ft. t B THE ARGUS. DAILY AND WEEKLY There can fee no better medium for yivcrtising than through our columns, as ur paper goes daily into the hands of its many readers, thus keeping tiein ever re minded of our advertising merchants ind as the chief reason for constant adver tising is to have the advertisements read s often as possible . the advantage of ad Ismithfield Wednesday afternoon, in the presence of immediate relatives and a limited number of in vited friends of "the contracting parties, He v. Father Price officis ating. The happy couple have many friends throughout the State to wish them all joy aud abundant prosperity and in this wish The Akgtjs joins with fraternal sincerity. The departure of lie v. 0. L. Hoff mann, who left. yesterday to take charge of the church in Tarboro as castor of that parish, leaves St. Ste vertising in Tub Daily Akgus is at once phen's Episcopal church of this city evident.as our patrons will have their ad without a rector for the present, vertiscments read afresh everyday. Hates but we all hope the vacancy will not . - be of loug uuration. During his many warm and congenial friends who greatly regret losing him from our midst, while their best wishes will abide with him wherever he may be. Mr. D. E. McKinnie, who ia en gaged iu a successful mercantile business at Priceton, accompanied by his uncle Mr. D. S. Woods, civil and hydraulic engim-er of Barstcw, Tex., raid The Argus a pleasant Humphrey, who call yestyday. It will be gratifying in O.js- intelligence to his numerous triends in former days to learn that Mr. Woods is now on a vacation visit to relatives in this section, from where he left twenty years ago, and since which time he has leeu engaged with profit ia civil and hydraulic engineering on the p'aics of Texas. Mk. II. J. Ham, of this city, de sires to injbrm his many friends ard the the public generally, that on batur- W,lilV Fait, whence thev will dav. beptember 2nd, he will open a visit other noted places of interest 1 new market in the store under the i., ir, ttio North. Karnnton notei, seconu uoor irum the postomce, where wm oe iouna Me. and Mre. A. D. Ward, cf for sale fresh meats of all kinds. this city, left yesterday to visit rel- The store has been thoroughly ren Rtivf itiid friends iu I' linoi?. i'rom ovated, and especial care LOCAL BRIEFS. Mrs. F. L.Casttx left yesterday on a short visit to her old home in Edgecombe connty. Mr. and Mrs. W. E Jenkins ard t lie iitt e oncpetumed yeeter day from a month's 6' j sum in Lenoir. visiting relatives Miss Rebecca has been low conntv and in Wilmir.&ton, hae returned home. , Bis many frieuds here will re gretto lenrn that Mr. Hugh Miller' La3 been quite sick at his post ot service in Wilmington. He is ex pected home teday to recuperate. Mr aud Mrs. N. O'-Berry kfi TPatprdav for Clii!a!?0. to vitit an 1 p' whence they will go to Ch:cago to vieit the World's Fair, on :hir re t iru Lom. taken to keep in stock will be the very best THE FIREMENS TOURNAMENT- VENERATION FOR THE DEAD. at Speech of Capt. Robt. W. Joyner the Reunion of the 27th Regi ment, at LaGranjre, Au ' gust, 4th. 1893. Ladies, Gentlemen, and Fellow Sol diers; CLEVELAND IN WASHINGTON An Imposing Parade AU Previous Records Surpassed. Pursuant to an order by the Chief of the Fire Department and pre viously posted handbills announcing the same, the entire Fire Department I cannot express to you the.pleas paraded the principal streets of this ure it affords me to behold once city yesterday afternoon and halted more the tace3 ana to grasp oy the ; p e vv n, hand my old comrades of the late AAA llVUIl VA, WAAO IkJCtAAAA. WlUVil I -y . . . , . . -i . . I , , , - . war. nut u is a measure Luiugitiu u j. TPn n trip HBoiiivivH i""" " witn sorrow, xnere are loose wno our citizens to witness the rendition I shared with ua the dangers and of the program heretofore published I hardships of that memorable strug in these columns. The department made a fine ap pearance with, their handsome uni forms of blue, and the time made in the races was exceptionally good. Dickinson Says the President la a Per fectly Well Man. "Washington, September 1. When President Cleveland and. family left their privfete car at 7 o'clock this morning and walked along the platlorm to the door ot the depot to enter their carriage to White House, it was manifest to the few people present that Mr. Cleveland was strong and well. He carried an umbrella to protect him lrom the rain as he walked across the pave- ment, while Mr. Thurber- held an umbrella ever Mrs. Cleveland, and the nurse protected baby Kuth. gle who are, not with us to-day. With them "life's fitful fever is o'er" and they rest quietly beneath the sod ot many a hard-fought battle field, some without a mound to tell where they sleep, others without a . ....... I aa " A 1 J I W1C 1AUIOC l'V The toliowmg constitute the races grave, dui iney are noi uuuouoreu or Pre8;dent waid a8 firmly as in order, the participants, and the iorgoueu. . when he led the procession down time in which they were made : JTr, X the east front of Z Capitol on the First race-Electric Keel Compa- poor India when driven from his 4th ot ltM Marcl? a ?ia ny, 100 yards, lay 100 feet of hose, happy hunting grounds by the en- w,aB as strongly marseu wuu uie attach to hydrant, break coupling roads of civilization, has been g'ow oi ruggeu ucu and throw water; time 43 seconds, known to disinter th bones of his that daj hen he stood bareheaded , i t i . anppatora and bear them a treat diss in pitiless storm and delivered In this race the company notified the st or. nt 1 bear them a great diss J . addreg3 iQ the judges that their hose was iasteneu i rnn r.aroTnnnx.a rrhnutrh w. genee of a multitude that no man as it should be, while the. others ay not do tnja we caa cherish in were not. our hearts the memory of those no- Second race Galdsboro Fire Com- ble 'spirits who gave their lives a pany Jio. 1, same conditions as first sacrifice upon their Country's altar, cbLiXA, cut. n uuvn lun u i. v,o uiu places with bright, beautiful flow ers, fit emblems of the resuiraction. It is our sacred duty, in some ap propriate way, to commemorate their heroic deeds. race; time 37 3-5. Eclipse Steam Fire Engine Com pany, conditions thesamef time 39. In the above tluee races all compa nies used the Electric reel, which was pulled-by hand. The third race was for 140 yards with horse attached to the reel of Goldsboro Fire Company No. 1, lay 50 feet of hose, break coupling and throw water; time 32. could number. . ExPostmaster General Dickin son called at the White House, and had an interview with the Presi dent. He afterwards said to a friend in the Senate: "He is the same strong masterful nan whom I knew five and 6ix years ago when I was a member of his cabinet. He made no allusion to the condition Wayne County Commissioners Court Sept. 4. 1893, The Board met in regular session, all the members present. Accounts were audited and al lowed to the amount of $1,286,62 I including $149 paid to paupers. , The bonds J. J. Scott, Richard Johnson and tieo. x . virimes as cotton weighers were approved. FJ. H. Howell was appointed bupenntendenjt ot iork ience ter ritory, at a salary of $1 per day while employed in his duties." It is ordered that the Board will not hereafter pay any other physin cian tor performing any duty ins imcumbent on the County Health Superintendent. Reports of jurors laying off new roads in Grantham's' and Brogden township, known as Geo. Parker and T. L. Cobb roads were received and on the latter report a further hearing was set for the 11th inst. The report in the Gray Smith and Jumping run road and the P. C. Smith and R, C. Freeman road were approved and the Clerk ordered to notify, the Supervisors of Goidsbofo Township. Bonds of W. A Denmark, Goldsboro township, and B. A, Vrnswoid, -tfrogden township, as tax collectors were approved. The Board then adjourned to Monday bept. 11th. Lhat is .v to JEW Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitclier's prescriptioa for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morpliine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a Jiarmless substitute for Paregnric, Irops, Soothing S.vrups, and. Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions, of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea the Motlier'a Friend. Oastoria. "Castoria is so well adapted tocAiiMrcnth.it I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Aucheii, H. V., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, X. V. " The use of ' Castoria iis bo universal an its merits so well known that it iseoms a wo; of supererogation to eudorso it. Few aro t he iniolligent families who d not tep Casturiii within easy reach." CAKLOS 5IA11TYN, I). 2., Ki: w y'ork City Castoria. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Cour Litomaci, Diarrhoea, Eructation, ICilis Worms, gives sleep, and promotes Vvithout injurtotia medication. "Ti.r sovcral years I havo recommended yo::r ' Castoria,' tiud shall always continue to do ko as it hau invariably produced beneficial results." - Kawra F. Pabdek, M. D., . l 'uth Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Murray Stueet, Nkw Toiik Cm The ieof the Eciipse Steam Fire 1 to the land of their birth JN o. 1 was the next m or Ensrine Lai gh., Landa-uie pofaterf, are out bearing a portrait ot IMr. Ilenry Bonut, editor of the Wi eon Mirror, and announcing that he will uiske a Southern and West ern lecturing tour, begining Octo ber lit. meats the market affords, and the der, and it was iust 5 "minutes and same will be sold at living prices. 55 seconds from the time the fire Orders entrusted to him will receive was applied to the ignitable matter in prompt and careful attention. Par-1 the fire box, before the pumps of the ties having cattle, hogs, lambs and I engine were propelled by steam. Boies Again- The Democrats of Towa ha7e again nominated that sterlins In times of conflict and suffering Lf n8 health, aud, of course, I did statesman- and splendid gentleman, not. exceot to say, "You are look Horace Boies, tor governor. In ir.g well, Mr. President,' to which epite of his protestations and his he responded, 'Quite weli, thank efforts to retire from the erSce you.' He is a perfectly well man." which he has filled with such eig There were no other callers at nal ability, they have again called the White House to-day, as it was him to the front, because they look i.r.nin n Krii fpw that, the Presis UDon him as the onlv Lian who dent was there. "While no official can be depended on to lead xQJIbsoIllfeJy the manhood of a people is devel oped, and true patriotism finds its noblest embodiment in those who surrender "all that is dear to them for what they conceive to be their The utterance is expected, there is a tae.it nnderstandins in official party to victory. The compliment is high one sheep for sale will do well to call on Mr.'llam before disposing of them. The Argus wishes him abundant Sober Words About Pensions. It has been, the rule of the Pension success, and bespeaks for him a lib- Department since its organization eral share of public patronage. , ?,, to suspend tilt) payment of the pen- Tii?A (1 A Tonl ini! ihonfuvTiasmr . . . . Messrs. George Kuby, Leslie 1 , the First BaT)tiat' Church ,vill sions in au cases during inquiry as to Weil, Murry 13ai den, Harry How-1 h tlie citv saturdav. and will tne riSbt ot the pensioner to the pen- - t j- r i ' y . . ' . ,-. i . . . . ell, trammer jrogueu, x.eout;i ipreach in that church next bunuay. sion he was receiving. This was no Weil, &:Jeu iQgercon, anu wdb Mr. Jenkins is a native ot Missis- nevv order under the present admins jane ieu yesiuruuy aneiuwa ni sippi , was ec ucaieu at me umv .raiu Chanel Hill to enter as students of Virginia, where he graduated ot the University. The Akgus with distinction. Soon after his tnis caaie pen oi the historian, in no clime and in no age, has ever chronicled nobler or braver deeds than those performed by the defenders of our i ,i : , v tell us of the heroes and patriots of eircles, particularly ai mo v,aunui, uu, w eu. vjuvruoi oie tr, oirin r.imps an., of tL ,nt. that the President will not enconr has done for the Democracy ol his ...:' -f tv.Q; .nf. no-a the calls of Congressman who Utate what no other leader ha huuuiiiwcj j. tuui nuubijf) iucu i r 1- U 4." kKor.ci, nf nnnr tVimi- fiolitr have IIO OtDet DUSinebB U1U IU Ml their firmness, their purity, their portune him for office. Where va fled and strengthened its ranks and Zealand devotion to their country cancias occur or changes are to be given it a power ana a prestie and we will eclipse them all with a made, the Senators and ICepre- which insure its perpetuation in Robert K. L,ee and a Stonewall .Tao.ic- Rcntatives who are interested win piace bo iODg as u deserves me be invited by the Cabinet mm COLLEGE B0JS. OR ny Young an Pure A c;cam of tartar baking powder. "High est of all in leavening strength. Latest United States Govern ment Food Report. Royal Baking Powder Co., 106, Wall St. New York. wishes them one and all a pleasant and profitable jear of study. to nrrolil'ltimi Vlf f.nmf and located at Warsaw, where he istration. When the Department re ceiyed information as to the, correct ness of a pension, the payment has Dr. W. II. H Cobb, presideut of the N. C. Medical Society, left yes terday for v ashington, D. (., missioned by Gov. Carr to represent was for a while principal of the War saw Ilisrh school and pastor of the Baptist church. uniformly leen stoppi d until the son. Upon the bloodstained soil of our ieters own Scnny South were scenes en acted by our dear fallen comrades. "Who, vainly brave, Died for a cause they could not save," as glorious as herald ever sounded in the triumphal procession of a return ing conqueror. And amid all that host of heroes who fought, bled and died, none bore a more conspicuous to make written recom- medations. The President is per fectly well, but he will not eurrens der his time and his strength to the limitless demands of place seekers. facts could be fully ascertained. 6.a DiAAyA r.A t r- There has hpen no r.hano-p in thfl . . I ru rt i lid n ttoti r Amn rim m q r r? fV a I I . 4 I P : IT A l A i. I. IB A ti mi ftA I WUUm. U MM. VV III LM A-A U mi 1111 1 ' , . rm -i t -t -i , i him i i ii'M i i'iiiii rupv uiTi ii r iu n i i iwiri v n j nr vwuu a,. ,Uv, . - bloody 27th, it its history is ever i tA., oil th 1 1 II 111 1 . i tin i. nrvrii vUiO UUiO p-s.-. I - vaav m-m m. t . uui. v; v. 11 u uiuiu uuw ii...i.Lx-.. iM . a.j .... i i l n County Board of Education Goldsboro, N. C, Sept. 4. 93. The Board of Education met in this State in the Pan American professor m Oxford lemale College, Medical Congress that convenes in which position he has recently given that, nitc tn-Hsr Inn in order to devote his entire time to the work of the ministry. T. TT f!!lStfiY iT t.nP Wpll TT. 1 t -n-nra - -t i ne is a preaoner ui uuiisum jjuhca, known and popular firm of M. E. ana the Goldsboro church is to be Castex & Co., left yesterday for the congratulated upon securing a pas- iMormern ceuires oi lasmou 10 speuu tor Of such hne attainments. The theatrical season will iu this city on the 15th of open this month with the renowned play of "Alabama."The ltichmond Dispvtch, . 1 T J- f? 11. in BpeaKing ot the aavenc ot. mis some time in familiarizing herself with the latest styles and novelties and iu making purchases for their Fall trade. Tmsnews lrom Washington yes terday was to the gratifying enect splendid play to that city says that Hon. F. M. Simmons has been NQ play since "Shenandoah" has commissioned U. S. Revenue Co!- created the same sensation as has lector for the Eastern District of been ca sed by Augustas Thomas' North Carolina. It is well, and far-famed "Alabama," which comes his many friends throughout the to the Academy of Music next State will rejoice at this euimently Thursday. One of the 6eccets of J J ! ? -. i' V, T - . L . . i i t . ueserveu reuugumuu ui uio eci vicco i i.iaDama 6 great success is no essential Americanism. It is a Southern idyl, a poem of and for the South. Every scene, every sen timent, and every 6enter.ee is of the South alter the war. The play the!13 tender, poetic, refined and full. ot pictureEque pathos, ihe play will be produced, with special scenery, effects and music" pends pensioos. It is still llepubli can with an experience d Republican at its head, and every pension that has been suspended has been sus pended by a Pepublican board and under the rules that have been in op eration ever since our civil war. The present Commissioner of Pensions has, therefore, been simply following the rules and precedents so long es- white. truth! ulty written it will De seen that the annals of the world conn l ,i .;v,ui divided, the new district to tablet that your descendants in fu. known as No. 68. members present. District .No. 32, was be Nos. 68 and 32 confidence of the people. But the renomination of Gov ernor Boies was not the only cred itable performance by the Iowa Democrats in their state conven tion, yesterday. They indorsed the Democratic adminstration in the following emphatic language: "We declare our confidence in the adminstration of Grover Cleven land, president of the United Statee. We have faith in his wisdom, I.oneBty and ability to lead the country out of the bogs into which it has been plunged by the unwise and corruot class To Our Customers: TI3 A FACT THAT WE are in need ot what is due us on our books, and we '.would thank those who owe lis to come forward and settle up AT ONCE. We hope we will not be kept waiiin longer on this very important matter. Very respectfully, S. OOIIIS & SON, City Market, Goldsboro, N. C. JONE&'JP HARMAGY lep West Centre St. islation of the Republican party South of Chestnut. ture years may see what manner of waa eecn allowed $50 for buildiDg ari(j to bring about an era of na nien our good old State produced in purposes. tional and individual prosperity," . Everything New- good old State produced time3 that tried men's souls. And linked with the memory of that immortal struggle we should ever keep fresh in our miuda the sublime patriotism of our Southern women. Their kind words and tens The Ileadught was again em ployed to do to public printing at $25 per annumn. Committeemen were- appointed as follows: No. 68, white, E. Edgerton, E. tablished, by suspending pensions I der sympathies encouraged the faint Peele, Wm Falgham. to the party. Mr. B. B. Iiaiford,of this county, is agent for the Confederate War Journal, published monthly at Lexinsrton. Ky which contains a neat and attractive history ot war and illustrated with van rious battle scenes, etc. This pa peris published by a Southern general and is authentically a Southern work. The subscription price is only $1.00 per ear. Invitations are out to the mar riage of two of Goldsboro's former young people, Mr. J. Wallace Smith to Miss Mary Waitt, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs, AS TO THE TARIFF. There has never been any cause to doubt that the Democratic adminis tration would carry out the pledge of the platform to reform the tariff, Geo. N. Waitt. The happy just as soon as it was possible to do greatly liberalized them in favor where reasonable doubt existed as to the correctness of the rating or the integrity of the pension claim. The ruling made by Ex-Commissioner Raum, by which disability pensioners under the law of 1890 were put in the same class with dis- that required the disability 'to be the aa""'u glorJ result ot wounds or illness reeeived or contracted in actuai military ser vice, was overruled -by the proper legal authority of the Pension De partment, and it is this ruling that has caused the suspension of some thousands of pensions. As most of these pensions are not alleged to be wholly fraudulent, Commissioner Lochren has properly liberalized the uniform rule of the Department and will henceforth continue the payment of pensions pending in quiry iuto their validity. So far trom restricting the rights or pen hearted, and their approving smiles lighted up the ghastly gloom of war. Their fidelity, their boundless lib erality and theiselfsacrificing devo ! won during all those long, sad years of agony and of woe, entitle their nances to a place among the noble army of martyrs in the diadem of J. Charlotte Democrat: The cor The npnnlAf X to answer charges against him as a church will be aid at 5 0clock But, comrades, the cruel war is over. All its horrors have passed away and our country has entered upon a new career, we now know but one nag. North and of the South are hence forth one people, whose mission and destiny is the grandest on earth. Let us cherish no bitterness or ill-will toward the people of any sees tion, of this broad land, - but with united hearts and united hands and with malice towards none do all we can to make the future as No 20, col. Ichabod Herrine, No 27. col. Joseph West, J. Overman. No 15, white, R. E. Brogden in place of Lambert. Nol2, col. R E.Brogden, in place of Newell. No 62, white, Douglas Hastings, Rufus Woodard, E. M. Boyett is hereby notified to appear before the Board of Edu- ation the 1st JMondav in January Not satisfied with that endorse ment, the convention adopted the financial plank of the Chicago plat form as its own, including the de- numciation of the Sherman act, thereby emphasiziug and clinching its approval ot dlio president s po sition, as denned in his message to congress. The Democrats of Iowa have done well, They have proven their Des mocracy aud rebuked the assailants of the adminstration. Atlanta Journal. STATE NEWS. complete stock 01 tresh drugs lor com pounding physicianprescriptions o A full Uae of PATENT MEDIINES. Toilet articles; soaps, colognes,"&c Sunday Hours 8:30, 10:30 a. m. 24 p. ip tf. June 16, '93. school committeeman. The committee in distriet No. 15. white, was alloweo. to move school house to center of district. Messrs, C. B. Aycock, H.. Weil, I G. W. Langston were elected thrnstees of Goldsboro Graded next Sunday afternoon. Bishop Leo Haid will conduct the services, and the public is invited. fomithneld Jierald: lhe crop ot acorns bid tair to be enormous this year. Mr. B. A. WelloD, one Closing Out, Our Entire Stock of Ladies Low-Cut Shoes at Cost. Contemplating going oil to spend tho Fall and Whiter at school will do well to come and see us, as we have just received an early shipmeat of goods espe cially selected fir you. Nobby Suits, Stylish Hats, Correct Fm Shirts HAJfDSOSIE NECKWEAR AND A FULL LINE OF HABERDASHERY. Einstein 0 otliing Go Schools. of our most successful farmers, The following accounts have been sellt us a small limb which he cut bright and as glorious ?s the past approved and paid since Aug. 14, from a black jack oak which had sixty-three acorns on. it. event is to take place at the home of so. Those within the party who! has been sad and disastrous, aud bv including those paid to-day. Ce: B. A. Parks Building purposes the bride in Danville, Va,, Wednes day morning, September 6th. The best wishes of many friends here will be with the popular ' young couple on the happy occasion. h.-ivp nrptended to find in the course nf tho rlm.,sr.rt.inn anv limine dp,, I C5pted by everj lav se II IA 1 1 1 AAA ..AAA U.- CAAV I. UV " O U I V 1 U S t. tiUt SiS DIO urged unseemly haste in the face of just than the rulings of more pressing emergencies, have cessor. been actuated by motives too plainly : iu 4- o, i, . . . Iftnp PTil.rrTilA lnanirp thnEa unn are 1 foncua in lrt rtialnpta OX l. iA . ....au 1.; i. j .. R A Tarl ri-,1 i j I bU UVAUC UlbCl UO VT 1 LAA A J 1 '11 tbUU Commissioner Lochren will be ac- LUT,V . , e-r Burrel Cogdell, Cleaning eut weU fair-tnindi d ritizen u";u''"u' -5jr u. .ucu nuuic j. , roweii, iviatenai and by every honest pensioner as not generously his prede- country. Police officer Swarengin "pulled' Beveral neeroes in this citv and had them up before the Mayor yesterday I apparent to deceive anyone. for selling liquor on Sunday in by- Tbe people Know rresiaent Uleye .places and without license. One of land too well to doubt his absolute thft rinlnrita raid a fine of $50. and lovaltv to the cause which he another went to jail in defanlt. Sev self made the slogan of the party eral others associated with them in In his message at the of the " present exta It is a great folly to seek to mis represent the efforts of the present I'ension Department to make the pension list . roll of honor. There inasi t fi-.. i. j penueu uy a xvKpuoiieaa uoaru anu nnon raiiRf whinh' fnllv inst.ifv iJ-,. Cleveland said: ''It was uass on aaaj wuaauoc w Duuimuu , , , . . , , . - I mo various articles snnearmir in - i i .L.uawsiiuitii ub itummiBititu iu a.iiui . -. - : . -rr- o C0DgreaBiuexirBtBioa earijxuiue , ... . m wronty tbe newspapers which alleged to coming toeptemuer tnat we mignt . forecast what the adminiatratinn government. their surreptitions and unlawful and unholy occupation are still at large, but are being "set for" by the police The editor of the Caucasian of this city; Mr. Marion Butler, was married, on Thursday evening of this week, to Miss Florence Faison, at the home of the bride, in Samp son county, who is a daughter of Capt, E. L. Faison, and they are off to the World's Fair on a bridal trip. The akgus can lay aside all political differences on this occasion and wishes the happy pair a full measure of joy and long life. Elsewhere in this issue wiil be found the eloquent oration of Capt. Kob't W. Joyner delivered befote the ranntnn nf f hi OTfli "Pnrim fti 1: nf. Tisi A VUUIV.4 VA, VAJV IV bU -A . 1 . AU HI H --fc- 1 1a "3'IT. V- iUVU ! A ,WUAAU AW .... ' n . . .. . i in f it in . H iaa rriT iioran nw itnii r i r . .... . . Urange on the 4th ult., in wbicn be . , , J v; , :,, I ibero are paospecti beiore aim feel Secretary Carlisle Non-Committal. Washington, September 4. Secretary Carlisle this morning declined to either offim or deny the statement widely published that the administration is favor ably considering a place to abol ish the national banks and substi tnte in their stead banks under government supervision. He eaid his time would be almost wholle oco 10.00 70.00 103.00 .50 .40 3.23 12.50 35,00 2.35 2.90 2,00 NE LOT GENTS' RUSSET SHOES Edmund Mitchell, Work R, W. Southerland. Labor, Material S. B. Parker, Roofing house O. Holmes, Per diem and mileage J. H. Kdwards, " " " M. L. Lee, Per dieum E. T. AtKinson, 10 days extra services asCo,Sup't. 32.00 These being no further business the Board adjourned t meet again Saturday 16th inst. E, T. AtKinson, - M. L. Lee, Secretary. Chairman. I f Imn AnmrklQiricirl rT I-wtt a, tta- xt f in n soldier. It means that the mnunn KaPled lf he Undertook to laws snail be administered in ayifb Southport Leader'. Two rattle snakes were reported as having been killed last week near W. J. Wescott's in this county, one five I feet three inches long, with four teen rattles, the other, four feet six inches long and five rattles. Concord Times: Miss Lena Pepper, dughter of Rev, C. M. Pepper, formerly of Concord, but now of High Point, died at the latter place recently. She had been a suflerer for several months, and her death was not unexpected. She was 16 years old. reduced from 3 to $2. A few pairs of patent leather shoe3 re duced from $2.25 to $1.75, Examine our line of $2 50 and $3 thocs for Gents' wear; they can't be btatcn. Big bargains in Ladies' and Children's shoes at enter promptly upon the work of tariff reform, which the true inter. ests of the country early demand, which so large a majority of the people, as snown by tbeir suffrages, desiie and expect, and to the accom plishment of which every effort of the present administration is pledged But, while tariff reform has lost notning ot its immediate and per manent importance and must iu the near future engage tho attention of congress, it has seemed to me that the huaneial condition of the coun try should at once and before all nnmp to anv verpran whn has inst. claims anon the fronprositv of t.hp was considering or was going to There is every reason to believe that better times are in store for workingmen. New York Hers ard. An index of the improvement in trade is seen in the increased dem and for wool and the rise in prices reported in the Boston market. Grand Kapids Democrat, President Cleveland is all light. BpeakB of that meeting as a joy ming led with sorrow, recalling incidents that were pleasant and scenes that caused a grief too deep for human effort to assuage, while his preora tion is an admonition to the survive ors to take cognizance of only one flag and to so exemplify their lives that the rising generation may pr.Gt by ar imitation. The marriage of Dr. George J. Robinson and Miss L;zzie Hyman was solemnized at the home of the bride's brother, Mr. F. C. Hyman, in hanoiable body. The -.prompt and unmistakable manner iii which congress has up held tLe president In his financial position, leaves no room for doubt that it will cooperate with him when the time comes in the reform of the tariff laws of the country in compliance with true Democratic principles and poliey- sulHcient to make any man young again. Boston Globe. The Fall River bankers who have been duped by Welcome H. Hathaway, the defaulting cotton broker, have come to the conclu sun that he ia a more tree than welcome customer, --Steep Brook Be zoo. consider. The onlv affirmative fact that can be ascertained at the Treasury was that Speaker Crisp and Congressmen Warner and Hall did have a talk by appointment with Secretary Carlisle at the Treasury office yesterday. The idea that the President went to the Treasury and waa a party to the conference ie not true. Chairman Springer, of the banks ing and currency committee, called on Secretary Carlisle this morning, presumably in connection with the rumored conference the subject matter of which- would naturally h&ye come before his committee. It ia said that some of the ticket- 1 1 i . i - 1 1 l jl "cir K BeiuJ.rBai l"B "w"t" "" Henderson Gold Leaf: The receive a salary or. a monin, . , e ,T . , . . s ffiOAA i ' severe wind of Monday did coasid make as high as $200 mure by ' 0orn wa8 pocketing the money loft at the blown downftand toacco bruified J .: . " lnro it. In pomfi nianea fodder was evil is a prevalent one at the base ball games, fairs and the like, all over the country By what peculiar logic the ticket men justify, thems selves in keeping this money, when bv snontinsr at tne roreeiiui peo pie they could restore it to its rightful owners, ia not easy to un derstand. It comes very near to petit larceny. . A FIGHTBETWEEN GIANTS; Both desperate, both-determined! The King of Medicines in contest with the Kirg of Maladies! Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery against "Consump- Tt ia nnt thfi RtrnffEfla of a. Anv. A cabinet officer is authority for I but the first blows are the fatal blows! In the statement that the administra tion at this time is in preparation tot a measure to be presented, it is interested only in the passage ot the repeal bill now before i-he Sen Cses of 40 years standing where "opera tions have failed, have been cured by Japanese Pile Cure. Guaranteed by Rob inson Bros. Goldsboro N. U. ate. After that measure is passed. lhe trouble with 1 resident it is said that a ceo eral measure to Cleveland is that he persistently carry out the platfrom as to the refuses to be as sick as his enemies currency reference will bs onsid- are. Swansea uazette.- lered. v its earlj stages, Consumption (which is Lung scrofula) will yield to this great remedy! Thia has been proven beyond a doubt by innumerable successesses! Act ing directly upon the blood, its scope in cludes all scrofulous affections, Liyer and lung diseases. As 1 blood purifier and vitalizer, it stands unequaled. Fits, dizziness, hysteria and all nervous troubles cured by Magnetic Nervine. Sold and guaranteed by Koninson Bros. Golds boro, N.O. . ; jure it. torn into 6hreds. Cotton does not appear to have suffered eo much. Warrenton Record: Eaton Wil Hams, colored, a well digger, one day this week while in the bottom of a well at Dr. Fleming's, had a rock to fall from the walling at the top of the well and etrike him on the head. It stunned him for awhile, but he was soon all right. There can be no doubt about the thickness of Eaton's skull. Newbern Journal: Within the last few days two bold thefts have been committed on Middle street, our business thoroughfare, and ex atly between two powerful electric street lights. Cannot our watch man and policemen pervent such bold atrocities, or at least get up with them and see that the full pen alty of the law' is meted out lor them? Haye yon seen those pants at 80TJTHERLA.NTVS. SOUTHERLAND'' N. Bargain Store L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE nowtp, Do you wear them? When next In need try palr.J Best in tho wona. 54.00 ' 2 Stl 43.50? ! 02.00 J"'" W MgfrutUDlES -ft 9 ft ft M FOR. BOYS Correct Dresstrs and Haberdashers, HDENTIST.K Dr. J- M- Parker. West Centre Street. GOLDSBORO, N.C UNIVERSITY OF NORTH . CAROLINA. EQIPME NT: faculty of 23 teachers 11 buildings, 7 scientific laboatoties library of 20,000 volumes, 315 students ' INSTRUCTION: 5 general courses bnel courses' professional courses in law, medicine, engineering and chemis- ry; optional courses. EXPENSES; Tuition. fCO mr vear. Scholaships and loans for the needy. Address I'liEMDJvPil WINSTON Chapel Hill, N.C. Notice Is heieby given to the Merchants of Goldsboro that sealed bids for one month's supplies lor the Orphan Home will be re ceived at the office of W. T. Dortch, Esq., . . . ii,A i . : l iirj i i - . uij mo buiiu vv uuntisuiiy in oepi, A list of articles needed can be seen at Capt. Dortch'a law-iflice in Goldsboro, or by calling on the undersinced at the Orphan Home. By order of Trustees. Respectfully, ..Wm. Cobb Whitfield, Sunt. Orphan Home.' Goldsboro, N. C. Sept. 1st 93. Oxford ' Femals OXFORD, -o- Seminarv. .N. c. This prcsperous and progressive school will open its next Session on August, 30,- -18D3, andtha prospects for an increased, patronage are very bright. .:" .- Besides doing ths most thorough work' in the Literary Department, and iurnisln ing exceptional facilities in Music and in Art, it has an industrial Department that supplies the nwds of the times. In this are-taugbt Book Keeping, Type Writing, Stenography and Dres3 cutting and fitting. .. Much attention has always been given Physical Culture. If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, made tn tho latest style!, den't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe.1 They fit equal to custom made and look and wear as well. Ifyouwishtoeconomizelnyourfootwear, do so by purchasing W. L, Douglas Shoes. Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for It when you buy .TT. I DOUGLAS, Brockton, Hna. Sold by KOOD&BRITT ''Z LDSBORO, N, t) Notice of Sale. Under an I by virtue of a judgment of the Superior Court of Wayue county, N. C, in the case of Isaac McLamb et al3 YSi John M. Grautham et als, I shall sell for cash by public auction at the court house door in Goldslor., ou Monday, September It, 13J3, the lands described in the pleadings in eaid action, situate in Wayne county, N. C, adioining the' 1 lands of 11. W. Edgcron and Others, containing about one (1) acre, more or ln9a w rr i.ni3Trn AVt?0. ' 11. A AVII A V A A . August, 1893. Comm'r. n II F 5 t V ? p '? il i r I' ll Ifr ill i I Jf HI At ! If; i ti ,i -, t il i I: .-