' CROP CONDITIONS. 1896 2,235,600.000 407,5.79.000 824,503,000 The New York Journal of Commerce publishes the condi tion, acreage and prospective yield of the three principal grain crops, as indicated by the Au gust returns to the Statisticain of the Department Agriculture. The following table will furnish a comparison between the crop of the present year 1895 Corn.. .. 2,151,138,580 Wheat. 467,102 947 Oats . 662v636,8i8 The prospect is for the lai gest yield of corn and oats ever known. The wheat crop, how ever, promises to be smaller than the average of the past twenty six years. , The average of the three cror s for the two years is as follows; ;. . 1895 1896 Corn. . . .82.075J820 81,000,000 Wheat. .. .. .U ...34,047,339 34,619,000 Oats :rA. 27,033,543 ,27,572,000 " It is ttus noted that there is a decrease of a mile" more than 1,000,000 acres in the acreage of corn, and an,,. incr' ase of nearly 600,000 and .. 550,000 acres, re spectively in the f acreage of wheat and oats. At one time last year corn sold as low as 26 cents per bushel. This, in spite of the fact that the corn crop of the preceding year was the smallest since 1831. When the crops of two years amounted to 3,400,000,000 bush eis, the price in "Chicago went to 26 cents. What will it do when the yield of two ; years . amounts to 4,400,000,000 bushels. This crop promises to place on the market vastly more corn than can be sold at profit, and the price per bushel in Chicago will doubt less go below 20 cents. The same decline may be look- ed for in oats. The crop will be large. .Last year oats sold in Chicago for less than 17 cents per bushel. This year they will probably be lower still. The prospect is good for a slight rise in wheat, unless the low price of corn and oats carries it down. The prospective yield per acre for the present year is as fol lows: Corn, 27.7 bushels; wheat, 12.1; oats, 29.9. Last year the average yield was: Corn. 26 2: wheat. 13.7; oats, 24.5. The condition of the cotton crop is also given. It is 80.1 this year, against 91.8 the year before. This is an indication that pre sent cotton prices -will be main tained at least. BENEFITS OF CIVIL SERVICE. A PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR! $2O0REWARD. State op North Carolina, . Executive Department. been received at this department that -t j i i t a l - a e . i j. iiauHuiHt raoure, iiwui n.o uuuuij oi Wayne, elands charged with murder, and Whereas, it appears that the said Nathaniel Moore has fled the State, or so conceals himseli that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him: Now, therefore, I, Ellas Carr, Gov ernor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue of authority in me vested, by Law. do issue this, my proclamation, offerings a reward of Two Hundred Dollars for the apprehension and de livery of the said Nathaniel Moore to the Sheriff of Wayne county, at the court house in Goldsboro, and I do en join all officers and all gooi citizens to assist in bringing said criminal to jus tice. Done at our city of Raleigh, 12th daj of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hun dred and ninety-six, and in the one hundred and twenty-first year of our American Independ ence, By the Governor. ' ELIAS CARR, S. F. T.ELFAIR, Private Secretary. DESCRIPTION. Nathaniel Moore is a white man, stout, medium height, rough in speech, has auburn hair and mustache, is five and one half feet high ard weighs 150 pounds. Sirce committing the crime he has cut off his moustache. A CORKER is worth getting, and our phosphates are Al every time. There's nothing better for a Summer drink, and the price 5 cts. makes them the beverage for all. We are the people's drug house. Our prescription department rrm mflnfla lir:t.l ntAH TM'AlRft And ClVeS universal satisfaction. Nothing is more to bf prized than pure arugs, oecause its in drugs that universal satisfaction Hnos t.hn mnst harm. Its admitted that we carry a stock to be found nowhere else, and that our prices are fjways reasonable. M. E- Robinson & Br West Centre St GOLDSBORO N.C Good Health anr a. crhnr) nnrxtitn (ro hand in hand With the loss of appetite, the system cannot long sustain itself. Thus the fortifications of good health are broken do wn and the system is liable to attacks of disease. It is in such cases that the merhV.inal nowera Of Hood's Sarsa- narilla are clearlv shown. Thousands who have tauen uooa s oarsaparma testify to its great merits as a purifier nftha hlnnH. itM iinwnrs to restore and sharpen the appetite and promote a Thus it is, not what we say but what Hood's SarsaDarilla does that tells the story and constitutes the strongest recommendation that can be urged lor any medicine. Why not take Hood's It is a fact, though not Gener ally known, that the next Presi dent of the United States will have but few gifts to supporters in the shape of offices unless he withdraws the operation of tbe civil service law from certain branches of tbe public. That law has spread its bladket over nearly all positions in the Gov ernment service, and under it the present place holders rest in B3curity. Thay cannot be remov ed without jus c cause, to make way for new appointees. This condition was made complete by President Cleveland's last order extending the law in question to the Government ' printing Office and to Consuls drawing salaries between f 1,000 and 12.500 per annum. This almost cleaned out the political pie plate. Only a short time ago the President had at this dipsal 80,000 offices, with oat counting postmasters. Now he has about 2,000 outside of the Postoffice' Department- scarcely a suGcient number to whet the "appetite of of. tbiel greedy place hunters.,;" This is as it should, be. Cam piigns should ; not be conducted merely to get office -for. the emo- 1 iments attached, : but for the aduancement of great principles. business affairs in - the depart ments, in Consular offices, in the mail servicp. etc. . " should be al- weys in the hands of competent men, removed from political in flueneF.. The safest and pure. I way to bring about this result is under the civil service regula tions. The profession of office seeking will unker these condi. tions. become a lost art at the National Capital, and the people who look for as efficient servic e from their Government as they do from their grocer or banker or merchant, will be the beneficiaries. la f-.V.- lalkiwg of VeJs We have one we'll tell you who'll get on December next, mis su perb combination is a . Weighing 24 pounds and worth $60. To eTery purchaser oi a com anun. uur Fountain we win give a chock, auu. on the expiration of the time, December 25, the person that has purchased the l)-(Tect. nnrnhnr nf drinks: that is to say spent the most money at our fountain will be entitled to the wneei. miis a nrtt)lltt IvUl post VOll nOthlnST. YOU ought to make all your purchases in our line from us Decause you k best and the most for your money. We are the leading druggists ol uoids- boro, and carry everything in the drug line. Moderate prices are our rule. At your service. M. E. ROBINSON & BRO For $$ .00 Cash Richard BVown, the Buggy and Car riage fainter, w ill repaint your old buggy and make it look like new All material furnished. All work guar, an teed. Forty years experience. Orders left at Summerlin's repair shoo on John street, will receive prompt at- Women?? mem Are peculiarly benefited by P. P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy, the most wonderful Tonic and Blood Cleanser in the world. P. P. P. restores shattered nerves, gives strength and tone to the entire system, revives the worn out, nervous and debilitated You cannot but be nervous it your blood is impure. P. P. P. gives the proper nourishment to the blood, and cures nervous pros tration, debility and nervous head ache. t ' P. P. P. cures that tired, languid, " all erone " f eeline, cures dyspepsia, in digestion, and that awful distress of the stomach. P. P. P. cures that weak, nervous con dition, that dreadful jumping of the heart, followed by dizziness and sink ing spells. Wake your blood pure by taking P. P. P., Lippman's Great Rem edy, and you will be well and happy. Women are benefited, their org-aniza tion regulated, and their weakness and lassitude cured by r. if. e WEAK, TIRED PEOPLE should take P. P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy, without delay. While not actually sick, you feel weak and tired. ready to get sick, and what you need is strength to drive out ol your system that which is the cause ol bpnng i ever, P. iv F. is needed at once. - Mrs. Hattie Mylius, of 70 East 86th street, New York, says that 6he was m poor health, and that her case devel oped into nervous prostration. She Buffered from nervous headaches, and at times was unable to do any work at all. She could not sleep, and was so nervous that she would have to get tip at all hours of the night and walk the floor, and the opening of a door would startle, her. But her weakness and nervousness is all gone. P. P. P. was what saved her. Her appetite improved, her nervousness is a thing of the past, and she thanks P. P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy, for her com plete restoration to health. Sold by all druzrfcta. UPPMAN BROS., Apothecaries, Sole Prsp'rs, Lippman'i Block. Savannah, Ga Reliable Jewelry1 5 Lowest Prices. o DO -AT-- J t f YOU WEAR Bracelets? A new line of popular designs in Sterling silver just in En tirely new. Silye.- anf silver enameled links and silver stick pins See the new Wheelman watch chain, the lat&s out. Headquarters for up-to-date jewelry. II. A, Creech. Jewele ? West Centre St. Southern Railway. (PIEDMONT A IR LINE. ) Richmond & Daijville aqii N C Divisions. IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 9, 1896. LEAVE GOLDSBORO. DAILY No. 35 Passenger Due Sel 2:00 P. M. ma 2.54 pm, Clapton 3.21 pm, Raloigh 4.0& pm, Dur ham 5.05 pm, University 5.19 j oi, Hillsboro 5.36 pm, Bur lington 6:-'i8 pnvElon College 6.48 pm, arrive Gieensboro 7.25 pm. DAILY No 13 Passengei- Due Senna 10 A.M. 7.48 am. Clayton S.lo am, Raleigh 8.47 am, Durham 9.50 am. university 10.10 am, Hillsboro 10,22 am, era ham 11 01 am, Burlington a m, Elon college 11.18 am, arrive Greensboro 11.55 am. DAILY No.12 Mixed- -Leaves Greene 00 P. M. boro 1.30 am, Elon college 2.d5am, Burlington 3.10 am, Graham 3.10 am, Hiiisooro 4.30 am. university 4.51 am, Durham 5.45 am, Rale'gh 9 00 am daily ex. S unday Clayton 10.30 am, Kevsvil'.e. C L iave Richmond 1.2 55 pm, dally; leave Keysville4 15pm: arrive oa ford 628 pm. Henderson t7 00 pm, Durham 7 45 pm, Baieierh 7 Uo am. Returning' leave Ral eigh 847 am, daily, Durham 11 50am, Hen derson To ou am, oxford lira pm; arrive Keysvile 3 20 pm, Richmond 640 pm, daily. M.E.CASTEXaCO Something New arid up-to-date. Walking Hats and Golf Caps. JUST GUT ! THE VERY LATEST STYLE SUITABLE FOR WALKING AND CYCLING. 1 f AND PATTERNS. , Made in different patterns of fancy goods Randall plain colors, and is just the thing that will be all the rage this'Fall. M. E. Castex & Co. WEST GEMTRc SI BEET, GOLDSBORO. H.?C' 0 For the Ladies: SLEEPING-CAR SFRVICE. On trains nos. 11 and 12 pullraan sleeper between Greensboro and Raleigh. W. A. TUHK, lien'l .Passenger Agent Washington, D. C. W. H. Green, J. M. Uulp, Gen'l Supt, Traffic Mangr, Washington. D. C Washington. DC FOB EITHER SKX This remedy beinc in- Jeetd Atreetly to the seat or tnoae anieasra LE BRUM'S If M O fM of the Genito-lJrinarj- vires no Core guaranteed in 1 to 3 days. Small plain pack age, by mall, Sl.OO, Bold only by J. H. Hill &Son. Goldsboro. KC O) The latest fad in bicycle hats, attractive and natty Davis Military School. this season of the year, people are trying to find the beet school to patronize.' The selection of a school is an important matter, This advertisement contains valuable information for those interested In the education of Boys and young men. It gives some facts concerning DAVIS MILITARI SCHOOL. Thousands from North South. East and West have been educated there. DAVIS MILITARY SCHOOL offers a full College course, or a thorough preparation for those who wish to be prepared for any other college or University in the United States, or for West Point or Annapolis, or a complete Business College Education. In every department, the most careful. painstaking Instruction is given; we do not hesitate to say that no better teaching is done any wheie, Our own graduates have taken finestands In the various callings and professions; those who have been prenare by us for other colleges or universities have taken high stands. No boy or young man prepared at DAVIS MILITARY SCHOOL ever failed to pass examinations for West Point or Annapolis, and at present the leader of one of the classes at West Point was prepared at DAVIS MILITARY SCHOOL. A short time ago. one of our cadets, won a fellow8h?D paying $500 a year at Johns Hopkins University. Another young man who graduated as a civil engine.- at DA VIP MILITARY SCHOOL immediately secured a position as civil engineer on one of the large railroads of the South. BUSINESS GOIaUEGE. In our Business College Department, the best instruction is given in Book-keeping. Commercial Ar!thm .vUUlwiV a UU manship, Business Correspondence, Shorthand, Typewriting, and other branches of Commercial Education, Hundred, of men educated, in our Business College Department are filling responsible positions at good salaries in Bank,, Fac tories, stores, railroad officea and other places. Some of the largest banks and factories in Winston emnlov vJ educated in our Business College. A young man who took short-hand and the Commercial a uvvui tva a rJB ' IIUU tht secretary to the President of a great railroad. In this connection, we call attention to the fact that those taking the business uonege course nave to pay no charge for short-hand and typewriting. 8QME ADVANTAGES. Our location is famous for beauty and health; we have large grounds and comfortable Vniw,. v vy ua o a uurxicb band which plays every day; we make no extra charge for fires or lights, and in case of sickness there is no extra chargeformedicalattentionormedicine. Notwithstanding we offer so many advantages, our charg'es are less than those of other good schools and we have easy terms of payment Our catalogue of 50 tttJ ,.. we mail it free on application, Address A large and varied line of Men's hats; Alpines and Der- bys, brown and black, just received. . - Our line of Negligee and plaited bosom shirts is replete with the neatest patterns, and best of all, at a nom inal pnee. We have anything you may desire in the Neckwear line. llindtein glothing 4Qot UNDER HOTEL, KENNON. Special sale of BIBLES For ttiis Week OXFORD SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER'S EDITION FROM $1.50 UP AT THE Joldaboro Book ftore. WSiTHF.MosT.;1 HT Msqiiito Gaiopies. Canopies. Something entirely New. Call and see them. We also have a stock of other kind chead. ROYALL & BORDEN Tutt's Pills Cure All i .Liver Ills. ; President Isaac Lewis of Sabina, Ohio, is highly respected all through that section. He has lived in Clinton Co. 75 years, and has been president of the Sabina Bank 20 years. He gladly testifies to the merit of Hood's Sarsa parilla, and what he says id worthy attention. All brain workers find Hood's Sarsaparilla peculiarly adapted to their needs. It makes pore, rich, red blood, and from this comes nerve, mental, bodily and digestive strength, "I am glad to say that Hood's Sarsapa rilla is a very good medicine, especially as a blood purifier. It has done m4 good many times. For several years I Buffered greatly witn pains oi , Neuralgia in one eye and about my temples, es pecially at night when I had been having a hard day of physical and mental labor. I took many remedies, bat found help only in Hood's Sarsaparilla which cured me of rheumatism, neuralgia and headtxhe. Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved itself a true friend. I also take Hood's Pills to keep my bowels regular, and like the pilli very much." Isaac Lewis, Sabina, Ohio. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood PnrIfler."XU druggtstfc $U Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. GoiasDoro steam Launaru. TWO EXPERIENCED HANDS. Two more new machines and 20horselboiler just put in. Ready now to do work and do itjquick, Satisfaction Guaranteed. -: . Give us a a trial Near book store 6 The One Crop System u j, rkSfi are prompt, efficient and A1UVU 9 jr His ea w eswu jecew. of farming gradually exhassts the tand, unles? a Fertilizer containing a hizh oercentasie of Potash is used. ' Better croDs. a better soil, and a o larger bank account can only then be expected. -m&BSSBBM " I ''llS'fr ' VJ - Write for our "Farmers' Guide." a 142-page illustrated book. It 1V is brim full of useful information for lanners. It will be sent freehand will make and save you money Address """' "LJsaggSs W fV CERMAM KALI WORKS, 93 Kama Stmt, Ktw Vork. V JBSL J23L JUL .0 I IF IT COMES FROMOCCONEECHEE r ITS ALL RIGHTnr. FHFD5; nF.STANDARD ANDTH0R0U6HBR tD LUl,,PiiJP .iPPCPVfATTI Frsre, SHROPSHIRE AND DORSET SHEEP. BLACK ESSEX AND DUROCJERSEY MOGS. r INE. rO U lT R t. i . vWR IT E FOR CATALOGUE 1 V f ADDRESS OCCONEECH E E FAR M,DURHAM, N.C ES Next session will begin September 3rd, Davis riilitary School, Winston, JNL G. A Small Spot lay Be Cancer! It ia Terr often that the moat Insig nificant symptoms are forerunners of the most violent disease. There ia not a more destructive disease than Cancer, and in a majority of cases it is first indicated by a very small scab or sore, to which no attention is at tracted, until it before long develops into most alarming conditions. Here is such a case, where the first symptoms were too small to be noticed for quite a time. Mr. J. B. Arnold be longs to one of the oldest and best families ox Carolina; he is well and favorably known throughout South Carolina, and has resided at Green wood for years. Cancer is hereditary in the family, an aunt on. each side having died from it. several years ago a small spot, like a tiny ulcer, about the size of a bird-shot, appeared lust under his left eye, above the cheek bone. He thought nothing of it for some time, until it began to grow rap idly, spreading all the time, and de stroying tbe flesh as it went. Mt. J. B. aUCOIA He saya: "It gave me a great deal of pain those sharp, darting pains so characteristic of cancer. I took many ao-called blood medicines, without tbe slightest effect, and sought the help of the best physicians, but they did me no good; one told me, however, that I was incurable and had better make my arrangements accordingly. X was on the verge of despair, when Dr. J. I. Miller, one of the leading druggists of my town, recommended S. S. S. The first bottle seemed to make me worse, but Dr. Miller told me this was a fav orable symptom, and by the time I had taken the second bottle, the cancer be gan to discharge, and as I continued this became quite profuse, and kept up for" some time. Then it gradually grew leas, and after awhile ceased al together, and to my delight the place dried up and is cured entirely, so that nothing remains but a scar. "I consider S. S. S. a boon to suffer ing humanitv. and feel that I owe my life to it, as the cancer had made such progress when I began S. S. S. that my death was declared to be only a matter of a very short time. The cure ef fected in my case is considered . by every one most remarkable, ana clearly demonstrates the fact that S. S. S. does cure hereditary canoer. v No one who is afflicted with this dreaaiul dis ease can afford to fail to ive S. S. S. to convince them 01 its virtues." T; The above is, but one of many re markable cures being daily made by 6. S. S. Cancer is becoming alarm' ingly prevalent, and manifests itself in such a variety 01 forms, tnat any sore or scab, it matters not how small. which does not readily heal up and disappear, may well be regaraea witn usoicion. . . The fact that S. S. S. cures heredi tary cancer, which is considered in curable, places it witnout an eqnai as a sure cure for all manner of real blood diseases, such as Scrofula, Ec- Kma.. Contarioua Blood Poison, or any other form of bad blood. Atlanta Vonummum. Notice:- By mutual consent tbe 4rm of Deawa Pate is Co., have this day dissolved co partnership. All indebtedness will be settled by - J.' H. Pate. Outstanding accounts- will be collected by either partyof the firm ef Deans, Pat & Co. DEAkS, PATS & CO. H. WEIL & BROS w E DON'T WANT TO CARRY- 0 -0 over any FIGURED WASH GOODS until next Season, if prices will avail any thing. To this end we are Giving Avay Almost. All Our Dimities For 5 Cts THE RFTRFflT x Extends all along the line of Light Goods. Secure a Bargain in WOOL CHALLIES at 10c. ruin 12 Gt, Lawn at 10 Gents Per Yd. Fin de la saison. H. WEIL & BROS of goor cooking; comprise nothing that is of more importance than good shortening. Your food will be deliciously light and free from the greasiness and richness that make lard so objectionable ' shortened with or fried in pure, clean,. swewt zr vb a book for Us CMtstoM trs4s 'kf-.KMtoamr sad turn1 ' hem ttfonplatU TIXXS N. K. FAIX2XZAXIL COMPANY, Ssmla, ,Clftleaa-ev KtwOricaait . Baltimore.