s- "S o o a 03 -5 3 lO-td - j I I a -54 VV I L- r If fill I I I I I II I 7 II I I I III II III I II I )l I II I V A II II Y II I lN. 'II I II I II I III III I Ml III I II I A -.S-'S - '.I 1 : This Argtjs o'er the people's lights, No soothing strains of Maia's sun " ' - Doth an eternal vigil keep Can luU iS hund eye"?o sfi." ' " Vol. XVII. JUDGE RUSSELL SPEAKS. GOLDSBORq X. C.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER58957 xno Kepublican Bkw.Oat at Metropoli tan Hall Last Night. The Russellites, the Logites and otherites had a meeting last mgnt. It was a cloudy gathering, The darkies had the front seats, the middle seats and nearly all the rear seats, and about every other seat was occupied. After some preliminaries the chairman introduced Judge Rus sell. The Gubernatorial aspirant seemed to feel that as a real genuine Russellite Rally, the meetiug was a sort of a fiasco, but made up his tuiod to make the most of it. He touched along at first what he doubtless thought was a humorous vein, talking aoout lunerais. Hut the darkies didn't catch the humor and doz ens of them proceeded ' to drop on to sleep. He touched another cord and those that had remained awake proceeded to yell, which for a moment woke up the sleepers. This cord was what the speaker termed election frauds The more he talked on this line the louder the dusky crowd hollowed and when he referred to the Democratic "Drunken Bull Pen Scoundrels," there was noc a sleeping negro left in the hall, but many of them soon aozea on again ana woKe up only when the speaker declared that if all the Democratic ballot stealers were put in the peni tentiary their legs would be hanging over at the windows. "The fusion of 1894." he de clared "had saved the State, and as a result northern men and money are coming into the State. "They would not go to South Carolina. A man that would go to South Carolina with himself or money would be fool eaough to rent a yard in hell for a summer resort." The man who tells you that it is Populists who are disfran chising the negro in South Car olina is a liar. "They are Democrats, and the man who opposes fusion in North Carolina, you may put him down as a hired consistent Democrat. "Thank God for fusion, "(great yens.; A drummer said at the hotel in Raleigh that he was a Repub lican, and I thunk, and I thunk and I thunk." That drummer a few years ago would no more have said in Ral eigh thac be was a Republican than be would have stuck his head in a fire." "Thank God for fusion," (more yells.) Jeff Davis died and a woman In Washington draped, her house in mourning. I like that woman. If she The Nicaragua Canal. A serious setback to the pros pects of the Nicaragua canal has probably been made by the re port of the commission of engi neers wno went last summer to investigate the feastibility of the proposed route. The cost of the canal has been variously estimated at from $70, 000,000 to 9 100,000,000. The !at ter figure has been given in the reports of the Canal Company as an outside estimate. The New York Herald asserts that it has information of the contents of the coming'report of the commission, which report is now in tne cantis of the Presi dent and will not be made public until tne meeting ot tJongress except through the indomitable enterprise of the New York Her aid. According to the Herald, the commission of engiaeers who weut to Nicaragua last summer to investigate the feasibility of the canal route have found that the natural difficulties to be overcome are very much more serious than the prospects of the Canal company would seem to indicate. The probable cost of constructing the canal is placed at $133,472,000, which is nearly twice as much as the esti mates of the Nicaragua Canal L-ompany call for. 1 tie report is represented lo advocate an aporoDriation bv Congress for a thorou2h survev. Jastiug eighteen months, to map out a feasible route and to thoi oughly mister the engineering difficulties which the proposed route presents. According to the Herald, therefore, the corns mission does not condemn the proposed route, but merely asks for more time to make a further examination, and he dstimarps that the cost of constructing the canal will be considerably greater tnan tne early estimates called lor. While the figures given aboye are much larger than those 1- : t -i - wuieii trie projectors ot tne en terprise have steadily put forth there is nothing in them to ap pall the friends of the canal project. It would be a good thinsr for the United States government to put even twice the amount of the estimates of the commission into the great canal. SOME CHEEKING FIGURES. LiZnted by a New System. To the Pennsylvania railroad express from the South, which left Broad Street Station for New York at 6 o'clock last eve ning. was attached a car most unique in its way which has been on exhibition at the Atlanta Ex position and at Washington. The car, which carried a party of New Yorkers, including: Post master Charles W. Dayton, Ex- Controller Theodore W. Mvers. Ex-Sheriff John Sexton, Ex- wanted to make a fool of herself Csrporation Counsel Clark and a uuuiuet oj. uluhih equally prom inent. was brilliantly lighted with incandescent lamps run by a powd er suppnea in a manner so simple as to awaken wonder at its only now being successfully put into practice. The system which is known as the Moscow itz, ofter the inven tor, Morris Moscowitz, consists of a small inexpensive dynamo built on a truck, the armature resting directly on the axle. Af ter the train is under way and has reached a speed of 10 miles an hour the dynamo begins au tomatically to generate electrici ty. A little less than one-half of the electrical current so gen erated is consumed by the 36 lights in the car, while the rest passes to storage batteries, which in a seven.-hour run will put away enough electricity to light tne car tor at least 12 hours. t ne amount ot electricity gene rated can be regulated at will. The friction which is lost by the revolution of tha axle is used to run the dynamo, which is so constructed that it never takes more than one and a quarter horse power from the axle and in the ordinary ear fully one third of this power is wasted. xne iignung plant oi each, car is intended to be seperate and distinct and there is no fear of darkness in case of an accident, because the storage battery in each car can be relied on to sup ply the light. While electricity is used for lighting purposes on one or more railroads the power is supplied directly from the locomotives, and in case the train is broken the cars are cut off from their supply of light. It is also claimed for the Mos cowitz system that it is miwjh cheaper than oil or gas and much clearer. The System will, it is said, be adopted by the govern ment for postal cars. While in the station the car, which isv named "Mascowitz," attracted much attention. It is beautifully finished on the out side in blue and gold, with par lors at either end and kitchen and berths in the centre. Around there is a balcony, which can be used for observation purposes or as a passageway from end to end. Philadelphia Times. she had a right to do it. For freedom gives the right to make a fool of yourself if you want to." "I worshipped Jeff Davis once and went into the army to fight against my country, then I made a fool of myself." "But still we are proud of the State that sent more soldiers, ac cording to its population, than any other State in the Union. "We fusionists built that mon ument to their memory. "But I don't care what you cesesh Democrats say about me, I am glad we got whipped. "I have got to say something to get the Democratic papers to abusing me. We fusionists havn't got any daily papers, and judging from the election re turns we don't need any. But I tell you I am not happy unless the Democratic papers are abus ing me." The speaker then went into the foreign policy of the Cleve land administration, and declared that Cleveland sent a little Bay ard from that little Peach or chard, Delaware, who goes up to that little she thing, over there tbey call a queen, and tells her that he regrets that America has had a Protective policy. "Our victory means that Bay ard ard such as him shall get out. "Suppose we had a few more years of Cleveland? "Why I see that Chatham county is caring fcr more luna- ics than ever before in its his tory, who wonders at it when Cleveland is President"? After Judge Russell concluded Pat Stewart, J. J. -Rogers and other Rad-Pops ranted for an hour or so and the meeting broke up. Raleigh News & Observer. While the calamity-howlers howl and prophesy all manner of evil because of the present ten J P IT. . ueucy or goia to go abroad, it will not be amiss to watch the export figures a little. The ex ports for the month of October reached $87,017,240 as against $83,653,121 during October. 1894, a clear gain of $3,364,119. If this ratio of increase holds, this alone may serve to check the gold export entirely or restrict it to harmless proportions. There is good reason to expect lare-e exports during the remainder of the year, as this is the harvest season for nearly everything we export, including corn, cotton fruit and provisions, as well a wheat and Hour. There is another hopeful fea iure revealed by the export ugures. and that is an increase i the export of manufactured articles. For the first nine month or tne calendar year the export oi manufactured eoods was $145,798,586 against $133,378,609 during the same period in 1894 This gain of twelve millions mav be insignificant in turning the financial trade balance in our favor, but it shows that the more liberal tariff laws now on the statute books, have made an ex ooiL iraae in American manu factures possible. As it is not likely that there will be any important changes in our revenue laws daring the next two years this increase in the ex ports of manufactured eoods should be maintained. In many ines we have gone beyond the imits of home consumption, and ncreased production must de pend upon our ability to find an export market for the surplus. Coming down to our own State aud to the one item of cotton alone not to speak of the ium oer, and otner wooden outputs and manuiactures, iron manufac tures of a number of variety. cC., &c, it shows by the great i nanKsgiving "(Jotton Edition" of the Raleigh News and Obser ver from reliable statistics, that the cotton mills of North Caroli na last year consumed 40,000 bales of cotton more than the estate produced. This great industrial issue shows that North Carolina has in operation 184 mills, 989,093 spindles, 24,642 looms, 24,825 op eratives and spinning 324,220 bales cf cotton per annum. It has invested in the cotton mill industry $16,710,600 ninety per cent, of which is the capital of its own citizens. The new mills now being erected, and that will be in ope ration in 1896. will run the num ber of spindles beyond one mil. lion, and the consumption next year will exceed by more than 40,000 bales the production of the State. Now let the calamitv hawlers howl on, and let the grand march of progress of our great old com monwealth under wholesome and honest Democratic administra tion and heroic Grover Cleve land go on, and let Goldsboro get up and hump herself for first place in the procession. THE UNSPEAKABLE TURK. 1 he Sultan is preparing a let ter to the Powers defining his position on the Armenian ques tion. In it be will say that the Kurds, Apas, Bedouins, and other patriotic orders (of which he is not a member) profess the THE SUPREMACY OF Mrs. Joe Person's Rfimpfi NO S3 i n. h Vunic, Alterative, Furifler of the Blood and .Nervine is unquestioned v. "u4uos"onaoie Dy tne thousands wno have felt or witnessed its marvel ous (in many cases almost miraculous) healing' powers. Muscular a Triy- matlsm eczema, eruptions diseases, cancer in its kh i. firmest loyalty to the throne and fromTmpuritof thJbloodVr thafa are solemnly pleased to detend curable by buildinsrun and - .uo ojouoixi, jieiu to tne potent innu endo ui iuis e-reat ana inrifr-tmoH edy. Indig-estion that prevailing- curse f our modern life of hurry and worry it never fails to cure. Chills it break- by buildinsr up and fortif vino- tha ce tera , Numbei less victims ofthat hor rible and hitherto honelss malady i nerited or contracted scrofula, it has snatched from the brink of the grave and brought to long lives of usefulness. Pamphlet giving full inlormat.inn with testimonials of the best people in the land as to its wonderful twenty-five years, free to all. Physic ians give it the highest endorsement. b ormula of ita exact properties on each bottle. MRS. JOT5 PRPtsniNj Kittrell, N. C. it against any assaults of the Christians in Armenia. He -fully eympathizes with their advertised principles, but not bfiing a member, knows noth ing of their secrets. If in the performance of their duty they have been compelled to slay some twenty or thirty thousand Christians. No doubt it was done in defence of the Cres cent and the Koran, as those Christian sheep frequently at tack his valiant lions in that way. He will add that all the troubles could be avoided if the Armenians did not refuse to accept the true faith, that of Islam, or even if they would not persist in bring ing up their children in their own religion. Me cannot but feel that the luoLiLuuiuiis oi his coun try are imperilled by this obsti nacy on the part of his Armenian J TT J J. , . In conclusion he reiterates his Work done promptly, and in theverv J 1 . i . . . I hASt. ctr q o .F4.; . -y ueuiarauou tnnt he is in svui- t """uu guaranteed. ... ' Prices reduced: Shirts 8 nt. nii. patby with the advertised prin- new shirts 10c, dra-vers and undprshirt Ciples of the patriotic orders fnf 5C ech- Prices on other articles ro- which he is not a member), and hoTeT wiifVS! ! r - , """""" ' the powers are very unreasonable l-u'ue- special rates given to families if that don't satisfy them. NOTICE. Having Qualified befnr t.hn the Superior Court of Wavne countv as administrator of R f v,-sx,ti deceased, notice is herehv u-iror, n r13' "3 iuuouueu to tne state to make immediate payment, and to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before November 6, 189t, or this notice win UB pieaaea in Da r of their recovery Adm'r B. M. Privett, dee'd BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE i The Beet Salve in the World for Pllo V .-i-, Ir.r. O TT1 rt . I jji lUBca, cures, uicers, oait Kneum, Fever. Sorea.Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and afi .cu u ptions, ana positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is eruar- antesd to rive perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bottle, for sale by J,H. Hill & Son, Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all formn of hoa 3. ache Electric Bitters has the very best. It effects a nftrm an n t auu tno most dreaded habitual sick neaaaches yield to its influence. vveurge upon all who are afflicted to procure a bot.tlo nrl n-ic. hiQ . edy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Electric Bitterb cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of luis meaicine. Try it. nnrn. l bottles only fiftv r.Rnt.s at. will jt eJ? Highest of all in Leavening Poweu Latest U. S. Gov't Report" rax a Li v: iBSOIUXJTEILY. PURE Tong Sing, Chinese Laundry. CALLING A COUNCIL OF THE IRISH BACK. G. O. D. Sept 27 Zux Respectfully, Tong Sing. At the meeting of the Irish arliamentary party in Dublin, on November 15, which decreed the expulsion from its governing committee of Messrs. Timothy M. Healy and Arthur O'Connor, anotner action ot great imports ance to the future of Ireland's cause was taken. OnHhe motion cf Mr. John Dillon. M. P.. this esolution was proposed and car ried without division: this Louisburg Times:, If you fail to advertise, a busy public is liable to forget you, and if you litter up a man's front yard or a housewife's porch with cheap circulars, you will not get their trade. But an advertisement in the local paper keeps you and your .business in the public mind and makes you friends among the hundreds who regularly read JJie paper. A Mai eli Dedicated to the Atlantic Coast Lane. An Associated Press dispatch to tne ivtessenger from Washing ton, D. C, last night says : The Marine Band, at their concert this morning, played for tne nrst time a new march writ ten by their leader, Professor Fancuilli. called the "Florida opeciai March," dedicated to the Atlantic Coast Line, complimen tary to Mr. A. L.. Reed, district passenger agent of the line in this city." Professor Fancuilli is a corns poser and virtuoso of interna tional reputation, and the Mes senger stands ready to warrant that hi"Florida Special March" is a piece of music of high rank and rare beauty. In compli menting Mr, Reel he pays him a distinguished honor and does that : gentleman's Wilmington friends proud to be sure. Mr. Reed is one of the most capable and popular railroad men on earth, and the eminent Fancuilli in honoring him will gratify hosts of people $orth and South. That Fusion Kally. Raleigh, Nov. 29. Col. Shaf fer said to me this afternoon that Jim Young and company used Russell last nighfin order to get Nichols, Hill, Ellis and Shaf fer together so they could abuse them. He also says that Russell found out too late what he was there for and was deeply dis gusted. - Young and others made speeches after Russell finished, in which, they basted Shaffer, Nichols and others. Shaffer is mighty sore. . The football team on their re turn from Richmond to-day was giyen a rousing reception at Chapel Hill. The players say the umpire robbed them of the game. . ' inat this party approves of the suggestion made bv the Archbishop of Toronto in favor or a national convention repre aeutauve ot tne Irish race throughout the world, and that with the view of carrvinsr this decision into effect the chairman and committee of the Irish party are nereDV autnonzed to onm municate with the executive of the .National Federa.tirm anrt ointly with them to make ar rangements for the holding of such a convention Mr. Healy, with an obtuseness Which it is hard to understand. tried to moaify this resolution by an amendment which would practically exclude representa tive men of the Irish race abroad from participation in such con vention. Me realized, perhaps, that the first and last word of Ireland mends in other lands is: "Unite if you would have our help," and that he has been long condemned by al of'them as a primary ob stacle to unity m the Irish party ana among the Irish people "ine best elements in Ireland welcome the prospect of this convention, uxxt to make it equally appealing to Great Brit ain, America and Australia, there must be effective organization and continued stern repression of the spirit of revoll in the Irish party itself. The people are for unity and their leaders must unite. J ohn Williams and David Rose, weaitny stock traders of Wolfe county, Ky., fought-a savage ciuei to the death yesterday at Hagel Green, Williams was killed and Rose died later. Two masked men held up the Northbound prssenger train on the Fort Worth & Denver Rail road Thursday. They, forced an entrance into the Express car, but the messenger was unahlA tX open the through safe' and the bandits secured no money. The men jumped and escaped. At Anderson. S. ff. f!W Saxton, a negro, was killed by Joe E. Bursress. whito tp the evidence at the coroner's in. quest it was shown that the ns. gro was incensed over his iiic charge attacked the white man with a boe. The white man seized a gun and killed the no. gro during the fight A verdict of self defence was rendered HOW'S This- We offer One Hundred "nllnT-o T? for any case of Catart h that cannot be uureu Dy nail's Catarrh Cm-o F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., w , Toledo, O. we, the undersio-norl ha b-nn.n tt T -!,'. . O 1 " H A . u . vneney ior tne last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all DUi1Iless transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Traux. Wholesale Drugo-ists, Toledo, Ohio. a ' Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, tt Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Mall s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 7nc. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Superior Court. Attachment. Notice NORTH CAROLINA, Wayne County, f D. A. Grantham. Plaintiff ) vs. Delia A. Bonitz, Defendant xour nunared and twenty-five dol lais, aue by account for nn rtr-anito Monument and stays thereto, ordered and erected by the plaintiff for the de- louuant. warrant of attachment re mruaoie to the next term of the Sn perior court for sa.irl nmmtn rf Wo to be held at the court, hniimin boro. on the sixth Monday before the hrst Monday in March, 1896, when and wuere tne aeiendant is required to ap pear and answer or demurto the com plaint. C. F. HERRING, C. S. C, wiv. lotn, iffwo. Marvelous Results. From a letter written lw T?r t Uunderman, of Dimondale. Mich ' wa are permitted to make this extract: "I freely recommend Dr. King's New Dis covery, as the results were almost mar velous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Bant.ist. nimw.), .t Rives J unction she was brought down "iim yuouiuonia succeeding l.alirippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last for hours with little interruption and it seemed that she could not sur vive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in re sults." Trial bottles free at Hill's Drug Store, Regular size 50c and 81 Fire HisiiraiM Leads Them All. Buck's Stoves and Raneres are absolutely witout an eaual Thev have no competition. LINE OF SAFE REPRESENTED. Will write in country as well as in town "Office in the Court House. D- J. BROflDHURST, flQt. (iOLiDSBORO, N. C, NowistneTime When all the Children need a i,mrnf . , 1 1 TT1 , . . - I auues. wnen Startino- out. t.n Inn ior them, remember that fnr t.h rini. and little boys there is nothi n V - & J M. , We make substantiate. We invite you to our store.fon Walnut street, to witness the perfect oper ation of these wonderful Stove Ranges and We shall give an exhibition, commencingon Friday, Nov. 29th and continuing until Sat urday the 30th. and we earrmstlv Hcir tho presence of Everv H The exhibition will be of interest to all. On gaturday the SOth, we will GIVE AWAY the beautiful Nickle-Plated Range to the suc cessful girl (under 14years of age) who makes and bakes the best pan of biscuit on the Buck s Range at our store. The contest is open to every little girl in the city and ad joining country. Don't fail to be on hand at the appointed time, at the hardware store of W H. HUGGINS. V-..i - - - I nexi 10 nattK of Wayite. Little Giant school shoes! This season's mnst, lor men and bogs- Made by Hill and Greene; and for the larger Doys, W. If. Douglas'. Sftoes Appropriate Stmes and fabrics Boat the World. nn. , i L n i uuw are awa-v namw tho ma. Kei vaiue: Anything m Footwear for man, woman or child. You've Had within the reach of all. because The wool pulled over your eyes long en- "vJU pun some oi it over uttt;. x am prepared to do this at your prices JsIotiGe. Having this day Qualified hnfom th clerk of the Superior Court of Wayne county, North Carolina, as executor of tne last will and testament nf W W Andrews, deceased, notice is hereby given an persons inaeDted to the estate oi said W. H. Andrews, de ceased, to make immediate payment. and to all persons holding claims against said estate, to present them to biio unuersisrnea ior navment on nr n- fore Nov. loth, 1896, or this notice will uo peaueu in par oi tneir recovery. J. P. ANDREWS. Executor of W. H. Andrews, deceased. biuv. iuin, loao. NOTICE OF SALE. joy virtue oi an order or t,h NiiTwinn Court of Wayne county, by C. i Her ring, clerk Superior court, rendered nn October Sth, '9o,,in the nroceedine- of W. T. Smith, executor of Mark Mo- zingo vs. Jennie Mozingo and James a.. Mozineo. T will sell at the court nouse door in Goidsboro. on Monday. the 2nd day of December, 1S95, at 12 o clock m., to the highest bidder, for casn, tae lands described in the Deti- tion in eaid proceeding, subject to the dower of said Jennie Mozineo. Said lands are situated in Indian Springs luwusiup ana aajoin tne lands of a. Weil & Bros.. William Holmes and otners and contain about 200 acres, be ing the land upon which Mark Mozingo iivcu ab me time oi ms aeatn. This October 28th. '95. W. Ti SMITH Comm'r Valuable Farms. I offer for sale the farm on the main oad from Goidshoro trf th ir.n.at Insane Asylum, about one mile from tne city, known as the "Miller Place." inis tract contains 250 acres. Also ai-farm situated on t,h W. V W it. 14., about- three miles from (Inlds. Doro. This tract contains 3fi0 anr. Qn both these farms oan ha o-rown cotton, com, tobacco and truck crops; m laui, any crop desired. Have the ad vantage of the city chumhos and graded school. All necessary building on each Farm. Terms reasonable. Fo information write to ' Ar U. KORNEGAY, Ex. W. F. Kornegay, Goldsboro, N. C. Subscribe first class $5 per year. to TflEJ Abods a family newspaper. j FOR SALE AT HOOD BR1TT,siBouQHi,sin66 tne QUESS Tariti went on HQ W LONG It Will Run ! ON CHRISTMAS EVE, I will wind up a Ladies' Gold Watch. It will run, locked up in a case, until it runs down. Everyone who spends as much as $1.00 in my store from now until then, is enti tled to a guess. The Nearest Guess ! Hio-h Tfinri(fu6 lm? t"?.11 over from last year that was bought on a xligh Xarilr Market. Making bio- nmfit n i . mi mud t . . . r o i v wi.va wit uuaiucss. Hurts wrS tisfaction with the good, satisfaction with the prices, satisfaction with the wear of the f nthns t.hmni, t w, zz uid neighbor. m Va wiU be talked about to fiend I Would Ratner Drop PriGes Than Customers. So come .'round yourself and brine- vour hnvs come. J can nt you and suit von all in o-swia nH t, f.n am. xJ. Gohencius Takes The Watch! STANDARD SEWING MA6HINE! I have lots of real nice articles suitable for a Birthday, Wedding or Christmas Present! I can give you Bargains! Good Repairing and Engraving. satisfaction Guaranteed. ID- Giddens- Jeweler and Watchmaker. GOAL: O The only machine with Rotarv control of these machines in this 'section. "V uoutw It You Want to $10. to $15 on a Macule, See ments. . outinaara Deiore buying. Mr. W W Prinr has charge of our Machine DeDartmentf Ra ikJV. years experience, and can instruct anyone to n m ZZmZL x ours truly Rpyall & Borden. On hand and to arrive: 100 tons egg1, 50 tons nut. and 50 tons bestTennessee soft coal, at living prices. IiFYour orders respect fully solicited. - M- LEVISTER None Finer- lhat is what eyervone savs nhn smokes Teller Cigars. Ask for them when you want a good, comforting ouiuao. ji ui nam uy au leauing deal ers, lm AVOID BulK Soda! t . Had soda pof Pure soda Ihc best soda, comes only in pacKares. . tear jds this trade marlc g It costs no more than inferior "packnjc rr j; never spoils the flour always keeps i-ott. Eeware of imitation trade murks and labels, mid insist on packages ; tearing these words Or- J, M. PARKER, GOLDSBORO, N. C. fi s got I fiour. ERMDAl v-iuKWi 6t CO., New York. Sold by crocers evervwh-. r Writ, lor Arm and Hammer Book of r.Iaable Reclnes FPER. . S