a C-53 - 5 ' I AVVU AVXU AV V!slU NT V" N7 xy" I I GO 5 a This Argtjs o'er the people's rights, Doth an eternal vigil keep .No soothing strains of Maia'sson, Can lull its hundred eyes to sleep" H O VOL. XVII. GCKLDSBORO. N. C. THURSDAY NOV. 11. 1897. NO 29 x V Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. mm POWDER Absolutely Pure WOVAl BAK1NO POWOFK CO., NFW VOW. JLOLLOWELL TOHLINSOX. LOCAL BRIEFS. The ladies of the Presbyterian congregation are arranging to give an Art display at an early day for the benefit of their organ fund. The display promises to be quite an elaborate affair. Mi:. A. L. Walters is having improvements made to his gro cery store, which, will greatly im prove the appearance of his splendid piece of property on the corner of East Centre and Spruce streets. People from the LaG range section speak of the new railroad project in a sort of suspicious manner. They have heard about this Snow Hill railroad business several years ago and the only sur prise in store for them now is the railroad itself. The old operatives at the Wayne Cotton Mill, who have held positions under former man agement, do not seem Mr. W. K. Hollow ell Wetls Mrs. Sue Vail Tomliuson, of Archilale, K. C. Daily Argus, JVov 4. This morning at 9:30 'o'clock, at the home of the bride in Arch- ;dale, N. C, Mr. W. R. Hollowell, a prominent citiz m of our town, and Mrs. Sue V. Tom'inson were quietly married in the presence of a few friends, and will arrive ! on the train from the west ai 5:20 this afternoon. The bride is a daughter of Mr. Tom Vail, of Charlotte, N. C, who was formerly a resident of Wayne county, and she has a host of friends down here who will join in wishing her long years of happiness in her return to her native county. Mrs. Tomlinson has long been prominent in church and VV. C T. U. circles. For a uumber of years she has been State organic zsr for the W. C. T. U., and a na tional organizer, as well. For the past three years she has spent a gieater part of her time in the national field, organ zing in Louisiana and Mississippi, and was invited to give the response to the address of welcome at the National W. C. T. U. convention which has just closed in Buffalo, N. Y., but declined for obvious reasons GORMAN'S DEFEAT IS SURE. Upon having just what you call for when you go to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla. There is no substitute for Hood's. It is an ii sult to your intelligence to try to sell you something else. Remember that all efforts to induce you to buy an article you do not want, are based simply The Republicans Have Complete Control of Maryland's Legis latureCandidates Looming Up. Baltimore. Nov. 5. The Re publicans will have complete con trol of the Legislature. The offi cial canvass in Carroll, Talbot, Prince George's and Calvert coun ties has resulted in gains sufficient to give the Republicans the organ ization of the House, and, unless contests threatened by the Demo- money. Do not permit yourself to crats in several districts should re- be deceived. Insist upon having suit in their favor, which does not seem probable, the House will stand: Republicans, 49; Demo crats, 42. The ben ate has eigh- ; teen Republicans and eight Demo- fcrats. On joint ballot the Gen- I nvu 1 A acnmhlu will cf flnrl l?pnnh. And only Hood's. It is the One Trne Blood PurWei. ' ' . ncans, v(. JJemocrais, ou. xnis Uooo y the desire to secure more profit. The dealer or clerk who does this cares noth ing for your welfare. He simply wants your Hoods Sarsaparilla Hrtswl'c Dillc easy to buy, easy to take. flOOU S 1-1IIS easy to operate. 256. Steamers to the Klondyke. Philadelphia, Nov. 5. The first liue of first-class steamships to the Klondvke has been organized in this city, with Charles H. Cramp, of the shipbuilding firm of that name, as president. There In the western part of North will be five vessels in all, and the Carolina she was the pioneer of first will start in April next, clear- tbe VV. U. T. U. and tbe growth my from New York or Philadel- gives the .Republicans a majority of seventeen on joint ballot. The Democratic committee had great hopes that the revised re turns from Carroll and Talbot counties would give the Democrats control of the House by one or two majority, but the official canvass Blind-fold. A woman hiA BO right to "S9 (tip oi mat organization a ine oiaie has been largely due ;o her ef forts. She works in every de partment and the editors of the State have had the pleasure of listening to Mrs. Tomlinson on two or three occasions before the State Press Association. We gladly welcome Mrs. Hollo- completed in both counties this evening shows that the Democrats have elected three meembers of the House in Carroll and that Benja- l - l-i 1 'Vrtni-IA rt 1 lAtVIAA1ilt1l "t -i , - , si -r -1 I LULU J." Vl ISUOt;, iX 3S tUl JKL. LJ. V i r?i t i leader m that section, whose elec . , , , . n , , tion had been conceded by of these ships will accommodate A, T, , ,. ,. , J i i J2 L i the Republicans earlier, has about 400 and several hundred second-class They will make connections with railroads on the Pacific and with transportation boats in the re to be in iavor witn Air. JJiggs, tne new foreman, and he is importing la bor from his old home at Fay etteville, while the Goldsboro people have to look for employ ment elsewhere. As a painter artist in his spe cial line of work wa doubt if the State has an rqual to Mr. Richard Brown, of this city. He paints buggies, and under his deft brush and artistic skill an old buggy can be made to look as new, and better than many of the new ones that come in here by the car load from the west. Mr. Brown has his repair shop on John street, on the corner op posite Mr. J. T. Ginn's store, and in addition to his superior work his charges are extremely mod erate $5 cash. The complement of public spirited young ladies of our city who are rehearsing for an enter tainment for the benefit of the Firemen's fund haye in store for our people one of the most de lightful plays it has ever been their pleasure to witness. Every character in the play "The Chaperone" is full of interest and is admirably represented by home talent. The young ladies have settled upon November 16tb as the date on which they will give the play before the public in the Messenger Opera House, and aside from the excellent merit of the entertainment itself, the cause for which it is to be given should occasion the opera house to be crowded to standing room It is the opinion of an old cotton buyer on this market that cotton will go as low as 4 cents before the bottom is reached. The low grades are selling at that price, but he is expecting the best grade to reach those figures and the inferior grades to reach correspondingly low figure. He bases his conclusion from an ex perience of 37 years as a buyer and says the planters need rot expect any rise in price until about the 1st of March, and then it will net go higher than 6 cents This prophecy is not very en couraging to the farmers, and while it may not be true as a whole, still the indications now are in his favor and without great change in the tone of the market his direful prophecy wil come to pass. The Maryland Democrats re ceived a severe body blow wheu Mr. Wellington predicted their success. having tt-ell to our town and cohgratu-jgion, while for the accommoda- wor. tion of lDassencers from abroad. arrangements will be made with the American Line, so that gold late the her for his bride. Without A Rival. Asa positive cure for f.prains,bruises, and pains of all kinds, Salvation Oil has no equal. jSlrs. Frank Juif, 518 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, Mich., writes : "I used Salvation Oil in my family and can say it has no rival as a lini- menf,! it ceitamlv cures iiains. l been defeated by Alpheus Stansbury, Republican. In Tal bot county Ex-State Comptroller J. Frank Turner, one of the chief lieutenants of the Gorman forces on the Eastern Shore, is defeated for State Senator by Henry Clay Dobson, Republican, by nineteen seekers ironi the other fade may r , . TT cauuiuaics iui iuu iiuusu iu mis county also win by pluraltics ranging from sixteen to twenty three. Prince George's county, Rollins, Republican, is elected by four plurality. This vote will no President McKinley has satisfaction of having voted the winning ticket. buy a throng ticket from South ampton to Dawson City. These vessels will arrive in Alaska at the opening of naviga tion on the i ukon, and will con- , i t .4- ii doudt be contested by the Demo- nvecii Lilt; j ti 1 1 ik: t l Lr a, 1 i l iuc . m T 11- -1 , 1 1 1 V, 1 1 ( AV vviwi""J I I T r ( i i 1 -. I 1 1. C. J . .IV. VI V t1 llVClllkJ V I UUL I 1. l ( - 1 1 1 " I I 11 1 I I 1 sprained my ankle and it cured me ""' think the Democrats will carry orl amr-o ihrv. f havfi alwaVS Used it M,UU tons OI freight. . tU f o,mtnct0 0 for any pains raid bruises." Salvation , J. H. Hoadley, of New York, Republican majority on joint Oil is sold for only 25 cents. No other is first vice:president of the new baUot nQW toQ f & Q remedv -.v III do the work as promptly. t.uuiFauj, mii uaa m . . three votes to effect the iew ioiK, x imauerpma anu m- , ,. TT .. , 0. . o , '. . , election of a United btates oena- cago, and is about opening others the for Seattle and Everybody Says So. m ban l rancisco, Tacoma. Victoria, I). C, Nov. 4. From one of the members of Hon. Mr. Sifton's party it is learned that the Minister will recommend to tor. Candidates for the Senatorship are already numerous. Governor Lowndes and Congressman Mudd have announced themselves, and Congresman Barber, of the Eastern Shore, and Congressman Mc- Intyre, of Baltimore city, are also in the field. Postmaster General Gary, it is said, would like to ex- , change his position in the Cabinet iui u Buai in iuu ocuulc, uuu nis It blind" in taat ters of life and health. She has no right to shut her eyes to- the plain facts of her physical binf and the conse quences of neg lect. She ha no right to be wretch ed and ill when she might be hap py and free fcom oain. Women who drag through life weighed down by some torturing-, dragging weak ness or disease of their sex are not doing their full duty to themselves. They are not taking the mens which enlightened sci ence affords them of being well and strong and capable. These special complaints from which so many women suffer are not necessary. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription positively 5ure3 even the most severe and obstinate cases. It is not a haphazard medicine. It is not a "cure-all." It is a scientific remedy de vised by an educated awl experienced spe cialist for the one purpose of curing the special diseases of women. Tens of thousands of women have been restored to perfect health by this wonderful " Prescription." In many instances they were actually given up as hopeless by phy sicians and family doctors. I have taken both your ' Golden Meflcal Tis covery and Favorite Prescription ' for chronic inflamtiiation of the uterus anu bladder," writes Mrs. M. A. Scott, of Park Rapids, Hubbard Co., Minn. ' I also had stomach trouble which was terriblv distressing. I have been cured of all. I had suffered untold miser? for four years pre vious to taking your treatment, but began to feel the good effect at once." Dr. Pierce's thousand - page illustrated book, "The People's Common Sense Med ical Adviser " contains information of price less value to women. A paper-bound copy will be sent absolutely free on receipt of ai one-cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, Euffalo, N.Y. For a handsome clotl-biud copy end .ti stamps. Casearets Candy Cathartic, the most I the "government the modification wonderful medical discovery of the Lf tl, Yukon minium reflations ago, pleasant, ana reiresning to tne 1 . usto, act jrentlv and positively on as to me collection oi royalty to kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing fi1A vf.prit that, snrth am on lit. of the entire system, dispel colus, cure I., , , i , headache, fever, habitual constioation the output as is required to wor and biliousness, Please buy and try a j claims Will be exempt, also that .,, hov ..f r c c tn ri-tv io 11 .i -n t friends will no doubt uro-e his DOX oi O. XO-Qdy, 1U, 0 I flio rmvprnmpnt; will resprvp p.laims I . . .. uuiu Liiu. 'jaiaiiiiccu iu luid u all drup-gista. I I " "11 ! 1 I Maryland he is entitled to the hon or. Nearly all the Eastern Shore candidates who figured in the fight against Welling ton for the Senatorship two year? It looks like it would be Gary against the field, and if Congressman Mudd cannot make it for himself he will no doubt throw his strength to Gary, as he did to Wellington uuveiuuiBut micacivc timuio it- . 1, .,, ,,,i 4.1 1 n I n nnliAn rY 1 ft r if 7'f ,! i Tii ( T It r hmnrf m uiutiis ui tun, x.x uiai n 1OQ,1ov f tUa n.,vl in I n . -m i .11 -I . I l,U.V VSL1-Ub IVUUVfc tUV; V 4A 4V K V All I JX L XX . X .X X XXX O 1 XXX VClK3Vt- 4 W 150 feet. Not Even "Ileform" Cuba? Madrid, Nov. 5. The cabinet has agreed upon the text of a short note to the United States in re sponse to the hitter's acknowledge ment of Spaia's reply to the Amcr ican note tendering the good of fices of the United fctates in the Cuban trouble. It is said that this is necessarv because, although Spain did not caso or New Ycrk- promise m express terms to grant autonomy to the Cubans, Gen. Woodford, the American Minister, assumed that such a promise was involved in Spain s reply. In the new despatch the Gov Don't Tobacco Spit'and Smoke Tour Life Away. 11 you wane lo quii. wjuauuo m,ll 1 , easily and forever, be made well.strong ?"1 g-i" P mag-netic, full oi new life and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder worker that makes weak men strong-. Many grain ten pounds in ten days. Over 40, 000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac of your druffgrist under guarantee to cure, 50 cts or $1. Booklet and sample mailed Free Ad. Sterling Remedy Co. Chi- The Three Friends. Havana, via Key West, Nov. 5 There is great excitemeut among the Spaniards in Havana, who That is the way all druaraists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHlLL TONIO for Chills and all forms of fevers Malaria. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. Children oveit. Adults preier it to bitter nau seating tonics. Price 50e J, H. Hill Xc Hon, -udsboro, 2. U. .nil i - I desire to attack and destroy the ciuuivut in uctiaiu iu muuuatti , mi. Tn j i n i lansruajre that bpam will do Tvhatl i- i j u - u ; -J - i iiu.ii ri y vr.'Sr! . nun w i i.ii in now in this port. Gen. Blanco is said to have taken strict meas ures to prevent disorders. she may deem advisable about granting autonomy. Tisible Supply of Cotton. New Orleans, Noyember 5. Secretary Hester's statement of the world s visible supply of cot- l In all the world there is no other treatment go pure, so sweet, so safe, so speedy, for (re 'eervinp, purifying. ad beautifying the skin, " pcalp, and hair, and eradicating every hn mor, as warm baths -wiUi Oitticura. Soap, and gentle anointings with Cuticpba (oint ment), the great skin cure. Is oM I'jm't'.'hnTTt fb world. PoTteb AU About thu Siiii, K'alp, aud lldj', free- t'rnm P(mrteto PrroPali cured by Cutcvjt J1VERY IIUMOIt Johnson9 s Ctllll and Fever Tonic Cures Fever In One Day. The Three Friends came to tn snows an increase during tne Havana towing a schooner loaded week just closed of 241,226 bales, with meat. Her business in Cuban arzainst an increase tor tne same wateis is perfectly legitimate. time last year, 173,257, and an Another important battle has increase year before last of 100, 626. The Ex-Minister on Cuba. An article upon thd Cuban question contributed to the North American Reyiew by Mr. Hannis Taylor, lately Uaited States Min ister to Spain, has raised a ques tion how soon a diplomatic officer on his return to private life, is relieved from diplomatic obliga tions. Mr. Taylor's article is written in an entirely friendly and respectful spirit; but he speaks with the utmost - frank ness of Spanish institutions and politics, and he unhesitatingly declares, and gives bis reasons, that Spain is "powerless either to conciliate Cuba or to conquer it." and that the United States States cannot escape the duties presented by this situation. While Mr, Taylor says nothing that an American citizen is not at liberty to say and much less than many Am.eric.ans in official life have said already, such a publi cation would be grossly improper from an officer in the diplomatic service, even if no longer serv ing in Spain. And since the diplo matic intercourse ot nearly all nations but our own is carried on by permanent officials, ;t is diffi cult for the Spanish to under stand that Mr. Taylor, who was so lately Known to tnem as a Minister Plenipotentiary, is now wntmg as an irresponsible pri vate person. The friction that has thus been caused, while it may do no par ticular harm, has added an un necessaty embarrassment to a situation already sufficiently dif ficult, and has very likely com plicated the relations of Mr, Tay lor's successor. We think that Mr. Taylor should have remem bered the usual customs of the diplomatic service and the liabil ity to misunderstanding -in such a case as his, and that it would have been well for him to pause a few weeks before rushing into print. Nevertheless we have no doubt at all that what he says of Spain and Cuba is the truth. . Chief Justice Hoyt, of Colo rado, concedes the election of his opponent, Wm. H. Gabbert, the Populist and Democratic candi date. Gabber ts majority is over 3,000. The trial of the crew of the schooner Competitor before the naval court martial in Havana, whose decision must be confirmed by the Madrid government, will begin next Mouday morning. QUARANTINE KAISED7 Little Change in Fever Situation at New Orleans. New Orleans Nov. 5. The y el low iever situation has not im proved any since yesterday, and the unfavorable turn of affairs fol lowing in the wake of the cold wave and the light frost is very disappointing to Dr. Ollipbant, President of the Board of Health. He reiterates, however that the effects of the cold snap will become apparent in a few days . The re cord shows that the number of fatalities is greater than that of yesterday, and there is no let up in the new cases. The Board of Health reports: Cases of yellow fever to-day, 40; deaths to-day, 7 ; total cases of yellow fever to date, 1,675; total deaths from yellow fever to date, 213; total cases absolutely recov ered, 837; total cases under treat ment, 625. In the absence of a regular meeting, Dr. Ollipbant, President of the Louisiana State Board of Health, to-night promulgated the following order, the same to take effect immediately: "Quarantine against all points is raised, except that passengers from SlrS.r tions are literally true. o ----- quired to have certificates from health officers or reputable physi cians, that for ten days past there has been no yellow fever in the lo cality they come from." Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 5. Birmingham has had several heavy frosts, and to day the Mayor rais ed the quarantine against all yel low fever infected points. . The Governor also issued a proclama tion raising State quarantine, ap plicable to all points north of Calera, a town just north of Mont gomery. The railroads have, in consequence, resumed lar schedules. The Mecca for Cape Wants. yhe season for outer garments is fairly on. It is too late to begin to think about purchasing, it is high time to get what you need and that at once. Our stock is complete. It will not long remain so with the daily demands made on it. It is to your advantage not to delay. We give this time accurate cuts of four of our most stylish capes. We have not many of the capes, and these few are priced for a short stay. The cuts Mobile, are reproductions from photographs and the descrip- No. 22 is a masterpiece of the tailor's art. Best grade of Kersey in a fine black. Box plaits trimmed ele gantly in braids. 27 inches long, full sweep. It would be a rare opportunity at Our price is $13.50. their regu- No. 22 ' This is evidence that our buying facilities are what they ought to be. The following are evidences that our prices are what they ought to be. been fought near the Pan of Ma tanzas, in which the insurgents under Gen. Betancourt scattered a Spanish column under Gen Molina. The Spanish lost over 100 men. La Guasima, a town within The total visible is 2,725,587 bales, against 2,484,361 last week and 3,225,211 last year. Of this the total oi American cotton is 2,540,587, against 2,299,361 last sight of Havana, has been attack- week and 2,925,114 last year, and ed and plundered by the insur-lall other kinds 185,000, gents. 300,100 last year. ag ainst Just try a 10c box of Cascarets. the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. That Keatuckv person who New York's next French ball didn't believe in a personal devi' I will doubtless be a corker. uacj u.u0 wken bir,ousor costive, eat a casca- iu aiier luesuigBuua iCnco "l ret candy cathartic, cure guaranteed. anatomy of its surplus lead. Itch on human, manure on horses, dogs and all Btocfe, cures in 30 minute- by woodtord'B sanitary xionon. i never fails. Sold by M. Ji. Uov;inson S Bro., uoldsboro, JN,ii- Hanna will have to haul in his horns somewhat, no matter what may be the final result in Ohjoj This in itself is a victory. The Brooklyn Eagle says it is a bad year for the saints. The H-agle evidently believes the sin ners have won. The revised and complete re turns indicate that theNew York newspapers over estimated their influence. In view of the fact that the pe aection with the New York elec- titions to Mr, Low to run for tion. A fraudulent brand of re- Mayor carried the names of 127, forx bad considerable to do with 429 voters, and he received but it. 74,683 votes, it would seem that tha flili'7. iric' TT tin in ifa i-i -ill on.l Mb- ui.-ken u,Un rn P OUUIO SOI l ttu riJiua gripo.lCc. I Hon. . ... --y -' -:l '' V "VV-7 ;-' ; 10c, 25 cents. The Citizsns' Union managers suspect there was fraud in con- IIOW TO FIND OLT. Fill a bottlo or common erlass with urine and lot it stand twenty-lour hours a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy condition ol tne maneys, When urine stains linen it la positive evidence of kidney trouble, loo ire- quent desire to urinate or pain in the bacK, is. also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are put oi order. WHAT TO 10. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamo-Root. the great kidney rem edy fulfills every wish in relieving pain and every part of the urinary passages It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain In passing it, or bad ef fects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night lo uri nate. The mild and the extraordinary effect oi Swamp Hoot is soon realized, It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by all druggists price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention The Daily Argus and send your address l)r Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y, Tho proprietors of this paper guaran tec t befell umenoss ot UUSOHer, After.... Taking ft course of Ayer's Pills the system is set in good working order and a man begins to feel that life is worth living. He who has become the gradual prey of constipation, does not realize the friction under which he labors, until the burden is lifted from him. Then his mountains sink into mole hills, his moroseness give! place to jollity, he is a happy man again. If life does not seem worth living to you, you may take a very different view of it after taking Ayer's Gathartio Pills. A Black Cloth Cape, 23 inches long, neatly trim med. Braid and Buttons. Box Plaits. We make on this cape the extremely low price of $2.2 5. No, 600. This cut shows a marvel of a Plush Cape, 18 inches long, beautifully trimmed in Braid and Jet. Rare Collar, edged with fur, also edged with fur in front. This cape is a gem, $5,00. No. 302. No. 412 is the biggest Earthquake Shakes Idaho. Pocatello, Idaho, Nov. 5 A spvprfl shock of eartbouike at 2;30 this morning was felt the entire distance from bilver liow to Monioa, Mont., and at 7 o'clock the second shock was percept ible, but notjso severe. At Divide, Knr(Ta;n pvpr nff prpr :n no TCnn.lr. TYima. and Monida. DdrSdin ever OlfereQ in windows rattled, dishes fell to capes. It IS made OT POOd SS.riiiS. Quality Plush. 18 inches and other glassware suffered de- long, full Sweep, fancy Or buildings were made to sway an d plain lining. Trimmed with crack. At Dillon especially was t . j d: pArypA the first shock severe. The court JC anu DrdIU dnu edged house walls were cracked and the Willi r UH plaster fell from the ceiling. Helena, aioni. , xnov. y. -At 2:05 o'clock this morning a slight earthquake shock was felt here, rocking buildings. xt was oi seven seconds duration, but as yet no damake is known to have been caused by it. It's Exactly like cut. a wonder, at $3.00. No, 412, Our line of coats is ready for inspection. It shows this season's importations. John Lvon.one of the assistant Attorney Generals of the Depart- many exclusive Styles tho Interior, died at his I home in Washington, d. c yes Especially in high class garments we can assure extra terday. Mr. Lyon 'was born at . . , ' ... Petersburg, Va., 70 years ago, values Our show-room is large and roomy, with The President has appointed Lvpiv rnnvpniVnrp the following to be consuls of the every convenience. ?.cX,pa-. We sha11 be Phased to have you call. gentine H. WEIL, & BROS Tiaden ' ' WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT.