CO &2 o s S3 jF I I II 111 Ill III ' I.. , til I V I . 1 1 1 - -V . .... i. ... I ft 1 III IV i5inl)i-'Jii(V0 . y CD q This ARGUS o'er the peoplb's rights, Doth an eternal vigil keep No soothing strains of Maia's son, Can lull its hundred eyes to sleep" Vol. XVII. GOIiDSBORO.-JST.- 0.; THURSDAY APRIL 29, 1897- NO 16 LOCAL BRIEFS The city financial exhibit for the fiscal year ended April 1st has been printed. The luck" of the trucker is uncertain, in crop and market, and the "peach crop" is never eafe. Local fishermen report an ex tra large crop of snakes around the creeks and rivers hereabouts this year; ,They are said to be as plentiful as frogs in some locali ties. The memorial exercises this year will be celebrated on ja differ ent scale than heretofore. No address will be made. There will be prayer by the chaplain .of the Rifles, Rev. Stewart McQueen; pinging by a selected choir; deco rating graves, and concluding with a sham battle of the Rifles with infantry and artillery. Captain Fred Holt, an engi neer of the Southern, who has a weakness for hunting and fishing, returned Saturday from Samp son County, where he has been slaying the finny tribe for the past few days. He reports hav ing caught a catfish in Goshen swamp that Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its great leaveninp ptrengta ana neatniumess Assures tne i d against alum and all forms of adul W tion common to the cheap brands Royal Baking Powder Co., New York. Ho! for the Goldsboro and Snow Hill Railroad! ! The court house grounds hndej the supervision of Mr. H. B. Parker, are now made to present a far different appearance from that of last Spring. The shady, serpentine walks winding their way throughout the grounds among the growing grass are an inviting place to while the hours awav. The onlv thine now weighed 6J founds needed to complete the appear- A MAGNIFICENT GIFT. and measured inches between the eyes. Thk petition to the Board of City Aldermen for a special election to bond the city in the sum of 115,000 in the interest of the proposed Goldsboro and Snow Hill Railroad has been largely signed and it is now in order for the Board of Aldermen to convene, and order the elec tion accordingly It done without delay. Mr. Frank Evans, of Johnson City, Tenn., a practical and ex perienced water works man, his arrived in the city, to take charge of the plant here for the company that owns it, and inaugurate some ance is the fountain, for which a place has been set apart in front of the court house. Mr. Parker will undertake to raise funds by private subscription to purchase the fountain, and he should re ceive the encouragement of all. The much talked of and long- hanging-on jury of inquest in the Frank Baker murder case from should be Dudlev. finallv filed their verdict 9 mi in the Clerk of Superior Court s office on Thursday, to the effect that Frank Baker came to his death at the hands of some per son to the jury unknown, and that Messrs. J. W. Grady and W. B. Bowden, of Dudley, were needed repairs. He comes to re lieve Mr. H. P. Dortch, who has so efficiently filled th position of Superintendent since the works were first established . Mr. Evans is a man of family, and will move them here as soon as he conveni ently can. The Goldsboro Rifles have se cured the service of an Ex-Con federate soldier to take charge of their mu eum and library coutun - ing a collection of war relics.In the museum room is a valuable collec tion of books containing the rec ords of the war between the Statesr The rooms will be open to the public for the present on Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays njm all day. xne public are corcuaiiy invited to visit the museum. They can also have recourse to the books of the library. implicated in the ciime. Coroner Person issued a warrant for the above gentlemen, but, Mr. Grady being absent on a business trip, onliolr. Bowden was served with the warrant; His counsel imme diately took out Habeas Corpus papers before Judge Robinson yesterday afternoon, and upon the Judge s hearing the flimsy-trump- ed-up evidence he immediately, and rightly so, ordered Mr. Bow den's release. No greater out rage was ever attempted upon the fair name and good standing of a citizen than this upon one of the truest, bravest and best citizens in our county. But it does Mr. Bowden no harm. "We all know The Goldsboro Furniture Manufacturing Company Contribute Fifty Bed Room Salt, to the Odd Fellow.' Orphan Home In Tbla City. The Goldsboro Furniture Man ufacturing Company is an organi. zation of which our citizens gen erally rray justly feel proud. It has an enviable record of benevol ence whenever the occasion de manded its aid, and has been one of the potent factors in the growth of Goldsboro and in the employ ment of labor. Their latest charitable act was to donate the bedroom furniture for the new building of the Odd Fellows' Orphan Home in this city. The donation was formally made to the board of trustees at their session in this city Wednes day, when the building was ac cepted from the contractors. To say the gift was a handsome one is but poorly expressing it. Some idea of its value can be as certained when it is stated that it required about fifty suits to fur nish the building. This act of benevolence is in keeping with the magnanimity and philanthropy of the gentleman who compose the company, not one of whorrr belong to the order of Odd Fellows, but who were prompted solely by noble impulses and a desire to benefit the poor orphan children who are to occupy the Home. i The deed calls for the gratitude of Odd Fellows everywhere and must excite the admiration of those outside the order. ARE YOU' BANKRUPTinhealtK, constitution undermined by ex travagance in eating, by disre garding the laws of nature, or physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt's Liver Pills will cure yois. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver, Pills an absolute cure Lly, sustained by thoucrhts of bus- Many women .work too hard. There is no ques tion about that. - If they did not have Love for a yoke - fellow they could never endure the daily, nouny g.tna ana drudgery of life. But they bear ft cneertuiii loving: band and children. But when ohvsical weakness or disease is added to a woman's burden it becomes al together too heavy. No woman can be cheerful or hopeful who is dragged down i continual pain and physical wretch tness. The special weaknesses oecuUar to the feminine organism are comparatively easy to overcome if the earlier symptoms are given proper attention. But if allowed to go unchecked, they are liable to develop into serious, chronic complications. Any woman afflicted with these delicate ailments ought to have the immediate aid of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a perfect and unfailing specific for all dis eases of the feminine organs. It was de vised for this one purpose, and accomp lishes this purpose as no other medicine has ever done. For nearly vears Dr. Pierce ha9 been chief consulting physician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y.. where in coni unction with his staff of associate specialists, he has successfully treated many thousand cases of female complaint." Wo physician living has had a more ex tended opportunity to study this class of diseases in actual practice. No medicine ever invented has done for women what his Favorite Prescription" ha.. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation But of Varied Tenor, Selected By The I feditor From Manifold Souri es to I Salt Many Minds. "Shall the .throne of iniquity have fellowship with; thee which frameth mischief by a law?" Word. LOW RATES TO FOREHE AD Advertisements for Satur day's eaitiou of the Argus shovld be at the office early in the morning, will be the enlarge ed size and will contain full local and keneral news and interest- ing selections. Kegular advertis ers who have special announce ments to make can avail them selves of the opportunity of se curing additional space for Sat urday only, and if you are a business man and desire to in terest the public in any special lice, you can. do so in no better wav than bv securing space in Saturday's edition of the Argus The Snow Hill and Goldsboro Railroad grows in favor with our people. It see iii s. in this regard, that uoiasDoro recognizes tne Tf will ha an nr.failitiP- feeder to ""-"wv ?" - . our city's commerce; and , on the n"" ,""67 " "6 "f nthor hand KhOUlfl It l?0 elSB IKOuwcujDu.iiiCTOiouBO, a where, it will draw from our an, a. a. vjreen, jamts neamona, trade immense! v and irrevocably. 1 r - Ji. oimnions, ur. jr.- w. isiacK- Goldsboro should secure this! nail, C. E. Foy, Dr. Chas. Duffy $100 REWARD $100. The readers of The Argus will bo pleased to leaji that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destiojing the foundation 01 tne disease, and giving the patient strength by toning up the constitution and assisting nature in do- msr its work. X he proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they oner une Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any case of deafness, (caused by Catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrn Cure, P, J. Cheney & Co., Props.. Toledo. O aSLTSold by druggists 75c. The Atlantic Hotel Sold. The valuable Atlantic Hotel property, including cottages, club rooms etc., at Morehead City, has just been sold to a syndicate road bv all means. And, too, in this respect, as in most every- thine else, "delays are danger ous." Let us all be up nd husc- linsr. The petition asking the Board of Aldermen - to order an election to bond the city in $15,s 000 for this ' purpose has been numerously signed, and . The Argus sueeests that the Board and Earle A. Humphrey. The organization of this sub stantial company insures the fa ture success of this famous seaside resort, as considerable outlay of capital will be made in connection with the property, Dr. Blacknall is proprietor, and it is expected that the largest of Aldermen come together in a assemblage of visitors will spend special session and act on it at tie coming season there that has once. lever been known before. Shalt. Goldsboro have a base- The h?el wi 1x3 Pened by the Kail team this season or not? This 15th of Ma7- is a question in which the amuse ment loving public are interested, and it is one that they are to de cide for .themselves. We have tlontv of material from which to select and if they receive encour agement we will have the team. Wnnuil anma Irinrl at rnfrIorrl W , S3 UWV. " . - " -"I 1 i . ' ...... ' . i raner&i decline, lost amusement to relief the monotony conditions of wasting away. By its of the lomr hot summer days, timely use thousands" of apparently Schedule Will Also Be Faster and Better Tban Heretofore. Raleigh News-Observer. President Hancock, of the At lantic and North Carolina Rail road is negotiating with General Passenger Agent Turk, of the Southern Kan way, with a view to arranging summer passenger rates for Morehead City. This will mean much for Ra leigh and much for Morehead Such an arrrngement will, if made, give the people in all sec -10ns of the State an opportunity to visit this popular resort, and by none will it be more generally taken advantage of than by the people of this city. Mr. Hancock will try to ar range an especially low rate from here for Saturday night, the tickets to be good returning until Tuesday night. Dr. Blacknall, proprietor o: the hotel, has also agreed to give special hotel rates and accommo dations for these occasions. The schedule will be arrang oyer the Atlantic and North Car olina Railroad so as to. connect a Goldsboro with the Southern Kail way train irom Atlanta and Chattanooga, which arrives at Goldsboro at 4:55 in the after noon. This will put through pas sengers in Morehead at about o clock, without delay ox stop ping over on the entire route. Dr. Blacknall says this wil enable him to give the new ar rivals each night supper by themselves, thus making the ser vice more satisfactory both to the guests and to the manage melt of the hotel. It is to be hoped that Mr. Hans cock can succeed ia completing these plans before the season at Morehead begins . Tfl DIEftDSD COHSUMrTIOH CAN BE CUBED t. . simm: n. r.. th (treat cheintsi Scientist, will Sn FrM, 1nrt BottU of His Hwl Dloovr ng to Sul .Editor A kg its: I have discovered a reliable cure for consumption and all bronchial, throat and nine diseases, loss 01 netsn ana an Those who are fond of v the sport should, get together and see what can be done along the line of or ganization and then make their wantslmown. hopeless cases have been cured.? So proor-positive am 1 01 its power mj are, that to make its merits known, I will send, free, to any afflicted reader of your paper, three bottles of myNewly Discovered Remedies upon re eipt of Express ana ir'oetomce aaCresc, PURELY LITERARY. ANOTHER INJUNCTION. Judge Adams Enjoins the Private Stockholders of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad From Holding a Meeting Raleigh. N. C, April 23. Judge Adams grants a tempora ry restraining order on the aps plication of President Haucock of the Atlantic and North Caro lina railway, enjoining its private stockholders from. meeting. Nominally the application is in behalf cf the county of Craven; really it is on behalf of the State by Hancock. Id is returnable bes fore Judge Timberlake May 9th. C B. Aycock applied to Judge Adams for the order. The coun sel are Aycock & Daniel, Pearsall, Ward and S. W. Hancock. The Federal court, has enjoin ed the Governor from appointing State proxy for this road. Some of the private stockholders issued a circular urging all private stockholders to meet April 27th, so as to change by-laws and evade the amendment adopted at the last legislative session before appointment of.' Stat-, proxy. The amendment referred to pro vides that no meeting of stock holders shall be effective unless the State proxy is personally present and that his presence shall be necessary to make a quorum. Judge Adams was at wo.-k until 2 o clock this morning on this case. "When bilious or costive, eat a casca de, candy cathartic, cure guaranteed only :5c WARNING. , We wish to caution all users of Simmons Liver Regulator on a subject of the deepest interest and importance . to their health perhaps their lives. The sole proprietors and makers of Simmons Liver Regulator learn that customers are often deceived by fraying and taking some medicine of a similar appearance or taste, believing it to be Simmons Liver Regulator. We warn you that unless the word Regulator is on the package or bottle, that it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. No one else makes, or ever has made Simmons Liver Regulator, or anything exiled Simmons Liver Regulator, but J. H. Zeilin & Co., and no medicine made by anyone else i3 the same. We alone can put it up, and we cannot be responsible, il other medicines represented as the same do not hlp you as you are led to expect they will.? Bear this fact well in mind, if you have been in the habit of using a medicine which you supposed to be Simmons Liver Regula tor, because the name was somewhat like it, and the package did not have the word Regulator on it, you have been imposed upon and have not been taking Simmons Liver Regulator at all. O The Regulator has been favorably known for many years, and all who use it know how necessary it is for Fever and Ague, Bilious Fever, Constipa tion, Headache, Dyspepsia, and all disorders arising from Diseased Liver. We ask you to look for yourselves, and see that Simmons Liver Regulator, which jou can readily distinguish by the Red Z on wrapper, and by our name, is the only medicine called Simmons Liver Regulator. J. H. ZEILIN & CO. Simmons Take L.lver Regulator. . The directors of the Baltimore and Ohio railway have decided to pass the semi-aunai dividend on the Washington branch of the sys tem because of the heavy expen ditures in the way of improve ments to roadbed and .rolling stock. Republicans Accede to Democrat ic Terms as to Committees. Washington. April 23. The Republican Seuators in caucus to-day decided to accept the proposition made by the opposi tion for the filling of the Senate committees, leaving the arrange ment of the details to Senator McMillan's committee on com mittees. The caucus also consid ered he question of filling the elective offices of the Senate, and the managing committee was authorized to negotiaie with the opposition to the end of securing a division of these puces.- Both the Secietary and the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate are Dem ocrats and the Republicans think they should be allowed to name a man to fill one of these places. The details of this negotiation will be left to a sub-committee consisting of Messrs. McMillan, Lodge and Spooner. - - An obscure and solitary church yard contains the graves of many fond hopes, and the pathetic stone which bids them farewell. What boots it whether it be Westmin ister or a little country spire which covers your ashes, or if, a few days sooner or later, the world forgets you? Thackeray. I carry a full line of Dr. Eailj S. Sloan's great Remedies, which are perfectly reliable. Sloan''! Liniment cures Rheumatism, H. O. Shanu j . Druggist. Goldsboro, N. C. Fifty Years Ago. Who could imagine that this should b The place where, In eighteen ninety-thra That -white world-wonder of arch and dome Should shadow the nations, polychrome ... Here at the Fair was the prize conferred On Ayer's Pills, by the world preferred. Chicago-like, they a record show, Since they started so yean age. Ayer's Cathartic Pills have, from the time of their preparation, been a continuous success with the public. And that means that Ayer's Pills accomplish, what is promised for them; they cure where others fail. It was fitting, therefore, that the world-wide popularity of these pills should be recognized by the World's Fair medal of 1893 a fact which emphasizes the record: 50 Years of Cures. Cascarets stimulate liver kidneys, and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe, 10 c. Edoiard s What the world needs is not more religion but more Christianity. OF GOLDSBO '.'Whosoever, therefore, shall break one of these least command ments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew. WILL OPEN HIS STORE IN T 1 1 ... it is not enougn that one pos sess a talent. It languishes line a morning-glory at noon-day, un- ess accompanied by the charac teristics which develop it. Unity of purpose, ambition, courage and industry must go with the gift-! These qualities can even take, as they have sometimes been made to take, the place of heaven-born talent, but talent will never bring! success unless bacKea py t-nese qualities. nt IN 9 ON SATURDAY, MAY 1st, 1897. By the banks of the Quharity, on a oummer aay, j. nave seen a barefooted girl gaze at the run ning water until tears filled her eyes. That was the birth of ro mance. Whether this love be but a beautiful dream I cannot say, but this we see, that it comes to all, and colores the whole future life with gold. J.- M. Barrie. "WITH AlN IMMENSE STOCK DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, Etc. . - You all know me and have traded with me for the last twenty-five years: I do not come among you as a stranger, but I do come to sell you GOODS LOWER THAN EVER YOU HEARD OF BEFORE IN THIS VICINITY, even lower than I will sell them to you in my store in Goldsboro, and to convince yon of this, I will below mention a few "prices. LOOK AT THESE PRICES This family allection, how good and beautiful it is! -Men and maids love, and after many years they may rise to this. It is grand proof of the goodness in human nature, for it means the more we see of each other the more we find that is lovable. . If you would cease to dislike a man, try to get nearer his heart. J. M. Barrie. 300 pieces of good, fast colors, Calico 3 cts a yd. 10,000 yards of N. C. best checked Homespun, at 3 cts. yd. 5,000 yards of Lake George, A A Homespun, yd wide, 4c yd 5irSpecial attention is called to 100 pieces of colored Organdies, a bargain at 12 cts 5 cts a yard, No. 1 Ticking, warranted to hold feathers, only 10 cts per yard. 2,000 yards 4-4 Bleaching at cents a yard. 1,500 yards Apron Ginghams, at 4 cents per yard. 1,200 yards Dress Ginghams, at 4J cents per yard. My price on them, LOOK ! only COUlSTJSl?e:NES! COUTElPfirST During the next 30 days I want to sell 1000 extry heavy large Counterpanes, well worth $1.75 each, but I will sell them SranvT Ctrn TiATimrr tor torturing, dUOff. ricg, itching, bnrnlng, and scaly skin and scalp diaeaaea with low of hair. Warm bath with Ctt tiouba Boat, gentle applications of Gctiottra. : (ointment), and fall doses of Cutioubi Besoi ' rasx, greatest of blood purifiers and humor cure An, mel tne world, grows very full of ghosts as we grow older. We need not seek in dismal church yards, nor sleep in moated granges, to see their shadowy -.faces, and hear the rustling of their gar ments in the night. Every house, every room, every creaking chair has its own particular ghost. They haunt -the empty chambers of our lives, they throng around I us like dead leaves whirled in the Autumn wind. Some are living, some are dead. We know not. We clasped their hands once, loved them, laughed with them, told them bur thoughts and hopes and aims, as they told us theirs, till lt-seemeu Our very hearts had joined in a grip that 'would defy the puny power of Death. , They are gone now; lost to us forever. Their eyes will -never look into oufs-again, and their voices we shall never hear. , Ghosts! they are always ' with us and" always will be, while the sad old world I keeps echoing to the sob of long! good byes, while the cruel ships sail away across the' great seas and the cold, 'green earth lies heavy on the heart of those w3 loved: J. IL Jerome. to you for 90 cts a piece, don't fail to see them. The largest stock of H AMBURGS, LACES and other white Goods ever car ried here before at prices just half what they are worth. ' - CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING! My stock of Men's, Youth's and Children's CLOTHING is immense, and at just one-half of what you have been paying for them. SILKS! SILKS ! An elegant line of China and Wash Silks at Yl cts. and 22 cts. per yard. SILKS! SILKS! Stipes Shioe3, Shoes aaas T. anM ttinmvYMmt Vha vnU. Fmtci Dm9 Si CmiL Cokp.. 80U Props., Boston. sT Bew to Can ftchina Skia Dm "ftw. rrn P J If IV flS Boftsasd m Bsantllat ,1V IWvwtl HrW bjr Cencva ... Shoes for Everybody ! at prices so low that every .one can afford to wear good shoes. For instance : Ladies' low quarter shoes, well worth $1.00 a pair, for only 45 cent a pair. A nice pair of Ladies' button shoes for only 90 cents a pair, and all others in proportion. ' .HATS, TJiUXKS, VALISES, Etc.: At Equal Reductions Now. I wish to impress it strongly upon your mind, that I come to Mt Olive with an elegant,' new and first class stock 6f goods, such as I keep in my store at Goldsboro, that I will sell them to you even lower than I do in my store there; further, that I come to Mt. Olive to get my full share of the trade and if you "consult your own interest, you will be sure to. call upon me before spending one cent of your well earned money. - Remember the date, SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1897; -Why will you buy bitteronauseatia tonics when Grove's Tasteless (3mU 'i onio is lv pleasant as I Lemon Syrup. ' Your druccist is au- thorized to refund the money in every I - 1 j 1 - x fh I r-n - WWW WUBP- la lUa b vUTB . CTlttQ UW 1 MOUNT OIvIVEVN. C. ! 1