I 4 THE ARGUS. DAILY AND WEEKLY. LOCAL BRIEFS. Everything goes 'till the Gorton's Minstrels, which have the boards of the Messenger Opera House on the 13th of this monin. New subscribers to the daily and weekly Argus are rolling in rapidly. The Argus invites your consideration as an adver tising medium, reaching the homes of the thrifty and bring ing sure returns. The death of Mrs. Thos. Mc Gee, who has been critically ill for some time, occurred Tues day morning at her home in Mt. Olive. The bereaved husband will have the sincere sympathy of many friends in this city in his irreparable loss. The sudden death of Miss Peninah Rose, sister of our good friends Frank, Rufe and Joe Rose is reported from thei home in F6rk township. She was 57 years of age and was beloved by all who knew her. Her death was due to apoplexy. And now Mr. Jno. M. Gran tham comes to the front and de mands the chronio for the lar gest turnips yet grown in this vicinity, and unless larger om than have yet been reported to this office are forth-coming. he will take the laurel for this year. We regret to chronicle the death of little Nellie, the in- teresting 2 year old daughier of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Stevens, of ' Grantham township, which oc curred at tLeir home last Friday. The funeral was held on Sunday and the interment made in the family burying ground, ou the plantation of Mr. J. A. Stevens. It is well with the child. It is truly commendable in the W. & W. authorities that they have increased their published reward to $500 for the apprehen sion of the culprit who attempt ed to wreck the Shoo fly train near this city last Friday night. The Board of County Commis sioners at their meeting to-day, also did a commendable act in offering a reward of $50 for ihe same thing. The laying of the corner stone of the Davis Monument will take place in Richmond in May next, at the time of the aunual meet ing of United Confederate Vete rans. The citizens of Richmond are now making arrangements to care for the large number of Veterans that will attend. It will be a great day. The Golds boro Rifles will be on hand to represent. Goldsboro on the mem orable and immortal occasion. It was a real pleasure to his many friends here to greet in the city Wednesday Mr. Walter Peter son, of the Atlantic Coast Lane, with headquarters in Wilming ton, who with his young bride, returning from a bridal trip to the Atlanta Exposition, stopped over to spend Thanksgiving with his parents, Capt. and Mrs. J. E Peterson. The Argus wishes the happy young couple long life and abundant joy and pros perity always. As the result of Saturday's cooking contest between the lit tle girls of the city and county under 14 years of age, on the re, nowned Bucks cook stove at Mr. W. H. Huggins' hardware store, little Miss Helen Pittman, the 6 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Pittman.i of this city, won the prize a beautiful little nickleplated Bucks stove. The little girls were only known by numbers, and the several lady judges, who carefully inspected all the numerous piles of biss cuits and awarded the paize, were as much surprised as was little Helen delighted when she the smallest girl in the crowd responded to the prize member. Every one of the numerous visitors who inspected the cooking exhibit was thor oughly impressed with the supe rior merit of the "Bucks," and in no feature of the exhibit were the winning merits of this excel lent stove so manifest as in the operations of these little girls, whose bircuit were par excel lence. Attempt was made Friday night by some unknown parties to wreck the "Shoofly" train from Wilmington, just beyond the city limits. The spikes and side plates were removed from one of the rails, and if the train had come upon it a wreck would surely have followed; but fortu natelv a colored man, who fires for the Enterprise Lumber Com pany, near by, observed the work going on, and making his way around the place, flagged the train with lightwooa torcn oeiore it ap proached the danger spot. The private car of Mr. Harry Wal ters, with that gentleman on board, was attached to the train, and on arriving here Mr. Walters telegraphed to the penitentiary farm,near Weldon.for the State's trained dogs, which arrived here about 4 o clock this morning on special train, and were at once put upon the trail: out,unioituoaiejy, many circumstances prevented their running it successfully. At this writing nothing has beetf definitely accomplished toward apprehending the culprits. The C. L. authorities offer five hundred dollars reward for the discovery of those who attempted the wreck. In furtherance of the plan for the establishment of an Emer gency Hospital and Dispensary fox the poor, referred to in The Argus, some time ago. Dr. W.J. Jones, Jr., and Rev. F. W. Far- ries appeared before the County Commissioners on last Monday, and submitted a practical plan for the attainment of these de sirable ends. After hearing the above named gentlemen the com missioners unanimously appoint ed a committee to whom the whole matter was referred for consideration, and to act with any similar committee that may be appointed by the City Board of Alderman and by the .Ladies Benevolent So ciety. Kow that this matter has been started it is exceeding ly desirable, in the interest of suffering humanity and for the credit of our progressive citv. that every one should use his power and influence to push it forward to a successful comple tion. The highest authority has said, "the poor "ye have always with you," and His blessing rest upon those who are their helpers. This committee is to report to an adjourned meeting of tho Board two weeks from M or. day. GOLDSBORO MARKET. o Gorrected Everu Wednesday bu the Actual Sales on the Market. TOBACCO: LUGS Common to medium. . . .46 cts " Medium to good yellow. i10 " Fine yellow 1215 LEAF Common or green 21.3 Medium 59 Good cutters 1015 Fine cutters lu20 Fancy cutters 1825 Medium wrappers 1012 Good wrappers 1520 Fine wrappers 2535 cotton : Cotton 8c. general: Bulk meat 4 Mess pork 12.C0 Salt 6085 Rice uueal 1.00 N. C. Hams 16 N C Sides 0 Meal per peck 1.101.19 Flour 3.004.59 Sugar, granulated 5 to 59 Corn 45 to 55 Oats 40 to 40 Hay 100 Eggs 12i Peas .45 to 60 Beeswax 21 to 22 JUST A FEW FIGURES. O But they Show What the Goldsboro Too bacco Warehouse is Doing for the Farmers Who Patronize It. Saturday's break of tobacco on the floor of our mammoth ware house was not out of the ordi nary as to quality and prices; but. it has been suggested thai some or the prices paid, and which can be taken as a criterion, would be of interest to the gen eral opublic. We have, there fore selected three gentlemen from as many counties; one from Greene county, one from Wayne county, and from Sampson county, who had to bacco in Saturday's break, and chat sold at the following figures. which were taken from the sale cards on the floor: PARHAM TAYLOR, GREENE CO. 44 lbs 27c, 47 lbs 27c, 38 lbs 23c. 110 lbs 19c, 34 lbs 15c, 48 bs 25ic, 30 lbs 16Jc,122 lbs life. J. W. THOMPSON, WAYNE CO. 162 lbs 22ic. 256 lbs 16ic. 236 lbs 171c. 178 lbs 22c. 71 lbs 2Hc. 28 lbs 25c. 87 lbs 24. 71 lbs 2lc. 405 lbs 16ic, 164 lbs 15ic, 66 lbs 23ic, 82 lbs 25c, 112 lbs 16fc. J. E. BOYETT, SAMPSON CO. 193 lbs 12Jc, 70 lbs 18c, 86 lbs 26c, 120 lbs 14fc, 42 lbs 14c, 165 ibs 25ic, 107 lbs lOc, 296 lbs 21c, 57 lbs 3(Hc, 58 lbs 27c, 65 lbs 15ic 129 lbs 11c. THE EINS1EIN CLOTHING COMPANY. Their Great Closing Out Sale. It will be a source of exceed ing regret to many in this com m unity and throughout the sev eral contiguous surrounding counties that the well-known Einstein Clothing Company, of this city, is closing out its en tire stock with the view of a change in business. The name of Einstein has been so long associated with the mer cantile history of Goldsboro that our people have come to look up on it as a fixture, ana will be loath to see it depart from the briskly competitive trade of our progressive city. Away back in the early yeai s of Goldsboro long before the war the now venerable and highly esteemed Moses Einstein was one of the town's pioneer merchants, and through all the rolling years he has been able to number his friends by the scores, not alone for his honorable busi ness dealings and congenial dis position and cheerful accomoda tions; but also for his manifold, charities to needy humanity, un ostentatious but always freely giyen and far-reaching. In the course of the years and business mutations he was succeeded by his son Sol, who is now at the head of the Einstein Clothing Company, which, under his ac tive management has won wide spread favor with the trading public; and that the company is now closing out its immense stock with the view of retiring from business is as much re gretted by The Argus, of which it has always been a generous j advertising patron, as by the 'public generally who favor Goldsboro with their trade. LET THE PEOPLE BEWARE Our Old Frimd and Sturdy Democrat ' Jeff Jeukius Talks Si und Logic to the Common People, the Masses. Heed His Words: Tney are the Words of Soberness and Trnth. Fremont, N. C, Dec. 2. Mr. Editor: I am glad to see you are back in the editorial chair, and hope you win nil it with honor to your self and the good of the people at large. These are eventful times. On the great questions which occu py us. we all look for some de cisive movement of public opin ion. - As l wish that, movement to be free, intelligent and unbi ased the true manifestation of the public will I desire to pre pare the (country for another as sault, which I perceive will be made on popular prejudice an other attempt to obscure distinct views ot the public good; to overwhelm all patriotism and all enlightened self interest, by loud cries against false -danger, and oy exciting tne passions or one class against another. I am not mistaken in the omen. I see the magazine from whence the weap ons ot this warfare are t3 be drawn. I already hear the din of the hammering ot arms, prepar atory to the combat. They may be such arms, perhaps, as reason and justice, and honest patriot ism cannot resist. Every effort at resistance, it is possible, may be feeble and powerless, but for one I shall make an effort an effort to be begun now and to be carried on and continued with untiring zeal till the end of the contest comes. I see in those vehicles which carry to the people sentiments from high places, plain declara tions that the present controa versy is but a strife between one part of the community atid an other. 1 hear it boasted as the unfailing security the solid ground, never to be shaken, on which recent measures rest that the poor naturally hate the rich. I know that under the shade of the Capitol, among men sent there to devise means for the public safety and the public good, it was vaunted forth as ma;ter of boast, and triumph, that one cause existed powerful enough to sup port everything and to defend everything, and that was the natural hatred of the poor to the rich. I pronounce the author of such sentiment to beguiity of attempt ing a detestable fraud on the community; a double fraud a fraud which is to cheat men out of their property and out of the earnings of their 'labor, by first cheating them out of their uu derstaudiug. It shall not be till the last mo ment of my existence; it shall be only wheu I am drawn to the verge of oblivion, wheu I shall cease to have respect or affec tion for anything on earth, that I will believe the people capable of being effectually deluded, ca joled and driven about in herds by such abominable frauds as this. If they shah sink to that point; if they so far cease to be men men who love liberty and hate tyranny.men who are proud of their ancestry as to weekly yield to such pretenses and such clamor, they will be slaves already; slaves to their own pas sions; slaves to the fraud and knavery of pretended friends. They will deserve to be blotted out of the record of freedom They ought not to dishonor the cause of self government by at tempting to exercise it. They ought to keep their unworthy hands off of republican liberty if they are capable of being the victims of artifice so shallow, of tricks so stale, so threabare, so often praticed, so much worn out on serfs and slaves, and the vic tims, too, of wicked and nefa rious designs so thinly cloaked designs deep in purpose and in wickedness, but shallow in their pretenses. Mr. Editor, I admonish the people against the objects of outcries like these. I admonish every industrious laborer in the country to be on his guard against such delusions. I tell him of the attempt to piay on his passions against his interest and to prevail on him in the name of libtrty to destroy all the fruits of liberty, in the name of patriot ism to injure and afflict his coun try, and in the name of his own independence to destroy that very independence and make him a beggar and a slave. Has he a. dollar, he is advised to do that which will destroy half its value. Has he hands to labor, let him rather fold them and sit still than be pushed on by fraud and artifice to do what will render his labor useless and hopeless. The very man, of all others. who has the deepest interest in a sound currency and who suffers most oy mischievous legislation in money matters is tne man who earns his daily bread by his daily toil. What can the labor inn ing man noarar preying on no body, he becomes the prey of all. His property is m his hands, His reliance, his fund, his prow ductive freehold, his all, is his labor. Whether he work on his own small capital or another's, his living is still earned by his industry. And when the money of the country becomes depre ciatea or debased, whether it . is adulterated coin or paper without credit, that industry is robbed of its reward. He then labors for a country whose laws cheat him out of his bread. - Whoever attempts under what ever popular cry to shake the stability of the public currency and bring on distress in money matters, stabs the working man's interest to the heart. J. M. Jenkins. Commissioner's Court, Wayne county, Dec. 2. The Board met in regular ses sion, all the members b present. iing Accounts were audited and al lowed to the amount of $753.14, including $120.00 paid to pau pers petitions tor new roads in Grantham and Brogden town ship were laid over to January session. Stephen Pittman standard keeper. Public printing 16th inst. " The following drawn for January perior court: B. L. Stevens, G try, G. W. BryaDt, was elected continued to jurors were term of Su W Daugh- W. R Si.ra- mons, Isenjamin Casey, H. F Pate. W. D. Creech, J. P. El more, Jno. N. Pearson, Jno. H. Roberts, col. ; J . W. Hall, G. W Mitchell, J. B. Dane, Jos. West, J. VV. Mitchell, son of Ed., Wm. Herring, F. L. Manly, S. H. Blow, B. H. Lancaster, W. R. Balladce, Jno. E. Parks, S. B. Smith, D. W. Peacock, E. M. Denning, Benj. Deans, J. A Bogue. Jas. B. Smith, M. E. Crusenberry, R. J. O'Berry, W TT. Grantham, W. R. Hooks, J W. Sherard. col. ; T. R. Aycock. Al-x. Sasser, H. C. Pool. 2nd week D. F. Howell. L. M. Nash, W. H. Collins. Jno. Holmes, J. B. McCullen, J. T. Hooks. J. J. Harrell, P. L. Pea cock, J. M. Powell, T. C. Grump ier, Henry Lee, M. L. Adams, W. B. Bowden, R. E. Pipkin, J. Long, Jr., Rob't. Creech, P. A. Peacock. G. W. Farmer. Action on the petition to widen the launder Swamp roadway, postponed to next meeting, J. hi. Peterson and Geo. C. Kornegay were appointed to con fer with the Board of City Alder men and the loaches Benevolent Society, in regard to the estab lishment of an Emergency Hos pital in Goldsboro. 1 he Board then agreed to pav $50 for the apprehension and conviction of the parties who at tempted to wreck the Atlantic Coast Line train on the night of the 29 th ult. The Board then adiourned to 16th inst. Was it the Ilorsa. Cape May. Dec. 1 Eariy this morning the Coid Spriug life saving crew discover ed a two-masted steamer wfc.ll down in ihe water a few miles off shore to the eastward. Her move ments indicated a desire to com municate with the shore. Just before the steamer arrived in the otting a tug, thought by the surf men to be tne Active, steamed in near the 6cfati pier, landed lour large yawiboats and hurried away. Soon after the strange visitor steamed up near the pier, landed her pilot, Jerry E.dridgv;, and received the lour yawis left there by the tug. Tney were taken off to the steamer by a shore boat manned by four ex pert watermen. Thy had been engaged to do the job by four strange men, who embarked ou the waiting vessel, which, as soon as she hoisted her boats on board shaped her course to the south eastward and was soon out of sight. No one seems to know the name of tbe steamer. Pilot Eld ridge was seen at his hotel, and ne replied in answer to a query tKat he had nothing to say as to m name ui ms late cnarge or her character. Keeper Sooy, nf Cold Spring Station, when he noticed the boats landing at the ocean pier at such an unusual hour hasten ed to the spot to see that the rev enue laws were not violated, he being ex officio a Custom House inspector. He saw the four men who embarked, and says they were dressed like gentlemen, one of them looking like a foreigner. He wore a wide-brimmed soft hat. 1 he steamer is regarded as the Horsa, which cleared yester day at Philadelphia. A swarthy Cuban, who was on the strand this morning, watched the steamer until she disappear ed below the Southern horizon. He let fall later some words which leads to the belief that the steamer took in arms and ammu nition last night off the Cape May shore from a mysterious schooner which could be plainly seen all night under the bright beams of a full moon by the surf men of Cold Spring Station. The report is that the heavy yawls which the 'craft took from here will be loaded with warlike stores trom her hold, manned and set adrift in the Moua pas sage to oin the insurgent army Pilot Eidridge left town this af ternoon. JNear Montevallo. Ala.. Rv. N. T. Lucas, a farmer, was shot and probably fatally wounded by Wm. Seale. Lucas was attempt ing to take possession of a piece of land wh'ch had been the cause of contention for some time, John Sherman informs the New York reporters that he will not be a candicate for the Presi dency next year. This is very true, but it is also entirely unne cessary and superfluous. Mr Sherman's very entertaining book of "Recollections" was a practical abdication. And, sincd the book came out, he has said enough id judicious things to -'do him up" if there hadn't been any book. e ver Come GO iiiiiniiiHii;iiiiniiHiiiniiiniiMmMinuiiiiHiHiiiiHHnMwmmtiimiimiiiiai Gout, and all diseases which are caused by an excess of uric acid in the DlOOa, are promptly relieved and eltectually banished from the system by LINCOLN Lithia Water, the greatest of all natural mineral waters con taining bicarbonate of Lithia. by druggists generally, or in cases of ' LI5TCOLN Lltllta Wirtri- la for cula one dozen half-gallon bottles 85.00 1 i . v. i. a l oprings. LINCOLN LITHIA- INN open all the year. First-class in all its appointments-. Pamohletcontainino- full infnrmm mollJK JXew Jersey Mule free upon request. Th E Ll N CO LN LlTH I A W ATE R Co. Lincolnton, N. C. MiUMll auiuuuiiuiiiiiuiiiuuiinuiiiuiiiiuniniiininiuniuiiiiuiiuiHuiiiiHiummiiii Fins Line E.C.rVtkinson's HAND WO Cross- Special mtention To fine line of importation Breech and muzzle loading- Guns. Pistols, gun implements, cartridges, amuni tion of every deRcription, and. sporting goods generally, feliell Lvoaclecl to Order J- piSCIAL.TY. Tfji 'TXT' Mm. J Heating- JinQ MOOCi in three e)' ) --g-. procure more than Fine line oil-heatinp stoves just in, suitable for sitting rooms, bath rooms, bed rooirs, or anywhere you want heat, convenience and are great r r . id - " 1 " ill I sv?)G) n5s ri-ri blinds, glissoils,. white; lead, paints, Your patronage respectfully solicited. W Next to Batik of Wayne.- JOB PRINTING. THE ARGUS JOD OFFICE IS WELL EQUIPPED FOR DOING ALL KIND OF Jot Printing are QoinQ eave Town ! REGARDLESS MR ! just as soon as you can. Especially, You Are Bargain Hunting ! mmiinuinMMfBiuiitmHUHfiniiiuiiim " Lincoln I.ithiiiWn ler lias been used quite extensively in this hospital during the last twelve , months. The most happy re sults have followed its use in chronic rheumatic complaints, and in v esi cal and urethral irritation where there was frequent and painful urination with hyper-acidity of the urine. In the latter class of cases its action has been prompt in giving reiief. "The various standard lithia "Waters have been used in this hospital, but x place tne Lincoln lith ia Water second to none of them." B. 1. EVANS, M. D.. jyieaical jjirect.nr of the Hosijilal. WMm IIIUIIUIHlllllllliimiHIIIMUIMIIIIItllM; Complete Lins Edge Tools Of Every Description. Galled the Following: and American Pocket Cutlery, Table Cutlery, Knives ana i orks, Carvers, bpoons,etc See the display in my window. Stoves, the great economizers, made now sizes- Price, $7, $6.50, $5. Don't fail to one of these stoves, if in need, as it will pay for itself in one season. at a small expense. They are a great labor-saving stoves. Call and see them. " a nt Channon Emery Cook and i .,.,-(;., findlftss varietv. Sash. doors. putty, etc all at rock bottom prices. Respectfully, H. HUGGINS, Must be Sold N 6L0TMIN6 HOW . ABOUT Your See OUR ALL 0 CUTTAWAY Frock FOR $10 - Any our stylish Sack suits In Single and Double Breasted at Reduced Prices ! pave you bought an Qvereoat? v. Have You Boi'ght an Overcoat for Winter Our Kerseys -AND- Beavers Are up to date, in style and quality. FULL STOCK Furnishing Goods ! H. Weil & Bros 80, 82. 84 and 86 West Centre street. ftlLLL IN THE RING. CORNE HAM AND TURNIPS. PEAS AND PIG JAW. MOUNTAIN APPLES. CARRAnF. trtsit axth cw,,, f. TOES; BANANAS; FINE LINE uixvnnica JUuJAiiSEl) liUUDS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. FINE NORFOLK OYSTERS BY MEASURE; BEST SODA CRACKERS, GOOD BUTTER-ALL AT LIVING PRICES. Grand Opening ol Tons on November 25tlL Ld1( odd fellows J. i OBT 60. UNDER HOTEL KENNON Hollidau Suit? - WOOL Suit 00. Wear CANDIES, RAISINS AND DATES fllff D. DANIELS .