Spain Is Hedging SHE ISSUES A MANIFESTO TO THE POWERS IN SEARCH OF SYMPATHY. Meanwhile Our Fleet Continues to Capture Prizes Our Coasts Being Fortified and Troops Mobilize d r Spain Is Impotent to Wage An Aggressive War Against the United States. Following is the latest news of the war. situation from day to day, in order as dated below. By Telegraph to The Argus. FIRST GUN FIRED. Washington, April 22. The first gun of the Spanish-American war was fired this morning from the deck of the plucky liltle U. S. Cruiser Nashville. It was a six pounder and was shot across the bow of the Spanish aoerchant man Buena Ventura, which was loaded with arms and supplies for the Spanish army in Cuba. She lay to and surrendered, and was taken to Key West under an es cort from the Nashville's crew. Key West, April 23. A shot from the U. S. flagship New York stopped a Spanish freight vessel this morning, which proved to be the Pedro, which sailed from Antwerp, March 2?. A CABLE SHIP. Key West, April 23. The Mangrove has been fitted out as a cable ship and sailed this morning at 5:30 o'clock, heading southeast, and will lay cable be tween Cuba and Key West, and will cut the old one. Richmond, Va., April 23. The U. S. Government has estab lished a censorship of the cable at Key West, and all code mes sages to and from Cuba are for bidden. Washington; April 23. The President has seat to Congress this afternoon a formal proclama tion of war. SHERMAN GOES OUT. Washington, April 23. Judge Day will succeed Sherman as Secretary of State. Washington, April 25. The U. S. Government has promul. gated its formal declaration of war against Spain, and hostilities are nov on in earnest. An order has been issued for a blockade of the Phillipme Islands . Nassau, N. P., Bahama, April 25. Advices just received report the situation at Perto Rico critical: An insurrection is imminent and martial law has been declared. Food supply is very scarce and famine threatens if war is pro longed. London, April 25, Pursuant to the formal opening of hostilities between Spain and the United States, England proclaims neu trality, and orders all American warships to retire from English waters within 24 hours. Span ish warships also must go. Washington. April 25. The Cabinet decides to order that vol unteers from all States shall be mobilized for 30 days at home. This means that N. C. troops will be at Raleigh for that time. Key West, April 25. The U. S. blockading fleet was fired on this morning by the Matanzas bat teries at 6 miles range; but the fleet paid no attention to the fire. Washington, April 25. The President in his message to Con gress to-day, accompanying his declaration of war, says that Spain treats our reasonable de mands as hasty measures and follows them with a complete severing of diplomatic relations. Washington, April 25. Roose velt has resigned the navy to be come second Brigadier of volun teers. He will be succeeded by Rear Admiral Walker, John Jacob Astor presents his fine yacht Monronahal to the gov ernment equipped" with a light battery complete . , It is rumored that both Alger and Long will resign their Cabinet port folios. Washington, April 25. 5.30 p. m. The War Department calls on -North Carolina for two regi-ments-of infantry and two troops of Cavalry. The Senate has answered the war bill by directing the Presis dent to prosecute the war with -jriffor lo successful issue. The President announces that Spain was the first to declare war. Both houses of Congress have passed the President's declaration of war. Judge Day succeeds Sherman as Secretary ot State to-day. Retired officers of the Army and Navy have been recalled into active service. Madrid, April 25. An official declaration of war against tbe i ' United States has been formally promulgated, and the people of Spain are one in their approval. Popular enthusiasm is at fever heat. GLADSTONE DYING . London, April 25. Gladstone is rapidly sinking, and all meia bers of his family have been sum moned to his bedside. SPAIN HEDGING. Madrid April 26. The Spanish government has issued a circular to the Powers expressing her re gret at the necessity 'of being com pelled to appeal to war in order to repel the scandalous aggression of the United Stites upon her rights and domain of centuries. A MILLION DOLLAR PRIZE. Key West, April 2G. The U. S. Cruiser Mangrove to-day cap tured the big Spanish mail steamer Panama, valued at one million dolldis; and two other prizes have been brought in by the New York. GERMANY REFUSES NEUTRALITY . Berlin, April 26. Germany declines the request of the United States to the nations to issue neu trality proclamation. It is eur mised that she wishes to intervene if she should find conditions fav orable. NEUTRALITY LAW PREVENTS. London, April 26. Under the neutrality law of nations, the U. S. Torpedo boat Somers, now at Falmouth, England, having failed to get off within the limited time, must remain in port while a state of war exists between Spain and the United States, England being neutral. THE 'DUTCH HAVE TAKEN HOLLAND. Havana, via London, April 26. -General Gomez announces that he will aid the United States with his entire forces, numbering 30,000 men, in the war between Spain and America. A BIG CAPTURE. ivev west. Ann 'za a ar" steamer was sighted by Capt. Sampson's fleet off Mataczis, fif teen miles to the eastward, this morning, supposed to be the Spanish troop ship Montserrat, which is reported to have one thousand soldiers and half a mil lion m gold on board. Several vessels were sent out by Capt. Sampson to chase her, and are still in pursuit. Later: The Montserrat has been captured. TO SAIL TO DAY. St. Thomas, April 26 The Spanish fleet, which has been stationed at Cape Verde for sev eral days, is expected to sail to day. It is not known whether it will go to Havana or return to Cadiz. BLANCO IS CONFIDENT. Havana, via London, April 26 Captain General Blanco has cabled the authorities at Madrid that h3 can defend Havana with out the aid of Spanish warships. SPANISH WARSHIPS IN SIGHT. It is reported thai a Spanish warship is . crushing elf Novia Scotia and another bus been sighted off the coast of. AJaine. Newport, April 26. The Cruiser Columbia sailed this morning. Her destination is un known. . NORTH CAROLINA READY.' Raleigh, April 26. Governor Russell to- day notified ; the war department that North Carolina will furnish two;, infantry regi ments and a battery of heavy ar tillery called for, and will mobi-. lize thtrn at Wilmington, ! Maj. Hays has been transferred from Adjutant General's depart ment to the Governor's office. The Adjutant General says he expects to haye one raiment ready by Friday. - : v - Six companies and signal corps have volunteered and three have thus far declined. All will be tel egraphed to-day to answei yes or no as to volunteering. - , THE LAST TO LEAVE. New York, April 23. The steamship Saratoga, of the Ward Line, arrived here this morning. She was the last American vessel to leave LTayana, and her captain reports that as she steamed out of the harbor she wis fired upon by Spamph soldiers and her pas sengers called dirly . American piKS. x Washington, April 26, The ovrrn merit is pushing the work of harbor defences. All night last Bight and during the early hours this moruiofr a force of engineers were engaged in forti fying the approaches to Port Wadsworth vmn sub marine irunet. STILL AT CATF. Of VERDE. -. a jnuigton, - April 2b. It is reported that ihe Spanish fleet is still at Cape de Verde, and the Spanish admiral is getting impa tient at delayed orders and threat ens to leave there without orders, British naval experts say that the American fleet at the Philli pines outclasses that of Spain. Lincoln, April 26. Hon. YV . J. Bryan teer army. Washington, Aprils 26. The Navy Department is advised that a Spanish fleet is reported rapidly approaching Cuba. mo united fetates r.sss all na tions to issue proclamation of neu trality. enlisted in the volun- Unlawfully Captured. London, April 26. It is an uouLicftd in a dispatch from Ma drid to the Evening News that at a Cabinet council presided over by the Queen Recent at noon on Saturday, summoned to consider the capture of the Spanish steamer Baer.a Ventura by the United States cruiser Nashville, it was decided to claim that the vessel was unlawfully captured, and the Minister for Foreign A.f fairs, Sonor Guilon, was in strutted to seek the support of the representatives of the for eign powers a '..""Madrid. Mow Is the time when yon should take a Spring Medicine to purify your blood, give you good appetite, sound sleep, steady nerves and perfect digestion. That scrofulous taint, that skin trou ble, that liver dif ftculty,thatbilious tendency, that tired feeling, are all cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Give this medicine a fair trial and you will realize its positive merit. It is not what we say, but what the people who are cured say, which prove that Take Sarsaparilla America's Greatest Medi cine. B. I. Hood & Oo., Eowell, Mass. Hruvi'e Dillc cure Liver Ills; easy to Iuuu O rM bike, ejvsv toouernte. 250. WADDELL ON FUSION. If We Cannot Win Without Such Dishonorable Methods, Let Defeat Come." JUDICIAL CONVENTION. Thorp will be a convention of the Democrats of the 4ih Judicial District, held in Metropolitan Hall Raleigh on the 25th of May, 1898 at 8 p. m., for the purpose of nominating a solicitor, and for trhe"transaction of such other legitimate business as mav come before it. By order of the Exe cutive Committee. April 25, 1838. W. C. MUNROE, Chairman. Cotton, like every other crop, needs nourishment. A fertilizer containing1 nitro gen, phosphoric acid, and not less than t of actual While every person cannot have an abundant head of hair, it is possible, vvi'h care and the ute of Hall's Hair Rer-ewer, to grow a i expectable hirsu tic coveiirg. What a Coronary on Corrnpt Northern Politics ! Poor-old Sherman -was buncoed into resigning his United States sen atorsliip to accept the portfolio of State. Hanna then stepped into the seiintorship-.. He is now charged officially- with bribery by a commit tee of the same legislature that elect ed him .'Bear in mind that this is in his own state and by hi 3 own, kepub licax partisans. And now Sherman is succeeded by Daj. The old man is left out in the cold, with ""No one to love, none to carress," An old iloating cork, on the sea . of distress: Iiequiescat in pace. IIOZLEI'JS LEM.0N ELIXIR. A 'Pleasant Lemon Tonic For biliousness, constipation and and af ren die 'tis, For indigestion, sick and nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heart failure. For fover, chills, r'ebility, and kid ney di.soa.sec;, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, tains Lemon Elixir. Dr. Ti. Moslem's Lmon Elixir is prepared from the fresh juice of Lem ons, combined wita other vegetable liver tonics, and w ill not fail you in any of the above named diseases. 50c and 81.00 bottles at druggists. AT THE CAPITOL, I am in my seventy-third year, and for fifty years I have been a great suf ferer from indigestion, constipation and biliousness . 1 have tntd all the rem edies advertised for these diseases, and got. no permanent relief. About one .year ago, the disease assuming a more severe and dangerous form, I became very weak, and lost nesh rapidly I eomzaeneed using Dr.'Mozley's Lemon iiilixir. 1 gamea twelve pounds in three months. My strength and health, my appetite and ray digestion woi-e perfectly restored, and now I feel as young and vigorous as over I did in my life. L. J. ALLDRED, Door- keeper Ua. State (Senate, State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga. MOZLEY'S LEMOIS" ELIXIR is the very best medicine I ever used for the disease you recommend it for, and I hava used many kinds for wo man's troubles. Mrs. S. A. Gkesham. - Salem. N. o. T. U. Hew.1i, Hewitts, N. C. MOZLEY'S lEMOJSf HOT DROPS Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore throat, Brcnchii's, -Hemorrhage, ai.d all jthroatand ijiig diseases.- Ele gant, reliable, - f Twenty-five cents at druggists. Pre pared only by Dr, 13.1 Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. ' - A representative of the Mora ing Post was in Wilmington yes terday and understanding that a letter had been addressed by Chairman Jones, of the Nations Democratic Executive Commitles to Col. A. M. Waddell, of that city, requested that Colonel Wad dell permit the Post to publish his reply, which is as follow Wilmington, N. C,, April 20;h, 1898. Hon. James K. Jones, Washington, D. C Dear Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt ot your letter of the 18ih inst., enclosiug copy of your address as chair man of the Democratic National Committea, and have carefully read what you say in regard to the policy which ought to be pursued in the campaign of 1900 and your appeal to me to f-o to the State Convention and work for this policy. xou say mat you "understand perfectly the difficulties by which you (we) are surrounded in North Carolina, etc., etr. i'ermit me to say tnat 1 am sure you do not understand the real situation, or the plainness of the path of duty and self re spect which lies before Demo crats nere, ror, 11 you aid, 1 an? sure you would not ask or expect them to accede to the demands which will certainly be made upon them'by Mr. Butler and his party as conditions of "co-opera-fion." I am and have always, been a bimetallism I endorse the Chicago platform. I would re joice to see Mr. Bryan elected President, but I am not willing to see my party enter the open market and bid against the Re publican party for Mr. Butler and his followers, at the upset price of vpting for bim or his al lies for the most important of fices affecting the welfare of t he State. The fight here is one be tween barbarism and civilization between white men and negroes manipulated by unprincipled demagogues. Mr. Botler and his friends put the latter in power I and they have degraded and d-j honored the State. If he wants to undo his foul work because it I was foul, it is very eay to do so; j if he wants to undo it, only on condition that he and his follow ers shall continue to hold c ffico I will never agree to accept such p cuiiuiuuu, oecause 11 wouia oe condoning a great crime, and would afford no substantial re lief to the people I will be no party to any such infamous trans action. I would sooner make op u war upon such scoundrels than to yield to their demands. If we can not win without such dis honorable methods let come. We have stood it hereto fore, and can stand it again bet ter than win by such means. I know this is not 'practical pontics," out 1 naven t much re spect for practical politics - at best, and note at al) for this par ticular species of it. However. I am oul of polities of any kind, and my opinions are 01 little consequence to- anyone. I do not expect to be a delegate to the estate Convention I shall certainly not ask to be; but if am, while 1 will do anything to induce bonest white men to act together to rescue North Caro lina from the degredation with which she is afflicted, I shall never agree to accomplish that high purpose by offering a high er pripe to the demagogues who betrayed her to return to their duty, than that offered by their present allies to remain with them Local self.government by white men is infinitely more important to us than, the silver question, and if we can not get it peace ably wilnout trading with Messrs. Butler & Co., we will get" it by forca at ! their expense, "and don't you forget it." " I have plainly given you my honest conviction. . Yours truly. " . (Signed) A. M. Waddell Oar Asiatic Fleet. Hong Kong, April 26. The American fleet, with the excep tion of the Baltimore, Raleigh and Oiympia, have left this port. The vessels remaining will sail to-mcrrovv. Sir Henry A. Blake, the Gov ernor of Hong Kong, has issued a neutrality proclamation. Try Allen's Foot Ease. A powder to be shaken into the shoee, At this season yeur feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired easily If you have smartiug feet, or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweatitg feet, blisters and cfiilo'ia spots. Relieves corns and bun ions of all pain and givefe rest apd com fort Try it to-day. Sold by all drug gists arid shoe stores. Trial packagi fkke. Address, Allen S. Olm&tead LeHoy, N. Y. will increase the crop and im prove the land. Our books tell all about the subject. They are free to any farmer. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 0? wnssau St.. New York. In Spa'iQ religious services of prayer, day and night, are beic organized for the success of th Spauish arms. ''Ha;f a span of angry steel" will produce no more fatal results than neglected cold or cough. For all throat and lung diseases, Ayer's Cherry Pec tos al is the best remedy. It is invalu able in case of croup, whooping cougl bronchitis, and la grippe, Si U1LI 1J LA O LI J LUUll L and it has no coaling its own statio nearer our shores than the Ca nary island'?, 1,000 miles away Spring is full of terrors to all whose constitution is not -able to resist the sudden changes of temperature and other insalubrities of the season. To put the system in condition to over, come the?e evils, , nothing is so effec tive a" Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Take it now. V 4 EEQE Mm WAY. WOMEN used to think "fe male diseases " could only be treated after "lo c a 1 examina tions" by physi cians. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest women silent about their suffering. The in troduction of V.-in a of Cardui has now demon strated that nine-tenths of all the cases cf menstrual disorders do not requirs a physician's attention at all. The simple, pure - -4- ' taken in ti.e i v .cy of a woman's f cv-n heme insures quick relief and speedy curs. Women need not hesitate now. Wine cf Cardui re quires no humiliating examina tiors for its adoption. It cures any that comes under the head cf "ftmals troubles" disordered menses, falling of the womb, "whites," change of life. Itmakes women beautiful by making them well, it keeps them young by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the dru? store. For advice In cases requiring special oirsctictis, address, giving- symptoms, ths Ladies' Advisory Department." The Chstianooga Medicine Co., Chatta nooga. Xenn. W. I. ADDISON, K.D. , Cary, Migs., says: "I urs Wine of Cardui extensively in my practice and And it a most excellent preparation for female troubles. ' Dr. Fit AlsK BOYETTE, 1898 Bicycles Down to SS.oo. New 1893JVIodel Ladles' and CinnVn Bicvcles are now being sold on 'easy conditions as low as 5.0(J; others out right at $13.95, and high grade at $19.95 at d $22,50, to be paid for after received. If you will cut this notice out and send to Sears, Roebuck & Co., "Chicago, they will send you' their" 189$ Bicycle Catalogue and full particulars.- 5 Dentist. Office in Borden building, over Bizzell tSros v. io. s dry goods store. GOLDSBOKO, N. C. &Km Diseases, For the speedy and permanent enre of tetter, salt rheum -and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued tiae effects a permanent cure, it also cures itch, barber s itch, scald head, sore ninnies, itchine niles. chapped, hands, , chronic- sore 'eyes and t . i i -I ...... 1 Dr.,.CftdTs Condition-Powders for torses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Sold by For sale by M. E. Robinson & Bro. and Miller's Pharmacy in Goldsboro, and Jno. II. Smith at Mt. Olive. JJeTV Dental Roonis Dr. Chas. W- Grainger Has opened a suit ofDantal rooms over the JNationai nans, on West Centre street, and offers his services to the public - . " . QPRING Lamb, Extra fine Beef, Extra fine Veal, V Pork Chops,- . Dressed Poultry, . - Green and " ; , Smoked Sausage, at :..v;Sr.Cohn-&.'Soa.' C-ty Market, . x'- ' worn wilt Mckinley slaythe monster that is crushing the life out of poor Cuba by intervention? Will you slay the monster that lurks in Impure blood that ie crushing your vitality cut of you with Robinson's Sarsaparilla, or let it do its deadly work? As a blood purifier Robinson's Sarsaparilla is un rivalled M. E." Robinson & Bro V arm Weather i re It is not only here, but here to stay. We have lots of things that lend their good offices toward making life the more worth living during the heated term. Here are but a few of the many deserving mention. Better qual Entire price 123 and 125 Fayetteville St., TUCKERS' STORE RALEIGH, N. C. Awnings. Awnings ! Awn in its! Order Them From Us ! We Make Awnings ! Our workmen have made them for years. We do the very best awning work use the best awning materials and fixtures dF"3end for estimates and and give measurements. puces Dobbin & Ferrall. ilk Av::; ;s THE PROOF OF THE MEAT is m the cooking. Meat bousrlit from us cooks right because it is tender and fresh to commence with There is satisfaction buying meat from us. because we are obliging- we try to give you the cut you ask tor. M. Sherman. a. A. Tucker. It. D. Tucke TUCKER'S Granite i and Marble i Works. Dealers in all kinds of Granite and Marble Monuments, Headstones, Iron Fencing, etc. Designs on Application. fl. fl- Tucker & Bro- GOLDSBORO, N O. and Wilmington, N.C. For Sale. TheWm. Ilonita track of land, situ ated about 8 miles south o the city I containing 925 acres. . Good corn, cot ton, rice and tobacco land. JJ or terms, etc., apply to ' . E LEdmundson. 1. ; ' - neat instate Agent Office lirl?. B, Edmundeon'g store. ' . ' ' Lawn s at S iio A collection that cannot be equalled tor value or variety. It is called "Organdy" by some and priced at loc: merely a straw before the wind of honest mer chandise. Lineri Crash. For skirts and complete costumes, ities for less money than ever before. range, 10, i$, 20, 2$. 30 and 45 cents. You wilfneed this for the rest of this month and May. A good Jersey Vest, light weight, high neck and long sleeves. An inestimable benefit in the presen cvjiiuiLiuii ui me wenuier uureau. Linen Collars. The very low as well as the high ones. Lay in a good supply, and your shirt waists will always be as sumed with additional freshness. H. Weil & Bros, Headquarters for Shirt Waists. There fl resom eMen Who would not wear a pair of Pants un less they cost $10.oo or $12.oo. Think if they pay less, they are not good enough and up-to-date. The majority, however, of Intelligent Men. want good clothes, but want to "save all they can. Good sense, isn't it? 'We have on hand a line of Worsteds, Cassi- v meres and Plaids, sold elsewhere for -. $6.oo and $ Our price $3.$o and $5,00. A. A. tJ oseph, Men's Wear. Open evoninps until 8 p. m. j?acuruay3 unui iu:iio. M- E PASTKX & O. AGENTS THE. SU S1UENT, LIGHT RUNNING Sewing Machine. 1893 MODEL, WITH ALL THE, LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. It is made by the celebrated Davis Machine Co. Unquestionably the highest grade sewing machine ever offered at a price within the reach of all. LIST PRICE, $40. OUR PRICE FOR CASH, 19.SO LIKE. CUT. It is finished in Walnut or Antique Oak, the woodwork is of handstme design and elegantly finithed. This machine is warranted lor years Call and see them. M- I?. (3ASTEX & OHPANY SOMETHING NICK IN . BICYCLE BELLS .1 The Prettiest Line Of Jeweled Belts, Waist Sets, Links, .Cufl Buttons, Silk Guards, and dainty Summer Jewelry, in the city. Don't miss seeing it. It will pay you. - Correct Time -ELECTRIC CLOCK, Outside, 'I R. A. CREECH, Jeweler and Engrave ANTED. 100,000 Pounds B G. OVERMAN;