FTJBUSHKD BY JOS. E. KOBINiSOM, EUlTOIi AND PROPEIETOIi t " r is v t scale- i.- no a r,siinfcJ paptr or tue HJOifcund thelaoitiir Uunr;xtatii.,(uic' rrj; to -iiscuss ao is;ae wherein the iioupic-'k Isrhtd ej-U3t.as:o. Progressive, abreast of tut .juro, wo shall a! waya endeavor to kaep our edi- orial and local columns up to th nay and Our niroulatlcn is rapidly increasing (1 we hype to -iOOD have the ia-e:".t ..irculu-it- hi j i.iti in T. at tern -Mill eidiim . ancre i at the Putttjfct ae Goldsbc.ro. H. t Shujcid Civss Matte? OOLDSBOKO. N. C, SEPT, 7, 1893 se'zee him, not to be appeased uut 1 he haa draTrn eoine dismel aud wholly erroneous opinions from its innocent statistics and published them to a peacefn! coantrv, destroj ins all its comfort. His latest affliction is that whereas 62 per cent, of the population and 48 per tent, of the criminals are of native paienl agc, 38 per cen'. of the popu iation and 52 per tent, of the crimi nals are foreign, which he thinks is EVENING . JOYS It's nice lo sit at borne and read, And dream and snooze and snore, What time the lellow toots and toots - And toots a horn next door; How pleasant 'tis, in pious mood. To hum old Lymns and psalms, Until the-huckster on the street Disturbs you yt Ming "Clams!' And in the drowsy eventide, How pleasant to repose ; Upon your dooistep, till a ftiend T'iS ASTONISHING r how Dr. Pierce's F-1 vorite Prescription acts upon nervous women, it s a mar velous remedy for nervous and general debility. Chorea, or ySfc Vitus' Dance. Cn Insomnia, or In& Ability to sleep, , spasms, convulsions, or " fits," and every , Even in cases of Insanity resulting from functional derange ments, tbe persistent use or the " iToscrip- I w w Trinity College. o tion " will, by restoring the natural functions, generally effect a cure. uor women su tiering irom .any enromo 1 female complaint " or weakness; for women who are run-down or overworked: at the change from girlhood to womanhood; and, later, at the critical " change of life" it is a medicine that safely and certainly builds up. There's noplace half so sweet as home u ft tx iH,ver fails to benefit or cure, you have your money bark. vvnat more can anyone asKi Is anything that isn't sold in this 8S!OK VANCE'S GKKAT SPEECH WUle we do not agree with Sena tor Vance in bis ideas on the pres ent aspect of the silver question, it should give us great pleasure, s. North Carolinians, to note that of &U t'.ie speeches made in advocacy of tl- free ard nulimitcd coinage of dh-er at present, his i?, to our way of thinking, the ablest and breathes the best spirit. The atmosphere of humor aud the .sudden flashes o wit that haye always so popularized the most serious ai.'d sustained efforts of Sens alov Vance were not lacking in thi3 gret effort upon the dry subject of iiusuce.IIis language and illustrations drawn from the classic?, sacred and profane, gave to it an air of dignity acd learning befitting the august body before whom it was delivered; while its honor aud pathos and bard common sense, were equally as well suiied to the minds and hearts of the people, among whom, perhaps, it ' may tiud the moat appreciative audi ence. Senators liansom aud Vauce are Uo representati res of whom any pariv or S;a'e may well be proud. After saving this much, if it were proper fcr us to make a ruggestion to Senator Vance, it would be, thut while he appeals to the unbroken historic records of 4,000 years of the parity of gold and silver, and the ratio of 1G to 1, he seems to have overlooked the no less historic teachs ing of the same period, that at no time iu tisin-r t lie ratio between sil ver.and eoid, has the commercial value of the two nietais been ignored as ic is proposed to do oa this Oceanian. Comes with a garden hose. a reason lor changes in immigrant And makes a play at Hying dust, !prirtlrinn. Would It soothe the And leaves you lying drowned; -x UA ... fr J.rAtra t, . r I Tn o 1 tin. wnr.il Antlind. . - . . ... o n'i i - read 1118 Dgnres in una waj $ mere Washington News are twelve Americans to every thirteen foreigners in the prisons. Mr. Da Fb'iion. Budget 8ay6 Of the entire native population, she overheard you talking awfully .0013 are in the prisons, reform a- abont her to Ne.ly Nexdoo- tories of various sorts, and aims Liitle lMu&kter. We wasu.j hmufit: of the foreign born and na- talkin' 'bout her at all. We was tives of foreign parentage. .002S. playin' keep h-usa, an' j e'tended That is to say, with eveiy advau- wo ha 1 servants, and I was niikin' tap-jof from a quarter-millennia' la s'ciety call. "--od News. to thirty years in tins country, - i - . sr i f I America s virne is .ouio greater Visitor Why do you have that than tne xoreign article. io Vl doir fciUin2 ou J0ar writing desk? it id tne way most in accoru .. 0!crkj have nrslaid my sponge, Mr. Lodges dolorous pith, there , him to ,5ck mv likely to be " just as good" i GREAT BEDUGTION IN- Everything you Need AT THE Boston x Bargain x House The character and public worth of a higher institution of learning is known by what it is and does. During the past 40 years TrinHy College has rendered unstinted publiG services, having been sustained by private contributions and given her effort for tbe public welfare. It stands for progressive ideas and is the representative of advanced thought in popular life. The leaven of her efforts has. quickened every other educational ins stitution v ithin the rarge of her influence. Forl8934 tiie followiDg'Departments are open for instruction after August 31 : 1. Philosophi a1. and Literary (for A,B. candidates. 2. Histfjry, Political and Social Science (for Pb, B. candidates.) 4. Technological, (for B. E. candidates.) 5. Law School. Summer Term oueDS July 14). 6. Theological, (tor Ministerial can didates). 7. Commercial, (courses preparatory for business pursuit? ). Besides the e thtr.; ar-- th:ee special schools with courses of a more practical or professional character: 1. Thi Normal Sciiooi. fou Tkacii eks, 10 courres cf profes-s.tml instruct tion for ( ne year. 2 ?chooi of Journali m, Prof. John L. Weber, Oirectoi: courses of ins ruction in Erglish, Ticonem cs, Civics Political ci- ence. His'ory, (;cioioey raia aai y prac ticc in newspaper w ork required. 3 School of Finance, J cononiies and Administration. I wo yeais (O-irses ir the higher studies related 10 pub'ic in- 0 nflfl Yards of Calico, all styles at 5 terestsT tvwu cts. Lawn 3 cts., Oinghams, Tbe college is nroviL.cd with 6 to 10 cts., Domestic 5, Pants cloth K facilities in the laboratories libraii cts. and up, Bedtick 10 cts. aud up, electric plan' for giving ti e instruc , .i,,t t " I CIS. sou up, uctu;& ju cm. auu uip, eiuciric piau'jt me two ot the foreign element not t tamp8 for ,1)C. De So Shirts 25cts. and up. Pants 50 cts to 4 courses oil-red V.r.rrst a , A calfciinnnrtlnfr t.rv f.nirl uvjotroi. ouu " KK" fe -v...-.j I tjretneta one American thiet aud pauper, it would be little to the credit ot the Remiblic it the proportion were Miss G-tuiercy Did Eelyn . , -r-. ' a I i i ... v. i. ; .. . !..-. .i smaiteF. Jo(-.a not an AiuericaD onug uer ue uitimus run nuu citizen mean to be at least twice aB rotn Bar LTarboi? "ood as any Ei ropean, Asiatic, Miss Iutown No, It shrunk so blamelesB Ethio.uian, or dwelttr in euery time she wore it that -W.ien the isles of the sea? the maid went to get it t pack it wasn't then! N. Y. Hera'd. Hose and Half Hose 5 cts. and up, yan' wide Dress Lining at 5 cts. a yard Yard wide DISSS GOODS Mies Antique How mean time newsuauers are: Here is a column to $1 25. Str.iw hats !0cti.. a trnod Uat headed I roposa p, aud it is all La(lie? i.00. Cbildr . about public improvements ana 25ctf. ali tolid Leather., Trunks ut fl The County Medical Societv which constitutes the County Board of Health, met in this city yesterday for the election of a County Super inteudent of Health and the trans action of such other business as might properly engage its attention. Dr. W. J. Jone, Jr., was elected to selection gives pleasure to his many SiiC nR8 a remaikab.y pretty friends. Ur.xM. W. Tarks was toot, b ie bas. It was her toot elected to the presidency of the that Rocks fell in love with. And board, Ur. bifas W. Lox to tlie muQt j r fii :,, vice-presidency and Dr. J. T. Ken- whh ,,er fo t? Qq arktd foT ,,er rtHnllnn 50rts. and ui, Srs- UlllUIUIiaa i-eudcrs 5 -.t'..wrre liiickc sucpeudcif., warrant d 2 yers, 20cts. Ths prettiest liu3 of Tabe Cil Clo'h in the city. Buggy whips lOcta. The buildincs arc the fiast and Lett adapted m tnc fetau". The Staff of Instructors is chosen f i its merit in and devotion to the wori oi educating students. I he participa tion of students in then own goYernn:ent in college will begin witn Hie opening oi the year, August o'. Matriculition, August k'9-30, in the Mam Buiidinc, liooms may . I e secured and mter.-stinr. liitorniation given tree by applieaiion bj m .11 ir in porsou to JJI1N 1?. CROWKLL, Phf siuent. Dubiiam, N C, SHOES, SHOES. i such non?ense,- -The C ub IF f.7,00, Valises 25cis to fl 50. A LARGE STOCK OF GROCERIES nedy was re-elected Secretary for the ensuing two years. Tbe meeting was presided over by Dr. J. A. Faison. The scarcity of coin is having a i hand. Ahnla Grains ol Rice 5 cts. 1,J VVIIUIC Starch 5c, Suaar 5c- Hominy, 8 lbs for 25ct Cuflee 20c. Pvp- per 12ic. Meat, Molassc, etc. The W- crocKery- cotfee pot 1 h v.: just received fn m ttverai fac'.ri-8 a big stock ot nice, rtw, al leather sdioes tht I defy com etitioi and I am detemined to lead in sl.ocs. h. snlid man's shoe from $1 to $3. Exam ine my calf shoe at 1.75 fir men. La dies tiae shoe $1 to $2.25. E.xanrne nn fl 25 tine shoes for ladii-s. Ch dren't from 5 to fl.25, o FIRE, FIRE! At P. U. H.ij ties' Factor y caused m of Mt.. Olive. After the meeting depressing .ffect upon home mar- st Btockof TinVGlasa and adjourned Dr. Jno. Spicer, the re- kets. A man s wife finds it d ea uot warc in the city, half ga1 Ion tinna County Superintendent ol pay to go thtongh his clothes to lOc, Tin set, obi price 1 75 - Health, dined the members ot tne find only au nuiudoised check tor i-amps ssuc, to $d.im ..-ips sno rncc j. chuif, i win sen at ao c-m p Society at the Hotel Kennon in ele- Lis salary. Swansea Gazette. Saucers 25c. per set. Kniv n I Fork- p und. 800 lb Ben Hur price 4t onl. .1, I 50c per set. Tbe best tct a,-o in towi 25 c; A fmall lot ol Ocala o c; plan we sell a to get 1,400 pounds of ' T T T ' 1- bacco gant style. PICKED MP SCRAPS. The tdlov.s who have been bucking up "agin" Grover'aud the Administration ehoiild make an assignment. Tni teeent Atlantic cyclone toie up the coast at a feaiful rate until -is-- n eareri WrrrhnTrgtoii Jenng -tiie-Senate was in session, itThieTi c fi" to sea. JOHNSON'S P.1ACMETIC OiLI Instant Killer of Pain. Internal and External. Cures EHEUJiATISM, NEURAL GIA, Lame Back, Sprains, Bruises. '- Swfciliuif?. Stiff Joints. COLIOani: f StiCKAMPS instnntiy. CholerR Mor- LiHEADACIIE, as if by niaic. WE HORSE BRAND, ltMeTu:. :nemost Powerful and PenetratintrUnimentfor Man or Beaet in existence. Large $1 tize T5c 50c eize 40c. JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. Medicated and Toilet. The Great Skin Curo ti Face Beau titter. Ladles will nnd it e mo- N'ews Items Gathered Here end lner-3 lor Passing Perusal. A Maine man has been tried for taking in potatoes at one door ot his bartl and Belling them Out Oi I delicate and highly perfumed Toilet Soap or. the other, liie trouble Was tbat One 1 .Wnsoft and velvety find restores the lost com i. i,- t. ;,. Mtno orH I Plexion; is a luxury for the Bath for infants part Ol hl8 barn Was 1U Maine ana I It alays itchinK, cleanses theacalp and promote! the other nart is JNew UrnnswicK. KIOWlu 1,1 He bonsiht potatoes in Canada and, VI. E. ROBINSON & BRO. Agts. for 25c, Snuff 90 to 40 cts., pe- lb, c: gars 3 for a nicle. These are onlj fc specialties call and examine our stocs Hall & EdmuDdson Qoldsboro, N. C. LAQ MARSH twist, 25; Mahogany twist, prie U5 uii 25 . Seetheart, price 25 only 20 ; H 1 t r.ce 25, oa-y 2 )c Ii; Hrtu and lieor iria Beauty 31C Lucile jjrice 00 nl 50 c Missing L'uk price 00 lor 50 c ctun Cured 25; cigars 1 to 5c. f:iokinf Tobacco 0 to 30 Loiilard, G. & Ax R. It, mills ; all as cheap as anyore. Mcky Mount Butter. HATS. HATS. moving them across the barn, sold them in Maine without paying duty. It is the New York World which is res jonsible t;r the theory thai Therodor3 Thomas has ben forced to abandon Chicago because he turned his back "when one ot hei cit;zen asked him whether he con sidered Wagner greater as a. com- Goldsboro. N. C "We've met the enemy and they are ours:" old Hard Times is dying slowly but surely, strangled by Energy,- knocked out by Grit and ruy 'til ovir and crushed by Cocfi TiiKSS times deveiop heroism, aad, painful to iciate, much, very nine'ii of the 8ordidnt S3 'which poor human natnra is heir to, and sun diy traits and characteristics which are aavthing hut heroic. If Senator - Hill will push his . Federal Eiecti n Bill to a success fa' passage, he will do much to ret lieve himself from the odium of - association with His Whiekftie ;r. FeiFd John I, Davenport, the infamous supervisor cf elections for the City of New York, has heeu eummarily Evicted from the postoffice builds ing. Davenport has been a stench and offense in the nostrils of the Democracy of the land for so long that all will rejoice at his ejects menf. EiiiiET Lrgan,'of the Louisville Tiuits goes at Carter in this uni que way: "Instead of cutting wages, Landlord Carter Harrison ot Chicago, Las oidered his agents to' make a general redaction iu rents. This is a most commend able example, and one worthy cf all acceptation aud emulation. Bat it isn't every landlord who is able to mkktf provision against hard times and a hardier winter by marrying awarmoblooded Southern beauty with $3,000,000 to her credit. AL! you lucky dog!" Can You Read The Future? poser.thau he was as a builder oi I you know wliat your con- d(8Wino;HrOOth Ct.T3 , ,,-11 or oi T,prirP V V XXX XJ J fXX yj UV U My new stock of hats 8r-i just daisie sure enough, Une ot i lie best men s hat for l sold elsewlx re at $'.25, ihei Received every Tuesday aud I from 5 to $1.25. Children's ir. m 25 t IUt. X llvc uv;iii low, ai'U 11 w . n nicu s'.cck of trubks from $1 to $5; nic valises f t 75 to $?; Leathtr 30 : s. pe ib; 1-2 sole 10 cts. a pir; Shoe thread cts. a ball. riday. We are now prepared to supply all deurmds. Send iu youi orders, We keep the best the market Aflfbrds and would call Especial attention to the DRY - GOODS One of the e'earest and cleanett cut ca3es of libal noticed ;n a lon time, is that of a Texas paper. I recently published a story statint that a scorpion which bit a bleep- me eowuuv d note, naa ciea oi delirium t. emeus. Ttie slorv hai not been authenticated nnd if the boy had not died he wou'd have got big damages Up in Worcester county, Maso. a piotracted laiii stoim ief: th roads almost impassable for ve nicies. &. x anKee was anving m a ngui DUtrgy ana met a pmv nitis man plodding alonjr on foot witl difficulty Said the f. tine : "Ii't very bad going, I at., isn t us Yee," responded Pat, '"'and it's mighty btid coram , too. Tbe Springfield (Mass.) TJiiiui remarksthat it may interest peo p!e wh love t watble thoje sweet and inspiring ditties, ,lMv Sweetheart's a Man in the Moon," and "Daddy Wouldn't Hay Me a Bow now," to know that their au thor is now in prison as a confirmed drunkard, ii.e songs were pro bably turned off during spasms ol the delirium tremens. A big ht of dr ss go-, ds, only 5 Ch;ckid Homespun 5 Cheviot 8 ET:AU,.,..r T n ....... ..Aflj -tit KC iRFTOW FKRTWl1 Bed' tick, 8 to 20 c White Hi,m.-sru LJLvvJl bniVlll l5to 6 1-2; Extra Heavf alico 5 lo - I A. n ni n R tr, O l.iu,..li n,r K n S 3 A-lilvAlVIJ UD rLUUU I I ots f othr if o ts too numerous t mention. O r- Will your earning capacity We have control of for this city te equal to the support of - . yourself and family? This is Thw who have not tried it a serious question, yet, you Q . t to and be coaylncvA coma connaenuy answci - "yes" if you had a twenty- That tfeere is none better, years Tontine Policy in the 0ar line of Equitable Life tea coffee and spices A method which guarantees IS COMPLETE all the protection furnished .iVv oar new brand of Ci(ff,.P by any kind of life insurance, r . ..,.-, and in addition the largest Jst reccivod, Said to be cash returns to those policy- The beet in the world. holders whose lives are pro- . . i,;--,'.., i j . , j A nice ee'ection or longed, and who then need money rather than assurance. CANNED GOODS For facts and figures, address Xud everjth:ng kept in a W. J. RODDEY, Manager, eirst class grocery. For the CaroHnas, . I 7o iuvite you to come to see us. ROCK nlLLx 5. C I Bizzeli Bros. & Go, Wholesale an! Retail Fancy Grocers. April 27-92. NOTIONS' rhirts,20 to 50, overalls f.r 9 ' cts j e pair; pants trom .0 cts to 2.2o; neav drill dr.iw r i?5 cts Under shirts 2o 81; Oil Cloth 20 ctt S. ckp. stt ckings handkerchith 5 to 15c; White shir; price, 60 50- Corsets 24 to 50 c: Towel ing 5 c yd and 10 to 40 c. a pair, woo worsted 10 to 25, yd wide dress goods; only 10 c; pencils 1 c papur 5 a quire: envelopes 5 c, pck, umbrellas 4 1.50. ED. Iu HBMUJDOpa, "THE H LTbTLER,", Oppoeite Hill's .lru;; stors V- alnut Are you Groing; to Paint? GO TO THE EW CASH SMI For Rent: If the Government of the United - Stales wefe truly paternal, it wou'd deprive Mr. Henry C. Lodge of the census report. Whenever his eye beholds one, a divine madness The objectionable habit of biting the nails is not uncommon. Those who indulge in it shooed take the following hibtory as a warning. A young girl died 4rom a painful in ternal disease which baffled uaedi cal ecierjee, A post mortem was held, and in the vital part there was discovered a large ball,- formed entirely ot morsels ot nail, which were quite indigestible and which had increased gradually. At Sharon. Pa., toughs in a pic nic car refused to take their feel from a seat oil which Samuet Wheai desired to fit, and one ol them ttrnck Wheal. The latter then 6aid: ' I am a man of peace and reel gains. cosnize a Christian obligation to avoid contention, but I beiieve that this ia more than a church: member ought to be compelled to put up with." Alter this Wheal tailtd into the hitter, punished him .severely, and then eat down in" the eeat he Lad aslzfcd for, VVest Centre Street. " FOR - All silk mitt3, 20c. Gloyes, all silk, 25c Plain white lawn, 40 inches wide, 10c Dotted iswiss, printed figure, 32c. Fine India-printed Lawns, 10c f?ateens 12i 15c. Tilfanritii! t'rnm 74 to 11 c BestDressGinghams to be found foi 10c I before the Clerk ci the Buperior Court R0!1I1t;f,; Curtain Lace, by the yd. 13 c. lofWayne county, N.C., notice is hereby I DBduuiui, infant s caps irom loc. to 1,00. GauseVest, 10 c. ad up, Lace Pillow shams 85 cts; a pair. Lunch baskets; from 10 to 35c . Fans, 5 to 20c. All silk Windsor Ties, 25.. IF YOU ARE WE WANT TO SAY a few words to ytt about Paints in 'general, and the AVERILL PAJNT in particular. Our climate is ..very hard and trying on paints. The best white lead will chalk off in a very few months. A paii t to giye a satisfac tory wear here must be made epe cially adapted to our climate condi tions. Ine One 4 room dwelling, in good repair, nice garden already planted HI! I C IU W J 11, XlCAli IU X J'Xj XX. JilUUUU- son's residence on Spruce street. J? or I JWfG'Vm terms apply to I . &i l &Uxij Diusui, I'aint. Ts just such a paint. It will neither chalk nor crack. We have iised it on our own buildings with porfectlv sat isfactory results. We advise all to see it who want a Notice' 1 QUALIFIED utor, of Jno. M, Uzzell, dectased THE SEASON o CD w B C-r- . CO i C-r- W-1 C. o" P S" P p 1 1 AVi:-G QUALIFIED AS EXEC 63 CO o CO -i P 'hH o p w CO Is Drawing to a Close and We Have on hand too Many Summer Goods. We do not want eo carry over sny f them. We need room for our immense stock of Winter Goods. We have marked down our entire stock of 0 SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTMHG At strictly Northern cost, which means at least 25 per cent, lower than you can buy them elsewhere. , I STRAW HATS The nobbiest in town and you can buy them at your own price LADIES' LOW QUARTER SHOES From 55 cts up are the talk of the town MEN'S LOW QUARTER CALF SKIN SHOES At $1 a pair. LADIES' GaUZE VESTS All sizes, 3 for 25 cents. BLACK CHECKED MUSLIN Sold before for 15 cents, now 10 cents. A large line of white checked lawns and muslins from 6 pents up. Our immense line of embroideries and ikmacings at your own price, and all. other Summer Goods in proportion. Do not xnisa this chance if you need anything in our line. Hasten to our store and select from the nobbi est stock of goods in town at exactly Northern Wholesale Prices. C. KERN & CU. 9 Hi III o r n r3 Note Important changes. WILMINGTON 4 WELDON 11. Hand Branches. ASB FLORENCE 1. A1LKOAD. CONDENSED SCiLEPUIK. TRAIiSS GOING iOUTH. Bicbmond & DanTille RailroaiCo aiuticl Spencer, IT. IV. Huidekuper hihI Beaben Joster. Receivers. R. & D. SND N. C. D1VS. CONDFNSED SCHEDULE. Dated July ?, Sj 3 2 & ... P. M. P. M. A. M. Cv Weldon 13 i 9 53 5 00 Ar Kocky Mt.. 1 iZ 10 45 6 21 ArTaiboro 2 3". " Lv Tarhoro 12 51 p. m; Lv Hocky Mt.. 1 42 10 45 6 20 Lv WUsoa 2 30 n BO 7 00 2 40 Lv Solma 3 30 i.v Fayettevi'le 1 15 6 0 A.r Florence.... 10 40 a S7 9 03 " A.M. Lv Wilson 2 31) 7 0' Lv Ooldstioro... 3 20 7 47 Lv Mairnolla 4 3H 8 &7 r Wilmington e l 10 40 P. M. I A.M, TRAINS GOING NORTH. fcP 0 Z, 55 36 o a.m. p.m. a.m; .v Florence.... 5 10 - 7 3 6 30 Lv .Fayetteville - 9 33 9 50 Lv Selina ' 11 49 Ar Wiison 11 25 13 50 A. M. P. M. Lv Wilmington 9 30 5 00 Lv Magnolia.... 1110 6 40 LvOoldsboro... Is SO 7 47 Ar Wilson H0 8 34 Lv Wilson 1 10 11 30" 8 31 Ar Kooky Moud 2 00 12 08 9 15 ArTarboro.. .. 2 35 Lv Tarboro 12 54 Lv Kocky Mt... 2 00 13 08 9 15 ' ArWoldon... . 3 0 1 00 10 35 P.M. A.M. P.M. IN EFFECT AUG. 13 I 8! 3 TKAIN8 GOING SOUTH-DA L i.v Kictimond Lv Burkville.... Lv Keysville ..... Ar uaniiie r Greensboro . . . Lv Goldsboro .... Ar KaleiRh Lv Kaleigh iv liurbam Ar Greensboro... Lv Winston-Salm Lv Greensboro... H r Salisbury t taatesviue .... Ar Asheville Ar Hot Springs . Lv Salisbury .... Ar Charlotte Ar Spartanburg. r Greenville ... Vr Atlanta t v Charlotte .... Vr Columbia..... Ar Augusta .... Wos&3 12 -0 pru All l'H 3 21 pin' 5 40 pm. 7 4) pml 3 3'. pn! 4 25 pm' 4 3' pm' 6 21 pmi 7 a 1 ..... tii 15 pm 7 V put 9 35 m 43 ru 11 15 pn 2 28 am 7 '0 am II J) pm n lo am 8 45 am 12 0 am 2 40 am J IT am 5 3. am 7 to am 1 01 am z 30 am 5 30 am 4 45 am 8 00 am 9 4.-, 1 m 11 (Xi am 4 iW pm 5 3 ' pm 9 50 am 11 25 am 2 55 1 in 4 05 pm 11 15 pm No 3'. B 40 am 6 54hu 6 r.4 am 8 13 am 8 13 am 9 25 am II 37 am 12 8po 4 o f.m U 35 am 1 20 pm 4 2i pm TRAINS COINO NOH No 10 L. v Augusta ...... Lv Columbia ir Charlotte Lv A lanta rCharlotte...w.. lv Charlotte A.r Salisbury Lv Hot tSpriDH . . LvAsheyiUe..... Lv StatoBvil .... A r Salisbury ... fjvSalisbury Ar Greensboro.. Ar Wlnston-Saloi Lv Greensboro.. Ar Durham...... r Kalcigb Lv K.le.gh A r Goldsboro ... Lv Greensbo, u Ar Danville Ar Keysville Ar Burkville Ar Richmond N - 5 0Utj. 9 1 - piu 2 20 AW 0 4 pm 231am 2 40 am 4 10 am 4 15 am 6 iiO am 8 3 am 7 M ami 9 2am 10 30 am 10 35 am 13 10 pml 6 ) ami 7 40 a. i) 1 1 20 ami 1105 ml 108 pm' 9 50 0 is 35 pm 10 03 pm 12 41 pm 2 30 pm 7 II pra 8 O'l pm 1011pm 1 1 .1 1 ia vl aiu P. 'U a m 6 30 am '3 I N . 37 1 00 pra 4 30 pm 8 10 pm 1 0-) pm 8 I' pm 8 21 pm 9 i7 pm 0 37PM 10 49 PM 11 50 pm 1 30m 4 05 am 4 61 am 7 0J aui 7 00 A M 10 4 PM 10 07 A M 4 (15 A M 4 61 AM CD o CD Train on Scotland Neck Bruno Q Kjart leavt Weldon. 3 40 d m.. Halifax 4 00 D m- arrive I Scotland Neck at 4.55 p m.. Groenville 6 37 p. m.. Kinston 7,35 p. m. Returning leave b.iQ8Lun i a. m.. ureeuviiie osaa ui. Arrive Halifax at 11 00 a m Weldon 1120 a m, daily ixcept sunaay. Trains on Washington Branch leave Wash ington 7,00 a, m.. arrives I'armele 8 40 a. m., Tarboro 9.50 a m, returning leaven Tarboro 4.10 p.m., Parmele 6.i0 p m; arrives AYashin,, ton 7,35 p, in. Oaily except Sundav. Connects with tr-uus on Scotland jncck iirancn. I Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Alhemarh fc Ralciirh railroad daily except Sunday. 5 0 p.m. .Sunday 3 00 p.m. .arrives Plymouth 9 20 p. m., 5 30 p. m. Keturnig leaves Ply mouth daily, except Sunday, ft 30 a m Sun day, louo a m.. arrive xarooro iu m a m a o 12 20 a m. Jraiuon Midland. N. C tjraach leaves uoias- boro, daily except Sunday. 6 00 a. in., arrive imithfleld, 7 30a.m. Returning leaves Smuh fluid, 8 00 a. m . arrive Goldsboro. 9 30 a. m Train on Nashville brancn loaves Kocky M t. it 4 30 p. m.,arrive8Nashville5'J) p. m.,Sprlm Hone 5 30 o. m. Returning lenvcaSDriDirllout 8 00 a. m., Nashville 8 35 a.m., arrive Rock houd; i& a. ra., aauy, except sunaay 1 rains on Xiattaurancn v iolence n. .n.ienve Latta S.iO p. m.. arrive Dunbar 9 30 p. m. Re turninS leave Dunbar 5 3 ) a m. sr.-ive Latta 7 00 a, m. Daily except Sunday Train on Clinton branch leaves Warsaw oi Clinton, daily, except Sunday, 7 00 p. m. an 11 3.) a. m. Returning leaves Clinton at 8 . 0 a. m. and 4 05 p.m., connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 ana 78. 'i ra.n jno. ts manes close connection at we. Ion for all points North, dailv. All rail via Richmond, and daily, except Sunday via Bay Line, also at Rocky Moui't daily except Sur- tay. wun nortoiK ana Carolina itinroaa lor Norfolk aud all points North via Norfolk. JOHN F. Dl VINE, Gon'iSuptS .'. B. KKNLr, Geu'l Manager. 1' M. Kbsbon. Trafac Manaeer. ETWBEN WEST POINT & RICHMOND, .Leave West Point 7 jO am d iiy, and 8 50 d u daily exoept Ifunday and Monday; arrive Richmond 9 05 and 10 40 a ro. Uetnrning leave Richmond 3 10 and 3 45 pm, daily except t-un-elay; arrive West Point 5 00 and 6 ( 0 pm. Leave Richmond 93 J a" Sunday only; arrive Wst Point 104". am. Returning leave West P01 t pm, arrive Richmond 7 15 pm, BET. RICHMOND AND RALEIGH VIA KEYSVILLE. Leave Richmond 12 40 pra daily; leave Keys vili" 3 40 pii.; arrive Oxfoid 5 5 pm, HoiuUr son 7 10 p m, Durham 7 15 dm, Raleigh 6 30 a m. Returning leave Raleigh lan, daily, lur h m 6 15 am, Oxford 7 44 am, arrive Keysville 10 10 am, Richmond 1 08 pm, daily, Xived train No. 61 laaves Keysville daily except Sunday 4 10 am. Ojford 9 20 am. and arrives Durham 11 25 am. Mixed train No, 40 leaves Duiham. dailv excent Sundav. 6 Dm. Oxford 8 3J pm, and arrives Keysville 11 60 pm. Mixed trains leaves Oxford dally, exte.t undav. 2.35 a. m.: arrives Durham 4.15 p. at. Leaves Durham 7.30a. m. dailr except Sunday: arrives Oxford 9 10 a m. Nos. 35. 3?and 33 connect at R cli nond fiom and ro West Point and Baltimore daily except Sunday. oLK&rlMU-ean Sr.xtv xCIS, On trait 8 Noe. 35 and 36 Pullman Buffet Sleeper between New York and Atlanta, On Noe. 37 and 48 Pulimuu Hleepiug Cars New York to New Orleans New York to Au gusta and Washington to Me phis, a id Diu- 11 g car JNew tora to Montgomery. trains Noe, 11 and 12 run so ld between Richmond and Atlanta and carry Pullman Sleeping Cai between Richmond, Jlanville and Greensboro. Trains No. 11 and 12. W.N.C. UtvlHio-.. car. ry Pullman Parlor Cars botwiun Salisbury, Asheville and Hot Springs, E, BEnKLEY, .J, S. B. THOMPSON, u perintendetit. Superintendent. Greensboro, N, C, Richmond, Va. W. A, TURK. General Passenger Agent. Waxhinuton. D. C. S. H, II ARD WICK, Asst. Geu'l Pass. Agent, Atlanta, ua. W.H.GREEN. SOL HAAS, Gen 1 Manager, Tralno Manager. Washington, D. C, Washington, O.. ivea to all persons indebted to said I Durable no. M. Uzzell to make immediate pay-l Economical ment, and to all persons holding claims against bis estate to present them to the unaersignea qn or beiore Aug, zi, 1894, or this notice will be pleaded io ?!?.uTCTktr' i0,.1"!3! ?orr,"rto' 7c bar of their recovery, duv k iittwr , wmiB uu uiaut .uf glioma, I - . TW A TOT? TTr7'7t? IT Black and wMte shads, 2;c. . t V nJ ' . i SiAtionorv. Notions. Hosierv..' Executor Jno, M, Uzzell, deceased. The Scotland Necu Hose wear better I AuS' 24 1883 for the price only 25c Give mt "all and you .will find bar. .ins. MRS. S. P. .PETTEWM. For Rent or Lease. Paint. It is guaranteed to jfive you satisfaction after time enough has elapsed to tnorougmy lest it, ana we are authorized to protect the guaran tee. Please call at our store for color . cards (free) and see bcok of 20 elegant designs for house painting. Smith Sl Yel ve rto n WamuvSt,. - Goldsboro, N. C, ; 05O Reward OR REN T. Mv plantation in Greene County N. C nnnt.aininsr 882 'acres: with a. fine. l&r?e apple orchard, a good two story dwelling . Rjr any case of toothache or neumlgia witli six large rooms pantrys etc. The that 6ne botfle of Williams & King's a- faimis four miles from Bnow Hill 12 mous Toothache and Neuralgia Remely from La Grange. And is well known as will not cure in two minutes. A dwelling on fclocumb street con-i the conntv residence of the late James F L Every bottle guaranteed. We ask you taining four large rooms, garden, out I Jones, h or verms apply to itotryit. , bourses, eto- Apply to 1 Mrs. Jennie M.Jones. I For sale by all diuggists at ten 'cents a - J. li. GRIFFIN. I Goldsboro N. C,. - l botUe. F Trees, Trees! Patronize Home Industry. Rock Spring Nurseries. Located 3 Miles Kat of Warsaw.N.C, . F. G . Middleton, Prop'r. W. 0. R R. In Effect Sunda" Nov.,1 Leave Wilmmston dailv for Jacksonville nd intermediate stations at 4 p. m. Leave Wilmington daily except batur 3ay and Sunday for Jacksonville and in termediate points at 9 a, m. Trains arrive at Wilmington daily ex sept Sunday at 8 a. m.; daily except Sat urday and Sunday at 6 p. m., and on Sat urday at 9:30 p. m., add itional. , isteamers on JNew Kiver leave Jacitson ville daily except Sunday f jr Marines and intermediate points at 7 a. m arriving at Jacksonville on return at 1:30 p. m. 11. A. Wiil UJNU General Manager. J. W. MARTENIS, General Passenger Airent. We off.jr for sale 40,003 Trees, Vines and Plants as cheep or cheaper than cai . ught at other first class jyurser- , ' us. Tew fruits that have fruited with me a specialty New descriptive catalogue and prict ist free to planters, bena tor K to-aay. ' i JUT RECEIVED: V 190 Sacks RiceMeal at Vt; B. MTI'IIIVETT'S. Cm fcV ML.W WflLLL I THE DIAMOND RAMBLER No. 3 FITTED WITH THE CELEBRATED G & J pneumatic! TIRES. THE FASTEST WHEEL SOLD. Speed, Comfort and Beauty All Combined. - csena (.T illustrate uatalogue. 5 GORMULLY A. JEFFERY MF't CO. U WA8HIIICITON, B. C. i Horfolk, Mm Si Wisliaji:n DIRECT LIME, TRY-WEEKLY TRIPS. In order to make more convenient and economical use of the vessels now employed in the North Carolina service, and thus to Bethr Serve the Interests of Shippers the Clyde Line and Old Dominion Steamsbrp Company have concluded to merge their re spective lines between Newborn, N. C, and Norfolk, Va., Into one line, thus giving pas sengers and truck shippers three trips each week between aewoern and Norfolk via Washington. , Steamer Heirl)em,Capt. Southcate Steamer Deflance, Capt. Burpss AND Stew Mo, Gaut. Short "Will sail from Norfolk, Va., for Newnern Oirect, every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday, via Washington making connection with tbe Atlantlo and gNorth Carolina Kail road and the water Lines on Neuse and Trant rivers. Returning, will sail from Newborn for Nor folk. Va., via Roauoke Island wharf, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, connecting at Norfolk with Th Old Bay Line, for Baltimore, The Clyde Line, for Phlladel- Shla, Tbe Old Domiiilor Steamship Co., for ew York, Tbe Merchant and Miners' Llna tor Provldenoo na Boston, and Ihe Water bines for Wasuiugton, D. C, aai Richmond, Vn., thus glvlnir an all water rjjte to all Northern and Haa tern points. Also connection made with the- O. 0 B. B-, and N. & W. R. R for the West. Passengers will find a good tab.-,oomf rt abls rooms, and every courtesy and attention will be paid them by the olhcers. Ordr all gojds, care of N. N. Vf. Dlrci Una, Norf'-lk. Va. .HALPH GRAY, Aotlng Aero iN Bern. K