- y - : -r: : ' P. J. SINCLAIR. Eiitor. FAYZTTiViLLE N. C. SATURDAY. Manh 18 NOTICE. . ... . f . i. I Here win ue a ineeunp: 01 me ' - States'9 RialtV Mrartu oi lNorih C arolina, in GOMPSBORO, ON THE 22D AND 23D IN3T3. It is hoped that every ou ty in the State will he represented. -Come one come ll and save your v lale f. om the clut' he of the Abolitionists. All the papers in the Stale lriend ly to the cause will please copy t!is notice. March loth. ISO I. td Oa More V -begin with this weeks number ot our 'A'eekly the twenty-!"cond volume. We cam ot speak id what the.rarolin'um will be. or what its f i;ui 2 w r'.'n Bhll amount to. It is jtafflo-e'H for as t j .-ay, that .our whole time and 1 tbor shad be s;.ent to mas.- it worthy of the patron ige of every Htate Rights ma-i. We cm assure those who wis to learn of our prosperity, th it at no time i.i the hi-tory of the p i. per has it bad a I irger c rni! ti .a t i t at pree t. It is true, that in the oust campaign mwy d Si red .ilh ...n,. di.rcU i.U-.y tV.t ,hcy ,.1 onseut 10 reaa our p iper wee iu-e ia: summ . not, could naf, and ought not to think as they ai l They have been few, an 1 miaibur only fourteen ill told. They in ty have been earnest ia their iesire not t oread our views ; it thy were, t;.ey m i-t judge "f the propriety of th.-ir u-U not us. We can not agree to publish a paper which will confirm ti the news of every had, nor of '-very no ty 's U.ifle- nor Cousin ri.r Aunt. vT pu Mi-ih :i paper wi:h nd 'h" viw of olhpr.i tar o.;r irie-vs as w j c t i ! S ' p, " " ' !l! lv-1-t lit r.a! ao r'ie fa; !au;- xfl t awe vie'-VJ ea-l TTlW'lt !!) p.-oof, th- si c !iering . htn u .support-: no ?ffVn't o. :. . a rse. W? ah.':l ! pre'er puVi'.--bw'.ie'' e.htors to rtt r a . ii . n I it their street th-y a not it: ..ot mrr v. ritm- fp:ich-"'!es do riot heiieve t p'tr-r i;i v.-t .. eoflr-a ttie.r own 7 tews, "t wn printers, and m . i f- ; : X. i- -aci ip a t!i cr"r, publish in-r : h k no -v, "-l, infa t. a ti Hi f! ,0 I'i rp.s'- i- : i. v'.'c only , .e ..' .p..nrf South" -a"wi.i. a use it in ."or ?!ie - U!l. Our add .ve h -V: :tt Mia ' tin e -y- u icoaipramising r !)"!-iiiie -aid unsafe -t- - ' ; , oe - tvi;i;ii-j . .. . -.p. , : it. " a li ,t-f nrciarsp and policy to vai: ami walcii fo- thi. s.y. tint -'ios who de" Jo -ira:tl, will do w-:i! to t i.e. fr. -a i - l i . i ) w : . a ' J ' er iy i- i.riy ut oil ;-i.v. j t-o -ir- i n'a s. f i o ..n ne-. .in1"! of a t CO : ,1 t i il t.. a nil tie the 1 r.8r volutin, is a very god time to subs rihe, aad vrj trust they will s,c tis, m 1 tot a -c .i-.iingly. .... i. . .;( r. .. l.n rr r. tin.. .-in-l the printing wi'd Vie mu :h Virt'er in a fw diys. A correspondent writing iro n Liesville, Robeson county, on .March 1st (t loagh his letter did not come to hand un'il yesterday.) stiys : "We had m elec ion her.i yesterday. I cheeri-d anl wad my hut for the Union, but of no avail. They votd a 1 irge m ljo ity fir s cession, Vmt stiil 1 crv hurrah for Union?'' A-ivi'orern Banner. Our rank aid file. f the Sf-ne Rights men in Laesville. Will please take care of that oo r fellow. He must htvr dr ink soaio of Rhode's honey and brandy 1 Bits keep him cool, he'l spile"' if you don't. THE lil.-nl'.i i ClIES. Gov. Mo'iEn k ao Sot a Pkopuet. "Wasiiin, Fci.. 27, irhil 5 a'clo -k P M. The P-.-a.-e C"iigres hits adjourned. All is right. The Caatprninise adapted by thn.ll WILL Bl K.ioKSKD BY Till NATIONAL Co"S- oukss. J M Maieheid." The ('ompfomiso h .s bt-en reje'-ted ly the N. tion al CongreHS, ami all is wrong. JvunA Gii.xkk, not quit" .n bflK V ' '7" '.' -luster. ( v.me ilate an 1 p:; c ) - P. a 'ongv ;.s agreed. All lojks well. Jo G:u:,." Looks well indeed ! And yet it w -.s :ind r t'-v '.n'.l n-e of s,u-'h .dis patctieS, eudors. d Vy the U i. -r;-i-k"rv- Had snt broadcast ever the State the da before tV.- ej ection, tint the people v td oa i hi 12v: i u!t -i i ly, a day of reckoaing will e-.n-. to th- s lannssioa ists who thus practice 1 a w:i djso'a. syst a ttic fraud upon th.' hone -a a id c m i 1 g popie Co.a pare these disp itches with those sent Vi v M 'ssrs Keid. B'I ibixokh. I vis. Drag.;, !i igrnan. .Vin low. Kntfin. Gr-iige, &.'-. t'.at the P - n. Congress had rejected the Crit en n pr po ;ti at in ev ry forin that , lie pla i azre I oa would not be satis factory to the South t ut Congress would rej t :l it and then say who was right an 1 who wis wronp. Hat the fdlawing disp tic'a stau-U alone fr i.ase negs and frau I. 1'his, .o., wi- sent on d i defore the election in Viua ire. is by th ; SUinJ-ir-l, lir.gittt.er, and Ad Valorem Iittm'.r. '.Vasuin iion, Fe . 26, 7-45. ''The vote far Compromise t -liy wis 132 o c8 Prospe.'t t h-.eri. ig. John A Gilmer." No s-.i'-h vote ,-.is tt.Ke i on the 2ti:h nai'idn like it. Did Mr Gil t-rr s nd id- d sp.it.-h ? I i i - -cans-.' .'f 'ratn and ; i-tl " !. a i - a., a .s;,on this rptestioa. Siu'e Jtiurn.tb Upon lha a')0"i! -a e n ivo -a' f r. ai'it..-' t- r...ticc. They are t i;e. 'l'.- i -.-h.-s re'trsed ta -Love must aavs b- a i ai t" . . j ad f.,re iia-id w;t' t ie sane -m a i ".r-e aj . ; a t.ies jrenlle mfia at Washington. Tn report they al ud i to a'., election d ty, the 2Sth t it Obtercer. Oa that s ,nis .1 t e marni ig, a- Ex r fi rt r e tiiest-; Pae ;, C -tie t this placs o i v ir. a. i .lis .e-1 or the . they were posted up. in m the Obstrrrers ..lfice. at the Guff prc-ci ct i i tNathan co mty a i lace Ofsr fifty mietfr.tm F.tye-.tevill ! How could they ' one hundkbd and seven Republican Rkprkssnta- j Have we no cause, no re .s .n. for the act of Se-iv,-. n:,u;v i:,- . . u i : n tut mi. ntcTtii T.i eiu Leoislaiue. i. ihktoWss cession? Here are the dx-triaes of the Rei.ubli r . . . V . . , V , V. , ...... . , . F. .11.. I III I1IC 1 X w uaia-s the-. erf othc- the day it wr-a lie 1 ,; i i-i-i i that l l, v-lt-'J ini , v . L, 1 CH ilirt-e thei-e ly . g . resses I UUO MAJO .1. Y. ALL THE ft rUBtlf-S UAM'IIMIR ELECTION CF Or U.S. SENATOR for von.essark elect d, focr or the fivb Coln IUK1...1KO. Pa., A.a.. 1. 14 uavid W,, mot Aar4 cilors, ash siuut -R isk of tub twelyb bKAToRa. ewcttct -uay a aen io. oi t. United .sut. s in pla -c ! Reader remember the O. server diun t have hi fciuj. l. Ccuc-roii, res f-nen. The vote was yd m b6. Sort;ucis u and d .lii't see tht- 1 TrtK First Flag. Tt.e first fl ig of tne Sout-ei n tonftoeracy, raitd in Fayeiteville. now tioaU frua l vecond rtory of the Oeroiiniem offloe. "Jyong' t&- it is now viJeiit tu-t Lino-dn will withdraw the troops from Fort Sumt. , Ihis is not do.e to pa.fy tie So J h, t Jt, is ui-i.ely aa excusable feature of the administration, an act iorced upon it by i,e-J B-itv- . t I Fort P.CKJ.is wdl now be reenforc d. and to that ' place vvill ba attached aV rho available force of the ..liable lore ot me ast tlie admimstra- witn the rdi. als, e.upt toco ieot Ui Black Republicans. Wuatcver cast , . . , . .. tiou will have 1 .at by tuw policy win be made up uy a vige.ous aa I revenue, una nan possei&i.o.i ox ro. i tr loaeus., j : evidence of mi. V'e refear or readearrt to the j specia. crre.sponleio of the N Y Tribune, boa ; W-siiin'to: in anotuer cdumii. gf- r,. f blowing fr..m the Pinladelphi v Venn syLoanian we iru-.t, Lt open tae eyes of our Citi jns t" t.ieir own i..tre.sc l: UiMuterestea me,, m t..e x ; thus to warn our pujp..-, surety we are ui.iu l.opelessly so, if we ; eject to oe a iu .ii3..cd by l.ieaj. ......j.. ......... i u sail-, a. ill .ecure ti le.i is of i h- 1 IICHU ' I. ... fc ' - South th in ma.i.. , wo regret to wno ei.am the .Mu h as t-.tir ho ae. rtvad tae reuwris of tae I'cn itsylcun-.-m ev. ty ootiy. p i icy of .he rljpa.aiC .as to la sneaking of t..o vh" Ujraer ntat.-s, it i.ietr a t ma rid must n-it in- denied, b'.it evaded a. .d tacy must bo begdtiea witu v..uo proin.sor. a. id u.iuru .-o:t bia:iviis!iiiiL-n.;i. 1'iie Lij.au j.iriy in tn- li iiuer places uas le .aers in waie.i it eo.. tides, la lea .e: uaVe luag oeea in a i'uive t rct.r.-iaei.t. i u-y love tilllce aaa i:tu ia i- iuuuit t,y, vk'ii.i'.t it, :o iil!r oven iia-do vvf l litem. Ti.es. h. ' J ' : .. . . . - lcr.s mast be t.ACii in haad. and m i.aiLtu a e t bv :m'oti. ;aid a h uit uiaaag r.-. i neir p ..r.o.ism m.it be uiat.-c'i. uuli- r.i-l .la.'e tt at.T-d, liit-li ainij.aou iit.il- C .(.any .nuaaiea. lnrouga U.eir 1 J . in v iiai.d mast pas tne utowsy n.irtoac i.i.t is to .tei ae.tttr i ..us reUniiiig tne ..or- CiU-ti .-ie-p, ..v;i.j , Uer otates. taeti . -i.... .- t,. - , .-ta.a.r tar reureas win tira la .n ; . i t. rit -v 1. t-oi. r every a ty. . u a w.i w ureaaci wm ..r. ... r.i o- - - - . , . - . . . i nive been suam.t.ea to ma av ry inais- t . - . ' .. I li -t 1 ,'rK .a ed ta re.-1.-tan e wul nave d ed away la the langor of vxhuis eJ vi-..no. vVbile UudiTer sleeps he will iDuail a..n i cat I toot- . . I' i:.... ..re de idlv far than ! UC l IS Se-til.as pt.ii.-j. i it. ... a ,igti - -ii loCj ca.i'tiot enjoyed in peace, r w-li h a vai.. i y o. ta.f of t te No.t.i.-li. p ,.e ta "-i in. lin.ii vi to.-. ... In i ..or sach a wur it must oe n man ..ll ind-pen Jen f ..ni.-.i! .-a a. tUl Un oa, r a respected pro1 e.' e.l .nd eri al nea.o.r oi t le Union. v t rta. re tint .-ev.arii's smooth tc.ics ..re .ti. uio-i .ia igerous and ueadly Against this .a .,-, ii. s riuhiic.tl "Oily Gamaion' we .,, ih se'.-h iit-sisrhte 1 men at the Snath who ..r a..w .1 i .rust uiiii Il' s hke the faole.l v : 1- - bla-.d of its vict-ini white ! ' ' ta .t sin ks the ne-.-.r .'.ii Give us nil her ; it s us him .vi th us soouu- g wing t:ie tin! 1 bird wh , ii he -ea s, yol expo-es ai;n-;elf ! to be" torn Four yc. s ot si:a,a.s asoeiiuaney ; would de-.au -n tae .vtioie nation. It would lose an . . . .;.,. ,.l .-I i... in .ithaess, tra.. . ness. courage. A reign ot vioii-ace is preieraide ta a reign ot fraui. Bali .;re oad ! -nn.i n.l tbrtun.-i'flv for its, ti.ere is nonecessiiy ! tor either. An administration Una w-.uid m.ke a ; tor either. An administration una w-.u.u uini a ; fai,.snta ie.it and iim.l settlement, and P' ! Union in ne, is what we .va.X .s-uch ;n Anaiin- istraton is pos.siaie even with Mr. Lincoln, but not ; w 1 1 -1 a c b.net inuuenced either by oewaru t o:n.-e. : l'h - first wants Abolitionism without war the :ast . wit.. w;ir. oi our par-., we .at -.ot wain :i ai.i i, ill : ts i.:i . ti ii.lf t'.i.- .mm I.o an inase" aree .vi'it us. . . . f ?- . . The F yet vi le ObsKkvsu t-., i.:-.e . e -cut.. tio, : Here it is at its old trade l':i. S at Ja trail .i.itte i.t iiiiAsiag Ct .ssifica ion I .u ( Wat. h . tt,.-., ,. ;.i .i.,.-,.ii a .outs, ) : S.au s liigh 'S Ooitt.tuti-na Stib.inssl a I : 2 2. -jut. mis on 62. And etc out i p.eieace ot w am Higt? me.. .Ly wh.cn ,t means um,, , it eiaiius 2 ... Cumt.t-.Tand an. ll.r.ie.t. i u c .hk- , H:i, 2 in H dif .X, wiih ot i. r sl.u.d. rs upon UeiegaUS v-. ......, i in otaer cou ities e nav 1 1, i wvaw. - y v..,-xr ,,( i.s "condition tl Submis.,!On delegates J . . rr . m . .. " was eiec.edas a unia.t .u.m. . it . ,..' . We need only refer to that portion whi.h alludes I to Cuniaei land and Harnett. It is a fact t.iat lion. J G Shepn-Td au i A S MjNetll are, an 1 were con ..;.... . si ...Ki..nist.s. ...i 1 tae O'taerter knows that lit.- Cf ' I V w - ------- V it did nil u its power, to defeat t ie no nuiat.on ot 1 11 , , . , i Judge S.iep ter I. Nat ou.y tnat, but "dr liutnnnc : as we lean fr-.m an aith.-ntic source, is also a ton i dill-, d S'cc -s ionisis. All of K .e.sj ze it:e:n.n vo- , . , , , ...v,'ai ai,,,.,.,. I ted f.r a Co iven.ioa, wni.e tae hoi- u-metver . . ' stoct, vote 1 for "N C ..lveuti m. Do y -u want tne proof f j j I S Is Tows. -We no: cs G.n. Dokery of Rich- in a-l cou -t- n t-i vu this week, seliing his tJotto.:. j We are -nu h i-iii.;. , !o s-e .dm nation zine our 0 home IUI- -I.I; s-.. .,, . .. . ... .,1, . ..,, n ifrtel-t. . t,"ii,.a i quite unhe-iltuy t 'i is r..tx ii r.y We noti e fr.e H rei.ar.i-d from ti.c tt W NVin.slow i io town, just any s- ea- s o; 'A'ushi c'ton. " , ! .iin tnat lied. -graceful act of it Gen. i wiGss, w..s :n tua.lv i iU id Oli 1 '.V reai.itg out the tr- perpetroted titan UtheiT. stil on 1 -t u a a,-. - Re-tder put a p n th.-rs. i aa tt! tv at .' t r.-iat.- it to t our gr.ui J- .-hudreii in i'.n ore year , mien with- at aouot, ihe ciim -oa bl'.-o.! will rns i to your c .e-k tt the a -kn.. a le ig.-aiei-it that it was da. .e in old F t.eiteviile ! It is :.ot ot tttc parties wh se tiuty it was ta .ct tiius th it we .-petik nut of No. ih Carolina'.-, honor ! Caioii.ia! Carolina!! North Cnrolin 1 nas covered herself with glory in the ivsuI of he re ent election. I rani 01 witnhold mv eonirtiitulations. The battle has been gat a.itiy fought aa 1 no d .' won " Tons spe.ivS a mill and a patriot ! Nat one who could ted 1. it mother trtatx.it hu dtsjruttd herself. Oltxercer. And thti- remarks a Jou.nal wl.Lh helped to dis- motucr ! t he Cre-iden , Se -re "a y of State, and Secretary . 1'...... ,re .li t:. : rVl ..ph.l'.l in ISl.lv lite. Li co ;n " d ttut'h. men ow w e .iu ai t oir :i ret hern, of the North" Cumberland Co v'onvention. -We make one niore appeal to our bretliern ol t..e ;oiih." t.tyelttvtUe Ubxerver. "Our brethern of the North" reply fol- lows, at the ballot box on tne u oiiau n iooi, ina .1 a .- . I. 10,11 tret.e.al State Electio ., wi.la actual and impending dis-oiutio i havei iuc over the Nation : The Ne.v Hauipshire State elect ionh eveals the fac .-.- ..-- heard from, ash 2b Dkmockts. Iue votk alrkaoy . . k , i.iuitv p.iit i Spumy 3 S.HI Kbctn 1..11V..I . ... v ... . . - ... . Ti) 4.HOO. Rollins, .tipcBLicax. fok toMinsss, in i Second District, will receive from riaO to 1,- ' it,, im. .iii4 r-. ve.-v a.vueiiv .tie auaviin " - . . ; . .1 I er ' Ba o r, luesi .y, March 12, 1861. At the municipal lectiou yesKMrdAy, Iaiah Stt tK .t .a i aa-e. tor u wins oy w i ...... . " . .. .L .L . Art. Mives the 1 ! luwimr as the n -hev to . ,,- ... ,i .. ,..viK v.nle it sab lues aiue the ortu, ami so strengthen inc ao un, mat io- p baucnety. lh"A'V. 1 '"uoL" it'. t' h-leous front of Oatnpro.nise may ne again rai- he purged by tae m.i -era Ammuts.ratmn : C.u-r.ng die So, : ,1 -d c .aj oae w.t;i rencwol a rength, and ! "Fart burner and i'ort P.cens will not ne at iheor.bw.,oup..al.lt.o.. h.-oi tie bauth I w.lut,,r the vigor which has hitherto opcd it tacked, but a Cto.es.eg, ,ail to boa.. Ad com.nan, i .,e otaer p he, u.r ,, s ;h. ..uta oa , s u .rU . u For,vcr- io.. will no cut off ; no supphs ot any K nd alo v nai sjrit.x aitsd.t; cc. Mciiate i. it un. s, at ' - ... ...:.,!, to e iter : and hence th.y will eit.ier have to capilu ia. k- i t , -ists. a..a of this or that step, without a o ,t er knavln Ige of te, or un attempt oo made oy the myrmidons taou t..u a.da .as u. p.o;,e. 0 , t. c .n .cd a .d p.o nrcumsUnes that, we now D .ssoss i but re.afarce them-; tn.s wil be regarded I'I7 . llt S I I .. .i. -o O t. . ... ..-..ki riiii.-f i.fi lis wit.. i n tr-t-teeper, an jority. Yorr . . .7? ..... ?i i f,V, t ...I -.v the Re- DUUiicuw elected t he entire city ticker, and six oat ol t!SUt visors, 1 1 But the bgt anJ the exp-etstve answtr '.jjjj yet jj0eri g;y,.n by "Lie bretforei oi : tUe NjrtU t(J thiJ -bretheren of tha S ith is the J vol,e ,(f i,ei:iisyiaillu m electing the notorious! j Abolitionist and drun.ien -ot, David Wilmot, to . , u t j,oerl zVt.n by fAe bretterei of : 1 ( IT..!-.. I w ... .... In frl.A Cl (-!. ja We iiuit "ti oi -etneren ' Soata fully ! I aiiieruii. tie iiu.it c,unrther. d the whole force and wifect of tins. Davit Wiiiuot Li the aatiio.-, piactitady, of tree. &oiiis.n. New York Tribune of the 12th, on the aurrenJer ot Foi t isatnier,: U it not fur us toju.ige of the justifi. atio:. t.,e O vcr.imeat uia, ,av.- I .r surro .U.-niy r a an- uonui,; - , tur t.it-re i.s n d:d".-r.-ne in tuo i'o acts a uot i uiuch iin:)or;.i e, tar Uto en ca.n-..aiices o.' w.tl n taey ..re i.alUeaC-a atv aol j i iul) kihhii hi 11 a it wl: .a t. it ij.i.n -soi-.;ss ne .visa t at llu ... - . . deli ruiin .tiou to ..ike so imp auai. ana irievocaoie a s;ep com; to luruuga uay aasty -ou.,-ei. ai, i-el. War, aa.itu.. c..-fciaen esol w.tr, are a ,waiu. near ! luture froai wui.:n lew .-.arum .van more instinctive dre.d tu.a, we do ; but there are wore a i.i the coadu-t of auuiau atiair ti.aa uuman life. tor four mo.ti.iis, .uo reuwai uneiimrent t.a ; oua..,e. to r-beitioa because it wanted n .t ma.t-r.al j vrd, the Premier oi the Lincoln Cabinet, to but moral .-trenih. It tne cast ot reenl .remg bum- ! jQr ' i-r .e so gie.it in olood and ti ensure that i s surreu.i A.-ntrw J.ine8. 1357. . i j ...... i kl.. U uer -T au-i!iu:iieiii may eaiu aYis,iun-, mneiai, at lca-t, be no imme.tiate nasi- tor sucn a step, ana , , .. . . i J Hr 1-olr' may ui.ne trie rcsponsib.aty wita Un-.. gresi oy appe. . g iu tiiem t..r rr i rf r 1 1 r r n t it at i.i'iii.i i i:l iiiii. ii '.iiii h "cl l " - -'j " . i....r I....... .. r.i , . i .. r .n . . i- w iii.ii tn. ll1tirftllfr ' ..v.. .u. ..u. . .... v.. .... o auniiiiisiMtmu, tv.t a.. ..u ...v. ,..., imiri' i.-f.:Yiaikii nn iiinir w un a.f -1 ' iii.-ii iii iui. J i"- - ...... ... . i'.iii ... r i ;i vt it, I, iifinri rniisni i'!iii:ca .1. . . j "' r ; "7 ac I .fa,cv. . : ; n v TA.. .,;:;" bill; t uuci ill vi;.i:i uitJv'ii, c.i.j vv.. j iionnced m Air Lincoln's Inaugural is touad to bu j untenaale of the very lirst trial. It is an acknaw- j ledgmient tiiat the LJnian is utterly .dissolved past j all possibility of reco istroction, except by the most abject cancessio.s. It is, uior-over a question j a'y can not help thinking taat it we are to ac -ept tin terms of Ois ia;o. whicu the Cante ieratc Stales f ter us, we m iy begin with some act less huaiilia ing than the surrender ot Fort Sjtntjr. Decidedly mournful is the Tribune. he sees it in its proper light. Pr We call attention to the following article fr,,m Piiil.tdelahia Peans3'!yanian. and wish our i.. . ,..: , .v. ..t iti t" wiin Mic us niiiiitruta niin mi.at "i ... Fayeiteville Ooxerrer : Th? latter exhibits a fond - ness for the South like that of the Bare for the Irish. ;'- he i which laved him so much, that every ti ne ... . - o.... ' a" iiie i tt i mi. tit" uroitii t. uic "i.iuti mn : i ut iui. -c- . n. mer evince a devotedness and aelf-s enfirtng re.j verence to the Conntilntior, and the eonstitutiona ' j,,,ts uf ,h Smit-, which is noble, patriotic and rir,,ts uf ,h Sout-, which is noble, patriotic and Si.ne for the locli.v in wl.ich it is pb'i,l,el. It ', . , . , is published in Pennsylvania, the O-tcner is pub- . pt-,hcd m North l ARol-.Na I ri, tmrv r.-mlnilnu DMirlin tmt the F.rl,.! Gover m ; it should not have auth ri'y to abolish t ,wv it. t.i Sttw iu vot-.t rnrt tr ..imv .. IS- p-. di.- ns n-. rlf. two-thirds of their"wliol r.tim'ier ' T Ci.irrsD imen.bi.enf. and the pi f.,1 d-;c'r- ations parsed by the Pea -e .Oongre-s, iu deflane of . .,i.-,ir nf ItrnuWiMns. were, nmt.mntimn.lv :iisailsed, while no sing!: assurance w! " v v . .. 1 ; ; v hicn eoiihl , OlS-ir'ii me party oi lis aggressive purpose, was ai- lowed to In ariven. The two cxtreiuo wings of h party, the North -" , . ISU" ' " ; " ' .. , o'"' est Germ m the Northeast Puritan p x iirutwi p i.iiuia, icu t v oiniiinjr fJ.Hsim. Phillins, aided bv ireelv. with his band . .. tl,c ot tn-e lover.- ue oU,a,t . p tny ana a.. .-t ner iKius w ii. i it inint inc in - i i u iii.s;,, it re. crusn r... i:i. ..:.. i i i i. . , i . I I . . I-,.iiIi-nr .a ro v pnmm tfii.I to n.nrrrt unna . . ..v. ............ .., ....... - -- ... . . - ny, and already at tne v ery tnresn dd or power, no ; n.in stands prominent m dmitte 1 lavor, save and ex- cept those who hve coasistently and persistently uttcr. a -m y ,.,e nine esi . -.i,-.,,r. ng anst u.oj South and against tlie Constitution, the men of otlll.rs th,. raosf r uiit-nl and offiusive to ;oo.l men of aii p ir jcs Chase, Dl.tir, Welles, Sumner, Schurz Uurlingaine Hickman, et id mune genua. j The-e men :.rc to he Sent abroad ax representatives j r i o' the nation to misrepviisent to slanflcr and detame one h(f fhtJ co:mry Ai, 1 i:S people- to sh iw them up to the scorn of all nati .i-n. Secret .-try Chise, wasatei-her iu Mr. Wri 's fuuilv. in reply to ijs son i)r Wrir, trim asked him if he expected t. ytu hern Sta'es vo il return af er the threats of his par y, replyed ' We to not wan. them to- . . ... . . ....; . . TT,.:. v. rct'iril :I Ifie S.V( oniesioni-i... in i.. ..n... hiut i will have to he satisfied with lnu-'h less than they ! are now dumanding-" In reply to whether he ex pected to snbjugilc the South he Said 1 en millions ot peo..le with four million of slaves in their midst ' . - , i- .!: !. . .1. . t ... . J I e.mld s.-itr elv resist twenty six uuiions. "lint what is tour object?" inquired Dr. Wikt; and he answered: "To free the tlace who u the aiust of the w ir." If St mnkr Scn r.z Burlinoami or Uickmas Ve appointed to foreign missions, then all ihe waters of tno Ail t tic or the hl-.od of hecatotihs could not . wash Iron, this Athniuistration the damning spot of Abolition. Let tho tVirec-hfths of the neo,d. nnn.,.A t ,, . . ... ifths of the people opposed to the LNnhow themselfas resolutenow election of Lincoi as then, and joined by the hnn Ireds of thousands whose delusion in joining the ranks of t. at p irtv has been dispelle 1, they may, iu some proper, com bined ino-eiiicni, force the Administration to an hnnest adherence to the Constitution. Let them do urk'itecer may be neeensiry to bring about a re-union j- a. - Oi ...... Ti. .. . 1 , . , . I . t . . : OT ile ? "iw. a in; ctih ic-tiiinii: huiii any auuuil o accomplish this necessary result will he but as a .1 t tbo rr i n r n-uti iri(l Wlt.i i n ii : H L- .rl t ,-r-. 1 nmeuitie a nou m-mui-. w witcn cu-nnin're, su that Dv sintnitaiiit.'.i.s .igvimi i ii'-i i:n ao.'uii' a- tion may Le strangled in die many fol s winch free men will the- dra.v around tais usurping tyranny. The suffer.ns of all clauses are becoming too general and ioo severe to be much longer endur ed. Tne Reptb'icant h-tve introduced a revolution 7 . I. . TT. If. 17 ll.. I ! .- I j- . i - j.. rr..:.. w-.it i "Uicn is uisxoiviity tic univn. r -u " eompet I " a counter lecoiuzton io restore me ottsmuiion ana s Union? . From thi Tennessee B iptist. HELPERISM I .. . i can p irty, as pr .maig tte i uy tne 1 1 jlper 11 ot and niinrF.1 bv sixtv-eadtt Rcouo.ictti inemberK of : j v,on're-s : 1st- luat it is a solvm i duty to ah .hsh Slavery! ... ........... ..... .w..i .i.. .ii.i..c iii.au. t.nnuiTiru"i'iui.iii., mil uuiv. . -. .. i : !..... ... ... I... I .... I I . . T . . . I - ...rtr-- I. iiw j - " - " f' .... - , . , m . ; tw-'Hly very ueuumui rv.-v. . , - j a 1 '(osm I r n'" v r .Cons,ltnV" lV be k,"Pt "a-rcd in ; i!Vmi., oae 0f th interior lo.vns of -New York. ; .rjr;Further sales yesterday of 70 bbl at $1 50 . . cjvs ttni. w 11 u.tuv ti vie v -- w.. f.i -a iih ii-si ;ti tta ccnis luti uuuui- in the S uh, or .lie in the attempt (-seepage 21) Susquehanna uuit be the boundary li.-y bad 2d -Ih .t no man can be a true patriot without pKrn of me Potomac, aUt tht Susquehinna shall firt becoming t.n abo uion at. (P..e I Hi.) j rui) rej wj,h blood beiore it miall be crossed. Shall 3 J'nat agiuist riavtho.derii as a no.ly we (that u he :a lioston. in ..cw Y . k, the uroad West, is. t ne Republican 1 ,ii.ra and eidursersj wage an j for .: ur children -re theie, ihal the Pototuac shall be exteimm.tti g war. (Page i2X). 'ti.ttliae? Cries oi" No. I wilt pledge my life and 4ih thai th. present is ihe time to try the . artj tu ,arou with jou t- U.e &usq"ueh.nria. Birengthof a: ms, aad thu aow is the tuuj to t.st.ke," ; ruUeers. For what? To prevent a iingb- -human (P.-ges 121, Vl'Z.) ' ! being from cross, ng into Maiyl .nd to ex. cu e th fiin l hat Klaveholders raut emancipate tbffiw, utth Uuited SXtw aaiast. a ecodin Swte." t 'S ,L . i .t, . i '1"! ' uri-osi, tlior.-f.m;. la a ...- slavery, man widen iT" -t.ychnine 1 nseif is lea a nuhi-aice- 7"0lt fi,avehoUi.M are raore ,ruel lhan coin. murderers. (Pafe 14j.) at;-. I'liat all sl.tvjh alders arc un a perpetual a e.se in.irder. (P S. u&i J5g.) stu L'nat all sl.tvoh ildr arc undwr the sliield of ... . . V a cnaice, tnej i masters tiiroiis, litLi taut "we are wedded to one purpose, from which no ean.dj -power cat ever divorce us. V o ;are uju-rmmoj to aoonsu slavery at au naaius. ; tu.; litn in.it there is scarcely a 6p:irk or hon-T or uiagtianiiuiiy amn siavcuo.ders. (i'.ige 153.) VI.a Tiiat now is t o aprojriato time to strike or Freedom in th;; South. (Page 153.) Ana reommcu.t 13 i'.iorouga orxn:.ziioi. and inependent po- lilijrtl action oi th uutol non-slaVthoUicrs whites oi tiie Sou ta. tlie State Legislatures may impeach -"rtain judical 13 Ineligibility of slaveholders never auother federal .fficeis; the slave tr.id- is prohiVitfi ; a two vote to .ue ir.-tiikkcr i.i tiumau tl.sh. . thirds vate i re. piired to make apprapriations, ex 1 N Cki.i. r.it;n witu slavehi.lders in noli- .a it rcrtuln i.:iik- rtrit'tin? the coainei.sation ( - . . a .i : m . lies iiO leiowMiip wiiii uitm in icagiou un aiut- l.ati n witnt hem in society. lUNi, .,!lir11,iif(J lv u .vehol li .sr mere (ants no m UoteU no tees to a.aveho.d- f .. ..?.,... . i :11,.,.i , -K. icia.is to tia iiencs 10 siavoiio.uuig larsuns. 17 No rec-iriiiiioa of pro-slavery ateo, rxeept as m illf. , , " 1 ' 7T!. . T r .3ir,.,l n,m v. in a. 1. 1. ITL&A.. . . ' . wo. copy : . ,,bli:auon. emit led "1 he l.n:-e.a- 0.-th Souta," and have read it with ueep ; -.Ten. ion . t : i. u..a li .se.-ins to me a woiK ut Srlat merit, ncri, jvi . V . . : i :.. accurat0j st itis nstl, intornia.i ai, anj logical in analysis. I do no. tlouat that it it will exeri a gres . - . - r- . . ' nHuBiice on the nubile tninu in l .vor oi ute cau ut . . truth Ba j uuce. i am, gentlemen, very respectruwy, Y ur oae lieat servant, Wiui.iam 11. SaWAKD. Messrs. Burdick Brothers, Ncv VTork. A.ao syued oy Simon P. Chass. of as aii overt act o; Hostility, antl rcpeiieu wiin gi ap cinister aa t shel;. f.us masterly p vnic i President tJavii will ad ipt, w.ll tar .v the odium of commencing the war up-m tae en. my, and give to our cause imaien-e moral stre jrta ; it will unite the Pon.eder.ite .Sut.- to a man. and certainly indue the aorder States to rally to our defence, :tnd unne with n in overthrowinzlhe invader.The spark ot liber- .......... - tj - tvisr.i.;dlv bemo. ta.n-dint.afltmeoi miliUrycn- " .... . -i. lausi.tsm ; tne war cry oi Ireeaom am s on resonnu throughout tne tand, and thousands will Hack ;k arouid tii sl.h. v standard .if the South. Indeed, even in j . . the sh Ti lime wnieh iias elaosed since the Inaugur- al was ueiiver-d, a stern spirit of defi nit e .seems to mi n (m uv v. -j - j--- swell each bre..st, and an eager de.s.re io grapple wiui tae dastard loo is .ell an I ;ixprseed by in ny who. but a lew dv aeo. ressarded war as one of the " . . t ,, Eretest calamities whica could b.-iad us." 6 . . Wnc.tiB Did fhe M inky Come Fi;om ? We un i-ratai.d that, wua.n t i.e i t t-w mom tis, ths-re nas dsrMat.U tfat, wit.i.n n.e ,ai vw mo. Pafr tabI,H.,; d at tne ca Carolina, advocating '.yiepheu A. lou de.u ja i,jG4," ai.omer of the sauieki tlb IllIV V. cA ' 1 till VI Vf w oust tr PreKi- i nd at the capi- ual oi v irgnn i, another at lite c:.pitaio' lenncssce, an 1 iinalhiT al I he api al uf Kentucky. Wonder if i these ai.ran-je coincidences have not something to do :.V:;lr .l KnH:i i.rnnosi-ioris V nn-ter ) if tnes.j concerns na. e not sometaing to uo with the j opp..siu-m to the moveme.tt ot tne Cotton Stales ? Won.ler if tneie isn't a secret -power be nut tne throne?" Wonder ' wnere the maa.y vanes . i I'Oiu : ... itoui-inoro iougn noits. On th, 4th instant, the Texas convention dec'ar-; ed the State to be mat of the Uumn, and Gov, rnor Houston Issued nis omciamarion to tha- elfecf In- . . r - , . ' "mple. returns gi ve a majority o. i em, ti.ousaiii! in Gifty-ane thausoad five hu idrei votes ii-d. Mini, were oaseu autuui i.nic i.iiu uutc- iv.i i passed epresent . . - . . f Texas to lepresent the state m the provisioni government. ...... . i,,.vMr hranc.h oi tha .Missouri Ljetrisiature nas , . . rt!Silutum to elcct a United State Sen- " irl -,.,,,.,, , ... J Skwar: Aim. The Washington correspandent of the Cii.u lest.on M.-rcury, in all pro-aility pro perty tlescribes Se ward's jdan of operations, as fol lows: Uiiy Gammon Seward, aware that intimidation will not do. i. going t-- resort io the gentle pr.'cvss of se luc'ian. i nis has been Ids plan from the be ginning, liy the prettiest and most laving behavior to.var-.is his cioJtbern stiij jets, and by t .e jadicious rii.tii latioa ofoiiices. oe will str.ve to lull h;s vic- tims to sleep, and v.unpire-lFfce, will suck their hie's blood while he tans tuem into ue. per oiumoer still. j . It is said that Major lien. Mccuiioen. a ranger I.. lrnitv. . i ev-a, che ncs. i Dreuaiinir for a - ' d. scant o.i the northe n Provinces 't .Mexico, with the intention ot annexing tliem in tne unite oiai oi.ue This plan l as b.eii -long -i favoi.e idea wi h Gov. j Houston and kindred spli ts. "A Nobtherx Gi::l's TitlBUTK" to Psesidext; rjxvis. Tae Mo --gonery correspond, nl td the; Columbus (Geo.-g:ai San tells tae io. lowing in hia letter of . et-raary 24th : : President D..vts receivt-d a present to-aay oi some . ! ht " f. 1 ico:,d"ro ? ? ?" I..... u ... . ..A.i.l........ .UK l-lll If li: .11 T V III. mr 4 . I " i. i .. : c i ' . . 11 ua,t'c,u nW,unuS., ms on Ins .-iccti n as tne Urst President of the Co.de .entte Sla es ot Amtnca, ana in conclusion .-ays: A Nordiein girl pays this iri- j hu e oi her ht-'arilelt aduiuaiion ot t ie gantmi aoia.ei who led the glorious charge a Bueua Vista ' The Black Republican journals of St. Louis style the iit&.oritv ti en a 2-ain.s. calling a State Go .ve.i- r - a , Uoa" 'ur naj.,r,ty .;-lrery heir ' o J Denounce It. The ent;re Southern press, as far as we h.jve seen, den dicce Li:'CO;ii"s lii,.agurat Ad dress as insuking to csou b. ana d.-cl. re mat tne po.icy it indicait.-s canuoi. be submitted to by the .SeUttiim oL teB. I'ci.. Expreta. Our friend of the E tpr.-ss had not seen the Hal- . i., . . . ... eign otuHuora surety, mute joumau I Small Pax in Gallat;n, Tenn, The Lonisviil j.ioiiranl le a ns tjy private letter from Gallati.., l'enn. ' that stnad pox is prevailing t an alarming extent in ! thai place, and tnat a num .e- oi deaths nad occurr ifdtioa. that cause. l'he cni.cns were deserting ' i tow. i, aad tie i.ig to t .e adjomi. g hills. A tVlR-WIltlOP FKOM liALTIMO.E. Hnn. nbrt MiLan- is 1 epaned io h tve used the following! . ... .1... i-..i .;n, ..... w.. . ; ... ... ; ian u..c Ai- uic . ..... - ut- uicuiiiJL; c i F,i,iy evening last: jJy th:- uvin- God fellov-Onimtrvmn ibe. r.i r .. . I .... f r f . r. r,Vio,-T..sif..n ' The ban Antonio (.Tcxa Hsrald Bpeaing of a reoe.t interview with Gen. Twigp. veteran Commander of the Department of Texas, says that he announced that his military career was closed, and it was hia determination to retire to private lite making Nf w Orleans his place of residence. It is already known that he announced to ilu War De partment at Washington his deterinination n-'t to w;l - ve war on Lis countrymen. The information j I '4c i given by the Hrnld to he confirmatory of a dispatch toihe New Orleans Pi. ayune which s'.ate.s on the aut.ionty of a member o, lien. 1 lgjs sta.T, that he woul I not enlist in tho Army ofGeor- "ia orof the Southern Confederacy- SOUTHERN CONGUE5S. Mowtgomekt, March 12ih 1861. The permanent constitution has bfen ad yte l. ! The new features are, defining the i is;ht of sutf.-.ie 1 and the annartianment of rep ;rescrit;ition i Congress . - , - . . r-. -l . iirr- 1 to L ontracti rs ; l'. esiacni ana v io nn-si unu MIn-Uti.rs ta U ch-ctcd for six years. other officers ar ,h:..v .1,!., for a-oo.1 causes. Slaver is Hckm.w- ed -ed in I to b pi-otetel by Oongrcs.5, etc. F J j THE VOTING YESTERDAY, j In obediewe to the req lest of their fellow citixf-ns : Messrs R-btrt ft. C"l .ivsr an 1 Jo'ri R. E .'kles were j at the Courthausc ycsicrd-ij", and opened n oil at ! sunrise to re.'eive the rotes for and ngalnst instrnc- jon y oar Jt;lcg:.tc in tae State Conventian. The voting roimucr.ced early r.nd whs oantirvjed with but ii'.tle interuiisjsion uruil STins. t. T?:ere was i - t .. - ... i .... i. cons;, ijr.iua- a ; iMiy n num sw. s. "in u,r. ... . . . - eitment. Lairi iges ana otner veni.-h's we e ought into requisition as usual, and many an in- yalid, but many more robust and healthy men, rode j to the Courthouse and ca?-t his suffrage. At the close J of the poll, (sunset) the following result .w.-js an : nounccd amid tn.ich cheering from those who favr instruction : i For Roller's r.solutions insf rn"tin.a, C2'l lio 'ding's substitute against instructing, 472 Miiaritv. 51 The voiinz will he continued o tlav and as there is a very I trgo vote in the city yet unrecorded, we may xpecf a reuewa! of the activity. On the 4'h of Kubuary, at the t'onvention election : tiie comi.iiie 1 Union vt te ws l.'.Ui'J, Mr. liranch ' receiving 780, ,ind Mr, John Lyon SO.). Mr- Wai- lace; wno Wis v tjd far euitiy by -:t 'S soniewhut j favoring saces-;ou. received 4-7. There h-is certa inly been a very d-'C.-le i change in p ibiic sentimeut sine j tne 4ta Q- Fo -rcary, us tae v-to oi yesterday ; cloir'y prav.-s. Petersburg JZcjrcss. I Latsh. The Petersburg Express of yesterday ; s:is that the second days voting :d : 736 fa-- .;.... .j .i,... ,r-,in f y.n'i vnf UCUtAiai'lll l.J J9 K ' .(I Jl I.-. - p... ... 1 ' ' -' " - . - M L IE -t It Ul I U:;rUll V. X lie JJJV . . 'ii'vh.i. - - - ces it an "astoni htng revolution. The Penksvlvania Sexatorship. Inf. rmation from Harrisouri, slates that Mr. Ketchum, present i . . . Senator from Luzerne county, will probably be cbo sen to fill Mr. Ca meruit V vacancy. FYrTVILLZ: MARKET Pembert. n is, Sloan MARCHjiOth, 1801. IU a IS .u.,i..i:iSi';s XVi a tt vi ) I uiia. f .New Orieioi iS a 30 N ILS 4; a 4 OILS lh) a Sji.TOl j Lii-i'J. B ACON !!- .O . V SS a 20 00 11 Ui t 4.o'J a 0.t -.1 n n 1 on o iMJ..i- AUilitlaUtiUt. s,p;rm. Kio. Laguira . JtVlt. J 1 1 ..-.. air Miild.iDjt. o ut ;i l.u I 7 o .i 5 j I lb l 2 al 1-2 17 a is ou it 0 ( T.-tiiri-r,fl. ( rO l'ATUr.S ) . lrtsu. ? Sweet. ' PO I I .TH Y ( I'-lticken. 1 .30 a 2 H! ! 40 a 0J j 10 3 4 all 1-8 1-4 a ll' 8 a S 3 i 1 5 a 25 00 a 00 00 a oo i ()i-uiiiay Lucks. c itiO.t i- a ; tj I n . . j Quay. 10 a IS uud!e. 17 a 2t) aurlauo. 00 a 15 'i'urKt-yi.. -S A LT Li-Terpl pi'r-i.'i.-k . --iuni prr uuriu-ji. SKKI1 c u ton i aiins- i ob.4 to 10, Mal.00 Max SeeJ. 1 00 a 1.05 "ibfa.i. ri"' DMiahurgs. KA Tiiclta ISH .rhert.'l per bill Jli-rring. j. .SllpCI Kiue-J C rosi , .KAl.s lorn. I M l . Kye. a I DctS lry itretra , i lit IN A m.riciLU . KnlinL. ii;ll ( t-omiuoti bag, 4S.dll j Uui-k. I SPIRITS . "JD OOafclOs Peach iJr.in.ly, fi4 a $500 J N c. Apple. 2.00 a 0.00 2 12 a 2.::. 1.25 a 1.50 &t a Sfr 70a SO :',." a S.j Northern. .j a. .35 i 7.O0 it 7.10 ; NorttiiTii .I.i . 756 .85 ( Sl'liAK 0.,0ati.flJ i Loitl. 12 1-2 a 13 1-2 ( L ribl. t-!i Ll 90 a 95 0.0 a t.4o ) Porto ..:-o. 10 i 1" 1-2 New l)r!i-ans. 1-2 a! 1-2 fii a. 66 i TA I. CO v, i-lo alt 00 a 95 ) TUlli'KNTi VK l.Oo a 1 20 Y.lnw Uip. 1 4 t Vh'jtiu l uj 12 1-2 a 14 I Scrap. - i a ti S Spirits per cal ttO WU1TK tKAb 6 a 7 I Pur pound- 9 a 11 ft a 6 ) V iXUUW t; L A S S 4a4i ) KiicUtbytrn. 2.00 a 2 20 8 a 8H Tn by twelve. 2 2o a 2.5o U a 12 1-2 5 WOOL- 20 a.1 LKAti v it i - .3 -it? Dressed ; a lrt cattle on toot 0 a o. RKMAHKS. COTTON There has been but liltlo arriving this week, oar mr.ruet is tirm at quotatnin me j,(ts have sold at I S above our highest quotations fOI- iinut.tc tiring Here. FLOUR The arrivals hy Rail Roh(1 and wag . ts have been large and sales have been easily made at quotations. SPTS TUbPT Htts arrived spnring.v, note sales of Small lots at ii let. HA- ON Receipts light no cl tinge in i rices. GilAI.N Prices un changed. WILMINGTON MAKKE '., MARCH 14, Turticntiiv? Arrives slowly bh 1 is in inodrn teed ll . I. ilJ y :S It . .i Ul s. , till u in 1 r into ii . . .. !i. .r.ai:. .......... ing 5 la. at ?1 t tor yellow tap, Si lr virgin und .5 cents .or hr.rd per 280 lbs. No transaction reported in Spirits 1 urpenttne o m Corn A cargo of 1,755 bushels from Pasquotank ; , , t(.Pilav at ;k ceilts ,,cr bushel. NEW YOIOv MARKET. New York, March 14 GT. .If the rlose yesterday Cotto i firm mi Idling Uplands 1 1 i a 1 1 7-3 c Float- tirm. Wheat and Corn m.s u downwnr te iuntcv. Spirits l'i:rp ;iititie lcady at IGic Roain 1 $1 aa. liicd si cat! v. m .mm W t 3 W " 10 tt R.if.LS r'.-EStl UNSLCKED in i ur al : by PEMEERI ON & SLOAN. prnti. Ma ;h 12 tf EXPi:tTl. ; THE undersigned announce to J UJt 1 t- .. . - r. ,va;vria' 1A'A1 Oil A to THEIR CUSTO- gen- 11 1 wio. .1 . j ' i.'o .. - . j erally, that their AT n r a it a CrOO&S will be i. Store about the tlhT OF Al RIL proximo of which due notice will given. Such of their Customers, as are A ARREARS, will please pay off OLD SC ORE, and buy more goods if needed. Mhl6-lt II & E J LILLY. U'""-"J- FJ-i IXFL1MED EYELIDS, And for the cure of Scrofulous Humour and soreness gurroundtng or near the Eye, In ail dissca ts ot this ehaiaoter it .s almost a' certain cure. The o. lowing cxtr-ct ironi a letter jiit retVrs to one of be iiiaiiy eiiuil-r cauva cvJiifctautiy reported: Jeksey City, Oct. 29th, 1&59. Messrs. A. B. & t; ands, Dear Sir I have for a number of Jeara been trouoled Tvith sore anvl intlameU eye-nd.s, whicU j imrugu tticy never causeU me uuich p;un, were very iiiiuy iii; o.i oLi,r aoivoiits. i .uve n.uJ a miii I bcr o. uieaicinos at ditfercnt tiuies without the jaiiirhtesl suocete. boeing un advertisement, ot 3'our linuab li,) e lialdam, in ttp.te ot my Sv-ettici;a, L re-ioTvei to get sume, nnu at leaat try it. 1 am aov. writing tais m tlie lullest giailtutlo tu naortii you (,1 cwul.i anuuL .semi vou a an? uOnur ti.. Iuul 1 .v ailU otuy u j appitcatuma have rcfcu.ud iuu cuia- i,;e.c cu, Rcs'ccf illv yt'.rs, 1. ZAH'dlSKlJ, PiUCIi 25 (JKNTS Pi:R JAR Will be seat free per .uati to any pel t f tae United St.ttes npt.n re ceipt ut dJ cc.as at po.tge stamps. Prepared by A. B. A 1. SANDS, Drtiggistf, lt0 Fulto.t atroe., corner id' v. uiiam, lew Yorit. For. sate ..y a. J. lilNSi'.iia, A C. 1-ayetieville, Murch 15. WJS3 3ZZ CtS'S'kA.'r2V H.4U, j .JLC iiii .at unci ia feturo ; J .u.m o.i.u..iict:id rti-r.a-'.i fiuvAi'd Hacnii ; n.i.iU'tii .t:id ollli iiiver i.tt ; Oa;s, i'ed and mr S..u ; i'tuu u.i-l OiK ijl.i.-. Alal.e.-, sr.'.l Ijlit:- ; ii. a tails. Nova Scotia ii erring in hhl?. and t A i i ij 1 ; . . ; M-:a a.i't Kuinn lilk : Nariti i'.n oiiii.t - e.p i .ir.'l TamlW rUmr ; I'uiiiini iii.'l U.iiig i oiii,..,... Caw I'eas and t bite ticani. : iSngrtr, jiitiia-M'. a.id Cone. ; Soap, liai.iiie ulid Stai en , die. v tug it. id .Smokitig Tobacco Gate, p iit Casus ;Vtid aii ; jluap Iroa aa.1 iiivcvs ; . iiaggi g.au 1 H-.pe ; r Cetl tJlil tCia, I.V-J. At wholesale rates. Apply f d T i'bt dTAVAV & CO. Wfhuingt.n,-X C March U -Jnn.j. ii ROBERTS & GO'S I I9 A 11 T JFs'c&si m'lr rival i:lTfi:R, CUEKSK, I1KIKD I! KEF, SOAP, CANDLES, RIO JAVA LA (it A I It A COFt-i-:. Cr.'JsIl Kb, FO WIlKiiKI) N. o. & OJKFB M'GAB IWC, ALLSHCE, PK1-Pfc.lt, lilS.JZit, JJUSTAKO, BISlXli I'OWjJEKS, WOSCKSTtU saucb, fu.m a ro catsup, wraipixo pappkr a. twixb. MATCilKS OF ALL KINnS. . .... . . . . . . . TT . VI ( 1 .1 i- a Ta CII MCE lot X . C oLI AND i.w II i, SlhkS k r. ...... t. . . 8Itot l;j i-.ks, ai.su i-jnt..' S'40KKI IlKKRlVU IN liaXKS, No. IIkRRIXO IX HBl.i. HALf buls Mi:lit;KlL, hiiAi),.Coi i-isil, .titia.KTS Di.ci-. 1'isii ii- S.v.unxJts. l&r'i Izii&temcMts, CORN SHKiaatRS.sn-.AW ClTlKRS DAM f.l.'.s icltALK's l'ATr.NT, ALSO.CaMM'iN- DO. PLOWS tt PLOW ;A:T ivi... 41.1. sl.ks. KAN MILLS. WflKEL HABKUVVa. Tool n.vrs, ulanki-.ts, ukrskys, osNAMT.ns, jjko i.A.S, SIMKS F.Mt MEX, W0MKX 4. BOYS. tZOjiieHtlCH cotton yarns & shetincs. EORSE . MlLt COLl.AP.H, WA'tON liR!II.K5, P.l"'tY h WAti'JX WHIPS. JLii?jMors9 BRANDY, RUM, (JIN, WINKS OF AIL KINOS ii DOin-.STic v, ti:.-:;v .t " ax.iy: always "THISKV, yoKicir.s on hand at wjiolesalk .t rksaii. 'Tobacco &n$?J? cigztrs. S.iioKmg it lhewing 1'obaeeool ail v. rutin i;. A LARGE EOT Ob' OlGAliS Ui' ALL Kl.NDS : HAIL UUAD AM) EAULK All LI. SNUFF. 200 Bags Alum it l.ivEr.rooh Salt. AGKiNTS ,r ihi sale 01 stkaiin's & Makoix's Saitkh, for MAitlifliACK'S DfCKKTrf, SlMtlNO M ATKAS liokllAN ' ' AbSU far th? pale of L. WOOP S Ti.rpcnti.-ie Hackers oi Uiese none arc j;eiiuiue v.tiiwul hia stamp et L. WOOD. MSardtvttrCm Knives, Folks Pocket knives; Stock and Pal Iio-ks. S .e-.tr.-, Scissors, trace Chains. Shovel. Sjmdvu, j "h loj-it-; ll. Collins. S. W. Collins and .Mcivt.y V. Sh-iw-s Axei ; C S. Hoe's Files, Augers, liatcl.fls. Oai-b.-ntiTs' . Coopera Ad.e : also, a hue lot of gnr- ,i.-.. i,i,.i iriioniii itoes. tyinvnu , i.... ilaiinila. Liat ti Cotton bop - ..... II . : i'iow linen well v' 1 ! B OS Uajitf" ; JIJ. ,i:il-i-s Vxe Helves, :y.U i : i ff s. Also a In assortni -ut of Bra la.unii j Vav fc :i l .r li tciiots, a'tt in, oiioyvi. P 1 Iro it (HI (I lilH vM iy,;.;.h. Kvdi.rsn ar Awkricax L-a.v. V Srix.r:s all sizes' ll"P Lou 1 Licli LARGE SCCOXI) ...iy. WE ARE NOW RKCLIV1XG AND OTENlNQ I.AItGIO !: OX I ) STOCSik OS? GOOBS n.t.o cuf oil.-icd to our customers, toiupi ii-mg Y AU tlie articles usually kept by us, uli ol wbicL we are disposed to o ler ou accommodating teriiis to our customer., and all wholesale purchaseij. 1 b;ae call aim eituuiiue our block... H. & EJ L1L.L.1 Oct. 1 tt W. S. ISO 11 ME NT. Al'TORNEV AND COUNSELLOR aT LAW LUMJ'EllTON, N C. 17 ILL ATT EN " the County and Superior Court VV ot RaU sou, iCuuiborlaud, Dladeu and Coiuw uUs Ail ousiuesa u trusted to his care, will receiv lio.npt auction. OlJiceiu the Court Uo.t.e. oa. i. ia- k-w Tdj'at-Geiirs Ofliccp v at DILI'S So, II. o li, oouimandiug Ol-'l-TCKUS of tie Regiments . i ,.. 4ih iirV.nle of Le .North Carolina Ai.- C .lit pots jaia. , 4.'i,u arc coinmaudcu fa afpfnsMe thn corriajji-s'oiiid :lAat their uuai, plncea ol ptu- o.nsera o. your reyiiac u .su.urday, tbe itth day ot April, to t-lttct a . . ......... i I.,.- the -1 tit lir, trade. '1 lie ret-Uit ! aue. ou uV u.Z el.'cti'." to be returned to tLe Adjataut-GtDur- "lb" ffit: o!dcr oA'hc Contmander-iD-Chicf. J J F 11UKE, Aiijii't-Ccn'l. 4lh Urr-'atle is composed of the comities oi Mmjp fou. Cuuiaerlaa i. Columbus, Lladeu and ,M- ore. AiarcL t HEAD QUARTERS,' 33ld itEU'T. C Malitia. ) IN OBEDIENCE to Order Vo- 11, of ihe Adjutant General, the Comuiissioneu Ollicei s are btreby ore'ered to assemble at tLe Court House in the town of Fayetteville, ou Saturday 27th day ol Apul, to. elect a RR1GADIER GENERAL for the 4th lirig- ade. By order of T J Col JN0 II COOK.. F J HAHR, Adjutant. Mblii-2t ; Ayert Cathaitte PUl.

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