The Jlrgtis. A Democratic Newspaper. KBIT JOS. K. ROBINSON. SCBSCKIVTION PRICE; fin Advancel Jne copy, one year $5.00 One copy, six months 2. SO One copy, three months 1.25 One copy, one month 50 Weekly Argus, one year $100 Entered at the Post Office at Golds boro, N. C. as Second-Olass Matter. GOLDSBORO, N. C, MARCH 19, 1896 TURN ABOUT IS FAIR. Shades of Scipio and Hanni bal! of Sheba and Solomon! Another of the European pow ers, Italy, has come to grief in trying to seize a slice of the Af rican pie which all the powers seem to consider fair plunder for whosoever can capture it. Abys sinia, whose civilization, such as it is, dates back to the days of King Solomon, declined to be considered a savage country en titled to no more consideration than the denizen of the jungals of the remote interior of that coutU nent. King Menelek,an alleged lineal descendant of the Queen of She ba, and namesake of that sover eign's son, proved himself a mighty warrior in a late engages ment with the Italian troops, 3,000 of whom were slain on the spot. We can pity the poor soldiers of Italy, sent to their death at the behest of a heartless government and an unscrupulous Prime Min ister; but we sympathize with and admire the courage of the Abyssinians who defended their homes and liberties so gallantly. Poor Italy! How hath the mighty fallen! She is ground down with taxation to support a war establishment monstrously disproportionate to her real strength. She is bankrupt in purse and bankrupt in honor, but she is -'united" and her peo ple have "freedom," though it would take Professor Roentgen's most powerful ray to discover wherein the freedom consists. CLEVELAND'S STRENGTH. When the future historian shall weigh in nice scales the official acts of Grover Cleveland, twice President of the United States, he will deliberately declare that few public men in any age or country deserve a more enduring fame for wisdom, courageous performance of duty and devoted patriotism. During his present administra tion President Cleveland has been the only bulwark between the people and panic and univer sal bankruptcy. In the most critical crises, he sits steady in the boat. The credit of the Gov ernment of the United States shall at all times be maintained, was his clarion blast, heard above the tempest, resounding 'round the wolrd. And the public faith has been maintainad; the national honor has been preserved un tarnished; and healthy currents of commerce again are fructify ing the land. In their National Conventions this summer neither of the great political parties the Republican nor Democratic will dare to condemn President Cleveland's earnest endeavors to save the country from the folly of inau gurating the policy of free silver coinage at 16 to 1. The Popu lists will monopolize the advo cacy, by platform utterances, of a fifty-cent dollar. They are almost ready to urge the repudiation of the National debt. The people the great puis ing patriotic masses, are firm .believers in Grover Cleveland, his ability, honesty, and patriot ism. By no act or utterance have they been bound to him more securely than by his sturdy championship of the cause of Sound Money. On a clean-cut issue between Cleveland and an ti-Cley eland Sound Money vs Free Coinage the President and a hundred-cent dollar would win a decisive victory, and we still believe that with the masses of this great country no living man is as strong as the only Democratic President since the war. There is no scarcity of gold In the world, although there are those who base strenuous argu ments upon its supoosed scare itv. There is no danger of a 4,gold famine." The world's product jest year was ?20O,QQO,- 000. This is a much larsrer tro duction than for any year ever known before. Even the year 1883, which has been considered the maximum year, on account of the eutput in California, did not produce as much as last year by 150,000,000. It must be remem bered that the annual output is added to the existing supply, and thus each year adds to the accumulation. In the past three years the supply has been in creased f535,0O0,000. The an nual output of gold now exceeds by $10,000,000 the average yield of both gold and silver from 1S66 to 1373. Cancer Of the Breast Mr. A. H. Crausby is one of the best known and most highly respected citi zens of Memphis, and resides at 158 Kerr street in that city. .0 Some years afro his wife noticed a small lump in her breast. She thought nothing- of it, but it increased in size rapidly, and soon broke through the skin and commenced to discharge. She was at once put under treatment of the best physicians, but they -rery soon found that they could do her no good, and simply prescribed antiseptics to keep the place clean. Both her grandmother and aunt, by the way, had died with cancer, and when ap prised of this fact the doctors said that they would not attempt to save her; that she was incurable. Although the cancer had by this time become deep- seated and her health very low, one or the most noted specialists of New York then treated her. After treating her awhile, this doctor admitted that the MRS. A. H. CRAUSBY. case was hopeless and further treat ment useless. "It is difficult to im agine how despondent we all became," said Mr. Crausby, "knowing that she must die and unable to give her any relief. I had spent over five hundred dollars with the best medical skill to be had, and felt that there was no further hope . "One day I happened to read an ad vertisement of S. S. S., recommending that remedy for cancer, and in view of the failure of the most eminent physi cians in the country, I confess I had little faith left in any human agency. However, I purchased a bottle of S.S.S., and to my delight it seemed to benefit her. After she had taken a couple of bottles the cancer began to heal, and astonishing as it may seem, a few bot tles more cured her entirely. You can probably better understand how re markable this cure was when I explain that the cancer had eaten two holes in the breast two inches deep. These healed up entirely, and although ten years have elapsed, not a sign of the disease has ever returned, and we are assured of the permanence of the cure, which we at first doubted. "As my wife inherited the cancer, I certainly regard S. S. S. as the most wonderful remedy in the world, and it is truly a Godsend to those afflicted with this terrible disease. You may be sure that 1 shall always be grateful to that remedy, for without it my home would now be desolate and my chil dren motherless." The above is but one of many re- markable cures being daily made by S. fa. S3. Cancer is becoming alarm- ingly prevalent, and manifests itself in such a variety of forms, that any lump, sore or scab, it matters not how small, which does not readily heal up and dis appear may well be regarded with suspicion. We will gladly send to any address, full accounts of several other cures fully as remarkable- as this one. For real blood troubles, S. S. S. has no equal. It wipes out completely the most obstinate cases of blood diseases, which other remedies do not seem to touch. S. S. S. gets at the root of the disease, and forces it out permanently S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegeta ble, ana is a positive ana permanent cure tor facrotuia, Kczcma, Cancer. Rheumatism and all traces of bad blood. Our valuable books will be mailed free to any address. Swift bpecihe Co., Atlanta, Cia. Notice- North Carolina, ) Superior Court. Wayne Co, J Before C. P. Herring, Clerk . J. Best, administrator r-f Jas. King, Sr., deceased, vs. John King,DavidKing,et als Jno. Kins- and David Kin? the de fendants above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above, has been common 3ed belore O. T. Herring-, clerk of the Superior court of Wayne county, to obtain an order for the sale of certain property belonging to the said estate to satisfy a certain judg ment docketed in the Superior court of saia couniy,in lavoroi iiies iornegay, to the amount of $215.9.'. The said land is bounded and described as follows Begins at a stake on Big Branch. Cos- dell B. Massey's corner and runs thence south 35, west 82 poles to a stake, thence south 52, east 110 to a stake, thence north 35, east 88 poles to a stake in the head of a small branch, thence down said branch to a stake at its mouth, where it empties Into Big Branch-, thence down said branch as it wonders to the beginning; forty-nine and seven- eights acres, more or less. 'Ih defend ants will taue further notice that they are required to appear before C. P. 'Herring, clerk of tne court of saia county, on me aoiiu uuy ui lusreu, low, and answen or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint C- F. H&RRING, Clerk Superior Court. This 4?th. February, m. Should Drinks ""M tatient-Mn.E .has Iutrn ru ed from your health-reHtoriiiir gnrinv and I am in duty bound and without solicitation on vour ruirt hmmv tn mtntm fully restored. Indeed. I consider tha water a panacea for chronic diseases, for neverdld I see a human being suffer more Intensely from procidentia, lencar- ratieav. ana metritis, wan nrs. Jtii . prior to her visit. She also suffered from Tmpmetie dyspepsia, which has UKewise aisappearea. l wouiu cane wis moae or advising tne female invalids or our land to repair at ones to your neaitn-giving spring waier. W. W. LATHAM, .MliuOTM WATER It is the best specific known for diseases of -women as well as all kidney and urinary troubles, rheumatism, and kindred diseases, dyspepsia and nervous affections. Sold by drsggtats generally, r is cues of one doiea half-fallon bottles, (5.00 f.o.b. at Springs. f J'nfnln i-fhia Inn Open all the year. First-class in all its appoint L,l IICOIII L, 11 II lit Hill. menta. Writ for pamphlet and fall information. THE LINCOLN LIT HI A WAT BR CO.. LINCOUNTON, N. C Notice of eale. Under and by virtue of a judgment of the Superior court, rendered at Oc tober term, 1895, in the case of W. R. Hooks et al against Turner bimms et al, I shall sell, for cash, by public auc tion, at the court house door in IxoJds boro, N. C, on Monday, April 13, 1896, the following- described tract of land, situate in Wayne county. N. C. : Betrinning- at a corner in W K. Jtsal- lance's line and running- thence nearly north with Barnes' line 70 yards to a stake cornei-; thence nearly east to Ballanre's line a stake; thence nearly south 70 yards with Ballance's line to the beginning-, contain? re-two (2) acres, mere or less, being the lands described in the complaint and in the judgment in said action. This the 11th day of March, 1896 B. F. AYCOCK, com'r NotiGe of Sale. Under and by virtue of a judgment of the Superior court of Wayne county, JM. C, in the case of B. Jj . Aycock against Gard W. Tnompson, et al, I shall sell for cash, by public auction, at the court house door in Goldsboio, N. Con Monday, April 13. 1896, the lands described in the pleadings and judg ment in said action, situate in Wayne countv, N. C, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the corner of F, M. Musgrave s fence on tne bnow Hill road, about 15 or 20 feet from Mus- graTe's gin house and runs thence with said fence from said road a sufficient distance to include one acre of land by running a line at right angles from said fence easterly to the line of Wall er Gardener; thence with said Gardener's line to the Snow Hill road: thence with said road to the beginning, so as to in clude the mill and gin house then in the possession of F. M. Musgrave, together with all the machinery and appliances upon said premises. This the 11th day of March, 1896. F. A. DANIELS, Com'r. NOTICE, Having qualified before the clerk of the Superior court of Wayne county, N. C, as administrator, with the will annexed, of Elva Davis, deceased, all persons indebted to the estate of said Elva Davis are notified to make imme diate payment; and all persons holding claims against the same to present them to the undersigned on or before January 11 1897, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This Jan. 11, 1S96. M. T. JOHNSON, Adm'r C. T. Elva Davis, deceased NOTICE On Monday, March 30, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door in Golds boro, I will sell, for cash, an acre lot, situated in the town of Beston, Wayne county, the property of &. B. Craven, to satisfy taxes on the same for the year 1895. G E. HADLEY, '1 ax Collector. O-TaoiorJi'.. Morehead Gitq, N- G. Wholesale- Fisn and Oyster -Dealer. Fresn fish received every day from my seins and nets. Mr. N. G. Price has charge of my re tail business in Goldsboro and will be glad to see you when in need of fish. All orders will receive my personal at tention and satisfaction guaranteed. Orders left with Mr. Price will be for warded and receive prompt attention. Respectfully, dec 20-tf R. W. TAYLOR, Jr. T?e big Stock? ..ON HAND OP DRY GOODS, ""NOTIONS, flflTS, BOOTS Shoes, Groceries, Wood and willow-ware, crockery and glassware, that must be sold to make room for spring stock. Cot ton worsted only o cents; sea island domestic 5 cents; yard-wide, heavy checked 5 to 7 cents; pants cloth 10 to 40 cents; wire buckle suspenders 10 cents; shirts and drawers 25 cts; heavy socks 5 cents a pair; bed ticking 10 to 15 cents; good um brella from 50 cts. to $1 25; hats 25 cents to beet in town for $1; women and men's solid shoes $1 per pair big stock of shoes on hand; valises 50 cts to $1; trunks $1 20 to $5; to bacco, 10 kinds, for only 25 cents a pound; snuff 30 cts. and up; coffee 16f cts; soda 5 cts; pepper 10 cts; cheap tobacco 12i to 50 cents. We must make room, and guarantee to save you big money. Continue to trade with THE HUSTLER, F. B, Edmundsotta (Successor to E. L. Edmundson & Bro,) DO YOU HAVE TROUBLE WITH YOUR E1VE1S? Call on "W. P. Granger ana nave your ej es ex amined free of charge, Lense fittea to correct all those troubles you have been suffering wiih. That awful headache will also be relieved. Head quarters for everything in a first-class jewelry store. Respectfully yours. W- P. GRANGER. THE OPTTCTAN " West Ceotro St. AND JEWELER, g rams c hi Wool Soap Woolens will not shrink, if Wool Soap is used in the laundry. Wool Soap is delicate and refreshing for household and laundry purpo&es. This may be a new article to many, but it has been thoroughly tested and will be. found to be all that is claimed for it. Were this not o. we would never have ! offered it to you. A single trial will convince you that it is an A PJo 1 Article. I B. FONVIEMiE Plymouth Rock phosphated Geletine Requires no lemons; no cooking: no straining, and is perfectly odorless WARRANTED ABSOLUTELY PURE The most economical and convenient Geletine to use, and distinguishable from all others by its tonic and health- giving properties. It is an entire de parture from the ordinary Geletines, and is an elegant preparation of the vital bone-constituents phosphoric oxide and Oeletine. .combined witti lemon juice, in form demanded by the system. It is absolutely free from any un pleasant odor or taste, either in soak ing or dissolving, and. especially is it free from the disgusting gluey taste or smell particularly noticeable in impure Gelettnes. . It is endo sed and used in the leading hosritah sanatoriums and cooking schools throughout the United States A single trial will convince you that it is decidedly the best of ail geletiness We have it in two colors pink and white. Retail trade supplied at manufacturer's price. I. B. Fonvieiie- Land Is going to be higher and now j.s a good time to Duy, x win sen one Hun dred acres of my farm one mile from Goldsboro. The land is suitable for Fruit, Truck, Dairy AND x Tobacco Farming. Advantages of both town and country. Public schools equal to any in the state. Address J. W. Bryan, GOLDSBORO. N. C. IS YOTJR DWELLING HOUSE INSURED? Is your household and kitchen furniture insured? Is your Life insured? Are you insured against accidents? iFnot. WHY? We make a specialty of- INSURANCE in all its branches, and are prepared to issue policies which will pro tect you in event of damage to . your prop erty oy Fire, Lightning, Tornados, and Wind Storms; also Personal Accident, Plate Glass, Employer's Liability and Steam Boiler. -; . , . We represent none butStrictly First-Class companies. Prompt attention given to all business placed with us. GEOAY DEWEy & BRO, GOLDSBORO, N- C. Office on Walnut street. The Great E.EE ARTICLES! We Are, O O By AUTHORITATIVE WRITERS Begin in the FEBRUARY NUMBER of Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly PUBLISHED JANUARY 1STH. Price 25 cts. Sold by all Newsdealers. The First Article of this Notable Scries on the LEES OF VIRCHNIA, which Scrie will run six months or more, is "The Ancestors of GEN. ROBERT E. LEE," By Mrs. R. A. PRY0R, of New York, (WIFE OF JUDGE PRY0R). The culminating interest of the enV will l.e in the vivi.l presentation of that pure and lotty characte. i winch are 'fT' ;r,lI the i-Mest traits of American chiva rv the character ,t tib.N t.RAL ROBb.R I I- LKE. Ka. , ,,aPr of the series will be com j.le e in itselt, but tollow-ni" in t..e regular order of development of the subject, and all Will he protuselv illustrated. 1 J ' The collection of portrait "f General I,oe, in particular, embraces a number hitherto unpublished and includes all the standard ones approved during his lifetime bv his fam ily and triends. The editor ot 1-ua.nk I.kslik s Pn lak Monthly, in collecting the mate rial lor this series, has had the aid and collaboration of Gfv. Fitzhuuh Lf.e Gkn G W. "stis IMS, un. r jFNNiN-os i.KF.. ji dc.f. R. A. I'kvor. Miss Kate M asom Rowlamd. and Jo American, bouth or North, can well alford to misa this STILIx IN THE o o o LEAD: Special attention of PARMRR8ANDTRUGKBR8 Galled to ttie following other well-known Virginians. series. tete thronei Local Jfcwsdealer or BR EARLY. EDITION LIMITED. Tostmaater. 25 eta ; S3 a Tear. Frank iMllc't PnWichlmr nmiw w v Big as a Barn Door' The largest piece of .good tobacco ever sold for 10 cents , .and me 5 cent piece is nearly as large as you .et of ofher Digh trades for 10 cents for Infants and Children.. pnOTHERS, Do You Know that yaregorfa, U W H Batemoa's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrup and tnoet remedies for children are composed of opluna or morphine t Do You Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic polsiras t Po You Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to (ell narootm Without labeling them poisons f Po TTo Know that you should not permit any medicine to be givet your cbiMI WirtSBi you or your physician know of what it is composed ? Po ToU Know that Castoria is a purely rege table preparation, and I hat a list cf Urn ingrediena is published with every bottle f ! Yov Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitchar. That it has been in use for near'y thirty years, and hat more Castoria is now sold than ai all other remedies for children combined 1 Do Yon Know that the Patent Office Deoartment of the United Slates, a. id of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to vise the word " Cavatorian and its formula, and that to imitate them la a state prison offense f Po Yo'i Know that one of the reasons for granting this government p)"otecUon wa because Cast oria had been proven to be absolutely hannleut Po Tot Know that 35 averavga doses of Castoria are furnished tor 3& rata, or oxe cent a dose f Po Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your t'hlldrau may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest f Wellt ftheso things are worth knowing. They are tacsa. Tito fao-wlmlle flgnavtnTe of la on o-rery CIMIdren Cry for Pitcher's Castor!a UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, gi0- HUNTER McQUIRg. M. O., W. O., President. Departments KSSICIKE, DENTISTRY, PHARMACY. A Three-Year' Graded College. An optional fourth year free, if desired. Each Department has an independent Faculty, numbering thirty-four (34) in tha Medical, eighty (8) In the Dental, and six (6) in the Pharmaceutical Department. Equipment is modern and com plete; three separate College Buildings, five Laboratories and two Hospitals. Sxpeneee moderate; board, including everything, ail to $M par nsosttbu Instruction is personal and practical; Clinical Hatarial varied and abundant. lor forty page ILLDSTEATJCD CATALOOTTB, or any information, address : OrtWBi I dr. J. ALLISON HODACS. Coancs-oNoina tcerraftv. . SftfteStbtT 12, 1890. VNIVKRSITY COWLKaC OF MrCINC, RICHMOND, V. Complete line of Farming Supplies, consisting in part of LIPPER, BOSS, DIXIE, AVERY STEEL ana otaer turn plows, Carolina, Stone wall and Climax cotton plows, and all ( mft-hnrftp TTa rrnurj TValr an U..u.. r : 1 . r ......, j uonisno. j-ruu t inu ui extmion uiom I 1 A nOP-Hft VI n tr mncninnc oa thai, u vc ni.i'njn.1 n A u . ! i I- - - - " a... v. .luci u uosn iuim prices tow. Collars, Hames, Traces, Bridles. Back-Bands, Lines, fclrub Hoes, Eye Hoes, iiuoo, riu&o, luatwvKs, oriar nuoKS, etc. IxJUST REGEIVRD A f uil line of those celebrated Buck's Cook Stoves and Ranoes- They lead all others. As an evidence of the fact, we I Will eive a Stove to anvdnalr wKn will matK Tl. I w - w ..... uiurwu MUVm O with any other make. Backs warranted fifteen years. This alone will save many dollars. Hardware in p.ndlnss vnytt.7 C.ul. A i I ,, , ... . uuui o. uimug, U1U13, oils, etc. meet ali legitimate competition. Your patronag-e respectfully aolicited. We imii NEXT TO BANK OF WAYNE W. H. HUGGINS, An Opportunity Never OfierjdBefore ! We have a few fine sail of r.r t.h th .t. t.a nw .1 one-half of their real value. Oou't miss this chance, for you will never have another like it. Come and see what we have, it. will cost you nothing to look k We nave a law 1 IT, wnrth Xl nai ir. wA - 1 1 : . .1.1 . , .!.!, . v " - J, "wiuug niuv ubuis per yara. tome quick and set a dress at half pr ce. We have a very large and complete line of Which we bought before the advance and we are going to sell themat tne IVv-P W-?at JbieJniI?in- Come and see our shoes and prices and you V VlSLVM AVAIirt.Vlinrr liaualltr lrAnt t IZ . 1 1 . . . . . - J uoura.ij, iu i ursreiass ury gooas store ana a ris'l 0 our store will convince you that we are selling cheaper than the chea ies BIZELL BROS. & 60. Stone front corner store: opposite HotelKannnn. Piso's Cure For Consumption Of all the Cough medicines I have for sale, Piso's -ure tor Consumption takes the best. When once sold, it makes a permanent customer. L. F. MARTIN, Druggist, Hagletown, Indiana. January 28th, J896. a x.-'-q. VW Just Received! Two Car Loads Fine Large Youno Mules! Well broke and serviceable. Also a lot of HORSES ! All of which have been specially selected for this market, Come to see us and we will treat you right. B- W- Southerland 8c Go. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER ! READ THE Goldsboro Argus 'Oaoi And you shall have knowledge knowledge of all current news Political, Agricultural, Social, In ternational and otherwise, right up to the day of publication and with fresh, comprehensive editorial comment thereon THE GOLDSBORO Weekly Argus ,s pub $1 Per Year; xJ o s . El. Fib o nf EDITOR: