I - . Vi. T.T s 1 "J a.,,., r K .ST Tun by 3?. VTif TUB PA.tfit LA It weJt : Si r -j ia , . S a; : t 'tL Uarrtcir I . . vwd. If atir. if th h iCW. th.... r. . ..w'.."''', ft vii .u.Ir the ctila or children. If lht h nh. co?ies . . -V 1 1 v lj "V, 13 J if t; re.. neither, widow or children Ibcn. -' raic J o" ttin-tsS; 3 'ii" ' J-tttr.-Ij, the father, 4 f there be n-Her vi&nw, lrU cfpie -25 atsiSue.wVnihs. T jvEN- il-cLilJ, cLihlreior-f stiver then, tVmrthly, the .ITE UOJULA. Ii.-5.H;Tareiiiith, " r- Kznjther of th deceased, and iti default of all of -JaM,AKSr. .:.?:.:-v.r l -.'rHhes- tbsii, Sfthlr, the executor or adcainiatra- Tb-'lXYJibUU 1' N Qirp a'weeWjJoaitn o? d wi?cx?r;j'.i'. 'liednt tliif M.?V"ftpi--ig'ef;r!- Ihelr aitdavit, nA that of one disinter maUad to-uttibet z nta.-VUi.iiXJ r or.i.ertoct witnc-wai to the fefattfirtghio. and in all gix mdnthThf-' f'?athf ttjtlJBIirv 0Wf AdTtt?-4ntiTor th Carolxmia? wilLbe ekarjred .TUnii,DQIIAR: per q.uare for ach and "rerj -ing'crtiou, cibt Uuos or a-sa nattifytmar n unari. t . rtr thr 1 TELLI0B.SCR1 V.illl b'tnrtcd once In .Pally, ' and charged. J ailyj raf tr that insartiun Lza at-bv letter, the raouey mataocoraJ am . th allirertijeiuent. Marriages, tathsj ral'oLjni and nther notices charted as auver rise mt aui must b paid for strictly n ad- ran. j.: "(4 j 'JTlic Vain or Jluey. at : 3 : : 3 - rs.. 1 00......... 3 00......... a. 9 C6 1 2 00 9 ftfili 1 09. 2 00. 3 0C 4 5tJ 6 0(1 7 50 15 0C 3 00... 4 00... 5 0Q... 10 00... 15 00... 20 00... 4 00. 6 oo; 10 00........ 6 66 f 5 10 00 15 0Q . 22 oa 20 eo...... 25 00...... 13 3:i5 16 60 30 00 23 33 li 25 66 30 fHllnrr.. 25 00 30 00 35 00 30 00 35 00...... 40 00 45 00...... 3 UU j 40 00......... ...... 0 0C m 5r 75 OC 45 00... 60 00. 65 00... 30 O0 33 "33J.fi I 50 00....... 36 66, 55 00 ...... 5U ....... so oq 0 00.... . 40 00 I CO 00. 5 00..- 43 33HU 65 00.. 70 00....... 46 BGH 70 00.. 75 00.... ..50 00- 75 00.. 97 50 105 0 ......112 50 .....120 od 80 00 . ......... 53 33Kt 80,00.. 85.00-. ..... 5G 66 00 00....1..... 60 00 85 00... .127 5Q 00 00 95 00..... 135 08 9S 00...; S3 142 60 100 O0...l....68 6tiK 100 00. 150 00 SYSOi? OF FUKUIHtJ iSclIEMK OF CUK 1 Misszssil'Pt. -Non-Interest Bearing $ 1 0 (j Note. lieccivable for public dues be foro April 1st, 1864, at par; from and aff tcr April 1st, 1864, not receivable at all but Fundable in Foitr pes Cent. Bonds lefor 1st April, 18t4. at par. Prora 1st tt lastUy if April, inc , at 66 From 1st tojlast day of May, inc., at 66 hrum lit toflast fUy.f June, inc., at 46 Irom- list to last day' of July, inc., at 36 t rom 1st to last day of Aug., inc., at 26 1 iia 1st to last day of Sept., inc., at 16 S Vopt away by mpat'ly tax, Oct. inc., at 6 f Any non-interest bearbag $100 notes hold on the first of January, .18fj6, "are t-ikpd 100 per cent., thus destroying every etd-ige of value. ; " TIIK uril" a r.6'9 i.a.v DASKO Off FIIOSOaftAPIIY. rN ritESS and shortly to be published, . H UOHK Willi ius now nwc, jji.-p..v. "--'-r 8ubciber, who has bad nearly 20 yeara praefj tica in Fhonojri apuic writing, nav.iug , pecn at one time employed as an olFicial repwpjria th- United States Sooate. and, who has bee for the la-t seventeen months, and is now, re porter of the Atlanta lntelligancer. - The Dietiouarv will contain mdi"auons, Dj means of a simple nomenclature, tr writing with Plionocrrphic letteis, aboat20,000 words of the KnUsh language, of ninety-nino onrfr hundreths of those in common user ttterep ii tin in,, irnrdi bcinir easilr written after these m.w.u.. r r ftri, leilr&Ml. "i ........ In th Introaueon ja toe AMc-uonary, - - r - - rwfj. i'. T- 15.L r I tist3 in the Gontederacy. The object of tha publication ia to make a eTAxnlRD for Confed erate Reporters, and to render it possible fob, the much coveted and beautiful art of Keporf- im,r fn Hf learned even without the aid of a -t' . tAaeher. - Am. the work will be expensive, new type having beea procured expressly for it, onlj' k small edition will be issued. Those who dd- irM coDiM ire requested to send to the anther their orders at once, (to be recorded,) accent ' nniMl with the nriee of the isame, which will be fiTe dollars per copy. The book in papeY a.nd suiUble for use. will be sent to all Buhseribers. bv mail, without additional e Bense-. A, Jsv MARSHALL. r dtf -Augusta, Ga. MISTRESS AND Maid. TUST REGIEVED a few more copies ol that I ii Cnvt'i - I ii exceiieut v v V. No. 17, Market Squar A ' viEW'more voiunaes'of "Itobert and Oar- ' old' or "The Young 'Mareoxiera," tb- , .A, a . ... .,w. . J -? " , I T T ? ether witn "wuncan vuair, uj iu.t. nauc JrnML Jtist received at 7' market Sqnar cj Envelopes ! . Envelopes ! J SlIPERIOit article of ENVj5LOFES V Commercial' die, just received and fir pie iasVaGtiomTWille kiven for Rm-r of the itudy of Pboaography, wih lithographed ttinafratmna. nreoared Wone of the best ac- safe, at the storrtnder the "iune20 tf CAHOLLVI AX OFFICE. ;cc5jisd Officers and Soldiers. 7 " " TTl !C r,. Jane 29th, 1?4. 1 1 'i: " tlXD EUS CON D Uju ben , a ppoin ted JJt e!itni!ippr toiaTtftirate, collect d fy ' c-r-t.the artte n titled thereto, 1 Iiir -1 jt lQBt " rrearajr9 of pav- nd all&tr nnc. . a to tit? representatives of deeiseduf TJi tlaiaraftt or claimant ratts tfa -nieh iiis: ea 1 rhere tbecUlmant l fiot the widotvtts tici? tSre TeaR befare wbem tb dit la siibacritied must certify to the credibility of the vvitness, and- Clerk o the County Court mast certify, uniVr these,al of the Uourt, that he is a Justice of- tho .Peace.- , , . s If the claimant or claimants be a child or" children .of the daceised, and tre, sh? or they be nriuors, the claim must be propoundc by ; Win, her or their guardian, and the fact of hit being guardian must be certified to, undar seal of thd County-" Court Clerk. r When th clai h ii wads bv an executor or: i administratar, tho fact of the executorship or administratorship must be certified to, under ' j seal by the County Court .Clerk. ' " t Alt of ihcse'pttpera should be sent iv Vajt- j Any person directly interested will be furnish j ed. upon application to me, with a proper' form j of thf se papers in fulijja copy of which, for the i greater convenience iof'parties, wiHbe forwar j ded a3 oon as may be practicable 6 each Louuty .Conrt C.erki , :This coiainission if; intended to facilitate the Collection of these claims, and save the claim ants all expense. v . ,-.,Pat"tiea"lnterestcd may materially aid.jne in the Investigation of their claims, if at the time rwardinff their paper to me, they will m p1 n-tiara lm n-.i f-m. ... V. .tl -.U .... personal euects. wnicli deceased had' with him at the time of" his. death, and whether r not the deceased f if a non-commissioned olScer or j private.,) had ever received tho State bounty. ii very uesiraoie tuat an ciaiws snoaia oe forwarded at a cai-ly a day as iti a v be praeti cablo. In all ca-s, Vive the claiiiiauts' Pot Office and County in full. ' : JXO. A .STAXLT, 123-tf . Co mmissioner. TO! Tliv KR!KX13 F THE SOLI) IEKS VMABTEiIASTKR liKXKRAt. PeT'AKTM 1 ' l!fAri.aoa Bcuejc r fEE friends and re'l itive: .r soldiers In JL ; the Artnv of -Northern Virginia are hereby "ot'ilied tlirtt an arrangement has this ilav rin!ttectid-withthe SOUTHKKN RXrtRESS COMPANY, to cany aH pack . agc of food aiui wearuig. apparel to -mono'. Va. - i T6 fecurp the advantages thus' obtain-.T throiig-h he cxprepsi'tompany , the following. nbtfuetious mupt be observed : I'aak.aes inut not . contain more than ne.lia!Hired pounds; be well secured, and laihlv marked, and gent at theexpenpe of he-js ilppfti to either of the Soldiers' Kelief Agseiationa- wnlch are located, as follows: in North Carolina, at Ilaleih; in "Smt-h Carolina, at Columbia; id Georgia, at Au 'gusta; In; Alabama;, at Montgomery; oi ut any other point at "hich one of these As ocialions have an office, j The Agents of these ipfociationa will there take' charge of them, and rfnaily, by Southern Express Company, to tbe prop 6r Agents of the respective States at Uiclw mondwho will re them distributed o the proper individual owners. To meet the wisb.es of the soldiers-, and to givel them a certain and Fpecdyrcouitauuica tioa'with home the Southern EiprcM Com pany has agreed to giv this freight prefer encover every tiling else S and. in order that! lit) obstacle may occur to the success of sj laudable an enterprise, the several Railroad Companies are hereby requested to tk der the Express Compauy suchjaciii tiesjas will enable it to make this axrange mcnt a complete success. ' . As tho Southern Express Company as sumes all responsibility ol the transporta tion' of those packages, the Relief Associa ttuiia are- requei.ed to withdraw their Agents- who- ha neretcfore acted astra vel "tng'xncsseugcrs. If the Kellel Aslfcciation will 'establish agencies in the reafof there armies, they may enjoy the same .privileges hereby secuj-ed to the Army of Northern -Virgiuia, , - Lieut. Col. and Quartermaster,. Approved.v . ." y. R. Lawton, Quartermaster Gen. OFFICE SOUT BERK EXPRESS CO., I Aoocsta, Ga... Feb 20. 18fi4. f TTIE SOUTHERN EXPHES COMPA-NY-hereby noti y the friends and relative oi Soldiers in the Army ef Northern Ta.t and el-wbfcre,f that they dare prepared to carry out arrangements as. anuouueed in the iabove catd and: that they will dp all In hlr power to fulfil its requiremen?at I . . . - James shuter, 5enl Sap't. i Actiag Presrt So. Exp. Co rartfO-tt. - J, "-. ' ?FOUB PER CENT. BONDS. T7"AH;TEn A few 4 per cent. Bend. t . Apply at the! - - - 1514f CAItOLINIAN OFFICE. CI ENT, 1 k i-t.W"J' "lu FATETTEYILLB, K.,CV M'l '. " June 10-&m ! . J 1RKET. " 'COURSCTED BY Cv L KTT. --iOcr; 4, 18G4. 0. " T rtrjr get. i 50 2 09 th SiitfD ni vj tK f0 s? ) B ttU:r'..............4 6? 6 00 "ji' B" C'ttoxr .."............,..'. -L 3 it - CffrC ... ........ 15 00 lb OT ttfa"Tant . 40 bnecn.-- D:ie4 Fruit .. Ajlea & i'.v!ie 751 V B.' V io tract Logwood ...... 55 S6 i lh F or -.iviU.- IA" -?2$0 V barrel FUcvd 13 S0 f ,t8 00 -bnefael tt; 00 3 hanbred nn.fi dred. hundred bu-hal 0 btmhet - r , . as ....i. l... ' ly&'jrtsiia oo .kj imhi XI? Jes GrWuii.:...;-:. 2 50, 3 0 3 lb Iryr...t... : 5 50 00 lb 7i S weli?. 3 50 4'50 V to o : th er U pper ... . ... . .... . ... Its 30 lb .....i 15 0fr-V ft .50 00 V gallon tO Q -.ballon j.i nors Corn fWhitkev... Aile and Peach Brand v.: 1 Masses $15 20-iJO V frail on N Is ..I..-. 3 50 4 00-J5 lb jo ons 15 00. 20 03 V bushel t-o atoes Irish S- 'Q 16 00 V bushel -et -$7 5i!!?10 00 bushel Ttio l.li ....r..... 6575"59 lb ui;ar .....U....... 10 "p lb '.p ...... ....r.U a. .Family liar 2 00 lb Tc i - 3- 00 fti Spi its Turntine .....4 00 gal. Fa ettevillfe 444 Sheeticesl 50 3 25 t Yard Sal; ...... Ui...:....: 00 $0 bushel .'allow... .".....VI....... 2 50 $? 3 001W lb V.'l ,$G 00 8 00; V ft . ' .. 'i-H. THE Il.L.USTiSATEiy -mEirctJRir ! ILLVST1SATDi MESCUltl' S THE GRFAT LITERARY WEEKLY THEGHEAT LlTEUApY WEEKLY of the 'south ! of the South ! A SUPERB FAMILY JOURNAL !' A SUPERB FAMILY JOURNAL! BEAUTIFULLY 1 LLUSTK A.TED, BEAUTIFULLY 1 LLCSTRATLD, ELEGANTLY V INTLD - KLKGAXTLY printed hVKKY SATURDAY, . EMEHY SATURDAY, HAS A LARGER HAS A LARGER I j. AXT ' MORE TALENTED . iilORR ALFTD, . CORPS OF CONTRIBUTORS THAN WAS JEVER B EF RE EN G A G ED T .a X V A i h Villi PEF ?Uli ENGAGED 1 -AijiUALLY" WRITING FOR IN A-VIUIALLY WRITING FVR AY AMERICAN PAPER ! AV AMKRL AN-PAPER! 1 BKlCLtANT CHAJ1M1NO, . BKII.MAXT, CIIAHMISa, AKD THRILLING , AND THRILLING fwiTH ROMANCES, n ROMANCES, SKETCHES, I SKETCHES, rrALESj TALES O F REATj . 'REAL L I F E, LIFE, ilrOETRY, HP O ETRY, ill I STO RY. ' ill I S TORY, BIOGRAPHY, j 15 I O G It A PHY, K ii Y E L-E.T T E S, i N O Y E L E TTES, ESSAY'S, C1UTI. 'SMS, ESSAYS. CRITICISMS, W1TTC1SMS M rdELLANY, WITMSMS. MISCELLANY, INClDElSTl'S AND ANECDOTES, INCIDENT AND ANECDOTES, OF THE WAR. AND ITS HEROES, OF THE WAR A NOTTS HEROES,. INCLUD IN'G" Tit A NSL AT IONS, INCLUDING ri..AX8LATI0NS,; VROii THE GERMAN, TRENCH, FBOltTJJB GERMAN, TBESCn," AND OTHER LANGUAGES, ANDi OTHER LANGUAGES, "A HOME JOUkNAL FOR TH E HOUSEHOLD ! AN ORNAMENT i A SOLDIER'S i r PAPER FOR THE CAMP. V I A '.-. ; I 'travkuek's . COM P A N I O N. PLEASANT READING F O R i E V"E R Y B O D Y. A RICH CASKET, OF POLITE SOUTHERN LITERATURE 1 SUBSCRIPTION Six months $10 The Trade supplied at $?3 per hundred. Address, TM. B.SMITH, j . oprittor, Kaleigh, N. C. Juu 200, Apply FEET OF H INCH LUMBER, 12 mob. wide. . Fi Si iickt . J.i..........v fc so 'Ji ain Corn M..". S-C0F2o Oft ., -J:.: Wheat CAROLINIAN OFFICE. Report riy tbe Prsa Association. IbCl -;-Jv- ;f::.:. '-K EoHr-m! according to gAetof Congress in the year;lS63. Irj-- J . ,5?. Thiasher,:' in" the Clefk'a o8ieef the District Coirt of the Confederate Statfi for therlsheDistitiet of Georgia ' ALL QUIEjT AlibTjD BETTEIISBURG. A SUCCE3LFIJL EiE DITION INTO WESTERN IRGINIA ! v. . RxcHKnyi, O. t Sfb.The'(Ifl of troce boat, NcwlYcrkij arrftcd at Varina yesl trday wtthf veral bndred Confederate priso-jfM. po particulars or news yet received. to,- Oct 5 -H-T6 fitry bas been unusually qfrlet. : .The- faemy srow jo. purpose to jttak ouri! joes near Pof t Mc- Rae, n-r oiijaiiv biber oint of the lirse General l1e?Kiiegardf hea quarters will be removed 100m hereie-mfriow. RlCHMOKp, Oct. f?.4- A flig of trcee na, bringirjjr 600 best has arr ved at Yel wounded (J onfederateM and the same number of weuhded Yibkecs will be sent in return. -! Ricitxosp "Oofc. 6 - Official disoatebr. at lbs War r ' T - Department . last . night state ihat Lieut. Colonel Withers had re urned front an expedition to Vestern Virginia, lie passed j through 3alltown, Jaekson ville, Westover, Yalke?rrilIe and Weston. He destroyed one mijlion dd!ars worth of store, -captured 3(0 prisoners, with their horseaiand quiptnentr and 1 rought on 000 horses and -zuofbead' of tattler. He us laitied noj loss The Express of the 4h iost, says that the ie situation on 'our extreme right re r ( 'i' -r Li 4. i nns tmcliangcd if fee may except a- .iri.. a . e i -J i .. i:, There wag cAnti.nucd. sUtrmishing y ester j was accQmplished. As before istated, qu J forces after dri-. ving back tbe'Tankee :tplumn of advanee on Saturday retifed dqing tho ,night to a more eligible situatieh nearer the Buyd- ton Plauk road. ; As stn as this move--ment.was discovered the enemy again ad raneed his lines, and nhj Sunday occupied the farms of Dr. Albert Boisseau, and Mr. OscarTcgramtheif pickets raakisg bold to enter the residences ef these gen tlenien: On one; portion ef their advance, the I Yankees endeavored to dislodge a body ef 'ourj troops oeipying a rise -of grotjind, but! were .easijy anJ handsomely repulsed wih loss. V j I Oo Sunday our batcris opened up on and drove' the eneni from the dwel lings above mentioned their fire beiiis so accurate, as to "render Jtese quarters too hot for comfortable accommodation. Testerday the enemy's line of battle extended through Pegrim's and BeiRscau's planfatiousjiwith their pickets in advance. It is unnecessary to state the cxact'po sitions o ur army, bu ; will lei the Yan kees fiBd if ftut for themselves, Mhick' they will tothseir ec'st f they ptysist in their efforts Jte e.aeh t:ae Soutliside rail Toad. -. ' !'" M ' . '.V-1 . ,. v The same paper says that since Grant established hirijisia'f in.ftorit of Petersburg, he' has lost fivejf thousand meJ. for evory mile lie hns aidvahce(. If our. readers will take the tnble t4 count his losses in taking the Vel Job ead, thence to the Vaughan, ahdgijv to the Squirrel Level toad, they will;Bnd .: tlis a correct esti mate., v At thisrate itwi!l cost him 80, 1 f 009 mere men to reacpi the South Side. More ihau that we reckon i ' PbjIdlbtcn -A;c;respoadent of the Cincinnati lerci'di jfiveb the following; picture of the lemeciatie caudidate for Vice-Presiient r A. man otid J tatesman, is George H.- Pendleton of ;hioX Pendleton is a blood-; ed man, Wng desjcerMed from goed family,. aid. haiuglnqt enly the educa tion and Banners of a gentleman, but the hereditary characteristic als-! He is a fine leoking man, witiVdark hair, incli ned to eurL dark expfessive eyes.a hand some face, well-rounded head generally; and set upop 'a welj-forrned trunk. It would be laasslye were it. not -that it via ia just proportion to other parts of " t-b bedy He is about a v feet nine or ten - t l 1 inches in height, an (weighs probably eRf hundred ad Seyentyj t eands. PhiLide'phia PrMj. Fo ney's paper, strer-. ' u u!lr purposes au armistice for ihe fel- lowing reasons i V -.-'-.;-o' v . Inr th first flcey ife'is not desired, b- ' . the peop'e ii tBe teond place itfwki V injure the credrt of the country almost" ir rett iTably at home and -aroatl ; !.iK the " tHird, itr would ruin the militaryfaris f f ' Gei Grant, and undo Vail that he- has dine ' in the feurtb, it would make the j whole war a usek-ss. sacrifice of men and money " ; in the fifth, t wwuld . v&h:ird6n gicitr vi V torien that ale nowi Certainly suen j ta he w-n Ly ii?s ; inhe tfx h, it weu'di inevi tably result iri a longer and bloodier; war -tha;i is i ow probable-or in the reconi'ion of the' South ; iv the seventh place,', it would be h ewrdly ftolish, uslciU, and LifeshooiiRbio. J ' Those tlio ar iwwt;1.aj J(v ' ieamms of iiutsh art afnrstrdtiaSd m : pension ef hotilitks for tf$6 pnrpos t.f ;,,. -n20tia?ion is ever to b proposed br the : "Utiited States to the rcbeUei sJ U couldi? not ofcsibly be until Grant has v krpped V; Iie arid Sherman vanquished . II i4.--. ', When we have our .foot onVih. lUck of . ' "the, fee,; we can propose toetep th ' .light, " ; jbut not while he confronts us in hauglitv pride atid defiance - ' " . V-l - - - . . 1 - ' . ... , -; mm ; I r '. V Romance of e Pit". Yusro' M"ax! L,: "Orjey Otd.u and Jehn HiHirdrlcf th: ; Richmond Theatre, to escape' the j'lBqr. Con scrip tors,":, were making traqkat fof Northern part??; t'. Howling Green!, when,. they were overhauled and captured; A,.v they' Were heinj brought to the qty, on 1 J the Fredericksburg cars,. Ogdon jurnped frera the carsV as gr-cefully 'ns Eie erer leaped from the tower in The Ura Vnf or of a Poor Young Man,? and f rt gairilng v , " ground, teek to the woods, muchltotlie J . chagrin of his eustoelianA He iaiiw at; . large in open contempt of the power antr dignity of , the , Confederacy ." ,11 illiartt ; beings too ynruch of a Fallstaff for sjach ex-, - . ploits carai quietly te the city aid wa provided for. It is aid that botftjwere' without passes. ' - . . i. i ' The Department to, whioh general Beaj(ircerd has just been assigned 1 com-;-n.eocei at Augnsta) ia' Northeastj; jGtor gjai and' extends in an irregular viioe far-'..-. fk)tjtl:e gerly. direction inclndi; a part of Fieri da, the whole of Alabama,5 Missis- gippl and East 'Xotusiana-fi -'ltehbt acw. j;nmane!ed by GenQrals .Tavlolr 11 4 Ibod. W l?Mn inJliLIGENpilt' 1 S PUBLISriED AT A YETTKVIIiLF, N. V. on Tce'Sday of eAch week. It 1 maile up "irom t the news c.Mt;und in tUej" Dailt & g'm rn Cabolikiak, an .-will' alw'avs jioontain thoJ . .. " rif I VERT LATEST' TEL EG HA riUC ;uVX IF 5 Having: the advantage of the newi of tha rKKSB ASSOCIATION, of which Cie Daily North Carolinian is a member. - i . THE MA RIvBT3 W ill be fully and carfnUy reported rick day, and a true statement oft heir condition! konrit- -Iv aiven. Wehave ' , SECURED "CORK ESPONCtNTS In tlie Armies of Gens. Leg and PiciaT and" will always give a faith ul and nil record of um matters. ''.'. ...'-'. :l i Post M astehs and others are requested to ui as, Agknts. and each Acnt senuinjr six or i -uro iil:scribers with the money jifot rix- . m nibs, will receive th Weekly " paper tix r in n;l;s gratis. iH A lh Bscairuoxs will ho be taken fori a Incer pe-.i.d than eix months j nd inn cawill the paper be sent until the l '.oney is rcceltVed. Abtertisemkn. inserted fori) 1$2 per quaieofTG Jines for th first, and one Sollar for caqh gucecdlnjr publ cation. j , . rrRM oF six. s cis i p iftjio . t WkEKLT iNTELIOKKCEa -Th rcc montHp,$3 00- " y ' Six'inoMthsl 5 Oe 1 : J. SINCLAIR, t F-DJTv R AND PROFRtRTO. . . FOR SALE. . V f i ; " .: a A PORTABKE -STEAM ENGINE of Phorre "power, ad grood a r.ew. PjiceiiS jCO in specis or its eqaivlnt m Lonfed era te notes. . For further particalar address - i : . ' . 3td-2I JOHN D. MILNE. FaTetttvilleiN. C. COTTON CARDS, Tiv. -r V TUB Fayetteville COTTON CARli JIani facturing Company are now manjufactur-- -' ing Cards-supcHor to anv run -through the blockade, and at present Belling for ale V P'iee"'-' the single pair or by the quantity. V I ; Any person ordering sir or ncrs pafrs, they. will be securely packed and' delivered at Wif nainffton free of exnense.; i f ; Call apon pr address i f - A. A. McKETIIA3r''-. f ' -.; J. AVWORTRy f il !;V: iV. .. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. I ' " iSPJCCIA 1 NOXlCE.i -i A- Lli PESONS not residents of SrinthvifiV J ' are requested to refrain frow applying at "Headquarters for permission to; visit the Forts or to go'd wn the river in theiOovern ment Steamers. - This ia aldressed 5o persons living at a distance, especially Tdiej,in the hope of preventing a fruitless joarncy ffont -their homes. Upon, no consideration' for the present at least, will perrpiiion tgive to pass upon the- Govern menf aat. iWan cir cams tan cei will admit of a relaxation of this rule, due notice will be given. ,-' )!! Package for soldiers at the different poxts will be delivered to Capt. G rainger. AV Q 1 I- auct auvu.i They snould ee suitaolT narked tnfl he wm oe ' i . r ai ' r j 1 . 1 ' l l:.' ( responsible for their safe delivery through his SeBW- . . . w tt r xt? cr t Tt W In " vlAtviai t a e v it eskf Major 1 enJral ' i