jl'he Daily Akous. FTTBLISHKD BY JOS. E. EOBINSON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR rr P rra He-? to oo a reliable paper . or the people and the family Democratic, and earl air to discuss ao issue wherein the people's Igats am t?tafce. Progressive, abreast of thu Ago, we shall always endeavor to keep our a&i- orial and local columns up to the day and our. Our circulation is rapidly increasing d we hope to soon have the largest circula- ion any t-aptr in Eattem Mul CaicliDn, Unterei at the Postofflet at Goidsboro, X. 0 Second Hints MatUr. G3LDSBORO, N. C. MAY 28, 1893 HISTORIAN LECEY ON RULE. HOME Whatever may be the merits of Mr. W, E. H. Lecky as an histor ian, he is doing much to prove to the world that he ia anything but an impartial or discriminating observer of events occurring before his eyea. In the Contemporary Review for May he diecasEes "Some Aspects ot Home Rale with a falee logic of which only the hopeless Tory mind is cap able. By way of illustrating the ty rannical methods of the Irish Nationalists he says (on the second page of Ills article): "It was only a tew weeks ago that a gentleman who mixed much with Irish farmers told me how often substantial farmers said to him.'We dread this Home Rale business, sir. jast as much aa jou do, but what can we dot It re sign a petition against it we should not dare to appear at the chapel, and no one would be allowed to buy from us at the market,' " This ia very reprehensible con duct of the Home Ralers. if we accept the story at l.hird hand; but what shall we think of Mr. Lecky when he quotes a precisely similar expression, at first hand, from : opponent ot Home Kule, and Quotes it with approval (on the ninth page of his article): "I am a large farmer and grtz:er, and I do not see what fear there is in saving a few words of honesty, and what I know is in the mind ot many of my class. "There is not one solvent men oi my class that I know who is in tavor ot this bill. At taira and markets one bears nothing bat words of dread about it. 'No one dare hold a meeting in favor of the bill in the town ot Thuries to-morrow. All the mer chants and shopkeepers I know are dead against it," Here we have the remarkable picture of a body of "substantia farmers ' who dare not oppose Home Rule, and, side by side nrrriAr nf "laro-n krmsrii" in whose vicinity nobody "d?re hold a meeting in its favor." Mr. Leckj does not tell us why that which is wicked when practised agaiLBt larmers ot the "substantial species is commendable when practised by agriculturists of the "large" de nomination against their less cor pulent iellow-citizens. But Mr. Lecky has a etill more r-potent argument, to wit: that Cath olio as well aB Protestant landlords are opposed to the measure. Many of them," he says, "bear names that have been conspicuous in dark and evil days for the pura est and most self -.sacrificing patri otiem, and the son of O'Connell and the grandson of Grattan are among t'jem. Does Mr. Lecky offer this in sober earnest as an t argument? American readers, at Ueast, will smile at such a queer reasoning. Some of the purest and ' noblest men in our history had ' grandsons who took the wrong ude when the crucial test of pa0 iriotiem versus pocket was made in 1861. Mr. Grattan devoted his whole life to the defence of Home Rule. O'Conneil con centrated all his energies to the repeal of the Union. The sins oi the children are not to be viaited upon the parents even to the first and second generation, as Mr. Lecky's inverted Scrip turtE 1 have them. Thus farMr.Lecky is merely illog ical and amusing. When hecoinee to treat of Mr. Gladstone's person ality, he parts not ODly with phil osophy with common sense and common decency. To his disor dered vision Mr. Gladstone is a monomaniac, and on what sub ject? ' Why, on that of blind hatred ef the "nation which he has made great' and which has. rewarded him with honors onprecedenled in ite history. Here ia what Mr. Lecky. says of tha veteran : "Hia mind is evidently under the complete and uncontrolled empire of a Bingle idea. Those who have watched his career of late yeare can have no difficulty in perceiv jrjg Low complete! he is alienated from al sympathy .with the greats ness of the Emp'reand they arl signs that hia feelings towards England in particular have deveU oped into something not tar re moved from positive hatred. A nature by no means wanting in vmdictiveness has evidently been exasperated by the continued ops position of the English constituen cies to hia policy. No atten ive observer can lau to notice the ern sistence with which he has been disclaiming his English crigi", his tnorts to innime provincial jean onscies in Scotland and in Wales, his constant appeals from English to foreign or Atnencan judgments his cordial sympathy with anti English literature, heroes, and par ties in Ireland. His Home Rule policy is quite of a piece with these indications, and it must be ra merabered that it is the policy of an old man who can scarcely in the course of nature be called on to grapple with the dangers he is bringing into existence." It is not remarkable that Mr. Lecky should believe Gladstone capable of hating his native land, Mr. Lecky himself is an Irishman, and his feelings ' towardc the coun try of his birth naturally incline him to credit anybody else with equal baseness. But the pith of the extract jast quoted lies in the reference to the Premier as "an old man." It is re iterated significantly in a later passage, where Mr. Lecky says "the whole policy rests largely on a single life." That single life has been the taiget for evil wishes and murderous suggestions from other pens and tongues than Mr.Lecky's. It has been.within a few week?, the target for one of Mr. Lecky's political friends,a wretched fanatic who really believed what Mr. Lecky only professes to believe, that Gladatoue is an enemy of England, Empty arguments like those of Mr. Lecky are easily re futed, but the assaesin's bullet is not so readily averted, nor is it hard to account for schemes like that of Townsend in a land which tolerates speeches like those of Balfour and Salisbury and writ ings like those of Lecky. Natural "Results, The rapid flow of gold from this country and the difficulty of main taining the gold reserve in the treasury are perfectly natural rc sr 's. If anything else had occurred urder the operation ot the Sherman act it would have been a miracle, Under this ac': we are buying $54,000,000 wort:j of silver a year and issuing for it treasury notes payable in fjo'd. These notes pve oining "oack the treasury regu larly tor redemption and there is no gold commg in to meet them. When the Sherman act went in to effect there was $190,000 of net gold in the treasury. Within a year this bad been reduced to 121,000,000 Another year brought it down to $110,000,000 and tosdav there is barely $100,000,000, In July, 1890, the last month before the treasury notes provided for in the Sherman act came into circulation, 95.4 per cent, oi customs duties at New York were paid in gold or gold certificate3, the remainder being paid in silver certificates or United States notes or greenbacks. After the Sherman act had been in operation two years less than 14 per cent, of customs duties at New York were paid in gold, 15 per cent, in silver, 28 per cent, in greenbacks and 43 per cent. in treasury notes issued under the Sherman act. Last month only 3 per cent, of these du ties were paid in go d, whilo 23 per cent, were paid in silver, 41 per cent, in greenLcks and 33 per cent, in treasury noes. How much longer can the coun try stand the bnerman aeff It should be repealed just a3roon as congress gets a whack at it, Atlanta Journal, Can You Read The Future? Do you know what your con dition will be 20 years hence? Will your earning capacity be equal to the support of yourself and family? This is a serious question, yet, you could, confidently answer "yes" if you had a twenty- years Tontine Policy in the Equitable Life A method which guarantees all the protection furnished by any kind of life insurance, and in- addition the largest cash returns to those policy holders whose lives are pro- - longed, and who then need money rather than assurance. For facts and figures, address W. J. RODDEY, Manager, ' For the Carolina, , ' ROCK HILL, S. C Japanese Pile Core cofits you nothlfig n it aoes tot cure jou: samples iree, Guaranteed by liobii bo a Bros Golds boro, N. C. - ' pp Absolutely Pure. A o..-cam of tartar baking pow der. High est of all in leavening strength. Latest United States U overnment Food Report. Royal Baking Powder Co., 106, Wall St., New York. BucKen s Arxiloa Salve. The Heat Salve in the world forCats, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Uorns, ana all bkin .Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay "required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction i.r money refunded. Price 25 cents psi tOT. If or sale by J . M. Hill & on. A LEADER.. Since its first introduction, Electric Bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, nntilnow it ia clearly in the lead amorg pure medicinal tonics and alte ratiyes containing nothing which per mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant it is recognized as the best and purest ailments ot Stomach, Liver or Kidaeyi it will cure sick headache Indiges tion. Constipation, and drive Malaria from the system. Satisfaction guaran teed with each bottle "r the money re funded, price only 50c per bottle, S"ld by J. H. Hill & Sons. GOOD NEWS. No other Medicine in the world was ever given such a test of its curative qualities as Otto's Cur. Thousands of bottlis oi tins great Herman remedy are being distributed free of cha-ge, by druggists in this country, to those af flicted with Consumdtion, Asthma, Croup, severo Coughs, Pneumonia anrt all Throat and Lung diseases, giving the people prool that Otto's Cure will cure them, and that it is the grandest triumph ;f Medical scienc. For t-alo only by J. H. Hill & Son, sample free Large bott.es 50c, GUARANTEED CURE. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King'.j New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. II you are afflicted with a Cough, Cold or ;ny Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, acd will us this remedy as dircted, giving it a fair. trial, and experience no beneiii, you snay return the bottle and have your money refund ed, We could not make this oner did we not know 1ht Dr. hang's New Dis covery could be rened on. It never dis appoints. Trial l:ottle free at J.H.Hill & Sons, Large size 50c and $1.-9, HE GOIDEN SKC1-E T, LOhG L1F E Keep the head col, the fi-et w arm and the bowels open. B icou'a Clery Cure is a vegetable pivpaiation and acts es a natural laxative, nnd is the great est remedy ever discovered f r the Cure of Dyspepsia, Livi-r Complaint, tnd all Blond, .Liver, and Kidney disease j. Call on J. H, Hill & Son sol- agent, and get a trial bottle free. Large size 50c. Engraving Mr. L. D. Giddens, Jr., a graduate o Parson's Horological Institute, La Porte Ind., is prepared to do all kinds of plain ana tancy engraving at b.D. GIDDENS' Jewelry Establishmen w est Uentre Street TO BUY A mm RIGHT, BUY MERE 'TIS'HME.' CO c i m CO u CD z 'T.I o z ac q. CO O. W. HURTT. " Merchant Tailor! GOLD3BORO, IT. O. $18.00 SUITS. It will be to your interest to call and ex amine my line of samples for $18,00 suits fur Spring and Summer wear. Also my line of $ 7 .00 pants. D. W-HUETT Merchant Tailor. GLAD TIDINGS. The grand specific for the prevail h malady of the age, Dyspepsia, Liver Corm Dlaint. Rheumatism, Costiveness, Gene al Debili y, etc., is Bacon's Celery cure. This great heibal tonic stimulates the digestive organs, regulates tne laver ana restore our system to vigorous health and ener the Samples f rr e. Larire packagesocs only by J-H, 'iil i & Son." Notice of Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale in the special proceeding of Julius H. Rayner Admr et als to the court.pending in Wayne Superior Court, I shall sell for cash by publie auction, at the court house door in Gold-boro. N. C, on Monday, June 5, 1893, the lands deseribd in the petition in said prooceeding.containing 200 acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of Julius H. Rayner, Henrv C. Holmes, the lands of the heirs of Daniel r. joruan ana others, being the lands upon which Richard Rayner, deceased, resided at the time of his death, and beln r the lands which were assigned to said lticnara Rayner as his hometead, JULIUS H. RAY E Admr RICHARD RA YNR. May 1st, 1893, NtW WnLLL ! . . . . . mm m m -J THE DiAtVIOND RAMBLER No. 3 FITTED WITH THE CE LEBRATED G&J PNEUMATIC! TIRES. THE FASTEST WHEEL SOLD. ( Speed, Comfort and Beauty All Combined. ' GORMULL? 4. JEFFERY M F'O CO. W UlIIeTON, D. O. I A ffltrv v - OP QRLO FF lKOH-1-NOORl EmgusmBrOKFAStW ..onRTED RASE&SBORNBosto THE BEST.GROWN IN CHINA. THE FINEST.DRANK IN AMEFUCA JAVA MOCHA 4 in POUND LEAD 7 iUR I. YOU Can get free a perfect art album, containing 2i beautiful photographs of Eastern life, by addressing CHASE & SANBORN. 87 Broad Street, Boston. Mats. IF YOU DESIRE THE- FINEST SOLD IN THIS CITY, USE C HASE & SANBORN'S. For sale V. Walnat Street and at the Uulacky Corner. for Infants 'Cstorl ts so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription k. me." H. A.rctter, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Caatoria1 is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Marttn, D.D., New York City. Lato Pastor Bloomlngdale Kef ormed Church. Th Ciktato -pDE nee of ico, once regarded X univureaiiy an imperative To make this ice the most seryiceable a Rel rigerator ia needed The qualities sought for in Refrigerators are preservation of per ishable food tnd an economical ue The ecoromical use of ice depends euirely upon the principle in volved, the const nction of the Refrigerator, and in utilizing all the cold air. The principle canees of decay in meats and fruits are dampnesa and varying temperature, causing the expansion and contraction ot tissues, which hasten d- caj; hence a dry atmosphere and uniform tem perature conduce to tbeir preservation. The results can be obtained only hy a perfect circulation of the air in the Refrigerator, and its condensation in the ice chamber. The LEADER REFRIGERATOR, which we handle, is constructed upon strictly scientific principles by which low temperature and dry ness of air are naturally and inevitably cbtained. It posseeseb a provision chamber free from odor aud produces bet ter results with less ice than an other Rofiigp-rator, It is the hceapest dry air Refrigerator made. Prices from $5.00 to $25.00 -. It will doubly pay for iteelf in one season, ROYALL & BORDEN. "trui:r,e Dealers ' Goldsboro, Raleigh and Durham, N. C. JET-ia-iru. Just Look. A largo lot of Baldwin apples, fine Florida oranges and bananas. Just arrived at J. D. DANIEL'S. CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. Ward's Tonsorial Palace Nothing succeodslikesucess; this oas been the experience of A. D. Waid. the Hat be i iinceho opened business in Ooldsboro, cntil he is now able to anuounce to the public that he has got the best equipped aud most satis factory Tonsorial Palace in tbe State. All the popular Barbers of the city are nw mployed in his establishment, prod - and courteous, as follows JIM BATES, CHARLIE H. DENT, OLIVER BADGER. -JOHN D. WILLIAMS. Wm. BEST. "Ccnunuing to thank thopublio sair ous patronage they have extended Z-enia I moved with my family Goidsboro and pu chased a home here, and assuring them thai ' shall continue to exercise my best efforts i their ctmtlnuedoiMn fort arid satisfaction in m line 1 wmua ;Verj respectfully. ;. A. 1) WARD. AtFordhsm sold (Und. East Centre Street Ooldsboro N. C. - - THE 13 FoRMosAOoLom Hr AND POUND FORMS. grocerfo n5S TEAS only by and Children. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and proinot gestion. Without injurious medication. " For sereral years I have recommended your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pardbs, M. D., M The Winthrop," 135th Street and 7th Ave New York City Compajct, 77 Morray Street, New Tors. as a Inxnry, has becom silnioet neceeeuj. ot ice. CORN, MEAL AND COFFEE.' Large Stock on hand - And for sale low at B. M. rRIVETT'S. Haye you seen those pants at SOUTIIERLANJrS. . 25 pieces of white and colored rcrimb regular price 12 J cts per yarr1, our pri for Monday 7cts a yard. C. KERN & Co. Tobacco Users Smile Sometimes when told that tobacco hurts them j their wives never do, beciuse shattered nerves, weak eyes, chronic catarrh and lost man hood, tells the story. If your husband uses tobacco, you want him to quit, post yourself about ISTo-to-bac the wonderful harmless, guaranteed tobacco habit cure' by sending for our ' little book titled1 "Don.t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away", mailed, free. Xtug Store gener ally sell No-'to bac. THE STERLING REMEDY Cut.", Indiana Mineral Springs Indiana. . t ! V 189 lm. . B. 4. U. BUY Gave us a Call and be convinced that we have the most complete stock of PURE DRUGS AND Patent Medicines To be bad in tbe city. iiLSO Toilet articles of every description. Lamps and Lamp jjoods at greatly re duced prices. Perfumery and toilet waters in great variety. IN FACT WE HAVE EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST-CLASS DRUGSTORE i. E. EOBIION & BEO DRUGGISTS, WEST CENTRE St. Goidsboro, N. C. P1AM0HD SHIRTS, We are selling BIMfiCMB SHUTS, The b'St weaticg and the beet Siting shirts on the market. We now Have a nice stock of them Laetod an! UnlanniereJ, ' Verj cheap quality considered We are headquarters for And if you wane to color it, you can buy from us ''Mil's Perfection Dyes," "Which are the best dyes kmwu Perfect FAST UULUKS. H OOD & Bkitt JUST RECEIVED. 50 bbls Seed Potatoes 25 boxes Oraches 50 sacks Cow Feed, 75 bales Pea-vine Hay. 200 bales Choice Timothy Iia For sale low at B. M. PPJVETT'S LIME, PLASTER, CEMENT. 1,000 bbls Lime 100 bbls Cemeut and Plaster, also Laths, Hair, etc., Low for cash at B. M. PEIVETT'S. HRICE! o HaviDgjust finished milling we hare on hand saevrl grades new rice, which we oier at low figures. Write for prices and earn plee. Oiders promptly filled. Very Respectfully, National Bice Mill Co GOLD3BOKO, r r- Nokth Carolina, ) In Superior Court. "Wayne County, y Before ) C.F. Herring, C. S.C. Geo. T. Wassom, Admr. cf ) James Tabron vs AllUnce) Tabron and others j police. To John Tabron, You will take notice that the above en i led proceeding has been commenced in he Superior court, of Wayne connty to obtain leave to sell for assets a lot of land in Goidsboro, Wayne county .belonging to the estate of James Tabron deceased, one of whose heirs at law you are. You are alses so notified that the complaint in said proceeding will be filed in the Clerk's office, in Goidsboro, within ten days from the date hereof, and to appear at said Clerk's office on or before the 24th day of June island answer oi aenur to the sama or judgment will be taken agai ns you for the relief demanded therein. This May 11th, 1893. C. F. Herring, O. S.C." Wayne County. Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcber'a prescription for Infants and Children. It coutains neither Or.inm, 3Iorphino nor other Karcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria is Jic CL iklrcn's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. 'Castoria is so well adapted to children tUat I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Ancirsn, 5i. P., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. Y. The use Of 'Castoria is so nmrcrsal n.! its merits so well known that it seems a wo: k of supererogation to endorse it. Fuw ara 1 he intelligent families who do not kwp CastorUi within easy reach." Caelos Marty jt, D. I)., New York City. This Cii.TAi' H.WEIL CLOSING OUT SALE OF CLOTHING. Extraordinary Bargains - This Sale Will Continue For Two Weeks, or until further Notice. This is much earlier than usual to have our clearing out sale, however we have still quite a large stock of Spring Clothing on hand, therefore have concluded to give our customers the benefit while they have not completed their Sum mer purchases. LOOK AT OUR REDUCTIONS LOT I, Comprising men's and youths' suits which we have sold at $5 now $2.50. LOT II, Comprising men's and youths' cass. suits which we sold at 6, 7 and 8 now $4.75 LOT III, Comprising men's and youths' cass. worsted suits, sold by us at 10,11 and 12 now$7.75 LOT IV, Compsising worsted and Cheviot suits which we sold 12, 13 and 14, now $9.0O LOT V, Comprises the Nobbiest line of men's & youths' suits in plain and fancy styles sold by us 12.50, 14 and 15, now $10.00 LOT VI, Comprises a line of imported worsted cheviots and cassimere suits for men and youths sold by us at 14, 17.50, now $12.50 LOT VII, A choice line all imported fabrics none of which we sold less than 20, now $15.00 LOT VIII, Comprises some of our choicest im ported goods lor men and youths, which we have sold at 22 and 27.50, now $17.50 LOT IX, A line of men and youths' single coats and coats and vests all grades on which we make a reduction of 50 per ct. LOT X, Aline of children cass. suits 4-13 years sold at 1.50, 2.00 and 3.00, our present price of suit $1.00 LOT XI, A line of children's cass. suits hereto fore sold at 2.75, 3.00 and 3.50 now $1 75 LOT XII, Aline of children's assorted cass suits 5-14 years, which we have sold at 3.50, 4.00 and 5.00, now $2.75 LOT XIII, A lot ot choice worsted and cheviot suits 5-14 years which we sold 5.50, 6 and 7.00, now $3.75 Ia addition to the lots above enumerated we have just put on sale our entire line of men's, yoaths'and boy'spanta at horizontal rcdic- tions in prices at 25 and 50 per cent. We would adviee our friends to take advantage of this sale nnd come early before the most desirable goods are closed out. There is no fake about this.we mean every woid weeny and solicit an inspection. Respectfully", 80, 82, 84 & 86 hat is Castoria. Catort a cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Ctomr.c-n, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes 0 Without injurious medication. 'Tor several years I havo rccommender" your 4 Castoria, and shall always continue to do fo ns it has invariably produced beneficial results. " Edwin F. Pakdek, M. D., lah yti-eet and ?la Ave., New York City. Coiipasy, 77 3Ti;kray Stkeett, New York Crrt BEOS 1 H- WEIL & BROS. WestCentre Street, Goidsboro, N. 'r