THE ARGUS. DAILX & WEEKLY. OCAL BRIEFS city ii Jbn Ea MT. OLIVE DIRECTORY. is putting in a new &, jon iiiasi uenire street near the cotton yard. Thkue are services daily and rrelaly under the tent on tte Cou-t house square. Mr. J. A. Hadley, of La Grange, is in the city looking af ter his real estate interests. Mt. Olive Lodce I. O. O. F No. 104, meets every Monday night at 7:45. All visiting mem bers in eootl standing are eor- Kelly, KG, Presbyterian Church, every 1st Sunday morning and night. Pray er meeting Tuesday nights, llev. Peter Mclntyre, pastor. Methodist Church, every 3rd Sunday morning and night. Pray er meeting "Wednesday nights. Snow Rev. M. M. McFarland, pastor. and Baptist Church, every 4th Sun- Prayer TtiE NEWS FROM MT, OLIVE, Condensed Chronicling of the Events that Transpire in that Town and Section ' Miss Carrie Suggs, of Hill, is visiting ielatives friends in this city, Avhere she is day morning and night ANNOUNCEMENT. always a welcome visitor. misses Saliie Croswell, of Wil mington, N, C and Jane Mills tt Greenville. S. C, are in the city theuests of Mr, and Mrs. J J Bowen. The many friends of Mr. Will hs meeting Thursday nights. Li. 11. Carroll, pastor. llev. Faison Notes Faison, N. C, March 30. Dear Argus : Our little town 1 . I growing siowiy, out sureiy, "With this issue This Akgus opens a news bureau in the thriv ing town of Mt. Olive, which will be in the chanre of Mr. Jno. lv Smith, wTho is authorized to so licit and receipt for subscriptions, advertising and job printing of all description, nni. ti i. ,i : jc f j.l -Lilts -cviturLO lias Hoeitti nmco -i teria progress, and with the spirit ate mftde mention of the almost marvelous growth of this hust ling trade centre, and of the rapid strides of material progress that have been made during the past or ten months ; and m es- this bureau it is the intention of the Akgus to offer to luidinaca Tnon tf ATf OI11-0 Sin -r : 1 lit L 1 '11.11 iiv. J.l -L j-ij. u. V v . ' v' ' in consequence or tne mai aog om,ortunitv to puTjlish to tlie out scare, or wmcn mention was maae ? u n . . i -i Winslow will learn with pleasure an(j we are marching onward and that he has recovered from his ward al the iines of ma . 4. - 1 - F i I I rtnr' r n rt 1 C I ' anleH)De0n tuuu. ,f hr.f e char Owing to the inability of the acterizes our citizens as a whole, management of Martin's Hall, at we look forward to the future with N't. Olive, to secure a piano for hopeful anticipation, and predict the occasion, the engagemei vicldsboro Minstrel and Banjo among the most enterpi ising C!ub for Thursday night at that towns along the line of the A. C. place has been cancelled. eight tablishing ers, with but few exceptions, are The place of business of Rev. T l iir 1 .. TT7 1 tJUllll . vjruiuiici, ju iiiuuuu. x i l x l ii " . , ' i in our Notes last week, the own street, is undergoing repairs and ,iL , ' .. is receiving a fresh coat of paint Besides being popular in the min istry, Mr. Gardner is an energetic business man and his the confi dence of the trading public. promptly killing the dogs that! were bitten. This is as it should be . Considerable damage was done to all kinds of truck in this sec- side world the many natural ad vantages that their town possesses and the inducements that are held out to investors of capital. If the same spirit of improvement and investment that has prevailed tor the past, few months, should Continue without abatement, it is impossible now to predict to what dimensions the town might grow or to what extent its busi ness transactions might reach; Within the short space of time already mentioned, wooden build ings have given place to hand some brick structures, and . from a small railroad station the town has donned a city appearance and the volume of business transacted has increased accordingly. In order to keep up this for ward movement, outside capital must be invited, and this can be done in no better way than by advertising the resources and nat ural advantages of the town. An opportunity to do this is now of fered by the- Akgus, and the bu reau will be just what the busi ness men of Mt. Olive and the people of the surrounding section make it. In order to have it con tinued it must necessarily receive the support of that town and sec tion, and the Argus will endeavor to merit this support by giving not only a full account of the lo cal happenings in that town and section which will be prepared by Mr. Jno. Ii, Smith, who is well known as an energetic, progres sive business man, thoroughly ac quainted with the town and the people, but the latest local news from this city and surrounding towns and live editorial comment on all general news of the day. One page of the "Weekly Akgus will be devoted to Mt. Olive news ami advertisements, and ad vertisers will not ' only have the advantage' of a number of local readers, but their advertisements will appear in the entire edition of the Akgus, which circulates throughout all the Eastern part of the State. This week there will be 500 extra copies of this edition mailed to heads of. families in the town of Mt. Olive and surround ing section. All of those who re ceive them can have the paper continued to their address by leaving the subscription price with Mr. Jno. R. Smith. Nature's Best. Remedy Paines Celery Compound pre vents Nervous Breakdown. QLKANINOa The Enterprise Lumber Com- tion by the recent frosts; but our pany of this city will remove truckers are not easily discour- their tram road from its present aged, and are hopeful of brighter location on the Snuthfield railroad things in the future . to Pikeville and will branch off The Christian Endeavor Con- frora tho W. & W. R. R. into the vention met here Friday. Quite a By Our Regular Correspondent. Mt. Oliye, March 31, '97, We don't believe there is an other town in the State of equal population that has mado the pro gressive and permanent lmprove- pine forests on the east from that number of live delegates were ments that Mt .Olive has. Within the past nine months there have been built five new brick business houses and several new dwellings, besides the improvement that has been mad on a good many of the old dwellings, envolvinsr the ex- placc. present, and every person who at . - T5 i tended this Convention could not Ariua. XJ. VV. UUlluc.i, Ul xwonv . . f , K,rnn(rtnpnfi(1 and also en Aiounr-. is visuiDK uer uauiMitei Tunc Xf TT T-l nrroinc f pc loisnowahnut vears old Miss Annie Southerland, of Mt. and she has matv old friends UUve, is visiting relatives nere. in this city who will be pleased Miss Olivia Weeks spent Sunday diture of $25,000 or more. to Jearnof her visit and wno will in me country. n;vftii rnvor vnur stmwberrips i .:n i i - 1 rt F I . n nzi: i 1 1 J J ue sum mum uitsnseu iiu icniu ui iviiss uryau s cuuuitiou is auuui. i.-t Fridav niobt ? If - not vou 1 J . J l I I . I I . . . , mj O 7 mi aer cuuuuutju kuuu ueauu. ttie same as renortca last wees. u.,rt a v. ..i .. i i uavc uu wuut luauc owixic owicuau The Court house square pre " e DOPe soon to nQar ot ber resolutions to do so the next time sents a very beautiful appearance provement. . We have ! Say, John, how about OI VV 11 lilin vncril nfirtn rmi mala Q"ftnv tVo bier frost three years ago ? Had irrn fnrnrntton it arA rrnt ninnftl m infl tl-if a. ir tlirnncrlH.nt. thol 1 1 V. rU I J O 1 1 miiu iiicuua uuic, uj ivuum BUO ao-ain this time ? I Ed. grounds m serpentine curves will is heid in higa cstecm are much DThe Kev A j Tav pleased to have her with them. Misses Janie Belle and Saliie Hines visited friends in Clinton last week. Eglantine. on the front as seen from Walnut Miss Carrie DeVane, street. The green and growing mington, is on a visit to the fam grass and inviting walks that ilv of Mr. A. D. Hicks. Her look charming when the giant oaks put forth their broad l'javes to shade the grounds. The new management of the A. & N. C. R. K. has appointed Mr. Z. M. Li. Jeffreys agent in this city to succeed Mr. C Ur Smith, and Mr. J as. F. Parrott asrent at Kinston, to succeed Mr. M. II. Wooten. Mr. C. E. Hoi land will nil the position or oper ator and cashier in the office here The changes to tuke place on the 1st day of April. Miss Anna Paige Strong, Why will yon buy bitter nauseating tonic's when Grove'?1 Tasteless Oriill ToniG is ss pleasant as Lemon Syrup. Your drug-irist is ai ihorized to re":d the money in eve- y casa where u. fails to cure .Price 01 - IMkeville Letter. The Rev. A. J. Taylor paid our town a visit last Thursday. The railroad authorities are having a large and commodious covered truck station built at the northern end of the warehouse, for the accommodation of the truckers of this community, This much needed improvement is one which the railroad authori ties may rest assured will be fully appreciated by the public generally. Messrs. W. F. Enghsh and Wait Lioftin, while out driving Mr. English's fine young team last Thursday evening, came near hav- March, 30th, '97. Dear Akgus : Airs. J. P. accomplished and popular young R... h haa hpn Rn;4rilJinp. iaujr wuu la aamcu n. some javs here on a visit to her mg a serious runaway, caused Dy artinees of millinery and who re- mothfir Mrs. M. A. Hosca. re-, the breakina- of the srearimr that - I a 0 turned to her home in your city holds the tongue up. When the Sunday. poll dropped on the ground, all t 1 i 1 . r ttt 1 . w . . Mr. ttuey omnn, 01 vvuming tne traces came unfastened ton. IS in Our town On a v1SU tO Umfno-W nrnvidontial Wait telln r. M. L. Ham, of Marven.l , , , was on a short visit to his old lff". - home here Sunday, where his ing rignc ucn experience wun numerous friends always greet runaway teams ot late. Friday him with pleasure, evening his young horse went Suuday being a beautiful day down the street at a speed much to an unusually large congregation I the discomfiture of himself and assembled at, the Alliance hall atlMr. Nick Aaron, who was ridinsr to New York and other Northern d P- m- and they were treated to witn him, but by heroic efforH cities. Dr. Bizzell is no less pop- U1"?1BU1.!,BIUIUU.UJ' iVSV- thev succeeded in landing him ular with the trading public, whop. w. parries, or your ciy a2ainst Mr. Jas. McGee's fence. .... ... . I wnAVft thpv nlicrhtfifi withnnr, npirft ; w: ,n;t visiunar relatives in town. I J q . r and the heavy purchases that he Mr- and Mrs. E. B. Nelson, of Fony' 1 vour cll v. tame uu oauuruav uu "uuun"' v'"v'" P.K n,,v, nfthahi,ci. a bnet visit to relatives and 01 vaior, ieu me norse 10 iu p.hare-ft. friends. O I . a - TT "1 T 1 1 1 1 1 . I iviiss xume mow reiurneu nome At Board held in tnir cit3r Jucsuay mey aefisiae 01 uer sich uruuuer mr. -iv. pT-ionrl .... . ... . . 1 ,it r 1 1 ; . f : i ri I elded to adopt tne "no rence aw u iwo,Wuo, ma uiouj Messrs. Jas. W. Wiffsins tor l-i Seville ana otany WceK ""'"6'' - -Henrv O'Berrv of Dudlev were tnwn.shirx and ordered oublished recovered as to have jbeen able fienry ji5erry, 01 xuaiey, were townships ana oraerea puoiisnea hnm m town Saturday. the etteet mat it . ... . iv:aa t,,!;,, f,.rioo fnrmorW fully restored to health again. one of Mt, Olive's most charm- Mr. W. H. Watson, of your ing young ladies, but now of an sides in Baltimore, the great Southern metropolis of fashions. arrived in the city yesterday af ternoon to take charge of the millinery and fancy goods de partment of the firm of J. W. Bizzell & Co , and will commence work for an elaborate "opening' at an early day. Dr. J. S. Bizzell, of the dry gcods firm of Bizzell Bros.& Co., j arrived in the city yestero iy af ternoon from a purchasing trip a special meeting of the Thursday from GriftOD, where Grange' accomplished voumr la- of County Commissioners she has been attending the bed- vUiHntr the Misses Smith- 1 1 - m 1 .1 n t- - - rt - and a notice to shall be unlawful for live stock to run at larre in those town,- ships ten days from the present cityt was among the visitors in! date. The action 01 tne uoaru in town Sunday. this matter was made possible by Miss Hattits Pike, of the Buck an act of the General Assembly Swamp section, was visiting v'of 1897, extending the stock law among us Sunday. limits in Wayne county. Goldsboio,is visiting relatives and friends here. We bear a few of the young men of the"Up-tolate Ulub, while rehearsing in Martin's Hall, for the entertainment they are soon to give us. heard the or, will soon have Mr. Y. H. Knowles' new brick building completed and also the one he is building for Mr. H. T. Ham. It is to be hoped that the talk of a Bank for Mt. Olive will soon develop into a reality. Such an enterprise would be a great help to the town as well as a great convenience to the trucks ers. I don't think there is a bet ter opening in the State than Mt. dive for a small Bank. Mr. J. H. Brown.of Chadborn, N. C, visited Mr. J. H. West brook Thursday. Mr. Thad Jones," of Kenans ville, was a business caller in the city Thursday. Mrs. L. K. Elmore visited Goldsboro Thursday and return ed that evening. Mr. Oscar Pearsall, of the well known grocery firm of Hall & Pearsall, of Wilmingtcfu, called on our merchants Friday. Miss Annie Southerland is vis iting the family of her uncle Mr. B. B. Witherington, of Faison. Mrs. B. F. Lee, of Smithfield, visited his mother Mrs, T. R. Lee Sunday and left Sunday night. . Mrs. D. E. Newell, who has been visiting her daughter Mrs. L. H. Lambert, at Black Creek, returned to her home Sunday. Mr. Geo. Lewis visited his iatner Mr.' uave .Liewis, near Dudley, Sunday and Monday Mr. i. 1 Ham left yesterday for northern manctacturmg cen tres, where he goes to buy his Spring stock of goods. Miss Gertrude Kogers, of Fai son, is visiting Mrs. Clifford Owens this week. Mr. M. S. Witherington and wife, of Goldsboro, spent Mon day with the former's sister Mrs, K. J. Southerland. Jas. Elmore has left Mt. Olive to take a position with the A. C, L. at Rocky Mount. Lvok out for mad dogs! One of Mr. Price's fox hounds went mad last week and was killed near Mt. Olive. The papers are full of deaths caused from by drophobia, and yet this last mis. erable pie hunting gang that convened at Raleigh, calling themselves representatives, would not pass Mr Parker's dog tax bill. It would be advisable for those having dogs of any value to fasten them up for a few weeks, for no one would be blamed, for killing a dog that even looked suspicious. Marcus Ham, formerly an as sistant telegraph operator here, is spending a few days here with friends. j. a. iiatcn spent ssunaay in Duplin visiting the family of Robt. Joe Williams. C, B. Pric9 and Jas. R. Hatch attended church at Friendship fcsunday. Rev. JSice Carroll filled his us- We are glad to know that the Eastern Truckers' Association has decided to establish a central office. It is the duty of every truck ship per to join the Association and divide thtir shipments according to instructions from the General Association. If this is done, vou will see that the prices will be chasing the berries, instead of the berries chasing the high prices from city to city, as. they have been doing in the past. We have received very poor prices for our produce for the past two seasons, and we are not likely to lose any thing by sticking to the Associa- ltems 01 Interest Clipped From our State ExGhanqes. Dunn Union: We were in error last week in stating that Joe Keen was sentenced to the . penis tentiary for twenty years. He was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to the penitentiary for one year. Wilson, N. O., March 1, 1897. I can not' reuommend Hood's Sarsaparilla too highly to persons sufferinar with sick headache and foul stomach, and I have always round Mood's Fills .to bo very beueflcial. C. A. Thompson Spring has come. It is time for aU persons to think se riously of their health. But that doesn't mean taking the first Spring remedy that happens to be offered. Persons who make it their business to get the most effective remedy to be bad are Sure to carry, home JPaiue's Celery Compound. No other remedy is capable of cleansing the blood, nour ishing the nerves and regulating the towels and digestive organs like Paine's Celery Compound. If you are troubled at all by rheu matisu, neuralgia, headaches or sleeplessness, even if these attacks come only now and then, now is the time to purify the system of them Don't procrastinate and dally till frightened into something when you find the task of getting well has as sumed desperate proportions. Paine's Celery Compound will cure kidney trouble, heart palpatat;on and disordered liver accurately, intelli- Compound. It is foolish to take poor health philosophically" these Spring dajs. There is no reason why anyone should sit hands in lap, and submit to head aches, poor appttite, continual tired feeling or constipation. If every dis heartened inval'd will go right at get ting well by using Fame's Uelery Uom Hood's Pilis assisi digestion, oaroa Jour ail: r. J. F. Gordon, of West onroe town ship, got one of his arms broken last Friday in quite an unusual manner. He put his hand through a crack in the stable to pat a I mule on the head. The -mule jerked his head up suddenly, striking the arm and breaking it just below the elbow. I carry a full line of Dr. "Earle S. Sloan's great Remedies, which are perfectly reliable. Sloan's Liniment cures Rheumatism. H. O. Shanuuu . Druggist, Goldsboro, N, C, Winston Sentinel: Surry Court closed yesterday. Judge Green yesterday reduced the sentence of Robt. Moseley from 25 to 7 years. He was convicted of man slaughtir for killing his brother- in-lavv. W. M. Guyer. The de fendant's counsel decided not to appeal to the Supreme Court. Economy is something that every body tries to practice, and yet just a little oversight will sometimes rob tho most frugal and thrifty family of a year's savings. Yon want to do as J. P. Hickmann, of Monticella, Ga., did: He writes: "For six years I have kept Simmons Liver Regulator in my family ana nave nad no need for a doctor. I have five as healthy children -as you can find." Greenville Weekly: Mr. I. A. Nichols, of Beaver Dam, was exhibiting a genuine twin egg pound, that person will be astonished here Saturday. It was two eggs onrl 1 rrV. tarl tt'ith t V o n n ',f1r n abb wri t.Vi a.1 a. i. 1 11 J , , . t , v :r . , V I i juiueu Lueuier ebb tue sinan ecus which this wonderful remedy is able to call a halt to waisting diseases, dis eases of debility and "run-down" con dition. Paine's Celery Compound does wonders in making people well. Here is what a woman, an ambitious and hard-working member of the legal profession in New York city says of this great remedy: 220 4th Ave, New York. While a student In the New ..York It was right much of a curiosity and he is anxious to have it hatched in an incubator, being afraid that it will get broken if set under a hen. It may save you time and money to be informed that, when you need a blood 'purifier.. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the kind most in favor with the medi- TT" 7 A 1 . 1 1 J I 4 1 universiy iaw scnooi anuunuer great cai profession. It is the standard and, pressure from work and study, I was as guch) the onl blood purifier ad advised to take Paine's Celery Com- mittfri t. th f!V,inm wrH' ffdv. tmn hnf nr tha t li hnn tt . - J ... "UL uauvj, " remedies only raise hopes that are stand a srood chance to market never fulfilled. .. v.r.-V,, a ci;ii,, .. I Paine's Celery Compound which uui uiuuuvc tauu. ccuciaiiv viii I . . - . . . ' - , - i . - - . - " ura lis uriiu lv mo must uisiiuguioii- berries, for at least 2d to 30 per 6d physician and investigator thi cent, more than we would hv country has ever produced, Prof. Ed- u: - ii ii -,y . I ward E. Phelps, M. D. L. L. D., of smpiJiug me viu way. xveuiemuei T)fl.rtTnonth Chlle. hnsfei, nnbliclv the old adage, 4 'In unity there is endorsed among medical experts as the 8T0n'th 11 i oniy spring meuicine in any sense en v.. . . r. . titled to that name. iMneiy per ceni. or me straw- It can be said without fear of contra berry blooms that not COV- diction that no other rem dj cai truth erd Thnrsdv nio-ht wfiro killod. fully r.e?er to men and women so re ... J. . . 7 sponsible, so trustworthy, so con vine and tne remainder mat were un- inff, because of their straightforward, covered succumbed to the heavy enthusiastic and easily verified testi- t. c j i , -ij Imonials in praisn of I'aiDe's Celerv peas are also slightly damaged. Tomatoes are killed, even where covered. Turnips were not so badly damaged, but are hurt. Mr. N. B. Stevenson left for Goldsboro and Wilson on a busi ness trip Tuesday. Miss Sue Carr has accepted a position as sales lady with the New York Racket Store, and will be glad to have her friends call. Our market has been well sup plied with shad this season. Mr. D. J. Aaron has just made the first shipment of lettuce from this place. We hope he may re alize a handsome profit from the same. Mrs. Joe Person, the popular proprietess of her famous remedy, was in town Tuesday, calling on our druggist. There is a large force of hands cleaning the streets. pound. 1 did bo, and its beneficial re sults to one whose nerves are under the trial of fevere mental effort, lam only too ready to assert. After taking three bottles I found that it produced quietness of nerves and induced sleep, very beneficial to my health. For those troubled with insomnia I can heartily recommend it as a harmless Chicago Concord Standard; Some very rich gold ore has been found On one of the hills near the city. A beautiful yellow nugget about the size of a chinquepin was picked out of a rock several days inducer of sleep on account of its quiet-1 ing effects on the nerves. Yours truly, Signed, Florence H. Dangerfield, Att'y and Counselor at Law. Paine s Celery Compound, which j makes the weak strong-, has received testimonials from thousands of - people ! Itch on human, mange on torses, dogs and all stock, cured in 30 nrinutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by M E Robinson& Bro, druggists. Goldsboro, N C. Charlotte Observer: Judge who had almost despaired of ever I Norwood siirned an order vestera -, r r.-ii l.u I - . again in penecii iieaim. Mr. P. Brodie Scott, the gal lant young Deputy Sheriff, was Mr. John R. Smith, the newly in town Sunday on a brief visit t;n rnnf rattiine-. caused hv thA i m 1 1 . i 1 VA I 3 mi annointed superintendent or tne to irienas, irooie says mat hlnwino- nf tho winrt, m..nrv Penitentiary, left this city Monday Pikeville has not yet lost all its hampecfat the idea that it was with an entire new force of guards, I wsuunuuus iui mm. I burglars trying to enter Martin s I c Inra arm Midu met ahnn r. a a quickly jumped down the stair overseers and general utility men for tho Caledonia State farm in Halifax countv. The delegation Few people know that; all plants way, not taking particular pains iit. . ...t- ..... , u;v, I ":"itt.7li: Vu" s :Za ,,tn ? w use au tne steps, as two or at tUo liaiu ncic iu uiu nmuui oauou nuavi u tiicir ivjula uum iu in uj-i , - . , . erestea any -more inan animaia uan. i . t- - - Mt- Olive fluvertisemenfe THE ... Racket Store. day morning appointing :J. W. Keerans and E. T. Cansler re ceivers North Carolina Building and Loan Association, which has its principal office in this city. The rapidity with which croup de velops calls for instant treatment, and yet few households are prepared for its visits. Ad admirable remedy for this diseas-j is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It has saved rrundreds or lives and should, be in every home where there are young children.. Charlotte News: Several farm. eral told us to-day they thought i . i i i . j p 1 1 IS CROWDED WITH NEW GOODS OF bloom, were killed bV the frost FVFRY HFrRIPTlON AND "AT AS- this morning. Apples are said to tVfcKY UtKirilUiN AINU AO be all riht and erries had not TONISHING LOW PRICES, yet bloomed, but it is feared that plums are lost. i UR MISS MATTIE BROWN is visiting the. Northern The beard, moustache and eye brows markets and will soon return with a complete line of may b3 made a desirable and uniform the latest styles of millinery goods and will have a brown or b k by an occasional appli Grand opening about the 10th. The public are cordially couo Buckingham's Dye for the invited. I iisn vine Uitizen: John JC. Our Dress Goods department is complete with all the up-to-date styles. Fig- LSairU aod IX. W . $aira, Drotners Brilliantines, Henriettas and Surges, cheaper than ever was sold 5ajjnthe city. They arrived her Mt. Olive, I frnm their home in Mississinni too late to attend the funeral, the 0' Gents' Furnishing geods a specialty Children suits irom fi to sw.ou. nee delay being because by the flood ana nais in great, . Un fi pants froin 25 to 5 cents. tity. Childrens' caps It seems as if there was fraud or gross negligence concernii the enlargement of the corporate limits of the town. The bill passed the House and the Senate. Miss Isabel 1 Culbreth. of Clay ton, is visiting the family of Mr. We are making a specialty of Shoes. rr, , , , , I Come and buy at your own price a big Sanctificatien meeting at Hillsboro Methodist church . A great many of them prof ess sancti- fication. It is to be hoped that it is genuine. Messrs. Tom Perrott and Frank Faison, of Faison, were in town Saturday night makmj business calls. sometiiino nbw, Groceries The killincr nf vnlnnble bird T Y o T . AJP"1Bl,'doga in this community is deplor congregation. " - The many friends of Miss Olivia Fitts will be glad to hear that' she is rapidly recovering from her recent illness. Robert. Grady, of Burgaw, spent Sunday with the family of E Grady.- All that Mount Olive needs now On the racket pi in, coffee from 10 to 17 c. - A full 6tock of Groceries, for cash or barter at lowest prices. Westbrpok & Culbreth, MT. OLiYE, N. G- and nobody blames them, for this is the first opportunity they have Ijad to give vent to their patriotic desire to serve their country in many years, and who .knows but that this may, perhaps, be the last time for many years, to come. Raleigh Tribune. - Chief of Police Heartt says he haa hpn notified that a young white woman named Hettie j peptic make a trial of it Ffanklinr ol Goldsboro, N. C. , became suddenly insane on the streets of Memphis, Tenn. She will be brought to Raleigh and placed7 in the Insane Asylum. The arrangements have been made. can The Mount Lebanon Shakers have pose very well just then. It is learned the art of extracting and util- said that some of them are still izmg these digestive principles, ana vprv nprvnn j. .v.,-., .. HKob-y. Ti.l yery nervous. restive Cordial is meeting with so much MlSS Berta Huggins.of Lenoir, phenomenal success in the treatmentjis visiting Mrs. James McGee. oi dyspepsia, me ssnaser uigeuuvo The trucners are putting in a Cordial-not only contains lood already ij beans this season inr.ini whiv.h ai.i tha diffestion of I averaging from 1-4 to 10 acres. other foods that may be eateD with it. I MiS3 Mollie Brown, the popu- A single 10 4cent trial bottle will bejar young lady who has charge sumciem w " of the millinery d partment oi we suggest that every suffenng dys- lfr to make it absolutely the best town in the-State is a cotton ; mill and other manufactming interests, for wo are in a very healthy "cli mate and have good water, raise an abundance of cotton, thousands of dollars worth of truck, and are now raising -as good tobacco as is raised anywhere in the State; and even our-huckleberry crop, which is a wild and uncultivated NOW TAKE able. If they would, first com mence on the lower order of the canine race that are so very nu merous ai'ound town at nights, it would be more commendable. Some one killed E. J. Martin's fine bird dog a few days ago. The dog was highly prized by its owner. jQe person's Remedy Miss Kate Southerland and her . guest Miss Celess Dillon, spent Fridav at Faison. attending the general meeting of tho Christian THE GREAT Endeavor Society, ni osoerous voung farmers of the SPRING MEDICINE, Seven Springs section, was visit ing his sister Mrs. Jas. McGee, Saturday . Any drug gist can supply it. LAXOIj is the best medicine fori medicine for children. Doctor's rec ommend it in place of Castor Oil. When bilious or costive, eat a casca- , ret candy cathartic, cure guaranteed, J 10c, 2oo. v the dry goods store of Messrs, Culbreth & Westbrook, left Tues day for the northern fashion centres to acquaint herself with the modes and styles of the com ing season and make purchases of delicate fabrics for their grow ing trade. M.rt II. J, Jones, the contract- The Argis one, brings far more money into SUBSCRIBE TO the community than the besl cul tivated crops of some sections. Mr. D. J. Aaron is spending a few days with his family. . Our truckers have not received fancy prices this season for onions. They have , been 7 very low, and shippers aro not anxions to show their returns. It bui'ds up It cures. For sale by John R. Smitli, The Druggist. Mt. live. C in tnat estate- i ne nre in tne 10 comotive which drew the train upon which they rode was ex tinguished by the rising water in one of the streams which the railroad crossed. Free Fills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicagro, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action, and are particularly effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They qo not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigor ate the system. Kegular size zoc per bottle. Hill's Drug Stote. Gastonia Gazette; News of the death of Mr. Will Nolen, son of Dr. No' en, near Crouse, after in- lohn R. Smith's Drug Store EdXXSUS For them. There you will find a He died Sunday morning. For full line of Pure Drugs and all seyeral days he had been suffer- the leading latent Medicines iQr with seVere uain in his head. with more or less indication of a risinsr inside. Saturdav before his GENUINE - ARTICLES death on Sunday it is said that his skull burst, the bones riarU As cheap as you can get them inr asunder. The sufferer was elsewhere. II you want pure I . . , . . , drugs go to headquarters T for driven mad by the intense agony them. Thanking you for your he endured. The deceased was liberal patronage of the past and about 30 years of age and leaves If You Need , DRUGS ..GO TO. Sundries, etc. I will mec.t all competition and sell you soliciting a continuance of the same. 1 am Kespt Yours JOHN R, SMITH, Druggist. Mt. Olive. N.C a young children, wife and one or two WITH Mt. Olive, N. C. The only safe, ure and reliable Female PILL ever offered to Ladies, especially recommend ed to married Ladies. kAnfe for SB. IIOTE'S PES1TTSOT1L FILLS and take no other. Sold oly at Miller's Drug store, Goldsboro N, Ct PENNYROYAL P ILLS. "AMa.v tOT SK. MOTT'S FESimOTIL FIXI OON'T TOBACCO SPIT AND SMOKE YOUR UFE AWAY . If j ou v ant' to quit tobacco using easily and forever, be made welljStrong1 magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Bao, the wonder worker that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Oxer 40, 000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac of your druggist under guarautee to cure, 50 cts or $1. Booklet aud samdle mailed frte Ad. Sterling Remedy Co. , Chi- f n.crn ftr Naw Ynrk'- o - - - f

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