A tIMELY SUGGESTION. - The "Iroa Age," a paper that is -widely read . throughout the entire country and always replete with forceful suggestions for ma terial progress, contains the fol towing impressive and suggest ive item in its last issue: - The Pennsylvania Railroad is reported to have placed coutracts for 40.000 tons ot steel rails, three-quarters of the order going to mills along the line. The road generally starts in early, in qf der to aid its line mills by the encouragement which its exam pie is supposed -to afford other intending buyers, . Commenting on the above that always " watchful "adyocit.e ana leader of southern develop meat, the Baltimore Manufac turers' Record, of this week, asks the pertinent question How many Southern ra.lroads follow this wise policy of., the Fennsvl vania in giving all orders, as far ' as possible, to enterprises along their lines? This policy is large ly responsible for the magnvfi cent industrial deyelopment ' of the territory tributary to the Pennsylvania. By this kind of practical encouragement it cre ates and sustains industries and it is repaid a hundredfold by the traffic thus created. The- railroads of the S6uth owe it'to themselves and to the people to encourage industrial develepmtnt, to aid to the ut most in furthering the agrieul tural interests and in drawing immigration. Such a line of policy not only pays in the way of direct traffic returns, but it creates a popular sentiment in favor of the railroads the . value . of which cannot be measured. Instead of hostility to corpora tions and constant efforts to leg islate against them, there would be a public sentiment -in their fa vor that would in many was prove of incalculable value to railroads. The Illinois, Central, the Seabuard Air Line, the Plant system and the Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf are conspicu ous examples of the value of winning public favor by. con vincing the people that they are working for the advancement of all interests along their lines, aud are striying to increase the prosperity of the people by ringing in settlers, encouraging manufacturers and advancing the interests of farmers aud of the railroad e-nployes. Half a million dollars would be a low estimate to. put upon the value to the Illinois Central of the public favor and wide commenda tion secured by the plan of President. Fish to enable the em ployes to become stockholders, and the effort of the i Seaboard line to establish 100 experiment tal farms and to encourage the raising of better stock is worth as mueh tp that-' road, for it has strengthened the sentiment of the whole South in its favor. Concessions from the public when wanted, rights of way - 3ot uuw lines, municipal privileges, a freindliness that will, avoid hostile legislation, are among the direct results that becotne valuable assets -to - these roads-. Other roads may be 'doing equal ly as good work, but if they are they keep their light hid under a bushel. No one can "travel through the South withoi t be ing impressed with the strength tof public sentiment in favor of some roads and of the bitter hos tility to others. There must be a reason for these things, and it will pay the" owners of railroads, the stockholders and bp'tfc4d ers, as well as the officials, Lo study the whole situation and see if the reason why "the Penn sylvania Railroad is the most all round popular railroad in the United States, and probably on the whote the most, profitable, is not because of the fact that it has for years pursued a line of policy that is being vigorously followed by the" aboard, the Illinois Central, the Plant sys. tern and a few others. on El THE LEGISLATURE AND DOGS President Isaac Lewis of Sabina, Ohio, Is highly respected all through that section. He has lived in Clinton Co. 75 years, and has been president ol the Sabina Bank 20 years. He gladly testifies to the merit of Hood's Sarsa parilla, and what he says is worthy attention. All brain workers find Hood's Sarsaparilla peculiarly adapted to their needs. It makes pure, rich, red blood, and from this comes nerve, 'inentaJ, bodily and digestive strength. " I am glad to say that Hood's Sarsapa rilla ia a very good medicine, especially as a blood purifier. It has done me good many times. For several years I suffered greatly with pains of euralgia In one eye and about my temples, es pecially at night when I had been having a hard day ot physical and mental labor. I took many remedies, but found help only in Hood's Sarsaparilla which cured me of rheumatism, neuralgia and headache. Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved itself a trua friend. I also take Hood's Fills to keep my bowels regular, and like the pills Very much." Isaac Lewis, Sabina, Ohio. OS U Li Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. AH druggists. $L prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. . . " , , -. are prompt, efficient and HOOCI S PlllS easy in effect. 25cents. It may not be very elegant nor wholesome to- the fprmer to speak of the Legislature and 4 dogs in the- same breath; but speaking of dogs: wonder if this Legislature will have the nerve' to tackle, the dbg .question, which has long been a serious question ia this State from an agricuU tural. standpoint especially as to sheep raising, but thus far no legislator has had the courage to formulate and push a bill to curtail the curs. But latterly the dog qupstion is assuming a new phaz. It is the growing frequency of cases of and terrible deaths- from hy drophobia. There can be ' no doubt, we t'liak, that hydrophobia is great, ly on the 'increase in this - coua try;5 A quarter of a century ago the disease was very, very rare. Now, scarcely -a day. passes that a case is not reported some where. Of course, many of thes are. "false alarms,'' but the indis putable cases are of sufficient Infancy and Childhood. Harper's Bazar. After the sixth month a child usually begins to teethe. Volun tary muscular action is then more frequent. Feeble beginnings of individual will-power are mani fested. The babe gradually recog nizes tfte world outside of itself. It is no longer merely an animated stomach; other faculties and func tions start into activity. All this varied development makes increasing demands upon the nervous system, reacting upon the physical nature, and immedi ately manifesting themselves in a checking of the phenomenally rapid growth to be noted during the first six months of every healthy child's existence. If the precious first six months is not less rapid, although it depends it self in other directions than in purely physical growth. This, however, should normal ly take place, without any disturbing ele ments or violent check. But if the first half-year has not been employed to build up the maxi mum of physical strength, aud to train the child into normal, healthful habits, the second half- year is confusion worse confound ed, and in too many cases records the death of the child. Habit rules us-' all, but is abso lute master of the unresisting in fant. A baby is a natural auto crat, recognizing no authority. It is in vain that the mother tries to induce it to sleep at the proper time or strives to hush its cries when the desired food is not forth coming. v hat she cannot ac complish, however, the simple power of habit can bring about without a struggle If the child is fed at absolutely regular periods, it will be hungry then and at no other time. If, so to speak, it sleeps day by-by-day by the clock, sleep it must when the hour strikes, whether it will or no. Even the stomach can be trained into the habit of digesting the maximum amount of food necessary for the )wth of the body; and when so trained, it possesses marvellous power to carry on its accustomed work un der such temporary irritation or derangement of the general sys tem as would render a child with a sick stomach seriously if not violently ill. The first six months of life, therefore, form the mother's gol den opportunity. If she do not then lay well the foundation, the whole superstructure must betray this primary defect. Then and I then only will all the elementary torces or nature be on her side. Later some elements, if not all, will .be against her . If she neglect the child at first, or leave it to the untrained care of a nurse, she will, as a penalty, certainly spend many times six months during its later life in nursing it in illness or caring for it in invalidism. otton. r 1 m v im caret ui rotation ol crops and liberal fertilizations, cotton lands will improve. The application of a proper ferti lizer containing sufficient Pot- ; ash often makes the difference freer uency to demand new laws. I between a profitable crop and or the better enforcement of old failure. Use fertilizers contain ones, with reference to the rov-' ingr not less than x to A ing at large of dogs ia this coin - tryy -In fact, it can with reasoi., I A yf-, , 0 1 Xf-o ck or truth,",! athef, be said.that the -TAALLldJ. X ULdbll. dog-jbwns Amerci.. . Will not! ' V . . .' . . . Ncrth Carolina, .that has gone1, Kainit is a complete specific wild and Swallowed all sorts of against "Rust." ' fUSionS for "Reform," be nOW a! AH about Potash the results of Its use by actual exi real pioneer and blaz the" way XTlit&iv& "SuSE for one ol tne greatest needed reforms of the age the abolition of dogs? OIaEANI NG 8 ( Items Ot Intorest Clipped From our State ELxclianaea. ScroMa Is a deep-seated, blood disease which all the mineral mixtures in the world cannot cure. S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable ) is a real blood remedy for blood diseases and has no equal. Mrs. Y. T. Buck, of Delaney, Ark., had Scrofula for twenty-five years and most of the time was under the care of the ;r,in ihaiKAn!ns linru hf-.n : doctors who coma not relieve ner. a Raleigh News andf Ooserver: We have information which we deem thoroughly reliable that large sums of money, running needed ma""ee to 3ny armer in America who will write for it. . OfcKMAN KALI WORKS. 93 Nassau St., New York. WOOD TURNING Having secured the services or Mr, u-staveitieiiiert, offered for a siugle Populist vote for Pritchard. Smitbfield EL raid: At 3 o'clock last Sunday afternoon at the residence of Mr. J. T. Barnaul in SmithhVld, Mr. B. P. Johnson and Miss Winnie Barham were happily married. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. H. Davis. Wilson Times: Mr. E Igar Gay had been in ill health for some time and his friends and relatives had feared the worst, yet it was. a, great shock to them when it was knowh through the city last Tuesday evening about 3 o'clock that he had just passed away. The Greensbcro Record says: Mr. Clegg, whose son. W. P. Glegg. runs the hotel by that nama near the Southern d'-pot, suffered a stoke of paralysis Moi. day night and has not since spoken. Mr. Clegg is perhaps 73 years old arid grave fars are enterti ined for his recoveryv Newbern Journal; A report was received yesterday from tu hunting party which left on the schooner Chief las; Saturday. The report says that their boat is decorated with brant from masthead to bowsprit, and that they are having a splendid time. Winston Sentinel: The year 1896 was Winston's biggest year in. manufactured tobacco. The output of our factories for the year aggregated 13,033. 4lG pounds, an increase of 106,156 pound over 1895 The stamp collections last year were $782, 004 25, an increase of 86,369.22 over 1895. Asheville Citizen: Assignee Henry Mej'ers gave 810.000 bond in the Fidelity and Deposit com pany of Maryland to abide the result of the suit attacking the assignment of Morris Meyers of the Palais Royal This being satisfactory to all conserned. Judge Norwood discharged Re ceiver Cuas. A. Wubb aud the store has been in the assignue!s hands since Monday. CharlotteObserver: Miss Lucie McAden, of McAdensville, who has been a star in Charlotte society circles since Christmas and fwr the first week of new year, leaves for Raleigh to day. She will spend several months there with relatives. Prom Raleigh Miss McAden will go foi a short while to Baltimore aud then return home to spend the summer. The chronic grumbler still lives bi.t there are less cases of chronic indices -uon and dyspepsia tnan lormerly. lie fact is to inaiiy people in the past have taken Siinm- ns Liver Kegu'ator thai they are now cured of these iiis. And a great multitude are now taking Sim mons .Liver Regulator-for the "same troubles and they'll soon be curod ' It ia the best medicine," Mrs. E, Kaine, Haitmior. Aid. Asheville Citizen: W.hile Col lector Sam. Li. Rogers was at nis old home in Praaklin this week he closed the stie of 26 of his young cattle to the Brauer Cattle company of Richmond, Va. The 26 weighed 21,000 pounds, ana brought good prices. This firm, Collector Rogers says, has purchased about 1000 head of cattle in Macon county. TO COKE A'COLD IMOVEUAY Take Laxative liroino Quinine Tab lets. All iruggists refund the money if it fails to crf'a. Greensboro Record; It is surely a queei thing that some people have no regard for law, or if they have, they forget all about it, even when a violation of -it is likely to get them into the deep est kind of trouole. There s d e statute against selling cigarettes to minors one that it does seem everybody would remember yet we venture to say it is violated oftener than any law on the books. Winston Sentinel: Judge Hoke has appointed the two new iom mis ioners for Wilkes county. They are Charles C. Wright aud A. M. Church. The former was a member of the old Board aud the latter. has had some experi ence in county aftairs, having served for a while as Sheriff and Commissioner. The petition for the appointment of the Commis sioners was tiled ' w.th Judge Hoke while he was holding the last term of Porsyth Court. Raleigh News and Observer: Mr. K. R. Weathers, one of Raleigh's oldest and most re spected citizens, died yesterday afternoon at 1:25 o'clock, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Thos. A. Jones, No. 215 .West Jones street. He was, born in 1814, and has spent most of - his long and quiet life in this city. Around his death bed wt re gathered all of his living chilJren, including Mr. C. M. Weathers. Mr. K. W. Weathers. Mrs. .1. R. Martin. I Mis. T. A.Jones asid Mrs. W. A Sutton. ; Wiikesbcro Chronich : John Saunders, a boy about 17 years old, who is mail carrier from Gbsben to Siony Pork,v had the misfortune to have his hand torn off by a tire cracker. He was at Goshen the night before Christ soon specialist said he could cure her, but he filled her with arsenic and potash which almost ruined her constitution. She then took nearly every so-called blood medicine and drank them by the wholesale, but they did not reach er trouble. ' borne one advised her to try found that she had a real blood remedy at last. She says: "After tak ing one dozeu bottles- of S.S.S. I am perfectly well, my . skin is clear and healthy and I would not be in my former condition for two thousand dollars. Instead of drying upthepoison in my system, like the potash and arsenic, S.S.S. drove the disease out through the skin, and I was perma nently rid of it." A Real Blood Remedy S.S.S. never fails to cure Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism Contagious Hlood Poison, or any disorder of the blood. Do not rely upon a simple tonic to cure a deep-seated blood disease, but take a real blood remedv. Our books free upon app! i cation. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Notice of Sale By virtue of the pover of sale con tained ia a mortr age deed, executed on the 8th dy of May, 1892 to J. A Greene by Rufus Ham and wife, Nannie 1). Ham, and by J. A. Gieeno assigned to Henry T. Child, which deed- is re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wayne county in Book 66, page CI, the unders-ir-ned. will, on the 2-th day of January 1897, at the court house door in Goidsborc, sell the lot conveyed in said deed, to-wit: A lot or. parcel of Jand, situate in the city of Goldsboro, S'ate of North Carolina, on John street, adjoining the lards of A. T. Grady, Erastus Edwards and the other property of Rufus Ham, Begin ning at A T. Grady's southwest cor ner and runs easterly with Grady's line 2"0 feet to Erastus Edwsrd's line: then southerly with Erastua Edwards' line 52i feat; then westwardly parallel with Graoy's line 25'J feet to Jol n street; thon northei ly with John streej 5?4 feet to the beginning; it being the lot on which Ruus Ham resides, includ ing his dwelling and two outhouses thereon; it beijg the northern part of lot.115 in said city. J. A. Greene, Mc tgagee, Henry T. Child. Assignee. Doc 20, "J6. -WILL. REPAIR r French Clock C itie Watched -AND All Other Work in the Jewelry . Line Cheaper than any ' man in the State. alnut Street. ifianhcoii Restored. DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT (HE ORIGINAL, AU. OTHERS IMITATIONS, Ib eold aTider positive Written innraiilcc by nuUiorizett asmts or.ly, tr cure Weak. Memorj IJiKjinoss, Wakefulness. Fits, Hysteria, Quiek neia, Might tiO-3fcP, Kvil Ireains, Lack of ColE d nice, iServunaiiese, Lossituiie, nil Drains, Youth ful Errors, or Kxrospive Uro otTobtco", Upinm. nr lAqrwr. w ia -l innds to MWry, t'oisLiiuiptkm InsT-'.l and Den4h. At ore or by mail, f-1 boi, tor $5; with TVrit'cn EBarantee ta rare or rvifna.l sndiiry. fis'-uivie j?:jcU cont&iuinij fWe day' trpataient, Tntli full stranticma. 25 cents. Or e fuunplooaljr soid to encli V'tpoh. At store or by mail. fT'fUd Latai Special Txtr Strangth J iUP' I'.Bi - car J H Hill & Sen. GoUlsboro. v. n 'To Buy a tliina Km. r-t- CD -I 03 3 a to D. W. HURTT, Merchant TaMor H. K- PRIGB, Civil Enoineerand Survevor SO Tears Experience. . ("Typewriting done at lowert figures. Office Law Building, John St. D. TAYLOR , JOK LANG. :.- Taylor & Iiae. 'Manufacturers of ... . e Tobacco flues, evaporators, fetove pipe, tin, copper and galvanized iron. Work of every description. Ortiee at S. B. f inker's stand on Walnut street;- R EAL ESTATE5 - Bought and; Sold. Negotiations solicited. Tit'es investi- Ybu can't buy. happire88,"but if you r. rn BtifFerin tr from dvannnnia.. arii-nfnlo.. an exoerienced WOOd turner, We are' sn.lt rhfiHm- imimm hlnntl -vnn matr h prepared tdo all kiods of work iu this1 cured aud made happy by taking found next day on tne gr Lac Staadari W'VCo . 'Hjod's Sarsaparilla. J where the atciautyccurrecl, nias and was drinking. t He fired ga-d and a-bbtiacts furmt-hed -when a cannon cracker, holding it in , desired. bis hand. It mangled his hand HA RJ & BBE ROJ, completely. His thumb was i "EaLrs. found next day on the ground Offices in C l-Houso Rooms 4 and fi RECEIVED i 'Unlimited Possibilities ! A CAR LOAD -OF- est Virginia Horses; Young, Gentle and Sound.. Satisfaction Guaranteed.. B. W. SOUTHERliAND & GO. n'ov 13 tf Withermpton's old stand. West end Walnut St. Cotton Batting For Quilts and Comforts. Spun Cotton, Knitting Cotton, white and colored, and knitting Wool. Also Cushings Perfection Dyes. For coloring cotton and.wool. Call and examine. Hood & Britt. Just in Time! The Cheapiest and Prettiest lot of HAT RAOK8 You ever saw. We expected them ten days ago for the'holiday trade. Being a big lot we are going to sell them at a sac rifice. If you haven't selected your presents, come to see them to-night Rouall Borden The Good News Spreads ! The Good News bpreads and uu business grows la'ger and the pri e smwl lor every day. People convi hor from all arts of tht ' it,y. U henevo they ueen anything in our line, tho think of us. We have furnished mor czy hoi)ei than we could posibl name. We have done it to the owners satisfaction, and can do the same fo you. Lea'ilng Furnltureriousw of Golcl-1o-o. JUB. ISAACS, lrroi) " BREAD AND BUTTER, GOME TO SUPPER." II ft. II II In childhood days, many people ia cheerful voc sang-, '"Bread and hutter, come to supper," in the p'ay of "Hiding the Switch." But our purpose to-day is not to talk on the interesting subject of games and play. Our text is, howeve". of present interest to old and younc. We leave out "bread," and call yonr attention to our New Butter, in pound packages. Oro of ou- customers volun tarily said, "It is the finestl ever saw inGoid' boro ; it is like the butter at the g eat: Xev York hotels, BIZZELL BROS. & CO., GOLDSBOKO, N. C. ilPiii ) fix "The half has never been told" Cata ract .of, the eye curod, and by Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy. 1 1 For several years I had been subject to severe attacks of cramp colic. Some times they would last me an hour, and hardly a week passed that I uid not have several attacks. I tried every thing that was suggested, but found no relief. During these attacks the muscles of the arm and lee were terribly drawn and thd whole body was cramped. I was advised to try Mrs. Jo Person's Remedy, which gave me relief !at once, but not until I had taken two dozen bottles was 1 entirely cured. Tt was eight years ago since r took the Remedy and I have not had a touch of the trouble since. My brother was suffering with a cat aract on his eye, which affected bis eyesight badly. Seeing the good the Remedy did me, he detei mined to try it and used half dozen bottles of ihe Bitters and used the wash freely at th" same ti-ue, which ruaUe a co nplnie cure of him, and ho has never had any trouble with his eyes sinue, being uur- fectly well. 1 do not hesitate to ie ouj mend it to anyone suffering f . oni the chronic colic ai d the Wash cannot be excelled for any trouble with tho eyt-, being perfectly pv'nless. MRS. I. E. BRAWLKY. Granite Hill. Iredell County , N. December 4th, 18Do. me Old Reliable- Am making a -o Special Run For the next ten days on BOYS KNEE PANTS And children's complete Suits, to make room for my coming Spring Stock. At the same old stand. -- At Your Service, SAM. J. GOHEiWIUS ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING." oySSti Goldsboro, iV, C, Jf Tk tXtalM. traJxarka V IhI la MlM-lnl VMlk. -wiU find in COTTOLENE the ideal frying medium. It looks clean and is clean and does not sputter in the pan. . Food fried in Cottolene is free from gr easiness and richness. It is appetizing in appearance, delicious to taste and. healthful to eat. Then there is the added" con sideration of lower cost. J of Cottolene does the work , of lard or butter. ' THE M. K. FAIRBANX COMPANY. At, Oala. Ghlraca. Hw rlcaiv Baltlaiara. IS fi mil oxii iinoujvr.u. Ib your household and kitchen furnit-re insurod? Is you Li insured? Are you in ed niLtt We maKe a -specialty of- INSUKftrHGr In all Its branches, aud a-e prepared to issue policies which wil I pro tect jou in event of damage to your prop erty oy Fire, Lightning, Tornados and Wind Storms: also Personal .Accident, Plate Gla&s, Employer's Liability -nd Steam Boiler. .7e represent none DutSt rictly First-Class comp a e. Prompt a- ention given to all busuitiK) placed with us GEO.W-DEWEy&BRO, GOLDSBORO, N C. Office on Walnut street. YOU "A Bicycle Sijpposk You Get a. Fall. Do not tr'jft to your your ability as a good rider but secure a Bicycle flGGitisnt PollGy. , OF. th&u. s- casual ry co This policy cove-s any and al. accidents to the inwureu while and in consequence of ridintr a b;.cycle for pur poses of Business. Ples ii e or recreation 1 1 is tlie only policy of the kind issued covering Death. I voss of Limb or Sight. Weeklu Indemnity tor 104 Weeks- Insurance may be obtained under these policies in amounts raDging from 1, ooo to$-".ooo with propor tionate amounts fe loss of limb or sight, and $5.oo per week for each fl.ooo u. s. V asaally Qo: or new roan. Benj. F. Trao, Piesideut. Chap, S. Fairci.o, Treas'r. T. H. BAIN, Agent, - GOLJDSBO:o, N. C. Hecker's' Self Raising Buckwheat, Hecker's old home- stead Flap-Jack. Hecker's Rolled Oats, Hecker's Pearl h lakes, Just Out. Hecker's Graham Flou r Syiup, FiM-ttt Kdain Fiour, firio:-, 'Pennine ' r.adi. ii .-. ;-a)l- Vermont ' Miplc yruo. New oi k -ta e chcesb, cbec;-c llarloi'e-v iSo. I Wh ft v?"l --;:f n--:i; i.. Y ; . i ; . 1 Mi mi r s Luiicb Don ihike. l.xtra coua. Fay Kts- Ci:lt, G' abair .V;fMs, NUii a hl'l lino asaorieef calves and i ylor crack' -rs. ' vou want she tin-st you should i e Seal brand Coffee. It ha! no equal Our l.'ot.-unure a..d t-lover Hill creamery's are the hunt butter we can buy. If jou use thein you have the best, let 8 have your orueis, we piomise you the be-1 goods at leaeonable pi ices. itespoctfull youi s. I. B. Fonvielle 7 est centre street. Walnut stri et Removal of City Garbage. Sealed r;iiis lur th ; i euio al o! ci ' y garbage foi- one year will be received by ;hi c.ty clerk. Also bid Jor urch 'ft of said garbage Parties pending in bids wi.l plcnse state bids for p n-chase and Jor removal sepa ate. A 11 bids must be t-cut in by lauuar.v 5th Tho citr iestives m right to reject any or all bids. T H. BAIN. City Clerk. DRUMMER'S JOHMA. KIN6T4 BRO.. PROPRIETORS, cast Wainui, -St!'3et. Goldsb jro- M- htxt Door to Law Building. Fresti Norfolk Oysters Dally Tables supplied wi'.h tho best the Market.allords. Every effort made to in-ure satisfaction. QUftiL ON lOft.ST A SPfcGIALTy Horses locals W" hue j;i t received from L-x-n ton, Y.i . n. uii.e lot. of hor-es. We de s.ie to inform the public that I am in the busines.-i and will sdl for each or on time at pi ic-.- to suit tho times R !-p ct.fi ilv, mm & on.. Wilmington & Weldon Rail Road AND HUANCiJE-5 AND FLOkK;,CE HA LROAD COXilljNSKIJ C : Kl)UL.tO TliAIiNS GOING SOUTH." WE SEEK THE TRADE Of all customers who believe in buying where the dollars go farthest. SHOE3. SHOES J5 cents to $3.00. A good man's shoe $); a good woman's shoe $1. Warranted solid leather. 25 kinds of Tobacco 15c and up; the best 25c tobacco in town, Snuff 3Cc to 40c DU! GOODS and NOTIONS Cal ico 5c, Ginghams 5c, Outing 5c. Home spun 4c and up. Pants Cloth 10c and up, socks 5c, stockings 5c, shirts 20c and up, wire buckle subpenders 10c, Pants 0 cents per pair and up, a good pair of men's Pants, $1, ' warranted not to rip. Hats and Caps 25c and up. A man's fine hat SI. Trunks and a Uses Jhep. Groceries Sugar ic, Uoiiee liii ana up. vinegar oc Cakes 10c lb, Crackers 10, Candy 10c lb, 1200 Matches 5c Peppr. Spice, Syrup, Mola-ses, Meat, Meal and Flour at Lowest Market Prices. CROCKERY. CROCKERY. Cups and Saucers 25c set Plat s 25c. set. Tinware, Glassware, Tubs, Buck ets and many other things too numer ous to mention. ' The winning motto, sell cheap and sell for Cash. . F. B. E'imutidson. THE HUSTLER Bucoresor to EL. Edmunh,pa & Bro., Dated no "5 No 41 Doc 13, lt!G. dai.y daily dany am p ni " it m Lv Wcldou II U 44 .... ArKockv Miunt 12 52 1' 30 Lv Tai buio lz IZ Lv Ho k. Mount 1 UJ iu 3D b 40 Lv ii&oa 2 t'5 11 16 0 15 Lv Soiiua 2 .'0 Lv Fa-yntteville 4 l. 1 i 7 Ar Fioieiico 6 55 -3 14 .... Lv Cioii'&boro T Ol) Lv l.lauuiia b ot Ar Wilmington 1) 30 p iu am am TivAINS GOIJiG NORTH : D Daleu c. 13, 1SH0. iso 7S Ao3J! oaily uaiiy a m 8 45 11 i0 1 00 142 p m & 35 10 20 12 io No 40 daily p in p Lll 1 42 2 33 12 12 2 J3 3 3 J p in p m i2 15 12 i 3 ills 1 44 a in 7 15 b 5-j 10 10 p m 11 00 11 55 Lv Florence Lv Fa.j-ei.ioVi.no JjV bi'luia Ar Vi son Lv Vv lluiiiiton I jV Alanoaa Lv Ool-oboio Lv Wilson Ar Kocky Mount Lv Tarboro Lv iiocky Mouut Ar Weiuon p in Trainuu Uie bcuiluu lii ancb R leaves Weldon 4 . lo p. m., Halif ax. -.28 p,m. arriving Scotland Nock at 6.20 p iu, Greenville 0:5 p m, Kinston T.l6 p. in Returning leaves Kin&ton 7.20 a. ni., Gifw"'villa 8.J2 & in, arriving Halifax at 1.0 J a m, Weldon 11.20 m, laiiy Biccpt ounaay. Traius on Wasnxngton iiranch leave vVasbingtou 8 00 a in. and 2 00 p. m., iiivoti:'aiu.tie S.iO a i.., i,na 3. 40 p m, elm-ami leaves Pmrn'o 'J 5 ' a m, and . 0 iu. Aiiivcb VV ashing i,on ;1.25 am aud -.O p ui. Uai'v except buuuay. Xraiu leaves Tarooio, dally t 5 3') p m arri e P jm ul i -t7 -Op m;rt luini g lca-es Piym u!h 7 30 a in, m- ives iarbbiu U oo a m- '- iirtin on Miami a A is Branch leaves oiaoboio daily, except auuuit), 7 10 a m, arriving bmithtioid 8 30 a m. li . urning leaves buiilhheid a.uO a m, -rive at Goldsboro 10.25 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky, Mount at 4.30 p. m., arrives Nashville 5. 05 p m, Spring Hope 5.3b p. m. Returning leaves Spring Hojie 8.00 a. m., Nashville 8.35 a m, arrive at Rocky Mount V.05 a m, daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton daily, except Sui day at 11.10 a m. and U.15p. m. Re turning leaves Clinton at 1.00 a. m, and 3:00 p m. Train No 78 makes close, connection at Weldon for all points North daily, Also at Rocky Mount with Norfolk and Carolina Railroad for Norfolk daily bc ali roints North via Norfolk dally H. M. Emerson, Gen'i Pss. Agt J. R. Kknly, Gen 1 Manager. T. M. Emerson, Trafflo Manager Tutt's Pills Cure All , Liver Ills. It is a Fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla, tho One True' Flood , Purifier, has f roved, over and over aain, that it has power to ure, eren when otner medicines fail to do any good. Hood s Pills are purely vegetable and do not purge, pain or grip. All druggist, 25c.