4 ;-, i 4 n in if 1 1 .:; I.! X A Democratic NewsDapar, JOS. JE. ROBINSON. WHILE COAL IS KING. The question of supplying coal to war ships is not even second in importance to a supply of shot, shells and powder. The modern warship does not carry a stitch of sail, and the quantity of cord con summed rises with the speed de manded. Increased speed is the result of increased draught in the furnaces, and increased draughts means increased consumption of coal. Bat, warships have small coid carryicg capacity. Even such a ship as the Oregon cannot take on mor3 than 1,300 to 1,350 tons at a time, and the gunboat.can take from 200 tons down to 100 tons. It is so in all navies in the Spanish navy as well. None of the Spanish ships can take more than 1.2C0 tons,, and if any, of them at tempted to steam across the At lantic at the rate of fifteen knots an hour every pound of coal would be consumed before ar riyei. They can cross at a speed cf tan knots, 'and have some left upon arrival here, but uone of them ?ould have enoujrh left to carry them back to Spain. The Alphonso XIII, Spain's largest cruiser, would burn 1,000 tens, if she steamed across at a. speed of fifteen knots, and she cannot car ry that much coal. The Pelayo, her largest battleship, would consume 800 tons, steaming at tiie rate cf ten knots, and she could not return without coaling, Whea Porto Rico is closed to Spanish ships, Spain has no base of fuel supply on this side of the sea; England will not sell her coal for vrarlike purposes, nor will Denmark at the island cf St. Thomas, and she is practically debarred from coming here, un- Com responds readily to proper fer- tilization. Larger crops, fuller ears and larger grain are sure to result from a liberal use of fertilizers containing at least J actual rotas. Our books are free to farmers. ' - GERMAN KALI WORKS, S3 Nassau St., New York. " BTRON ON SPAIN. Cruisers at St. Thomas. St. Thomas, D. W. I., May 15. The United States auxiliary cruiser Sb. Louis sailed from here this morning, going jn a wester ly direction. The United States cruiser Montgomery arrived here at, 7 o'clock, in oirder to take coal on board. The thir&class French cruiser Admiral Rigault de Genouilly, which was at San Juan de Porto Rico during the bombardment of the forts at tliat place by the fleet of Rear Admiral Sampson on Tuesday morning, left there at about noon yesterday and ar rived here this morning. She re ports that the inhabitants of San Juan de Porto JRico fled to the country immediately after the fLrir.g began, women and children being trampieda'jpon in the mad scramble for safety. . As the crew of the French cruiser remained on board their ship the j cannot say anything in regard to the exact condition of affairs ashore. But they claim one shell exploded in a school house, hilling a number of chiN dreu, wills another shell demol ished ti.a house of the command ant of marine of San. Juan de less iadeed she can come here in ( Porto "-Rico. The parts of the city In "Childe Harold," Here all were nobles save nobility; None hugged a conqueror's claim save fallen chivalry. Such be the sons 'of Spain, and , strarge. the f ate They fight vfor freedom who were never free! - . A kingless people for a nerveless state. Her vassals combat when their chieftains flee, True to the veriest slaves of treach ery, Fond of a land which gave them naught but life, Pride points the path that leads to liberty, Back to the struggle, baffled in the strife, ; '. War. .war is still the cry war even to the knife! Ye who would more of Spain and Spaniards know, Go read whate'er is writ of blood iest strife; Whate'er keen vengeance is urged -on foreign-foe Can act is acting there against man's life! From flashing scimitar to secret knife, " War moldeth there each weapon to his need, So many such foes reserve the most remorseless deed! Flows there a tear of pity for the dead? Look o'er the ravage of the reek ing plain; Look on the hands with female Slaughter red, Then to the dogs resign the un buried slain; Then to the vulture let each corpse remain. Albeit unworthy of the prey bird's maw, Let their bleach" d bones and blood's unbleaching $tain Long mark the battlefield with hid eous awe, Thus only may our sons conceive the scenes we saw. within range of the forts suffex-ed the mo st. The officers of tho French ship force sufficient to raise the block &de of either Havana or San Juao. No country can safely fight far away from its fuel sup-f say they do not know how many p!y, Icst of all Spain. A brief I persons were killed during the study of the coal question shows j bombardment, but they express how hazardous it would be to j the opinion that the number was seed to tnis side ol the sea a (grjall. cruiser to harass our ports or de I have been a sufferer irorn chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have used all kinds of medicines for it At last I found one remedy :hat has been a success as a cure, dnu that is Cham berlain's Colic. Cholera an Dirrhoea Remedy. P. E. Grisbnm, Gaars Mills, Ihfl TOTsrlnm rf trio hnmharrlmfint. La. For sa'e by M. K. Robinson & On the sotber hand, they s ay tho number of persons woun ded is very larse. The officers of the French cruiser also criticise tached ships, when that; cruiser has no place at which its bunkers can be Siied. It is impossible. The nervous fears of coast peo ple -.vCiUla an:cJv oisncear it - 0 theyvould ascertain both the! ouilly waa injured by pieces of coalcarrymg capacity of Spa-!sbc11 exploding during the kbom- The farmer, the mechanic and tho bicycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. De Witt's Witch Hazel (Salve is the best thing to keep on hand. It heals quiculy, and is a well-known cure for piles. J. H. Hill & Son, Goldsboro, and Joiin Jtt. Bmitn, Mt. Olive. What seems delai in tne inva sion of Cuba may be criticised by the- unknowing, but there are worse things than killing time. DANGER to which trie Expectant Mother is Cixosed and the foreboding and - i - , r arena wun wnicn sne iooks lor ward to the hour of woman's severest trial is appreciated by but few. All effort should be made to smooth these rugged places in life's pathway for her, ere she presses to her .bosom her babe. MOTHER'S FRIEND allays Nervousness, and so assists Nature that the change goes tor- ward in ad easy manner, without such violent protest in the way of Nausea, Headache, fc.tc. uloomy forebodings yield to cheerful and hopeful anticipations she passes through the ordeal quickly and without pain is left strong and vigorous and enabled to joyously pertorm the high and holy duties now devolved upon her. Safety to life of both is assured by the use of i Mother's Friend," and the time of recovery shortened. "I know one lady, the mother of three children, who suffered greatly in the birth of each, who obtained a bottle of 'Mother's Friend' of me befor. her fourth confinement, and was relieved quickly and easily. All agree that their labor was shorter ana less pamtui." John G. Polhill, Macon, Qa. Horses and Mules TIME OR CASH: $1.00 PEE BOTTU3 at all "Drag Stores, or seat by -mail on receipt of price. PHflK Containing invaluable information of UUUnW aQc,fr ... oil urninnn -will w HPnl: tn FREE any address upon application, by H. A. Tucker. R. D. Tucker TUGKER'S Granite i and Marble Works. ILJiji ml Tha Admiral Ri-rault de Ge- ish warships, and their coal con. sumiLg capacity, and also their opportunities for filling bunkersi ia A.Trien waters. Coal is kiug in tl i- war. Wind was employed ia 1S1", but cow-a-days wiod is valueless except ia the furnaces, whe.-e it Iead3 to en increased consumption of coal. eg fi jr; jj mrB Restore fan, regular action m fl ft of the bowels. lo not irri- fe-Ws B K tate or :i.:Sanie. but- leave I 1 it 1 all the dnlicate digestive or- pjnisni in perfect conti:tioii. Try th-?m. 2" p-uta. Vrepared only by C I. Uood Co., iowell, 31s Bjy your bunting before the rush begins. The rush will be fully due wben Havana falls, and the boys come marching home. The war does col release ar-y citiz3ii from his duty to his neigh bor, namely, to keep his back yard microbe-proof. Should the war be over before the State troops are needed, if they don't gather any extra lau rels, they've the satisfaction of knowing their wives won't bo wearing weeds. Their fleet al the Philippine ; was regarded as a kind of security , but then, all kinds of Spanish se -curiiies are going down now. ' Thosa who are findiag fault with the way the war's being run are not a!or;o. It's very likely it's not being run to suit the Span iards either. bardmeut and har rigging was cut. Yv'heu the French cruiser left San Jur.n ds Porto Rico its inhabitants were beginning to re turn to the- city. The most strict censorship over telegraphic mes sages is abserveu at the capital of Porto Pico. Tho United States cruiser Mont gomery is expected to leave here tc-night bo join the fleet. Her des tinuiioa 7 s said to be Key West. The United States auxilary cruiser Yale, formerly the Amer ican I-i ne steamer Paris, has also called ' nere and it is undesiood she wil cJ ear with the Montgomery for JI ev West. t$ro.. and Miller's Pharmacy, iD Golds boro, and by Jno; R. Bmith at Mt. Olive Calling a cheap cigar after Dawey reminds us thit whiie Manila is famous for tobacco it also furnishes rope. Dealers in all kinds of Granite and Marble Monuments, Headstones, Iron Fencing, etc. Designs on Application H fl- TucKer & Bro- GOLDSBORO, N- C. and Wilmington, N.C. Th3u?ar.ds of sufferers from grippe have been restored to health by One Minute Couh Cure It quickly cures couehs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, erippe, asthma, and Jill throat and fung diseases J. H. Hill & on Golds boro, and Joha WR. Smith, Mt. Olive. Up to date San Juan has suc cessfully defied the bomdarding fleet of punsters, fresh frorr wallowing in their triumph ovei "Dawey." 1 Seekeiis after: Gold know they any be disappointed but seekers alter aealth t jke Hood's Sirsaparilia with die utmost confidence that it vijill do f.fcem wonderful good. , Hood's Pills are the only pills to ake with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy, j pet efficient. Whatever the relation between the two things might seem a fire- eater is not necessarily a bright j talker. 1 Prevention better than cure Tutts Liver Pills will not only cure, but if j u y a ism u V inrr"v Children like it, it saves their lives. v 'AlTg-cA mWWmH We mean One MinuteCough Cure, the fUf. Z, infallible remedy for coughs, colds, V L-Unt.y:i'!X' J-' croup, bronchitis, grippe. and all throat " r, -Xt-J and lung troubles. J. H.Hill & Son, t .. fi't tewmt-sgdtf rldsboro and John K. Bmith Mt. Eu3 E3TFI-. BaiS A Smm Sat I uNSC !H S J UST aS cood for adults. GAi.ATii, n.rs., Nov. 1G, 18S3. . I t t -3 tnren : We &14 lost .year. M bottles ol IG-TC 'VS'S TAl'TUI-E.S (JJJlXJ-t 'lOM'J ana ttm I ... .... !rei!,h ihiavfiir. In allorjex taken m time will prevent f? raiSntMrS. s cr sale Dyauarusiffisis vmj' &iti John R. Smith at Mt .Olive. dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, tonstipation, jaundice, torpid, fiver and kindred diseases. TUTT'S Liver PlLLi 5 ABSOLUTELY CUBE. P 'FS.K EOYETTE, No woman knows man till she gets married, and no woman knows men afterwards. M, L. Yocum, Cameron, Pa., save: "I was asufferer for ten years, tryinp most all'kinds of pile remedies, but witaout success. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve was recommended to me, I used one box. -It has effected a permanent cure " As a permanent cure for piles DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has no equal." J, H, Hill & Son, Goldsboro, and John R. Smith, Mt. Olive.- Dentist. I Office in Borden building, over Bizzelif tii 06, t.o.-s dry goods slxre GOLDSBORO, N. C. For Sale. The desirable Henry Miller r ideue3, corner George ar dOak -streets. The valu ' able II. P, Dortch farm, .near the city. The Bonitz . plantation, near Dudley -. Easy payments. B; ig bargains. F "I ' FHmnndsorL J Jieal Estate Agent. q 2go j'n Ft B, Edmundson's store. Commissioner's Land Sale. By virtue of an. order of the the Su perior Court of Wayne county, in an action in which Guilford Hardy Liovett et als, were plaintiffs, und W. H. Mitchell, et als, were defendants, we, the undersigned commissioners "will sell at the court house door id Golds boro, at 12 o'clock m., on tfee 1st Mon day in Jane, 18S8, it beini the 6th day 3f said month, the following real estate: The tract of land conveyed to W. H. Mitchell by deed of Henry - Mitchell and Barbara Mitchell, of date Nov. 15th, 1882. and described as follows: Beginning , at a stake id the road , and in Louis Gulley's line, and runs South 2, West 96 .poles to a etake, thence N. 76 W. 55J poles to a bUick gum; thence N. 88 , W. 70 poles to a etake; thence N. 2, E. 66 poles to a pine, thence" 72 poles to a stake in. the lane, tnehee with said lane N. 5, E. 21i poles to a stake in the road, thence with said road E. 46 poles to tha beginning, con taining 58 acres, more or less. -FT A. Difniels, , ' v W. C. Monroe, This April 20th, - Cpinmiesioners For Mothers! npEE discom- 1 forts and . tirely i Wine of Cardui' relieves ex pectant moth ers. It gives toneto the gen itarbrgans, and puts them in condition to do their work perfectly. That makes preg nancy less painful, shortens labor and hastens recovery after child-birth. It helps a woman bear strong healthy children. --dangers ot I cr-wv. child-birth can fci 4A be almost en- ffSfJlh avoided, 'si. v t -fiv , S St i ' 2, . M T Vl A large display of them, SAM'L COHEIR & SOl. Stables near Graded School, Goldsboro, N. C Special Prices! In order to make room for our NEW SPRING GOODS, and while our buyer is at the North making purchases, Ave have inaugurated for the Next Ten Days, Sweeping Reductions . Throughout our entire stock of Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats, No tions, Gents' Furnishings, Etc. Of course we cannot sell you goods unless you call, and when you come we will convince you that for price and quality we lead. BIZZELL BROS. & CO. GOLDSBORO, N. C. MOORM ROBNSON XJ NDRRT A.KRRS. Established in 1880. Established in 1880. Qiality and prices guaraataed as. low as the. lowest. We build Buggies, Wagons and Carts to order, and will repair your vehicle in a workman-like manner at satisfac tory prices. Call and get our prices before going elsewhere. Mr. Allen Moore, of the firm, has moved his residence to the dwelling: ad joining our place of business, (on "the south side), where he can be found both jnigbt and day when not in tne snop. Jo Ian Street. Opposite Baptist -GhurG M EIREE'5 FERTILIZERS 9 2,ooo Tons Prolific Cotton Grower This grade of guano, so favorably known, analyzes this ear even higher than before.) 500 Tons Prolific Guano For Tobacco (A new brand, just out on the market, of exceptiona high grade, for which we s licit a trial.) J p x i 1,000 Tons Gribbs high grade guano. 00 Tons Carolina Golden Belt, 00 Tons Farmers' Favorite Fertilizer 1,$00 Tons H. Weil & Bro.'s .Genuine German Kainit, (our own im portation.) 2,000 Tons Cotton Brand high-grade Acid 00 Tons Bone and Potash. r tfor the j announ None of these goods need anv introduction nor3 met --d- commendation. Their previous purchasers are our beerday and salesmen. py of coal Orders from dealers and large consumers11 official especially solicited. je Oregon burnishers to Gentlemen. Sampson. H. WEIL & BROS. Ef They banish pain ,7 ONE and prolong life. GIVES RELIEF. Sl on1 ah ry Mfa has also brought happiness to thousands of homes barren for years. A few dosesoften brings joy to loving hearts that long for a darling baby. No woman should neglect to try it for this trouble. It cures nine cases out of ten. All druggists sell. Wine of Cardui. Ji.qo per bottle. For advice In cases requiring- special directions, address, giving- symptoms, the " Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatta nooga. Tenn. Mrs. LOUISA BALE, of Jefferson, Ga., says: When I first too Wine of Cardui we had been married three years, but could not have any children. Nine months later 1 had a fine girl baby." - Execution Sale. By virtue of judg ments in my 'hands, issuing from the Superior Court of Wayne county, in favor of H. Weil & Bros, against John E. Cox, and J. J. Cox, administrator of Silas Cox, against John E. Cox, the undersigned wilL sell at public auction, for cash, at the court house door in Goldsboro, on Monday, the 6ih day of June, 1898. the interest, being- an undivided one-fifth, of sa,id John E. Cox in and to the fol lowing tract of land, situate in Wayne county, to-wit: Bounded on . the north, east and west by Neuse river, and on the south by the lands of the heirs of Axie Woody, deceased, and' entirely surrounded by ?aid river and said lands, concaining two hundred (200) acres, more or less, and known as tbe Silax Cox land. - - B. F. SCOTT, Sheriff. May 7th, 1S9S. ' Notice. c H aviDg qualified as administrator of the estate of Sarah J. Jinnett, deceased, all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present 'uhem for payment by the 23 day cf April. loH, or tins notice will toe pleaded in bar of their recovery; and ail persons indebted to said estate-are requested to make immediate Day meat, GEO. II. GR4NTHAM, i , . " Adm'r. Allen Dortch, Atty's. - April 23, '98. : Geo. E. Hood, GOLDSBORO, N. C. ' e-Prompt attention given to bua Eetsantrueted to my care. t. ' - ,3,' ' .... j , ; " -' - v- ... The Peerless ORLOFF. The Russians are noted the world over as Tea Drinkers. Tea is the national beverage. The Orloff Forinoosa Oolong has the high quality. the strength and the flavor, the stimulating energy which they desire and . approve. There is remarkable Life Giving Power in it. It warms the blocd of the drinker like old wine. It pervades the body with a genial glow. It quickens the mental faculties. Harmless and unintoxicating, it is nevertheless highly stimulative and nutritous. If you like a tea of the very highest quality. Do not fail to ask for Orloff. But remember that Orloff Tea is a true Formosa Oolorjg Blend, and should be bought only by those wrho love the peculiar lilac flavor which always accompanies the genuine Formosa Tea. i No matter what the matter is, one will cL ou good, and you can get ten for five cents. A new stylo paefeet eoirtalnlne TEW EtPi jrs tabclks in a paper carton (without glass) ti now for ml at soraedru stores for fivb cents. This low-priced sort is intended for the poor and the economi cal. Ouo dozen ot the aro-cent can on. ( 120 tabulea) can be had by mail by lending forty -eieht cent! 1 i he H it i frPEATff Ell THAT CURES si- r3. TV -Gem "What the great Koh-I-Noor Diamond is to the eye, the Ko-hl-Noor Te.a is to the taste. "What Victoria's finest jew el is to ilie crowns of the world, the famous Koh-I-Noor English Breakfast Blended Tea is to the tables of the country. Its color is royal in the cup; it has a body like rich wine when pressed from the grape. Its aroma, when steeped, pervades the house like an incense; its flavor lingers in the mouth, when drunk, like a pleasant memory in the mind. Do not forget that Koh-I-Noor is an English Breakfast Blend, and should not be bought save by those' who like the taste and flavor of an English Breakfast Tea. J&aT"Let us know your wants and we can supply them to the letter,' as I carry by far the best assortment to be found in the city. Yours for something good to drink. -. I. B. FONVIELLE. Knowledge and skill are now at your service. Diseases once pronounced incurable now treated and cured at home. Every invalid applying is guaranteed the personal attention of Dr. Cowden. The most modern, scientific and cur ative methods in the world. Thousands cured. For three years Doctor J. M. Cowden has enjoyed the reputation of having cured more people by his mild, scientific modern methods of medi cation than any other physician in the City of Washington. This is not the result of accident, nor is it a popular fad, but it is altogether depend ent upon seventeen years of hard study and research. He personally con sults with his assistants over two hundred patients every day. He treats only a few diseases, and the results are almost miraculous. His specialties are Npse, Bowels, Rheumatism. Throat, Elood, Skin Diseases. Langs, Deafness, Asthma, Stomach, Consumption, Cataract. Upon request, will send a short, readable article, explaining Doctor Cowden's theories and treatment of disease. This is of great value to those who are sick, and of interest to those who are well. CONSULTATION FREE. WRITE TO HIM. Address J.M. COWDEN, M. O. ,715 13th St. N.W., Washington, O.C. Tfl III Unl 'Dr. Cowden's words of advice to all men. vounff. middle-aired and old. IU nut ISIUili are worth their weight in gold, and can be had for the uking. i 5 Fer llizer "We wish to announce to our customers and the farmers generally that we have arranged to sell the following brands of fertilizers: North Carolina Official Farmers' Alliance Guano. N. C. Official Farmers' Alliance Acid Phosphate. Meadow's All-Crop Guano. Meadow's Dissolved Bone and Potash Compound Genuine German Kainit. These are all high - grade goods and will be sold unreasonable prices for cash or on-time, to responsible parties. . tlood 8z Britt Special. Wheels! Wheels! Wheels! Spring Goods arriving daily. Big j COC CMft $Kfl For cash or bargains in every department. s on snort time 12 or AS Rolls Straw Matting. ' '. . Must be sold to make room. Corsets. Corsets. .Thebest 50c corset in Goldsboro.- Higher grades, 75c. $1 and $1.2$. Youra, anxious to please, ? . . ' . .-' .'- : ' :' ' . : . ' you Want fl coot stove? DO Ml Brylcs a ': f A T!io 0.-sni f.l t.-.-.r tb!, ,v Tiddo-JT'k. Ucwara .rhi? of liui'ationa. A " t 1 ' f jr. If so, be sure to call and examine our line, among which is the old re liable "MONUMENTAL," a Stove that everybody knows, and nobody ever speaks of except in words of praise. Then cornea the "GARLAND" line, manufactured by the Michigan Stove Company, the largest makers of stoves in the world. The oven doors are lined with alluminuui, which will not pop or crack, leaving crevices into which grease or other foreign substances may lodge, as in many other stoves, but will still remain intact and can be washed wltn warm water and made as bright and as clean as when new; in fact, their good points are so many it is too expensive to enumerate them here. Come and see us! - See our 0.50 OAKLAND. We carry many other stoves in stock, rangiug in price froni $ 7.60 up. 1 mm WW (iOLDSBOKO. N. c. Smith & Yelverton. QTJTGK DHS8ERTS AS" EXCELLENT DINNERS ' Caa he easily obtained by using'our Plum Pudding, Delicious . Cherries . . Fancy Peaches, Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, Pine Apples, Pork and Beans, " Genuine Columbia River Salmon, Deviled Crab, Boned Chicken an& Ttirkejr Those goods are the best money can buy, but the prices will please you. 1 -BIZZELL BROS &6C0,, Grocers, V IT TTfcTFh TIP