The JIpqIl s, -PUBLISHED BY- Jos. B.. Robinson KDI'iOR OPKIETOK. aTTHE Argcs seeks to be a reliable paper for the people and the family Democratic and fearing- to discuss no issues -wherein the people's l ights are at stake. Progressive, nhronst. nf the age, we shall always endeavor to keep our editorial and local columns up to DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. for chief justice: James E Shepherd, of Beaufort. FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICES: Walter Clark, df Wake. James C. MucRao, of Cumberland. Armistead Burwoll, of Mecklenburg VOJi STATE treasurer: Samuel McD. Tate, of Burke. vor congress: Second District F. A. Woodard, Wilson. 'Volt STPJERIOll COURT JUDGES: District Jacob Battle District W. 11. Allen of F. Third In ash. Fourth Wayne. Fight District B dell. Ninth District W. Rockingham. Tenth District W. B. of Watauga. Twelfth District II. B Buncombe. of of capital almost entirely and the same is true of two of the three cotton mills in Atlanta. The" Herald is badly mistaken when it takes it for granted that the South intends to confine it self to the manufacture of the coaser grades of cotton." The theory that only such grades can be profitably manu factured in this section has 'no reason to sustain it. Southern cotton mills are constantly en enlarging their product of the fine cotten goods and will before long compete successfully with old England and New England in that line of industry. In the manufacture of the coarse grades the South is already unrivalled, but it isnotcontenttos p there THE POPS ARE "NOT IN IT. of Ire- N of Lon Mebano, Council Jr.. Carter, of Kor- Jr F. FOR solictor: Fourth District E. W. Pou, of John ston. WAYNE COUNTY TICKET. For Sheriff Britton F. Seott. For Resrister of Deeds Geo. C. negay. For Treasurer Atlas T. Uzzell. For Coroner Thos. Hill. M. D. For Surveyor Josh J, Herring, For Clerk Superior Court Chas. TTerrinjr. For State Senate Beni. F. Aycock. For the House J no. 11, Edwards, W. C. Munroe. TOWNSHIP TAX COLLECTORS. Brogden Township Urban J. Rob erts, Indian Springs Kaleb Grant. cNew Hope George E Hadley Saulston G eorge Rac kley , Stony Creek Major T Best. Pike'ville Jackson B Smith. Nahunta Win F Flowers. Great Swamp Peter L Peacock Goldsboro Willis A Denmark. Fork John M. Mitchell. Grantham's George 1' Britt. The hope of the Populists that the two great parties may be so evenly divided in the next House of Representatives as to leave them the balance of power seems to be without foundation. The Representation of the party of chimerical, wildly conceived and communistic principles will not be increased over that of the present Congress, but, in fact, at this time displays beauti ful evidences of largely dwind ling away. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the World for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever. Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. J t is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bottle, for sale by J.H. Hill & Son. Marvelous Results. From a letter written by Rev. J. Gundurman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this extract: "I freely recommend Dr. King's New Dis covery, as the results were almost mar velous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Rives Junction she was brought down with pneumonia succeeding LaGrippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last for hours with little interruption and it seemed that she could not sur vive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in re sults." Trial bottles free at Hill's Drug Store, Regular size 50c and $1. F6ur Big Successes. Having the needed merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them, the followfng four remedies have reached a phenomenal ale: Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colas, each bottle guaranteeu-r.ciectric lingers, the great remedy for Liver, stomach and kidneys. BuckR:n's Arnica Salve, the best in the wortd, and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to do just what is claimed for them and the dealer whose name is attached herewith will be glad to tell you more of them. Sold at Hill's Drug Store. WHAT A COMBINATION Just Arrived. .Our tremendous Fall Stock of Goods THE CHEAPEST, PRETTI EST AND BEST STOCK WE HAVE EVER HAD, CONSIST ING OF Dry Goods, GlotHinfl, Boots and Snoes, fiftTSand NOTIONS, 3000 Lbs TOBACCO, From 15c to uCc per pound, One car loapof Now Flour from $2.75 to $3.25, all kinds of groceries and crockery. We are determ ined to sell; come and got the Biggest Bargains ever offered in Goldsboro. Ed L Edmundson &Bro 'THE. HUSTLERS. I! You want GO TO SOUTHERN COTTON MILLS. advantages possesses for The Boston Herald sa "The progress which is made in the Southern States in the manufacture of the courser o-rades of cotton textile fabrics has occasioned some little con cern among those manufacturers in New England who are em nloved in a similar class of work Until the competition in the South set in. goods of this class were manufactured here at a lower cost, we believe, than in anv other nart of the world. We have for manv vears from a pe riod dating long before the civil war sfin t cotton cloths of this character to China and India, and have sold them in competi tion with those of native and foreign producers. Indeed, the only way in which the English have succeeded in underselling us has been by heavily sizing their cotton goods, thus giving starch instead of cotton cloth to their purchasers. But a number of standard grades of New Eng land manufacture ihave been as well known in China as in the United States. The South is now asserting it self, and bv the use of Northern canital and to ouite an extent of Northern mill machinery is ad vancing at such a rate that sev era! of the large manufacturing corporations are thinking of lo eating their mills in the South ern States, or ' at least locating there that part of their plant which they wish to use for the manufacture of the coarser counts of cotton. 'there are certain obvious which the South this class of work. In the firs place the mills are located, very near the source of supply, so that there is a saving in the cost of manufacture. The climatic conditions are favorable, for, while the summers are little if any hotter than our Northern summers are, the winters are much warmer, and as an equable climate, and particularly consid erable humidity, are qualities favorable to the work of cotton spinning and weaving, the South has in these respects advantages distinctly its own when compared with what our northeastern dis trict has to offer." As the Atlanta Journal says -while the tone of this article is ind. exceptions must be taken to some of the ideas it conyeys. While the South has received much, aid from Northern capital in the development of its cotton manufacturing industry our peo ple have not depended entirely upon such investments. They are ready always . to welcome capital from other sections, and the South offers it advantages in many lines of industry which it cannot find elsewhere. But it must tbe remembered that the first impulse to manufacturing m in fho Smith since the war was . given by Southern enterprise and Southern capital, and that our owrf people have put many miiiinrsnf mnnfiv into such en- tornTiapa. The great mills at Augusta and Columbus represent Southern The Populist party has alwaj-s denounced the Republican party as the author of all the iniquitous legislation that has been en acted since 1800, as the author of all the class legislation which has afflicted the country, 'and as the special champion of trusts 4. and monopolies. In view of the attempted fusion of the Populists and Republicans - ,-, f 1 1 m Aorui uaroima. anu m oruer that our Populist friends may see what the Republicans think about them, we publish the fol lowing extract from the Repub lican Campaign Text Book for 1894, prepared by the National Republican Congressional Com mittee, pages 2r9 and 260: 'The objections which present themselves to this party (Popu lists and its demands are: 1. That, being based on an assumption of the poverty and destitution of the masses, it is in danger of becoming an organized attack on all rights of private property and must end in Anar chy" or Communism. No one should enter the party who is not prepared to follow it to one or tiae other of these extremes. 2. That, being an attempt to organize one class oi citizens against another class, laborers j against capitalists, it must lead to more pronounced conflicts, ag gregate all the evils ot organized lockouts and strikes, and tends to civil war, not to peace. That, being based on charges of universal corruption and fraud, it tends to break down all confidence of man in man, anil begets the very corruption it charges, in its own followers as well as others. Evil grows in him who evil thinks. ' The short experience of this party already demonstrates its demoralizing in fluence. That, whilst charging univer sal corruption upon all branches of the Government, .National and State, it proposes to infin itely multiply the means and re wards of corruption, by multi- plvinsr the Governmental control oi tue production ana aistriQu tion of wealth. When public of ficers are charged witri the cre ation, loaning and collecting of almost unlimited amounts of monev: with the owning and management oi enterprises re quiring the employment and dis charge ot hundreds oi thousands of men; where will be the limit of peculation and fraud? If we cannot have honest omcers witn the present very limited temp tations and means of stealing, what can we expect with the unlimited opportunities propos ed? Human nature will be the same, and results must be m proportion to the means offered.' State of Ohio, cit of Toledo, Lucas county. Frank ,T. Cheney makes oatb that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DUL LARS for each and every case of ca rarrh that'eannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. ( ' ) - seal. A W Gleasox, - ( ) Notary Public. Hall's catarrh cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blood and'mueuous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co, Toledo, O. gg"Sold by druggists, $75 Reli ble Groceries i R. E. PIPKIN. Walnut Street, Goldsboro, N. G- Sure Enough Our Patrons Scitj So, An cl Wo BelievG thorn, Morning J oij Rotjal Blend (Java and Mocha) W&. W. R. R. & BRANCHES AND FLORENE R A.ILROAD. CONDENCED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTn. DATED Jan. 11, '94 Lv "Weldon Ar R'y Mt Nop 22 D'ly No 35 D'ly Ar Tarb'ro Lv Tarb'ro Lv R'y Mt Lv Wilson. Lv Selma.. Lw FayetU Ar F'o'ncc CASTORIA is truly a marveloa thing for children. Doctors prescribu it, medical journals recommend it and more than a million mothers are using it . in place of paregoric, Bateman's Drops, so-called soothing sprups and othor narcotic and stupefying remedies. Casoria is the quickest tiling to regu ate the stomach and bowels and give heathy sleep the world has ever seen. It is pleasant to the taste and absolute ly harmless- It relieves constipation, quiets pain, cures diarrhoea and wind colic, allays feverishness, destroys worms, and prevents convulsions, sooth es the child and gives it refreshing and natural sleep. Castoria is the eh panacea the mother's friend. Castoria is put up in one-size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don't al low' any one to sell you anything else on the plea'or promise that it is "just as tood" and ''will answer every purpose. Summer Excursions Old Dominion in 6 . , For New York . . Leaving Norfolk and Portsmonth, Va., daily except Friday and Sunday at 7 p. m. From Richmond, Va.. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 5 p. m. (Via J ames River. The ships of the Old Dominion Steamship Co. are lirst class and espe- ciallv arranged for the comfort of the travelling public and offer the advant ages of a cool and delightful sea trip. au nrst oiass ucKets in clude meals and state room accommodations. First class fare from Norfolk to New York $3,00; and return $13,00, Two new fast and powerful teamships, Jamestown & Yorkt3wn, Leave Norfolk every Monday, Thurs- V anu Saturday evemrg, arriving in New York early follow ?ncr afternoon in time to make all eveuii g connections for points beyond. For tickets and general information applv to railroad ticket ag nits, or tc G W Allen & Co. 1301 Min street, Richmond, Va: M 15 Crowd:, Norfolk, Va: J N Smith, llygea Hotel. Old Point Comfort, Va: or to W. L. GUILLaUDEU, V. Pres. and Traffic Manage, General offices of the Company. Pie1 26, N. R. (foot of Beach st. ) New York. Goffee Has rjo eqlial oi tlje market When you. wish the call it Bizzell Bros Go JFernembep Roy all & Lv Wilson. L Goldsb.. Lv Magno Ar Wii'tn MP M 47 y 51 55' 10 45 35 12 07 55'10 45 45 No 47 D'ly fe, Fa rape,- Southqn Railway. (PIEDMONT AIR LINE.) Richmond & Daijville and N. C. Divisions. in effect June 17, 1894. This condensed schedule is published as information and is subject to change without notice to the public. A m!a 12 05 No 47 Dly P M 2 05 3 00! 4 13 5 ro! 1 15 3 27 6 00 4 Ou fi b, A 0 7 8 10 TltAINS GOING NORTH. Borden i No No No DATED 78 ! 14 40 Jan. 1, ,lJ4. D'ly D'ly. D'ly. Aid; PM J Lv Flo'nce 7 30i 7 05 i Lv Fayetv 10 27j""' 9 20 Lv Selma.. i2 10 Ar Wilson. 1 05 " ' '1 1 18 No" 48 my " A M P M Lv Wii'tn. 9 00: 7 OOi Lv Magno 10 40; 8 37 Lv Golusb.12 00:""; 9 4b Ar Wilson. 12 45 " ' 10 35 No No. 78 14 DMy. Dly IP M P M P M Lv Wilson.! 1 15 11 2310 4u Ar R'y Mt 2 0".! 12 05111 25 ! I Ar Tarb'ro 2 35! 1 Lv Tarb'ro 12 54 j j P M A M i' M LvR'v Mti 2 07 !12 0o, .... Ar Woldonl 3 17 . . . . 12 50 . . . . Z 23 4 30 DAILY SOUTHBOUND NOS, N0. 35 & 9 Daily. Li Richmond 12 40 p 12 5(5 a L uurkville 2 30 p 2 40 a L Keysville 3 11 p 3 20 a A Danville 5 31 p 5 35 a L Danville 5 50 p 7 00 a A Greensboro 7 28 p 8 40 a L Goldsboro 2 00 p f5 00 p A Raleigh 4 05 p 8 20 p U ualeigh 4 10 p 8 45 a Li Durham 5 15 p 0 44 a A Greensboro 7 20 p 8 35 a L winston-Salem f(5 05 p 5 40 a L Greensboro 7 35 p 8 55 a A Salisbury 9 0s p 10 25 a A statesville 11 19 a A Asheville 4 00 p A Hot springs 5 3(5 p L Salisbury 9 15 p 10 30 a A Charlotte 10 40 p 12 00 a A Spartanburg 12 57 a 2 58 p A Greenville 1 52 a 4 05 p a Atlanta (C, T.) 5 20 a 9 30 p L Charlotte 10 50 a A Columbia 2 15 a A Augusta 8 42 a A Charleston (S.C, 1 1 30 a A savana'h (FC&P 5 30 a A Jacksonville .1 10 a no. 37 Daily 5 40a (i 58a f6 05p 6 ;8a 8 11a 8 11a 9 25a 11 37a 12 2p 3 55 p 9 Soa 12 55p 4 02p 8 45p 4 3()p 9 35p NOH'lHIBOUND. DAILY. NOS. 10 & 30 no. 12 no. 38 W.L $3 SHOE IS THE BEST. NO SQUEAKING. Y7 IRE HOOD & BRITT'5 Qui ojjC 4T X 1b ajprec.7tQ a, qooA, boATf cdw more lka.iv Was Vvwtolore AltOWtv . fills lovv Vdt want , ViHs.t one, vxsecX sA good "to use. Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS. I S HEADQUARTERS for Spun Cotton and Knitting . Cotton 300 pounds knitting cotton just received white and colored. We Keep None But The Best! KITTING WOOL too all colors, We sell Cushing'a Per- t fofttion Dyes for color- . ing cotton "and wool. Tii isl dves on the mavket. Por- Sectlv fast polors. 1 HQD0 & BRITT B. H. NOXON, BREEDER OF Wliite LeQliorns AND . White Wuandottes KNflPF STRAIN, Which are destined to be come America's leading varieties. Special atten- tention given to selection o E,qqs For Hatching,- At $1.50 for IB; $2.50 for 26; $8.00 per 100. Stock for sale at all times. Elm street. ItHaca, N. y. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. LIFE, ACCIDENT FIRE AND . LIVE STOCK None but first-class compa nies represented. A sJiare of you-'' patronage is sc'te-itedf, $5. CORDOVAN, 34,$3.5- FlNECALF&kMGARDl $ poLICE.3 Soles. 2 A7- BoysSchoolShoes. LADIES' tST SEND F0R CATALOGUE BROCKTON, AlASS. You can saTC money by purchasing W.I. Douicla f?hoe-, iwrnii.. ire aretiie larirest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping trie name ana price on the bottom, which protects you against hig! Vn. i-1-.iHrlli.maTi's -nrofits. Our shoes . i . 1- n dir. . t e . . fittinir arf equal custom wui iu . jj ; 1,1 ivearinsj qualities. We have them sold every where at lower prices for the value given thaa anv other make. Take no substitute. If your dealtr cannot supply you, we can. bold by HOOD & BRITT, Goldsboro," N. G. Cuticura Remedies Are Pure Sweet Gentle And Most Economical Because Speedily Effective. Mothers and Children Are their Warmest Friends ARE SHOWING THE LARGEST SELECTION OF CARPETS IN THE CITY. who has scuii them The Low prices is the remark of everyone Now is the time you need them. New lot just received. CALL IJEFORE BUYING. PI o y c 1 1 1 & Borden FURNITURE DEALBR8. 17 Gar Loads Fresti oofls Now unioadino. AT- o .Privetts Cheap Gash Store, 3 Car Loads Bagging, Bags asd lies. 1 Car Load " " Flour (all grades) 1 " " Wheat Bran, 1 " " " Bolted Moal and chops', 1 " u White and Yellow Cjrn. 2 " " L " Seed Rye, 2 " " Food Oats, Choice Timothy Hay, Best Rock Lime Portland & Rosen '1 Com' Plaster and Laths, Fine and Coarse Salt. Coffee, Lard, Rico Snuff Chops, Cow Toed, Hams, Mullets A LSO Bulk meats, Candy, Oakes, Sugar Tobacco, Pea meal, Cotton bd moal, I Cheese, Ftc. j Kte. The above mentioned goods are offered at tho very lowest cash prices. Bold throughout tie world. Price, Cuticura, 50c; Soap, 25c; Resolvent, 91. Potter Drug and Chem, Corp., Sole Pro prietors, Boston. Jt3 " How to Cure Skin and Blood Diseases,' mailed free. B M PRIVETT. August 29, 1894. MAGNETIC UhtinnE. '( 0tS-' gatranUe o cur.. Sp P3 HV--jf-H t;o, PV-s, Dizii- (L' ;3 W i eBS.Hcc.diichoimi. aS'v'T i I'euru'iiriaaiidWBko- BEF-ORE - AFTER" JNO. II. ce Oin. Drug Store HILL, Agent fulness, caused by ex cetvircusuoiOpium, Tobacco aud Alco hol; Mental Deprep eioa. Softenineoi tho Bruin, couslne Miaerv. Insanity and Death : BiirreueB, Impoten.'.y, Lt't Power in either Fex, Premature Old AkS lEvolimtary Losses, caueed by ovor-indulgencp, OTov-esoriiou of the Brain and Errors or Youth, jt rivds tu uiyanB tiieir Natural Vigor and doublos tho Joys of life; curee "LucorrhCBa and FemMe Wftakuofii. A tjimth's treat ment, in plain packape, by mail, to any arWress, $1 per box, 6 boxes J5. With every fc order we (five a Written Cuare"tee to cure or refund the money. Circulars free. Guaranty isund only by our ex. elusive agent. For Sale by M. E. ROBINSON & Bro. Goldsboro, NC. L Augusta (E. Li Columbia A- charlotte Li Atlanta (U. T. A charlotto L. charlotte A Salisbury Li Hot springs L, A asheville Li Statesville A Salisbury Li Salisbury A Greensboro A winston-salo L Greensboro A Durham A Kalcioh A Goldsboro L, Goldsboro Li Raleig h A Greenlboi'o Li Greensboro A Danville A Keysville A Uurkeville A Richmond T.) 7 ttO p 3 21) a S 40 a 9 00 p 30 u 7 00 a 8 28 a 130p j h 10p ! 8 30p 8 00 a 12 OOn i 40 p 8 2!p 8 3!)p !t 4.)p 8 33 10 0.j 11 lo 00 p 8 2o 12 44 p 2 30 p 7 11 p 8 00 p 8 30 p 10 Oo p 11 0ip TD 2o a "'J 2oa 4!lp 11 ju a iz oi a: 12 00 ni 3 35 a! 1 00 p7 30 a! .J 00 pjtl 00 pi .) UO p o 4o p 8 30 a 10 10 a 11 4o a 2 18 p 3 00 p 4 oO p no . on,. 4 10 p; 4 Kip 7 20 a 10 20p 10 10 p 1 1 O'.ip 11 40 p 2 27a 3 0 a' 3 20a 4 08 a 4 0a 20 a ! j 20a fDaily except Sunday. Between West Point and Richmond. Leave west Point 7 00 am daily, and 8 oO am daily except Sunday and Mon day; arrive KiehmondO 0o and JO 40 am. Returning leave Richmond 3 10 and 4 4o pm daily except Sunday; arrive west o and 0 0"i pm. A U li 01 Monday. J Daily ex- carry only Pullman first-clas:-accomxio fDaily except ceit Sunday. these trains paeng'ers hoLuin J at ions. Train on the Scotland Branch Roa- leaves Velilon 3:40 p. m., Halifax -t o m., arriving- Scotland JNock at 4:4. p m, u-reonvnie :J i p m, Xvinston in. Retuining leaves Kmston i.. m., Greenville 8.22 a in. arrivin;- Halifax at 11 a m, Weldoa J 1.20 a in daily except Sunday. Trams on W ashmgton l,ranch leave Washington 7.00 a m, arrives Parnfloc 8.40 a m, Tarboro O.oO a m, returning leaves Tarboro 4.40 p m, Pa-mleo (5.10 pm, arrives WTashingt m 7.3o p m, oaily xcei)t Sunday. Ijronnocts with trains on Scotland Keck Branch. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albemarle and Raleigh Railwrv daily except bunday, at o.OO p m, Ssanday 3.00 p m, arrives X'lymoutn u.u p m and 6.20 p. el Returning- leaves Plymonth daily, ex cept Sunday, 5.30 am, Sunday 0.30 a m, arrive larboro JO.o a. in, anu 11.4;; p. m. Tram on juiuianu jn u urancn leave Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 0.0 a. rn, arriving Smithlield 7 30 a m. Re turning loaves Smithlield S.00 a in, ar rive at Goldsboro 9.30 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 4.30 p. rn., arrives JSashvillo o.Oo p m, Spring- nope ;.di p. m. Returning- leaves Spring Hoi 8.00 a. m.. Nashville 8.3o a m, atrivs at Rocky Mount 0.15 a in, daily excepl Sunday. Train on Liatta urancn r lorence Railroad, leaves Latta 0.30 p m.; arrive Dunbar 7.40 p m. Returning leaves Dunbar, 0.30 a m; arrive Latta 8.00 a m. Daily except Sunday. Train on Cimton Branca leaves Warsaw for Clinton daily, except Sin - day at 4.10 p m. Returning- loaos Clinton at 7.20 a. m., connecting al Warsaw with main line trains. Train No 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points JNorth daily, all rail via Richmond aud daily except Sunday via Portsmouth and Bay Lino. Also at Rocky Mount witn jNoriolK ana Carolina Railroad for Norfolk daily and all points North via Norfolk dailA except Sunday. John F. DiVKE,Genl Supt. J. R. Kkmly, Gen. Man'g-. T. M. Emerson, Traffic Man'g-. Between Richmond and Kaloisrh via Keysville. Leave Richmond 12 40 pin, daily: loavo Keysville 3 40 pm; arrive oxford 0 do pm, Henderson 7 00 pm, Durham 7 40 pm, Raleigh 7 30 am. Returning- leave Ral eigh o 45 am, daily, Durham 10 am, Hen derson f)30 am, oxfordl 1 34 am; arrivo Keysvilo 2 00 pm, Richmond 4 50 pm, daily. Trains on o. &, H. R.R. leave oxford o am and ti 10 pm, daily except Sunday, 1140 pm, daily, and arrive Henderson 5 50 am and 7 00 pm, daily except sun day and 12 30 pm daily. Returning leave Henderson 0 30 am and 7 20 pm daily ex cept Sunday, and 4 30 pm daily, and ar rive at oxford 7 25 am and 8 10 pm, daily except Sunday, and 5 20 pm daily. N'os. 35, 30 and 38 connect at Richmond fram and to West point and lialtimoro daily except Sunday. SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. On trains nos. 35 and 30 Pullman Dullett Sleeier between New York, At- anta and Jacksonville, and between Charlotte and Augusta. On nos. 37 and 38 Pullman sleeping ars between New York t:ad new oi ¬ lcans, new York and Jacksonville and ampa. and between new York and sheville and Washington, Memphis and Augusta. Dining car Greensboro to Montgomery. On trains nos. 12 and 35 Pullman sleeper between Greensboro and Raleigh. Trains nos. 11 and 12 runs solid be- woen Richmond and Atlanta and car y Pullman sleeping cars between Richmond, Danville and Greensboro. , Berkley, J. S. B. Thompson, superintendent, superintcn"!, Greensboro. N. C. Richmond, V a. W. A. TURK, Goti'l Passenger Agent, Washington, 1). C. II. Hardwiok, Asst. Gon'lPass. AgU Atlanta. Ga. W. II. Gueen, J. M. nip, Gen'l Manager, Traffic Mangr, Washington, D. C. Washington, D.C. W. N. and N. Railway. In Effect Mondau, Jan. 2994. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND 4 2 13 P M AM AM PM 2 15 6 45 lv Wilmington ar 11 55 j 30 4 19 10 23 lv jaeksonvile ar 10 08 a 60 4 C5 11 02 lv Maysville ar 9 33 3 10 5 01 11 10 lvpollocksvilear 9 lb 2 50 5 45 12 10 ar Newborn lv 8 40 1 00 For Rent Two houses on North Centre street; or will rent rooms separate to defaira ble tenants. Apply to MRS. E. A. COGDEDL. Oct. 25, 18i)4j . DR. J. M. PARKER, Dental Surgeo OfliceRooms OVER Li. D. jGIDDEN'S STORE. Goldsboro N n Fall-1894. We are receiving and offering to the trading public the greatest bargains ever ottered In General Merchandise Watch Our Prices, Indigro Blue Prints oc, Turkey Rod Prints oc, batoen prints 5c, all of which are sold at 0 and 7c at othor places Big Jobs In Umbrellas, Our $1.50 Umbrella for, $1.25; Our $1.5 Umbrella at $1.00 All kinds of Notions at cut prices. .. . . Bargains in Shoes, all Kinds. , - Bleaching from 4c up, Plaids jfrpm 1 4c up, Unbleached Homespun 4c"up. All kinds of Hosiery at cut prices. Novelties in Dress goods. A beautiful line of dress patterns and trirnioing-s. E. & Li. Collars and cuffs at cut prices, collars 12ic,cuffs 25c Suspenders worth 40c for 25c, worth 25c for 12ic. 200 Suits of clothes at January prices, that is, with the tariff off. STlemember the place. soutnerland.BPinkleu&Go Trains 1 and 4 make close connec tion with trains on A & N C K R for Morehead city and Beaufort. Steamers on New River leave Jack sonville daily, except Sunday, for )ia rines and intermediate points at 7:30 a m, arriviner at Jacksonville on return at 3 :00 p m. H A Whiting, Gen'l Manager J W Martenis, Gen'l PassengerAgt Ward's Tonsorial Palace I am prepared to announce to my patrons and the public g-enerallythat J have the best equipped and most satis factory TONSOR1AL PALACE in the State, and all the leading Barbers ia the city are now employed in my estab lishment and areas follows: JIM BATES, CHARLES H. DENT, JOHN D. WILLIAMS, Wm. BEST Atlantic & Nortli Carolina R.R. IN EFFECT OCT. 1, 1804. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. PASSKNGKR. NO. 3. NO. 4. EASTBO'D. W'ESTIiO'D. LEAVE AlllUVK Gol sboro 3 20 p: m. 11 10 a. in. Best's 3 46 10 40 l'vk LaG range 3 59 iO 25 a. m. Falling Creek 4 13 10 00 Kiuston 4 30 ! 53 CaswoU 4 45 0 3!) Dover 4 55 0 28 Core Creek 5 Oil 0 12 Tuscarora 5 25 8 58 Clark' " 31 8 48 Newbern 5 58 8 30 Biverdale 0 25 7 52 Cro ttan 6 30 7 47 riavelock 6 40 7 33 Newport 7 iG 7 13 Wild wood 7 14 7 03 Atlanta 7 18 ti 58 Morehead city 7 33 (i 47 Daily except Sunday. EASTUOUND. NO. 1 M1XKU. Leave Goldsboro 6 30 a. m. Kinston 8 30 Dover 10 02 Arv'e Newbern 12 15 p. in. , Daily except Sunday. WESTBOUND No. 2 MIXED Leave Newbern 2 30 p. m. Dover 4 5tj Kinston 0 00 Arrive Goldsboro 8 25 BETWEEN NEWBERN & 5IOREHEAD. No. 5, mixed freight and passenger, leaves Nowbern Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3.00 p. m , arriving at Morehead at 5.16. No. (5, mixed freight and passenger, leaves Morehead Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7,00 a. m., arriving at Newbern at 10.32 a. m. Train NO. i connects with W. & W. train Northbound leaving Goldsboro at 11:55 a. in., and with Southern Railway train west leaving Goldsboro 2:00 p. m. and with W, N. & N, at Newbern for Wilmington. Train no. j Railway train arriving at Goldsboro at 3:00 p. m., and with W. & W. train - Thanking the generous public for the past liberal patronage, I respectfully solicit a contuance of the same. , A. D.WARD Goldsboro, N. C. connects with Southern V.1 from the North at 3:05 p. m. No 1 train also connects with W. JN. &.JN. for Wil mington, S. L. DILL, Suporindont. W. S. CHADWICK, President.

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