OUR SCHOOL BV ALICE CART. O "We used to think it was so queer To see bitn in his thin grey hair Sticking our quills behind his ear, And straight forgpttinp they were there. "We used to think it was so strange That he should twist such hair to curls, And that his wrinkled cheek should change Its color like a bashful girls. Oar foolish mirth tleQed all rule As glances, each to each, we stole, The morning that he wore to school A rose bud iu his button bole. And very sag. ly we agreed , That such a dune "'as net or known Fifty ! and trying still read live verses with a tender tone. No jovons smile would ever stir Our sober looks we often said, Tf we were hot a Schoolmaster AndTad, withal, his old, white head. One day vec cut Ins knotty staff Nearly in t-o, and each and all Of us declared that we should laugh To see it break ind let him fad. Upon hi old p:ne desk we drew His picture pitiful to see, Crinkled and bald half false, half true, And wrote beneath it twenty-tnvee. Next day came eight o'clock and nine, liut he came not ; our pulses quick With play, we said it would be fine If the old Schoohua.it.er were -sick. And still the beach trees bear the s-ars Of wounds which we that morning made, Cutting their silvery bark to stars Whereon to count the games we played. At last, as tired as we could be Upon a clavbank, strargely still, We sat down in a row to see His worn-out hat come up the hill. 'Twas hanging on a peg a quill Notched down, and sticking in the band, nd leaned against his arm-chair still His statr was waiting for bis hand. .Across his feet his threadbare coat Was Iving. st tilled with many a roll Of "copy-plates," and, sad to note, A de-id rose in the button-hole. But he no more might Uke his place Our lessons and our lives to plan ; Cold death had kissed the wrinkled face Of that most gentle gentleman. Ah me, what bitter tears made blind Our young eyes, for our thoughtless sin, As two and two, we walked behind The l'ng, black coffiin he was in. And all, sad women now, and men With wrinkles and gray hair can see How he might wear a rosebud then, And read love verges tenderly. EXCESSIVELY LITERARY. How a young lady endeavored to adapt her style of conversation to the character of her guests is thus related by an Ohio paper Tom Corwiii and Join J-.uing Doing on a political w o am r j e 14 mum v ,sja tour through the State, stopped at the house of a ; j,v Am;ricau and Luropean paieut.-, arj tuliy prep.tr protninent politician at night, A youug niece pre- ; ed to execute all orders fa- sided at the-supper table. She had never seen great men, and supposed they were elephantine altogeth er, and all talked in great language. " ilr. Ewing, will you take condiments in your tea, sir?" inquired the young lady. " Yes, miss, if you please," replied the quondam salt boiler. Corwin's eyes twinkled. Here was fan for him. Gratified at the apparent success of her first trial at talking to big men, tho young lidy addressed Mr. Corwin in tho same manner. ' Will you take condiments in your tea, sir?"' Pepper and salt, but no inustird,'" was the re- i!v of the f'icetious Tom. Of course, nature must out, and Ewing and the entertainer roared in spite ju ot themselves. Corwin assayed to mend the mat ter, and was voluble in wit and compliment. The yomig lad to tbis da' declares that Corwin is a coarse, vulgar, disagreeable man. Shortly after the battle of Princeton, a witty Scotcli farmer amused himself by writing a humo- reus ballad upon it, which so stung one ol the ofli- cers, who had behaved very badly on this occasion, i that bo sent the iin..t n pblhnra to ii.nt l.J.n t ii -, for mortal combat. The second 'found the farmer busy n ith his pitchfork, to whom he de- i livered the challenge of the redoubtable hero. The good-humored farmer, tinning toward him with his ! agi-icultural imolcnient in his bnl i-imllv ki! : Oantr awa back to M ester Smith :ind tell Id,., na na time to c.-iue to II . to irive him satis- faction ; but if he likes to come here, I'll just do aa ; -I'll run awa' !'' - ! he did- " i Coulter, of Virginia, TLOCGnlXG Peei Jail w hen hrst appointed to the bench, bad jurisdiction over one of the mountain counties. The district was made up of many wild, unruly fallows. One o the Judge's first acts was to impose a heavy fine, by way of example, upon a rough and hardy buck v ooJsinan, for disorderlyonduct. As the man was leaving the court room, in charge of an oflicer, he turned and addressed the Judge Your name is Coulter, is it not?" " Yes." ' Weil, all I have to say is, t.iat you are setting your coulter rather too deep for a man who is plough ing new- ground." The fellow's wit saved the fine. llEAPVEANCE OK THE Bii.WKU OX THE Co VST OF Geokoia. Last rear a male beaver was shot by ?dr. John L. Coupcr in (Jlynn Co inty, Georgia upon the Ten Mile Creek, which empties into the Altainaha River about fifteen miles above its mouth. The aoi tnal measured thirty-six inches from tip to tip. and 1 weighed forty pounds. During the la-t summer a beaver dam appeared ie. the same locality, stretching I across the swamp in wbii-h the crt-ek beads for the 1 space of about a third of u mile. One cxt:e.nity f the dam rsts upon th-outside batik of a rice jd.i ntat!o:i, the other upon the high gioun 1 on tne j opposite sidoofth s.imnp. In riding over the bank of the rice-field recently, for the purpose of i-xamining ; the beaver dam, ray horse, went through at one spat; J und, upon dismouting I found that at tint point there j was an excavation in the buiy of the rif e-field bank j sufficiently large to aceommoilnte a pointer dog of the j usual size. This excavation was iin.ne liatidy above the dam of the beaver, and was evidently the den of 1 one of them. I have not .s yet di.irovered any for- uial "houseii built by them of logs, jujd think if. j probable that none exusi, as the rie bank alfordi , them the desirable shelter. The beaver dam is ! jitOiit two leet in uei-ut, ir j. orx Ojnru J Hie Darli blue eyes are mosit common in persons deli cate, rciinetl, Jr effeminate nature light blue, and much more, gray in the b rdy an 1 a tiv . ... tiilt eves have srcnerally the .-.aiiic nie.uiins as tho cray "ll izol eves arc the more usual indica lions of a mind tnauline, vi-oroas, and profound, Shakespeare, it is said had hazel yes; S ift, LJue eyes; Milton, Sowot, aad Byron, guay eyes. ! An ingenious Scotclmian has trained a couple of ! niicctotuma small reel f twisted twine the labor- , t rs run'about ten miles a Gar, and ret from 108 to 30 threads. A halfpenny' worth of oatmeal lasts; amose flvo ireeKS, ana tne cn-r a.niaai j.ioni. oi eaeh auiinal per year, is computed tt iax .sbiUiugs. Tbis beat the " uidustriors fleas;" Tbe;SouCheiai Scnatrs at Washington on Satur day held a caucus. Gaofl fueling and want 4of har mony were indicated. They adjourned without a hope or prospect of the continuance- of the Union, and with the full belief that at least seven ol tne .eattfcb fitfttcs will .withdraw Xrorn it. GIN AS A MEDICAL AGENT, ! TUI.-j 'UIJUI, TO.N1U STi.VILE.VNi'. i I 7 SPECIALLY designed for .the use of the Mcdi-! 1 eal irofi;ssion anl the- Faculty, having suprce- ! deil itje so-cailed Gins," - Aiornal ie.' "Cordials."! ' Medicated."' Schnapps," etc , is now euuors-d by j all of the prominent physicians, chemists and con- noissenrs, as possessing ah of those intrinsic mcdiciii- j al qualities (tonio and diuretic) which Leloii"- to an i UUL ami uivn, L.. nit. up in quart bottles and sold by all Druggists, Grocers, eic. A M. lilMXGEIt & CO., Established iu 177. Proprietors, No. 19 P.roa.l street, X. Y. For sale by D. S. DARXES fc CO., Xo. I?, Park Row, Ne ork. Our long experience and familiarity with t'se re quirements of Druggists, and oar sup";-ior business facilities, enabie us to f'urni.-h tlum with choice Li quors for medicinal and family use. November iOih, I8(ul y. If J L L fj G fi t VO It Til T? AVI G formed a eo-nai-tner yhip for Use mrpi;se id eairying on 1 h e " GROCERY Have op.aed a -tore next do .r aiuve Ui Cape Fear , Hank are u w prep red to sell their fresh sttck of ! Coffee, Teas, Sugars, Molasses.' ilacou, Flour and! Meal, and ie f.v t every article Joaunonly fousd in a i first-class est a'ii I -h men t . j As on- a: n i- tj ;i i:i --..j a'clc sal -s and short p !.-- ! its." we ill i.f r the ab-v : at i!i ,'oiorst. ca ll puces; also, in --eh i,ie for 'lottiiiry Produce. ' , We have attaebed to our 'ore the Sow a most seclude I yard where fanners u a;r- oils may not be molested Oy man or beat. We would solicit a li'o-uai patronage from the citi zens of t!io Tuvva a. id s.uiMiia li i rcouniry. i..t d. r. iiui.biN'j -.'.voiiTjr. S.-pt. 21). .if. t t O-'- r c'y A t "i : l V?DS O-.t p-!i in, price varying fi oin l.'i Jj ' ' ' ' ets, up t -l.'ui p.-r y'd : i ).-ii;r :ei 1-1 aud 12 1-1 u i.te. also eruaib Cloths. St !ped pa I t i'l-us K RYLK. fc., ,-c. at :;t, Hay Street. J. Oct. 4th. tr Photoiiraphy Upou Porcelahi- Secured hj letters j item in the United States, JJ.tjLind, Fraii-e, a.t.I IJ.'finn. THE A-IEiUCAX ril:) f JJil VPIIIC YM'CU So. 7rfl Uroiitlwav, New Yorli, i,.,v:n .-,.p,-..(i th-ir i.o.el ..a,! tiiiicui-'us mveu pres of or li Jllg all tile attractive and a.i v ant.igous 1 i lures h of a as uia''y piiotograpus. tti iin ua .cy a. ui : id u t.i. i li. t i u - i a i.. . i-.i water coiyr dra iij-, nid a him tv Oi"d:iiai;iitv. b Oei.i g r a , ibe nat ural p pertjea ui ip J l are truiistert e: . As the pat-. ute I process of t'e Company enabh l iie iir- j reproJactiou ef iMiotographs, not o..ty oa pia n faces, out ti p a sileh us :.re luuau irregular it v portraits can be rep or 1. 1 a iv U -gree ui : o !'Jeel with fault- less accuracy Celain u a l es d ilelnvicy t' del 1. 1 ; ai a i v i loser. pi iu.i a. id ;oa . upon i'or 1! liiei-.sioii u.-ed lit-y. such as Al l ii l.-s, tic ; a arl:el -s et l-.txu v or ot no isen-... : a i i ikt'iist C"ii-s. Toiiei ereov sec 1 i ' g ex;p: i.-..t.ijtul pon raits aa.i ruiliiu a ,sile.-tvic of oi'ua.neat liioa of i.i'li- un.rpie aad ?ies ni (l.jmesuc use. Iu ord -r to far.iish futilities for the -rati:ieaf ion of the. popular tasle aad to meet the wants uf those pa trons of the in- Arts dc-drons ot bar ug I'oiur.o.r- oo I'ercelain, the Company have mipjrted iroi.l Em opc acoilecti.u of snp-erior porcelain goods, iuautilaci- ured to their r, 11 at Cost ces. As the A -l'ric iu Company rili t. and Conseu uea 1 1 v the ers o -ons the patent iu.horiz.tl tw u lhc Pce.-. they hav- detei mined, iu order r l r Pc4r.ie hi cve. y swiua of toe l iolJ al opportunity to possess roi-a-atts o c:.iis- lo m iA the i'oli v:e. nroooiltion to 11 rr iniahle, to lii-itiiU-nlit i lir. K .-.iil I ' U, u 1 1; Visit lit I'SUttLli -7 litC -L'.CilC and Cm iter ics ia JScic 1 ;.. p..i.ii.! sn-wlii. a n-i.ito.rraidi" aiu'irot vo-e. vr dag- uerreotype to Lue o:l';ce ol U10 Company in New York. accompanied hy Fiva Dollars, will receive ia return Irv etprens. iVe ot'othr charge, V .! IO Id LY OIl AM ii.N'f KD bit KAK.KAS V CUl'andSAU JelR, vVlfil l'll:-;i KTii.Vti"i'KAX3- FE-iUKD fllKRK S. By transmitting a daguei reol pe and T;:N iJ.JLL.'vil-?, thevwUi s;-i:'.i!--in like inanner A 'ilAXDSOMK FitliS'Cii VASE Oil TOILET Ali TiCLK, with t!ie por raif-repro luj- d by the patented proc.-ss. ijy .ead'.ng -1 j: iir ot -a.i 11 'rreo.ype, and itu'V w . i i ; v, , v- i ii 1 1-1 ii r e. with th-' poi .raiis executed i (U.d 10 tniniatuie pai.il i ings ; and. i.i li'ie in inner, poriraitscau be reproduced , on porcei iin wa. es or V.V v-l.r KV.5 lY QL-.VLirY of FINISH, i iiijinu in :r.)!n ;TVKN' Y i vis'tl i 1LTN i USD DDLI.ArtS ih PAIR. 1 N iJ lie i ii '.ical.ir io writing the - address, town, eoue.tyail Sine di-tiur;tly. AU l. tt rs to S- addrer-sed to -, '.U aaager, .lai Trati I'hatograhie Porrelain Co.,' I ' 7b 1 broad wa v. i Get ---- X w York. ..ii V. Oil t'i ii V i E O'JtJ OR FjFXTAL 321 U Fx IS uov.' introduced to tu;' A til & ea:i puiiuj. co. :ip . eit oi i no )uret Siiutf dii'erted of i:s objet:!- j ioiiable qualities, and retoiata it ' power as a disiiifectaiit- and deter- : .t . ........ r. t..... e... . . . .1 . . t-....-, . . ,.t n tin; Fari.-iaa world as tlie mo-i use i S I'll illlU ll'-Urtill liliitl ill I l IV.- J 4 world. EleiTitull v ttioHHten. j Superi ly flavored, asa.i oraaai jat, uada.- a Toiiette ! pleasUfc it Las no equal. I NOTICE!!! Kncused in tiv fo rii'J. No. I GOLDEN UAN DEU OCO Iletaini; i -.11 its natural str-'ntli and p taciicy. as imported. . aa 1 is a m ist up--r'u r article for li. j.e who desire an ar-'eable pi .t.ul .at. It imp trt.- t ta j t cuhap ! Il.ancy lor whicl. t he iad:e, ol tais o-Mfv77t O ' ) that t'V' Designee expressly ior i ne ot thorn p-vers as a d -niitriro--thou-. stimula-ii!i: -.:(p rii a ti. m Ui yonr iilct iiiark-'t retains ail its t) s;r ut!y ed ;a its V v--ill he ! i'lcascd with it, ' I and for its exellenev you will recommend it. i For sale bv BAUKS& PAIllv.13 I'su-k Row. and j C'OKRAU FOX, Kl Bat-clay Street, Kew York.! and all Dro-rsjits. D pot for the Stat'-s and Canadas. 3A Water t., X.Y. ' Jn-v -: 1 MiO tTjtw y J Tin- K'lVtokv b.-mliP r fuse to sitsj : n -v-oionts as d---ired bv the business c hi specie in) unities ' ci the rebpevth e towns where thay are .located- jgr m f. & D T UN LARGE SECOND - NOW RECEIVING AND OPENING THE LARGEST SECOND OS Yf have ever offered to our customers, comprising Y ai i. the articles usually kept by us. all of which we are disposed to oTer on accorrmodating terms to our customers and all wholesale purchasers. l'lr-asc call and examine our stock. H. &. E.J. LILLY. Oct. G. tf sale, - r "MIE Subscriber wishiDg to chacge his business, of 1 fe:s for Sale, his farm, situated on the west side of Cape Fear River, about two miles North of Fayetle ville. There are about ZOO acres of Land, about fifty of which is cleared and produces well. There is about lil'ty acres of rich Swamp Land, which it is said by per-ons. competent to judge, will bring fifty bushels Corn id the acre ; this Swamp has just been throughly 'drained, and about five acres cleared and ready lor Corn. There is aiso about 30 acres of as fine meadow as can be f ound in the country. There is a choice col lection of fruit trees, all ol the best. There are. two Dwellings and all necessary out Houses, and two Springs of fine wairr near by. I wj.i .dso dispose of my Stock. Grnp, and farming J implements. I o any one disposed to raise Vegatabler for Market. Tliisisa rare cbiuce, as every article raised J on a f irm can he readily sold for Cash. There is an abundance of wood on the Land, which will meet with ready sales te year round. Any . person disposed to purchase uill pie se call soon, and see the Land. Nov tf IKI1AM 13 LAKE. 1ST B W. GOODS- rj;il suliscriber i? now ri X. selected stock of GOO cceivms a lare en. 11 OODS. cousistintr of. G HO -' li 11 IF.-, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, ! BAG(IX( AND ROPE, SADDLERY, &c, FOREIGN AND DOMES TIC LIQUoKS, and m iiiy other atic'.es, which he oilers low for Cash. or ou r-u-..itr ri.uis to prompt lying cu'.toiners. Ail kinds of Country Produce taken ia exchange fjr Goods. Sheetings and Cotton Yarns an hand at all times, ai Manu Sue tu rersr prices. All oersonn are respectfully invited to give me a call, at ihe old stand of J. & T. Waddill. South side Hay si. A. N. McDONALD. Kayetteville. N. G.. Ocfr 13. 18C0. tf O. ST. 1- MA liCK, Wirn A . S. ici)O.V A ?!, CJonmi is -.ion Merchant a ud I'rodue Dealer, AND DEALER IX GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. NARDWAKE, Ciifl-i'y. tloois, Shoes and Leathei-. Cagging, Rope. Siddlery. Ac. Ac. Sbeetingp and Yarns at Manufacturers' prices. Tit" Strict attention paid to oi dors."fi? South Side Hay street; Fayetteville, N. C, Oct'r i3. tf. '.US JNS traveling North can be nci with nermaucut or transient ljiiardi ommodated .g at 3IS. v.. Ga yiiU'S, No. Arch Street. Philadelphia. Oin. Aug. 25th, iSCOl rJy We can reeonimend the above house io South ern gentlemen. J. S. IK.) W ! , AN 1). JOHN 1'UKCKLL. liglite & Bradbuiys5 nt Iaxulalel Full Iron Frame nc,c Scale. iiniud and iS'imiro Piauo-ForU's. n1!!. I n nl .t t -1 r I'miil.. lii'ii.l--i' llr ovigiual lone (.f the instrument in all its! I i III purity, secuu'-git lor all tiu.e agat i lh-.t iuo '. di-agrceaele tinny ipiallly ol tone invar. a- ! niv io-ind ni all other Iron frame l'iaao Farles. Jt ! lt i ai y treiiarthet.s the c.ih' and (has keepr ibe l'i.n-.o- b ..i ;e -1 j . i : " J fmger in tune. It gives the lastrunu-.i j a in ieh mller. r.eher a. id sweeter tone. It ad-ipts the ( i'iii ,. to all cliinat.es and lo all changes of atmosphere and .a ad respects it is pio iojueed by the most cele- j l.-iatcu a. ti.-ts the greatest- improvement of the age in j .rat oil i '1 L.l-O- orte construct ion ; pro-.i.ic:ng an nisi-i uuieiu ; a--k lowlvdged to be supciur to all other cou:;i; v or Europe. made in tins , A 1- of . .V Sc. lie irleil 1.1SIU:IH J l-l:iii-rn , 1 ha ve examined tlie l'iauo-1' ortes ol Ligute it ; r.ra'ioiirvs with entire satisfaction. 1 know not that Uiere are any others belter, either iu oar own country j '...'..ichvIhti" " Lit. Lowki.l Masov. i i' In clearness, richness, and volume of tunc. delU ; j c.e . el isiicity of touch, and line repeating action, 1 j i i. . f n! ui'il noon their eoual." 11 A H ooi.kn-; n ilit , . - i - in vo'.mne, richness, evenness, and purity ot tone i and in deiic icy of touch they certainly excei. an in that beautiful siuj.iag quality so desirable yet so sel- j dmu found. William Mason- - I nave never played upon so rich aad heavy a ; tone Square i'lano-Forte."" Airnicii NaroLK.ox, j -1 a in astoni.-hel and delighted with the New Scale . Iroa Krame Piano-Fortes niaoe :y you. ineie iuum. he a PL-l.Midid future lor Lights A. iira-touija i lano Fortts." Gko F Hoot. . ! ' I have never played upon so Qae an liislruaieu j i Ceo F Bi'.istoW. ' - . r.n..J 1 eoai ter them fs to beauty, licuiie.--, .u....j-. aad eoiuuity of tone, as v!l as their agreeat-le. elas lie touch. ciul if not sujerUr to y 1'iauos maue j in this country or Europe."-' K-AlU. AA els. in power, quantity, and equality of tone, taey ; ,.,-( ,t,,Iv ..v..! : while for that necultar rich and t-ni- ! Tu" to'.ie h-o iiiva'.uible.as an neeonipaidaieut to the j voice. I iiave never met th-ir equal.'' D Uassixi. ; i i- Th v have all the requireineuts lor a superior in- , . . . .. 1 . n.n....r,witlliK ' . ' p:-ei atio.i ol Oota classical aau iuuau w.,.w.,...... 1 ' iVart'awa, 421 Brnoas St.ajt-w doors East of i;raiMay, Sf lork. Ti- TISFACTOKV G U A U AN TEE CIVEN ! O-.-i -i.i 'G.) 1 y QUO AChliS of hA.N'h. well wat. reu, ha? a tiae .ik-.niuii- ; a neat Fainted House, and all other n c-ssary oui houses ; in a neighborhotl oi the lx-st soiciety iu Chathata countj-. liefereuee Jl r G V Goldsi-o.i, Chatham ; Mr Geo Davis, Fayettevilie. U'. v. .-ell'a haraio. iu the above, simply because we - ii jt need it. WM CARTER & SONS. G 1 Uto.i 1 O Chatham Co , N C Nov 10. 4t A CAIil). Word To My Old Friends. '2 iIIOE persons for whom I have been attending-to S. 1 i.i!iiug hasiuness for years : 1 a mi still willing to serve you with the same promptness that I have al w.iys do ie : and to others that may want disco nuts. I'easion hast ness, tte., &c. letter lay services, witb a proaiise of' strict attcutiou JArf. G. COOK. June 27. loo!). tf FRS3H ARRIVAL. .1 . Y. LKTT II AS i ust received a large and general STOCK of (jiiflh stated to the 1- A L 1. A YITFW ' trad.-, oousistiii" of a choice selection of ! ..... 1 1 .1 H it I' . ' X . . . . . Butit ana Aiots, wttii atiuosi vcryttiiii i that line. . UcalraLIeia I i rime j? amiiy uroerries aiva3s to be had AT LETT'S. 'loolssold at the lowjt prices for CASH, or !n,i;? 1 or con atry produce. or is "'. ly 4 LARGE QUANTITY of Cottoa and line . V P vrsfor which fair prices paid. DAVID MUKPI1Y. Ana d-lf DENTAL NOTICE. SCOTT imv be seeu regularly at his Office on R -erson sirtet, two uoors east of the Market .1. . l. . v r. o . . r . . . . T (in i i I tu C the hours of I1U1" OA. Jl.lO 1'. M 1 T M. - J MX. ALL . I Jfo'vciatwr 24lh, 18C0 tf. GTJMBEIlL-A.3Srr 00- 3?or Aycr s'bdrsapaniia A compound remedy, in which we har la bored to pro hi tb mo-t e.f.-. :ual r.l.-r:itive that can bo mad.-. Ic L a eou ---ntiated extract of Para Ssrsapardla, so co:ubuiod wit a c:twr snbsta-.i e-5 of still gretif-.-r ;.U.-vitive power a to afford an t-fE-'Crivj auJidoto ior tiio S:ir.a jtrilla i.-i r?r'-si d to euro. It is is b.h. v. A thi s-i.-h a T?m i.ty L w i.u:.-J suT r FiO-n S'rtim-ms eo-u,Lunt by tbo.j who and that oiis wliLh will tfeeompli-ih th.'ie- eure mu.t provo lar'j cl.:s; of our o f inim -nsa service to tuis iar. a!lli -t.-i f.-How-eitiz.-n:. ll-w co:u;uL-tjir: t-us compmiad will do it has b.-en p. ovon by es;wr-Ln-'iit on many of tha wo'r.-t c.idcs to be iuun of th -following co'iiplala's : ' Si.-OFCI.A. AND SjlLOFLLOi'S CoV.rL.UST5, phjiiTioNs ash Kruptivk l)isE.vBs Ulceus, PiMLES. ilLO rCUK.-S, Tl-HOro, S A.I.T IlllEUJI, Scald Head, Svi'un.ts an: Syiuiii.itio Af fections, MKacntiAL Disease, Dudisv, Ni:c iiALorA ou Tic Duuloi'uejx, Ukk;i.itv, Dvs- VEVSIA AND In'IIOESTION, EuVSU"EI.3, E.OSS ou Sr. Astuoxv's Finis, and indeed the whole class of complaints ariiug iioiu. iAiriritiTY of tum l!i.ooi). This coinpiunJ will be found a g-?at pro- mo.cr ui jicuilii, w ir-ii . i.. iu-, to expel the foul humors which f-'-U-r in thj blood at that season ofth j yi-ar. i'.y thj ti.ru j ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders f're nipped in tli- bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which th system will strivo to rid itself of corruptions, if not as-i.,tcd to do tliis through the natural channels of thj body by an alterative mcdieinj. CL-auso out tho vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin iu pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish iu thj veins ; eljame it whenever it l fou!, and your feeiiags v-ill tell you when. Even wlire no ;)artieular di-ordjr is felt, people enjoy bitter health, and liva longer, tbr clean -ing the blood. Keep the' blot A. healthy, and all i- well ; but with this 'pabulu;n of lit j disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later so;n-tlung must go wroiig, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overtlu-ovv-ii. Sarsaparid i has, and deserve? much, tho reputation of aeeompli-hing the.se cuds. Put tLa ivo.id h'.n b'-en egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly b cause the drug alone ha:; not. all the virtue that is clairned for ' it, 1 it more b eau-e many preparati-.in, pretending to hi coiu-ein'i ae;t es tracts of it, contain but li" lo cf tle vu'tuc of Sarsaparilia, or aev thing t'l-iC. Duuug ia:e years the public liave been mis led h larere botdes, pretenditig to give a quart cf these h; been frauds u;"-n the sick, for contain little, if any, Sar.-apa- tivey not oaly riila, but oft i no curative properties wnaiev- er. xl nee, bitter ana painrui tiisappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of tiarsaparilla which flood the market, iintd the name iueif is justly despised, and lias become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Stdl we call this eon: pound Sarsapnriila, and hitend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of oblojpiy which rests upon it. And we think we have giound for behoving- it has virtues w hich are i: resistible by the ordinary run of the di cases it is intend ed to cure. Iii order to securs their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to dirttiouo on the Lottie. racrARrn et J". C AEP. LOWELL. MASS. Z.'i-ice, $1 per IJotilc ; Six Uoitlc; . for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has von for itself such K renown for the care of every variety of 'i'hro;it and Lung C"inpl 'hit, that It IS entirely un necessary lor us to recount uie m.-.tice ploe.l. liiroievhi a.s-'ii e i : it evc-r l oi i'.s virtues, wnerever it lias ueea cm As it has loie"t besu in. cbntant ibe :l this rcctlon, c need not do mora thin e people it- fjuality is lit pt i;p to the best i -en, and ih.u it m:t,' le relied on to do fur thou rdiof all iu lias ever been fuud to Co. ay Cathartic nils, y vi o For Trzn cnitE qi? Lid'gcaiion, Ht-ailache, 'l DiXiS?.t Pii'.-p. 11 'ii-4;n:i.tir, lleuirions and S!;1 I.ivnr Otmiulalut, 2 h-op"', Tvtivr, Tumors Sr.lt Tlheui, hw, Orif, jfvn.!';ia, as a IKrnsr ViH, and for .;'.' ti.- Blood. 'i'hrv are su?'xr-ttaM.so that tho most sensi tive can take then) i-t-a-santlv. and the are the l-c-.- t nRr ait 5n ihe world for all tha purooscs of a farai'v ph--'-u'. Piise 25 'cent: Cient c.i'e.H men, and cm; namo to ei-tit i:. medic.-, bat i::ertien of tr. - cr : :e3 for C1.00. ieiins, States tve I.-nt their n.rhv ocat p-rso;.::.rc the uao ir:d'elef air se.u e iu re v. -sc. i b-. efidaes of these r.ot perrait the -Um jiMinecl fur AO in which they ns of ! lie 'above Ri.-.it i;re.t;s tt'ir . ..M Ritle are e-iva : w:!i aiso c. . : . '. d'i ; -:. au.l fhi; ti. :i :l l.iut oald be fei- I--.-.-.-i! for thf-ir cure. llo i-.i; he pal o-.i' by m-.oriiii !; o'-lnri- r-i'Ctiioat'.ond '-t- nsaka Deir.Tid Avv.u's, una t.ikfi !.o ( :I de;ders -with ore nrofit oa. VS. 1 II .ii they S si ell And for Sale by S. J. 11ms lale & Co.. and. I. N Saiith. i'aveiteville letiry McLin. Wilmiii.rt.on. .M A. Sc C. A. Simtos Norfolk. Williams & Haywood, llaleigli, mid by al -MUgglstP. d-i-w-ly SAHFORD'S IT 7tfaVrElv DEBILITATES. j T Is caniponndc I entirely froiii Unins, ami bay b--c(.-ui- an prit&ljtisbi'd fact, a Stau I tr.l Maiiciue. kuou'n anj :i pprutf d by that soi-t U to with rouUJj-uisc iu rcooinmi'Uiii'd. It has cureil thousands who hU jivt-a up all Iiom-s ui).)li-it t-.l Rurtiflu.i tes i rl my 'J'in- dose must f ad.-ijit.d iudivi.iiul taking it Mini us act iTruliy on tb itowrls. L.-t t.-ti dietati'8 (nf 3'oiir li of th. L.lVl-:ii. l.V- ill uae Llvt r V s in -J : e e s , 13ys-js i u. S i is i: e r l; o i: r y Dropsy. Sour Co!ivn)e!SS. Choi, i-a )1 o li u s . Cholera, it- n c e. Jaunitii c . ts, and uiny b ua A sair-j- ii'a. i i I v K e il i li K A U .4 C 11 K. ( a s t tv c i t y luiiiiitcs. i sp.-,iif.ils x- e t a k atack. j Altnho use it arc' in its fa or. ri ivh uis,l it. ana is now rt-- ait ttu a;.si' ses for whiuli it o O f- H M ! within the List two years .Oi reiU'f. as the uuuierou- poS"-sion fallow. to tae temt-iajn-'nt of tto; ed ia uch uanlilu-s as to jud-r.-nent prui le you in li Vli'SOllAt'OR. and i c ilaiiils. liillious A t -(Jlirouie Di.., . i o c a l)I...t. Oj-sc ntc Slumach. 'S' i t n a I if . Cholera. C li o 1 e Infant it in. Pla t n t'fiiiale 'Wealc 11 c s s -Cfi.-.fully as aa rli i a cine It will currlCf thousands c.-iu testify.) lit lo or I li r c e Tea eu at coinmiuceiueut of Si V iS tliuir testiaioay iSlIX WM'KU IX THE MOtTTII WITH T-IE ISvIGUKAiyil, ASU SWAbbOW BJ1JI TO- Cili'i'iiiiltl Price One Dollar per HoMle- ALSO. cathartFc pills. COMI'OUXDED FROM r,.lr."ee,al!c Kitract. and put np lit GLASS G.-vSi,S. Air 'liylit. iiutl tvili tici in any climate. The F Ill i I v C :i tlt-ii lie FILLS is a jrea-v.-hieh the irprietor h a than twenty' years, d'-mund fr-un those wlio tie but activi- ( athartip.i ust-d in his practice more! Tht ct ustantly iufreasiTi' j:sve li)i1; used the lli,LS Bit express iu r-g;u-d to their lli.-ui uiti.iu t he leaeh of at!.; 'i ii!; Profession Well kuor on diifirent portions cf the T li e ,1IIL. V V A - lms with due reference to; been co.nuouudee from a table Extracts, which act ttliiaent:iry canal, mid are es wheu aj Cathartic i? l a ii s i- in ii t s of the ii c s Pains in the CoStive iirss. Paiu t li e wliolf Ii o a y.: fre-juen-tly, if neglertcd.i -J2 t-1 i-i O HI and tile sati.'-facti'-n whieh Uje, has induced me to tuie jthiit different Cathartics act : t.wei.. TU A UTIC PILL this well e.etablir-hcd fact. i variety of the purest Vejre alike on every p;irt of the o(I and safe in all cas ueeded. s n h h as D e Sloiu a c h. Sleep! iliac li a ivd I. o i u ah w ii l Soitiit-w o -v e fiom sudden cold, whic ,end ia along cnurst of V tite, Creeping Sen body, itesele.sa' wcislis iii tlie lieail Diseases. IV o r in in ltlicuuiatism. a great land many diseases to which ito mention ia this advertise t rer. Loss o i" pje sauuu Ol volft o V i e s s - Ileulat-lie. o r all Inflammatory -"liilclrei or A dull 8. Purifier of t h e Ulool, flesh ia heir, too nuraerons tueut. Done. 1 to 3 i Pit ICE THREE DIMES. Tlie Liver Iu'visnrator aud Family Cmbar t ills are retailed hy Druggists generally-and sold whole a a the Trade in all tL.- large town. S. T. W. SASFOBD. M. 1 - Manufacturer and Proprietor, 308 K r o a tl - v a v - New York For nale by Di-s s. J. HIN SDALK and J. N. S.MITH, Fay etteTiile N. C . April 371S60. Jy. L VER INVI60RAT0R. ASSETS 254,618 62. r II IS Company has been in operation more than six years, and has paid its Fire losses, amount ing to S23.524.87 without any assessment; insurance averaging its mecbers about i per cent. Aino-jat of property now insured, $1,503,490.01 Amount premium notes now on hand, 217738.03 DIRECTORS': George McNeill, D. A, Kay, II, L. MyroTCfj S.'W.Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. A. Stedman, S. J. Hins lale, T. S. Lutterlob, Wm. McLaurLn, S. T. Hawley, V.N. TiSlinghasl, A. A. McKethan. J. D. Williams, James G. Cook. A. W. Steel, James Kyle, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, K.F.Brown, Wilmington nail, Wilmington. A. E OFFICERS CEnnoE McNeill. rKESIDENT. D. A. RAY VICE PRESIDENT. C. A. J.Gollins and C MCMILLAN, SECRETARY. C. MoGrummen. Travel lin"- Ascents, The Company invite applications, -tfe-;; May 10, I.sr,9. wlyvr INrOTICE. HAYING RECENTLY PUKCHASED THE ESXXtXXTO ?stOCl3L Of GOODS, f Council & Mclvethan, I am now carrying on the mercantile jusiuess at Council's lluft' K. II. LYON. Aug 1!), 1S.9. w-tf BEDS TEA D S JlJfD CHAIRS For Sale at reduced prices, at the Auction Store f A. M. CAM PIJELL. A tf NOHTH CAROLINA WIUTK SULPIIUfi SPItlXfS. WILL BE 01' EN for visitors the 1st ol Juae. The' are situated near the present terminus ol the Western N. C, Kail lload, not an hours ride by superior Uuiuibuses an t taes. The Proprietor has procured the services of THOMPSON rr Y I-j R as Manager, whose experience at the various lashiona ble. watering places ol Virginia, added to his command Lg appearance and gcntleuiaiiiy bearing, insures good order and mood fare. The oerybext BALL liOOM LEADER and BLACK BAND of MUSICIANS that the cily of Richmond, Virginia aifords, have been procured. Ki-ling Vehicles a:id Horses, BILLIARD S.1L03XS and K:WLlt; ALLK 'S, are at. the command ol visitors. Th-? cou'itry is elevated and healthy ; the scenerj oeautiful aad roads most ex '.client, and the pleasure grounds extensive. There is no water better than that afforded by the North Carolina W'HU'ti SIH,IH V li. The p.ttronageof the Carolinas is confidently relied oa to repay the iVjprietor for the expensive outlay lie has made to fit ap a watering place suited to their wa its. And he prjaiises that no pains shall Le spared bv himself or his reu tlemauly assistant, to render all who in ly visit him, pleasant aad comfortable. II L. ROBAKDS, PHOPJtlETOR. May, 11th, 1S03 tf. . S. UAItllKK. C. BAIIHKK. JNoliccto the Traveling Public. 7"K AUK rii'ining a daily line of two Horse Coach U es from Fayelteville to Raleigh Connectiiig; with the Ualeip;h a;id (Hasten and North Carolina! Railroads Leaving the hitter place at H o'clock 1 il ,! I and Kayetteville at 3 o'clock, i". IM.-and. two o'clock j P. M. every Sun 1 13-, Through in 12 hours. j j Passengers will havct'ij opportunity of getting' t supper at Mrs. Barclay's. Tais Stage line is superioi j j to any two horse line i lthe Slate; New Coaclica, lintd j I inside for the comloi t if the pa.e:sg-rs. ! C. lAlilitii. cY. liliu. i'liiir i:- Rarclavsville, N. C Dec 10, tf "Til G i ) Ol) I I M E S "Ti IV K COMK AT LAST. ONE THOUSAND SVEN IIUXDUED AND EIGHTY TWO riiiZEG. 0 Cl o FOUK CAP!'! D. R. ALEXANDER'S F I F T Y - S i: C O N J) WILLliK DRAWN MONDAY. JANUARY 21st, 1860. J CASH rillZI j OF S500 IX AMERICAN JOLD. Horse, Bu: anil llanicsji, S). Splerdid Eosewood -Piano Porte. Valued, at 350. 303 GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, All ix IkxTiNG Cases from $18 to $250. C3i PHIZES IX AMEIIICAX (JOLl), Fiin 2.50 TO 500 270 ACRES OF FAKM1XG LAND 3 S3 SETS SOLID SILVER AXD DOUBt PLATED WARE. Patent Self-Winding and American Sporting Watches, (Jold and Silver Vest Chains, Bracelets, e., iie. &c. Laud Warrants and American Sporting Watches. Number of Prizes, ----- 2,3S0 Value of Prizes, - - - - $1G,000 Tickets Limited to - -- - 10,500 JGSg- Drawings take place loathly. Every Ticket-holder receives a printed list of drawn numbers, free of charge. All drawings take place in public, superintended exclusively by the Ticket holders. RE F E RE X C E S. I take srreat pleasure in relerrin ail who are onx ioas tor iaforraation respecting my 1 onesty. business promptitiKle, &c , to any oi" tne County oHicers. Post masters, Express Agents, Justices of the l'eiice, Mer chants; Representatives anl .Senators of Johnson County, or any of the numerous Agents i n the various parts of the Union, who have attended my drawings. As the above named are personally acquainted with me, and most of tbem have attended my numerous i tlrawiugs. I will request, all who wish to satisly theni ! selves of tte afey of their iu vestment, to write c an" of the aoove geutleiuen. Agents Wanted in every loral'iy, to w'.om the most liberal indurcmci ts are oflrrcd. We have no Travelling Agents, do not buy Tickets of any persou unless you are acquainted with i hem. AX r. PRIZES PROMPI'LY PAID, tj- SEND FOR A CIRCULAK.3 Single Tickets $1. Six Tickets, $5 A J ALEXANDER, Franklin, Johnson Co., Indiana. November 24th ly. Ayer's Ague Cure. 9 1 l!i-?'tt MOfli WHS 11 2 e is a a (9 a n B CO CD o a 9 to i CS! PJ : S3 o O o p s o a 00 a. 3 n w o 2 N M O a H a n on H H K o H H. V H bi in pn n H sta n S3 B I S- 9 PS o o p H 5 9 C0"0 5' m 11 o S 2 2 a 5. " 35 2 9 l ? s S -9 t3 O K X' o ra -3 O m B 5 c 5 S 2. S o p CD & 5 S- S3 g- O 3 5 ll 9li-ly. BULK MEAT. 1 fl "HDS. BULK 8iDKS and SII0ULDE15 I ll Bobcrts & Go's Fresli Jrrival CUTTER, CHEESE, DRIED BEEFi SOAP, CAKDLEf, r70 JAVA & LAG I" A I R A COFFE. CfiCSHED, POWDEKEP, X. O. & COFFE SUGAR KICF, ALLSPICE, PEPPtH, tlXGF.K, MUSTARD, BAKING I'OWDERS, WOSCF.STER j SAUCE, TOMATO CATSUP, WRAPPING PAPPfcB k. TWINE, MATCHES OF ALL KINDS. IB a co ii A CHOICE LOT X. C. OLDAXD XKWIIAUS, SIDES SHOULDERS, ALSO WESTERS BACON. JFisU. Smokkd riEKRixo in" Boxks, No. I IIkrrixo in bbi.i , HJLI.K liiiu., Mackkkel, Shad, Cod Fish, Mullktv. Blce i'"isu Sc Sardixk;. GOKN SHKI.LERS.STRAW CUTTERS DANIEL'S SUALE'j PATENT, ALSO.COMMON DO. PLOWS & PLOW CAST INGS Of ALL SIZKS, FAX MILLS, WHEEL BARROWS. !egro Goods, WOOL II ATS, ULANKETS, KERSEYS, OSXAUURGS, BP.O GAXS, SHOES FOR MEN', WOMEX & ROVS. Domestics COTTON YARNS i SIIETIXGS. KOKSE & MULE COLLARS, WAGON! BRIDLEF, EteGY Jt WAGON WHIPS. WHISKY, FOREIGN BRANDY, RUM, GIN, WINES OF ALL KINDS & DOMESTIC WHISKY k BRANDY ALWAYS on hand at wholesale & resail. To&zzcco9 snutf A ciyars. S:ri(kiii & ('hewing Tobacco of ail Grade. A LAttfJE LOT Ob'" G1GAKS OF ALL KIM'S : HAIL HO AD AM) EAGLE MILL SNUFF. 200 Bags Alum& Liverpool Salt. AGEINTS .or the sale of Sre.vuxV t M.vitorx;d Sakks . for MlKKl'EACKS LtCKKTS, Sl'Ul.VU M ATKASSt.il, 11 OKU AN 1)1. KS it;., ALSO for th3 sale of L.WOODS Turpenlino Hackers ol these none are gt uuiuc without his stamp of L. WOOD. I Knives, Forks & Pocket knives; Stock and Tail ! J.oekf. S .ears, Scifsors.Trace Chains. ShoveU. Siade. W.W. 1'ickK; II. Collins, S. W. Collins ami McKuy A. Sha-.v's Axer ; C K. IIoi.rs Files, Augerf, llatehels. Carpenters' ,t (JooporR' A'lze : aiso, a line lot ol gar den Tools, Grubbing Hoes. Drawing Kuives, Ac, amiila. Lint fc Cotton Kopi? Ilow lint;n -Well wheels & I'.nekets; Hammers Axe Helves, Adze llaiiilles. Also a large assortment of llrass Hound Wat.-r t Sugar Buckets, Wash Tub., Shovels & Spades. , Iron antl Jails SwKKlW. E.NGI.I.S1I &f A..MKIIICAX IllOX, N A1I.1I tf Si'iKcsall sizes 11ojj Iron i Inch. msn: wisniz JEW MACKKUEL, Xos 1, 2 an4 3, - WHITE FISH. " IIEIUUNG, &c. &c. Call at A. X. McDONALD'S, South-side Hay Street, tf Bid GKO. IiAXJXKK, Two Doors above C. T. Huiyli & Sou's Store FayettcvilJe, M. C. Oct. 1,1858. ly. 100 CASKS UXSLAKKI) in prime o Icr.for lc bv Ik.UUJKlUJN u. jLUA. Si-p 22. tf JfOTICE. fi'IIF SUnSCRIIiEUS will sell, to the Ligbeit bidder I on Wednesday I9lh Dec,, at their residences ia Bladen County, their entire Crop of CORN, FODDER mid other products, (from 3 to 4000 bushels of Corn.) th-ir stock of Horses. Mules, Cattle. Hogs, Ac. The stock of Hogs comprises a line lot. from which may be selected from 15 to 18,000 L ofPOUK There, mainder are Stock-hogs, of improved breed; Carriages :inl Buggies ; Waeon ; Carts, and 11 other larming implement ; Household and Kitchen Furniture ; &n4 many other articles not named. AVe wi)i also olT-:r. at the same time, (if not dicpo ed of before.( about 00 Acrtx nt LAND, a part of which is the residence of E Ii. Ric!mrdsoii,a 200 acre tract, in n high stat? of cultivation, as the incominK crop will show. The balance is Pine nd Swamp lands mostly roun.l pine, situated from 1 to a Wiles or the Cane Fear Itiver. , i.. ., .. , Salen will coutinue from day to day until all things ere sold, sales. 1 eiuis easy, aud matic Known ou uay w J S & EDM'D B. RICHARDSON. Among the Horses is a fine pair of Match X. B Horses. Nov. 17 ta OLD AND ILVER. JEWELRY, &C. m ? M mAAi tiou to uij slock or WATCHES. JEWELBT, srr.VER and PLATED Y WARE. FINE CUTLERY, V-eQa&&mn FANCY GOODS, Which mnkes my stock good. Those who are about to maketheir purchases would do well to call and takTa look. 1 think I can sait them as to price and quaPty- Particular attention paid to Watch and Clock REPARING -nT J JOBB ING Sept. 17, iSCff. 3n i) c o (! 6 (3 s

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