rtrS5 & k h H if ! r ?"'5l I a v. ill e i w b f e: m n hi i en I fc!i PS af! j 'This Argus o'er the people's rights D"th aneternal vigil keep; Ko seething strain f Mai's ton Cm lull its hundred eyes to sleep". VOL. XVI. GOLDSBORO. cN- & MARCH 22, 1894, NO 21 I Hi I Hi SONG. There's beauty in the dawning light. And twilight fair or starlit night, Has each its charm and grace, But lovelier still on earth to me, The fairest thing my eye can see The lcauty of thy fase. There's calmness on the oc.an's breast, As desp and blue it seems to rest 'Neath bluer heavens above, But.deeper; calmer still to ine Than ever sea or sky can be, Thine azure eyes, my love! There's music in the running stream, And music when the woodlands seem Awake with songs of birds. But sweeter, dearer, still to me Thin nature's voice can ever be. The music of thy words. GRoxby in Chambers', Journa1, HERRING THOMPSON. ' Wednesday evening, at 7.30 o'clock, at the home f the bride's parents near this city, our young friend and townsman Mr. Benajah Herring and Miss S. Casjie, young est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wni. B. Thompson, were united in the holy bond of wedlock, -Kev. M. M. McFarland, of the M. E. Church officiating. The hospitable Lome wa3 duly decorated and brilliantly lighted f jr the happy occasion and the cere mony was solemnized in a most im pressive manner, in the presence o the immediate families of the con trading parties and especial friends. After the ctrvmony a sumptuous wedding supp?r was served aud good rhppr nrevailed amois the assem- t - - bled guests and many were the good wishes showered upon the happy young couple.who are great favorites among a wide circle cf admiring friends, which was pleasingly at tested by the beautiful array of bridal presents of w hich they were the recipients. The happy young couple It ft yes terday at noon for a bridal trip to Washington aud other northern n cities. Thd Argus extends to them its cordial congratulali jus and beat wishes for long liTr, happiness and abundant prosperity. MR WOLF'S LECTURE. The h cture of Hon. Simon Wolf in the Hebrew synagogue in this city Friday eveniug, on the subject "Is the Jew a Patriot and btlJier, was greeted by a large and represen tative audience of our citizeus of all religious ptrsnasions, and every one w ho heard him, we are sure, was en tertained and editied by his earnest elcouent words aud burning enthus iasm for justice to his people and a due recognition of their deeds and dpserta as citizens ever ready to do their full duty in peace and war uphold the credit and maintain the power and safety ot the goyernemnr The speaker cited many historical instances in everj couutry of Jewish fidelity to law, love cf country and heroism in battle. In fact, Mr. Wolf is compiling a book of the martial history of the Jews in America, which teems with instances of their valor and soldiery merit in both the Southern and Northern armies dur ing the late war between the States. This book will be ready for publica. tion in the early Fall, and the pro ceeds of its sah: will be devoted ex clusively to the Hebrew Orphans' Home at Atlanta, which is especially dear to Mr. Wolf, who was its chief promoter and founder. The mnsic rendered by the choir was exceptionally fine, especially the singing of Miss Minnie Royal!, the violin obligato or Mrs. Goi Einstein and the organ accompaniaments by Miss Sarah Jiiiimeri. LIST OF LEiTTERS. Remaining in Post Office at Goldsboro, Wayne County, N. C, Feb. 27, i8g4 13 Mrs Emily Beet, Hon Bryant, B B Brown, Chaocey Branch, Lifayette Brisb, J h Buck anan. (j Miss M A Ulark. F H W Farrior, Tonimio Far riow, R A Fields. G Jim Gaffia. H L;zzie Hooke. Handy Hollo way. J Charles E Jenkins, Mrs Iren Jones, Mrs Addie H Jones. H J M Kennedy, Mrs Amy Korneeay. L Aaron Legit, Joseph L Lincoln Mrs 1 atetie Lottian; M Mrs Alice" Margin, L'ztie Morris, T Chancie Turneage, Mis3 Lillie Toller. "Vy Jonoa Williams L;zzie Wat- kins. Persons caIHdk for above letters will please say advertised and give date of list t-The regulations require thai out ce be paid on all advertised letters. - JOHN W -BRIAN P. SPRING PHILOSOPHY. FOR THE AEGTJS. I've besn reading up on weather. Studying closely, moon and sky, Sacking for some sign or token, "Which would show that spring was nigh I've lost faith, in ground hog shadows, Ccoing doves, and whippoowills,' After these, there often cometh, Biting frost aud cold th -,t kills . Weather guesses, are unce tain, Just like shooting in the dark, Now and then you hit the Bulls-Eye. Oftener you miss the mark; All our guesses and predictions Do not change a single thing, Does'nt help to. hurry forward Nor delay the coming spring, I have not, begun my gardening, Eoa't intend to yet awhile. Rather be lite, than take the chances: Planting twice is not my style. When the days get long and sunny. And the nights get short and warm, Then I'll get the winter crook off, And begin my garden farm. Do not try to force the season. Bet ter wait than lose the fruit, Don't be in too bi g a.hurry, To bring out, your spring snit. Don't discard your great coat ytt, Never mind what people say, If your flannel will hang on you Better wear it till firtt cf May. J, M. II. A CORRECT DIAGNOSIS. In a private letter to the editor of The Argus, purely personal, ana no line of which was intended for publication, Hon. B. F. Grady, of Duplin county, Representative in Congrtss. delivers himself of the following statements, which we con sider a correct diagnosis of the causes which have brought about the con dition of public affairs that con fronts us at this tim6 perplexing public men and confusing and re tarding legislation : The object lesson kept before the people for the last thirty years by Republican misgovernment have so far misled the people a? to the constitutional functions of the Feds eral government that it is held by almost all classes in certain sections and some classes in every section to be an irresponsible autonomy with unlimited paternal powersjand hence the bill box of the House overflows every session with schemes to appro priate the people's money to the pri vate use of individuals or corpora tions or sections of the Union, or to enhance the value of the property of individuals jr classes at the expense of other people or masses. One result of these object lessons is that, with not much regard for party lints, every ll?preseatative is plied with petitions and resolutions from classes of hi3 constituents, more or less organized, demanding legislation which tJo'gress nas no constitutional power to enact, and sometimes the petitioners are sue. cessful. This in part explains the want of unity ana conesion in xne demo cratic party. Western men demand market for their silver; Southern men aemana pimetausm mat tne gold standard shall not increase the wealth ot security holders and men of fixed incomes at the expense of their constituents; while Representa tives from the nine Northeastern States insist on the gold standard and object to any increase of paper or metallic money because their bank3 are overflowing with fundF, and an increase would tend to lessen the value of their ban ac counts. So, on the tariff there are conflicting interests. Some Demo crats are tree-traders ana some are protectionists, and even free-trader? are demanding protection ior special interests in their districts, in ouedi ence to demands of their constituents. What the end will be I cannot di vine; but I am hopeful. The present aissatis taction ana unrest will com- pel attention to the fundamental principles of the Federal constitu tion and to the danger of paternal ism. Ihe worK ot removing the er rors from the minds of the people and or discrediting those who are leading the people in wrong direc tions,. is now calling loudly for hon est and patriotic laborers. These laborers will Ve found, and while mischief may result from misdirec tion here and there, the people will ultimately uaa the path ot duty. Worn and Wan and Weak antf Weary Ho! ye women, worn and weary, with wan faces and so imlisciibibly weak. 1 hose distressing dragging down pains and that constant weakness and worn ness and weariness can be cured. For all such sufferers, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pres scripUonis a panacea of inestimable value. As an invigorating tonic, it ims narts strength to the whole system. For overworked, worn out debilitated teach ers. dressruakers, seamstressers, shopgirl housokeepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon. treing unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. As a soothing and stengthening nervine, Favorite Prescript ion is unequaleu ana invaluable in a. lay ng and subsiding nervous spasms and other distressing nervous symptoms, com, monly afxr.'isxt t'a tunc.ional dig Gorerninp Without Law, It ia d.fficult to form an opinion at this distance on the merits of the civil war in Colo.ado. Gov. Waite is no irresponsible a crank that the presumption is arainst him, especially when be overrules what appears to be a regular judi cial orJer. On tho other hand, be certainly represents the authority of the Slate and the men who are arrayed in armed resistance to him are described in all the accounts as rowdies and gamb'era and represen tatives ol the disorderly classes,! in alliance with the - firemen und po ice. The truth probably is that the Governor is right in what he vants to do and wrong in his way of doing it. If lie has the ..lawful nnthority to,,reuiove the Police Commissioners, the injunction of a local court cannot be decisive against his use of bis axtiority. But it should be decisive until reg u arly overrn'ed, and no rational man, in a modern commnuity, wou d have thought of carrying out his own wi 1 by iorce of arms, however lawless the attitude ot those oppcBed to him. Waite ie made of the same kind of stuff as Tillman, of South Caro lina, and both are examples of that most dangerous class, the reform ers impatient ot the restraints of law. Both of these fellows means well, but a goverdor whe under takes to get along without due process ot law is no better than the unofficial dynamiter. That way lies anarchy, and anarchy seems to De what waite baa suc ceeded in bringing about for the time being at Denver. Of cjurse the matter will straighten itself out but the people of Colorado eight not to miss the lesson. Pkila Times. STATE NEWS. Haleigh 2?cws0bsercer : Kev, Air. luttle is conducting a most interesting and profitable series of meetings in Central Methodist chuicn. J.oe attendance is very large. The large auditorium of the church has been crowded night after night during the past week and the interest is increasing. Mr. luttle is a very earnest and at tractive preacher and is doing fine work in hie church.- Qalte number have made profession and the number of seekers is mcreas ing. Charlotte Observer: Mr. T. W. And ews reports having met, on a recent trip, a Mr, Barkman, ot Seattle, Wash., who is extensively interested in mming investments at that point. Mr. Baikman care fully inspected, and was most fav orably impreesel by the mineral re sources of this section as exhibited at the World's Fair and has j ur neyed eastward in search of enb 6t an tial proofs of the State's min eral wealth. He now professes himself thoroughly satitfied and ghly pleased with North Caro ina mining property as a safe and P rtfi fable investment. Asheville Citizen; The funeral services over the body of Mr. B. F. I atton, who died yesterday after noon at her home od Mootford av enue, occurred this afternoon at the reeidence, and the interment was at Newton Cemetery. Mrs. Fatton was about 50 years old and was a Mi.-s Murdoch of Florida, She was by marriage a cousin of Mayor Fatton. A husband and 7 children survive her. Concord Standard; Billy Culp and 6on George have found a new gold mine, which is eaid to be very rich. It is in Morgan township, liownn county, about four miUs east of Gold Hill. The ore is ex ceedingly rich and the vein a very wide one. llocky Msnnt Arjonaut: Mining matters are going riht ahead iu Nash County. It won't be long before we hare one ot the hustling est mines in America in this vicil ity, The Paris Anarchists will get thennelves disliked if they keep on. Blowing up taverns, or even the Chamber of Deputies, might be pardoned; an attempt to blow up the Madeleine is an outrage on al Paris. That the miscreant him telf was the only person destroyed by bia petard is some little coneola tion, but public wrath ought to be directed against tho villains who inspire these poor cranks . to go abont terrifying and trying to kil women and children. The explos ion in the Madeleine, while corm paratively harmless, arouses stronger indignation than any o the previous incidents and marks period of development in the dy namite craza that we may hope presages its decline. Ths Republican State Conven tion in Rhode Island hai renomi nated Governor Brown and pot . ft full State ticket in the eld on thjr regulation platform deoovneing everything Democratic and gto'ityi ng every thing Republican. In the nHiArninnt nf thn iMmnnraMaMtfi I ... ..,,-. ining was mcinaea mat an jpwei wrong this year except the bomb I throwing in France, Spain aad Italy. Of course this is the regn I ation party deliverance even in f cultured New England, but the unoffending public is beginning to have an nnutteablelonmntoreala'r, IDP party platform that contains new and original statement ot an old issuer The view with alarm -and point with pride portions of party platforms have been worn exceed ingly threadbare. The Republi 1 cans cf Little Rhody miised an sd mirable opportunity to make a new departure. The Navy Department evidently regards the situation at Rio de Janeiro as settled and has ordered a j 1 o u . xy 1. Admiral Benham to Bluefields to settle things there. The firmness and disct9 ion with Which Ben ham executed his instructions at I r : i JM t. . J ; .L. At. I coIUpse of da Gama's rebellion and there ia no betterlman to be entrust- o mo ouuicnwan .m i of enforcing the doctrine of nonMn- n ! tervention on the Mofqnito coast. I Aio 11 au very mucu iu uu witu iusiooi. rot Dy j . tx. tuu ix dob. wv amnatimm rmnr it misni naiiura wu auuicii. nut tciuutc iiuivin. . -rr- . . best to permit the McKinley tariff to stand until it ha. accomplished the perfect work of business and wuiuioiviu ' I so successful in bringing upon the 0 " l 1 u:u . I cuuubry, iuu nuivu uuw, mu ' . .. ... - n 0 under tne stimulating lrnuence 01 1 nrosnective Democratic legislation. I u : uafa, th. is beginning to recede, before the cheerful dawn of returning pros I rirtr Throntrh th imrMndin I perity. i. brougn. tne impenatng L uncertainty of Congressional ac I tion, however, the best intsrests of " I the country are Still held trembling in the balance. Preb dkhtJ Peixoto, of Brazil, has, in effecmade the same heaths enism blunder that wrecked the royal fortunes of Qieen Li I ..of the I oanawicnes. lie nas reiusea to t u 1. r .1 !.... ! accept tue ourrwuuerui iu tuaui i .1 gents upon the termS governing! h.. tiiiM I . j r if- . I l en a tea irom uis sympainita oiiieuyuu. uacon oeiery carts is now argely indebted ior the success that was within his grasp. The! turn which this miserable blunder I i. r ., jt.s uiy uin.e iu xreiuu ubiis i remains to be developed. C-ll-T-I-G-ll-H:fl Eight letters and four syllables. ! Mix them ud and vou have nothinr. Rut nroneriv arranired thev make r . f ,;,. ?. i - a tw we ut ww.. a WOra inai sunas ior su uuu pure, energetic, ana cnccuvc m medicine. Think of it. From a small beemnmsr. arainst prejudice and opposition, arainst monied hosts and trade indifference Cuticura has become the rreatest curative of its time. No power on earth could bar its prof ress because it did its appointed work. In every clime and with every people it has worked wonders. Its cures have approached the mir. acuious. $5,000,000 Have been expended in advertisinj it. But $1,000,000,000 Could not purchase the daily com. mendations of its grateful friends. Such craise cannot be purchased. This is the secret of its success- of its world-wide popularity of its Win derfulsale of its constant growth. It is stamped upon the hearts of the once tortured, disfigured, and hu miliated everywhere, never" to be effaced while life shall last. Such in brief is CUTICURA, the cura. tive marvel of the age. Potter Drug and Chemical Cor poration, Boston, U. S. A. .r r THE GOLDEN SECET, LONG LITBR Keep the bead cool, the feet warm and tbe bowel opep. Bacon's Celery Cure is a vegetable preparation aad acts es a natniai laxative, and iathe great est remedy ever discovered Six tbe Care of Dyspspsia, Liver Complaint, and all Blond, Li er, and Kidney drseases. Call on J. B, Hill & Son soU. ageftVaad get a trial bottle free.' Large size 50c; JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY, Toar trail rnns to the Westward, And mine to iny ow n place: There is water between onr lodges And I have not seen your face. Knt unn I haws av npmal.. . . jvm. xis easy 10 guess tne rest, Because in the hearts of the child? There is neither Eat nor West. DOI umuxi fortunes rT - - ml 7 Vt Qronea ln mtMtBt IaP- (Surely tbejr &nowtha secret, Xow a3d black and white, When they meet as king togeMie J n innocent dreams at night. With a moon they al!an plsy with. Grubby, and grimmed and I unshod, Very happy together, And very near to God, Rudyard Kipling. BUCKLER'S ARNICA SALVE. tii OMm bxv in .ne worm ror uuu aniMm. 8.uice.dl Kheam. Fever sTeer,CkKei Hands, Chilblain, nTeiycuMlilsormo?r required. I raua to give risti.icttoii . v.. ..... EL2CTRIC BITTERS. 1Mb remedy is Decominir so wel uiovu ana o popular as 10 need no spec nti00- no ed JSietric Hiltnra ainr the umc aonir nf nn u A purer medicine does nut exist and it is trie Bitten will cure all diseases of the Boils, Salt KheuBi and other affeetiona caused by impure blood. will drive Mai- JSSS Headache, Constipation and Indigestion El.. U. ...... Vi .1 SZ m.1 guarantei,or money reinnded. Jftice 60 Ictsjknd $l.w per bottle at J.H.Hili&aon' I risrt(MtvtA a-' GUARANTEED CURE. '' We authorize our advertised drussiat to slljir. King's Wew Discovery lot consumption, coughs andc'oids, upon ttis conuitiuu, u you are afflicted with voa8Bt ww or ny JL.ung, inroat or irout!, and will osthis remedt a directed,-giving it lair trial, ana "" au. unt' Joumay return rtisl Imttln mnrf hsa. .tnnr misw oTnn eo. We could not make this offer du wm nor know tht Dr. King's New Di cover; could be relied on. it never in appoints. Trial bottle tree at i. H, HiJ oons, large sue &Uc and 91.00, GREAT TRIUMPH Instant reliel experienced and a per manent euro by must vpeeay and greatest w"T wurld jiacou's Ceierycure ,mT.r ..r ihm.. mnrt miuft with tht tprritilM hukin cnnh I a- ---- a wuu 4. tt. liul A tion sole Kenl will m-nun you a tree sample bottle of this I itreat guarantsea remeuyr its success is I .imm . wtiKlrtul' ki vtmr rirntririHt -wilt r-j - - am- suia in every town ana village on tne uontmenu bam Dies iree lisvrice bottle jooc, oi.AU TlDlNUS. The grand specific for the prevsilin Imalaay ot the age, liyspepsia, Liver Com- nigint. Rheumatism. Costiveness. General UeliUy, etc, is ttacun's Celery cure. This great hetbai tonic stimulates the digestive oriiaus, regulates the l.tver and restores our system to vigorous health and anergic samples tree, iarge packages OOc ooi oni oy 4. 11, iuil x oon. Terrible KUroMl Accident 1 a daUy chronicl In our papers; also the jsatfc ot some dear Irtend, who lias died with Oouaauiption, wbereaa.il he or she had taken ttio'i Cur for Throat and Vaag disease in uute. Uf wouidHav nean rendered happier ndprapaTi. Heed the warnfng-llfrou I have a eouchoranr affection of the Throa iul Lun MJ. h. Hill X Son sol aen Ul set atrial bottTTfree. Larr slse Wo TO THE PUBLIC HAVING TAKEN MT BROTHER n as a partner, I still solicit the large patronage I have heretofore received from the generous public and promise them in the future ' fair aad honest dealing, as they have received in the past, . We will, continue business at my same stand on Walnut street. Our ' airCwttl be td sell the best goods at the lowest price. We Intend making it lively for high-priced dealers. J T"T have on hand a tremendous I stecK or uUULis, which must De; sold to make room for Spring" Stock, which will be in, in a few days. We tell for cash, our pros fits are too small to sell otherwise. - T7B DAVE BIG JOB3 IN DRY 1 I Goods, Notions, hats and especial ly Shoes, Big drives ia tobacco from 15 to 00c Almost all kinds tut Snuff, Floor, Sugar, Coffee and Lard, and almost all lands of gro ceries low for cash. Respectfully, THE HUSTLERS , Norfolk aad all points North Tla Norfolk. id. i. tmrnnrnkvasr Idthia "Water Contains more Lithia than any other known and is very cheap. I re ceive it in carboys and can furnish i . . n - J 42 gajiona. urink a good Mineral Water JUST EBeEllEElD A LOT OF BASEBAllSe V-- - w MAMMd0K I Tenney's FINE BON BONS lain AIMU OUOOfM ATI'P UMUUU 1M I LU BRUMMEL'S A new confection to the trade of Goldsboro they are el 'eant goods anJr only 50cts per lb trv them FINE FROTTs J.R.5RIFFIN'S Under Opera House, - W1LMLNST0N 4 WELDON K. B, and Branches AND FLORENCE 8AILBOAD. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. SfjK si o Jan. 11. IBM. j O SB 2 .Ot F. M. P. M A.M. AM Lv Weldon... 11 47 51 6 30 12 05 Ar Bookj Mt. 12 66 10 45 7 40 2 35 12 07 P. M. i" JSPS Ml' 12 K5 1 55 2 45 4 25 10 45 8 00 lthiuoh Lv Selma. 11 301 1 57 Fyettevjlle i is! 3 27 4 00 6 15 Ar Florence. 06 A.M Lv Wilson Lv Golds bo ro.. 2 06 3 09! 4 13 8 35 7 20 8 29 10 09 Lv Magnolia.... 4 ii ArWUmlnKton 6 5 If. m. TRAINS GOING NORTH. - . SOI fcA SO ISP a. m. p".m1 p-m. 1 30 7 0. 1 1 59 10 27 0 20 3 23 12 1G 105 11 18 430 No 43 A.M. " P. M. 9 00 7 00 10 40 .8 37 13 CO ' 8 48 12 45 10 35 No 78 , " 1 16 lT23 10 40 I 2 07 12 05 11 25 8 35 12 54 2 07 12 0. 3 17 12 , P, M. A, M.IP. MJAC Lv Florence.. Lv Favet I Ar Wilson. T.v RaIim. Lt Wilmlnstan Lv Magnolia.... Lt Goldsboro... Ar Wilson Lt Wilson. Ar Tarboro. Lt Tarnoro. Lt Rocky Mt.. Ar Weldon.... tDoily except Monday. Daily except These traius carry only first class passen gers holdine Pullman accommooauons. I'rain on swciidu civk onuvu i c Weldon, 3 40 P m., tiaiiiax uu v m- arnje aootiana necx ai wp omi. . m.. Kinston 75 P. m,. . Returning- leav Kins ton 7. ) a. m., Greenville 8 zza m. Arri Halifax at 11 00 a uu. Weldon 1120a m, dai. exoept Sunday. , inaton 7.00 a, arrives I'armele 8 40 a. m.. Tarboro 9.50 a m, returaing1 leaves rarnoro a Ati m m p.miflle A.lO A m: arriyes WaahinK- tnnU&D. m. IMliyeicepioumiar. vuuuwu ith tr.iiu on scouana nevK nnuwu Twin lMvoa Tarboro. N. C. via Albemarle Si Baleiah railroad daily exoept Sunday, 6t 0 p.m.. Sunday 800 p.m., arrives Plymouth 9 20 c tx n m Unfurniir Imvm Plv- mouth daily, except Sunday, 5 30 am Sun day, 10 UU a m., arrive isriwra uwtui " tt ft I m WTt Trainon Midland, N . C . , branch leaves Oolds- Smith field. 7 30 a. m. tteiurning leaves Smith rmm. daily exoept Bomir. o uu a. m., arrive u, m hi m. m mmtra uuiuauuni. ou . m Xnuu OH XWBYUW uiiuvuiniTn .ha;. mi. umnt sua. m.. dalir. exoept Hunaav tAMM. H.M n. m.. arrive Dunbar 9 30 p. m. Re Xrains on liMWDraiiuii rwiww n. A,ieave turnlnS leave Dunbar S 30 a m. arrive fjatta 100 a.m. Dany except suuaay. Train on Clinton branch leaves Warsaw oi ni.ua. Hmllv. axoent Sundav. 7 00 D. m. ana 11 80 a. m. Ketttrhin g leave Clinton at 8 20 a.m.and 4 06 p.m., oonnecunx t Warsaw with NO. 4 1, U, S 19 Do. TH make Train Hd. 78 makes close connection at Wt fnr vfnolnta North, dailv. All rail v Richmond, and daily, except Su: T.in. mAmn as Kockv Mount dailv tloeot 8un sunaay via isay .i j - 1 1 In. a Vnk I. 1 l . , E, CASTEX & CO. LOVERS OF BEAUTY Find here the prettiest of Spring Goods LOVERS OF FASHION FIND HERE THE LATEST AND BES1 STYLES LOVERS OF ECONOMY Find here a thousand ways of saving money. Everybody finds here just what they dssire in the proper quality and at the proper price. N OUR colored DrePsGiods Department we are showing the most an- provea designs and colorings in the latest styles of Imported and Do mestic Fabrics in all the newest weaves, novelties and mixtures. 36 inch changeable novelties 25c 5 in, Armurc Diagonals all wool 75c 40 in. English worsted Suiting two tone 35c 31 i . Crepe 25c 31 in. Crapon suitingNew spring shade 15c 40 in, Serge 50c, old elsewhere at 65c 40 in, double warp Surah Serge 50c worth 65c WE have Trimmings, silks, Braid, and Laces to match all our Dress Goods. Come to see us. we will save you money. WE ALWAYS lead and uuder we be undersold! Two and Three, We have two objects in viev sees ing your clothing Fit & Satisfaction You have three objects when you you want to buy WORKMANSHIP, STYLE, and the PROPER PRICE. Now we don't claim to sell goods CHEAPER than anyone in the city, but we do maintain and defy competition iu the PROPER SHAPES Made by first class tailors and at reasonable profit. No shop worn stuff, but all the bright and new things that are est essential to a well dressed man. EinsteinClotlringCo Correct Dresners and Haberdashers. Notice? By virtue of a Hudafment rendered at September term 1293 of Wayne Superior court in an action entitled titepBen Pitt man vs MattieJones and others, the under signed commissioner will sell for cash at the court house door in Goldsboro, on Monday Aoril 16th, at 12 o'clock m., the land described' in the pleadings, be ing a lot in little Washington wpon which the aerenaant now iesiaes. This March, 15,1894. - .W..T. DORCH.Com. - NOTICE 1 Police is hereb"r"fi:iven that the unn deraigned havingqualified-before the clerk of the Superior court or Wayne county North Carolina, as adminisi trator of IsabeUa Holland, 'deceased. and to- all persons holding claims against the estate of the said Isabella Holland, to present them to the un dersigned at Pikevillyon or before March 15, 1895, or thu notice w.ill be ofiEsreurrfbar of their rscoyerv. AHieESona indebted to said estate are' hereby notified to make imme diate payment. N. J. Smith, Adm'r, March 13, 1891. 40 Fine imported drees suits only 1 pattern of a style, each one different, f 5,50. 6.53, 7.50, 9.00. 10.50, 12.50 40 in, all wool Canvas cloth COc 40 in, all wool Batiste COc.worth 75c Printed China silk30c 31 in. china silks 45c. We have a beautiful line of silk warp, changeable novelties. no circumstances or conditions will - cartes: - & - m w lows is m THIS assertion will be put to public ist at FONVIELLE'Sto-morrow and for the week, commencing MONDAY EYENiNG AT 3 O CLOCk, March 19th. YOUNG LADY SENT OUT by the Manufacturers will serve VAN HOOT'S COCOi AT FaWIEM,E9S And the ladies of Goldsboro are cordially invited to visit my store during this week and test the merits of VAN IIOUTON'S COA, Respectfully I. B. FONVIELLE, FOR SALE. House and lot corner Georcn and Oak Streets for sale. AdoIv to MRS, HENRVT MILLER 117 Fayetteville St. Raleigh O vr uxra, x, xiewton J5rown, Goldsboro, N. C " SHERIFF'S SALE, By virtue of execution in mv hands for collection, I will, on the 16th of April 1804 at tne court nouse door in Goldsboro, during the recess of court, expose to sale Dy puDiic auction ior casn the interest of Sam Cohen in his two town lots in the city of Goldsboro, and in 40 acres of land in Goldsboro township north of the A. & JS C K it, that may be iu excess of his homestead; also the" 'excess over the homestead of J ADoler iu his lands in Grantham and Fork township, JAS H GRANT This Mar 15, 1894 Sheriff. ii i . r ..Notice .. MOOBE & ROBLNBON T3 TyNEH By virtue of section 1793 ottho code of N U, I will op Monday, the 2nd day of April, 1894 at 12 oclocis. M at the court house door in Goldsboro sell to the highest bidder for cash, one buggy, the property of Aahly.Tyner to satisfy amount due for re airing and material furnished and costs of sale. ; ' MOOttii A ROBINSON. i - If H I h : ! p. ' t V V i -