TIRE'' NORTH- llROIMIAN ' x ; . 1 tr I" k,-T M""MMMMMMMMMWiWBMMMBWMBBMMWMMMBMBnMaMMaMinMMBliiMi nmm Jjj TERMS $2 00 PER ANNUM, "THE NOBLEST MOTIVED 1 J.HE PUBLIC GOOD PAYA B LE IN AD V A N C E - -i if'. - VOLUME XXI. XO. 33 TKKMS OF SUJiSCJilPTJOA. iii'ilcuWlio advance, per annual $2 00 ai. ;ui! cmi ot the yei.r Single copies, live cents. Noubacriptiou willbe received for 1 months. a, 00 ess than six lla.tef or AlvrtiBing. Sixty cents per square of 16 lines, or Icbs, for the nrst, and u cents for each subsequent insertion, for ny period under three months. For three months, $4 00 For six months, ....... b 00 For twelve mouth-, 1 0 00 Other advertisement by the year on favorable terms. .VilVOrllSei rH Lvirlifiilarlv ro..ii..tl..H trk ante ttic:iuinber of insertions desired, otherwise they Wl !JJlT rr';""?.?"-'1 fr,''d. d charged accoidinsly - u vuiv oi an kiwis executed neatly ana promptly. 1. J. SINCLAIR. Editor ANDl'BOPiar roR. A XT O R X E Y A T E A V . FFIOK west end of the Insurance building', Hay Street. O K.tyettevllle, X. C, Mar-.'a 20, 'GO. tf J A M I ) A VIS, ATTORNEY AT 1, A W , Carchasc, N. C. A Lfj biiritc-:s i-ntrur,tv;d to It is care will receive prompt attention, -March 'J, 1. ?!. lv M. .1. McDUFFI K, ATrORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, KavkttkViLI.k, n. j. N. A. ai-i.i:a.v, A T T 0 JJ N E V A T L A W LUMltEIiTON. N C, T" Collections promptly uttei.dcd to. April lat, lf;t) y. iHJVCAX J. devam:, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW CLINT) N, X. C, 7 ILL practice in the County and Snprri r Court T T i 1 ; I ii , Cumberland , and Sampson , anl O the adjoining J unties. Office ueai the Ciiutoi llott F-bv it. 1-'W. tl" ilornev & Cumiacllor at Law, m 1 rM-JBRVI XiX-T, 2ST. o It.f 't.-u.l t'i( ('..iirt-' o! (Ill 111 I km I ;l ll i ! Mool JoW.ir; -td Har:i.-tt t.'oii'ity PROMPT atten- f.ivi ;iY'.-j.t4 lui of i.H claims entrusted to hi (ij:.uj;.t (; ATi'ORXEY AT LAW, 1ST. C?- " 1 1. 1. ii ictic" ia tU ; ouiii.i- I-"';i den , Sacp jut'utii i'ivea ill HiL-i'l :i -s tilu;iiiie.i to Li? ti'i.:f --. .1. 11 i i t iiiNi;v am 'coCnsei.lor 1 I.A LUMI5HUTOX, X. C. r 1 I.I. AfTKNii the C-'uittyand Superior Court. of It '. .-- i , 'a iilV;r!aii I. JU'.idcu and C olum i. All ioi-ou' -m iuiriiM'id to Ins cr, "will recvii i o aiit a.u.:iitiijii. O.lictiu th.'- Cuurt Wiuw. tii:y 1. is .in. i ! CO M M I SSI 0 X M K IiC!I A X TS, A C. H- GR AH A M, o m :u i 3 y i o a iU c rcJj a it t. WILMINGTON, N. C. T-TT.r. lv n-oinnt and !i-T.-i'i;il attention t Co i-iniu .-:it3 of Spirits Turpentine, Ro.uii, --- .-a - i -. - .... v .r T rn.'iitine. nd all cniatrv produce for ale eOFFIGK up st-Aira over the Sun-uf Mr Voa-'l-ihii and iolniii' Lutterloh's wharf. HriU Wter Street A NO Piomnt attention given to tin- sale or nhiprueut ,.r Cotton. Nnval Srores,-and produce of all kinds purchased to order. Sep. 20. uerally. tf. AVON K. HAL!., .ftjruurting axib Commission iUercrjcint, f ILL give quick despatch to Goods consigned to htm. I'-.i ticul.ir itteiilioii given to nil produce sent him for sale. Consignments of Naval for or Kiiipin--ut . solicited. Wilmington. June I.IS.VJ. d-ty r jS. W. tltUAXT. liKu. WILSON. Ell KANT & WILSON, Commission Jlcrc;uttst And Wholesale Dealers in GROCERIES AND DOMESTIC n n ! GOOD s . 11 .V 15 XORTII WATER STREET. Wilmington. ' Sept. i7. tf. JSO. S. ItASC Late orbo N. C. LY i JSO. II. HTM AS r. C r. m. hvmas, d Late of War- I, ite of Scotlan S Neck, N. C. f renton, N. C. Dancepji Ilijmaii A' Co. GROCEHES AND COMMISSHON MERCHANTS, 124, Pearl Street, New York. rrhis House will be conducted by JN(J, S D VN GEY, aided by R. II Y. VI AN. Hvman, Dancey 3c Co., Commtssian 3!lcrclmntsr T his Honsc will be coudm tcd by JNO. II. II Y- M AN' and F M H Y.MAN. PARTICULAR attention given, in botli Houses, to the sale of Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Naval (Stores, . Sept 15 tf IS. I?. '3. tf VA, M ISC E L L A SEOU S TABACEVJUJUS lCiTIFitI CE OCO OR DESTAL SNUFF S now introduced to the Aracri- I can public. coinpo:ed of the purerit Snulf, di vet ted of its object j ionable qualities, and retiniug its ! .nt itk th ..n...-.,...... r ptbe Parisian world as the niot u.-j f lul and el'gaut toilet article in tl; world. Elegantly mouuteu SuperLly flavored, afaii oruumcut, and aa a Toilette 1 . I OTICE!!! Encased in two forms. Nd. I GOLDEN BANDED OCO Retains all its natural strength and pungency, aa imported, and is a mwt suponor article for UOte who desire an agreeable stimulant. It imparts to the teeth that po culiac hr Hincy"for which the ladies of Southern Eu- o.S. SlL.Vi.li JJANUEU Ut'U- Designed ; expressly for the Northern markt retains alt Its ! povor as h den ti trice though gr-atly reduceU :n us i-timulatinji properties Aj a Corn On your Toilet Stand . You will be Pleased with it, ami for its excellencv vou will recommend it. For sabbv IJ.MiNKS.t PARK. 13 Park Row. and COXRAD i'OX, HI Barclay Street, New York, and all Druggists. D pot for the States and Canadas, I'S.i Water St., N.Y. Juue-', ln;0. du y 13 1 i N TAL NOTICE. . . pR. R. SCOTT woud request all those desiring --'his professinnal services this Summer to call soon, us he will he absent from Fayettcville from .he 15th JULY, until SEPTEMBER. .June -2! 18i0. d-tf. ALL SIZES AND STYLES, made tt . i i r t c ... . : .. . truer. Also, one uox oi giuss iw evciy aiit Pictures, ju-t VANORSDELL'S GALLERY. Nov. 1 -dtf J. Jf Intlreivs. HAS ON HAND -V GENERAL ASSORTMENT Or' Tin 1'late. siievt Iron, Iron arr, Slieet l.rnd, Lead Pipe, inr irwifWirc Cloth of aiiortrd num b r, Pt.TIPS, Jir,, &e. A LSO A ir -neral nKiu tmetit of of hi Mm own niaufaclure, at wholesale and retail, set S'ii:vi j Fayettcville, S'-pt. 1j. lul CAKia.VdK I'ACTOU A. A. ETHAN T El'I'S ci.'i-tAiitlv on hand a lar-'c as-.oilineiit ol ehich:s of every de.-cription, which are well and ."illifully nuulo and liuislo-d in the i iuuresT and N kate st tyle. His facilities for doinjr carriage work arc ;i:rArk:ii than any establish h:m' Soctii, nhich fcii vhlefiliim to sell his work on the most favor ba'n' term?. xw. t:;. iSuS. , f AilJTIOX!;'FR i COM-VLS-rltix: MiRCHAAX -E:tt SiJt of (rilK'spie Strt'ot, Fa YftfrKviLi.K, N. C. X..v. Li. LS.'.g inan stock: XKW fiOtlS! AT O.tKATLY JlKDTJCKl) TRICES. (JITS, COXFi:CTOSA ItlllS, li;itKt'.MP,UtKsi auJ KXTUACTS, J".. y -1 vy, AC ui'.? it Itirttfitn.,ntrf, "audiiv-4 it . NV". i i iiliolitxow Cuthiry. I'iHtctlxi. fiiced Win.;, ll-iy Rum, Ginger Brandt, Wa ittj Ctinff, and a great assortment of Fa ney Goo Count! j Dealers and the public are respectfully vtted to csll and examine my jtfcock. I b.ve a gi isiiiy bx.auuiv things that Cannot fail to phase J l.'S R LEE. iro 40 Hotel Building. Hay St, iiiuf 2:vtf Pn-sb copy vf Ilaritirarci Groceries. a OLDSTONTi ItOTHERS UAV K now in store and are d-iilv receiving their ock of Hardware, Saddlery, which th--y will sell as low as the same goods can be Hold in this m irket. We ask all in want ot goods in our line to give us a call. Country produce of all khidi t vkeu in exchange for goo.ls. G. W. I. GOLDSTON C. C. GOLDSTON. Ct. Oct. Ll. Ct. Piesb'n A Obs'r c'y i o. 34, Hay Street. I i I f t Y'DS I'rints unusually low, either lit LJ J JJ wholesale or retail : 50 doz. Wool and I ot'aer Hats; Cluttilof, at itreatly reduced price-', together with a large and varied slock of Staple and Fancy D Y O O O O S ? all of which will be oli'ered on as tavor able terms as at anv House ia the Stat . Call examine 'or your selves, at No. 31 Hay Street. Oct. 4, tSCO wtf 5ri Theo. mJtiartlne OFFICE. HAY STRFBr, opposite the Post Oflicc. Medical Electricity applied. Fayette villc, Oct. 20 tt 6u"MERjrlA.jNrr) co. JU J For sale, r",HE Subscriber wishing to change his business, ot JL fe-s for Sale, his farm, situated on the west sil" of Cape Fear River, about two miles North of Fayette ville. There are about 200 acres of Laud, about fifty of which is cleared and produces well. There is a1huI tiftv acres of rich Swamp Land, which it is said by persons, competent to judge, will bring fifty bushels Gorn to the acre ; this Swamp has just been throughly ahnnt rive acres cleared and ready lor ! Corn. There if also about acres ol as nae nnsiuw ous may not be molested by man or beast. -as caii be found in the country. There is a choice col-j We would solicit a liberal patronage from the citi lectiou of fruit trees, all ol the best. There are two ! z ;ns of the Town and njrrounding country. Dwellings and all necessary out Houses, and two- I.Jt D. T. HOLLINGS WORTH. Springs of fine water near by. . Sept. 29. tt. I wi.l also dispose of my Stock. Crop, and farming f$f Obs'r c'y 4t. implements. To any one d'spoed to raise Vega tables j ior .uarket. This is a rare chince. as every ariicic ou a firm can be readily sold for Cash. There is an lKi. n.j f . . - . . - 1 -11 n . I Mllll -..u.i.iiee oi wooa on tne L.aoa. wnicn win iu. " " " ready tale-, the year rouad. Auy person disposed to purchaae will ple 8e call aooo, and see the Land. 'ov 3 tf 1SIIAM BLAKE. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FAYlSTTEVILLE, N. O., SATUj 'AX, NOVEMBER 17, i860. ERRANT, WILSON & BRO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN hVISES, LIQUORS ANJ HAVANA CIGARS, RESPECTFULLY invite the rMcctlu lijpjjof Retailers and HarKeepers in general to their extensive stock ot Wine. 1irindies. Crtns. Jfaney Jottled JLiauors ana t Cigars, which for excellency of quality and cheap- j nt-ss of price, cannot be surpassed by Jin' otner J louse in the country, opeciai attention is mviteu to their Pure German Vinegar, arr article not known at the South, and when once tried uo dealer nor private family will do without. -ALSO nest Rhine Wines, for table use; first quality Sardines. July 24, diw tf REMOVAL; HAVE rem.jved to their iiEW TilKEE STORY aud one door VVest of their old stand, where thev are now opening a larw i STOCK. OF GOODS IN THEIR LINE, Recently bought in the Northern Markets, together with their own direct importations, making one of the most complete assortments ever ottered to the whole sale trade by them. The attention of Merchants is respectfully invited to the above Stock. J.D.Stakk. J. M Williams. September 1. 1SC0. tf GOLD AND SILVER JEWELRY, & UST reeceived a larjje addi tion to my slock' of WATCH ES. JEWELRY, SILVER and 1M.ATKD WARE. FINE CUTLERY, MILITARY AXD FANCY GOODS, Which makes my stock good. Those who are about to make their purchases would do well to call and take a look. 1 think I can suit them as to price and qual:ty. fir- Particular attention paid to Watch and Clock REPARIXG .VXD JOBBING- W. PR YO R. Sept. 17, igtiO. 3m. ,i.9 HAS returned from the North with a much larger stock of Goods in his line, than he has ever otlerei before. Amone his assortment may be found Watches of all qualities from "7 to $i') ; Chains. Seals and Revs of all kinds: Uracelets, Ear Rings, Ilreast Tins and Lockets ; Go'.d. Silver, Steel, and Common Spectacles ; Gold and Silver Pencils and Pens, Silver Spoons Silver Cups und G'.idets, Silver Plated Tea Sets. Ci.ke Ua-kets, Castor . Caudle Slicks and Lbiit.-r Dishes ; Coral Necklaces, lir..ce-It-f- and Arm- f- t y. JH" 7 " ' UIOCKS oi au K.mcis anci qualities, 1 A titin lot of Pistols ; a good assortment of Military Goods a.id Accor.leons, and everything else kept in a Jewelry Store. fj, fl. i Agent for the saIc of the Celebrated Ameri can Watches. Any p-rson in want of a : Good Watch ia invited to j call and examine I them. 1 P. S. Particular atlCu'ion paid to the Repairing of WATCHES. CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Fayettcville. N.C.. Oct. 9. Jfctld. 3m. ; . a . e . . a -a t 1 "large second ARE NOW R EG EI Y ING AND OPENING THE LARGEST SECOND j OF ay "T7"E have ever offered to our customers, comprising V All the articles usually kept by us. a.11 of which we are disposed to o Ter on accuiuiodaUng terms to our customers and all wholesale purchasers. Phase Call nd examine our stock. " ll. A' E. J. LILLY. Oct. C. tf NOTICE, A' PPLICATION will be made to the next General Assembly, of the State of North Carolina, to amend tho Acts incoi jorating the Town ot I.umberton N C. CITIZEN. Oct 20 4w- e f"W Y'DS Carpeting, price varying i rout ij tJjJ rr cts. i-l lo r. .M l,rVpl A 1.1 I 7 ... i i . - .' .. T. i. "!.!. . . if. ! UUU 1 - !- WH1B, illMI ITIIUIU CIUlU,Clil (rainnin . Ac. . -e. at Hay Sticet, Oct. Uh, J.K.KYLE. tf fTUIE s subseiilier has oh inged his place of husiaes-? ; oiu ihc Office on Green Street, in Dr. Kobin-on's J J from building, to one on Anderson Street, immediately in the rear of Messrs. Hay & Pearce s Store. Oct24w G SHEPHERD I. & D. T. IlOLLIXGSWGIiriJ fggjiL ITU AYING formed a co-partner ' i3!jjBdE2 if fl ship for the purpose jxlb II ji of carrying a t h e GROCERY BTrSIHTSSSIfY Have opened a store next door above th" Cape Fear Itank. arc now prepared to s.,-11 their fret-h stcck of Coll'ee. Teas. Sugars. Molasses, liai;'m. Flour and Meal, and ic f.i t every article coiniiionly fouad in a first-class est abli-hmeiit. As on" aim is to mtke "quick sales and short prof its." we . ill offer the ttbove at tho lowest ca-h prices; also, in exchange for Country Produce. We have attatcued to our store the moet secluded yard where farmers' wag m mm , - , , T'.'T BOXES GOOD CHEESE. 4 For Fale bv E F MOORE. S.1I, T. 5QQ SACKS SALT Jutt received by EF MOORE. A Jf.. 11 rrrTlr ill urnr rnrir vATETTBVTI.IjE, n. c. JOUTH ALONE SHOULD )VERN THE SOUTH. Ithe following extracts from a Southern x; aient which should he in the heads of K an article written in favor of cer t; ,& fertt' rights, resolutions passed at St. Johi' rr,mY? " - v. last Spring. Kead it : :" ;A T,C PAKTT : DIVIDED. )l'?P?0,ivable' frHc w citizens, how anv re- Ji 30mth all th fac:s before himr should sttl fdeludea himself, as to suppose, 1)? iSy u.id Le united, vpoa ai that the VTtllCIVIC. whli'h r-oolrl wartaTe"tuej have been engaged in, At:er judge ivou-jlas had announced hi don-. ma of Squatter Sovereignty, and his principles had been ratified, and adopted so generally, by North cm and Western Democrats, the seed of death were sown in the party, never again to be eradica ted. The Northern vie.v on this question was in such direct antagonism, with that entertained by the South, that it would be supposed no witchery ot the necromancer could possibly reconcile them. 0 .. in, nuuiiu ia ueem- i ;,...,.--;ki.. ...;tL n.. !..-... u ' .. t . . . Seeker" by trade ; and they seemed U, think that even this imnassable chasm could ho b.td. oy resorts to "expediency and rppeals to "party and rppeals success. Indifferent themselves to princivle-s thev appeared to think that all other men are equally so. When, therefore, tiiey assembled in Convention in Charleston, they undertook to coccr vp the difficul ty which they could neither remove nor destrov and to accomplish by ambiguity, fraud and indirec tion, what was too strong for them openly to grap ple with. They accordingly offered a platform which they knew was Janus-faced and deceptive and must necessarily operate as a swindle. CONTEMPT TOll THE SOl'TIT. I make no comment upon the insult and contempt to the South which this purpose implied a con tempt for our intelligence, which could not perceive. the swindle ; a contempt for our political morality, which would gicc up our principles for the success of a party or the spoils of office; and the insult to our manhood, which could be driven from its pro priety, by fear of consequences and the power of numbers. Rut, by whatever motives prompted, the attempt to impose upon the South such a platform. failed as every intelligent man believed it would fail, who had not lost faith in the South that she still had sp:rit enough to assert her rights ; and who did not believe, with th- contemptuous North, that '"she could n t be lick(d out of the Union." The South had been cheated once already in that plaiform, and by the ambitious Expounder of it ... i . i i i .i . i . i i .. . J nuu sue uau openiy ui ciarcu ner intention not a "a in to bo cheated. She was insulted, by not being be- neitu, uuiii im ucr Khsuciu;es in tne Aortliern win" of the Democratic party (at heart Freesoiler.,) as well as by some of her own sons.nurtured upon her bosom, but who, alas ! had learned, ulso, to dispa rage her ! 1i. t. .t . , . uhjic were, oo me oiner nano. ninny ave y tn.:jdT Us.-..- ,j",..,i.-..,i!m uurn:Tnirac aore liliat jiCTv, uua hucwduld be lieve nrJtinng disreputable of her; who, trusting in her wisdom, and never doubting her courage, be lievedihat, iii her own way, an i in her own good time, she would lay asido her o. be irance, and plant herself resolutely upon her rights. Could sona, then, like these, suppose that she would go into a National Convention of Democrats, and, for any cause, and under any temptations, com prom.xe her principles or surrender her heritage of right.-.? I tell you, nay, fellow citizens f They never would indulge a thought so dishonoring to her, as to suppose that, if principles were to be surren dered to unite the Democratic party, the surrender would be on her part ! Rut if they LP .--u e that the South wDuld stand firm, they were :dso persuaded that no concession would come from the Northern wing of the party arrogant as thev are from self-conscious power, and fet.b'ntr. na thev do that thev represent the maiori- ty section of the Union, which, thev are resolved. -,, & . shall give law to the South. THK NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC PAKTT BKING BROKEN IP, INTO TWO IIOSTILeJwINUS : ffH T IS THE INTKItEST. AND EHJTV OF THE SOUTH, I XPEli THK CIKCUMSTAN CF.S. Here, now, we perceive in the bosom of the Na tional Democratic Convention ttco parties, with principles radically opposed and irreconcilable, and both resolute in maintaining their ground. How, then, could union and concei t oi action be expected from such jarring elements ? I tell you, sir, they were not expected : and the breair.ig up of that Convention, and its failure to nomii.lt. a common candidate for the party, are precisely such results . . .....II : . . r I r , . 'l r u-lin li-.it r.T ...... lK..irrlit i ,...r..i..ii .;..:... i 'i-i... l me SUOOCl, 11-IU lUliuuoilljr aii.nnKimu. JlIC meet in a then, of that Convention, and its nroeeed- . t i'"Ss fdterwarilS, were naiuicu oy eery earnest f. tend of the South with intense anxiety, looking for the rupture. And now I ask. can any different result be expec ted for the future ? There is nothing to justify the expectation I will not say the hope. The causes which kd to that rupture, so far from being tempo rary, are permanent, and increasing, diy by cay, in number and strength. No union, then, on prin ciples, may ever again be looked for in any Demo cratic party. If, then, "the Democratic party (the onhy organiza tion which may be called national, and is not pure- ly f wntionsl.) may be considere 1 as b. oleen up, and the Government is to fall into sectional and hostile hands, I ask 1st, what interest has the Soiuh in the Democratic party any longer; and, 2d, what is the position which she should take for herself in this aspect of affairs ? If her rights in the Union are not fully secured to her, ii it compatible with her dignity to hang on to a party as a sort of de pendent "mike-weight," swelling its ranks, and put ting it into power, and then receive from it, (iu the persons of a few of her needy otit'cc-scelcrs) a few worthless crumbs as her share of the spoils ? Can it be to her interest to continue to be a mere appen dage to a Government whose treasury she supplies annually with more than furt.y millions of revenue, to receive back, in return, only twenty millions in disbursements ? Can it be to her interest to belong to a nation, in which she is out-numbered and out voted by those who arc her enemies in which her 'ether men vdio -n'ti'on to destroy . t. ;- dearest rights are at the mercy of have openly announced their intention them, p.nd who now'begin to contemn us in their hearts because of our pvsillanimiiy in not defend ing ourselves ? Every fetling of dignity and self respect, every motive of self-preservation, forbid it. And may God deliver us from the apathy which will end in such ruin and degradation ! WHAT IS THE INTEREST AND DUTV OF THE SOCTH, IS CASE THE GOVERNMENT SHALL FALL INTO THK. HANDS OP THE BLACK REPUBLICANS. Regarding it then as hopeless, utterly hopeless,-to ! t l"'" auj party, or comoinauon, insuie mo party, or coaiDtnaiton, uie . , .. ' s, the resolution then propounds . , , . i i ich, sooner or later, we must solve .i . . -i oii. : . union iu save us thut OUOKtion nrbtb I o irhn -V. i.i i . a. i -1 c .1. - - - i c.i.-mu uc me action oi me auum in tasu ii..., i.L.iiM. i i i- i, ii t. ... cyo.Tninii.nl snail iaii into tlio nanus ot the isiacK Repub'.icms after the Sppr0aching Federal elections? -and this it propose to 8ohv, hist ow. and with, j ou gun ui-.nvvii iiie -.wo wings ol me nartv like , ,- . .. , . tht wbb-b co.,v .t,.d l t .. .!. i herding together of two sections spiteful to eacii broad and dcp VbaV it would harTSd to be I U Ch ? impossible to bring them together, in SS action W,t,h. 'sts ' I I" ainr tl. .-.,,00.00 n..,v n.. - t V. maki.ig laws which operate with merciless severity out delay, by recommeml.ng that we take our des- ! future of that people whose destinies are nix'.tj- :ht tinies under our own control, and prepare to pro- control and legislation of another people; i-i.orai.t tect-ourselves under a friendly government of our 'of their condition, insensible to tht-r wants, without own." sympathy or pity, and legislating them alter thi ii And here I exp-ct to be met with tho babbling own crude, and wild, and unpi a-.tical.le theories !"' out-rry of the timorous " Why, this is disunion" What difference. would it make to us, whether om and with the stereotyped croakings of the old fogy livs and fortunes were controlled by Red Reptil.Ii ' Union saveis " "Why, this is revolution " j can France, or lilack Republican -.Massachuset t.- ; Even so, fellow-citizens: it i d'sinion ! It is rcvo- i whether we are to be ttic viesiins of the I'luii i-uica) lotion ! Do not blink it ; look it full in the fare ' self-righteousness ol (. Id F.i gh.iui philanthi cj , r Become familiar with it : for the necessities of our the Puritanical .-ell-righteousne.-s 1 New England condition require it. Let us hear no moro of the ! philanthropy V Fra ci- bad mr Santiionax ; Ivi-l ind sophomorie sentimentality about "the Union" her Clarkstm and liuxton ; and toe Nor; i, haw ; ! rir "the glorious Union cemented with the blood of ' Giddings, their il.-on, lf ir Seward. :m-i then i;iu- J-J -., a .... - . . - .. .. .. our iarners, an-i to oe ciieristiedtor the memniies of the past," &c, fcc. Let us brush awav these c b- webs, and look at the subject clearly, like practical and sensible men, who have to deal with a great Reality, Let ms realize to ourselves this f-.ct, (cal culated, I admit, to sink like a heavy weight, upon oar hearts); that the Union is lost: that it sr.irit has departed Trom Mt i 'm3kfzw purposes, fbrxtie Soutn, it is no longer worth car- ing for! I hat union which originally bound togeth er thirteen friendly States, .respectful and courteous to each other in all their intercourse gentle towards each other's feelings forbearing towards each oth ers private affairs not ofliciouslv intruding, but promoting, like brethren of one family, the interests, the peace, the honor of each other; that union has ! long since ceased to exist, between the ort!i and the South ! It is now the forced and lumaitnul : i : upon tne weaker section i ,Is lh,S 8U a"n.1?n ftS,a V'' eu man wouiu, lor iiimseu, oe niu.g u. . o u.:e, , or to perpetuate to his posterity? And f.rthe social and political intercourse between the people -f these two sections; look at the treatment of Southern men reclaiming their property at the North ; and the well founded su.-picions, which follow northern men, wherever they go in the South, and the punishment which they often receive whilst practicing among us the fanatical principles which they bring with them from home. Contemplate the scenes in the halls of Congres insult and vituperations; the u!g; r threats of conscious power on the one side, and scorn and defiance on the other; almost cery ques tion of legislation decided by a strictly sect onal vote. Could it be worse if the representatives of France and England, or of Russia aad Austria, in their worst days, were forced together into one hall, to legislate together for the interest of each king dom the representatives of one. nation having the decided preponderance in making la-vs lor the oth er ? Could it be worse, if animals of ho tile natures were forced together, into one cage, to fight with each other, over their food ? And is this a connection (for I cannot call it a union) such as any man of sense and coin age would seriously contend for, as desirable, for the two sec tions to live under ? I answer, fr uij'Self, that it is not desirable ; and I give it as my opinion, th it ' it the question was put, fairly and squarely, be fore the people of the whole South with i.il tho disastrous and humiliating consequent s of this un natural connection between tile two sei-tions lairlv J presented to them--that there would not be found a lieuienat's squad ot Southern-born men in favor of perpetuating it ! THE CAUSES OF NoN-ACTlOJJ. IN THE SofTII. And yet it may be asked : "How, then, do s it come to pass, that So jnany of these peoide se-io (iMi-.f .' tlmj; jlvSJtylMlif-j- x AJL.; may oe assfgneu ior tnisiem.uKunie pi.vnonienoii, the chief of which are : 1st, that the conditions are not fulfilled, in having the evils of this conneciion. and its consequences, fairly presented to them ".1, th.it, from the insidious nature of many oft e.-e evils that of Federal taxation, for examnle they are alfectrd in a manner, indirect and unseen : 3.1. from the nitural apathy belonging to seme men. especi ally among those who. (like the agricultural popula tion of the South), live much alone, and apart iivm each other; and wh'ch encourages a sort of Alleaw ber expect ition in their troubles that "something will turn up" to bring them relief; and lastly (but most potent of all) the delusive hopes which are held out to them, by those who assume to be their poli tical leaders," that if they will make such a man President, or keep such a party iu power, the people need ive themselves no further concern, since the President and the parly will put things straight for them. This is commonly the advice of those "gre it men" (so exiled) w ho, being actualh' in the c-i j .y ment, or in hopeful expectation of the honors "and offic.-s of tho party ,or tho President, are apt to ente; tain extravagant notions of whet a party and Pn-si- d nt c in do e need not, ititn suppose that the.-e "g'eit men are wiliully traitors to the peoph, al though their advice is followed by all the fatal con sequences of selfi-h treachery. For say, Mr. Chai;--mm, what can a President or n part do for the Sicuriry of the South, even if we had their entire sympathy and fullest inclination to take sides with us, when the Northeast, and North and Northwest of these United States are hoplesslv ibulit.io;,ize.:t, and are now working under a "higher law" consti tution of their own V What can a President do. al beit personally, and politically, entirely acceptable to us; in a government, the most powerlnl depart ment of which, (the legislative), is thoroughly sec tionalized and with the party even, ot which he is the Representative Chief, taking pari again-Cus with our sectional foes ! How unwise, then (for I will not be so irrever. n as to say how foolish and absurd), is it, for the South to be placing her depeiidcnoe upon Presidents " and " parties," when she can work out her own de liverance from injustice and wrong by the strength of her own right arm, directed by her own biave heart ! Assent to these conclusions would, I think, be the general sentiment of the unbiassed and instruct ed mind of the whole South; and this sentiment would soon ripen into manly and resolute ACTION, were it not for the fatal counsels to procrastination from thei-- political advisers, aided by the womanly tears of ' Disunion," ana tne cronKings oi political hacks about " Revolution. i' DISCSIOS INEVITABLE. Rut. Mr. Chairman, not all these croakings, nor lamb-like bhatings, nor counscllings, can prevent it! "Disunion" and ' Revolution" must come! else, under the rule of Abolitionism, and of the bad and vulgar men, who, like the scum, will rise upon the surface of Northern society, from the boiling caul dron of universal sujfragc there will be in store for the South an endurance of insult and sufferings, of isrnominv and degradation, which no peoj.le have ever submitted to, except those who Were born slaves? What, sir ! can the gentleman, born so by j nature, or by culture and educati n, submit to he ruled bv some vulgar demagogue like Giddings or i Wilson, or Locjoy, or Sun. ner himself brought' ! bri ,f thority by pandei ing to the prcju-H. e- . : of a vtil ar sans ea llott ef Can a free tr opic, ac- customed to just and sensible laws, with their I a mi- li-s and property to pr.-tect, an I having under keep- ; "ngsosensitivean institution us that of African slave- i rv consent to hare interests s precious to them, tampered with, by tlte crn te experiments of a crazy and impracticable fanaticism ? EXAMPLE OF ST. THOMAS AND HIE BRITISH WEST INDIES. Vnrtiinnte'.v for the South, history has recorded for our warnm"' the fatal consequences of such fob I w, , r. 1 1 ..-. . .1.,. i i i"i " ---' ..:,, ,.i,i,. s.,,;,, , rt..n immolate I beseech vou, fellow -citizens tlte ' thus uepnv ly. Cortterapii-e, i ,,, f Hi Dominco: ana then, alter the soul woui-i oe sc I example ot "uu " k ' , wbu h i ' k.. income tokened by the nwtul tragtdits winch ' u.... I...-.M.O- t-nikenect by u v.."-...- - .,, il,,. two-.- ru-i -netrated. then turn to tne Dritish were tuc r'i"; . . . West Indies, and let that example gnu e le -Pc. op- on the heart tho solemn Is.on, ot the Iic-iv; nn - WHOLE 1238 . ner. And, it it poiios l.bie.uiy mn , tnat n..-.- causes will produce like effects, wha. reason h r.e e to suppose tnat we of the South shall escape the dire effcCis of abolition frenzy here, h.n it hns produced such temlic consequences i vrnwlnTi; else hen I -evolutionary trance rust t.i.'j disease ol i-oiilual tanaticisu., her thto'ies -iK.tif. lui many mootns haTl .XK!L.JJ,,.iMjd hanr!es- noi parsed avvav. U Ini- ili'o madness' had, so far sot oosscssiou of lu-r th;.t -1 e j inscribed upon her banners, " Lib rt,c, l'..,H.t!li i, j. 1-u.irrni as appnrnnic, noi only to l;ci -eh, for all the nations and kin.doius of the eai tli. t-ut i'hc- civilized world . t'-ok alarm at tl,e-e ra n I the fanatic maniac, and closed tlu-i gat. s rpoii j her. Rut she hud some f eble coi-miis, W,v w hi h he had the rwlit to make laws and to ll, turned, to c.srry out her theories !' luu-rty a:.d l l;; l itithrophy ! Unhappy St. Domingo! She had md her dcstnies m her own i.erph, ; siiC was govcrne 1 by a na ion which knew not her coniui!ony:.iid hich was under th inllucncc -f t.ocries which were en tirely inappli able to her. The experiment was made; she was too weak to resist ; scenes of m 1 1 d i misery followed; nil that she had of ci ili.ati. n v. s "rushed out of her, an I there he stands a Degra ded Tiling a men niieiit ot "warning " to all peo ples, to take their govt riiment into their own hands and not to permit them -d v..s to be governed l.v another and a hostile people Now, fellow -citizens is there nothing in tl.i-fearful history, and in that of the abolition of slavory in the Iiiii.-h West Indies, from whic.i the l outh mav tike warning, when applied to the history of abolition in the United States V. TlMOrE'S OF AlloI.ITIoN AMuVi THK I'EOl'i.r: Of 'J IJ K u'iii:n states. Scarcely thirt- years g, the abolition paity ns io small and insignificant thut it was gin ted, ivcu in New England, with derision and riiiicule. N.-w, it has over.-pread lifteen Mates of this Unioii; '"I , ke;i po.-session oi their political j.owcr; v. iehis ii u im ii purposes-; ha thorougbly ftci i'i,il t counti'V ; and at the last Pre.-i- ential election give to its sectional . andidate, .although a meie ahi. Hi rer wit. tout any claims to statesmanship. l.Il.s vote- ; and that, too. against a man in epi nac.i i ?e in ch.-irae er, and one of tue iocs expirieii.-ed s.atts me.'i i.i the Confederacy. So much in ci!cn e of its progress tiruung the j'tjic. And n.w, ht us look at its advance i.i the goceruiitt nt of the coun try. PKOUKESS OF ABOLITION IN TIlK 00 VKItN M tN'T ol X ; I e IMThO STATUS. About the same t'un:-, (when they first began (o petition for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, and it was objected to by ihu South as line i'.-titutioii.'l, .-ei ing that Congress had ho right to gr..nt such a petition,) they coincin.c d tor the lucre right " petition, and to liave their petl- I tions rca I Advancing, steti hy step, they C'.l -o- 'll s-t'liii r i-.---irioti tw Xt'1-' ',V'"- b.'.l . .-KVV J'iJic of (.Ol. rricr V.fc j'ry petitions have mi ice poured in like a li e i, n: .. i Congress, ( ti;e coinmo-i Legislature of the i '.n :-, ' ! r.icy), couched in lan-uage the moM oiir: .si .e an i:. suiting to the people and ins" 1 1 lit i. i.s ol h; jf Sates r lerein represented: petitions to ahc slaver", in the f .i ts and dock-vards, and ui-rvai! ish a( e else, where the United Mates may hold an I'Cre of jurisdiction, no matter if it be within the heart of a s'ave-h-. iing- Stab- : petitions to aboli.sh the inur St:ite si ive t idc-, and pet 'ions to abolish the ;-,' of clave.-, mid slavery itself, in the District of Cl iiinbia. I hey have so far a tained th ir end have iibolisued the selling of' it laces in n.e io tin t o( CohiiiiSi.i, i.nder penally, ol taking the negro from Irs master and .tctiinj Kinbo'.deucd by success, they have uiiiiin th -.ent st ssion of ('.egress, introduced a too deui'ii'ling the abolition of slavery ah.rici.r . w a - 1 - II Uts ; which, to the surprise of many, has ice ived the suppo t of, 1 believe, sixty-live ot tin-ir mem bers of Congic.-s. A:.d the great Reprt-M-ntat i--n Head of their party, seeing, sis- he thinks, th; t there '.- irrecon. il.ible hostility betu.cn t:.e two ft.i m- ; la!. or, iie- ul.iir to ttic I wo s-.-i 1 io;-s ; 'le. 'a: -.- t .i ' , ' in that "irrepi es.-ibie ,, i;i- i v. hi h take iit.K-.-. s'..V':i' j nt nt be. -boltsht.a : North will .-o n have toe now or in the 1.; i U' iii t uri.i the dud.ti i v, aulas tiny n..w have it Legisia ive Department.-, of the Govei Lli.eiil, the '-.With JAast do it.'" Tin: aim or t;ie iu.ack. i!Ki-rii. can p .htv-- h: l .VL AL-ii.n l oy si.AVl: ;V AT 1111. so. Til. Are tl e-e i lie words or ..re they th.. w : 1 si iend axiom.- of one who is co., side-red li e s.ig.-o .ens as well as the mo.-l influential of (!. (net lie ii -.- who direct i he policy ot political a bold oui-ii. ? L t no man t o il delude biui-. lf th.it the '.ilaek ih. public. n parly wi.l stoo shorted the total nboii i,lt. of slavery in the South, as .-o. n as they get the power and control i the (Jovernni'-iit into their own hands. I it ;!.e policy of ti e Snit'i to ,. f.r that to take pi. ue, or in anticipate ii by p;i;ting herself beyo.id toe iotlueii'-e of tiieir poli-y or tic opeiction of their l.nv.- ? 1 answer, in the language ol the re.-olution. that ootu her luty uint l.i-jh. J interest require she .-lcuid .so act.'' I w hat mean The resolution answers : "lie taking their own con trol, and preparing, without delay, to org.v.ize tor themselves a separate and independent confedera cy. " The re.-olution, alsc, takes us out of that class (a ;i b. iiiina bie in the eyes of Union-Kent iniM n tn I i t s and L iiion-sivers ) win. ;.re know us l.nsutiion lsts ,,tr .v. " f,,r makrs this action t- ! r n-t u' on the ci. cumstauce, of the re.-ultol tne "i pproacn -ing Federal elections, leaving u.s wit hen ua.-oi.ublo hopes of ma intuit, i ay oar rights, and thu.-. niq rc tected and defeuc ele.-s in Hie Union." Can any, the Veriest pultiOon, O'ljecl to U.ls ' And tl.:.- Icais to ttic examination, oi wtj..t the lt-.-ui-. tf ll.c ap proaching Federal elections is lively to bo. 'Jo be continue'!.) Mili.eiiOeville, Ga., Nov. D. The Senate re fused to-day t" go into an election for United States i Senator, o succee d .Mr. IVei son. l ne ii.aj. l a v : agiili.-t tne pr.-po. iti u er iui! New ces.-i-i.. Ori.ka.vs, No.. i. I'lie , k.o-. .. liiL-eis With 1. ll! I. .Vol b -;e, ;.i tail. l i e lev. rir-h tt in. en -y- cf i edl ma. kei, io e er MioW S o a laiemeiu. ClIAKLKST No-, thut eu..lor li.iiiiu. United Suites Senai id .i.i e l e. - .1". re?i. .eli Ui.s .si . THE ATTITUDE Or SOUTH t AROLINA AND THE OtilEU Ol.lliLliN slAlhv Charleston, ft. C. Nov. 11. 1 'be we. .la ci re is fdi.-.i-iiiii.o- but the Political skv 1.- cm cc ou ig i y - 4 fbirli and llin-ali nin-r. J he at -Ilea i a nces are tt.at this Slate will us.-.ume ground on which she will hot be sustained bv al! the other Southern States, and e the South of that united iroi.t which so formidable. James ihd.iv.ay. .vic.td i .he l'Mocev of L F.. u ., r1, .,, i -tot.-c Ui-s . 1 ,' . to oc t,.,L on tne -.u ,n. .o.i. 4