO:;TIl CAROLINA ROB SOX COUNTY." . Nov. 29th, 1859. PERSONALLY appear lie fore- Angus l. Brown, an acting Justice of. the Peace for llobcson county. Neill IJaker, who having been duly sworn oil the Iloly Evangeliist of Almighty God. Says that en March Court, at Lumber ton, on the present year, he lost or MiBlald the following notes rcd-iutsifand accounts viz : One note 011 Harris I.egget, for ."40 or thereabouts, date not recollected : one note on . Angus McQuaig fVr $7,; one do. on E. J. Meikeus for seventy-five dollars, iu favor of James Hraley, and several other notes, not now recollected. Also a receipt on Ilarllee and McDuffie. of Mirion,S. C. lor .$.47 dated in the year is.V, together with other papers not at present reficilltuijw! - -- -' ..... t-.i.. . Sworn to and subscribed before me the 29th Nov. 1858. " ' ' ' A. D. TJRO J.P. '. NEILL UAKElt. Dec. 2, w-3t-dl-t : .r Bacon, Corn and. Hay 1 n II H DS. well smoked JSACON. - IU lo Sacks CORN. 7a Dales Eastern II AY. Just received. - E. F.- MOOI?E. Er eslr Arrivals . Firkins GOSllEN JiUTTEIi. , O 75 Bbls. White WHISKEY.; 50 Boxes Manf. TOBACCO. 25 Tons PERUVIAN GU ANQ; No v 1 . Just received by . "" . '.. "C . - - -. ' EF. MOORE. 1 Bonnets I Bonnets I I AFINE ASSO RT.M ENT OF BONNETS, trimmed or untrimmed, always on hand and sold low at Sept. 26. d w t-f; A. JOHNSON JR'S- aUHJESS IP So Con- sistingf of -. SILKS, - DeLAINS. -, ALAPACCAS. . MARINAS, " SCOTCH PLAIDS, &c. All of which "are to he had very low at No. 3J, nav St. J. K. KYLE. No 3, d-tf . - RECEIVED THIS MO UN ING BY STR- FLORA. " A HANDSOME lot of Carpctmgs Rugs &c. at A. JOHNSON JRr Sept. 15, 1859. d-tf - ... - Georgia: State X-ottery, 1 - - - l-g, .'.V .-! it tier 4 .. , For tJit benefit of the (. , , MOJSTTICELLO Union Academy , s nv T i tvt? -ttvtV ifSEORGIA. " Authorized by Special' Act of Legislature, MORE THAN ONE PKIZE TO EVERY TWO TICKETS- Mc:IXXEV-& CO., Managers. CAPITAL PRIZE BID,Bdb!P. TICKETS ON-L"" $10 , HALVES, ITAHTEllS, AND EIGHTHS IN" t KOPOKTION. TO 1JE DRAWN -EACH SATURDAY IN NOVEMBER, 1S59. IN THE City of Savannah, G-a. CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS 48,. to be Drawn Dec. 3, 1So9. 49, to ije Drawn Dec. 10, 1859. 50, to B k Dkawn Dec. 17, 1859. 51, to be Drawn Dec. 24, 1859. 54' so be Drawn Lec. 31. 1S59. MAGJflFICEJrr SCHEME. 1 Piizu of $60,000 is fCO.000. i!0.0i0. 10.1HO. 5,000. 4.0O. 3.000. 2.000. 1.500. 1 100. 5 FrizrF cf $1,000 are 5 IU ' . alio are 3.000 1 4O0 are S00 300 are tiOO. 2 00 are 400 50 150 are 7.500. 100 " leo are 10.000. 100 115 aie 9.500. 100 " S5 are b.500 20.000 8 10.000 is 5.000 is 4.000 is 3.000 is 2.000 is 1.500 is 1.100 is A PPR OX IMA TIOX P RIZKS. 00.000 prize are , $8.00 20 000 prizoare COO 10.000 priae pre ' 600 5.000 prize aie 400 4 000 prize pre 040 3 000 plize are 480 2.000 piize are 400 1.500 pi-ize are 320 100 prize are - 8.0U0 . . - . - 200.000 4Prizes ' of 125 approximating to 4 Prizes of loO approximating iu 8 Prizes of SO approximating to , 8 Prices of 00 approximating to 8 Prey."? of 50 approximating to 8 Piizes of 40 appponioiati li 400 Pi i-,e3 of 20 appioxi mating t -25.000 Priaesof S&.e . . . XJ-j,esi2S Prizes aiuountius to - ----- - tJG.O'lO Certificates of I'cLagt s w ill be Fold at ihe fol lowing rates, which is the risk :- Certificates of Packages oi 10 Whole Tickets - &0'0 -" 10 Half- 30 " . Ki Quarter " ' 13 " - IU Etghtl4 . - 7 5(1 IM ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. Enclose the mncy to our - address for the tickets ordored.on receipt of which they will be forwarded by List mail. Purchasers can lutye tickets euding iu any figure they may design cite. ' . Tht; list of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. NOTICE TO COiiP'St'O-VDENTS. Those who prefer ao" sending inopey by mail, can use The Evpiei: Coiupyi ic?. whereby money for Tickets, in sums of Ten Dollars and upwards can be sent us AT OL'R RISK AND, EXPENSE; iVoui any cHy or town whevo there is an Express Offie. The laouey and older must he eBclowU in -. , Coveroiuent Post Cflice Stamped Envelope, or the Express Companies cannot receive them. All communications strictly csnfidential. Orders for Tickets or Certificates, by Mail or Express, to be directed to , JiicKLNNEY & CO.,- Savannah, ( ia. Dr. Bronson. havinboeu so far reduced by confnmption. as to b' considered bvyond all hope of recovery by the most eminent of tliu niudical profession, aad also by himself a regular pliysi fian of twenty years practice. as a last resort, conceived the idea of ANALYZING THE BLOOD, and applying the subject of physiology to the more immediate connection, and effect ot the state of the blood upon the health and system. The rusalt has been the production of this '-BLOOD FOOD," from the use of wliich Dr. Bronson was resto.-ed to perfect health. Within six months after its introduction, over two thousand consumptives were effectt-allv cured by it. If vou have any complaints of a consumptive tendency. Cough, (.'old. llead-aehe. Palpitation of the Heart Loss of of appetite, or pain in tlie side, lope no nine in procuring a bottle .f the -BLOOD KOOD.:' If yon aresufferhif? from Nervous Debility, or your uleep is broken and disturbed, if your Spirits are Depressed or your Orgi-ns relaxed, pou will find in shis an unfailing remedy, by commencing with ten drops. If your Liver is torpid or diseased in any manner whatever one or two hottles will besure to invigorate, and bring it intu lively and hcalihfnl action. In the mot inveterate cases of Dyspepsia, the patient can here find the most efficient and grateful relief. A benetit is always experieu.-.cd utter taking only one bottle. In .Male or Female complaints and Wt ikuess the sufferer, after trying other remedies iu rain, may rest assnied. that a certain cure will result from the use of two or three bottles. Th -BLOOD FOOL)7', is effectual in ail cases ol Kruptious.Salt Rheum Scrofulas and other like coi.-.':iiuts. Pale and emaciated children and ailu!t. nre immediately benefitted by ils use; it gives strength" to the body and color and beauty to the skin. I hysi cians of all schools are using it with wonderfu" success. For full directions, see circulars. Price fl per battle. amoqjul s)u.ij u, 11014,1 -p.iMonoj Xuoi-ils .iq isntq 'an -joq h-ibj puuoau p.dda.v. sin:i) ucp nij s.-iu n ii( sj.imoiu 1 ol .iqnii,il isom qj S8 Jpisqi spuouiuio. 1 uosimj niui;s oil! auj : r'uisi ji..pu ii,ii(i si osurfdxo -no dsoqv .is.iqi u:o su siu.uu -rfsiIJ.iApe Suo( qons jaoiji! niimi:.) i:iii -puij oqi jo suuii -ujud.Md J.nijo m!ii hjoiu i.iniu os qsoo 11 .Cusb ji HuijujojiI ui oiuij ou asuo) ot noX puouiiuoo.u Ansjuaeo . --)ij-o suoispiA -uoo jo u ui Jipouisuds-iju pia iiioii u liui.iq pun : ojii,ii( -aoo looja.id qii no pan-'" ;l u1:' 15 -sJse..Jip jo Sni.Cji pun ii:)Kj isom aqi -dlOilO "iH' a-,ns t il P"H 1 u! Mu.'i 10A 'p-Mienb.iun si?! si-iai. 1 .q: iiuiiiimli..i aoj uii:d Su;a.)1.i4 pat siunS Jq-J iuiuj'uos joj -osin : ai? "3nOD AHH.I..V3SA (I ipoij : osiHxaai oTia x:ux v sxtviditoaTV tio. :z:A -non-l"dajd joqjo iiaxn xoxo irwra J-iiqo s si q.i-.qji s-.isea iiiii -MOoj UK ui J!ISJ Pu0 JnJ oibijcO b sj puts -juHjai on:npp som-aqi sanfuj louuea pu Rs.iuauq A'jiJ.yj.id si .Ciq uu. spuq' no siq X i uq jo Xucm -uo,vj aaJu uoijjsj.p .iqi j.,pmi Kisjjoj'aqi iiiojjiiup ani.iq p.inisip si qiiq.n inojj sjooj A'.i.)A qi i jvoqs him. siuiephnoj .qijuKiiij joj jpiiiJH J."no i"ui! mj. 51 jo uosiJauio an asvo ib.jji qiiju uu uu si ai -iP-'!q.L -K.Mliliqisu.is si Suinrtpoop jo pe.isut pnqj jnoi jo Sfujj.ijjus qj iiuiAOinoj s.a.-!1-vi jCna.nIiasuoo pue -pui!(Xuijo ohi.Iii jo aiaoii.Jd ui'.ij 3.14J Xij;u. si i iim."S - ui.qj aoj rtqij.M ..ijd'oj s)uiBduioj ajiiunjui ni .ijuji.i.Iu qjuiu iuhjj uuipiub IH-HS! oq-A "uuiJiSitqd'aiqni'.Va jo uoii"-Kd-'..il J11 "! II A-'-'iA n.iX p ij.ij i .idil a.iq suq jbu1 jo rfsaiia juqj mnaj-ioa X.irf.va joao Aijaoia.xluH sii dims on iis.tp ja t v'IO HO.) ailiMV JKl S .NOiVjI JUa U'. "" gui-ta-wd Q ; Soid by :HL"B.CH & DfPON'T. No. "Jo Maiden Lnne. New Vork. And by all jfespectable Druggist throughout the e.iintry. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE LOT OF NEGRO SHOriS AND K e rs e y s , a 1 s o SHEETiA'CiS AND jFactor& JPrices : PEMBEltTON & SLOAN. Kov 1, 1359. . . ' , d &; w iJt Jaa. I, V " ' i TyRibffons ! v Ribbons ! ! Ribbons 1 1 BONNET KIKBONS, unusually low at No- 34, Hay Street. Also a good assortment of BONN E T S, - which will be offered very low. J. K. KYLE- KoF.3, d-tf ' - -. CLOTHING. STORE. - NOKT EAST JAM MAttKBV QUAUE. ?2, 'i--''-"- 'MHO4),. 14, ". .. Nxt1oor to the. Carolinifi Oliice ISTUB'fLACB to buy all grades and on alities af i. READY-MADE VLOTHWO, lioots and Shoes, Hats, and Umbrella, Youths and BoysClothms,'GreiiMemeu Shawls, and Over Coats and everything usually kept in a Clothiug store Alt those who desire to purchase Over Coals, would do well to examine curt., as we have all kinds, aud will sell them low. We also have fine and common Cas simer Suits, all of which we will sell cheap. Gentle men those of you whe may favor us with jour patrou agc may rely on getting goods at the very low est prices, as we are determined to sell our goods at as low figures as any other person or persons can selU Call and examine our STOCK for yourselves Nov. 25, w-tf White Lead, WrHITEZlNC; m AXNEUS' OIL ' Ei. seed Oil i , 1 Sperm Oil ; Lard Oil ; Xeatsbot Oil ; Whale Oil ; Kerosene Oil ; .For Bale by S. J. HINSDALE. Just Received. V VERY beautiful assortment ot' English and French HA Hi AND TOOTH BRUSHES aud BUFFALO HO UN OOMHS. ALSO Lubin's Extract, Geinuiu Fomadaes, aud Hair preparations. liy S. J. HINSDALE. Dr. Frank Wi Hani's llyc IVhisJiey. K MITCHELL has made arrangements w ith I)r Frank Williams, to be constantly supplied with his celebrated RYE WHISKEY, which can he had at his Store at all times, ly wholesale or retail. Oct. Hi. l!s8. tf HEREBY forewarn all persons from trading for I N-fi oriven liv me. tn one li.TI ITnlxrn.ui lf' )9, face of said one Hundred dollars, and made pay able Jan- 1st., 18f. The no c wa obtained from me Im- m i irtmrn t.n t inn ft si ml i r i r c-itl.,..i nn it eration . .- - T. C. I5UNDY Gibson Store, - C. Nov. 18, w-2t CONCKXTUATfcD BKXZIXH. A S a wash for the complexion it has no equal fL' it is distinguished for its soothing ar d purifv ing clfect, allaying all tendency to infiamation. l is also a pow erful cleanser of the" skin, removing tan-freckle-s piiaplcs, and all discolorations. These, with its refreshing and invigorating properties, ren der it an indispensable requisite for the toilet of ev ery lady. For sale bv JAS. X. SMITH. Oct- 10, 1809. w-tf BUUN Ii IT'S KALLISTON. f r IIIE Benzine removes all kinds of flrease Spots t I v. C..r c:il. l:i.i KI..L e. - e. . ii ' -- liuin onft. iiiuuijii, viuin, en.:, ccc. Vyieans (! loves in a few moments .without affecting the color, and for cleaning all kinds of wool or silk Goods is invaluable. 1 For sale by JAS. N. SMITH. Oct. 10. w-tf. DRUGS & MKDIt'lNE. Sn mnnl -T TTincrl'ilo Is now receiviim his Fall supply of DRUGS MEDICLN'E, CIIEMIOALS, Paints, Oils, Dye-SI nflfr. CLASS, PER Fl JIKH V, PA'I'EUT MEDlCItS, Jtc, &c. To which ho invites the attention of Phy sicians and County Merchants. Particular attention given to jo- ders. SAMUEL J. HINSDALE. Druggist. JERitsboro9 Jniitary .i&.4jjEm fllllE next Academic year ot this Institution, will J. commence Feb. 1st. ISM). The statf of instiuc ionj comprises six Officers. The discipline and course of steady are .sim 1 ir to those of the So. Carolina uu Virginia State Military Academics. For a circular, Address the Snp'r. Col. C. C. TEW. Nov. 22 i w-4t THe Subscribers In addition to their former Stock, have just ree'd OM i i SACKS SALT, yjJ 5u bbls Mullets, in oak aud pine barrel.-, lb Barrels Dry Salted Herring, 15 Half Bbls. do. do. 10 firkins Goshen butter, 10 hhds new crop Molassen' English Dairy and New York State Cheese l'EM 15 hRTON & SLOAN. Nsv 1, 185C. d-4-w-ia-t-Jan EDWIN GLOVJESbT 1 1 AS liECElVEU HIS FALL STOCK OK Watehos, Jewelry, Silver Ware and Mili tary Goods, rnO which he invites the attention of his :i customers anil the public, and as sun s them he vill sell anything in his line h elo-iii) as: v n be pui-cti-ased either North or South. :Kj&" Particular attention paid to the repairing of Watches aud Jewelry. Sept 8, 1S5SJ. v .'J-m 200 BOXKS WIM-MJW GLASS, lor sale liy S. J. HINSDALE. Knives and Forks. 4 Good Assortment of GOOD QUALITIES always 2 11 on band at the CKUCKEIiY STORE." June 4. d-tf W. N. TILLIXGHAST. 32 O X I : V WANTED. rI',IIE suhscrilfr having sufTered a heavy loss hy I. the fire of last nij;ht, eartif.stly reiiest nil pcr so.is in lebt'.'il to him to in ike immediate payment. Oct. 6, 1H"!. djcwtf M. MeKINNON. Bonnets ! Sonnets ! ! Bonnets ! ! I OF ANY MATERIAL or Style, made at nhort notice at A. JOHNSON, JR'S. Sept. 2G. d i w-tf Millinery and Mantua Making. HAVING ENGAGED the services ot Mr. Teller, of Neve Vork. an experiancod Milliner and Dress-Maker; Who will be assisted by the best help to be procured in the place. I have fitted up rooms, over my Store where i fchall carry on the above busi ness. All who require anything in this line, will do well to call and examine, for themselves. A. JOHNSON JR. Sept. 26, 12."0. d a w t-f Gold and Silver Watches. CLOCKS, & JEWELRY. Silver and Plated Ware, Fine Cutlery. MILITARY AND FANCY GOODS. I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, &o. ''fctpF" TST received in the above lre, gfeS C large and handsome assortment, to I Uf i 1 ether with numerous other articles, iurchaeris are invited to eall and examine at No.. U Hay Street. . , A PRIOR. 5-REPAlHINGof W"ateliC3, Clocks, and Jobbing strictly attended to. Au. 2U. d fc w tf Kerosene Oil LIGHT colored Kerosene Oil For sale by -- beet quality. S. J.1I1NSDALE,