-.1 g, fTin 1 lrrl 1:--- ' . , , , . . , ,j, V wfm I i iwR .-''plot i tj't f ' ' " " - ' . f. sees r-s? sl . i'l iUUA ua urn tUsSSji stcip 3 . w-. .V-U iiV.A yh-iri'i , W OS?. rffi'H to x& - R , 1 m t i nyi as. o ';' f4i 7", ' --'i 'V.'"" I l!r--rr - J 1 ' "- "f K - ' - ' ' This ARGUS o'er the people's rights, 1$o sooth ing- strains of Maia's son, dvuv" :.: : ,r) v ; - - 1 , s ; -xV.-:- i-Hi'i 3Olir.i-i .IO i J 1 lT : , t ' -J " ' ' 1 y Doth an eternal vigil keep Can lull ita hundred eyes, to sleep" : !,u tjj iv lilrsirJv. : ' " ' ' S i 1 v '-'- .7 - ' -; , t : : : -. : r . . . . . , . . . .. ... r . .. . ' I :--". .. . ; U'f "r i . mi. )..'- mm -r r-r . r-r- . . j E ... t . ., . ii t .? ; - ' ' ' 7 r -MISS Ti 11 in r 1 ' 1 Miss B&trfcS I IfiiflayBoiL rincetonffsillWi rfsitMg iier cousin Mf&s.. "W. Brotrn. I TherdfisAtMdifferfec be tween hjypros s8tdomjr.H thinks himselftthflKAsest man is fener-Atly the grmiooi. f 'Save tbe 8$mtiatlryiDff,tb6it,.,!:many fiBdSittbVtD'l'-t1ieir" iit4-Ce-lebf atefl Tor fcfa3-famgfaterr-,wfaTgtr'yad- avent occurred at their bomb jn the northern part of the city last Friday. Ian. A. P. Holland is at home from Castle Haynes, where he was superintendent of the State convict camp doing work for the phosphate company at that place. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Johnson, Mr. and MrsN. W. Musgrave, and KJiss 'aniUe.C.-eLycrton and Mils aryrnmriloltrUi UdJ 1U1 cue Jir2.puaikiuu cnfiiaii- ville. Their many friends wish them aftaatft'. 1 Q 1 The tide ot traverthrougli uiis city to Moreliead grows daily more numerous as the hot weather asserts itsel,i:mMdAgafcile lbng for the brisk, ,cooJing breeze from the fixr 6aJ expanse .ipf bceanl" , . , Our young friend and towns man Mr. Cobb Lane, who recent lyrfmledHbp rgir-rmtrors from the University at Chapel Hill, has been unanimously elect ed Principal of the High Poin' Graded School. The largest yield of wheat to the acre r from this section is that of Mr L. Pippin, of the Fremont 1 tion, who gathered 170 bushels from nine acres this y ear, p-whJch is near an ayerage of 19 bushels to . the ncrer"1 1 ivy I lij ADSOiuieiy f ure. its great ieaveume 8tiirh'an!th6athfa!hessiSrssufe81ie food against alum and all forms of aduV teration common to the cheap brands R0YAI1 BAKING POWDEIt CO.. - r; HERE IS ANOTHEK. Goldsboro Talent! Still in Demand. It. would , be; interesting, to al'j we are' sure," and really surprising to many, to know the great num ber of Goldsboro men and women who are filling-positions won 4y nTerit -uith,e greatprk f ad yjmcngj gfiereducatibn4 .ffot alone in North Carolina, but throughout the entirecouotry, iorl&d S6vitjr. y J O. Only the other day wo recorded the election of Mr: Cobb:Lane as prineipaj, , of lhe r High PoiLt GradetT' SchoX abd: to day it is our pleasure to note the- election of j.Mr. i Cramner Brogden- to a position; on the faculty ; of the Greensboro Graded School . Mr. Brogden-taught' the-Dun school last year, and the Uniop, j 01 mat town, in ngiingjiiisi resig- nation! 'says fcf liil h II it W K 'iAU Of oir people "will regret o learn that Pruf L. C. Brog- ;estyieiu 01 wueai , im (enj)as resjsajed .a? f5inciPAl of; eponeu to mi ihii jiwtohiashOOli ajJQ wiflftaot f TBB! 1 6 ptc with pleasure ' seeks ers;ncf lovers 'ofthe. ;gran"d, aud subl i in e i nVn at ur e, is the coming great excursion ' of "!Mr:!R.- E Plpki q to As he Ville; ; leaving here o' jth'5ttfn";,.df "4-6ly. 13- and giving a daylight trip to the mountains and . a- ;stay: of- -two People who make. mistakes are thobe who quaryelli?lt6soneLaui other before their children; or wh&allow fhetteF grow up inTdtenesihosevwho Jalk about their troubles; before Ostrangers; the father whp tellshis,,. children to go the way 'ho does'' not go himself, and the young, wsman who aplfot maI MMJaht?of her'npSlO VI A German carp weighingi-4& pounds was exhibited fftrttilsl Itlacff lis $$k -Sstt. Hi has bfee-i e!1r!tfea ko ajstfon ifKtrre' grad.'d school at Greeusboro and ;as acepfed tha sacu. He is a gpccr- scholar, an excellent jns !tructor, and a gefitjeman of the Cijpblest chHracter.-.and we con giatulat'e the Greensboro school 4 if securing himrhere? is now a good opening, here - for some young man.'1-- : HOW TO FIND OLT. otfice to-iay, caught wuhyhook, and line.lfNeuslciveryfal ored woman named Emma Watts, ,yye' doubt living-in: Webbtowh nottha-thra jras coBsiderable 1 'gtfalHffl Jw tiU&Pg that fishing party was landed- when 'that big fish The rock for paving the streets of 9tttM$$t i OitfOraf riving fi tsseiity cSTsteadt iotoataai utimej andbaitaWbapded trithgdia- 'ptoltf Whetivall our ; streetsare "paYed ancf Hermann Par made zei.we wiA eekaTot Only fTTe1 Hesfr m k &tl beautiful om 9ii; ua. .sisiamoD ai rMilJ fib, J. SanM thet r; geai) ar SvPsprfdls? 4s 5rri the city, wheetjhimany-frieds Who are glad to see him.,lMrXVHam b8K4otdAh,i)iceror bparct aU the water from the Ninth spring w34&8 exjlscaf thjfeotherBa la health restorative It becomes our gad Tjutythis aftos0 tejlwWiclaireali of the beloved wife of our es teemed iawesman Air J C on William j street Thursday at 9 o'clock, after a protracted ill nesa of fever, aged $b m&mmuk wamaaaSjg Mr. J ohn Holmes, of Indian unjr riend Sha will be sadlv, W8ed inri: home lHhe4)HghfeticEa1 1 - of, Hoi fcktira cortitfuiiity" iaMn-! tyigots.'oatl telhel IfcroarisI htusii bajQdjrtn fjpfolittJet5hjldjh m their irreparable loss. The re mofnrJaXi(9Lpid Indian SpriDgs for interment. TEXT OF THE TREATY BETWEEN UNITED ' STATES AND HAWAlt.,t How the Cession "of the Islands Is to Be Accomplished. The full text of the Hawaiian treaty is as follows " Tlie United ; States and the ; re public of Hawaii,' 'view of 'ihe naf jiral V dependence . . of , the HaT waiian Islands,, "upon ifieu tTnite4 States "of their geographical'prox4 imity' thereto', of . the preponder ant share acquired by the United States and its citizens in the - in dustries and trade of said Islands,' and of the-expressed desire of the govern meijt of - the ; republic "?bf Hawaii that; those islands should be incbrpQratedXinto' the !' United States as an integral part; thereof and; under its sovereignty, have determined to accomplish' by treaty un object so important ; to their mutual and permanent welfare.;.; ? v To this end, the high contract ing parties have conferred'- full powers and authority upon their respecti$elyppbiite(i 'pfnipkteiif taries; to-wif : ! -The 'President:, of ; the ,: United States," John Sherman, Secretary, of State of the United:; stat5;(tW President of the republic of 'Ha-' waii, Francis March Hatch,' - Lor rin A. Thurston, and William A. Kinney. I AlTCLElll) I llllfil ; The republic of Hawaii" her ebyj ueuus ausuiuLfi iaiKi? wimoui re serve to the "United States" of America all rights of , sovereignty of whatsover kind in and over the Hawaiian islands and their de pendencies; andjt is agreeij, .that all temtorylof land "'apptauiihg to tle repoblic of Jlawuris herjs by aBifexejiti) tlie Unitotf Statesf America under the name of the Tdrrilbry'of Hawaii -J Ui :v : ) 1 ARTICLE II J.. .. . I The republic of Hawaii also cedes and hereby transfers to the United States the absolute fee and Ownership of all public, govern ment, or crown lands,"-, public FUHaTbottl oV commonv fe-lass with upno and: let it stand Iwenty-fotOf hours ; a 'peaiment or setuiEg- mdreates san un hQalfiy condition of .tbv-ri kidneys. When urine stains linen it, is positive fidfe.hpe of kidney t troublf Z' 'too fre qfteni. tiepire tq 'urinate or pain jaf the back, is- i also pon vincing jnjoof Jhatstheieitioy3 rand bladder are 6Ut oft order. :4';.i , Tf I WHAT -TO DO. - iThete is comfort fh the. knowte(t'e-so Irften xpfessed, thatDr. Kilnaer's Swamp Root, tlie gi eat kidney ;reni edy fulQJls every wish in relieving pain n;tne oacic, kidneys, liver., -bladder. fend every .-part of the urinary passage lt orrcc:J inability to hold uriae: and Spalding pain In passing it, or badef- ecffe,iOttoi?ing use of 1 quor, wine or ieer, ana overcomes tna; unpleasant necessity of heiner compelled to tret ud mahy ftirhes doting theV night to uri nate- ATie mlld and the extraordinary enect 01 swamp itoot is soon realized It stands the highest for Its won&rjul curea of the nc ost dis-essin; seC If you ned $ nfeddcine yoa stoBl have me nesjg oeuerjgy aiu druggists pwoe fifty cents and one dollar. Yuiu?may have a saniple bottle and pamphlet both sent ree, bv mail. Mention The T3airyArgiis and send j our address Dr. Jiilmer & Co , UinenamtonJN . Y. The proprietor ot-thisj parse i?..iguaran- ee, the genuineness of. this offers 4- -t, tf But at Varied Ten or'-Selee ted 'By ' the' isa- Itor From Manifold- Sotiroes; tocSnlt buildings or edifices., ports, har bors, military equipments, and all other public ; property " of : "every kind and desciiption 5, belonging to the government of the Hawaiian islands, together with every right ind appurtenance ! thereunto .. ap pertaining.1 j The existing laws of the United States relative . to , public -; lands shall not ' apply to such; lands : in the Hawaiian 1 islands j ' but the Congress of thei'United States shall enact special Jaws for their, management "ahd.rdfspdstti0n;rpr6-i vided, T that ; all .'revenue - from or proceeds ' of the same, except as regards such parts' thereof as may be used. er occupied for the civil, military, or naval purposes of the United .'.' States, " or may be", as signed for the ; use of the local POISO.MNQTrSC, FOUNTAIN.. Ifthefoun- 'tain of, life Is powoned. 1 at . J(. , - ; - its very source, there can- be. s sjfQ$0& no; health in any part -. of pg-11 the body. t - W hen a y gr!z$ woman has any disease Or . s,s - y - weakness ; of the delicate ,4,jj!,special org-an-istn-i of her s ;v sex, the fouat-am-head of A. j her physical existence is vw. poisoned- and she - cannot W'i'T be healthy in any respect .v&yg !yf tnitil this one fundamen-.oi ltj ial trouble is cured. ' 1 9it the very com- ! mon error of 1 -. -, Wt ascribing- all the'I' ficial cauatf 3 ; he may. It j j . LriijJ prescnDe ior.neurai7 iSr gla,' indigestion, ' in- ''SST 6otama, or headache j , . ; : i when these are merely symp-; , torns" of Some- deep-rooted ttalady of the distinctly fem inine; organs. 1 t r , . , ?. ; Any woman sufFerinjr from these delicate 4 'coia plaintsu may - be com-; pletelyj cured right in the privacy Of her-own' Home iwitnaut reconrse v. j to mortifying examina-. tions and local treat- ' ment " ) by Dr. .Pierce's ! f Favorite Prescription r It gives health to the special organism of womanhood. . It purifies-allr diseased con ditions; gives elastic strength to- the liga ments, and vitality to the1 nerve-centres.. It promotes g-dod digestion,' sound sleepy and freedom from pain. - '. ; . . - .It is the "ouly" medicine devised for this one purpose by an. educated, skilled -specialist in this particular .field of practice, it is the only medicine ' which insures pro spective mothers again9t the dangers and sufferings of motherhood.'--" 1 -J)r. . Pierce's ; . thousand - page 1 illustrated book, "The People's. Common Sense Med ical Adviser" contains, several chapters de voted to the special physiology of woman, with advice and suggestions for self-treatment which every woman ought to read. 'A. pape-bound copy sent absolutely free on receipt of si one-cent stamps to pay for mailing, only; or, cloth-bound, 31 stamps.. Address Or. B- V. Pierce. iJuifalo, N. V. . 1 j .1 r.j m . -mm It THEELDEKS'ANDiTHE GUILD JIAEV E. UIANMX; l Many Mfnds,' J Do you know her Who! Xhs sujslMny rnu,; Siw -w,ho greejs you.Aayswiincaqj smuej tnat tvarms VOu to He Beaf tTand whose pUlsestnd kmdly Sentimefit. Hef &j5(ieHt6Wd pilcejees gen found in-vflst mum bets, ibut,! UktP-f the Sdiauiondh rhtillates lha tmoiaH brilliantly. amid dark and gruosomei sttr:? froundings 1 The- gupshipy woman r Tit 1 .1, . 1 f as a gin is ne 'parieuiaif: cjiari; iq the circle 'of classmates" who in after jears perhaps, fprgotj the infftV- dnthe hame; 'even iruincm- Orvl ofi'tecntteeifl!n who dm tiiqied awiyS&e" baa"6v?ina made tneprjC6enci0f ,the isun' tnaretvli c : a J I has xnanyinducements to offer, but r""&" v " i none better to tn fond mother, an abidm e afflicted than-, that loTQjtesofl ania, tigver fjiUU$ dJootJ. anaBlood Purifier, (B. B. B:) Botanic Tjioorr Tsa I err it positively curea all felopd a4 skirf dis&asepfi )1jhQdsand8 oi TOrtlfitfatee-testirvfrom the simplest I J)iBJpld,y;o tt foulest iiMh. i UoH'btiH Sub8iifute siid , to-iM iJi'is,asi cooddVr but buy the 'old reliable andstandard government, shall be used solely for, the . benefit, of the inhabitants gf the Hawaiian islands for edu cational and other 'purposes , 4 5 e vAKllUE III, : , ' . I i, Until Congress shall provide for the government of i such, islands 'all the civil; iudicial ' and: military powers exorcised.by the officers of the- t-x" sting government in said, islands shall be vested in such peiv 30f of persons andshall be exer cised in suchTWannet asjthe Presi 4ent of the United States shall direct; and the - President -shall hayepQ'v7er;td ;.re'r4p.v0'Bai4dfor3. and fill the vacancies so occasioned. j T.he existing treaties Of the: Ha waiiatf Islands "with1 foreign i:na- ti bits j shall f Pi' wi with ; '.' ceasQ; ' and determined- being-replaced by such treaties as may. exist, or. as. may be 'herdaf fei,'' ; cohcluded ,, between the-. United States and such foreign nations; : ." The 1 niunicipal;vlegisla- tion of the Hawaiian I. Islands, . not Enacted for:. the , fulfilment: of ;the I Creaties so. oxtinguished, arid not inconsistent with this treaty hoi jotrary .'t.VPril1'' pi'jne United States, nor to? .ny" existing jtieaty of the United "-States, shall fehlain in force" until the Con- gress or the United, totates :shall ptherwise determine." ''' ' " ! :,.Until legislation, shall be i enact ed . extending , th; United5 States customs : laws -and - regulations to tho Hawaiian Islands, the existing customs relations of the Hawaiian Islands" with the 'United States, and other countries . shall remain i, un changed " v,.".. ,:(",.T;--.V. ; ,..V ARTICLE IV. .' ; .The pnblic debt of the repub lic of Hawaii, lawful ly, existing at the data of . the exchange . of the' ratification, of. the treaty in cluding the amounts t3ue to , de. positors in the Hawaiian. - Ppsla! Savings Bank, is hereby assum ed by the goyernrnent of the United States, but tho liability of the United States in this regard shall in no case exceed -f 4,000, -000. So longi however,' as the existing government and --the present commercial ; relations of the Hawaiian Islands. are, contia-' ued, as ; hereinbefore provided, said government shali Continue to pay the interest on said ; debt; ' ' ' : .. article ,y. ; ' ; --: : -There shall be'rnp further im thigration of r Chinese-into j the Hawaiian I -lands ,-' ' except upon Such conditions as are" how br may hereafter .beialtoved. by 4the laws' of the" United .States, . and no Chinese, by reason of any thing herein, contained; shall be allowed to ' enter the '-United States f rpm " the Hawaiian Is aids. .- v. . .. . . ::; : ;- ARTICLE VI. ; ' ' c1---'-''- l The President, shall'" appoint five comeaissioners, ai least two of whom shall be residents - ot the Hawaiian Islands, who shall, is sopiExespnably-.practica - ble; recommend to Congress sucn legislation fortbe Territory of Hawa.iv. as they shall :de6m tiecs essary or proper. 'ARTICLE VII. ' " This treaty shall be ratintd bv the President , of ., the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the S jnate, on the One part: and by the President of the republic of Hawaii, by and with the advice and consent of tTae Senate, ,Ju accordance rwith tjie Constitution of said 'republic, dn the other:. . and the ratiflca- wons nereoj. shall .be , exchangea at Washington is soon as possi- In- witness whareoCi . the hres? pective- iPienipotehtlaries ihave signed the above articles and have'bereunto affixed their seals. I Done in duplicate 3.t,tDo city of Washington.;;; ;,this l:is ' &v?Xit JfoiTN1 Skerhaa f seal: ii'iNois march jUATfisaseai. Iw(?Rj'-TH'STr fSeaH William A. : Kinney i Seai.:J ?rTCTrBa a'1 "rags. ts. . J. If. t Hill &Son.. Goldsboro. jCitiB DiiiiiViJiji .V l The adult scalp shi'idfcelirruj maiB jratekejrv Jr0ylaha 'acoflnally to remove the color. . - - : HOW'S THIS am wapd iorany case of catarrh that can rioJj-rcrcTjred by. aalls Catarrh Cure ' viJ), o. Jneney ajo . tvoieaoiAX, E?. J. Cheney .for the last 15 years, and fcelieve'him perfeStly honorable in all .business transactions: and financially able to' c arry out any ', oblization made oy uieir nrm. . - . , '.West '& Traux WholeBale" Drug- plsts, -Toledo" O. , " Waiding, . Kinna j waiaine. Kinnan .& .(.Marine, Lr.lL -"Wholesale uruargiste', ToledOb D fcSsarB Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally,, acting directly f upon her blood aiiu mucous tsuriaiep ui we system, -R J; CKen6yi&Co., Propa .,Toledo, O s Cure All Liver Ills. Sattly felt tie touch .of .twilight ,Oii .In Hon.' a isntOTit. hiliH. Lowly crept the peace ef jiioonHit o er juaea s tremunng ruis-c ln.-; the ..temple's.., courtilifion versing. r sevens elders sat apart j- yi-z Seven? grand and .hoarysafe"e3,; vise of head and pure of heart. "WTiat is rest?"- 6aid- Rabbi Judah, , , he of stern and steadfast gaze, "Answer, ye whose toils ' have bur tlieried thro' t the march of many days. "To have gained,r said Rabbi Ezra, decent wealth and goodly store. Without sin,, by honest labor noth ing less and nothing more. To have found,!5 said Rabbi Joseph, meekness in Ms geii tie eyes. "A f oretaste of " Heaven's , sweetness in home's blessed paradise. 'To have wealth -and power, and glory crowned and brightened by the pride T : ; Of uprising childien's children," Rabbi Benjamin replied. . ; "To have won, the praise of nations. to have worn the crown of famo.".: .: ; -i'.v Rabbi Solomon responded, loyal to ms Jongly name. ? 'To sit throned, the lord of millions, nrstand noblest m tue land, ;;L Answered . haughty Rabbi Asher, youngest of the reverend band. 'All in vain, " said Rabbi Jar us, , 'if not iaith and hope have traced, In the soul Mosaic precepts, by sin's' contact unenaced." -w.- Then " up rose Rabbi Judah,, tallest, gravest oi them all: : , i i'i ... . ' 'From, the heights of fame and honor even valiant sons may fall;- Love may fail us, Virtue's sapling grow a dry and thorny rod,: . t If we bear hot in our bosoms the un selfish love of God.'? - - In the outer court sat playing a sad- featured, lair-haired child; , . , His young eyes seemed wells of sor- tow they were god-like when he smiled. One by one he dropped the lilies, soitly ' plucked with childish hand; ' '' ).' i-u.- :' -r.i.- . One by one he viewed tlie sages of that grave and hoary band. , , Step by step he neared : them; closer till, encircled by the seven- Then he said, in tones antrembling, with a smile that seemed of Heaven: ' '-: " ''" :'Nay, nay, fathers! Only hej within the measure ot whose breast ' Dwells the human love with God love, can have lound lite s truest rest; For wheye one is not, the other must grow stagnant, at its snrxns.. Changing good deeds into phantoms an unmeaning, soulless thing. Whoso holds this precept truly owns a lewel brighter far .j Than the joys of home and c hildren than wealthjtame and giory are. Fairer than old age thrice-honored, iar above tradition s law, . Pure as any radiant .vision eyer ancient prophet saw, -: ; , Only he, within r the "measui'e faith appoi'tioned ot whose Jjreast Throbs this brother love with God- love knows the depth of perfect jrest-Vi j0O,-r HU-f Wondering, gazed they at each btheri '"Praised be Israel ever more; " He has .spoken words Of wisdom ; no man ever spake before! s r Calhily passing from their, presence to the fountain s rippling song. :. Stopped he to uplift the lilies strewn the scattered sprays among. Faintly stole the sounds ; of evening through the massive outer door; vV hitely lay the peace-of moonlight ; on the Temple s marble floorj y TTiere. the elders lingered, " silent since he siake, the Undeliled - Where the Wisdom of the ages sat amid he flowers a chid! . i , - f Everybody Says So, ..' : Cascarets Candy Cathdrtie. the most wonderful ..medical , discovery of the age, - piea8aiit7i.and? rereshins to the tase, ,aot : gently and positively: on kilcneys, Uver and rbowelsa cleansing the entire system, dispel colds - cure headache, fever, habisnal constipation and. toiliousiaeasv : i Please buy. arid try & try a bos ofC. C.C. to-day: 10, 25, 50 cents, i' Sold, and tmaranteed to cure bv ii. druggists,.... ti;,r. - . : hn,; .: Four boys were ; killed an d fl ve yeriaons .seriously .lajuxuu uy, a tornado which destroyed.- build- ings'conneced with the Nebraska State '. institution for , feeble minded yesterday. Milch .damage was dona to other property. Perfect Healths n: Keep 'the system in perfect or der by the , occasional ie of tutt's ctlf UVTheylregt tilate the bowels' and produce j A Visrorous Body For sick headache, malaria, bil iousness; constipation a'ad kin dred diseases,-anabsolii te ciire TUTT'S Liver PILLS Beautiful eyes grow dull and dim : . ' As the swift years steal away. . ' ' Beautiful, willowy forms so slim ' " ': ' - Lose fairness with every day '-1 '' .. But she still is queetl and hath charms U ; spare ....... . . - . -. Who wears youth's coronal beautiful ' hair. - v.rf-, -. ' - :r.-,', .-., Your Hair and you preserve your youth " A woman is' as old as she 1 looks, " says the -world. . , No .woman, looks as old as she is - -if her; hair has ; preserved its -normal beauty. "Yoxi can keep -hairfrom falling out, restoring its normal color, or restore the ' . DOrn1 clor ' to gray , or faded. - " hair, by. the use of ' '"'.-' I r's Hair: Vigor. & " fe REE "t H I tlZ-H i r-:.. ,;, . ... EIVEK it: ' : .' A Large variety of , the latest construction of- i't ! i,:.v " Trospcrity ArriTing. ; Manchester. N. IL. Juno 18. For the first time: in four years the? Amoskeag.; -rAmery. ; Stark, and jefferson mills will not make their usual June shut-downi This throws 14, 0Q0. hands out; of em ployment every year. There Is great rejoicing here in conse ijuence of the decision to ,keep running. s The mill . companies have received orders for sixty new patterns of 25.000 pieces each. ; " ' ; : : ; - -f " -m Why take Johnson's Chill and FeverTonic? Because it cures the most stubborn case of Fever in ONE DAY. Giive you tne flavantaoe Of our lone exoerience. Lono before w nnnpH PP .oods Store in the big three-story: Borden building in Goldsboro, we handled thousands of dollars worth of Dry Goods, Shoes, etc'' ;. -,. 'E;think we' know HOW to ibuv.v.,'WH-R-M tnfhn 'W'HmilEk to buy goods. There are Important cpnsidera-, ons to e very one who buys goods. If we buy goods' t low we can sell low. Our , J increasing all the time. Can these be any other reason than we off-'-better bargains unan other stores? We cordially invito you to visit us. ;(:, Dry Goods $16 Will Buy a: ? The question has been raised whether . . the - Jefferson Davis monument association has - any longer, a legal existence! Accord ing to its charterrit must hold an election of officers - each year. This, it is claimed, has net been done. - -' -; "- 'r:' ' I .' pou't Tobacco Spit and SmokeYour Lif I '-; - - Away, ' If you in ant to - quit tobacco usin g easily and forever, bemade well.strong magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Bac. the 'wonder ' worker tha) makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days , , Oxer 40, 000' cured. Buy jSo-To-Bac of your druggist : under uarautee to cure, 50 cts or $1. Booklet aud samdle mailed Free Ad. Sterling Remedy Co. Chi cago Or New STcrk.- ". V; !;"!-'. . . ws m . : Violent hail' and: rain storms have swept tho . province .of Sogovia, Spain. Crops have been ruined, houses flooded, .and , cat tle and goods carried away.. by the floods. The people are i panic stricken'- """1" ' Your Measure Taken and! A FIT GUARANTEED. Great Reduction in Prices OUR LINE OF o FURNISHINGS '" , l SS : IS COMPLETE AND ALL BIGHT;.: fginbtein. glothiha j Johnson's Ghill and Pe ver Tonic is a ONEpAV Cure. It cures ; the - most stubborn case of fever in 24 HOUrS. i.r,:t . .'; r, ! .. . - . .. ... J. . , . , ,. I ' METEOR EXPLODES: ; fTTOTt. ,SALE. .CHEAP-A-aouriDff. mill and fi$tuws i complete.--, Jn. gqo4 order. - J' Respectitlly,,1 1 JOB. JU. JfJAKSOiN , : Quinine and other fever medicines take from 5 to 10 days to cure fever. Johnson's Chill and Fever ITonic cures in ONETDAY. Senator Davis, "chairman ot the Senate committee on Foreign Relations, said yesterday that he would not make an effort to: press the; Hawaiian treaty to final cout. ? i . . ' . . a. - i siueraiion in. ma, oeuaie uuring the present session -Ot Congress Some people are constaatly troubled j .11. i J . . .1 ,n about the face and neck. Xi'f.best rem- l-edy xs a tnorough course of Ayer'sJSar- a panna, wnicn. , , expoiB, ail.-- nuiuors through1 the proper channels, and so makes the slr.n becomer oftf Wealthy anaiair, , Negroes and Others Frightened By 'Its Great' Noise. ; ! Columbia, : S.. C.,, Juno 18 , r Residents of Troy, in , Abbeville county, siy that a brilliant r me teor going southwest . passed oyer that town at 9:151ast unight.' " It exploded with a , thundering.noise. The negroes were terribly, fright ened and began-praying, iiieports from, Abbeville .say the meteor passed - over there when people were returning from a col lege., commencement.: . lhe,. sparks seemed to, fly'' from it and strike in the . trees. , ; . The , noise when , the meteor-? exploded, was like a blast in.a;quarry. j.The, air 'was filled with thousands of sparks., .COMPOUND A recent discovery by an old physician. Succcsftllv lued .Monthly ha v thousand of Ladies. Is tho only perfectly safe and reliable medicine dis covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer Inferior medicines In' place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound, taka no &' tute. or inclose tl and 6 cents la postage In letter and we will senO, Beaied, oy return mau. fuuaeaiea partlcolars. in plain envelope, to ladles only, lamps. Address Pond LIlv Compsnv. 1 BOSTON, mass; , ' ' M. B. Robinson & Deo'. Itch on human. raarjfiTj on horses. diogs and all stock cured in 30 minutes It by Woolford's " Sanitary ' Lotion. never tails, boiu oy JU. & Bro Goldsbora, N. O. : , . ' Jos. Isaacs The Leading Furniture and Crockerv Dealer. Store. BZELL BROS . &60 $16 $16 $16 Correct Dre8sers"andaHabordashers. ' T. Under Hotel- Kennon. Linen Pants and New Line of Boy's , ; . w : : v . Cheviot Pants, just received Gorqe Karly and . . . . , Make Yohr Selection- 1 Prices will astonish You upon examination. Sam J ohncius, Oxford Ties and SH nners . For Ladies, Misses and Children, Large ! Stock rom the best Manufacturers, made in all tV htet t styles. - Prices; Right: Our SL25 Oxfords are given , up to be the nicest ever shown in. the city for that' uncc. dee. mem. ..; :60TJGLAS' SHOEPORfiOyS H4Vfi;N0 EQUAL. Hooa & Britt Carp ets Hade New ' ' Colors Restored and thoroaghly cleansed. Have j ; them cleaned before . putting away for ; Summe 7; O- -At THE- Goldsboro S tea Lcaliitdry It 13 me a.. Many Families In Goldsboro Drink ICE TEA." HAVEi A LARGE STOCK OF TEAS; and' quality aadprlaes- please you. Good Tea at 25 cents;a Found.' Finer; Quality," If yo "J want it. '".'We believe we offer you the best bargalfis, io be found in Goldsbdf o,' Bizzeii Bros-& go:, GROCBRS