" - -- J k2Z v Jane S8-The Great Eastern arrived to-day off the Light Ship Station. ? - . The highest speed which sbe attained was 14 knots Her bettoin ia very foul, and an allowance of at least two knots an hour should be made for her. The voyage was full of interest, and her super ior ity as a seagoing vessel and the reliability of her machinery were fully demonstrated. The distance usually steamed from Southampton to New York is 3190 miles, but she went further south to avoid the ice. SECOXD DESPATCH. J The Great Eastern left the Needles at 10 o'clock on the mo-tring of the 17th, and reached the light ship at V o'clock this morning. The weather was fine all the way except for two days. She brings only 42 passengers er engines were not stopped lor soundings until she was off St. George' s shoaL . As soon as she arrived at the Light House Station, salutes were fired, and all the vessels i". sight dis played their bunting. She will across the bar at 3 o'clock. She draws 27 feet aft and will be trimmed to an even keel before crossing the bur. Her log exhibits the following diary of her per formances ; June 17 283 miles 18 2VQ 19 27G 20 27G 21 304 22 280 23 302 24 299 25 32u 20 322 27254 LATEST EUROPEAN INTELLIGENCE PER v THE GREAT EASTE N! Messina, June 10. A scout committee hero is in 4'orrespondcncc.with Garabaldi. An insurrection' has broken out in Calabria. Tukix, June 1G. M. Thou venal and Count Cavour are concocting a line of policy to be follow ed by France and Sardinia, with reference to Italian affairs. The Wee Hi London Pi'.ss saj'S that Napoleon is about to claim as a compensation due to France for the new territory which Garib-ildi's success will add the House of Savoy, that Genoa, the province of Nice and the Island of Sardinia shall be annexed o France. FOUR DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE PER ADRIATIC. New YoRk,June 30. The Adriatic brings intelli gence that the church-rate-abolition bill was thrown out in the House of Lords by a great majority. Ti e Emperor Napoleon returned to Paris on the l.sth. The liaden conference adjourned on the 17th. It is sui I that the German Princes are unanimous at a preliminary conference on questions referring to their relations with foreign powers, and that Napoleon repeated his peaceful assurance at his in terview with the Prince of Prussia, which was a most cordial one. The Neapolitan fleet had captured two steamers bouu l to Sicily, one bearing the Sardinian and the other the Anieiican Hag. They contained 25 thous and muskets, ;J2 cannons, 2,000,000 pounds of I wder, and a considerable amount ofspiece. The .00 iinned passengers found on board were made prison rs, and everything was conveyed t. Gaeto. Tiie Sardinian min ster had dem.-.udcd their restitu tion, and tho Enghsli am'assadjr supported ..is demand. The concetitrai iot Ferrera is confirmed. of the Piedmontcfe army m Ileenan. the pngdist, did nt. come passenger in the Adriatic, as was announced, but will probably return v the V-in i.-rl.iit. Count Mereie;-, (he u-w 1 rem Minister to the T - - . I . . i. iiitwii sialics, came as a passenger. The warnin taining :i:iiouc itliuale" lias received a se-'ond ! for p-iblij-hing Vi tor Hug 's speech con violi nt appeal to the revolutionary part- j.-ans. Thirty villages had been 'u -nt on Mount Lebanon. i i - i m iiii umn i. .i i t i uiun. i jnuiri i itiu 4'hristians joined the Druses, and participated in the movement. Mazzini had no! cone to Si. t'v as was reported. AilKIYAL OF ANGLO-SAXON ! GARIBALDI piii-:iAi:iNG for An attack: on the MAIN LAND Fakthek I'orNT. June "1. The s'.eani-hip Amjlo .tSixoi iri in Liverpool, 2tth, via Lotidunderiy, 2Lst., has passed this point oit her waj' to Quebec. The Baden Conference ended on the 17t!- The French and Prussian journals declare the peace of Europe consolidated. All was juiet in Sicily. Garibaldi was organizing for an effort, on the mainland. One of the captured steamers carried the Ameri can colors. COMMERCIAL. Livkkpool Cotton Market. Ti e sales of Cotton in the Liverpool market for the three days, added up 25,000 bales, of which 6000 bales were on specu lation and for export. The market was dull, but the prices unchanged closing:, however, with a ibetter demand for speculation and export. To CoRitESPONOENTS. Write not with lead pen ih, dear friends, we beseach you. Ink is so cheap And pens so abundent, that there is no earthly ex cuse for using a lead pencil, t the serious detriment f printer's eyes and the very great annoyance of this much imposed upon class of God's race. We have inserted communications written with pencil, Ibut when we are guilty of a like offence, the sub ject matter must possess a vast deal of interest. About this we are not joking we are in real ear liest as much so a.s we were when we stopped the papers of all delinquent subscribers, or asked an .exhorh; a it butcher to moderate his charges. i3ct. Express LATER FROM HAVANA. New Orleans, June 3D. The steamship Phila delphia, from Havana on the 2Cth, arrived last night. The general news is unimportant. The .health of Havana was excellent. The U S. war steamer Pocahontas sails for Vera Crux to-day, taking the latest mails and important despatches from Washington, which were received this morning. IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO REPORTED CAPTURE OF MI RAMON. New Oklkans, July 2. Brazos dates of the 2Sth iilt., have been received per ste.;rner Arizona. Pri vate letter from Monterey and Matainoras say that General Zaragoza, commanding the liberals,, had de .fcateti and taken General Miramou prisoner near :Sa)amauee. Genl. Ramauenz commanding the Matamoras troops, had been defeated by Genl Ortega, and civil war was raging in Nueva Leon and Northern Mexico, were making in favor of Gen. Comoufort's ie'urn. The Arizona brought $75,000 in specie. TWO DAYS LATER h ROM EUROPE. . New Yokk, July 5th, 1SG0. ino steamship Golden Fleece has arrived from Liverpool with dates to the 23d ult The Neapolitans are fortit-.-ing Messina. (.aribaldr is forming tweaty regiments for main 4ana operation's. AU the Sicilian Communes request annexation to fiedmont. . - bKer'Avicc state that Garibaldi has chained his plan, and will probably invest Messina on the 1.8rh., . .. - I lVEiii'OOL, Jun 23.1. 1800. Cottou-Sal'e for the week of (52,000 liales, Mid "dHiig and lower gfades have declined id.; for fair iapTnese embassy thrown into TrtE 1hade!-akrivaj,;of the great HI OTPOM I "f . . tho-market is generally unchanged. Holders are . pressing on the market, and there is a large export (enquiry. Fair Orleans fd; Middling do. CJd.; Fair Uplands 7d.; Middling do. Stock in port 1,300,000 bales, of which 1,100,000 are American. BreadstufEs very dull, and weather is rather better. Rice qniet, Carolina 2s a 2s, Rosin steady at -is. od. a 8s. Gd. Spirits Turpentine dull at 33s. Consols for account closed at 1)3 1 a 93. Ayer's Ague Cure, For Cis iorvii varoiiiuaii GRAND RATIFICATION MEETING, AND COUNTY. CONVENTION IN ROBESON COUNTY. The democracy of Robeson met in the Court House on Monday evening the 2nd inst. On motion, Dr. R. M. Normant, P.. A. McEachrin, Esq., was called to the chair and II F Pitman was requested to act as Secretary : The chair stated the object of the meeting to be the ratification of the nomination of J. C. Breckinridge of Kentucy and GenL Joseph Lane, of Oregon, as President and Vice President, also to nominate a candidate in the place of Col. Eli Wishart, who it was under sto4 was an ad valorem man, and who had stated upon that day that "should an- oilier oe nomination, n uuiu nui i-nz in j . . , , . , , r, , -,tt t also that as it had been reported that Col. W. L. Steel would not accept of the nomination of Sena tor that a provision be made in the case of his de. cleniture to put up an opponent to CJenl. Alf. Dock ery. The following committee was appointed' for busi. ncss: II F Pitman, J R Carter, Jas Sealey, Alex. Watson and J G McLean. Loud calls were then made for Col. M J McDuflBe, to address the assembly, to which he responded in his usual able style eulogizing the nominees and proving that they were the only men for all Union loving Conservative men to vote for; revewing their civil and military career, he asked, were these men who had fought upon a foreign soil, for their native land, unfit to be trusted with the government of that land. He showed up the hog party in all its native filth and drudgery anJ. proposed that as" tlie John Pool party had adopted the pig as an emblem, to give Bell the very appropriate,emblem of a Buzzard! and then they could realize the old ad age of BelRnz a Buzzard. He afterwards excused himself for mentioning the name of Bell and Everett as he did not consider them in this catnpaign. He gave ad valorem its just dues and proved is injus tice and inequality. Col. M. J. MjDuffie sat down amid the cheers of the audience. P. J. Sinclair was then loudly called for and arose He spoke of the great services of Breckinridge and Lane to the country as private citizens, in,the council of the nation and upon the battle-field; declared that Breckinridge would be the next President, for fate had so decreed it, and fortunate had alwaj s favor him ia every act of his life. Of old Joe. Lane, he spoke, the great hero of the nation second to none of the great . lights that had presceeied him. lie spoke of ad valorem and show that it was a complete humbug, acknowledged, so by its supporters and proved that it would tax every jthing the farmer possessed, and relieve tho banker of the heavy tax he now pays and also relieve liquor dealers the row dies and tiieg -uijlers of their heavy'taxes. Under the Democratic system ot taction, the poor were exempt the rich had to support the government. The Opposi tion party propose to call a Convention of the people to increase the taxes upon slave property in the j whole State $30,000, while the Convention will cost i just $30,000. This whole debt is to be incurred for the purpose of making oue amendment to the Con s'itu ion; iiierchy striking out that portion which refers to capitation tix ! To make this one amend ment the3r advocate an open Convention; that Con vention need not subiuitt their act to the people for ratification, because, the act of the Convention, as such, is the act of the people. When the Democrats change the Constitution they do it by the servants f the people, viz; by the legislature and submit it to the people for their ratification, and thus allow them to pass their verdict upon it. After appealing to the Democrats of Robeson and all Whigs who oppose :he nev-holly.o support the candidates oposed to it. and to give an 'old fashioned Democratic majority to Gov. Ellis, he sat down. I. A. McEachine, Esq., next addressed the meeting upon the local politics of Robeson, advocated ihe nominating of a candidate-for Senator upon the contingency of the decleniture of Mr. Steel, which was carried. Maj. Jas. Blount was then nominated for the Common and Maj. A. Watson for the Senate in case of Mr. Steel declining to run. On motion the proceedings were order t- be printed in the North Carolinian, and that other Democratic pa pers copy. On motion adjourned. P. A. McEACIIRIN, Ch'r. II. F. Pitman, Sec'y, REM ARKS OF GEN. LANE. AT PHILADEL PlilA. Fcllow-citiz ns, you must be a little quiet, for I have not tlie voice to speak so as to be heard by all this immense crowd. Give me your attention for a moment, gentlemen, as it is not my purpose to un dertakc to make a speech. I niaJe up mind befor I came here that I would make no speeches. In fact, my being here to-night is entirely accidental, and I do not know whethei I shall ever again have the opportunity of seeing so many of the good peo ple of Pennsylvania- Here the speaker was inter rupted by the most uproarious applause, and it was several minutes before he could proceed. Give me peace, gentlemen I am a man of peace. CbeersJ I am glad of having the honor of being on the tic ket with such a man as John C. Breckinridge. Cheers. In his hands the country will be safe the Union w 11 be preserved, and the Constitution be maintained in its purity, letter and spirit, and equality will previal among the States. Great cheer ing. Yeur rights will be protected, and those of every other State in the Union. Cries of "That's so." There is no sectionalism in that ticket. That is the time, my friends, you should divest yourselves of all prejudice and all ill will, and go to the ballot-box witli a view to secure the election of a man withVhom you know this country will be safe and the National Democratic Convention h presented you the man. My friends, allow me to say that the people of this couutry have equal rights in the Territories. The people of Pennsylv inia. or of any otiier State, have the right to go there, take theii property with them and there enjoy it. It belongs as muchjtoyou as.the people of any other State, and no more. Cheers. It is the price in blood, and all have a right to g into the Territories and take with him that pro Derty from whence he goes. For that right I would rush the very moment that the rights of any Penn sylvanian should be violated or infringed upon. 1 would rush to the rescue and sec that Pennsylvan ia protected in his property. And s I would with the citizens of eve y other State of this country Clieers. I do not wish to cuter this canvass, but I will say, my friends, that we will maintain this Union, and we must maintain and preserve the Constitution. We must be just and fear not, and victory will perch upon our banners. Applause. If it was any other occasion than this I would say much more, but as it is I cannot say much. It I was not on the ticket with this good man Mr. Breckinridge I would urge upon you to render to him your most cordial support. It is said that he will come to Pennsylvania with 127 electoral votes now give him Pennsylvania and he will have two votes to spare, Cheers. Will you now hesi tate m the performance of your duty ? Loud cries of No ! No !J Then why hang to a ticket which has no earthly chance of success ? Why divide the Democratic party and defeat one of the purest men m the Union ? Cheers. One whese heart rests on every nch of Ane-ican soil. Cheers. Now. my tnends, m taking leave of you, allow me to in- yell tordlTe8t yourselves of all trouble growing out of the Convention at Charleston, and take that man whom you can elect and in whose nands you know the country will be safe. Gegtleman, I now tender you my thanks for the attention you have paid me to-night, Loud aad long COUUuued cheer icg.j L LUMBERTON BAND. -V-'V While at Lumber ton "we were delighted with the Ttand under the leadership LC11V1U1HIVC VT of Prof. Bond. It is certainly a great credit to the ; Town and shows the young America is fast getting possession of our Scotch friends in Robeson. u 3rOne of our compositors is sick, to-day hence . the late hour of printing ing and the small amount o 1 matter. Breckinridge and Lane popular at the North as well as at toe South. "We" are glad to see that the Binghamton, N. Y. Democrat, the home organ of Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, has hoisted the names of Breckinridge and Lane to its mast-head. Tho Editor says : "We believe Mr. Douglas, for whose benefit the Convention was broken up by machine, ry and management, will not receive a single electo ral vote in tho Union." - ' Read! Re ad ! We make the following extract from a speech de livered irfy Gen Joe Lane, the candidate of the Notional Demooratic party for Vice Presidency, in the United States Senate, on the 19th of December, 1859, on the territorial question : Mr. Lane. My proposition is that Congress has no power over the question of slavery ; that they cannot, under the constitution, establish it in a ter ritory, nor prohibit it ; and a Legislative Assembly, in a territory, deriving its powesr from Congress, cannot do what Congress itself cannot do. Mr. Pcgh. Then you hold that a territorial leg islature has no power to establish slavery ? Mr. Lane. No power to establish it, and no povv er to "prohibit, but th .t the property goes there like all other property, and while in,the territorial condi tion it has '.hat protection which the constitution extends to it, and which an honest court would ' givenit, and the common law of the country secures to it. Wilson Star. Black ReptblicaS Extkavagaxce. The late Black Republican House of Representatives, with all their protestations ag dnt extravagance, order ed a much large amount of printing much of it mere Abolition trsh than has ever been ordered at any previous session. Not satisfied with reprint ing Stevens' report, ata cost of over $100,000, for which there was not the slightest pretext or excuse except to make a "fat job" for somebody, Mr. Hale now proposes to print an additional number of the 11th volume (consisting of maps and charts) of the Pacific Railroad reports, a 4job" that will not come under the 40 per cent, reduc tion. The fact is that the heavy "pickings'' in the printing department have been in engraving and lithographing, and yef so far from Congress having applied the pruning knife to this branch of'pl under," they have allowed the enormous contracts for the Mechanical Patent Office Report, Coast Survey Report, Stevens' Report and Delafield's Report, to be made without compe tition or reduction, aud Mr. Hale now proposes an additional job for the benefit of some of hisuvound ed" partizans. Senator Ckittenoex said to be for Breckin iiidge and Lake.- It is rumored in political circles here that the Hon. J S. Crittenden has declared his intention of supporting Breckinridge and Lane. The reason assigned by the venerable statesman for such action, is said to bo that the National Union Convention would have selected Mr. Breckinridge as their no.ninee if they had supposed that tlie National Democratic Convention would have made the same choice; and that all they desired was a con servative, natioml, honest man all of which requi sites he t'links Mr. Breckinridge possesses. Wash. Sta i: MAIlftrO Ia Buekhorri District- HatMeti County N. C. on the lith ult., bv dev. T. S. Scaler . Mn JOHN SKN'TEIl to iliss LOT FY UILLlAliD. the oldest daughter of Henry Hilliard Esq., all of Harnett. DIED. I" Lumberton on the eveuing of the 4th inst.. Mrs. Ellen, relict of the late J. H. Hartman. She leaves a family an 1 large circle ol'frieud-s aud relations to mourn their loss. On the 30th ult., at the Insane Assylnm at Raleigh. Mrs. Margaret J. McKenzie, wife of Mr. Angus Mc Kenzie and daughter of the late John Depo, aged 4-t years. FAYETTE V1LLE MARKET. BY PEMBERTOX tc SLOAN. JULY 7. 18(10. BACON dKKSWAX ANUI.KS- Adamaatine. Sperm. Tallow, t OKKKE Kio. Laguira, Jmva. MiJJlins. 12 a 2S 12 1-2 .ML..SSriS-- Cuba, 29 a 31 New Orleans, 00 a 00 NAILS 4.50 a 0.C0 OILS Sperm, 0.00 a 2.00 Linseed, 0.00 a 1.00 Tanner's. 70 a 80 POTATOES Irish. 1 00 a 1 25 Seet. 00 a 60 POULTRY Chickens, 15 a 25 Ducks. 00 a 00 Turkeys, 00 a 00 S A LT LiTerp'lpersaok. 125a000 Alum (jer bushel. 50 a 60 SEE)) 'lax Seed. 1.00 a 1.05 Clover pr pound. 12 a 15 SHOT Common bag, 2.(1(1 a 0.00 Buck. 2 12 a 2.25 SPIRITS Peach Brandy, 1.25 a 1.50 N. C. Apple. 80 a 85 Northern, 70 a 9e N C Whiskey. 55 a 65 Northern do.. 33 a 35 SUIiAH Loaf. 12 1-2 a 13 1-2 Crushed. ' 12ij 13 Porto ivico. 10 a 10 1-2 New Orleaus, 8 1-2 a9 1-2 TALLOW al o TURPENTINE Yellow Dip. 2 20 1 0 00 Virgin 2 40 a i 60 Scrape. 1.10 a 1.20 Spirits per g;il 341-2 a 35 WHITE LEAD Per pound- 9 a 11 WIXUO W OL VSS Eight by tea. 2.00 a 2 20 Teu by twelve, 2.25 a 2.50 WOOL 20 a JX l 30 25'a 30 42 a 5f IS a '20 14 a 15 15 a 16 19 20 tO 1-4 a 10 3-4 91-2 a IO 8 1-2 a 9 Ordinary. COTTON BAIiUINi; Uunny. 16 a IS Uuotle, IT a 20 Burlaps, 00 a 15 COTTON VAHNS- iNos. 4t5. 1.O0 a 0.00 HOMKSTIC UOODS Brown Sbt-etingp. 8 a 8 1-4 '. onaburg!i. 10i a 11 KEATHEKS- 48 a 50 KISH- M'kercl per bbl.. f.900a10 Herring, $4 a $5 (HI r LOCK ("aniily, Super Vine. Crosn HR.AIN Coru, Wheat, Oats, Teab, Kye. Hints Dry tjreen, . RON Swedes. A mericaD, EnslisL , LEAi) 7 75 a 7 80 7 5C a 7 75 7 25 a 7 .53 7.00 a 7.5 1.10 a 1.15 1.10 a 1.15 50 a 60 1.15 a I 20 1.10 a 1.15 12 1-2 a 14 5 a 6 6 a 7 a a 6 1 4a4 12K a 13 l. vau- 13 a-14 BLhb Dresbed .5 a lo ; Cattle on foot 0 a o. Cotton Have heard of no transactions sine last review. Flo u u In consequence of the very light receipts) ana tne small stock m .Market, prices have ruled firm with a steady advanoe, and we raise our quot ations loo per barrel on all grades. Sales of Super on Friday at 7, 75 per barrel. Spts Turpentine Sales in the early part of the week at 35 & 35c. siuce then we notu a decline, and some dealers are not disposed to pay over 34c per gallon. Bacox In this article we note a better demand with sales of Hog round at 12 & 13c. Choice N. C. Hams are much in demand. Lakd N- C. is in demand and could be readily sold at highest quotations. Gkaix S;des corn from wagons on Friday at 1, 17c per bushel. WILMINGTON MAIIKET, July o, I860. 1 Tl-kpextixe About 000 bbls. on market thia morn ing, for which $- -id lor yellow dip has been offered, but no sales up lo the time of c osing our enquiries. Spirits TuitPESTiE--On Tuesday afternoon 150 bbls. changed bands at 30 cents per gallon for New York b'lls. No sales since. Flour A small lot sold this morning at $7 25 per bbl . for superfine. NEW YORK MARKET, July 3. 1860. At ths close ye.terday. Cotton heavy. Bread-stuffs unchanged. Pork heavy mess. $18 a $18 8 . Lard 1-4 a 12. Stocks bet ter Virginia's 92. East unchanged. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. wVO VICE. K ANA WAY from the undersigned; on the 17th inst, a BAY MARE, 1 J I- Uill Jl .III Tj. "- Wf on her right hip, and had on a shuck collarWLn she left She came originally from Caswell county, and I ex- P0 she will make her way hack. Any informa tio rwaraing: her will be thankfullv tooW.i the undersigned, or at the office of the JS'orth Caro- linian ; and any person securing her for me will be liberally rewarded. .Tnnp 22 Lumber Bridge, Robeson Co. Observer copy 4 times, and send bill to this office. in an stock: Si.W GOODS! AT G3EATLY REDUCED TRICES. Fit Ul TS, COS FE C Tl ON A R I ES, . PKRBTTMR'KIES 1 iJt'l'Ji O 1 t, Jewelry, jVtisical Iatitmmants, Oaiittiess, Nuts, AVotoih.litie.- Cutler;.'. I?iHtol, Spiced nW?, lity Hum, Ginger Brandy, Wull inff Canes, and a great assortment of Fancy Good Conntry Dealer awl the public are respectfully in-i vneu io can anl examine ray stock. I Da a great many haadsome thing-; that cannot fail to please. JAMES li. LE?. No to Hotel Uuildiu ,, Hay St. June 23 w-tf Presbyterian copy tf. Wotice. A LL persons indebeted to the estate of the late -A. A. Brooksbank are hereby notified to come forward and pay their rc.-pectie bills, or they will be placed in the hands of a collecting officer. A. M. CAMPBELL, Adm'r. June 27, I860. w-3t. v Dissolution of Copai tnerli ip. 'T'HEfirm of MYROVER, WIGHTMAN & ROB- - INSiN. was dissolved on the 15th instant by consent of all the partners, and II. L. Myrover re tires from business. The business of the late firm will be settled bv the new one of WORTH, WIGHTMAN & CO. If. L. MYROVER. GEO. W. WIGHTMAN. JNO. H. ROBINSON. June 30, 18G0. w-4t. 2 tsaiM). rpiIE UNDERSIGED iu retiring from business embraces the occasion to offer to his friends, who have so liberally patronized him for the last 23 years, his most sincere thanks. He is succeeded hv Measrs. WORTH. WIGHTMAN & CO., who will do business in his old stand, and whom he can, he thinks, recommend confiden: ly to his friends as a house whicli will serve them as faithfully as he hopes he has done. II. L. MYROVER. Jnne 30. w-4t. Cojpartner &tijt. ryUE undersigned, as successors to II. L. Myrover &Co., and Mvrover & Wisrhtman. hnve this j day formed a business Copartnership, under th? style ot WUKIH, W luHTM AN & CO., at the same place of business occupied by the lato firms. They bee from the friends aud customers of the old firm a continuation of their business, having every facility to compete favorably with any North Carolina house iu the Wholesale Trade. J. A. WORTH. G. W. WIGHTMAN. JOHN. II. ROBINSON. Faycttevillc. June 30. 1800. w-4t. THE TAX ABLKS FOR 1SG0. WILL be present at theTovvnllall from 9 o'clock a. m , till 1 p. m. each working day commen cing the 5th and ending the 31st inst.. for the pur pose of t;ikii:g the list of taxables for the District of Fa vetteville. W M. iiO W. July 3d 18G0. dw. It. M P 0 FOR LADIES, 3STo. 1-i lirvy fcstr'eet. A- Si EliY CHttlUfT siiCK. of lilack and Fancv Jl. Silk Dress Goods, Black and Fancy Urocadetl Silks, illaek and Fancy Bayadere Siiks bet utif'ul i la d Silk-1, yammer Silks, Charlies. Barents; 1'oplins, i)e Bilges. Ducal.-:, 1'oil de Cliever. (jreuutleens, Mousde Chene, Urguudies. Iawns. Brilliants, Cham brays, Giugliuni L.iwn.s. French, English and American t'riuis, Dimities, BiuLsbye Diaper. Taole Linen and Napkins. Mars- ills aad Woo'ea '1 oilet, Table. Bed and I'taiio Covers. Irish Linens, Sheeting aud J'illow Cas ing, Bleached M uslius, &C. LACK lJOITS. Mantles, Dusters, f every description. Wliiie Crape Shawls, &.c. DUKSS Tlil.MMIXGS. Every variety and style. Jaocets, Tarlatans. Nainsook. India Mull, Book and I Swiss .Muslins. Bishop aud Victoria Lawns. Vc. Collars and Uudeivleeves, Edging, Lace, Flouncing, Embroidered B uds, infant's Waisls, Embroidered ilaudkercliieis. Mourning Collars and Sets, Embroid ered aud Embossed Curtains, Tidies, Lace Veils, In serting, Revering, Vc. PAEASOLS. Showeretts, Sun Shades, Fans, Uunibrell&s, &c. ZEPiJ Yll AND SUKTLAXD W.OOLS. Embroidered Slippers, Olloman aud Cushions, Em broidered Gbemll"s, Gold, Silver, Steel aud Class Beads,Canvass, Crass Stitch Needles and t'aterns, w ork partly commenced, Marking Cot ton, &c. Ladies, Misses and Children's Hosiery, Jlitts, Lilst Thread, Silk and Alexandre's Kid Gloves-. BERTHAS, LACE CAFES. Bl'd aud hiie Mantle Lace, Bonnets. Kuches, FreueL Artificials Florence aud Boek Linings, KibXons. Flats. Ac. II O O 1 SKIRTS, Belle of tlie South, &c. TRAVELING SATCHELS, Work liuxcs, Bonnet lo.ves. L.liHES' EIGEMA FUEAtH TUAVELIG TKLMiS, With Beautiful Compartments, Secret Drawers and Baud box. j&U the above Goods are of the latest styles, and cheap, and pronounced by competent iudges io be one of the most complete stocks ot DKV"GOo1S in the S:ate. Liidies are very respectfully invited to call toon ark secure GOUl) BaLGaINS. GL0KGE BRANDT, 'A1L l lh villi:, x. May 3rd. tf. t mjc ms jsr t x o isr mz iwr rjmr' mz, mz -b- AT No. id SOUTH SIDE HAY SViltllT. My Stock of Ready-Had.: Clatbing is nu fomjilcle. GENTLEMEN will find at this establishment a STOCK OF GUUD6, well made and at a loiv price, embraciug every description of COATS, fijrs A.itt VbSTS FOtt tlESTS iD B0V5. The largest assoitm at ot tihtrts, Linen &. Marseilietv Stocks, Cravats, Ties, rrencb-Lace 'lien . every variety ofColl.ir-s Socks, L'n.lci- Oarniiiits of iiueu, feuh. aud ColUm ; Alexander "t O loves; Luckskin Gloves; leal Dog Skiniloves, Suspendt r, S:c. Ac. S-BOOTS and SHOF.HATS and CATS. EnpIiMi Sole Leather, i'ackiea and Utiggy Trunks, Valices, Caipet liiigs. Umbrellas, Luglisli l'wekel Cut lery UazoiH, Straps, Ftr.'uias-ry, :c., Jcc. Violins, Raujos. Guitars. Flutiuas. AccordeonF. Ital- tau Strings, for all string instruments. ALSO A great many other GOOOS. too numerous to mention. My friends and customers are very rot-peciluily in vited to call and make their purchases at once, at GEORGE BRANDT'S So. IU Hay Street, Fayetteville, X. C. May 3d, ?60 itf. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. B ACOtT SJOOU. 24 II II OS. W E LL CURKU JJACON , jnst recet rod 1v F. MOO UK. March 20th - itd-4tw. ml EVERY BODY i-buig; JACOB'S Co K I) I V L. duiing the jirewalehce of IJ J- entery, Ouirrhoea. Colic, Cholera Morbus. Oisolertv lt. I'intum ami Flux. We guarantees? cure in the nnst snbborn eae.i. While 'be medicine ia harmless - lay. nourixl uia. it is wlojsant to lake Eve'-y body uld have a ootlle for tri.d uo core no Dav. aly $1 per bottle. For sale-i Fayette ville by . May 3I-.t tf JaS. N- SM.lTII. ERRANT, WILSON & BR0.. , T. JSr- HAY ST O b LS V IA jt F U LL Y i ,, vif e t! JgT hf Pbl,c, and espociul fi ?P,,,ft:'d .witl Siek Stoma -INo. ir WAV WTWT' the attention dy of thofc astl. - 1 - -v;iiei.iio iic, to own 'nanufsicturvtl Hi fir 9 TOMAOH HITlKRS. Tl.eingveaie.itsofwhit;!,, when mde known to I UvsK-ians. elicited fim tyvm i ri-oiiiniru-aiio!is. ineverv iu;-tiii: June. Z'l il-tT NOTICE. I WILL be at tho following placs in Harnett comi ty on the days named for the purpose of receiving The Taxes tor ib59. Taxpayers will please be prompt in meeting inc. At the same ti:nes and plaeesthe candidates for the Legislature and Sher.it' ill address the people '1 he Magistrates appointed to take the-lax iis.s will also atte id t'r that purpose. At liarbocti-Monday, " U. L. River. Tuesday', " Stewarts Creek, Wednesday, (irove. Thursday, " Neils Creek. Friday, llm-lTi-oni. S.t urdiYV. 23d July. 24th " 25th " 26th ' 27lii 2Slh " J. U. GI?AUY,Shi k?ff of Harnett County" Observer copy Julv 5th tf." AT the r -quest, of a number 'of political friends. 1 have declared myself a candi date to represent. Cumberland and lliui.ill. i:. tlie House of (.'ominous of-Hie next. Legi.-Iatiire I stand uioii the Siate platform of the DemoeiaHc party, aud am bound to be elected or break a trace A. II. BEWAIL AT th-- solicitation of a number of my freuds, who have d.'t-irid me Io become a candidate. I licreliy declare myself ns cunuidali for re-election as Sheriff in the cojuty of JJkideu. Al ihouiih lately called into utiice, I believe that tny course has been such ss to satisfy my friends and to demand trie approbation of tin; citizens of the county, and I can o.ily promise that, should you proper to elect, me to that olliue. evtrvth n that I can ifo shall lie done tr ;ive the people coulideuc-e ami Kitis fatloii. C EN. f AM IN FITZRANUOLPH. May 17th, r;0 te.. J. H. obijrts & 0)'3 13 15 1 A U T M It T JFresJi, mLlr rival BUTTER, i JAVA & ' N'. O & GINGER CIIEKE, I1RIKI) BEEF; SOAP, CANDLES, RIO, ' LAGUAijtA com.. cB'JsiiEn, powdered, 1 COF-FH SCO A It SMSF, AX,UMICE, PKPI'EK, MUSTARD, BAKING IOWDERS, WOSCEsTER; SAUCE, TOMATO CATSUP, WRAPPING PAPF-KK & TWIN E, i MATCHES Of ALL KINDS. j Macon j A C1DICS LOT N ., C. OLD AND NEW n.-,I, SIDES SHJULDERS, ALSO WESTERN BACOX, ! Smdssi) lie Jt UA1.K K1I.S., LiMNO I V Boxks, No. I llKRKISa IX BI1LS. I MACKstsKL, Shad. Co; Fish. Mi i.i.kts.I Bm:k Fisa & Sariunv.s. CORN SiliiLLRRi, STRAW CUHERS DANIEL'S &GAI.e's PATENT, ALSO,C ).IM iM DO. PLOWS & PLOW CAST INGS Of ALL SIZES, EAN MILLS, WHEEL BARROWS. e&o Goods WOOL HATS, -BLAXKKT.S, KERSEYS, OSNABURGS, BRO G.LN.S, SHOES KOR M.EN, WOMEN & BOYS. domestics COTTON VAK vS & SHET1NW3. Satltlleru HORSE" & JLULK COLLARS, WAGON BRIDLES, BUGGY ii WAGON WHIPS. WHISKY, BRANDY, RUM, GIN, WINES OP ALL KINDS, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC WHISKY & BRANDY ALWAYS on hand at wholesale & resail. Tobacco sit nil A" clytivs. .Smoking A; i, hewing 1'ooacco.of all grades. A LARGE LOT OF CIGARS Ob' ALL KI lS : HAIL UOALV AM) EAULK MILL SNUFF. 200 Dags Alu.i& Liverpool Salt AGENTS .or itfi s.vle ot srmn.s' i Ar Mxaoix s Sakks . for Makbpeace's Blx'kkts, Spki.vu AIatkassks. IIokhan DI.KS iC, ALSO for the sale of L. WOOD'S Turpentine Hackers of these none are genuine without his stamp of L. WOOD. Hartlivare. Knives, Forks Ai Foeket kuives : Stock and Pad Locks, S .ears. Scissors. I'raee Chains. Shovels. Spades, K- II. l'icks; 11. Collins, S. W. Collins and McKiiy & I Shaw's Axe- : C S. Hoe's Files. Augers, Hatchets j-Carpbiiters' it Coopers' Adze : uiso, a line lot ot gar den loots, drubbing Hoes. Drawing Knives, Ac, M.iunila. Lint &-Cotton Uop-.: Flow Bnes Well wheels & Buckets; llannnjrs Ave Helves, Adze llandl'-s. Also a large assortment of Brass Bound Water & Sugar Buckets, Wa'U Tubs, Shovels & Spades. Iron antl JVails SwiiSIM. t.N'OLIS:! i Amwkican illOX, ails Spikks all siz ;s lloip Iron i Incli. V UTS liiuiiON and FLOWERS IJ O N N E T 8 . UlCLiON and FLOW EHS. J. N. For sale clie ip. by PRIOR. April 4th. 18iio. HAY If AY; T T HALES EVSTEUN" HAY, ju t received by 4 June i2." iSoD d.vwtl E. F. Al'OHE. CO UN CORN ONE THOLTSAXO receive.! lv La" superior bread Corn. ju. E r . JlUOKli. April 2d, 1 S :) d&w4 t. M A CK VAl K LM A CKE l E . '1FTY' barrels 'o :l M tekerd. jii't received bv April "id, lStiU d&wJ; E. F. MOORE. XEv CHOP MOLASSES. OR ?ALE bv 1 March 2 4wd-4fw E. F. MOORE. SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE. MIE high'.-st csisli pi ice pttid for Sc-rils Tnrpcit5m. Jlavi9th-aSv.3u' M.y- E. ! . MUtl.'E. E! "LIB 50 Casks UN. SLACKED, in good order. For Shli- lv PEMBERTON &c SLOAv- June 1, No. 34 HAY STREET! I v. K X Ulu is now receivitisr hia Su,'in ,.! 1 m m.r stflf-'r n f i V A P I V K- lS I VT n v r n'xr r. . . . . ' -.w.. . r . ' . i ij .1. r .i i , i I I r. 1 I .1 II I I I . JL I LIM a sua amou 'mica miy oe louatl tii following articl.-s a prices winch will prove satisfactory to the purchaser DRit.-S G i-S in p eees. consist n;r ol Muslin LnwnsvGins!.a-n. Prints, Berege. Clack and Whin Challiea. Silks, Ac. In ItOBES, ihe following line; Lawn Robes, Double .V Single .Skirts. Brtge .'o.. Ging ham do.. Lac;; Points. Shawls and ilanlilias in profu ion. Ribbons. Hosiery and (; loves, Spool Gttori Hats -?.nd Caps, Boots and Klines, alt of vv ich will be e fife ted very low. Call and examine ; no charge for looking " J. K. KYLK - March 14th., 18G0. " " I -vt i:.v q'tattVXwr til y P. P. JoiiKSfiy, ScroftdSJC. ;;Evil, Li a ooRsti&tumal " ' tho blood by which th -L, . i2mii tftiated, weak, and poor. Ikinr ia ciulattont it pervades the whole bodyiriu j -burnt ut in disease on any part of it. Ko txnn ii fice from its attacks, nor L there one wbiv t may ' not destroy. - The srrofidou taint i vartnyvly ; caused by mercurial chsease, low living, dts.,6 :4 orderetl or unhealthy fiodvr impir air, and filthy habits, the depressing iee. and," above all, by the venereal infection - AVhaNv ever be its origin, it is hereditary m thp con- ' stitution, descending from parents to children , . unto The third and fourth generatioivi " uiU edr iUseemi to 4c the rod of Ilim who ., "I ' -will visit the iniquities of tho fathers upon "; their children.' Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal "organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands welling'; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, deprassf the energies of life, m that erofulovis eonstitii tions hot only puffer from set ofulotis com- . plaints, but they have far less power to witli .stand the attacks of other disca.-c? coitse quently vast numlcrs perish by disorders which, althoigh not scrofulos in their nattrrr, . are still rendered fatal by thii twist iu the syistcm. Most of tlie consumption whfrh de cimates the himan family has its origin din cfly -in. thi? serofulous contamination; and rnanj deatruotivc disease of the liver, kidneys, brain, -and, indeed, of all tbe organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people re scrofulous ; -their persons aro invaded by this forking in--faction, and their health is untkjmincd by it. -To cleanse it fro.m the system we must renovato the b'ood by an alterative medicine, and in- vigorate it by healthy food and exercLse Such a medicine we supply in. " AYER'S Conipoinid Extract of Sarsaparilla,'- the most efTectual remedy which the medical 6kill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined frcm the most active remedial that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those- thcr affec tions whieh arise from ft, srarh as Em mies and Skin Diseases, St. Arriroxt's First,, Ttosr, or Erysipelas, Pimples, PrsTui.r., Blotches. Blaixs and Boils, Ti mor. Tr.TTrn and Salt Rheum, Scalo IIeai, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Meuci hial Uis l.vses, Duopsy, Dyspepsia, Dkiiilitv, and, indeed, all Complaints akisixo fuo.m Vitia ted or Jmplrb Blooi. The popular belief in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truths for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsap; silla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR AlL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC . are so composed that disease within the riiiiRC o?.' theii action can rwcly withstand or evade them, their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased acticin, anu restoiing its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down wi.ti pain or physical debility is asmiiished to Hud his health or energy restored by a remedy i.t once so simple and inviting. Not only do they care the ovcry-day complaints of every body, but also many toriuidaMe and. dnnperous diseases. The agent belrw named is pleased to furnish gntin my American Almanac, containing ccrlificati'S of their euros and directions for their use in the following complaints : Costire ness. Heartburn, Headache ariai no from disordered Stomach, Nausea, Iiidiye.stton, 1'ain in and Morbid Inaction of the lioweh, Flatuh-nry, Lo.i of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of tlie body or obstruction of its functions, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE BAUD CTTEE OF Golds,. Influen-za, Hoitrvcncss,, Coughs, Croup Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the diseasc. So vide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous arc the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every, other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues ore known,. the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affection vofi the pulmonary organs that are incident to ear olimate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon tho community "have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits . on the afflicted thev can never foriiet, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkabie tm be forgotten. PREPARED BY K. JF. C. A1ER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. And for Sale by S. J. Hinsdale & Co., and J. N. Smith, Faycttevillo enr.C McLin, Wilmington, M. A. & C. A. Santos orfolk, Williams 6c Haywood, Raleigh, and by all Xrtiggistf!. d-A-v-ly. Thousands arc daily .p-:ikiiijr in th praise of Infantile Cordial, ant) why ? liiwanw it nv.T fails to afford intCHutanroun relief wlit-n ivvu in ti in It xc-ts c if by ninitio, nd on trial alono w'-ll osiTiuco yoa that what w- gay U true. It contains j.3o Paregoric or Opiate ! of any kind, and thtrlrr Ii-Ii-tk iy rfiuovinj; tlm sufferingp i of your cliil-1 iuxtKtd of dt-deuin it M9iiililitiii lorthii reMouo. it coinmirnd!' itswlf in ouly r-IIblt prrparauon now known fur Ciill tresi I'l'rihlii):. Utai r Itoca. Oj eiil-ry, Oripiuz. in the Biiwdi. tciililv of lie t: inaili. Wlinl.Cold ill tlf Ilend. and Croup, ulso. for ot'tc-ning the rwtucina! lntli.nation. regulating tin- Bowrl and re- tioving pain.it ha no tijn.il bini? nti--MiBitMdic it if u-.d with uiiMlinR iiiccm in all caws 01 oovainwp or onier rn. As you vhIur tne lire anu neiiin n your rniKs.en. anu wipii nt save tliera from th-uw utd and blighting ui-n1iu-ii-ei which aro i-rtain to rosult fi ui top use of uarcoticy of which other reme dies for Infantile complaints are complaints- aiu eoinpoaed, take none but Or. lOalim'n Iilfan lie C'orlli4; '-liil you can reiy upoo. It ii perfectly barm less, and cannot injure the tnnst delicate .nfuut I'ri' e 25 cents. Kull directions aycom punyiuj; each bottle. Prepared only by . OilUUCll & UUPO T. No. 40'. Uroadway, New YprJU. )jgJF( Healu j Blood tipon Uiog I alwayii presents ua with the same em.-nti.il etemetit. and sie cuure me true standard Analyse the B; d nra person feriog from t'-oanumptidia. Liver orapl iint. Dyspep? Srof nla, and we find in eery fnntance pertain dpiicincie in the red globule of Blood. Suppy these I- fic'c irien. you ari made well. The Blood t-'ood in I'ouuded upon this I heory . hence its aton'.rhin 'uccei. There are Five Preuarations adapted to tbe deSeienr-ies of thfc tln d ia dilT- rent dlsea For Cuitsbs' Cald Brkehtli- or any affection "'r U .. i. . A -. - . a. .ft ihll . 0 1 irhlh i. II.. Vn f,.p ll....rpsiin nf s oiritx. I.ss of rPe ..... ........ - " tite. aud fur all Chr jnic CoaiijUint arising (ieneial Debility oinl xtrvoua Prosli.. m. for Lirertomnlaliita.No. 3. for D-. j ea?riJ ready preuareil for .h.irjti ti it t taken hy tr-' " jfl you re. iumiedixtely into the circulation, ra that wbe y" JJ.-sieila. tain 'I he No 4 i tor I-'c ile Iri rs;ttla'r''b"i for-siaH U'eakmiMi. Stc- See j;eeial direetioo Hltl itheum. f5 r u ji ta. Scrafnk loa. ' , :he dir-ctiona der romplaluis. tako m v st be strict'y foilowed. fl pep p.in rt tatt . ' boltlu. ... arH fc OCPO.VT Sol V ;.v NVvv York. No. Jjrv"' "J J r And by all W- Vrflte, by. country. rorsalo j - c:'irvix

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