COLDSBORO. N. C. APRIL 11, 1895, Entered at the Post Office at Golds boro, N. C as Second-Class Matter. PUBLISHED BY THE ARGUS PUBLISHING GO Joseph E. Robinson, Editor, ) Walter A. Bonitz, Business Man'gr. AS OLD FRAUD. As the Atlanta Journal says: Senator Stewart, of Nevada, is about the noisiest of the silver tnonometallists. He represents a State that has about 10,000 voters and has been losing popu lation steadily for some years Tviit Up. holds his seat in the Senate absolutely by the gract of the Nevada silver mine own ers and, of course, does what ever they want him to do. Recently he wrote a letter to TilY-flnnffressman Hendrix, of Brooklyn, in which he denounces furiously all who oppose the free coinage of silver by the United States without regard to other nations or any conditions what soever. Senator Stewart dwells upon the "crime of 1873" by which the silver dollar was dronned from the list of our A i coins. If that was a crime Stewart must bear a share of the responsibility for it. He was member of the Senate in 1873 and the act referred to was passed without division. Stew art, cannot nretend that he did not know what was going on This nleadinfir of the baby act may excuse some other partici pants in the "crime of 1873,' but Stewart must have known what was contemplated as he made a speech on the currency bill on January 27, 1883. Still more convincing proof that Stew art was cognizant of the effect o the measure is furnished by the fact that more than two years before, viz: on January 10th, 1871, he voted for the proposi tion which was adopted in 1873 and which he now characterizes as a monstrous crime. "What wicked old man Stewart must have been then and what a gab bling old fraud he is now ! A BEAUTIFUL PRAYER. It has been many a year since the death of any writer has caused such ereneral regret and provoked so many beautiful tri butes as has that of Robert Louis Stevenson, Never until he ceased to speak to us was the worth of what he has said so fully appreciated JKvery recorded word oi his is treasured and a pathetic interest attaches to the last thing he wrote. It is the following little nraver which he composed and read to his family on the even 'ing before his sudden death: "We beseech Thee, Lord, to behold us with favor, folk of many families and nations gathered together in the peace of this roof; weak men and women subsisting under the cover of thy patience. Be pa tient still; suffer us yet awhile longer, with our broken promises of good, with our idle endeavors asrainst evil; suffer us a while longer to endure, and (if it may be,) help us to do better. Bless to us our extraordinary mercies if the day come when these must betaken, have us to play the man under affliction. Be with our friends, be with ourselves go with each of us to rest; any wake, temper to them the dark hours of watching; and when the day returns to us, our sun and comforter, all us with morning faces and with morning hearts, eager to labor, eager to be happy, if happiness shall be our portion ; and if the day be marked to sorrow, strong to en dure it. We thank Thee and praise Thee; and in the words of Him to whom this day is sacred close our oblation." Then follows the Lords Prayer. In its simplicity, beauty and tenderness this little prayer is perfect. THE NICARAGUA CANAL. Suicide and Life Insurance. j The recent tendency in life Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report IllB -M. 1119 .svUt IB a.w AliUMVUUg a - - . teutiou and immigration to the south! insurance Das oeen aiiogeiuer m it will ProTo a strong card for De- the direction oi a iioerai con- inocracy. Nothing better tells the stroy of the beneficial effects of free raw material for the woolen in dustries of the country than the announcement by the leading manufacturers at Lawrence that the schedule of wages paid prior to the reduction in March, 1894, had been restored. The increase amounts to 10 and 15 per cent, and is entirely voluntary. It affects the mills in Haverhill, Andover, North Andover and Franklin Falls as well as Lawre nce, and the firm operating them is not alone the first in the woolen manufacturing business in the New England States, but the largest in the country. The new tariff then is not crushing out the wool manufacturers, as the high protectionists claimed would follow its enactment. On the contrary, the mills are run ning day and night, they are be ing enlarged, wages are better and consumers purchase better goods at lowet-prices. But the organs are very slow in finding this out. Apropos of the presence in our city oi a numoer oi western prospectors, and the constant tide of such prospectors southward within the past few months, it is opportune to call their attention, not alone to our present advan tages of climate, soil and loca tion, as The Argus has ever done, but to point them to the great coming achievement of the ages xor commerce the .Nicar agua Canal. Those persons who had heard that President Cleveland was hostile to the Ficaragua-canal scheme were, of course, gratified when last week he appointed the Nicaraguan commission author ized by Congress at its last ses sion to examine and report upon the present condition and pros pects of that scheme. It is not certain, however, that this ac tion can be construed as indicat ing anything as to ms attitude toward the proposition that the United States shall furnish, di recti v or indirectly, the means of constructing that canal. He may be opposed to having the canal built by tho money or on the credit of the United. States Gov ernment, ,and yet be unwilling to throw obstacles in the way of the construction of that grand high way of nations. The Democratic party as a party was committed by itsCnicago platform to the support of the Nicaragua-canal scheme, and Mr. Cleveland, as the head of that party, may con sider himself bound by the ac tion of the Democratic National Convention. The commission is headed by Major William Ludlow, whose selection seems to have been highly gratifying to the people of Philadelphia, where he was formerly connected with the Water Department, and where he made for himself a nameTbat led the President to send him on this important mission. Every body must be willing to give Mr. Cleveland the credit of at least trying to select good men for the high Federal offices he had to fill. We have said that the Demo cratic National Convention of 1892 pledged the Democrats as a party to the Nicaragua canal pol icy, bo as to the-Kepublican Na tional Convention of the same year. It pledged the Kepublicans as a party to that policy. And it must not be forgotten that the policy to which both parties thus committed themselves was not what has been styled "a mild substitute for Senator Morgan's canal bill," but a much more radical measure. The Morgan bill is what we would like the President to favor if he can con sistently do so. The Philadelphia Press reminds the public that the Nicaragua- canal bill was not only passed by the benate, but thau its passage was asked for by more than two hundred members of the House of Representatives, who signed a petition to Speaker Criso re questing that a day be set for the consideration of the bill in that House. The petition was not granted, and so the bill did not oecome a law, or, rather, was not passed by the House of Repre sentatives. So the great measure in ques tion is not the pet measure of a few members of Congress, but a pn for securing unnumbered benefits to this country, which plan is favored by a large major ity of the members of both Houses of Congress. It would shorten the distance by water irom New York to San Francisco by nearly ten thoasand miles. It would whiten the Gulf of Mexico with the sails of the nations that would hasten to use it. It would build up the Southetn cities of the United States. As Mr. Blaine once said, the -States and Territories appurtenant to the Pacific Ocean and dependent upon it for commercial outlet, and hence directly interested in the canal, comprise an area of nearly 80,000 square miles, larger in extent than the German empire and the four Latin coun tries of Europe combined. Let us all make a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether in the effort to help the Nicaragua-canal scheme out of all its troubles. struction of the policy, to the benefit of the insured, so that the policies of most of the lead ing companies has become prac tically incontestable, except upon the ground of obvious fraud. Even the provision against suicide is not otten insisted upon now, the usual presumption be ing that a man who takes his own life is a victim of diseased conditions and that the contract of insurance was intended to apply to any or every cause of death. The decisions of the courts have for the most part simply confirmed the doctrine practi cally established by the policy of the leading companies, but a case just decided in the United States District Court shows that it is necessary to keep this liber al tendency under guard, lest it be abused to unlawful ends. In this case a business man who had become hopelessly involved in debt and could see no other way of meeting his obligations, appears to have formed a de liberate plan to insure his life for a very large amount and then commit suicide, in order that his creditors might be paid and his family provided for. Whether this plan, which was actually carried out, be regarded as an indication of heroism or of insanity, it is clearly against public policy that it should be countenanced. It would be not only a wrong to the insurance companies which means the great body of the insured but would involve a recognition of the lawfulness " of deliberate suicide that is not to be enter tamed, insurance with a view to suicide has the same status with insurance with a view to murder, which always has been held to invalidate the contract. This case, therefore, under Judge Butler's instructions, re solved itself into a question of fact, whether the insurance had been effected with the purpose of suicide, in which case the sum could not be collected from the company, or whether the insured had subsequently become un balanced through anxiety about his affairs and suicide had re sulted from insanity, in which case the company was bound to pay the amount of his policy The jury, from the evidence, took the .former view, and- as suming the interpretation of the facts to be correct, there can be no question of the correctness of the verdict. Philadelphia Times, Tom Reed's Southern friends want him to come down this way The Republican politician is i slippery individual, and if Reed wants any votes from this sec tion in the convention he will have to do the proper thing. TAX SAJUKu By virtue of execution for taxes for year 1894, I will sell to the highest bid der for cash, at the Court House door in Goldsboro, on - Monday, May 6th. 189-5, at 12 m., the Real and Personal property of the persons named below: W. B. Artis, .'.$ 4 16 Calvin Bryant, balance, 1 a Chester Bright, ' 1 24 T. P. H. Blackman, 6 95 Havwood Bizzell, 3 11 John B. Culbreth 3 65 Needham Cog-dell, balance, 1 90 Needham Cobb, balance 2 56 Reuben Davis, balance, 54 George Everett, balance, 1 29 Joe Flowers, 2 65 Mrs. D. Green. Z years, 54.80 W. G Hill 5 03 HollingswoHh & Mansfield, ..... 7 30 James HogaDS 1$ 75 A. P. Holland, 10 96 C. B. Hasket, 4 57 Nancy Holt 91 J. B. Ham, 1 62 Morris Jones, 7 04 T. O. Kelley, balance,., 4 25 Rob't Lamb, A 57 J. H. Nichols 6 15 London Odom, 3 65 H. C, Odom, 4 11 Simon Ransom, 3 27 J. J. Scott, 3 96 A. M- Smith, 10 17 Toney Smith, estate. 4 57 W. H.Undeihill, 15 46 Mrs. W. H. Underbill 1 15 Major Whitley,.. 5 20 W. A. DENMARK, Tax Collector Goldsboro township. Harrison will accept the Re publican nomination, though he won't take any steps in the mat ter. On the other hand, Reed anu Mciviniey are wining to run. mm TTT ft Seed! Seed! Seed! AB&OIUUTEILY PURE Better man fl Gold Mine! Orinoco Tobacco Guano-No More Five Cent Cotton There is no farminr on earth so pro fitable as raising fine tobacco manured witn urinoco Cmano. I give below a partial list of promi nent, farmers who used this brand, and prices obtained for the tobacco: W J JacKson, Winterville, N C; 229 pounds, $95 per hundred. R L Daniel, Rocky Mount, 218 pounds, o8.8S per hundred Geo M Tucker, Greenville, 200 pounds, $98.10 per hundred J O Bryan, Battleboro. 500 pounds, $73. HO per hundred 296 pounds. $83.67 per hundred Howard & Smithson, Battleboro, 210 pounds, $61.56 per hundred M F Parham, Rocky Mount, 500 pounds, $56 per hundred 200 pounds, $82 per hundred Bisco Pittman, Epworth, 531 pounds, $38.09 per hundred G A Williams, Ringwood, 800 pounds, $50 per hundred 700 pounds, $55 per hundred 100 pounds, $75 per hundred From 23 acres received $6,000 I want a good live agent in every town to handle. Orinoco Guano. Also Farmers' Bone and my othei brands all of which are well establish ed. Farmers all want them: write for prices. Manufactured by There is somewhat of a dis position to suspect Senator Frye's annexation apparatus of working overtime. Presiding Elder's Appointments. Quarterly meetings for Newborn District will be held as follows: Goldsboro circuit, at Mt. Carmel. April 13-14. LaGrange circuit, at Boston, April 20-21. Sfc. John's, at night, April 21. Strait's circuit, at Banks, April 27-28. Beaufort, April 28. . St, Paul's, May 4-5. Jones circuit, at Shady Grove, May 11-12. F. D. Swindell, P. E. Battleboro, N. C, Jan 19, 1893. Mr. F. S. Eoystcr, Turboro, X. C: My crop of tobacco has been the talk of the neighborhood- My net vield where I used your Orinoco is $400 per acre. .1 sold one lot of oOO lbs. at$NJ.b7 per hundred. I used 1,000 lbs, of Orin oco per acre; 700 lbs. when I planted and a second application of oOO lbs. Very truly, J.O.BRYAN. igiT For sal3 by Best & Thompson. Goldsboro, N. C. Notice of Sale, Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a mortg-age executed by J. W. Waddell and wife Piety Wad dell to Wiley Howell, registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wayne county, in Book No, 64, page 122, I shall sell " for cash, by publie auction, at the Court House door in Goldsboro, N, C, on Saturday, April 13, 18C5, the lands in said mortgage described, situ ate in Great Swamp township, Wayne county, N. C, adjoining the lands of J. I. Crocker on the east, the lands of Nancy Waddell on the south and the lands of Henry Waddell on the west, containing 57 acres, more or less. WILEY HOWELL, by C. M. Edgerton, Atty. cook Book Free. Miss Willis' New Pastry Cook Book Cut out this Coupon and mail it to the Rumford Chemical Works, Provi dence, R. ., giving yours address plain ly written. A copy will be sent free. F S, ROYSTER, -lm TARBORO, N. G. For sale by Best & Thompson COLDSBORO, ROWLAND & SHORT FREMONT N. C. N. C. ILLINERY OPENING -ON- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK. 3 I have received and will show to customers on the above days the CHEAPEST LINK of goods ever brought to lioldsboro. These are not choap goods, but goods cheap beyond the possibility of competition, as the public will find on examination. 1 have a lady graduate in Millinery, who has had wide expe rience with the trade, and I am prepared in everv way to cive satisfaction to my patrons. At my old stand on West Centre street. K,W The ladies will find my store hoadquarters for first class STAMPING o all kinds. Mrs- C I-I. MOORE. ona Fide Values WE ARE OFFERING FOR ONE WEEK SUITS THAT ARE WORTH $12.50 $12.50 $12.50 -FOR- $6.98 $6.98 $6.98 This is a Strictly Cash Sale FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. EINSTEIN CLOTHING 60.-, CORRECT DRESSERS AND HABERDASHERS. OATS, CORN, RICE,C AT-T AIL MIL LET, TIMOTHY AND BLUE GRASS SEED. ALSO 6tioIcts Porto Rico Molasses In half barrels. igaT Cotton seed meal by ton or sack. For sale by - - B- M. PRIYETT, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Commission Merchant. To The Public Till May 1st we will sell our en tire stock of Dry Goods, Stioes, fiflTS ana NOTIONS. Crockery, Glassware, Flour, Meat, oao goods, and lots of other goods too numerous to mention, At Almost Cost, To make room for the inventory and sspring olock. G. Tri. RIVRNBURG, (Formerly of Palmer, Rivenburg & Cc., Wholesale Commission Merchant DEALER IN Southern Fruits and Vegetables, POULTRY, BUTTER, EGGS, ETC. 180 READE STREET, NEW YORK References: -Irving National Bank. Mercantile and Financial Times Prolific cotton Grower: The Old Standard and Reliable Plant Food, We confidently offer the Prolific Cotton Grower to the trade and farming put. lie as the equal of the very best commercial fertilizer. U T? XT'" FARMERS' FAVORITE FERTILIZER: This is a spewia XT XT Dran;i waich we offer as the equal if not the superiox" oJ any goods in this State of the same commercial value. PpflllflP Tpiirl "IprnifDP. Made r:ch in ammonia and pocast. I I Mill It I I lllm 111 HWn ! which render it specially valuable for potatoes aiid all vegetable crops -All Enquiries Promptly Answered- Goldsboro - Oil -Go. H. WEIL & BROS, Selling Agents lor Goldsbora- "F K.BORDEN, Secretary aiHiNMMrauflitieBomiiMiffnMMiinitiutaM Rumford Chemical Works, Provi dence. R. I. : Please send me a copy ol Miss Willis' New Pastry Cook Book, to which I am entitl-jd by being a reader of The Argus. Name . Postoflice County .. . State Fresh Fish Served daily . and SCOLLOPS every Wednesday. Prompt de livery of orders given me. CHAS. E. IIASKETT. Mcha-lyr. Ballc mod is Interior to patkmo soda. of imitation trad marks and label. is the whole story about AR AflD HMfER SOPA I Itl tlffrlflrPC osts aomore than other package soda never spoils S 111 fdWiyCtv3 flour universally acknowledged purest In the world. Made only by CHURCH U CO., Hew York. Sold tj grocers everywhere. 8 Write tor A.rm and Hammer Book of Trainable JBtecipom FKJ5E. 3 uaASaeEi9EeECBBieBEaiesEBMsscscBBftai0Ka5 2,000 lbs fine Tobacco from 20 to 50c: 1 car fine fresh Flour $2.90 to 3.S0 bbl: good Snuff only iOcts lb. A fine La dies' Shoe $1.00, Men's $1.00; 50 lbs fine lenny ana Koyster candy, price oOc, only 2octs lb. Give us a call. 20,000 good Bricks from $4 to $5 per tnousanu. E. L. Edmundson & Bro, THE HUSTLERS. ilpiMI for Infants and Children. nnOTHERS, Do You Know Qui! Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many ao-called Sootl that Paregoric, Soothing Syrupa, and InoBt remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine t Ho Ton Know that opium and morphine are stupefying' narcotic poisons t Pa Yo' Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to tell narcotics Without labei ing them poisons t Do Yon Know that you should not permit any medicine to be give-t your chils! Unless you oi' your physician know of what it is composed 1 ' Po Ton Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, asd that a Jist ot its lngredienf a is published with every bottle f P Yo' Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcnar. That it has been in use for near'.y thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold than of all other rsraedies for children combined t Po Ton Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word M Castoria " and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offeme ? Po Tr t Know that one! of the reasons for granting this government pi "o tec tion was because Cast oria had been proven to be absolutely harmless? Po Yo Know that 35 average . doses of Castoria are furnished for 35 cents, or oi e cent a dose f Po To Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your fbtldrm may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest f Wellthese things are worth knowing. They are facta. "WHY do people complain of bard times, when any woman or man can make from $5 to $10 a day easily. All have heard of the wonderful success of the Climax Dish Washer; yet many are apt, to think they can't make money selling it; but anyone can make money, because every family wants one. One agent has made $478,36 in the last three months, after paying all expenses and attending to regular business besides. Ifou don't have to canvass; as soon as people know you have it for sale they ,end for a Dish Washer. Address the Climax Mfg. Co., 45 Starr Ave., Colum bus, Ohio, for particulars. mar23-d end 6m. The fac-simllo stgnatnre of 3 la on every wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. 31 2 1 Haul TO MY FRIENDS & CUSTOMERS. I have opened a Barber Shop for white people only, up stairs over Mr. fohn Grantham's, on Waluut street. Hair cut and shave 25 cents. OBIE PERRY, Barber. So Simple. Nine times out of ten whenwe are out of sorts our trou bles can be removed Brown's Iron Bitters, which for more than 20 years has been curing many people of Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Ma laria, Impure Blood, Neural gia, Headache, Liver and Kid ney troubles. It's the peculiar combination of iron, the great strength-giver, with selected vegetable remedies of true value that makes Brown's Iron Bitters so good for strengthen ing and purifying the system. It is specially good for women and children it makes -them strong and rosy. t Brown's Iron Bitters is pleasant to take, and it will not stain the teeth nor cause constipation. See the crossed red lines on the wrapper. Our book, '-How to Live a Hundred Years," tells all about it; free for 3c stamp. 60 sown Chkmicas. Co., BAirmoaa, Ml fertilizers! FERTILIZER S ! We offer for sale the following well krown and triet brands of fertilizers on the most reasnblo tennis : G A O 1000 tons Prolific, 200 tons Prolific Truck, 500 tons F. F. F., 500 tons Gibbs High Grade, 1000 tons High Grade Acid Phos phate, 1000 tons Genuine German Kai nit, 300 tons Rock Lime, 100 tons Salt. G U A 1ST O Special inducements offered to Dealers and Large Buyers Correspondence solicited. H.Weil&Bros 12, 1894. f&S&i' Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 4, 1895. Lyon Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, X. Y. Gentlemen : I use Mexican Mustang Lin iment in my business all the time. It is the finest thing in the world lor sprains and mashes, also for cuts and burns. 1 have a bottle in my house continually for general use. I commend it to all who have never used it. They will find it just as I have said. I am, Tespcctfhllv, For 18 years W. V. CLI FTOX," Doorkeeper State Senate Bridge Contractor. S&ler City, N. C, Dec. 14, 1894. Lyon Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Gentlemen: For a number of yars I have used Mexican Mustang Liniment on my horses and in my family, and find it the very best thing to use for sprains both on man and beast. Very truly yours, Livery stables. A. C. JORDAN. Pilot Mountain, X. C, Dec, Lyon Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Gentlemen : rtexican flustang Liniment is the best thing in the world for a horse with a sore shoulder, or any other harness rub. Respectfully, G. W. WIIITAKEPJ. With V. Boyle, General Merchant.