THE ARGUS. DAILY AND WEEKLY. OUR LOCAL OPTIC. Goldsboro and Vicinity History In Brief. Epitome of Savings and Doings," Wfce and Otherwise. Run Down and Runin by Omnipresent Ubiquitous, Local 4,;Graud Rounds." good Seven young colored men, charged with gambling on Sun day, were tried before the Mayor Tuesday afternoon, Idleness be gets all mauner of vices. There were only two marriage licenses issued in Wayne county for the past week, both white, for Charles Condor to llattie Evans and E C. Miller to Mattie E. Mariin. The wife of Sectionmaeter Carr, of the Southern Kail way, is criti cally ill at their home in the north ern part of the city, their many friends will be sorry to learn. Some of our truckers tell us that they will pick beans to-morrow, which is very early. They will doubtless command a price on the northern markets. The distressing news of the sud den death of W . W. Cox, of Newton Grove, was received in this city early this morning, the particulars of which will be given in these columns later. Under the new ordinances, bi cycles will not be allowed on the sidewalks on Chestnut street be tween John and James streets, as these sidewalks are narrow on account of the trees. This will go into effect on June 10th. Neatly printed invitations have been issued to the marriage of Miss Donie Priscilla Rich, of Faison, and Rev. John Webster Patton, of Virginia, the ceremony to take place on June 1st at the Metho dist church in Faison. The pros pective bride is well known in this city, where she has many young lady friends who were her class mates at KinseySchool, JLaGrange. Chief of Police Freeman pro ceeded Sunday to wind up the business of a blind tiger arrange ment. It seems that a woman who runs a restaurant bad been suspected of selling whiskey on Sunday. She was caugnt Sunday doing a brisk business. She is said to have a trap door in the floor and bottles were taken out readily without much notice. Mayor Peterson bound her over to court. Messrs. Pettyjohn Bros, of Augusta, Ga. , will manage the Atlantic Hotel at Morehead City this summer. The war thus far has Lad no apparent effect on the number of applications from society people who spend ;the summer away from home and who desire accommodation at the far famed Atlantic during the coming season. The formal open ing of the hothl for visitors will take place on Saturday, May 28th. A hail and wind storm passed over this city Sunday afternoon about 6 o'clock. The winds blew a gale for five minutes and clouds of dust arose which made an awe inspiring scene. After the wind, hail stones as large as guinea eggs fell. They made a fearful noise falling on shingle roofs. Fortu nately for the vegetation they did not fall regularly and soon became smaller. Verv little damage has been reported. Paulus Williams, one of the voung men who deserted the Goldsboro Rifles from Camp Grimes at Kaleigh, returned to Camp Sunday afternoon and sur rendered himself. As he returned of his,Dwn accord he will only be tried on the charge of absent from Camp without leave and a slight penalty will be mmcted. Robert Mitchell, the other de serter, was captured Tuesday and taken to Camp under es cort that afternoon. His penalty wul, no doubt, be more severe. The Raleigh Post says the First Regiment may move this week. In fact, the officers are momentarily -expecting orders . to proceed to Tampa, ila., While the telegraphic advices appear to be cotfflictmg, it is generally be. lieyed" that -Ihe North Carolina troops will be sent to Tampa. The latest advices to Governor Rqs sell by the war Department were mat the First Regiment would be sent to Tampa. The Goldsboro Rifles belong to the First Regi ment and are known as Company 15. ' When the hail came teeming down Sunday afternoon in great big etones Mr R. u. Powell's lit tie soti, who had never seen hai before, cried out in great excite ment-Maicnma, mamma, what's that?" His mother in reply said "it's-hail, sotf"' The little fellow misunderstood the. word and greatly 'frightened before, he was now beside himself with terror and cried out 'HeH,"mamma? hell? Thcy'er throwing rocks at usl" In the midst of his childish anguish the whole -household could not re strain simultaneous outburst of laughter at Jthis juncture., and their hilariousness-ness reassured him that it was not hell, after all Democratic Primaries. The Democratic Primaries for Goldsboro Township met at the Court Hourf in this city Tuesday night, and elected the following delegates to the County Conven tion which meets in this city next Saturday, May 21st. Dr. W. H. H. Cobb, W. T. Dortch, Dr. M. E. Robinson, W. H. Sugg, W. G. Britt, John Slaughter, W. T. Harrison, Henry Weil, W. D. Creech, D. M. Hardy, Dock Smith, E. B. Borden, Jr., W. H. Godwin, W. T. Yelverton, 11. L. Thompson, Jno. F. Southerland, W. R. Allen, Geo. W. Daughtry, J. J. Robinson, C. J. Nel son, Sam. K. Royall, J. B. Edgerton, J. E. Robinson, Jno. C. Bardin, A. M. Prince, Geo. W. Murphrey, N. O'Berry, Chas. Dewey, F. W. Hilker. Corbet Hill, May 14, !98. The convention for GranLham township. Precinct No, 2, met according to call and the follow ing delegates were elected to the County Conyeutiont which will be held at the Court House in Goldsboro on Saturday, May 21st: W. R. Cotton, A. G. Jordan, B. , Moore, Willie Manley. Executive committee: J. E. Smith, chairman; P. O. Dudley, Kincheon Britt, Moses Joyner, A. G. Jordan, W. H. Burch. J. E. Smith, Chairman. W. H. Burch, Secretary. The Democratic convention at Grantham's called to order by . A. Stevens. The following del- ty convention to be held in Golds boro on the 21st: J. A. Stevens, A. Whitfield, Henry Porter, Wm. Harrell, Geo. Warrick and W. K. Grantham, with the fol- owing alternates: J. W. Raper, Geo. Rose, Frank Jordan, Wm. Wise, Julius Cox, J as. Warrick. A motion was unanimously dopted to allow all Democrats who will attend the county con vention to be made delegates and giyen their pro rata part of a vote in said convention. W. K. Grantham, Chairman. A TIT ! I T j. xx. vv niineia, Secretary. HOOD'S PILLS are the only pills tP take with Bo4'g tiarsaparllla. War N ews JSureka, N. C, May 16, '98. Eeitor Argus: The Demo cratic convention of this precinct was held in the schoolhouse at Eureka Saturday, May 11, 1898. he house was called to order by Mr. L. D. Hook?, chairmaa of the committee of this township. Mr. Hooks was made temporary chairman and J. B. Stallings, secretary. A motion prevailed to make the organization permanent. The following committeemen were elected for the next tv?o ensuing years: L. D. Hooks, W- A. Martin, J. A. Bogue, A. J. Roe and J.. B. Lane. The com mittee elected Mr. L. D. Hooks as their chairman. The delegates to the county convention to be held in Goldsboro Saturday, May 21, 1898, are as follows: R. D. S. Becton, J, A. Bogue, W. A. Martin, N. H. Bailey, E. L. Becton and J. B, Lane. Mr. L. D. Hooks, chairman, and J. B. Stallings, secretary, were elect ed as honorary members. Resolved, That the Democrats of this township in convention assembled, we do hereby pledge ourselves to use our best efforts to unite all our people who are in favor of the reform set -forth in the Chicago platform, and good government, and white suprem acy in North Carolina. L. D. Hooks, Chairman. B. Stallings, Secretary. All the Latest News of the Doings of Our Navy on the Bosom of the Deep, By Telegraph to Daily Argus, and Culled Each Day For the Benefit of Our . Weekly Readers. By Cable to The Argus. Havana, May 17. It is re ported here that an American vessel while removing torpedoes MONDAY. By Telegraph to The Argus, OREGON SAFE. Washington, May 16. The Oregon was heard from this af ternoon. She is sife. but her lo- cation is kept a secret. THE YALE SAFE. St. Thomas, May 16. The ra at Cabanas was blown up her entire crew perished. NOT CONFIRMED. and By Telegraph to The Argus. Key West", May 17. The res ported capture of the U. S. cruis- j Prted blowing up of an Ameri can vessel at jaoans oy torpe does is not credited here. er Yale, formerly "City of Paris," is untrue. She is safe at anchor in this harbor. SPANISH WARSHIPS OFF NORTH CAROLINA COAST. By Telegraph to The Argus: Norfolk.May 16. The signal! station at Nag's Head. N. C- re port, two Spanish" warships and a torpedo boat eight miles off the coast there. MINISTERS HAVE RESIGNED. By Cable to The Argus. Madrid, May 16. Senor Sa- gasta this afternoon formally hauded in to the Queen Regent the resignations of all the Minis try. These were accepted, and Sagasta entrusted with the, duty of re-organization. GOMEZ WINS A VICTORY. By Cable to The Argus. .Kingston, May 16: General Gomez at the head of the Cuban army defeated 1,000 Spaniards in a pitched battle seventy leagues from Cienf uegos and drove them enemy. over the Trocha, which they had to . B? Telegraph to The Argus, abandon. The Spanish loss is merritt sustained. f lionvv. whilnihn Pnhnns hnrl a fw 'By Telegraph to The Argus wounded. THE WILMINGTON AT KEY WEST, By Telegraph to The Argus. Key West, May 17. The Wil mington has arrived at this port. She reports firing on and dis abling a Spanish gunboat, and sinking a derelict schooner off Cardenas. GERMAN ARTILLERISTS. By Cable to The Argus. Madrid, May 17. The fortifi cations at Cadiz are beiog sup plied with Krupp guns and manned by expert German artil lerists. - ESCAPED FROM CUBA. By Telegraph to The Argus, Key West, May 17 Captain Java arrived here this morning, having escaped from Cuba in an open boat with important mes sages from General Gompz. He was fired on by a Spanish gun boat and an American gunboat returned the fire and crippled the slightly Dear Argus, As the time approaches for the nominating convention for our county, it b3- hooves us us to nominate men who are tiue to the principles of the grand old Democratic party men who have been tried in the balance, and have not been found wanting and our present effis cient Sheriff, B. P. Scott, is one of the men to lead the ticket to victory, for without xegard to party affiliation, he is wanted for Sheriff again. For treasurer, Mr Atlas Uzzell should be nominated again. He made us a good officer two years ago, but we hear the names of Messrs. Ed. Hood and J. M. Wiggins, who are candi dates for the nomination also. For Register, I would suggest either Mr. E. T. Atkinson or H. Gurley as men who would fill the office with neatness and dispatch," while to the latter is due something for "services ren dered," and besides, he is a dis abled Confederate soldier. I will "leave the other offices open for some one else to sug gest,but above all things, let us nominate Democrats, - - Democrat.1 Goldsboro, N. C, May 16..' 98. The sweet gin graduate is abort to tell how the, war should be conducted, ABOLISH STRATEGY BOARD. By Telegraph to The Argus. Washington, May 16. A con fidential friend of President Mc Kialey said this morning that the President would abolish the Board of Strategy. Hereafter army and navy chiefs would for tnulate their own plans of cam paign and have direct communi cation with the commander-in-chief. Recent actions of the board have resulted in McKinley's dis satisfaction. By Telegraph to The Argus. Washington, May 16. It is believed in official circles that the Spanish fleet, which has been running from port to port to' evade contact with Sampson's destructive armorclads, has been trapped in the Carribean Sea. The news from Sampson shows that ho can cut off escape and pre vent the Spanish fleet from land- in southern Cuba. The Oregon, Marietta and Buffalo sruard the South Atlantic, while Commodore Schley with his flying squadron is hurrying to the North ern coast of Cuba. The Montgom ery, ot. Liouis and l ale are in the vaeinity of Martinique watch ini the Spanish gunboat Terror and protecting the Harvard. PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. Key West, May 16. Extraor dinary precautions are being taken for the protection off this harbor. Extra guards have been placed around the naval station storehouses. Only government employes are permitted to ap proach the government dock. It is feared that the Spaniards know of the immense quantities of stores which are kept here and that they may attempt to capture them by an unexpected attack. - TUESDAY. SPANISH FLEET LOCATED. By Cable to The Argus. -"V St, Pierre, May 17. The Spanish fleet is reported this morning from several points of lookout to be in the Dominican channel between Martinique and Dominica , v TO REINFORCE BLOCKADE. By Telegraph to The Argus. , i Washington, May 17. The TJ, S. Monitors Puritan and Amphe trite have been ordered to rein force the blockading floet around Havana, Washington. May 17. The re quest of Gen. Merritt for a larger number of regulars for service at Manila is being discussed at the Cabinet meeting to-day. It is said that both the President and Gen. Miles are in entire accord with the views of Gen Merritt in this regard. TO STORM MANILA. By Cable to The Argus. Hong Kong, May 17. The Philippine Insurgents are pre paring to storm Manila, GLADSTONE SINKING. By Cable to The Argus. London, May 17. Gladstone is said to be rapidly sinking. All members of his family have been summoned to hasten to his bed side. He is not expected to live through the day. OFF FOR CHICKAMAUGA. By Telegraph to The Argus. New York, May 17. The Twelfth and Fourteenth Regi ments left this afternoon for Chickamauga. ENGLAND OUR FRIEND. By Telegraph to The Argus. Washington, May 17. The British Government is co-oper ating with the United States to drive Spanish spies out of Can ada. WORTH BAGLEY?8 SUCCESSOR. By Telegraph to The Argus. Washington, May 17: En sign j. Li. Liattimer has been as signed to the Winslow as second officer of that boat, to succeed the brave young officer who lost his 3 in the discharge of his duty last Wednesday. Eattimer is one of the bright est, most pupular and expert young officers in the Ordinance Bureau, and, at his own request. has been designated to take the place of the late Ensign Bagley as second officer of the torpedo- boat Winslow. He left Washington last night for Key West. It is believed that the injury to the Winslow can be repaired at 'that point, but the constructor's report must be awaited before deciding positively, "Ton people out of a dozen are in valids," says a recent medical author ity. At least eight out of ttese ton it is safe to allow, are suffering1 from some form of blood-disease which persistent use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla would be sure to cure. Then don't be an invalid, VERY LATEST. WEDNESDAY. THE JAPS WANT TO HELP. By Telegraph to The Argus. , Washington, May 18. Japan has signified a desire to join an Anglo -American-Japanese triple Alliance. TO SAIL FOF MANILA. By Telegraph to The Argas. San Francisco May 18.The Charleston has moved from the Mare Island navy yard, prepara tory to sailiDg for Manila. REPORTED ENGAGEMENT. By Cable to The Argug. London, May 18. Havana dis patches report an engagement at Carbarian, between a Spanish gun boat and an American ship, in which the latter was beaten back. THE OREGON. By Telegraph to The Argus. Washington, May 18. The battleship Oregon, which has caused so much conjecture on the part of the press for the past few days, is now believed to be a part of Sampson's squadron. HIS REQUEST GRANTED. By Telegraph to The Argus. Washington, May 18. The re quest of Gtn. Merritt for a larger number regulars for service at Manila has been granted. He will be given sixteen thausand men now.'with fourteen thousand to follow. TO JOIN TO-DAY. By Telegraph to The Argus. Washingthn, May 18. Samp- eon's fleet and the flying squadron a'-e expected to join to day. The Spanish squadron, under com mae of Admiral Cervera, are be- ieved to be off San Juan. The Cuban army invasion will be in creased to one hundred thousand, and will move at once, regardless of the Spanish fleet. SrAINSH CABINET. By Telegraph to The Argus. Madrid, May IS. The now Spanish Cabinet has been com pleted and will be submitted to the Queen Regent or follows: President iof the council, Senor Praxedes Sagasta; minister of foreign affairs, Senor Leonly Castilelo; minister of war, Lieu tenant Beneral Correa; minister of marine, Senor Armon; minister of the colonies, Senor Lopez Puig ccrvere; minister of finance, Senor Romero Giron; minister of the Netrior, Senor F. R. Capdepon; minister of Public Instructions, Senor Garaazo; minister of Jus tice, Senor C. G ror zard.. WALTER LETTER New mitat! THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientiflC processes known to the California Fig Sybup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing1, the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding' the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CAL Fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far ia advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and Dowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CaL LOUISVILLE, Kf. NEW YORK. N. T. A Condensed Chronicling of a Week's Happenings. Dear Akgus: The fine season of rain last evening has put our tobacco f ramers to hustling this ! morning and a scene of busy ac tivity meets the eye on every hand. "We trust they may realize more than they have from truck so far, as peas have been a total failure. We have never seen so much cotton planted, as we Jiavo seen this season. Our observation has been that where it was planted in freshly furrowed ground, there is a fair stand. As cotton is a hot weather plant, we can see no benefit to be derived from plant ing, before the ground becomes warm, as quite a number did this year. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Gurley spent Saturday night and Sunday visting Mr and Mrs Lonnie Ed gerton, of the Salem section. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Howell were in our community Sunday, to the delight of their many friends. Miss Annie Yelverton, of Stant onsburg, was here Saturday and Sunday visiting her sister Mrs. Geo. Becton. Everybody enjoyed "Children's Day," at Pine Forest last Sunday. There was a large crowd present, and the exercises were interesting and each one did their part well. After the little ones completed the first part of the programme, the school was entertained by a very instructive address by Mr. II. B. Parker, of your city, who, in his usual fluent and forcible style pre sented the necessary foundations required in a good Sunday Scboo!. His remarks were to the point and highly enjoyed. After an elegant dinner, Mayor J. E. Peterson, from your city, entertained the school and it goes without saving, that while he metes out justice to violators of the law, he has tender heart, and is thoroughly alive to the interests of Christianity. L:ist, but by no means kast, that prince of good fellows, our former worthy county man, Mr. T. B. Parker, of Hillsboro, N. C, directed his re marks entirely to tho children, but we are sure everyone present enjoyed them. His apt illustration of the bouquet of flowers to the lives of the children, its tiny buds, its opening flowers, its full grown roses, its beauty and love liness, due to each flower having performed its mission, havinsr obeyed the will of God, was listened to with rapt attention by the large crowd. His host of friends were rrln1 t liavo bim wilh nta norniri We have been asked our views on the prospect of fusion with the Democratic and Populist party and will say .that we are unalter ably opposed to any such alliance, In the first place the Populist have not been sufficiently fumigated Bince this fusion with the Republi cans as to render them non nau seating to life-long dyed-in-the wool Democrats. In the next place, there is by no means an equa affinity for each other, and they might unite in such form as to tax a man's utmost knowledge of poli tical chemistry to ascortain their true combination. In the last place the greater portion of Populists are wanderers from the Democratic fold, if they wish to return let them do so, without asking the Democratic party to openly ac knowledge that their desertion of its ranks was justifiable, as it would virtually do, to fuse. If the Democratic banner must trail in the dust, let it do so, -with the principles of honesty and truth indelibly stamped upon it, and the conscious assurance of an admin istration, while in pover, which was a credit to our loved States, and an honor to every citizen within her borders. KlLLlCKINICK. riT. OLIVE LETTER A Condensed Chronicling of the Evenets that Transpire in That Town and Section. : I Argus, Jno. R. Smith, Mgr May 18, 1898 Mr. J. W. Williams visited Grantham's store Saturday. The hobby horses have struck the town. We will now have rid ing and music by the band. The deep well has been started up again with a guarantee of 225 eet, We hope them success. Mr. J. R. Southerland, Jr., visited Camp Grimes at Raleigh Sunday and reports a glorious time. vere. It was the heaviest heard in this section for quite a while. We can't imagine DRwey's boms bardment of Manila's forts and fleet could have been more se vere. If the bombardment of a city causes its occupants to feel as helpless as does a severe thun der and electric storm, i such as Sunday night's, we don't won der that it would be an easy ac complishment to take a city. Mr. Frank Bennett, of the 'Northeast" section, was in town Saturday and upon being asked by some of his friends how his Cuba and the battleship Maine '.crop was, said it was nice where showed at Martin's Hall Monday night, and from general reports it was quite a farce. Mrs. Alice Hicks and child left Friday for her home at South Boston, Va. She has been visit ing Mrs. Claude Sum merlin for several weeks. Messrs. F. F. Jordan and Tobe Suuon made the trip to Newton Grove Sunday on their bicycles. They both rede Crescent wheels, therefore returned on schedule time, making 45 miles in about hours. While at his farm Monday Mr. J. R- Bell in some mvstericus way got among poison oak or cow itch vine, and his nose and eyes are very rruch swollen. His many friends hope ho may soon be well and that no serious re sults will follow his misfortune. The thunder and electric storm of Sunday night was very sea the bill bugs had not destroyed, but that they had greatly dam aged his and all the rice and corn crops on the "Northeast." His friend asked him why be did not sprinkle Paris Green around and over his rice and corn wherever they were damaging it so bad. Frank here stated to his advising friend that just five years ago ha caught a lot of these bill bugs and put them ia a bottle of spir its of turpentine, and he had taken them out Saturday and that they had just died in fact, they were eyen then warm, and that the only effective way to kill one was to crack him with a hammer like you would with a hickory nut. Tho adult scalp should be thoroughly washed 03oasicnal.y to remove the oily particles, then apply HaU's Hair Re newer to give the hair a natural color. Paris Green at J. drug store. R. Smith's JNO. Ii. SMITH, Druggist. 3 JO. H. SMITH. Druggibt. MT. OLIVE, N. C. FREMONT, N. C. When in need of drugs, etc, call at iny drug store in Mt. Olive or Fremont. where you will find a full and weLI-soloetod stock of patent and proprietary medicines, drugs and druggist's sundries. Quadruple extracts, perfumes, sachet powders, etc. Toilet articles; toilet and medicated soaps; laundry soaps, potash and lyes, powders; celluloid and common startches; lamps, chimneys and burn ers ; mineral and cotton wicks. Mixed paints, leads, oils and varnishes; glass -, putties, etc. Jewelry, watches, clocks, etc.: Crescent bicycles and kew Home sewing machines and many other specialties too numerous to mention. Thanking you for your liberal patronage of the past and soliciting a con tinuance of the same, I remain, Yours most respectfully, xJ no. R- Smith, Tha Druggist, Mt. Olive, N. C. t7 . w"- S Bicycle Lanterns. I have a very nice stock of lanterns now and if there is a wheel in town with out a lantern, now is the time to secure one at a small cost. Prices $1 and up. Guaranteed all nickle plated and warranted, See tho new boll: 7) ROSS I. GIDDENS, s. . ) At Gid den's Jewelry Store Open Tnrouariouf the Year. t Ml .v sr. a 1 e' . . . -r -?f If M mWt m ;7---I . . 7 - jj-rV-V jp''777"- y' " " i '"' - H -j, ------ The bulletin face is the latest addition to the stock of the caricaturist. A Real Catarrh Cure. The 10 cent trial size of Ely's Cream Balm which can be had of the druggist is sufficient to demonstrate its great merit. Send 10 cents, we will mail It. B'ull size 60c. ELY BROS ., .56 Warren St., K . Y. City. Catarrh caused difficulty in speaking and to a great extent loss of Rearing. By the use of Ely's Cream Balm drop ping of mucus has ceased, voice and hearing have greatly improved. J W." Davidson, Att'y at Law, Mon mouth, 111. . - - - Thousands of sufferers from grippe have been restored to health by One Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures couchfl, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe', asthma, and all throat and lung diseases J. H. Hill & Son Golds boro, and John Jti. Smith, Mt. Olive. WHN NATURE Needs assistance it may bo best to render it promptly, but one should re member to use even the mot perfect remedies only when needed. The best and most simple and gentle remedy is the Syrup of Figs, manufactured, by the California Vig yrup Company, : Don't bewail the price of flour when cornbread is pleanty and cheap. One of the best evidences that Ayer's Hair Vigor is an article rf exceptional J merit Is the fact that the demand for it is constantly increasing. Ifo one who usos this incomparable dressing thinks of trying any other preparation for the ba&r. jgp luuu ones ffiiy gj Most Delightful Seaside Resort on "Atlantic Coast Summer soason May 15th to September 1st. LARGEST BALL-ROOM IN THE SOUTH. SUPERB STRINGED ORCHESTRA 6c BRASS BAND. CSSurf and still-water batking, sailing, fishing, dancing, bowling, billinrds and pool, tennis hunting, and many other attractions. For further information and PETTYJOHN BROS., Pfopa. descriptive booklet, address - MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. 5 Lead ers From Our Shoe Department. Leader No. 1. Is the "Midway" (Juliet style Oxford). Elastic sides, patent leathor trimmings something pretty and stylish. Only $2.25. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. A handsome ''Cloth Top," Oxford Tie, patent leather tip, medium coin toe. Strictly up to date. $2.25. Is the prettiest Oxford Tie in tho city. Best quality of French kidj tip of the same. Fewest stylo and a spocial bargain for $2,2 . Is OUr $1.50 Oxford Tie 8 stylas, in black and tans, coin or needle toes. Extra Value for ' , $1.50. Is'a record breaker. New style coin too, Tan Oxford Tie, "lor $1.00 Only a few pair left. Mi (fSTEX & (fOTiPANY.

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