iNational Bank Goldsboro Wants your business, and will be glad to Talk, or Correspond with you GEO. ft. NORWOOD Jr., F res M. J. BEST, Vice Pres. - LI L 11 w . If I i MP National Bank Goldsboro Offers to depositors every accom modation that Safe Banking will warrant CEO ft- NORWOOD, Jr., Pr. H.J. BEST, Vice Pre. '' - ' ' . . . , .. - " I . " This ARGtrs o'er the pooplo's rights, No soothing strains of Maia's son, - ' ' ' Doth an eternal vigil keep Can lull its hundred eyes to sloep'J ' VOL. XVII, GOLDSBORO. N. C, THURSDAY FEB. 17. 18987 NO 42 Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. toil 'AkiN' Absolutely Pure ROVAl BAKING POWDER CO., NCWVORK. LOCAL BRIEFS. ENTERPRISE LUMBER CO It is said that the farmers of this section are not making prep arations to plant near as much cotton this jear as heretofore aod they are not baying fertilizers, in large quantities. The tobacco and rice crops will be greatly en larged, which will no doubt yield more cleai money to the planter. Among the city features that Goldsboro must have duriDg the present year is a sewerage sys tem. This must come if some others have to wait. It is not needed for any special style or superficial adorment, but it is a convenience that we cannot do without and is necassary to pre serve the health of our people. Messes. Edgerton & Ilollowell, the popular proprietors of the commodious brick stables pujoin icg the Aegus office, have dis posed of a large number of fine mules md horses for the past few days, and they still have on hand a number of desirable farm animals which they are offering at low figures. The business of Messrr. Best & Thompson is increasing so rapidly that they have again emrjloyed-Mr. Grainger Kornegay, whom liiey put off the 1st of Januray, because mev luuuut muy would OOl need him this.year'"lt is with pleasure that the Asgtjs notes his return and thgnecessitv for such a steD le firm. The death of the one-armed colored man Wiley Hudson, who was mentioned in these columns yesterday as goiDg to the couaty home with the ravages of con sumption upon him, occurred last night. He had been confinpd to his uncomfortable home in Little Yashington for some time with out attention before his case was brought to the notice of the au thorities. Daiiy Argus, Feb. 10. In the mandamus proceedings instituted by Mr. J. A. Mathis against the board of county com missioners of Duplin county, be fore Judge Adams, at chambers in Clinton Thursday his honor decided that the action of said board in refusing license to re tail liquors in Magnolia was val id, and he refused mandamus. Diiplin county now has no li censed saloon, Magnolia having the only one in the county for the pasi. three or four years. A romantic marriage occurred Thursday at the home of Rev. M. M. MaFarland at Greenleaf, Miss Emalyn Person, daughter of Dr. "Fox" Person, from near Fremont, was visiting Mrs. Sam Dridgers, in this city, and Thuxs dayMr. Thomas Person, of Wil son, went to the residence of Mrs. Bridgers to take Miss Person to ride. The couple drove to the resi dence of Mr. McFarland, who performed the marriage cere mony and the happy pair left by private conveyance for the groom's home in Wilson. The young lady is accomplished and quite popular among the people of her neighborhood, who wish for them both happiness always. The sentiment for more fac tories for Goldsboro is growing, The factories we have are prosper ous every one of them, and con stantly adding to their capacity, We do not know a factory of any description in Goldsboro that is not worked right up to its fullest capacity.: The Wayne Cotton Mill, the latest of our variety of manufacturing enterprises, after - greatly increasing its former ca parity; with the very latest im proved machinery throughout, af ter adding of the most power fal of engines to its magnificent plant, now finds that to meet the : ' demands of its increasing trade, it will have to put on a night force, and run the mill constantly, night and day. This means work for more skilled labor at profitable wages more customers for our merchants more renters for land lords more comforts and happi " ness for the masses. We go forward. Improvements Soon to be Made Which Will Suspend Operations For a Snort Time. While the telegraph wires are constantly bringing news of strikes, shutdowns and ' reduc tions in wages among the manu facturing centres in of r parts of t Go "a add' ing to her industrial enterprise and all are at work on full time with, fair wages. A mutuil Reel ing of confidence exists between employer and employee aud the demand for the high grade out put of our factories is increas ing. "The Enterprise Lumber Com pany is not only among the old est industrial establishments of Goldsboro, but it is also one of the largest. Its enterprising president Mr. Nathan O'Berry is nothing if not progressive. He s one of the best informed men n the lumber business in the South. And not only this, he possesses a practical knowledge of machinery and his plant is upplied with all the latest pat ents and patterns. It has only been a short while since band saws were added to this improved machinery at an en ormous expense, lhese band saws run with lightning rapidity and they eavo an eighth of an inch of timber in every line they cut over the old circular saw. The Enterprise now has ex tensive improvements in view in the way of new machinery. The improvements are of such a nature that the mill will suspend operation after this week until they are completed. The entire force of hands will be employer"". in the charges that are to be made and no time will be lost. Ever body Says So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidDeys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents, cold and guaranteed to cure bv all drug-gists A woman's attractiveness in the eye, of man depends largely on her physical ap pearance. Nature, in order to preserve the race, guides mankind by the instinctive preference for a mate who is physically sound and wholesome. If intellect alone were chiefly songht, the offspring might be a generation of Solo mons for wisdom, but they would perish in infancy far want of physical stamina. A weak or unhealthy woman is unfitted to fulfil her part in perpetuating the race; she is unequal to the demands of motherhood and wifehood, she is robbed of her natural womanly attractiveness. Many a woman is cheated of life's choicest gifts by a dyspeptic, bile-poisoned condi tion of the system, which shows itself in a pimply skin, sallow complexion, tainted breath, or thin, ungraceful form. The moat perfect remedy for all the morti fying symptoms of mal-nutrition and im pure blood is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medicil Discovery. Through its remarkable effect upon the liver and digestive organs it sweeps all impurities out of the circula tion and creates a fresh supply of new, rich, life-giving blood. It gives clearness and bloom to the com plexion; sweetens the breath; rounds out fhe face and form, and invigorates the en tire constitution with vital energy. It restores the invincible beauty of whole someness and womanly capacity. "1 was a complete wreck; appetite gone, nerv ous system impaired; could not sleep, and was so weak that I could not stand on my feet ten min utes." writes Miss Ella Bartley, of No. South Grant Avenue. Columbus, Ohio: "I only weighed pounds when I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, After I bad taken a half bottle I began to improve; I could sleep soundly the whole night, and wouli awaken with an appetite for breakfast, which was a rare thing as I never had for two years back eaten a hearty breakfast. I now have an excellent appetite, and my friends say they never saw me looking better or in better spirits since they knew me. I tell them it is all due to Dr Pierce's Discovery.' " In all case of obstinate constipation, the " Discovery ' should be supplemented with Dr. Fierce' Pleawmt Pellet. England Bays all the Coal. London, Feb. 11. A. despatch to i.he Daily Mail from Singapore says that the British Admiral, acting under instructions from the Admiralty, has bought all the available Welsh coal at Singapore and at the Chinese and Japanese ports, with the result that the foreign sauad- rons in the waters of north China are almost immobilized. The step has excited the for eign community. The despatch adds that the Russian cruiser Russia, which is now at Singa pore, has been allowed to take on board 2,000 tons of coal. KelieiinSix Hours. Distressing- Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in rcuonug Lam in me uiauuer. Kidneys back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It r3lieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost imn.ediately If you vant juick relief and cure th s is your rem edy, faold by ME Kobmson 4ro druggists. Goldsboro. N C Want M'Kinley Impeached. Albany, N. Y., 'Feb.. 11. Ia the Assembly to-day when the Weeks resolution asking for the resignation of U. S, benator Murphy was called-up Mr. Weeks offered a substitute, which cen sured, but does not demand resig. nation. A protracted discussion was precipitated, and Mr. Oliver, Democrat, of New York, intro duced several substitutes, one of which calls for the impeachment of President McKinley for aiding in the election of United States Senator Hanna. Chamberlain's Cough Remsdu ftl waus Proves Effectual- There are no better medicines on the market tnan Chamberlain's. We have used the Cough Remedy when all oth era failed, and in every instance proved effectual. Almost daily . we near the virtues of Ctamberlain 'a rem edies extolled by thord who have us6d thessa. This is not an empty puff, paid or at so much a line, but s voluntarily given, in good faith, in the hope that s altering numamty may try tnese rem edicf! and, like the writer, be benefited, From the Glenville f W. Va. ) Path- fi-ado'iv For eale by M. E. Robinson & B o., and Miller's Pharmacy, in Golds boo. and by J no, li. Bmith at ait- Olive . AS IT REALLY WAS, A History - Making Period. These are not humdrum times by any means. History-making on a large scale is going forward, f 3ster perhaps than it ever did be -fore. Within a generation the German empire and the almost equally strong new Roman em pire have been formed. The rule of Mabomet is disintegrating. All Africa is in course of occupation and development, and China, that most ancient empire of the earth is becoming the prey of highly ci vilized robbers and trade-hunters. Every one of these great map- making movements is not of to day only. They are far reaching. A thousand years from to-day his torians will go back to this age or facts of origin. The fall of the Roman empire, the sailing of Columbus and the Reformation were epochal iu their nature, but it is doubtful whether a thousand years from o-day they willjoutrankEngland's occupation of Central Africa, or the breakup of the Chinese empire that Japan faciliated and made -i-v m 1 .1- j . il easy. Jreopie ao not stop to ininK of the magnitude of the Chinese empire of the hundreds of mil- ions that live there and in Central Africa. The fate of fully one half of the people in the world is to be determined by events now impending. If England succeeds in securing a stretch of territory extending from Cairo to Cape Town through the heart of Africa, the founda tions will be laid for an empire greater than even that of Rome in the days of the Csesars. The word gives little attention to these nglish efforts, but they are pro gressing just the same, and the other lands will wake up after a while to the fact fact that another English empire has been establish ed. There will be objections on the part of noncolonizing France or Germany, but in the end Eng land will have her own way . She always does.' It is in the blood It is destiny. But China is the . interesting problem of the tnae. Unweildly unwarlike, unprogressive, she totters to a fall. - Who are to gather in the immense frag ments? England is there, loo. She is there behind iron walls, with jjuns in her. hands. They are guns that no nation or combi nation of nations can afford to dis regard. There is just one chance for China, It is Turkey's chance The jealousies and fears of the powers may demand that she be-"held together, and that unite to see that exclusive occupa tion be granted to no country This would prolong the life of the ancient empire, but there will be trade and railroad - and telegraph conditions annexed to it that Wil change the people in every other respect. The old China will pass away in any event. Story of the Trouble ef Tuesday Night' Duel In tbe Dark Between Tom BUI ... . . and S. F. Duffy. Newbern Journal, Feb. 11. Nearly all the papers in the State have had long accounts of the shooting affair that took place in this city on Tuesday night. The true facts had better be giv?n. - They would hav& been published by the Journal at once, but for the request of many prom inent people. -r The story of the origin of the trouble is as follows; Tom Hill is related by marriage to F. S. Duffy, . His sister married one of the Duffy boys. Hill has been visiting at the Duffy residence on George street, but his visits were not desired by the family. Mr. Hill has not acquired an enviable reputation. He has a wife living in the north, and could not be welcomed in any home under such circumstances. Mr. Duffy notified Mr. Hill that be could not come to his home. However, Mr. Hill maintained that his indentions were honor able, and that when he obtained a divorce, he wished to marry Mr. Duffy's sister, to whom his attentions were being paid. Mr. Duffy, however, absolutely forbid him to come to the house. Last Tuesday the relations of Mr. Hill with druggist C. D. Bradham were severed, and he was to leave Newberu the next day. He, therefore, planned a clandestine meeting with the young lady, which took place in -the rear of the residence that evening after dark. This yard is a handsome flower garden and has a regularly used gate which opens through a high fence on Eden street. Mr. F. S. Duffy, however, re turned from his drug store while the tryst was occurring in the garden and missed the . young lady. He visited several houses to find her, but could not. He then went - to the foot of Eden street, to the new Trent river bridge, surmising that the couple were together, and thinking they might be found there. Not find ing any trace, he returned by the rear gate on Eden street and there he came upon the young couple, seated on a bench an J conversing. The young lady stepped for ward, but Mr. Duffy pushed her to one side, and going to Hill, he told him that he would kill him and to defend himself if he could. Who fired first in the darkness and what was done or said in that tragic moment even the com batants could not probably now recall, but both men were armed and were not afraid and fought at less than six feet. Not less than ten shots were fired. Hill received one in his leg and two went through his coat. Duffy was wounded twice, once in the lower leg and once above the knee, where the ball grazed the great artery by a hair's breadth. Duffy's revolver was emptied and he turned back to his house, de claring that he would re-load and return. Aided by the nervy young wo man, and nan carried, by her away from the scene, Hill finally reached medical care. He refused absolutely to sav a word about the affair. He would not tell anything by which even a guess could at hrst be made. Hence many theories were started" to account for the case. But with several witnesses of the retreat and with another wounded man under the doctor's care, the facts gradually came to light. - ' These facts are stated as above as gleaned from an those , m a position to know, with the excep tion of the two immediately con cerned in the struggle. They have made no direct statement for publication. THEiFL of the Mother shapes the course of unborn generations goes sounding through all the ages and enters the' confines of Eternity. With what care, there fore, should the Expectant Moth er be guarded, and how great the effort be to ward off danger and make her -life joyous and happy. OTHER'S FRIEND allays . all re lieves the Headache Cram ns. W and N a u fp sea, and so tuny pre pares the system that Childbirth is made easy and the time of recovery short ened many say " stronger after than before confinement." It in sures safety to life of both moth er and child. All who have used Mother's Friend " say they will nev er be without it again. No other remedy robs confinement of its pain "A customer whose wife nsed 'Mother's Friend,' says that if she had to go through the ordeal aeain, and there were but four bottles to be obtained, and the cost was $100.00 per bottle, he would have them.'' Geo. LAX0n, Dayton, Ohio Sent by Mail, on receipt of price. 81.00 PER BOT TLE. Book to "EXPECTANT MOTHERS " mailed free npon application, containing val uable information and voluntary testimonials, Thi bradfield regulator co.. Atlanta, G LD BT ALL DHUGQITV A HOSPITAL PATIENT. HANNIS TAYLOR ONDE LOME Says He Ought to Leave the Coun ' try at the Earliest Oppor tunity. Mobile. Ala., Feb. 11, Thef Hon. Hannis Taylor, former Minister to Spain, who is attending the Quarantine Conven tion in this city, was enterviewed regarding the De Lome incident to-night and expressed in en phatic terms his approval of the course of the Administration in dealing with the Minister. Mr . Taylor declared that through President McKinley De Lome- had offered a gratuituous affront to the whole American people and that the quicker he left American shores the better. At the same time he said he was astounded at De Lome's indiscretion, as he was undoubted tho ablest diplomat in the service of Spain, and that his criticism of the Administration was extremely ungrateful, in view of the uniform courtesy which he had received. Mr. Taylor thinks tne affair will lead to increased bitterness on the part of both na tions, but believes that it will not precipitate any serious interna tional complications. Mr. Tay- or says it will be hard to find a man to take De Lome's post who can successfully survive the crisis which the latter has met so mas terfully. Writes a Letter to the Argus Expressing His Gratitude to The M amnement of The Emergency UospitaK The readers of the Argus will remenrbcr that about two months ago Moses Hunt, a colored brake man on the W. & W. R. R., fell from a freight train at Fremont and had his leg so badly crushed that it had to be amputated, and he was brought to the Emergency Hospital in this city, where the work was done and where he has remained since. The skilled medical attention and excellent nursing that he has received at the Emergency Hospi tal has helped him to get well and before leaving to-day for his home in South Carolina he has written the following letter expressing his gratitude to those in charge of the Hospital: Editok Argus: Before leavs ing yout city and the Emergency Hospital, where I have been a p?tient for more than two months, I desire to make known to the public, through your valu able paptr. my great satisfaction with the skillful and kind treat ment I have received while in the Hospital. - By a railroad accident, one of my limbs was so broken aud crushed, that when carried to the Hospital amputation was aeces sary. Ind from that day wnen 1 entered, and passed through that painful operation, 1 have recery ed nothing but kindness and care The doctors Cobb, who had my case in charge from the begin ning, have been especially atten tive and skillf nl in their treat ment of me. The Chairman of the Executive Committee and the members have shown me un ceasing sympathy and kindness The matron and the nurse have been very attentive and did much to make my condition as comfor table as possible. Many of the citizens have also shown me kindnesses, which I greatly ap preciate and for which lam sin cerely thankful, I shall ever re member with gratitude the kind ness which I, a stranger among you, have received, fermit me in closing, to express my high appreciation of the Matron, Mrs. Boone, and 01 tbe wisdom and aithfulness with which the af fairs of the Emergency Hospital Sre conducted, and my gratitude to its officers. Ycurs, etc., Moses E Hunt. nNjrgency Hospital, Goldsboro, Feb. 12, 1898. How to be Beautiful.. To bo beautiful, you must have pure blood . and cood health. To do so purify the blood and build up the health with the teat Tonic and Blood Purifier of the rd Botanic Blood Balm, ("B B. B."J It is tho old standard and re liable remedy It never fails to cure all manner of Blood and Skin diseases where eminent physicians and all other known remedies have tailed, bend stamp for book of particulars ; to the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. 'For sale by Druggists, In a recent latter from Washinp;ton , D. C, to an old friend, Major G A. Stucer, for twenty years United States Consul at Singapore,. say3: "While au Des Moines 1 becaDe acquainted with liniment known as Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I fouDd excellent against rheumawsm as well as against soreness of the throat and chest (giving me much easier breathing). I had a touch of pneumonia earily this weefc., and two applications freely applied to the throat and chest relieved me of it at once. I would not be without it for anything " For sale by M E. Robin son & Bro., and Miller's Pharmacy, in Goldsboro, and by Jno. R. Smith at Mt Olive. Took a Severe Cold alter the Big Fire. After the bie fire in Cripple Creek, I took a very severe cold and tried many remedies without help: tne coia oniy becoming more settled. After using three small bottles oi unamoeriain's Cough Remedy, both the cod and sous'h left me. and in this high altitude Lt takes a meritorious cough remedy to do any good G B. Henderson. Editor Daily Advertiser, Uripple ureeK, oio. Sold by M. E Robinson & Bro., and Miller's Pharmacy, in Goldsboro, and by Jno. K. Smith at.Mt. Uilve Nominations Confirmed. Washington, February 11.- The Senate to-day confirmed the fellowinflr nominations: J I H Thrieort, of New York, consul at Lisbon: J. C. Dancy, of Nortb Carolina, collector of customs, Wilmington, N. C; A. C. ates, of Virginia, consul at Patras, Greece; C. L. W. Smith, of North Carolina, to be Minister and con- bul general at Liberia; Lthan A. Hiteucock, of Missouri, to be am bassador to Russia. Don't Tobacco Spitnd Smoke Tou Lifa Away. If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forever, be made well,strong maemetic, lull oi new liie ana vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder . worker that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 40, 000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac of your druggist under guarantee to cure, '50 cts or 1. Jtsooelet and sample mauea JJTee Ad. sterlmg Remedy ; ;o. Chi cago or- .New lork. A man asks his wife what she has been doing all day, and then reads his newspaper while she is trying to tell him. Itch on human, mange on horses dogs and all stocK. cures in 30 minutes by Woodford's Sanitary Lor on. It never fails. Sold by M. t. RoUnson & ero., Goldsboro 2i U iff' IM Tilly Yecrs Ao. This is the siamp that the letter bore Which carried the story far aud wide. Of certain cure for the loathsome sore That bubbled up from Hie tainted tide Of theblood bclo'.v. And 'twas Ayei's nam And his sarsaparilla, that all now, know, That was just beginning its fight of fame With its cms of so years eo. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the original Barsaparilla. It has behind it a record for cures unequalled by any blood puri fying compound. It is the only Barsaparilla honored by a medal at the World's Fair of 1893. Others imitate the remedy ; they can't imitate the record : EO Years of Cursa. Tointed Paragraphs. Chicago News. The manacle and its wearer make a pair of spectacles. An up-todate woman is fre quently away behind her age, The cashier should be known by the company that keeps him. The time made by the losing horse isn't money to the owner. When a man, talks to his wife through a telep&ene what he says goes. The man who weds an old name often nnds that she has a red hot temper. Baking-powder causes breid to rise, but gunpowder will raise it quicker. The average girl believes that an engagement ring is one cons tmuous round of pleasure. Chicago's death rate is remark ably small when you consider the fact that thousands of our girls graduate from cooking schools every year. "I was discharged from the army on account of ill health, and suffered from heart trouble ever since. I frequently had fainting and smothering spells. My form was bent as a man of 80. I constantly wore an overcoat, even In summer, for fear of taking cold. I could not attend to my busi ness. My rest was broken by severe pains about the heart and left shoulder. Three years ago I commenced using Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, notwithstanding I had used so much patent medicine and taken drugs f root doctors for years without being helped. Dr. After years of untold suffering from 7 Miles' Ileart Cure restored me to health. It piles, B. W. Pursell of Knitnersville, I 's truly a wonderful medicine and it affords Pa. , was cured by using a single box of I me much pleasure to recommend this rem- DeW'i-t's Witch Hazel tJalve Skin iseases sjch as eczema, rash, pimples and obstinate sores are readily cured bv this famous remedy. J. H. Hill & on Goldsboro, and John it. Bmith, Mi.01iv3- LIST OF LETTERS. Harden-Hickey a Suicido. El Paso, Tex., Feb. 11- Baron Harden-Eickev. a nobleman of France and son-in-law of John H. Flagler of New York city, whose exploits on two continents have been exciting and romantic, chose this place in which to kill him self. His lifeless body was found to-day in his room at the Pierson Hotel, and it was not until bis papers had been examined by the authorities that the man's iden tity became known. Whooping cough is the most distress' ng malady; but itsduratian can be cut short by the use 01 une Minute uougn Cure, which is also the best known remedy for croup and all lung and bronchial trouDies J. il. .tim oi son, Goldsboro, and John R. Smith, Mt. Olive Wives are more liberal than husbands. The wife who has a mind of her owd is apt to give her husband pieces of it, We are anxious to do a little good in his world andean think of no pleasant r or better way to do it than by recom mending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung irouDies man follow neglected colds.. J. il. mil & Son, Goldsboro and John. it. smith Mt Olive. - The man who would enjoy the music of the band must keep; up with the procession. " ; ; '; Frank Sherwood was down town to day, the first time since he had his tussel with : cholera morbus. He says , he drove thirty miles after he was taen and never came so near dying" in his life. After thin when he Tffoes out in tho country be will take a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy with him. -Missouri Valley (Iowa) Times. For eale by M E. Robinson & Bro., and Miller's Phar macy, In Goldsboro, and by Jno. R. Smith at Bit. Olive., - Why? From the Chicago News. Why are borrowed skates so easily broken? "Why don't sailors use catborts during a squall? Why can't one tan the hide of a dog with his bark? Why don't they have buffet cars on a train of disasters? Why i3 the sole of a sled called a runner when it merely slides? Why does a gun always fail to do good execution when it hangs fire? Why does a woman never skip a newspaper article on ''How to Be Beautiful?" Why does a small boy invaria bly miss what he throws at when there is a pane of glass behind it? What pleasure is there in lifa with a haadache, constipation and biliousness? inousanas experience them who could become perfectly healthy by using Do Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. J. H. Hill & Son. Gold sboro, and John R, Smith, Mt. Olive. Senator Murphy Censured. Albany, February 11. The resolution censuring United States Senator Murphy for his recent vote on the. Teller bill was adopted in the Assembly to-day. The vote was 79 ayes and 63 noes. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Cure a Prominent Attorney. TH TS R. E. C. PHELPS, the leading pension JV1 attorney of Belfast, N. Y., writes: edy to everyone." Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle Cur benefits or money re- feestore funded. Book on diss- C&-f 1 . ..." funded. Book on dis eases of the heart and nerves free. Address, p , I DE. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Remaining in Post Office at Goldsboro N C, Feb. 13, '98. men's list. B D B Brogden. C J B Capps, H C Carter, Fair- lie P Cooke, John S Craw ford, John T Cross. D Eev. L E Dixon, M L Davis. G John Gan. H Sylvious Heriah. J Tom F Jones, A M Jones. P Joseph Parks, Eev. B P Pet erson, Eight Pollok, Capt. Prowell. W Henry S. Williams, Cadd! Webb. LADIES LIST. B Sallie Barnes, Hannah Barnes, Gertrude Burnette. C Eliza Ann Coley, Sarah Craw ford. D- George Ann Daniel, Louveny Davis. E Lucy Edwards. H Mary Hedgepeth. . K Minnie King. L Clarah Lynch. M Lucy Mitchell. P Mrs. Mordecai Pate. E Sarah Eandolph, Laura Keed, Lizzie Eouse. S Mary E Smith. Caroline Smith, Ethel Smith, Francis Satterfield. -Nica Williams, IN Wash ington, Lizzie Ward. A E Whitted. has demonstrated ten thousand times that it is almost infallible FOR WOMAN'S PECULIAR WEAKNESSES. irregularities and derangements. It has become the leading remedy for this class 6f troubles. It exerts a wonderfully healing, strength ening and soothing influence upon the menstrual organs. It cares "whites' and falling of the womb. It stops flooding and relieves sap MBaqmMMHMpMa, ' pressed and painful menstruation. For Change of Life it is the best medicine made. It ia beneficial during pregnancy, and helps to bring children into homes barren for years. It invigorates, stimu lates, strengthens the whole sys tem. This great remedy is offered to all afflicted women. Why will any woman suffer another minute with certain relief within reacbf Wine of Cardui only costs $1.00 per bottle at your drug store. For advice, in ease requiring special direction, address, giving symptom. the "Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medioin Co., Chat' tanooga, Tenn. Rev. J. W. SMITH, Camden, S.C., My! "My wife used Wine of Cartful at home tor falling of the womb and it entirety cured her." F-.ML-UMrt.AM.Iin w- The womtn who can afford to wear real jewels is never suspect ed of wearing paste, eyen though ! she may be loaded down with the Persons callim? for above letters artificial rather than the genuine will please say advertised, and give article date oi list. The regulatioi is require I . " ' , . ,J- one cent to be paid on all advertised The'man who loves awpmatt letters. J. F. DOBSON. P. much as she wants to be loved nas no ume lor uutsiuw uirta- t.inns ' TO CORK A COtD IN OI B DAT, I Take Laxative Bromo Cuisine Tab-1 Cascarets stimulate liver, kidneys. 'ts, All drugeistsj refund., tho money I and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or if lt to1 1st to cure.. 25 o , 1 eriDe. 10c.

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