GOLTJSB0RO, N. C, SEPT. 8. 1812. THE PRESENT PHILOSOPHY OF OUR COUNTRY'S POLITICS. Tho present condition of onr coantrj demands more than ordi nary reflection; all owing to the incoiigruitiee, inconsistences and JUItlvo Ji many ewanv j;iiicuc. The fact ie, view it as we may, the present condition ofaffairs indicates the prevalence of a factions spirit, such as stands before ns in its full- fledged enormity, with demands a6 imperative as they are contradic tory and false. . Let us gee: Years ago there was formed an "Alliance", lor the betterment of our condition. Well on the retirement of Grover Cleve land from the Executive Mansion, ho left tho Treasury in a solvent condition, with over $100,000,000 and the manly avowal that taxation was only necessary so far as to ec- enroa nation's support, and thus relieve the people from oppression A new administration followed; and bye aud bye we discover as . i n c r l :1. ,:.,.. .nH abuse of power, an exhausted treas ury. , The people in the meanwhile had become clamorous for ' Ko form" Bcemingly forgetful of the fact that he, the noble Cleveland, had proposed the adoption of moth ruia hv whipli crnon financial ro- vj w j a eults would follow. The cry was : "No nso for law vers, no uee for experienced states men. Give us, said they, "Farm era". Well, the Legislature met, and was controlled by farmers; nay more thaji thfo, a convention was called and met in liileigb A fsrmer was uoininat.cd to be the bearer of the Flag on whose fold: were inscribed the desirable motto ".Reform". "Well, the action then aud there i i i . 4.,.r .1 l... n rt nau, was uuarai;ti;i ij a una nimity unsurpassed, (if ev r equal ed) in any conyention before Hardly had the throats of the "huzzaing" crowd got well from tho exprsa;on of their approval, before the very men they accom modated run wild, and with frantic utterances swallowed their once he.irty words of approval, and turned against their favoi ice nom ince. In other word thty caw new gods and weut in eager pursuit after them, and are now worship ping at their shrines, heedless oi the warning words of "Truth and Soberness'' lind themselves now at Bea in a leaky boat, whhont helm, compass or sails to carry them into a port of safety. And now this is the tone and sad aspect of affairs prcrcnted to ou gaze, in a Stale once noted for its wisdom and sobriety, but a'.af ! now plunged into the depths and intri-. cacies which evikuiinded men have created, and from which there is no escape unless the pure and honest men of the State will ralley at tho ballot box which is the Palladium of both our religious and civil liberties. May our true men wake up by tho Idea of November to a due sense of tho danger that threatens us and avert the evils ot the "fokce bill" and other obnoxious measures. WEAVEP , Til K VKitilFlElt OP THE SOUTH, National Democrat. Where is the man in. the South, Democrat, white Republican, or re spectable colored brother, who would see their country again blighted with the curse of carpet bag and negro rule? A vote for Weaver,, the bit ter, malignant vilifier of the South ern people and the huckstering po litical scavenger who sold out in 1880, defeating General Hancock, if it means anything at all, means a vote not to elect him, but to defeat the Democratic party, and therefore bring upon the South Harrison and Davenport's infamous force bill, which would reduce the people of that section of the Union : to more abject oppression than England ever imposed on down-trodden Ireland, .It is to bring about this result that Weaver is to-day a candidate. Is there an man in the South who loves his section and his coun try arid prizes the prosperity and happiness of his family aud posteri ty, so unmindful of his duty and bo recreanto all that he should hold most sacred, as to cast his suffrage for this putrid mass of political cor ruption? If so let him hang his head in shame, and hide himself , iu nome dark cavern of the earth where the light of day has never penetrated and the indignation of an outraged people can ' , never reacu. iiet tne , people of the South read -and pon der over the bitter and - malignant, coarse i and vulgar denunciations heaped upon them by this man, and Bpurn him as they would Beast But Jer or a viper SENATOR DAWES. Seuator Dawes has written an open letter announcing that ho will not be a candidate for re-election, on thu expiration of his term next year. Mr. Dawes has held a scat in Congress for thirty-six years, eighteen as a Representative and eighteen as a Senator, and he has served his constituents ell and honorably. He had the courage and honesty at the cutset of his pnblic life to antagoniza the fam ous Knownothing crusade, a fact to be remembered alwayi with gratitude. Like his colleague, Senator Iluar, he has always been fair and just to every class of citi zen?. It is to bo hoped his succes sor will be a man of equally liberal and clean record. -He will in all probability be a Republican; bin the Democracy of Massachusetts, although a minority in the Stafc legislature, will have something to say on the question, and theirs may be tho determining voice. They will not suppoit a candidate like Henry Cabot Lodge, we are 6ure, Should the choice lie, as seems probable, between him aud Speak er Barrett, they will favor the lat ter, who is an able parliamentar ian, a fair and honorable journal ist, and a man who may be trusted to sustain the honor of the Old Bay State in the National Senate While we should prefer to see a Democrat occupy the place, we trust that, if such a consummation be impossible, we may have the next best thing, a Republican who is not swayed by narrowness nor bigotry. Such a man sss Mr Barrett, whose paper the Boston Advertiser, is a credit to Ameri can journalism. In the frequent ennnierntioi. in our literary journals, of striking short poems, it is strange that no one has included Charles Henrv Webb's "Revenge Revenge is a naked sword It has iicitbcr hilt nor guard. WouList tliou -vveild this bran d uf the Lord? Is thy grasp tlun firm and hard?" But the closer thy cl'iloh of the Llivie. The deadlier blow thou wouklst deal Deeper wound in thy hand is maiU It i3 4.hy blood reddens the steel. And when thou has dealt the blow, When the blade fro n thy h;ind istlown Instead ot the heart ot theloe, Thou mayst find it sheath-jd iu thine own! S?ound philosophy R3 well KOod poetry in the above. In tlie.ee days of soulless eopori rations it is refreshing to ct'ine acrosi a story like that tokl jh T. V. Smith, h glass 'sroiks con ti ac tor, at Hartford City, Maryland By a recent accident, which the coroner's jury reported as una voidable, five ot" Mr. SmithV workmen were killed. He bad them busied decent!-, provided for the immediate wants of the faimilice of the four who were married men, gave to each of the widows $1,000 and put a'l of them ou the company's pay roll, A man so generous as this mutt aleo be a just man. Every great industry aud en terprise in the country ie, in its measure, a public concern, brcom ing more and more so iu the pro portion in which it becomes great; nothing of importance, nothing at ?11, is a matter simply between wagepayer and wage-earner. The Carnegie Company may have a legal right to bid its men tke what it offers in the way of wages, or go elsewhere; but it is neither morally right, nor economically wic, to rend cut 4,000 homeless men to swell the army of discou tent throughout tb3 country. Queen Victoria displayed her greatness' of uiiud aud truly r-jj'al diguity by refusing to let Mr Glad stone give a place in his Cabinet to Mr- Labonchcre,who had spoken without doe respect of hereelf and kindred in hia spicy London Tmth. As the Briti&haAtnerican vote wid in all probability determine tho coming Presidential election and precipitate tho immediate annexa tion of I he United Btatea to the mother country, we wish to go on record as stating that Qaeen Vh toria ia a eovereigu as distinguish ed for her lavish benovoleuce as for her stately, beauty; that the Prince of Wales is as free from the vice of gambling aud debauchery as any Prince of Wales m the whole world; and that we would give our vote for the canonization ot the whole royal family to-morrow, if they won'.d take tho first neceFsary step to become candi dates lor that &ttlcty post-mortem honor. :r:-r;:; MISS Y' ORBANSKY Teaclies all kinds of fa icy hand tvork. Class will begin Sept. 1; t. Terms very reasonable, liesidenca above Asher Jrd wards' tore. " f M others ! T2 JUST A Large Line ot and Children's School Shoes of every description, All of which Popular Ranging from All Wool Double-Breasted Plaid Cheviot Suits, which beats anything yet offered WHjJL1i& for Infants "Castorla is bo well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Archer, M. D.t 111 So. Oxford St7, Brooklyn, N. T. "Tho use of 'Castoria' is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Martyr, D.I)., New York City. Late Pastor Bloomiogdate Bef onued Church. THE GOLDSBORO ARGUS! ZD 0-1137- taunoli Democralio Newspaper. Daily, O-jo Year WVukly, One Year.. Year JOB WORK A E AKE I'OW LINE OF CUAMBEIl SUITS OF TIT E LATEST DESIGNS. Prices from . S 1 5' . ; lo PE!i SUIT. Sou our $15 00 Suit of Solid Ash before buying. Cuts Sent npou application. E0YALL "& B0SBSM, ' J West Centre Street, RECEIVED iioys' will be sold at Prices 82.00 to $10 We Call Especial Attention to our BROS and Children. Castorla cures Colic, Constipation, 8our Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promo" gestion, ' ' Without injurious medication. " For several years I have recommended vmiF ' ns.iit.oria. and dhall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial Edwin F. Pardeb, M. D., m Ibe Wlnthrop," 126th Street and 7th Ave., New York Cit Th Ciktiub CoKPAjrr, 77 Murbat Street, New York. "7vr"ee3sl3r- ..r .- 5 00 $ 1 00 SPECIALTY ! 'IlECEIVING A COMPLETE Coldsboro, fsl. G ATLANTIC COAST LI E fflLMINTO 4 VViLUON R. Hand Braoeles. COfTiSKiiKJ bCIIEDULK. TRAINS GOING SOU TH. 8J? No. 27 ! No. 41 FiistMail Daily. ej Oail) . I Sunday. Dated May 31, lbws. Lv Weldon.. Ar Rocky M 1230 p m 5 43 p m e 30 600a il 7 09 a m 1 VI p m ir Taiboro. S18 p m fiV Tarboro. Vi bA pm 6 00 pm A.r Wilson.. 218 p m 7uC p m 7 40 a u. Lv Wilson 2?0 i m Vr Solma. 32-pm 5 M p ui Ar Fayettevillo.. Ov Ooldsboro. .. l.v Warsaw , 315 p m 4 1 p in 4 27 p m 7 iO p m 8 40 p'ni 955 p m 831 a 111 ai a 10 l.v Miurnolia 944 a m A.r Wilmington... 6J0 p m 1125 a NO. 15 DAILY. TltAIUS GOING NORTH. Si; No. 40 6 Daily ex fcunday. . v Wilmington.. 12 35 m 915 a m 420 p m l.v Magnolia 1 64 10 57 a w 6 02 p tu Lv Warsaw 1111 a in 615 p m it Gol-lsboro 3 55 a m lsiu-i p m 710 p u. Lv Fayetteville 1930 a m LV Seima 113. a in Ar Wilson 12 K) p in Lv Wilson 335 a m 1258 p m 804 p m Ar Kocky Mount. 4 03 .... iSOpm 839 p m Ar Tarboro 6 30a in 218 p in t Lv Tarboro 12 6f p m Ar Woldon 5 05 am 355 p ml 1000 pn. Daily except tomta . Train on Scotland Neck Brancn Kjad leaves Wvldon. 4 JU u in., jdalifax 4 22 D in; arrives Scotland Decs at 5.15 p m., Greenville B bx p. in., ivinston 8,ou p. m. ite turning loaves K.inston T.iu . m.. Uruonvilie 8 a m. Arrivt Halifax at 1100 a m Weldon 1126 a m. daily except sunaay. rruini on t asninirton liraach leave Wasn ington 7,00 a, m., arrives A & H. Junction 8 4 a. iu., rcLuiuuiK leave- A. & K. Junctio 70 p. m irrivea WasbiiiKton 8,45 p. m. Dany ciui ut Pundui. Connects with train- ou Alouma.'le aud Kaleiich rt. It., and buutiai.d Neck 11 ranch. irain leaves Tarboro. N.V.. via Albemarle & italeigh railroad, dnily except Sunday, 1 4i: p.in.,suuaay tuu p.m. .arrive vviiiiamioa, x. J., 1 IM p.m., 4 'U p. i'l; mouth 8 Ji p n, 4' p m. Kcturuuur ituve l'ivmouth dailv except isuQUMj, OvU st ui.. iuuaay uuo am uiiauiHLun, i o j a iu., v u a.m., arrive 'tar jiu, iu iUo. n 11 zuam. i rains i.n Southern Division. Wilson una t'd.veUeville Branch leaves t'eyetteviiie oKi ;. m., arrive ltuwiana 1 rj. p. m. Ketuininu iiaves Jtlowiaud 7,iJ5 a. m., ariive tajottc- riue v.i a. in., amiy except unaay. Xrain un Miaiacd, N . C, uraacr. ltav.-s Ould?- .uro, daily except ountiaj, 0 00 a. m., nnivi aiuitnncivi, . dua. m. licturnmg leaves sunin -oia, o xA a- :a .. arrive uoiasooro, xJ . m i'ram ou Cia.n viile branch leases ItucKy Mi ta i.j p. m., arrives Aushviiie.j bo p. iii.,opriL-.(i j'jpo o w p. in . aerui-mog leaves spring ttop 3 ).; a. ia., Mtuuvilie o ilj a. rn., arrive Kocij M'.iant 15 a. iu., daily, except Sun-lay iVain ou Ciiutou branch leaves Warsaw foi o.ittiou, diuly, except Suiidnv. G 20 p. in. an ii 15 a. in. Returning leaves Clinton at 8 20 a. ui.anu .i iu p. in , .ouu.:c:mg at arsaw witis ius. 41. 4U, 2d mid 78. oouthtxyini train on Wilson & Fayetteville iranca is au. 31. forttiuounaia rso. DO.'uaily except : uuuuy i'riiin No. n, South, and 11 North, will stop ju!i jit xiocKy njuiit, ii.. , UoliioDoro an J .Uiaoiiti. i rao. Ha. Vi uiaK3S close connection at Wi' iMU iur an i.oiaLo Mortli. Uaiiv. All rail v iliohinoud, aud daily, except .Sunday via Bay 1.1-ie, aiso at jtKCsy .uouut umij t-iceiii pu :aj, ffith Km oik uud i:aruiitu Kanroad for Niirio.s ana d-1 ioii:ts Mor'.ii Via Norfolk.. i. ii. ItENLV, Geu'i M :i:nfti-. C. .;. intSKiii. Vrtiilii, M .iiftir,ir AHaitic&MuaroliiiF Time Xable Ho. 22. H'lAKS EK F KC T OCT. 17, 1830. I KAIJN'S (J0LNG EAST. STATIONS. 51.!xo. I 1 . i LKAVE. P- y-- A. SIT G-vii Tsboi. 3 30 6 30 Bwt's 3 56 7 05 LaGiMiiare 4 09 7 3') Fallinav.:rw:k 4 23 7 53 Kinsto 4 40 8 30 Caswell 4 55 8 55 r,ove: 5 5 10 02 Core Creek 5 19 10 36 ruscaror.1 5 35 11 05 Clark's 541 11 41 Newborn 6 08 3 00 Rivordalc ... 0 39 3 42 CroBlan 6 44 3 50 Havel. -ck 6 50 4 13 Newport 7 16 4 42 Wil-J wx.d 7 24 4 55 Atlantic 7 28 5 01 Morehead City 7 43 5 21 Atlantic Hotel.. , 5 28 Morehead Depot P. M. TRAINS GOING WEST. STATIONS. No 50.f No. 2.f LKAVE. A. M. A M.f Morehead Depot 6 25 7 00 Atlantic Hotel 7 15 Morehead City 6 47 7 27 Atlantic 6 58 7 52 iVildwood. 7 03 3 05 Ncewport .'. . 7 13 8 27 Havelock 7 33 9 04 Croatan . 7 47 9 33 Riverdale 7 52 9 46 Newbern 8 30 1 80 Clark's 8 48 2 12 Tuscarora 8 58 2 30 Core Creek 9 12 3 00 Dover 9 28 3 40 Caswell 9 39 4 05 Kinston 9 53 5 00 Falling Creek 10 06 5 30 LaGrange 10 25 6 04 Host's 10 40 6 34 Goldsboru 11 10 P. M. No CO, pi sseriger daily excrpt Sunday, e-innccta v.'ith w. "& W. train bound N2rth, leaving Goldsboro 12 10 p. m., and R. & D, train "West, leaving Goldsboro at i p. m. No. 51, passenger, daily except Sun day, eoanecta with. K. & D. train, arriving Go'ldsboro 3.05 p. m., and W. & W. train from the North at 3.10 p. m. fNo. 1, Mixed freight and passenger Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. fNo. 2, Mixed freight and passenger Monuay, w eunesaay ana a naay. cod r with W. & W. through feight, Nonb lound, leaving Goldsboro at 11.10 p. m. S. L DILL, Superintendent Salem Female Academi. SALEM, N. C. Olflest Female College In tlisSotitli The 91st Annual Session begins Septem ber 1st, 1892. Register for last year 327. Special features: tho Development of Health, Character and Intellect. Build ings all thoroughly remodelled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate, and Post Graduate Departments, Di.-siaes nrst-ciss schools in Music, Art, Languages, Elocu tion; Commercia1 and Industrial Studies. JOHN IL CLEWELL, Principal, daw 4i e. - : KINSTON, N. C, SEP. 29,1891 Mrs. Joe Person, Kittrall, N. C: Dear Madam As I have been cored oi a malignant case of ulceration of the nose produced by catarrh, by he use of twelve bottles of Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy, I take pie isure in recommending it to the public Respectfully, -V Mrs. J. M, WHITE. ftoEfl&iaileli.fl.Co CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN EfrKCT MAY ZD, 1803 TKAIN8 OOING SOUTH DAILY. Nog No 11 lv Uiohmond.... ... Lv Burkville Lv Keysville Ar Danville Ar Greensboro... . BOOpnV ' L'3 pm 6 42 pm 10 pm 10 16 pm 4 CO pm OOOpni 8 15 pm 7 22 pin 10 uupm T8 Z't pm iOfcd pm IS 18 am 2 3i am 8 00 am 10 43 am 12 28 am 2 Ou am 5 00 am 0 10 am 3 20 am f 00 am 5 44 am 8 10 am 10 11 am t4 1 pm 8 05 pm 7 0Jam 7 58 am 10 tO am an am L.V oldsboro Ar Kaleiph L.vKaleigh IjV Durham Ar Greensboro Lr Winston-Salcm. JLv Greensboro Ar Salisbury..... .. Ar Suites vilio 10 20 am ism am 1 09 n Ar Asueville 6 58 pm Ar Hot Springs . .. H ill, .11. jl.v sails oury Ar Charlotte 1208 pm Ar Spartanburg.. .. Ar Greenville A r Atlanta i ou pa 4 28 p.-d 6 35 pn, 1130 pm IfiOpa 6 46 pm '4 26 pm l.v charlotte ....... 2 10 am A r Columbia, Ar Augusta 5 r 2 am 9 37 am TRAINS GOING NORTH DAI LT . NolO No 1 Lv Aug-usta Lv Columbia Ar Charlotte Lv A Llanta Ai Charlotte Lv Chsrlotle... Ar8alibury .... Lt Hot tprina Lv Asbeyiile Lv States ville A r Salisbury LvSaliKbury Ar Greensboro Ar Winston-Salem . Lt Greensboro Ar Durham A- Kaleigh Lv R l frh Ar Ooldsboro Lv Greensboro Ar Danville At Keysville Ar Burkville Ar Richmond. 7 00 pm 11 10pm 3 10 am 8 50 pm 6 40 am 7 tO m 8 15 an. V. I . im, 8 05 am eivpm 6 33 pm 4 SOpm 12 39pnc v vu am 2 60 am 4 0' am 8 37 am III 4 Mtn tiupm 7 1 pit 8 IA nn. 8 25pn. 1(1 2h nr.. 11 )6 am tl2 10 HIE 12 01am 'jooo am 12 21 pm 1 2-j pm 1 i-8 pm 3 llfk nm X uuaoi a nn am t845 am 1 d'J iu Mil In nnr iO am :z iu pm 2 46 pm 3 31 pm 6 30pu 12 am 4 15 AIT 4 57 ir 1 10 an Daily. t Dally except Sunday. 1IKTWKEN WEST J01NT & KIUHMUM Leave West Point 70 a. m., daily, and 8.5 a. m., daily except Sunday and Monday; ai rive Richmond 9 05 and 10.40 a. m. Ketur'iin leave Richmond 3.10 p. m.,and 4 45 p. m., dailj except Sunday; arrive West Point 6.U0 an 8 00 p. m. UKTWKSN RICHMOND AND RAt.EIG VIA L1!S VILLE. Leve Richmond 30 p.m. daily; leave i cy-. vuieo.o) a.m.. arrive uxioro b.ub a. m., Hen dcrsou V-20 a. n Durham UJ' a. in., Ku'.eigi 10.40 a. m. tfeturuiug leave Raleigh 8 15 p. m dany Durham tf 26 p. u ..Henderson 9.30p.m. iu.ju y. ui.- arrive A.esviiie i.uo a. m Uichmsnd 7.1i a. in. 1'uilman Pal luce rlecpingr Cars between Uicnmund and Ra,ciKb on above trains, Mixed trains leave Kei s llle dailv. ricnn Sunday. 9.1U a. m.; arrives Durham 6.40 p. u. Leaves iiurnum n.f a. m. uaily except suudav arrives Oxford 7.45 am. Additional train loaves oxford daily exeep sunday U:n5 p tu arrive iltn- lersoii 11 ; M p. m., Ueturnimr leave Henderson ..0l a. ui., daily eiw,- bundsy arrive Oxlurd 8.0u p. m. Wasbiugton and cou; h western Vesti ult Limited operates between Washington anu Atlanta daily, Uaves Washington 11.00 P.M. DanviUu 5.5J A, M.. Greensboro 7.1-9 A. M eauscury ea a. m cnariotte v 4a A. M. arrives Atlanta 5 Ou r". M. Keturmnjt, leuvt Atlanta 1.40 f. M Chulolte 9.0 P. M.. Bali, bury 10.34 P. Mn (rreenstHiru i.00 P. M nyeR DanvtilM 1.20 A, M., Lyn.huu:g o. SO A il., WxsblUKlon sjis A. M. Throuuh Pullmnn Sieener New Vork t.i, New Or.eans, also between Wnshiiurtou anrt Mrnpbi8, via Atlanta aud Hirru.iiKbuai. Nos. 9 and 12 connect at Richmond froa and to West Poiutand rlaltimore dailv exuem suuaay. SLEEPING CAR SESVIC3. fin Trna U ar.A 111 Dollman IJ,. 1Tn4- J between Atlanta ami Atw fork, Danville un. a. u trusta. On 11 and 12, I'oli nn BuIT.'t Sleeper In I ween Richmond vJ Danville, and I'uuumii u.iflet tleep or. butwci'i .ew lurk. Wm ict- n a:- - uoxri 1 via Utiiville, Salisbury flnd Atir lit-, nd Pullman beepers between WkkJi iijrion autl AU-tuta. On trains 9 ami 13 Pul'man ralaco Sleeuicv !J'rs be w -en KiieK:iana vsimviiie. .ft. Jir.l.rLLih, 1 , Auueriai, nui-iit. Uicii nrii':. v'a A, Turk, Ass't. Uea, Pans, .vti Ciinriotte., .. c, w . II. Green. Ocu'l WVr, Ahujw, s,. Jus. L. Taylor, oeu. l ast, .-ni.nx, Alt'uiitu, oa Sill 11 ins. 'I rv.liie Muuurfei. . i lants. ) Do You Know THAT . E. ROBINSON & Keep Ever3rtliiiig To be found in a well-equipped and fully stocked Drug Store? If you want aprefccription filled, call on them. If j'ou want patent medicines, toilet arti- les, mineral waters, lamps or lamp fixtures, call on tneni; If You Want Fresh Turnip Seed for this seasons planting, call on them. 1 hey are selling an article of ''COMPEXION SOAP" That is superb. A beautiful large chrome goes with every cakf. 1 he price is 25 ccn's. At their Old Stand on : Wcfct Centre Strwt, .'i Opposite OpiTa House M- EolDinscn & Ero., Goldsboro, N. 0. Have You a Daughter to Educate? Then let us send you the Catalogue of Norfolk Codege for Young Ladies. The largest, cheapest and best equipped school in Tidewater V rrgmia. 800 students, 23 teachers. Our motto is " The best advantages for the least ex Eonse." A n fined, elegant home, with ome comforts and training. Arts of self support a specialty. Application sheuld be made early, we were compelled to refuse 40 last fall from lack of room. Address J. A, I. CASSEDY, B. S., Principal aug4-dwlm , nfWJIf THE AMERICAN RAMBLER 1( the BEST WHEEL OS THK HABEET thlii year. BECAUSE tno combination oi the celebrated Q. ft J. Pneumatlo Tire and Spring Frame makes riding on it a luxury. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Send for llhsttratetf CataiogiM. fiOAMUUT JEFFERY M'PQ CO, Wathlngioa, D. C. jiAia m im o " I Will Hcrfolk, jmliin IWasliiiigtoii DIRECT LINE. TRY-WEEKLY TRIPS. In order to mak more convonient and economical use of tho vessels now employed v v .u v,na viiuu oa v vw, hmu vuuo iI Bett-r Serve tho Interests of Shippers, the Clyde Line and Old Dominion &tnanr,ship Compnny have concluded to merge their re spective lin-s between Newbern, K. C, aud Norfolk, Vs., into one line, tbus trivlntr pas sengers and truck shippers three trips each wffk between Newbern and Norfolk via wastiinntou. NO ADVANCE IN RATES. On nnrl nfttr Xfrknrluv T-ilw A 1AOO i,tHI farther notice, the ' ' Steamer Newteru, Capt. Southate Steamer Enola, Capt. Boyfl, -AND- Will sail from Norfolk. Va.. for Newbern direct, every Monday, Wednesday, and Kri- uay, a m., mailing connection witn tne At lantic and North Carolina Kailroad and the water tiinea on Neuse and Trent rivers. lletui ninsr. will sail from Newbern for Nor folk. Va., Mondays, Wednesdays and F idavs at 12 m., (noon) makinir con- ecti. ,n at Norfolk with The Old Bay Line. for Baltimore, The Clyde Line, for Fhiladel- Bbia, The Old Domiuioc Steamship Co., for ew York, The Merchants' and Miners' Line tor rrovidencu and iios'on, and Ihe Water bines for Wanhinjfton. D.C., and Uichmond, Va., tbus gtviDit an all water route to all Northern and Eastern points. Alxo connection mde with the C. & O. K. B.,and N. & W. K. K for the West. Fasseneer8 will find a srood tahe. cnrnfort- aDie rooms, ana every court) sy and attention win oo paia tnem py tue oinccrs. Order all goods, dire of N. N. & W. Direct uoe, JNorroik, va. 8. H. GRAY, Airent, New Bern. N. C. Feb.12, d-tf . SPECIAL NOTICE ! We have on hand a limited supply of seed RICE, which we are sell ing to planters at prime cost. We have also at our Mills here different grades of cleaned BICE which we are offering at low figures. Write for samples and prices. Very Respectfully, m 1 CO. 18 in GOLDSilOKO, N. Nov. 20th '91 1 yr. KOUTH CAIIOLINA, ULINA, 1 I.i Justice's Com t, V Jtefuro jnty. ) Hugh Humphrey, J.P. Wayne Cou C J. Best, I ts Ordcrof Public ilion Goldsboro Cotton Mills. ) It api-eurin--! to the satisfaction of tho Court, from lliu blli-JaViu neti hti.tu, that the de fendant is a corporation. Tnai after due dili Kuiiee, no t llioor orient ot said doloadunr upon whom service of tho summons herein can Lie made, can he found, that ail of the ofti ccts and ugeuts ef the said defendant h .re de purteu from Hie mate, with intent to defraud the creditors of said de' ndaut, aud to avoid, the sei vice of raid (summons, it is oidticd that publication i e made iu tb Goldsboro Uai y Ami us for six success ve weeks, leq.lirinK the defendant to appear be fore the uodcisigued at his office in trie Court Houte, in the Ciiy oi Goluel.oro, at li o'clocx, M.. ou Saturday October la, l-9i, and answer or demur to tiio plHiutiifs compluint. HUGu UoMeHlilsr, J. P. This Aug-ust 30, ldl)2. NOHTU UAUOL1NA, 1 In Justi-.e's Court, Uefore 3 v;aike Coustv. , ) Huyh Humphrey, J.P. C. J. Uest, 1 Notice of Summons vs 5 Goldsboro Cotton Mills. ) ana Laborer's Lien. The defendant above named will ta- e notice that on the z9tb day of August, 18VU, summons in the above entitled action was issued anil a Laborer's l ien filed on the prop srty of the de fendant in said county. The purpose of said action is to recover of Slid defendant the Sum of $1, 0 due to li e plaintiff for work and labor lot.o from the 6th day of August, to th 13th day of August, 189;. The said action will be heard by said Juet'ce at his oilice in the Court House in the City of Goldsboro, nn r-alurday the 15th day of Octo ber, 18U1 a Vi o'clock, M., when and where said summons will be relurned, and the defendant be required to appear and answer or demur to the complain' of the plaintiff, or tho relief demanded will be given. HUGH HUMPHREY", J. P. This September 1, 181)2. NORTH CAROLINA, ) In Justice's Court. Before Witnb Couktt. ) Hugh Humphrey, J.P. ' C, J. Best, vs Goldsboro Cotton Mill. James H. Grant being duly sworn says that he is the Sherid: of said county; that the sum moos in the above named cause was placed in his han';8 for service; that after a il'gent search he has been unnble to find any officer or agent of the defendant corporation upon whom said summons can be served; ohat he is informi-d and believes that all of the said offi cers and agents of thesad defendant cor por tion have departed from this Sta'e, with in tent to defraud the creditors of said defend ant and to avoid the ser ice of said summons. JAS. H. GRANT, fchff. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 31st day of August, 1892. HUGH HUMPHREY, J. P. " Notice. Having qualified before the Clerk of tho Superior Court of Wayne County, as ad ministratrix of D. E. fctevens, deceased, notice is hereby given to all creditors to present their claims to the undersigned before the 19th day of July, 1892, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery; ant to all poisons indebted to the estate to make immediate payment. Mrs. P. L. Stevens, Admin'trix D. E. Stevens, July 18, 1892. Mt Olive, N. C Atlanta, Ga June 2d Mv six-vear-old son has had a terrible sloughing serofula ulcer of the neck for three years, attended -witn blindness; loss of hair, great emaciation, and general prostration. Physicians and various bloo remedies were resorted to without benefit. The New Atlanta Medical College treated him for three months, but his condition grew worse. I was urged to try the efficacy of B. B. B., and to the astonishment of myself, friends and neighbors, one tingle bottle effected an entire enre. Ulcers of the neck entirely healed; eye sight restored, and the hair commenced growing on his head. I live at 345 Jones street, Atlanta, and my boy is there to be seen. FRANK JONES. J. W. Measei, Howell's Croaa Roads, Cherokee county, Ga , writes MI was afflicted with chronic sores nine years, QXlj. and liad tried many mod- tOUUi CiO icin-js and they did me no good. I then tiied B. B B., and eight bottles cured u. sound and well. Children Cry for ?itcner's Castorla Commissioners' Sale of Valua ble City Property. By virtue of the decree of the Superior Court of Wayne county, rendered at April term 1892, in the cause therein pending wherein Pal tie M. McRary was plaintiff and Delia A. Bonitz and others were defendants, I will, at the Ciourt House door in Goldsboro, on the 12th day of September, 1802, at noon, offer for sale by public auction to tt e highest bidder lor cash, the following described real es tate situate in the city of Goldsboro and known in the plan of said town as lot No. id: Beginning atthe JNortheat intersec tion of of Chestnut and East Centre streets und running thence N. 18 E. with East Centre street 110 feet to Mrs Celicia Tay lor's corner, thence E 72 S. with her line parallel with Chestnut street 209 feet to the line cl the Baptist Church lot, thence S 18 W. with said church lot and H. F. Grainger's line paraliel with said East Centre street 110 feet to snid Chestnut stieet, and thence with said Chestnut street 72 W, 209 feet to the beginning. JUB. Xi. rtWUlJNSUJN, Aug. 8, 1892. Commissioner. Notice By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Wayne county, rendered at Jan uary Term, 1892, in the action of Nervy Nizy Oa.tes and others, vs. R. Kornegay, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, on Monday the 12th day of Septcm- ier, iy, at tne uourt nouse door in Goldsboro, at 12:30 o'clock, p. m., the lands described in the complaint in said action and particularly described in a mortgage deed from Willis Oatcs and wife to the said K. Kornejiay, which is registered in Book 59, page 491, of the records in the Registers office of Wayne county. W. T. DOR'ICII. August 10, 1892. Commissioner. Notice. North Carolina, Wajne County,") Insram P. Orn.nt.hHm. ArltnV ! Y. Jno. C. Rhodes, et els. j I The above ia an action to sell land for assets by the plaintiff as adminis trator of Sarah E. Rhodes, deceased, and it appearing that David L. Jinnett, one of the defend- n's, is a non-resident of this State, notice is hereby giyn to said D L. Jicnett to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court in the city of GcldBboro in said County and answer the complaiDt there on file with in the time allowed by law, or judg ment will be rendered pro confesso. This July 11th 1S92. wOt C. F. HERRING, C. S. C. For Kent. A Desirable five horse farm in good slate of cultivation, with a comfortable two slory dwelling containing six rooms with fire places; large barn with two floors and stables, all nearly new; also a good pasture for cattle and hogs conveniently situated: a young orchard in full bearing, consisting of peaches, apples and cherries, selected varieties. Land naturally adapt ed to all crops grown in this country. And for trucking a better opportunity is seldom found. Splendid roads, good wa ter and as healthy a locality as can be found anywhere. Said farm is situated in Fork township, W-iyne county, near Walter po-tofHcc on the Midland Railroad, and about live miles from Goldsboro. Apply to . W II. BROGDEN. aug.9-4w. Notice. North Carolina, ) In Superior Wayne county, f Court J F. Hill vs. The Pioneer Lumber Company. To Dewey Bros. Geo. W. Dcwev & Bro., G. A Griswold, Mrs. Susan G. Hall, W. E. Hill, Mrs. Atba Hicks, Stephen Graham, Miss Florida Carr, Miss Noney Cair, J. II. Carr, Mrs. Conn Davis, Thos. Brown, J, B. Oliver, Wm. House, A. J. H:trfild, Wilson Reaves, Toler & Mitch ell, W. O. Swifr, D. W. Kelly, Goldsboro Oil Company, John Slaughter, B. M. Priv- ett, I. B. Fonvielle, Holmes & Watters, R. W. Hicks, Chas. M. Whit:ock, Giles & Murchison, Baltimore United Oil Compa ny Henry Diston & Sons, Godell & Wa ters, Wm. Post Machine Co., E. & B. Holmes, lt. lioruegay, it. j. Southerland, 11. W. McKinne, F. L. Pearsall. J. R. Smith, D. J. AaroH. W. E. Aaron, J, D. Aaron, Glen Cove Machine Co., and all other creditors of the Pioneer Lumber Co , notice: Pursuant to an order rendered in the above entitled cause by His Honor Henry R. Bryan, you and each of you are hereby notified to appear at the next term of the Superior Court to be held for the county of Wayne in the city of Goldsboro on the 12th day of September, 1892, and show cause, if you have any, why you should aot be made parties to the above entitled cause and bound by the orders and de crees rendered therein. You are fnrthdr notified that at said term F. A. Daniels and W. R. Allen, re ceivers of the Pioneer Lumber Company, will file their report and will ask for in struction as to the distribution of the mon ey in their hands. C. F. HERRING, C. S. C. Wayne County. Aug.ll-4w. .IT IB A DITTY yen owe yonaaelf m.n& faim II T to tnt the best Talma for roar maaey. Ecoaamtza la your faatwear fey aarchaalaa V. li. Douglas Hheea, which reareseat the mi T 1? price slaked, as taeasanda HO SUBSTITUTE .atl W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE EN, THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONET. old t the price. o uals ciutom made tboos costing from 4 to f i fiJf. ana S3 ITand-aewM, flneealf shoes, Tht 9 most stylish, easy and durable shos erer sold at the price. They equ&l flue imported sboec ocxtlng from S to $12. A Q SO Fall re Shoe, worn br farmers and all ijlOi others who want a good heavy calf, three soled, extension edce shoe, easy to walk In. and will keep the feet dry and warm. ft 9 SO Fine Calf, S9.35 and 1.00 Werk KsBa Incmen'aShoeswUlsiyemorewesrfortha money than any other make. They are made for eert vloe. The increasing salos show that workiacmen bsre found this out. nnval ffi.OO and Taaths tl.fS fiehaal UUIO Shaea are worn by the boys every where? The most smrieeablesboessold at the prices. I CIU ICO and 91.79 Shoes for M iases are made of the best Dongola or line Calf, aa desired. They are very etyilnh, comfortable and durable- The3Jahoe equafscustom madeshoesooetlnir from 4.i to 6.00. Ladles who wish toeoonomUe la (heir f ootwaar are flndlna this mtT Caation. W.L. Douglas' name and the nrtoe ! stamped on the bottom of each shoe; look for It when yonbuy. Beware of dealers attempting to sub stitute other makes for them. Buch substitutions are fraudulent and subject to prosecution by law for ob taining money nnder false pretenoes. W. JU DOVGltAS, Urecktea, Alaaa. Bold by Hood & Britt, GOLDSBORO. N. 0. Professional Card. A. O. PERSON, M. D., Physician and Snrreon, Pebmokt, K, 0 Office Day, Tuesday Morning Vi y .MS

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