1 "3 -4 i DRUGGIST, Malted Milk, ZTfllins Fnnrl V lUrxloi- Mosscno-er onoi-a hnnsn it n. V V .'' , t - "4 ;8 t -a . This Argus o'er tliG people's rig-lits, uuwi an oborum vigil Keep No sooth Pan lull "U, 3 j J -. vwu xxuuuru eyes to sleep71 Vol. XVII. THEY ARE 10T SJVIRLIt POTATOES GOLDSBORO. N. C THURSDAY. JULY 25,18957 Commission Men Knew it When They Game to Face Senator Uarby and Capt. Williarci. ft QUESTION OF VEGETABLES Itie tialliiut Southerners Gained a Krill- iant Victory I'or the Misused Dixie Farmers. YT-3 BLOODUKSS UATTLR. (New York Herald of July 17.) In behalf of the Southern farm ers Senator Darby, of Florida, and his friend Captain Williard, who are guests at the Hotel Marl borough moved upon the com mission merchants yesterday and routed one of them utterly. In the words of the Captain, "We drew his fire sir, and then cap tured him with horse and can non." The Southern farmers have been getting a net price of forty and fifty cents a barrel for their potatoes from the New York commission merchants, and reached the conclusion that they wuuiu. euner nave to stop rais. ing vegetables or get better prices. They receive glowing circulars -irom tne dealers, quoting pota toes at i?d and 4 tor No. 1 and fcl. 5 and $2 50 for No. 2. Then, when they send on the vegeta bles, they get about 1 a barrel, less freight and commission. Senator Darby, when visiting some of his friends at Cronby, N. C., recently, was asked by them to inquire why they could not sell their products for en ough to pay for the raising. His friend D. Hand, had received a net sum of $7.29 for twenty-five barrels and Jas. W. Moran, $4.32 net foi eight barrels. They were big barrels, too. OPENING OF THE ENGAGEMENT. The Senator and the Colonel went to the commission mer chants yesterday to inquire why IVir. Hand and Mr. Morgan had not received more money. They were received by the junior member of the firm, a most suave and amiable young man. The Senator got from the merchant an admission that North Carolina, potatoes gener erallykeep yery well and that the consignment had only been in transit three or four. days. The Senator said that the pota toes could not have been bad, as as some of the same lot as those which had been sent to New York were still in splendid con dition down at Cranby. "Now, then, sir;" said the Senator "let us come to an un derstanding about this business. We can't come to New York in wagons with these potatoes. Somebody must sell them for us. You can't raise them on your floor. Let's see if we can't come to an understanding. You are our agent, aren't you? Now as such we have a right to ask from you an accounting. Let us see your books, your original en tries." There was a stirring up of day books and a fumbling of pa pers, and the Senator began to investigate He took first the bill of D. Hand the items of which were: 16 barrels potatoes, $1.25 $20.00 !) barrels culls 50c $4,50 use of "going back of the re turns." He didn't know whether the barrels of potatoes dumped belonged to Mr. Hand or not, but there were some barrels that had to be dumped, so his account was charged with two of them. A BRILLIANT VICTORY. "Our man didn't know whose they were," said the merchant, 1 L 1 "i I . uui He mierred tnac tney were yours." L i TT 1a 1 it o.e mignt nave ierrea a in couple to somebody else," re marked the Captain. "Seems to me, sir," said the NOTICE. V ncter and by virtue of an order made in the action of the Bank of Wayne etals, vs The Argus Publish .nw v,u-m-. ei ai, pending- m Wayne Superior Court by Judge W jj. ftuomson ai cnambers in uoiasDoro, JN. (J., on July 8, 1895, I of fer for sale the entire property of The Argus Publishing Company, of Lroiasboro, N. C., consisting- of com plete newspaper and job printing- out- ituu material, tog-etner witn tne good ii' 1 1 1 i. r- ,1 .-ill. . l. r . i cx-vx ouunuripiiuii, juu printing ana advertising business of The Argus Publishing Company. The said property will be sold privately if sold before Autr. 9th. 1895. or rmhliolv for . - . I - . i .senator, "that 'dumped' account casn at tne printing house of The Ar- 1 . ... lfTTG I T I T Tl' III171 l-..' . , . : f 1 1 T is ED nrv cnnvpniPTir, ' i u-iiiiau u uar as i iu utuus- Hnrr AT a searcn forlovinnk- m if r n..; . 1,- . -i,:-u j . i.r , . ' " "'"""i'J oum umui0 me j-iuiatues wuicu ueiuufeu toi"iaiaate. James W. Moran. as follows: 4 barrels potatoes at $1 $4 00 4 barrels potatoas at 1.50 6 00 The bill was An opportnnity is presented for the purcnase oi.a valuable business consist ing of a daily and weekly newspaper, and a job printing business. H. B. PARK ER. Jr. J uly 9, 1895. Receiver. Freight $4 88 Coirmission 80 $10 CO 68 , $24.50 Rotten, very bad order. Charges: Freight $15.25 Commission. $1.96 Balance $7. 2 Not a single entry in the day book agreed with the items on the bill. The commission mer chant said that there had prob ably been a mistake somewhere. So many potatoes had been re ceived that it was to even things up. He made out the following statement, as shown by the books of original entry: 3 barrels potatoes at $1 $3 00 5 barrels potatoes at .20 .12 50 11 barrels potatoes at $1,25 13 75 1 barrel potatoes at 25c 25 3 barrels potatoos at 50c....... 1 60 2 dumped 25 $31 00 The young man said that he didn't believe that the five bar rels sold for $2.50, but, as the Senator observed, there was on $4 32 There was a record that four barrels of Mr. Moran's potatoes I been appointed Receiver by bad been sold for $1.25. The freight bills showed that eisrht barrels bad been received. The met chant, in discussing where the four unaccounted for barrels had gone, said that thev might have been sent to the store to be pany will make payment MOTIOE1! Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned, that I have the Superior Court of Wayne Coun ty, North Carolina, of The Argus Publishing Company. All persons indebted to said Com- to THE LESSON IN JOB. KO.G THE CREW Or THE EVA MAE That the story of Job and his manifold afflictions is only an iJ legory will hardly be denied j. oe intelligent world nas gone beyond the point of believing that the Deity made a compact with Satan by the terms of which , a mortal man was sub jected to such dispensa tions of Providence as was cal culated to destroy faith and work a renunciation of good fTll r . " 1 1 m x ins iacn is wen orougrnt out in Go n - xjio euemies and a urev tr. ail 1 a mi calamities. But he never ceased to feel that out of the depths of nis misery God was working n. - . o rignteous purpose and a riirht- eous law. 1 Ilk,. 1 1 i . . iiuu xeouued both Job and his comforters. And when the I voice of God spoke through the thick gloom which surroundpd Editor Argus: We left Kinston J ob and darkened the councils of on yesterday at 9 o'clock. Quite tnose who talked with him it a nunber of the fair sex were was not Flihu who was condemn- down to the wharf to see the ed. This is a sio-Tiifi,-o4- Eva Mae off WU JLU I Fishing fp Sleepy Creek. Dinner Ashore. News From Home Through tne Argus Makes Them Glad. By our Special Reporter, Crawfish Landing, July 19 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1 Job's reflection of his wife to thls rernarkable narrative. The As we mentioned in our last onunite andTemanite had spoken letter no fishing had been done wxuu envious ana despiteful ton account 01 tne river being so gues, seeking to discredit. i,Q muddy. Commander Gulick bor - LiJ-l I Lord 3 chosen servant. Out of rowed one of our life-boats, the the narrowness and malipp. Maggie, and the crew have gone . i ot their hearts had they fishinn UP Sleepy Creek, some spoken. Job had resisted thom thirteen miles from Kinston in the spirit and of the human J.iJf "lui. tnereby put- tmgoa to sname for having wrougntevu upon a righteous man. it was Elihu with clearness derstandin; the words of si; retailed ii A - T i l . -i -ti-s wnoiesaiers . ne sairi "wa charge goods to ourselves as re- aSainst said Company will tailers. We retail ten or fifteen sent the same to me to be barrels a day. We charge them and paid in their order. lj uursetves at aoout tne best me and all persons holding claims pre fixed price which has been offered for potatoes of that lot. "I hope you don't overcharge yourselves," remarked the Senator. The Senator then asked that tne bill read eight barrels- at Jpl.oO. The merchant said that he would make the price $1.25, as lie must stick to his oris-inal I entry. He charged four barrels at l.i'o and four at $1.50. He then made out a check for the two amounts in excess of the H. B. Parker, Jr. Receiver. July 9, 1895. A Few Suggestions. The sale of The Argus should not affect its continued publica tion and standing in the commun ity or impair its value. Its daily publication for the past ten years and more marks the greatest strides in the city's history as a bills and gave them to the Sena- growing commercial ana manu tor, after he had shown his power f acturing centre, and the people oi attorney. Ihe people of the South.1 said the Senator, "cannot afford to hoe and dig and barrel pota toes for nothing. It's urettv hard working in the sun. It's not that small amount I care for. I want to show that the Southern farmers are not being treated fairly here in New York. A Newspaper Exhibit. Atlanta, July 19. The com mittee on privileges and conses- sions of the Cotton States and International exposition this af ternoon reported a proposition from T. J. Kelley, of the Atlanta Constitution, to erect a building for newspaper exhibitors, to ac comodate a large number of newspapers throughout the United States, who would come in and comply with the condi tions. The building is to be a veiy handsome affair and the ex- 1 " i : x. a t. i -i ii j on, is xo De piacea in very handsome style. It is proposed to maKe tne exhibit a very hand some representation of the-Amer- tcan press, including newspa pers, magazines, and trade iour- i mi . . nais. xne committee on cre dentials reported that the prop osition be accepted. Murderer Killed, Fordyce, Ark., Julv 19. Wiley Dunn, the negro who mur dered J. Martin, at Summerville. July 2nd, was chased to a swamp Dy a posse and Killed, He was surrounded by officers. but would not surrender; turned and tied, and was shot down. This makes three killed, the two Ware brothers having been lynched Sunday at Hampton. J. TA' 1 .ifii . ... jwicKson is stui in nan. and may be lynched also. Great excite ment still prevails and several other negroes who are now at large are suspected- Killed Himself. these suggestions. Raleigh, N. C, July 19. At onina Urove, a particularly dis tressing suicide occurred to-day. M. P. Cline, who was a year aero convicted of the seduction of his neice and sent to a convict road ing, escaped and since that time has been living in South Carolina. Becoming tired of the yesterday xxe ui a iukiuvh no 10m msiam ily he had decided to return and give himself up to the authori ties. He arrived at China Grove to-day and a few hours later bade his family goodbye, saying he was going to Salisbury. He immediately stepped into the room and shot himself throusrh the heart. He was formerly a prosperous merchant at China Grove. oi ijoiasDoro tne Dusiness men and other enterprising citizens owe to it themselves to see to it that the value of the paper is not underestimated at the sale, for that of itself would be a great drawback to the city as to its standing in the great commercial centres where newspapers are esteemed the most influential and unfailing factors in the upbuild ing oi trade and the maintenance of prestige. Ten years is but a brief span in the history of a community or city, as time is reckoned, but Goldsboro has reason to be proud of her record of achievements in the past ten years. In that time the city has more than quadrupled her man ufacturing enterprises and thrib- l . i i i iea ner volume oi commerce, ac quired electric lights and water works and added other public improvements ox permanent na ture and inestimable value and along every avenue of progress The Argus has taken "the lead and invited the footsteps of en terprise, while the profits to capital and the benefits to labor resulting therefrom have proved the wisdom of its course and the virtue of public spirit wisely di rected. These things should not be forgotten by the citizens of Goldsboro in this crisis that has come to their daily pa per, but should be gravely con sidered and magnanimously met. Csureiy there are enough sagacious business men of ample means in txoidsboro to compre hend the situation in all its bear ings and realize just what a . set back it would be to the town for its daily paper, after a record of ten years of every duty to the community unfailingly done, to go to pieces under a forced 1 1 A sale, wnen tne organization oi a stock company of a few thou sand dollars capital could estab lish the paper on a firmer basis than ever before, save its - pres ent owners from loss and .make it a sure dividend paying j enter prise. . It behooves our .business men to get together and consider .wi& .uu, iiul joos S ac cusers unm tney had purged themselves of their sin. T rr i -.... urse ijroa ana die, and again in Job's reply to the Shuhite, when, after recounting and be- tiling his multiplied misfor tunes, he ;ried: "Though He slay me, yet I will trust in Him The deeper lesson in the Book of Job is in the illustration of the propensity mind to imagine evil where none . exists, and to consider everv affliction visited upon the flesh as a Divine dispensation of an out raged God. The reader having in mind the story preceding the beginning of the patriarch's suf fering has a better and clearer conception of .that condition of mind which moved Bildad and Eliphaz to remind the victim of what they conceived to be the hidden sins the penalty for which was being visited upon him. He had walked as a man of God in the sight of the world, eschewing wrong and evil. He had heard the cry of the widowed and fatherless. He had sat in the gates and dispens ed justice tempered with mercy. In all the land of Uz there had been none to rise up as his ac cuser. Yet when disaster over --! 1- I- -i. toois mm nis earnest accusers were those who had known him long and favorably, who had en- oyed his confidence and friend- 1 .-1 1 n snip ana naa Deen hrst among proclaiming his honor and good repute. And these accusations came in a way to indicate that beneath the veneering of regret and sym- f 25 per cent over the pathv with which, in tni mod- ine 11Ke ween: ot 18U4 sought to who rht spoKe and un The first news from home, The Argus, was joyously received and three cheers were given for same. The next issue, however, will bring our craft, the Hannah, nothing but scowls from them. condemning alike We quietly embarked in our re ot self -justification, maining life boat, the Mamifi. u,uu wjcu uuu spoKeitwasElihu ana lound the crew ashore at only who was not condemned of dinner. They asked us to land Him. His mercv was -. and iinp 'om Vint ixtq pnnln't Business Improving, New York, July 19. Brad- street s to-morrow will say: All the previously reported favor able industrial and commercial features are continued this week the endurance of the revival in demand for iron and steel, the further advances in prices of the same and additional increase of wages ot industrial employes be ing ine most signihcant. .Notwithstanding the season nf mid-summer quiet in some lines of general trade, the volume of jine em, but we stand it. The following what they had, and it was becoming invisible: STEWED CRAWFISH, No Salt. was fast FRIED MUSCLES, A La Very Gritty GYMXOTE SOUP, Very Thin. CORN BREAD, borne left over from Seven Snriiiers. Skeeters. general business throughout the ENTREES: Warm Water, Fish wouldn't bite; skeeters made up for it, however, hey uuuuiry is largely in excess that one year ago. Bank clearings' total recedo a, little from last week's extraor dinary large aggregate, the amount being 81.039,000,000 this week, falling off of 10 per cent. from last week, but an innrpaso total in nj hope for better luck next time. George R. Shinn, a prominent business man of Alexandria, Va., who took poison Wednesday night with suicidal intent, died Mr. J. R. Kenly, General Manager of the Atlantic Coast! Line, and one of the delegates to the International Railway Con vention recently held in Lon don, is now making a tour of Ireland. - Nearly two hundred miners employed in the Crown & Lenz mines on the line of the Louis ville, Evansville and St. Louis Railway, went on strike yester day. The President and Mrs. Cleve land have named the little girl. now twelve days old. Marion Cleveland. As in the case of both Ruth and Esther no middle name is given. Financial reverses and ill- health led David J. Martin, ex- member of the Fire and Police Board of Denver, Col., to com mit suicide yesterday by shoot ing himself in the head. But the record of prices is of flTt.-iO Jf .n if im v. r- 4 1-. . . 1 B'uaci xxxixxxicoo tiia.ii even mat shown by clearings, the only de crease of importance noted be ing wheat, flour, corn, cotton and lard. Merchants at almost nil cities are preparinsr to send out travellers, and until they begin to exhibit results no exact estimate of the Fall trade Lord can De prepnred. At this time the outlook is regarded as hi?hlv r 1 i . . . . ' ern fashion they were coyered, there lurked a secret and withal poorly concealed satisfaction at the fall of his house. It is meet, said Eliphaz, that retribution should overtake the wicked in their courses. No matter, said Bildad, how much a man exalteth himself before men, the knoweth all the secrets of his ha, tj x xi , iavorable. At Boston. Phila lr n Bs.Uim.re,ana among lcu xx lxx ma uauu iu inem jtuastern cities, noteworthy gains Mai ueeu neip. ne may not lie m sates or staples are announced or steal or covet or bear false Reports from Southern cities witness. He may even love his show further improvement, and neighbor as himself and humble himself in public places. Yea, though he even wash the feet of the poor in the gates, though 1 - r . sacrince to man as well as to Gud and surrender all those things which to most men are the joy and substance of life, yet ho may sin against God in his heart and hold evil concourse with them that are accursed of God. He may play the hypocrite, seek- ?vr A 1 i 1 -a . ing tu ej.&ib iiimseu among men and 'seeking to deceive God with false appearance, but the Lord, who searcheth all hearts, and knoweth whereof the hypocrite is made, condemneth him and all his. What wonder that Job, perse cuted with such comforters, auugiiD to j usury himself against them? Sometimes, in his de fense, he goes perilously near condemning God for leaving him open to the malice of those whom he had hitherto accounted his friends, but who, in the depths of his misfortune, were revealed to him as enemies. Yet never, in all his bitterness of soul and anguish of spirit, does he fail to feel the love of God in his heart. It is not the fear of that God who had already stricken him so sorely, and to whom he cries out for death as a surcease of sorrow and suffering. To Job, death had been robbed of all its terrors. To him it appeared as a benediction. It was the love of God which led him, even in the midst of his afflictions, to feel tha there was still a blessing in store for him. He could not see the reason of his affliction. He cried out against the supposed curse which had left him naked gams tins weeic being more marked than in the like period for months before. Cnnnt.rv merchants in South Carolina are muuu encouraged with the crop outlook, as demand is fair and prices tend upward. Like re ports come from Augusta, and in Texas cotton buyers have begun to make their presence felt. De layed payment of sugar bounties checks trade in the Louisiana sugar districts. The volume of trade is smaller at Jacksonville Terrific Storm. St. C'aire, Mich., July 19. About 2 o'cock this afternoon a terrmc storm of wind struck here, approaching a hurricane in its velocity. Several yachts are said to have been overturn ed in the river and two children were crushed under falling chimney. They were the children of Wm.Lee, The hotel Cadillac was unroofed, the tower of the court house and city hall was wrecked and the roof lifted off. Trees and chimneys have every where been blown down and telephone and. , telegraph wire prostrated. Heavy, damage to property is reported' at Court right, Ont. across .the St. Claria riveiv The scooney-Malta, con sort of the, steamer Maruba, was parted from -the steamer and driven aground on a bar. It is feared ( several, drownings have occ urred. "A party of New York capital its have purchased 5,000 acres of ground near Greensboro, N. C, for $40,000. The terms of the sale are that the buyers shall erect within a year a factorv or factories not to cost less than $260,000. Exchange. Towns wno win sell land at reason able prices to those who wish to establish factories are the places which in the end, make the cit ies of the country.- The following letter was re ceived to-day through the kind ness ot some of their Kinston friends: Goldsboro, N. C, July 19 Dear Boys: I know vou are having such a lovely time, but a word from home, no matter from whom, I know will be wel come. 1 declare, vou bovs did look just too sweet to live when you passed down the river in your boat and those white trouserloons. Do be very care ful and don t soil them. Why, you all were just simply out of sight, aud no mistake about it But, seriously boys, when I first saw you I didn't think you had on any pants. All of us enjoy the news from you so much, on vour return x want to give you spread: "kinder" quiet affair, vou know. My folks are away. Mr. H. B. Parker, Jr., who so nicely started you away, has consented to welcome you back, and I sug gest that you ask The Argus re porter on board the Hannah to 1 C S rt repiy ior you. ui course, you know, this is between us. Kiss all the boys for me, some of you vvilh i.ne sincere wish tor a pleasant time and a safe return, 1 am, Yours, T, H. B To-morrow being Sunday, everything is being cleaned up Commander Gulick had a talk with the boys about knowing how to talk like a sailor. "Now, boys, you know when you get to Newbern you want to be posted. Now you all line up and pay attention to the names I call: Binnacle, anchor, com pass, gimbols, davits; then there s larboard and starboard side, to leeward and windward, etc., etc. Now Tom, you get up and hail that log over there, make out like it's a craft similar to ours, tell them to go to the tee side-, tnac means we will go ahead and they tack. Under stand?" "Yes." (Clears his voice). Ship ahoy! hard cider aboard! Heave to a binnacle and let us pass." , We fell overboard and Com mander Gulick disappeared in the darkness. Will write you from Newbern. mm m n m A m m jb m tw a v m E M Pmrd FOR. SALES """""-TTT THE PLANT OF The Argus Publishing; Co., OF GOLDSBORO. N. C A Complete Plant " 1 -wsi'Ai'KR, AND A .TOR FOR THE TURLICATION OF A DAILY AXUWui-t.. OFFICE EQUIPPED TO xva.uc ui- I'Kl.NTTM. f:n-TTrv-. TERIAL: OF THE DO ALL FOLLOWING MA- One Campbell Cylinder Press, 26x40 One Campbell Cylinder Press, 2.x3- One 1-a.ltimore Jobber llx0 One Jb avorite Job Print inn- Presx Ono Nameless Job Pres.. invi ' One Paraxon Pa per Cutter One Stereotype Outfit One Perforating Machine Six Imposing- Stones Six Newspaper Stands 350 lbs Lonp- Pri7Tifi. .;.. ,T ....-. . T T r, ,- ""J' A J I 'c i Lll J. ii lies I Lbs Brevier Bod v Type ( with Italics) ' e Fonts of Head r.ftt..,. ' One Proof Press i M One Galley Rack Twelve Single Galleys Three Double Galleys' One Complete Job Office Outfit 1.-.0 Three Sell I Will P...4T"ffKaa??,tll0ffOO(1 will of the uyuy wihcu, wnu-n Has mere as no- hi THE ABOVE FOR ALMOST HALF ITS value, which includes the subscription and n.d- Daily and Weekly Armis and .Toh for almost half its value T ;, esft. . xne ahove plant can be bought with full partial!, f ' n?dlUijllLel?U1,:,les b answered promptly, particulars. will sii , ..,ii -..,. . storeotvivin.r rmtHt 7J 'utt" --y"nuor . -..-.. u Mutuiciv. ii uesiren . press, small jobber and Sheriffs Instructed to Collect Taxes. Raleigh, N. C, July 19. -Many Sheriffs have inquired of State Treasurer Worth what they are to do in regard to collecting taxes, since the Revenue act of this year was not ratified. Treas urer Worth directed them to col lect just the same as if the act was regularly ratified and its validity unquestioned. He tel egraphed to-day to the Attorney General, stating what he had done and. asking if it was cor rect. The Attorney General re plies that the Treasurer is cor rect m his action and his advioe, i H. B. PARKER, Jr., Receiver. A BARGAIN -IN - s no. cr 'A 1 o a D cr (75 FOLDING CRIBS W ( 1) "1 TO .,-wl n 1 . 1 e i . . .. - .v. i-viii tut-, unub irom UU tOM.Vr. 'This e nn nr,A tumty to buy a FOLDING CRIB with woven wi-e mattress cheaper v vl uucil UUUiUL, Royall &Bordea Good-bye sale ! TO ALL THE unriER GOODS. The story in a nut shell. Instead having a Closing out sale in September, we put September prices on now when Summer goods are selling when they are yet ahead two or three A t n monins oi service. All the Sunn Liner Goods in the entire establishment have been marked down. JUST REGilVED. A new lot of the all-wool Serges, 40 in. in blue and black S7ic. M.E. Castex &Co. ndUtBIBHaamaBi.i.ia-i Balk soda is inferior to package stnlo. ND HA ' FUJR of imitation trade marks and labels. m bka is the whole story about AHP HAfMER SODA I ttl PHCkaUCS TStS n mre than ther Paagesoda-never spoils Z pMUSt,a. flour-universally acknowledged purest in the world. Made nnlw h rormrm 5 tu., Hew Yorki Sold b . Write for Arm and llamm er Book of valuable Becipea-FKZJ. BIICSIIMMeBMMoieEMMMMigr