The J3rgtis. PUBLISHED BY THE ARGUS PUBLISHING Joseph E. Robinson, Editor, Walter' A. Bonitz, Business Man, Entered at the Post Office ,4t Golds !S.Al;V boro. N. C, as Second-Clai tter. GOLDSBORO, N. C. pEC. 20 1894 BUSINESS ANXOtNCEMEXr. The Argus Publishing Company Succeeds to thei Ownership and Management 0f The Argus Print ing House. With this issue The Aug us, its entire ulant. circulation and good will become the property of the The Argus Publishing Company, which when duly or ganized, and with Mr. Jos. E. Kobinson as President and Mr. Walter A. Bonitz. Secretary and Treasurer, will conduct The Argus and a general printing tfcatsiness in this city al V Akgus will be edited, as hereto iore, by Mr. Robinson, and Mr Bonitz will be its business man ager, as also of the extensive iob printinff department of the paper. In coming into the newspaper work in Goldsboro Mr. Bonitz needs no words " of introduction to our people or to newspaper readers throughout the State, other than the simple announce ment of who he is for Golds boro is the home of his nativity, and in his chosen profession he is, indeed, "to the manner born,' being the son of the late lament ed Julius A. Bonitz, founder and editor of the old Goldsboro Messenaer, which built up here and enjoyed under his manage ment the largest circulation ol any newspaper in North Cam lma, and in building itsell up built up Goldsboro, as.well, infus ing into her as she grew, and leaving to her as a rich legacy, that spirit of intrepid enterprise and heroic endurance that has marked her proud progress and sus tained her in dire vicissitudes the same that characterized him through life, carving success in the face of adversity and causing him to rise superior to every emergency. It will be the ambition of the new management but no new ambition of The Akgus to build the paper up into a truly great newspaper; and this should be the common ambition of the community, causing every citizen to give to the enterprise the fullest possible measure of patronage and personal encour agement, of which it shall ever be our purpose to make the paper worthy, and without which we cannot accomplish onlv in pro- portion those achievements for the welfare and prosperity of our city and section we so earn estly desire and, at this time, so confidently expect. It is needless to urge upon a people as intelligent as Argus readers are, the merits of a newspaper as the exponent of the progress and its possibilities as a factor in the upbuilding of the community from which it is published and the section through which it circulates. It is with reason, therefore, that we look for, and right that we should re ceive, the material aid of all who desire to see Goldsboro go for ward and become as an opulent benefactor set upon a hill shower ing of the abundance of her pros perity upon all who help to make and sustain it. For ten years The Argus has endeavored to accomplish the best results for Goldsboro, for the happiness and prosperity of all the people, and, to merit the confidence and patronage of its follow citizens. Its record in the past is an earnest of its future course. It is the purpose of the new management to keep the paper abreast of the news circles of the day and of the political world, as well, and to this end we have secured a semi-weekly Washing .. ton letter, which, after this is sue, will appear in ever Thursday and Sunday edition: and with the opening of the new year, a daily Raleigh letter will be a feature of the paper, giving a compre hensive report of the proceed ings of the Legislature, and news of interest from the State capital. In local affairs The Argus will endeavor to keep its readers in formed of all happenings of in- , terest in the community, and will labor assiduously for the ad vancement of its fellow citizens along all lines of legimate and substantial progress. In politics The Argus will be, as ever, unswervingly Democ ratic, advocating the principles of Democracy and standing steadfastly by the policies of the party and its administration. In business the paper will be con ducted on a strictly cash basis, and all who are in arears are called upon to settle up at once, otherwise, after January 1st their paper will be discontinued and steps taken to collect their in debtedness. Citron, currants, dates and spices of all kinds and anything in the confec tionery line at C. F. Griffin 'b. . The Noblest Roman of them All. ' Lexington, Ky., Dec. 16. The Leader publishes a letter from Gen. Cassius M. Clay to Senator John A. Hodges thank ing the latter for his indignant protest in the Lexington Observer against the discreditable treat ment of the illustrious abolition ists by certain newspapers on thfi occasion of his recent mar riage to his fifteen-year-old ward Senator Hodsres' editorials re viewed Gen. Clav's wonderful cn,rppr nnci aeciarea : xxau. iiv lived in the days of the Roman empire he would have passed into history as the noblest itoman oi them all." Gen. Clav savs: "In marry " V ,i T mg a young gin anu a- peasant, . Vint, PYPrH sed the privilege al lowed the humblest Citizen of the Mi t,VI tfid mvmonev jcuuu, " "1 . " as it tileases me, and cO rule my own household and nothing more, good frame buildings with brick chim The disparity of ages is our own neys. business and nobody else's. My ritdd regard for the physical as well as the moral laws of the sit uation places me beyond the cavil of inferior souls, who criticise me so severely. After all, love and sensualism or passion are as far apart as night and day. Pas sion punishes and ma3T degrade, but love rehnes and elevates. Love is immortal. My experi ence in life shows me that a vounsr eirl may love an old man intensely, for love is of the soul, passion of the body. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SAL V The Best Salve in the World for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever. Sores,Tetter, Chap ned Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required, it is guar- nntl tr mvp r.prfpp.t. satisfaction or UIU lVvA fc'V 1 w w money refunded. Trice 25 cents per bottle, for sale bv J, II. Hill & Son, ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so wtl known and bo popular as to need no spec ial mention. All who nave used Udetric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A Durer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Elec tric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Piniples, Boils. Salt Rheum and other affections caused bv impure blood. will drive Mal aria from the system and prevent as well as cur3 all Malarial fevers. For cure ol Headache, Constipation and Indigestion trv Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction ffuaranteed.or money refunded. Price 50 cts.and f 1.00 per bottle at J.H.Hill&S'n't Drugstore IT SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOUSE J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St. Sharpsburi Pa., says he will not be without Di King's New Discovery for Consumption Couarhs and Colds, that it cured his wilt who was threatened with Pneumonia alter an attact of "La Grippe," when various other remedies and several phy - iiniitns had done her no good. Kobert Ban iier. of CooksDort. Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good ! lian anything he ever used for Lune Trouble. Nothing like it. Trv it.Free Trial !Jo:tlea at J. H. Hill & Son's Drug Stow L.irge bottles, 50c. and $1.00. IVhen Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became "Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave tlieui Castoria. tate of Ohio, cit of Toledo, ) Lucas county, f Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said linn will pay the sum of ONE HUN JOKED DOL LAKb for each and every case of ca tarrh that:cannot be cured bv Hall Catarkh Cure. FRAXK J. CHENEY SEAL. A Yv7 GLEASON, ( ) Notary Public. Hairs catarrh cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucuous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co, Toledo, O. CSold by druggists, $7oc. CASTORIA is truly a marveloe thing- for children. Doctors preseribu it, medical journals recommend it and more than a million mothers are using it in place of paregoric, Bateman's Drops, so-called soothing sprups and othor narcotic and stupefying remedies. Casoria is the quickest thing to regu- ate tne stomach, and bowels ana give hea thy sleep the world has ever seen. It-is pleasant to the taste and absolute ly harmless- It relieves constipation, quiets pain, cures diarrhoea and wind colic, allays feverishness, destroys worms, and prevents convulsions, sooth es the child and gives it refreshing and natural sleep. Castoria is the eh oanacea the mother's friend. Castoi'ia is put up in one-size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don't al low an,y one to sell you anything else on the plea'or promise that it is "just as tood" and will answer every purpose. CURED OF SCROFULA By Mrs. Joe Persons Remeiiy" Oxford, N. C, Feb. 2i, -94 Mrs. Joe Person: uear Maaam we nave tried your Remedy on hve of ourcaildren'with the best of results. These children had been troubled with Scrofula for some tiniei being naturally very delicate. Thej' are now well. 1 regard your Kemay as panacea for this fearful disease. I am. yours sincerely, W. S. Black, D. D Supt. Oxford Orphanage Notice- Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wayne county J. C, m the petition oi John .1. lvey ana othors to the court, dated Nov. 1 1834, I will sell on Saturday, Dec. 8. 1894, at 12 o'clock m.. at the residence of the late Thomas Sutton in New Hope township, Wayne - county, N. C. the tract of land situate in said New Hope township, containing two hun dred (276) and seventy-six acres, more or less, and being the lands on which the said Thos. Sutton resided at the time of his death, subject to the dower of Ann J. Sutton, the widow of the said Thos. Sutton, which has been assigned therein. - Terms of sale one-third cash, bal ance in equal installments in one and two years bearing internst from con firmation of sale at 8 per 'cent until paid; title retained until purchase money is paid in full. C J. DAIL. Oomims-.ioner. ' Nov. 17, 18'J4 ASSignee'sSale. Valuable property for sale, one lot jx the city of Goldsboro on which R. P. Howell, now resides, situated at the Southwestern interection of West e n- tre and Spruce streets, 131x205 feet on which there is a handsome residence, and necessary out-buildings adjoin ing this lot at the Southwestern cor ner is a lot 73x109 feet which will be sold with the above. One lot on West entre street 90x205 feet with barn and stables, thereon. Each of the above two lots are well shaded by a beautiful and well-grown oak grove something- to be desired and seldom found. Tms is your -opportunity and perhaps your only one to secure a nice home, as desireable building- lots likely to come on the market "are scarce. One vacant lot fronting' on James street 109 feet and running back 132 eet giving ample room for twotennant houses in a part of the city where ten ants are easily obtained. One valuable farm 3 miles irom Goldsboro, in Fork Township, contain 132 acres by survey; 9 acres of hich gne state of cultivation and has on it 8 W. T. YELVERTOX, Asssignee of R. P. Howell, Goldsboro,' N. C. Land Sale on Monday, December 24th. 1S9-1, at 12 o'clock m., I will sell at the court house in Goldsboro to the highest bid der, that valuable farm known as the Dick Rollins farm," situated witlnn one mile and a half of Beston, 0 miles of Goldsboro. on the line of the A. & N. C. R. R., containing 'alO acres, more or less, having an 8 or 10 horse farm cleared, and being well supplied witli tenant houses, and heavil y tim bered. J. A. HAD LEY, Adm'r Dick Rollms. NotiGG ! Having this day qualified before the clerk of the Superior court of Wayne county. North Carolina, as executor of the last will and testament of V. F. Kornegav, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons inde tate of W. P. Koinegay, bted to the es- to make im mediate payment and to all, persons homing claims against his estate to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before, Nov. tith. !!... or tins notice v. iil oe pieaaeu m oar ol their recovery. This, the 5th day of November, A. U. KORNEGAY, Executor of W. F. Koinegay Goldsboro, N. C. NtlG3 D 3 1 Under and bv virtue of a judgment of the Superior court of Wayne county, N. C, rendered at September term. 1894. in the case of Stevenson. Alex ander & Co. et als vs. Geo. W. Lane et al. I shall sell for cash bv public auction at the court house in Golds boro, X. C., on Monday. Jan. 7, 1805, at 12 o'clock ra., the interest of Geo. W. Lane, being an undivided one fourth interest subject to the life estate of Mis. Celia Lane, in and to a tract of land in JSiahunta township. Wayne county. Js, C., known as the 'Home 1'Iaee oi 13 ry ant li. Lane. upon wmen t he said 13 ry ant n. nine resided at the time of his death, and upon which Mrs. Celia Lane now re sides, containing 410 acres more or less. B. F. AY, OK, Xon, 30, "91. Commissioner. NotiGe of Sale, Under and by virtuo of a judgment of the Superior court of Wayne coun- v. A. U., rendered at Am H term, lb.(4. in the case of Bank of Wayne, et al s. li. P. Howell et al. I shall sell for cash by public auction at the court house uoor m vio'usooro. a. v.. on Monday, Jan. 7, 10", at 13 o'clock m., the tract of land in Wayne county, N. C, fully described in a deed executed bv E. B. Borden and wife to JX. 1'. Howell, dated Feb. 14, 1881, registered in book 4(i. page SiSt. in the office ofthe Register of Deeds of Wayne county, to which reference is made for further description, known as the Garriss land. and lvinsr on Little River, in 1- ork township, containing-20 J acres, more or less. F. A. DANIELS. Nov. 30 ?,.i4. Commissioner. M. E. Robinson & Bro IN A BOTTLE Of Liver and Kidney Cure. You will find a gift that the children": banta claus cannot bestow namely, neaitn. Ldie without it is a failure W hy not regain the vigor of youth with a 73e bottle of this cure? it has been a friend m need, indeed, to thou sands. Give it a chance, and it will hcrp you. Do not treat that cold, that pain thpse queer feelings with contempt J.ney are danger signals. Take medi cine in time. Enjoy the festive season. Purchase on. Toilet Rexulsites at surprise pri ...... 1 , , wjo inf;o in uttieness anu mase practical presents. M. E- Robinson & Rro West Centre St. GOLDSBORO, N C Tne Racket : East Centre stcet- B. Go lion & Go, IS HEADQUARTERS FOR 0tj6 LSORj 6, toa) AND ALL SORTS OF FANCY GOODS For Christmas Presents. Prices very low lower than the lowest. Don't fail to. cal and examine our goods be fore purchasing. B. Cohn & Go. We will not be undersold; we have y a j "ft Ton the stock and we are going to soil it, C. F, Giat FiN From the riOflENT OF BIRTH use CUTICURA SOAP It is not only the purest, sweetest, and most refreshing of nursery soaps, but it contains delicate emollient properties which purify and beautify the skin, and prevent skin blemishes, occasioned by imperfect cleansing and use of impure soap. Guar anteed absolutely pure by the analytical chemists of the State of Massachusetts. Bad Complexions Dark, yellow, oily, mothy s'.an, pimpl.-s, blackheads, roughness redness, dry, tli'pi, and Jailing hair, and simple baby blemish's prevented and cured by CU'rici'iTA Soap, great est of skin purifying and beautifying soaps. It is so because it strikes at the root of all com plexional disfigurations; viz., the clogged, in flamed, irritated, or sluggish Pore. Saks combined sales oC all greater other s! .in and complexion soaps. Sold throughout the world. Tries, 23c; Ptttrr Pruo and Ciikm. Co:p., Sole Prop., rVstnn. R'tr- ' Ail About the Skin, Complexion, Hands, and Hair," mailed free. Women Full of Pains Aches, and weaknesses find comfort, strength, and renewed vitality in Cuticura Plaster, the first and nly pain-killing, nerve-strengthening platut. Our Tremendous Fall StoGlc of Goods THE .CHEAPEST, 1'IIETT EST AND BEST STOCK WE HAVE EVER HAD. CONSIST ING OF Dry Goods, GIotMnQ, Boots and Stioes, iftTS and NOTIONS. Lbs TOBACCO, irom l :c to ,0c per pound, One car loap of New Flour from $2.7. to ?o.2", all kinds of groeerle: and crockery. We aro doternv ined to e!!: come and get the Big jrest Bargains ever oucrcu in Goldi""iMiro. Ed cOlllulK! on L Bro a Iiook Iiook out! m! o in! Mu him See and price and buy some of my nice freoh F-.-nits and Candies, Grapes, Nuts, Figs, Raisins, Dates, Currants, Cit ron, O.r.bcrrios. etc. I Guarantee to sell as Loav as the Lirvwest. It's Off! What? The Tariff, and my !! and varied stock of FirewoL-ks will sold 'way down. It will be but little trouble to you to come in and price and wo will gladly show our goods. Come, we Guarantee salislaction. g. r. Griniii, Cor. II otel lui iion. TO MARKET PATRONS: I desire to announce to my pa trons,and tha public generally, that in order to better accom modate the extensive trade with which 1 have been so lib erally favored, I have opened a second market a branch of my Arlington Market in the new stand beside the Law building on walnut street, which will be always supplied with the finest of fountainJBeef than the Just flmveo PORK AND SAUSAGE DRESSED POULTRY, ETC. The sales at this branch mar ket will be absolutely for cash.. My book customers aro requested to send their credit orders to my Arlington market, where aione my books will be, kept. Respectfully, : ; ' hi. xJ. HAM Willi SbL Our Stock of 'Watch Our Prices. Must have room by Jan uarv 1st. Our prices are away below pr icesthat are charged by other houses. We call especial attention to our line of SHOES- We have mat received several cases of the celebrated Crossette Shoes: they are given up to be ono of the best shoes in the world for the money. Prices om 82.50 up. A full line of IVevll- man Shoes for Ladies the best 2.00 Shoe in Goldsboro. Ladies' line shoes from GOc up. Ladies spring heel shoes $1.00, up. Corsets, Corsets. We offer during the month of De cember 100 Tricora Corsets in laro-e Nos only 63e, sold elsewhere at $1. A few health cor.-ets, size 18, at 50e. regular price $1 A full lino of the II. & S. corsets at ha''d time prices. Conic to see us and let Gar Greatlu Soutjierland B rresi Goods Now Unloading. - AT - 3 Car Loads 1 lagging, Bags and Ties 2 " " Flour (all grades) 1 " " Wheat Bran, 1 " ' Bolted Meal and chops, 2 " " White and Yellow Coi n, 1 " .Seed Bye, 1 " Seed Wheat A I.tK ) Biilk meats, I andy, Cakes, ,'obacco. I' meal, Cotton Seed meal, Choose, Etc., Etc. The above mentioned M PRIYETT 3 Insurance . y a-.j 4 J Jo' August 29. ISM. (Ob , (C8 1 . S. . 1)16?. vex ; I. B. Having qualified as adm in.istwator of the estate of Stacy Oi Kell y, decease 1, all persons holding; claims ; igainst his estate are notified to pres en them,for payment by Nov. 15, 1895 , o r this . no tice will be pleaded inbaro f thir re-:" covery. D. M. H AR JJY, Adn u Nov..l2. 1S24. : Out Goods at educed Prices. Dress Goods, A full line of Dress Goods, Linings, etc., at cut prices; several very pretty Dress Patterns at a low price. Bleached goods. Sea Island goods, etc., at rock bottom prices. Spool Silk, 1st grade, 8c, cheap 3c. Clark's cotton 4."c per doz.or (5 spools for 25c. 1 Neck Wear. Something very pretty and ehoap. E. & L. Collars and Cuffs at 12i and 25c. Curtain polos, window shades, etc. Blankets 69c. Blankets from (ifie to $5. Stationery at about half price. A full line of trunks and valisas. Hats and Caps, An elegant line of Hats aud Caps prices beyond competition. at us save you money. rinkleu&Go Loads rivett s CASH STFLE, Car Mad Seed Oats, " 1; Choice Timothy ffa? , " '' Best Rock Lime " - Portland & Rosen '1 C era " Plaster and Laths, " ' Fine and Coarse Salt " Rice Meal. 1 Sugar. Clufp, Coffee, Lard, Rice i inult Cow feed, Hams, Birttor foods ate ofTorciJ at the- very lowest cash prices. Company Of New York. ct net Gen'l State Agent . . . . Goldsboro, N. ATE. .s 4H: GROCERIES A: e the kind I have; no old stock for Christmas, or any other time. stock of Groceries is the best lai eest to I e found in this city. prices aro do higher than others nf ?f vnn do not find Higher Grade j.. ; mr octal, lidiraent vou vimfu.i a - not buy. I w'll appreciate yeur for Christmas goods. order FONVIELLE, NotiGe- . Having duly qualified as adininist.ra 1 r on the estate of Dr. John W. Holt, , loeeasod, all persons holding claims v sgainst his estate ar hereby notified them for navment bv Decem- 1 r lt, 1895, or thin notice ,will be .leaded in bar of their recovoif- and j ill persons indebted to said estata are i equested to make immediate payment t o ine, or to my attorney, I. P. Dortch. IO E. J. HOLT, Admr.-;. ' 'jTov. 1G, 1394.,. "..,,.:" : ;:-iJi; Southern Hail way . (PIEDMONT AIR LINE.) Richmond & Danville and N. C. Divisions. in effect June 17, 1S94. This condensed schedule is published as information and is subject to change without notice to the public. DAILY SOUTHBOUND NOS. iNO. ll No. 37 Daily 135 & 9 Daily, j la 60 a 2 40 ai 3 20 a 5 35 a 7 00 a 8 40 a t5 00 p 8 20 p 8 45 a Ja Richmond 12 40 p 2 30 p 3 11 p I. Burkville L Key,sville A Danville L. Danville A Greensboro L Goldsboro 5 31 1 5 5U p 7 23 p no 5 40a ti 58a a Raleigh Li lialeigh It Durham A Greensboro L. winston-saleut L Greensboro 4 05 p 4 10 p i 15 p 7 20 p 6 44 al 8 35 a t 05 p 7 35 p 5 40 a f6 05p ti 58a 8 11a 8 55 a 10 25 a 11 1!) a 4 00 p A Salisbury A statesvilie A Asheville A Hot springs It Salisbury A charlotte A Spartanburg a 05 p 5 30 p 9 15 p 10 30 ai 8 11a 9 25a 10 40 p i 00 a 12 o t a 1 52 a 5 20 a 10 50 a 2 15 a 8 42 a 11 30 a 2 58 p; 4 05 p 9 30 p 11 37a 12 28p A Greenville A Atlanta (C, T ) 3 55p 9 30a It charlotte A Columbia A Aug-usta 12 55p 4 02p A Charleston (s.C j A savana'h (fc&Pj 8 4jp 4 3(p JK55J, 5 30 a 11 10 a a Jacksonville DAILY. NORTHBOUND. NOS. i 10 & 30 NO. 12!no. 38 L AUgUSta (E. T. ) 7 00 p 3 20 a (5 40 a 1 30p 5 lOp 8 30p 12 OOn S !)p 8 3!p 9 4yp it Columbia A charlotte L Atlanta (C. T. ) 9 00 p ! 0 30 a! 8 00 a 0 40 p 7 00 p A charlotte L charlotte A Salisbury It Hot springs It Aasheville L Statesvillt; A Salisbury L Salisbury A Greensboro A winston-sale 1 L Greensboro A Durham a Raleigh A Goldsboro It Goldsboro L Raleigh A Greeulboro 1, Greensboro 7 00 a 8 28 a 8 25 p 12 44 p; 2 30 p! 7 ii p; 8 00 p: 8 30 p 10 05 pi b 33 a 9 49p 11 09p y 25 a 110 05 a 11 I j a;T a il 10 a !2 01 a 12 00 n! 3 35 a 7 30 a 1 00 p 3 00 p Tl 00 p "2 00 p 5 00 p Ofti. o 4o p 4 10 p 7 20 a 4 lOp 10 20p 8 3o a 10 10 a' 10 10 v 11 OUp A Danville A Keysville A Burkeville A Richmond 11 45 a' 1 la p 3 oo p 4 50 p 11 40 p 2 27 a 3 0 al 3 0a 4 OS a .4 OSa tt 20 al 0 20a. tDaily except Sunday. Between West Point and Richmond. Leave west Point 7 50 am daily, and. 8 50 am daily except Sunday anu Mon day; arrive Richmond 9 0 and 10 40 am. Returning leave Richmond 3 10 anu 4 45 pm daily except Sunday; arrive west, o and 0 05 pm. Between Richmond and Raleigh via. Keysville. Leave Richmond 12 40pm,daily; leave Keysville 3 -10 pm; arrive oxford 0 0. pm, Henderson t 00 pm, Durham 7 40 pm, ualeioh 1 30 am. Returning leave lial eigh o 45 am, daily, Durham 10 am, Hen derson to 30 am, oxford 1 1 34 am; arrive. Keysvile 2 00 pm, Richmond 4oO pm, daily. ,jTrains on o. & H. R.i. leave oxford ; am and 010 pm, daily except Sunday, 11 40 pm, daily, and arrive Henderson L. 50 am and 7 00 nm. daily except sun- Jday and IS 30 pm daily .Returning leave a Htjnuerson o am anu o um un v ca.- oept Sunday, and 4 30 pm daily, and ar rive atoxlord 7 25 am and 8 10 pm, daily except Sunday, and 5 M pm daily. Nos 35, 30 and 38 connect at Richmond fram and to west Point and Baltimore daily except Sunday. SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. On trains nos. 35 aud 30 Pullman Bullett sleerer between New York, At lanta and Jacksonville, and between Charlotte and Augusta. Oh nos. 37 and 3d Pullman sleeping cars between New York autl new or- i..ans.nnw Yiirk and Jacksonville anu Tampa, and between new York and Asheville and Washington, Memphis Mil Auo-usta. Dinimr car Greensboro to Montgomery. On t,i ;iins nos. 12 and 3o rullman .claxiior lwtweon oreensboro and Ral- frH Trains nos. 11 and 12 runs solid be tween Richmond and Atlanta and car- ,v vnllman sleeninsr cars between a iiiehmond, Danville and Greensboro, E. Berkley, J. S. B. lhorapson, aiino,Hn!nilBnt. suixiriuteu t, B fJiwnshoro. N. C. Richmond, Va. W A. TURK, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Washington. D. C. S. II. Hard wick, Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agt. Atlanta. Ga. W. H. Gaeen, J- M. ulp, Gen'l Manager, Traffic Mangr, Washington, D. C. Washington, D.C. Seaboard Air Lins G- k. k- CONDEN SED SCUED e Ll. "WESTBOUND. No. 43.No. 23 Daily Daily W'tkMINGTON, N. -' I taren so. Daily ox c aitJX A M A M P 8 45 7 00 p M A la 15 12 29 Leave' Wilmington Arrive JHxu n 1 53 2 13 3 01 3 57 4 45 4 50 6 12 7 07 8 45 1 45 Arrive Uauiiet Leave H amfcii Leave W; vdesboro Arrive Mc nroe 5 30 6 50 7 15 2 40 4 18 600 7 40 8 30 Arrive Char 'lott Leave Charlc'tte Leave Lincoln to n Leave Shelby Arrive Rutherf. witon 134 NO. 36 No. EASTBOUND. NO- A M A JV1 7 50 9 14 10 10 11 35 11 60 P M 2 00 12 30 Leave Rutherford'ton Leave shelby Leave Lincolnton Arrive charlotte Leave charlotte Leave Monroe 9 11 . 12 2 3 4 9 Leave wadesboro Arrive Hamlet 2 41 3 25 1 25 2 14 2 o5 3 45 7 55 My Leave Hamlet Leave Maxton Arrive .Wilmington and BETWEEN WILMINGTON Leave Wilmington ABH1VE Atlnnta Leave Atlauta Arrive Wilmington & ATLANTA 7110 a 00 My 6 0J ask, 8 15 lJl,i4J"i. .. rQor. Wilmington 8 45 a 7H 7 00 M-rive italeigh 7 00 m 6 15 t iiv nalei A 10 15 m 3 50 need 1 .... 1 , . i , v V-i. y :i i 11 III o v w ' " m (1 1 F, u Aril 1VO XVOAg- r io7 rtlnt.i sneciall makes connections at Greenwood for Augusta. 43 and 30 mako connection at Lin- .,nitn fnr all iioints both ways railroad, reaching tin.finn UA.11WX dn,V. rw-jtul i:u "Atlanta sixscial," .-t-ii.nlrt dailv for all points north t.H n.nrl WASH. o:a I'nnnwtrt at Monroe with Atlanta 1 fnr all noints south and west. lTiei s on 23 and 2 between . 1 n rrtnn .(Td charlotte. : ; A. 4 tt "! finrt ;i niaKO cohihx'Iiud ai. iof ij and from Raleisrh, Gibson, naitw Uo. Sumter, uaiungton, and mtermeuiaia points. mi'r information as to rates, ule3,tc., apply to .. A Tnos. D. Meares, " V V Agent S. A. L, Wilmington T. J.. Anderson, Gen'l Pas. Agt. W &. W. R. R. & BRANCHES AND FLORENE RAILROAD. CONDBNCED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. DATED Nov. 18, '94 No 35 D'ly No 41 D'ly P M A M Lv Weldon 9 27 ArR'y Mt 10 20 Ar Tarb'ro Lv Tarb'ro Lv R'y : Lv Wils Mt-! 0810 00 08! 11 03 6 00! son Lv Selma. 58 Lw Fayettv Ar Flo 'nee 12 53 3 00 A M Lv Wilson. L Goldsb.. Lv Magno. Ar Wil'tn, 6 35 7 20 8 2 10 00 TRAIN S GOING NORTH. No 40 D'ly. DATED Jan. 1, '94 A Lv Lv Flo 'nee Fayetv;10 Lv Selma.. ill Ar Wilson. Lv Wil'tn. Lv Magno lO 32 Lv Goldsb. ;11 35 Ar Wilson, No 78 D'ly. No. 32 D'lv P M P Ml Lv Wilson. Ar R'y Mt 12 11 20 1 1 481 12 02 1 Ar Tarb'ro Lv Tarb'ro'12 iP M Lv R'y Mtj 1 5z A Mlp 12 021 . 12 551 . M Ar Weldon 3 10 tDaily except Monday. JDaily ex cept Sunday. These trains carry only first-clasi. passengers holding Pullmaii accommo dations. Train on the Scotland Branch Road leaves Weldon 3:40 p. m., Halifax L, p. m., arriving Scotland Neck at 4:45 p m, Greenville (5:37 p m, Kinston ".;" p. ii. Returning leaves Kinston 7.25 a. in., Greenville 8.22 a m. M.ri-ivin,r 3 Halifax at 11 a m, Weldon 11.20 a m daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Washington 7.00 a m, arrives Parmlee 8.40 a m, Tarboro 9.50 a m, returning leaves Tarboro 4.40 p m, Parmlee 0.10 pm, arrives Washington 7.35 pm, dailv xcept Sunday. Connects with train's on Scotland Neck Branch. i Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Vlbemarle and Raleigh Railway dailv except Sunday, at 5.00 p m, Sunday 3.00 p m, arrives Plymouth 9.20 p m, and u.0 p. m. Returning leaves Plymonth dailv. ox. copt Sunday, ti.Oo a in, Sunday 9.30 a m. arne xaruoro a. m, and 11.45 p. m. train on Midland N G Branch leave Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 0.0- m, arriving iamithheld 7 30 a in. Re- turning leaves Smithhold 8.00 a in, ai-- No No 78 32 . D'ly D'ly. 1aM pM 7 251 7 15 i0: 9 19 5-: I 12 42 ;;;;; n 15 No 48 Dny A Mi 9 001 :;;;;"i - .... rive at vjoiusooro n.JU a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 4.30 p. m., arrives Nashville o.Oo p m, Spring Hope p. m. lieturnitig loaves Spring Ho3 S.00 a. m., Nashville 8.30 a m, arrives, at Rocky Mount 9.15 a m, daily except Sunday. Train on Latta Branch Florence Railroad, leaves Latta 0.40 p m. arrive Dunbar 7."0 p in. Returning leaves Dunbar, 0.30 a m; arrive Latta 7.50 a m. Daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaes Warsaw for Cliutou daily, except Sui -day at 4.10p m. Returning leave Clinton at 7.0 a. m., connecting at Warsaw with main lino trains. " cTrain No 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. all rail via Richmond and daily exeept Sunday via Portsmouth and Bay Line. Also at Rocky Mount with Norfolk and Carol na Railroad for Norfolk dailv and all points North via Norfolk daiU' except Sunday. John F. Divne.Gju'1 Supt. J. R. Kejnly, Gen. Man'g-. T. M. Emerson, Traffic ian'. MlantiG& North Carolina R.R. IN EFFECT NOV. 18, I8D4. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Sa W M I'ASSKNGKR. ) NO. 8. j NO. 4. EASTBOD. WESTBO'U LEAVE IAKIUVE Gol- sboi o a 20 p: m.ill 00 a. m. Best's 3 46 i 10 26 l've LaG range 3 5'J U0 12 a. m Falling Creek 4 13 10 0t Kinston 4 30 9 56 Caswell 4 45 9 3& Dover ! 4 55 J 20 Core Creek 5 09 9 18 Tuscarora 5 25 9 02 Clark's ,- 31 8 45 Newborn 5 58 8 38 Riverdale 6 25 8 07 Croatan 6 30 7 42 Havelock 6 46 7 37 Newport 7 06 7 21 Wild wood 7 14 7 00 Atlantic 7 18 6 48 Morehead city 7 33 6 32 Daily excopt Sunday. EASTBOUND. NO. 1 MIXED. Leave Goldsboro 7 30 a. m. Kinston 9 44 Dover 10 36 Arv'e Newborn 12 15 p. m. Daily except Sunday. WESTBOUND NO. 2 MIXED Leave Newborn 3 00 p. m. Dover 5 00 Kinston 6 00 Arrive Goldsboro 8 00 a4 15 00 A M 50 30 30 46 15 pm p m p rti a. nr p n a n. p m BETWEEN NEWBERN & MOREHEAD. No. 5, mixed freight and passenger. leaves Newborn Tuesday, Thui-sday and Saturday at 3.b0 p, m , arriving at close flioreneaa at o,-o. No. 6, mixed freight and passenirwr. on leaves MoreheM Monday, Wednesday des- and Friday at 7,00 a. m., arriving at Newborn at 10.32 a. m. fast Train No. 4 connects with W. & W. train Northbodnd leaving Goldsboro at ll:4o a.m., and with boutnern Hallway train west leaving Goldsboro 2:00 p. m. and with W, N, & N, at Newborn, for Wil Wilmington. . . . Train No. 3 connects with Southern Railway train arriving at Goldsboro at 3 05 p. n., and with W. & W. train irom the North at 3:05 p. m. No 1 train also connects with W. N. & N. for Wil mington. - S. L. DILL, ' Super indent. W. S. CHADWICK President. naur Jien cnar - sched f ilia CDRB All Fain. "Oi e c ,ent a dose.

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