A Democratic Newsoaser. THE POWERS OBJECT. SHAFTER'S REPORT. SPAIN SUES Foil PEACE. JOS. E. KUiiilOK. SBU8CKIFTIOS PRICE; (In Advancef T A TT."V ARftTTS. Otio copy, one year $5.00 Spain Grasps At The Straw One copy, six month.3. . One copy, three months. Said to Be the Latest Phase of n (Jives Detailed Casualties of the Philippine Question As American Army at Santiago. to Making the Islands an - Total Number 1,595 American Annex The Cabinet Will Consider it on Friday. Telegraph to The Argus. Washington, July 27. The has sued .2.50 . 1.52 Tribute to Living and Dead Spanish government I r . .... . 1 . l i. ior peace, not muireuuy turougu the great.powers of Europe, but One copy, one month 50 I By Cable to The Argus. Hong Kong, July 26. The re- tfVEEKLY ARGUS. . peated telegraphic reports re- One copy one year In advance M.dU Enrnnf-an can- One copy six montns m aavamro i r - One copy three months in advance 25. it . t he effect that all the Powers have agreed that Amer- By Telegraph to The Argus. Washington. Julv 26. Gen I 1VTrT"inloTTv Tha nrnnncitinn Shatter's detailed report of -j. - American casualties in the bat- by a direct .appeal to President was formally submitted to the Presi- I riant, cit. throa ' n'rlrtr TrocfcorHsi.TT tie of (Santiago has been received J J aiternoon Dy ine v renca Amoas- sador, M. Jules Cambon, who Entered at the Post (ffice at liolds boro, N. C. as Second-Class Matter GOLD3BORO N O.. JULY 23. 1898, American Itule in Santiago. The government of Santiago is a military government. It is a government by the conquerors, .who arc Americans, not Cubans. Ijen . Uraicia auu uia ucu rawcuj think that they conquered Santia. fro. but General Shatter and President McKinley thought dif ferently. Tbe Cuban junta have concluded to think as Gen. Shaf- ica shall not annex the Philip pines have had the effect of great ly arousing activity at the Span ish headquarters in this city. - These encouraging reports are being hastened to the Gov ernor of Manila. at the War departmenc and is being prepared for publication. It shows the total number of I casualties to be fifteen hundred and ninety-five. The recapitulation of the re port places the American casual ties as follows: Killed, 22 officers and 208 enlisted men; wounded, had received instructions from the Foreign Office to deliver to the United btates government the tender of peace formulated by the Spanish ministry. At the conclusion of Che conference ben tween tue President and the Attempts to buy the capture 18Q officerg and 1;2fJ3 m m- I French Ambassador, the follow- or procure the death of Aguinal- do. the insurgent leader, haye been renewed with vgor. Wildman is beginning to show the effects of the great strain to which he has been subjected. He avers that he is being har iog official statement was issued from the White House: 'The French Ambassador, on behalf of the Government of ferVent Spain, and by direction of the of Foreign ing, ol men. Tne missing are supposed to have been killed, as the Spanish took no prison ers so far as is known. The report pays a trihnt.o to thf, valnr nf t.h living 0PU,8U and the dead in arms befere San- Affairs' PreseQted-to the Presi terand President McKinley do, rassed by Spanish spies and is ti8Jf0 re-counting the difficulties dent yesterday afternoon at the and have instructed the Cubans . at much annoyed by the persistency t- Encountered and the White Huuse a message from Santiago to think so. too. The of volunteers who. are eager to achievements they accomplished. tne P1?1 Government looting Cubans will not be apt to giye jom the American forces now at further trouble. Their chief de- ta'e Philippines. sire relates to rations. Ihuy The German ship Petrarch left would like to loot waatever the ths port thU morn'ing with sup- nlies for the German fleet at Ma- i . A-i-.T rii sire, will not do gruuueu. jia President's proclamation very KtIrtl.r nninta fr lrrntp. orflfir ard peace. As city after city Spanish Glad to Surrender. comes into our possession mititary America's Greatest Medicine is Hood's Sarsaparilla, , Which absolutely. to tne termination of tne war, and the settlement of terms of peace. "I shall continue to patronize La Grange High 'School, and will unhesi tatingly and cheerfully recommend it Cnmr. (nv,n to mv friends, " says a patron. Write tvxjr luuv w. r xr Impure blood, from for Catalogue to LaQrahge, N. C. governors will be appointed, and military rule established, although local civil rule will be retailed. This will go on to the end of the war at least. The military gover- Will (Jufrkly Come to Cuba Un der the Protectorate ot the American Flag. Santiago, July 24. With the i, a a : nors win, oi coun, - exception of those at Quanta ; , namo all the Spanish troops conquered territory through mih- 1 to mor, . thhiRf of whom, within the area of territory indi- J , v j - ' I let us hope, will be Fitzhugh Lee. cated in Gen. Toral's capitulation A war traiff has been estab- have given up their arms and lished at Santiago that is equally surrendered to the authorities of significant of what: ia to come. J tn(, Tjnited Stales, This tariff is substantially the pri- TlltliV. . , , 1 iL. does staff, who. was aesignatea as me The pimple on your -Face to the great Scrofula sore which Drains your system. Thousands of people - Testify that Hood's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Catarrh, Rheumatism And That Tired Feeling. Remember this And get Hood's STATEMENT BANK OF WAYNE. Goldsboro, N. C, July 14, 1898.' RESOURCES. Loa as $269,004 3 Overdrafts 2,489.51 Bonds ...9,650.00 , S. Treasurer's receipt for subscription to bonds 10,000 RealEstae .......17.409.08 Due from banks. .. .54,776.02 Cash on hand 26.800 47 81,576 49 Revenue Stamps... 166 79 $39.),2yt5.50 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $125,000.00 Surplus 4O,C00.00 Undividedprofits.net 7.813.50 Dividends unpaid -15.00 Due depositors. .. 202,412 34 Cashier's- checks - outstanding. . . $9,405.63. Due to bauks. .. 5,650 04 15,055.66 $390,296.50 1, W. E. Borden, cashier of the Bank of Wayne, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief (Signed), W- E. Boedes, Cashier Correct attest: O Dewey, (Signed), Henry Weil, Henry Lee, ' Directors. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 14th day of July, 1898. Jno; W. Aycock, N. P, War. war i On High Prices! If you don't believe it, just come to see us, and be convinced that I am still the "HUSTLER" OF GOLDSBORO Come and see my stock of If steel Axel o pa am u Annuo self i mil. i iinuuiw, Greasers, o can be greased! without removing the wheel, and will run two months without further grease. Keeps itself well greased. Common Axel grease is used. Also have a full line of o LATEST STYLE BUGGIES o which are also Self Greasers, and will run from two to three months, with one greasing. Iveep a good supply oi o HORSES AND MULE.S. o sell everything for cash or on time. Geo. D. Bennett. ! Something Nice. Something) Reliable always. ) atcrmais . A beautiful line of , . . ' . t i . Waterman's Fountain 'rrf 'zvi' ... 7-ir " " , ' J Pens just received all the leading styles. Pretty holders: Considered the finest pi n made: Every one warranted: One price: write with these pens. It's a pleasure- to 4 I 4 4 i I. V Klectric. Cuokoo, Chimu Porcelain, Iron and Wood Clocks All Sorts. R. A. CREECH, JEWELER AND t.VuK.U 4- A FIoodTide Opportunity To Buy Diamonds, Watches, Fine Rings In all kinds of settings. Handsome and rich Jewelry, and manifold Souvenirs, at Marvelouly Low Prices. A Special stock ordered for the Fireman's Tour n i rxa o r r Engraving Free A nd every article Guaranteed Remember, this is a Special and rare stock, with a special man in charge, cream in less time, smoother, and with wml-a w"1 De exclusively corinnea to tne oays oi tae Tournament, less consumption -of ice than sny other, is the "RAPID." We are selling 1 hem from $1.0 to $4.75. We have a cheap line of freezers in stock ICE CREAM FREEZER on .the market, that will freeze your This Special Stock is Valued at $50,000. GOLDSBORO HARDWARE CO. Tin Rr.ofing and " Tobacco Flues a specialty." of Gen. Shatters pi' . 31i es Teiis the News. By Telegraph to The Argus. Washington, July 26 The War Department at 11:30 last night posted tha following: "St. Tbomas, July 26 9:35 p. m. Secretary of War, Washing- ten, D, C: Circumstances were such that I deemed it advisable to take the harbor of Guanica first, fifteen miles west of Ponce which was . successfully accom plished between daylight and 11 And only Hood's, o'clock. Spaniards surprised. The Gloucester, Commander HOBSON'S MISSION Wainwright, first entered the harbor; met with slight resist- Snain. but the United States - f ;r in'a shoos simnlv head of Commission to receive the V t- I ' . I . . Una. fii-ofl a faxnr clinte All t.lio she gives all the world the be- surrender of the Spanish m tne Will Bring About Enlarged r.ans t nefit of Spain's rates. Discnmi- outlying districts, has returned to Saye the Wrecked Ships nating rates, in omei vvuiu3, from the expedition and reports Washington, July 24. Lieu abolished and all the nations can that he has not had the least trou- tenant Hobson's visit is expected transports are now in the harbor and infantry and artillery rapidly going sshore. This is a well War is being waged on prices of all goods in the differentEdepartments con sisting of Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Hats, Shoes, 1 runks, Tinware, ITobacco, Snutf, Patent Medicines, etc. My terms are r strictly .cash. I sell too cheap to take risks. Fair and honest dealing in the future, as in the past, guaranteed to each customer. F, B. Edmundson. THE HUSTLER The ti- P- Dortcn Farm For Sale. This is a. flood tide opportunity of a lifetime. The public generally ai-e cordially invited to visit my store and inspect these goods, whether they buy or not July 26, 27. 28, 29. Same old Stand. Repairing a specialty and always prompt. D- Giddens, Two Specials For This Week. trade with Santiago on terms . . , a 1 r protected harbor. Water sum- equally advantageous. This will P'e m PUS " - to oring aoouc an enlargement oi ciently deep for all transports be a relief to the population ot iuevmuugi"iiWuD, ne piang ior saymg me opauisu and heavy vessels to anchor . .... .1.. ... .... I . . I eastern Cuba, and it wll show the giving up their arms noi oniy cruiser Cristobal Colon and some witbin two hundred yards of world that where stars and stripes without reluctance, but with a 0f tbe other stranded ships of the shore. The Spanish flag was r, - C I I I go there gyes lairness, n not iree- feeling Df reilef at the termination Cervera squadron. The depart- lowered and the Americau flag dom, of trade. JNeu.ral vessels hostmtieg Three thousand ment has already acted on the re- raised at 11 o'clock today. Cap ue uubuu, wWlBu x "B-l I. . v,o hoon tnrnorl . A ,1:1 C t.Jn ITincnn i.h W flBt. tma (lin nitTr to 1 1 1 arrn riO Trlf fPn I I I ira of trnd and aciivitv. But it over to the Americans. son, but these coming by mail and rendered I I .- . m - I . rrs - ul is no longer a Spanish or a Cuban Rich and influential plantation telegraph were necessarily lim- assistance, x roopa in goou naun port. It is an American port, owners declare that the fepamsh wmiu me uoiuFi 1UiUluja- ut Flilia u Viom'nrY imoriran tnriff sohfidnlps j i.-t linn bronchi bv Lieutenant Hob- - (bigaed) MILES uu iu 4- w u . rriioi'i i iuu mik i vii in 11:1 n hi n rnvi v i , , Attractive Goods. Are such as com bine good quality, good style and low prices. We call iatteni ion to genuineWlndsor Percales, pretty patterns in Organdies and Lawns, splendid Duck in white and - colors, Culored .Buntings, all shades, large line Ginghams, Woolen Dress Goods in Henriettas,Cashmeres, Flannels, etc. Black Brilliantines, Percales, Organdies and Lawns. B"Ladies' Slippers very low. Millinery . " a Specialty o. Racket Store. B. Cohen & Co., Props. an American All these are acts of sovereignty, and Santiago is as "and governed by military governor. and willing to work as zealou'sly son bosed on Phonal obserya- -Maj. Gen. Commanding Army." nuns huu au baii "me LaGrange Hign School, LaGrange, as they fought, and are of the conditions, enables the department n. C, offers students thorough in- much and American city to- opinion that prosperity will quickly L get a8 much more thorough struction in five departments, viz Business. Write for Cataloeue ' . -i. . I f v ..n.trv TOi'th non(o .u: Literary. Soientihc. Music, Art and -t r nt . - y-w -i rt - ."1 1 T rT L m nriin I I I ! I 1 1 III till. 1AM1 U Li V 11 i VU I 1 I (-1 J 111 I IIU Uf'MIlM 11 I IIIU U 1 Ml 7 K III U I UUJ US UJ UCL1 ajJUilUl rtLUHltt rf 1 t,uv uwn, " .J) Notice to Road Overseers. as Motile or Pensacola is. This under the American flag. project and the possibilities of must so on under the laws of war Th snTrfindsr of Guantanamo saving the ships, until The war is ended. . What ig of greater importance than at The Coloh is-lying on a ter- jf1 JSS congress will provide then no man first believed, as there are sta- raced beach, only about one-half J-'S can foresee. ,uw.j .?nm t,MM V,o crraat of her hul1 belDS on shore whlle the Sunervisors of their respective the other half is an overhang in I townships, by the first Saturday in - August next, as tney nave nereioiore xi, iias ueeu iouuu been required by law to ao M. Hi. UUAi tioned 7,000 troops, the s v no.1 rf mhnm arfl spa. F! ASHFS RY WIRE . , deeP water . . . . .. maiuiciiaiu ux tiio oiii C!h'm Roard Count v Corpl . .. - , . i .j rv tt 'I'ha nnmnncinncrs iprr. vp. i. . .. .. .1. : . - Gibralter, Julyb The rench - -j shore can be raised without much Goldsboro, N. u , July no, 'as. sighted Sunday off terday and upon their return irom difficulty, but the overhang ere Guantanamo the stated that the ate9 a problem, as it causes a bal surrender of the troops there ance of leverage which interferes fleet was Traffalgar. Boston, July 26. Lieut. Hob sou is in the citj in conference would be accomplished without l with th work of the hull ashore, the slighest trouble. " . lo meet this it is now proposed to adopt an ; eng'.neering scheme, on considerably broader lines than the usual 'wrecking di vices. H. A. Tucker. ' ' R. D, Tucker TUGKER'S ! Granite and Marble Works. with towboat companies. - - -f t -i- 1 r r w i i T luaaria, Juiy-o t is reported Spanlsh Troops Exported. that JUlSS bChiey, Who IS Said tO By Cable to The Argus. be seeking an interview with the v,auiz, ouiy xour beui- It win embiace a sy8tem r Qf air sion looking to Teace. has been aic x" l,uutuuuo . un ordered to leave Spain immedi: Santiago to transport surrendered neath tho overhang and gradually louoyiflg ic up unui me strain on troops to opam. , . , f - . .. - It is reported from Gibraltar He ved. In this way it is hoped that that the American Consul there the work of raising can proceed on the . overhang and on shore Queen on a self-constituted mis- ately. Madrid, ' July 26. Advices from Havana renort an eno-acre- J. 7 , J i - ment with"" insurgents at Jiseter ia , i .i -i i o i -u jj has issued papers to two steam as it wnicn tne opamsn lost o iLiueu r , . , . lt x. simultaneously and that . the big The insurant ers OI tne opiunsn . iransauanuc ,,-.. , , 1A " xne insurgent r steel hull thus can be brought to line, giving them safe conduct to I , , v , a . , and 13 wounded. leader was killed. Dealers in all kinds of New York, July 26. Surgeon convey to Spain prisoners of war There were many inquiries Granite and Marble General Sternberg arrived this J at Santiago. morning to personally investigate the charges concerning the con- Over $750,000. . - . o . . around the Navy Department to day for Lieutenant Hobson, but he had departed last night after his conferences with Secretary dition Of the trOOpS Xn the Seu- By Telegraph to The Argus, recca. He will fix the blame. j New York, July 26. The Long, and Commodore sHichborn, The mosq uito feet has outl ived 1 Olivette leaves this afternoon for of the, Construction Bureau. It is its usefulness ended. ... t j t m. T . r .1 r ThP Hnnnk is Santiago loaded with supplies. Poauie luat asiue nom I o XX ' - I ,. - . I 1 , ,, , , , i lieutenant 6 explanation oi tue J Iwi-pfkinfT p.Tnndition. he exnressed . ii u , . o 1 ' " - ttarrison uuty i .wen euuugu irons. n its way, but southern troops ' gLe carries over three quarters iid-rot volunte3r to do such . , ... t, - ,a of a miilioii dollars to pay to the work. , w.hiie northern troops r J were rus"Sed to the front. - troops. , . Monuments, Headstones, Iron Fencing, etc. Designs on Application. H ft- Tucker S Bro- the goldsboro, n. c. and Wilmington, N.C. Geo. E. Hood, his preferences on the qstion of ttoPI)ey At - TpW the line of promotion which the v . x Prosident'and Secretary Long GOLDSBOBO.IN. C. N t- O . . . PTrTr.r.TnTit attention ciTftn to htis- have in view for him. I ness Intrusted to my care. Notice. North Carolina, ) Superior Court. Wayne County, Before C. F. Her . ) ring, kj. o. kj. Sallie Pearson, Exerx. of Jonathan Pearson, dee'd. Plaintiff. vs. Philip A.- Pearson and William R. Pearson, Defendants The defendants above named will take notice that the above entitled proceeding is f on the pnrpose-of ob taining license to sell the real estate, situate in said county of Wayne, upon which the late Jonathan Pear son resided at the time of his -deatn, for assets to pay debts due by his estate, and that the said defendants are required to appear at the office of the clerk of said court, m the city of Goldsboro, North Carolina, at 12 o clock m., on the 30tu day ot July, 1898, and answer or demur to the complaint hied therein. This, the 16th day of June, 1898. C. F. HEKKIJSU, C. S. C. Notice ! Havina' tLis day qualified before the Clerk oi the Superior Court of Wayne County, ivorth Carolina, as adminis trator on the estate of Robert Combs, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make Davment, and to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned tor payiaeni cn or before the 6tfi day of Julv. 18S9, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. BWl fc'X li. KATE, l - A. dm. of RcbertXJoinhs, lecd. Greenleaf, N. C, July 6, 18 )' Administratrix's Notice. Savins Qualified as administratrix f the estate of IS. B. Stevens, dee'd, before the. clerk of Superior court ot Wavne countv. notice is hereby (riven to all persons indebted to the ectat bh said deceased to mane lmiueuiiiie yoy? ment, and to all persons haying claims against the said-estate, to present them to the'nhdersieTied on or before the 28th day of June, 1899, or this notice will be pleaded in bar or tneir recovery. . - SALLIE K. STEVENS, . Administratrix. Goldsboro, N. C, June 28.1898.' . y I have decided for a few days to sell this valuable tract of land in small one-horse farms. This lrnd is fine for truck, com, cotton, tobEcco, straw- 3 qc rancv nait-nose tor 2c. per pair, inev are a berries, and also several Lice piece?! . " for potatoes. Also a vineyard of about lot we closed out at $0c. on. the dollar, and ' give you nrtf J l i e ; . I This 1s valuable land and can be nut in I THC Deneilt. a paying condition with less money than any farm I know cf . Within two miles of the city. Al;o other lands and houses and lots for sale in the city . Office at F. B. EiJmundson's store, May be, seen from 8 to 9 a. m. and from 2 to 4 p. m. Ed. L. Edmundson. The man who sells Real Estate Washable Ties- A 2c. 4-in-hand at $ cents 2 for 2$ cents. A 10c. String Tie at 5 cents or 6 for 2$ cents. Other things at same reduction in price. A. A. Joseph. MALE OUTFITTER New Turnip Seed AND o Rata Baga Seed ! No Old Seed! All New and Reliable ! AT o Shannon's. SpeGials- Just received a nice assortment of Glassware. Also a full line of Window Shades, in all colors. Come and get cur prices. They will interest you. Faikener & ParkerrSeDedaier8. Under Opera House. Goldsboro, N. C. jylOtf Drs. John Williams Spicer, Physicians and Surgeons. Office over National Bank. GOLDSBORO, N. C. Offer their professional services to the public for the treatment of diseases of all kinds, and in general practice. Established 1880. . - Established 1880. MOORE & ROBINSON, UNDERTAKBRS. - & . kf 7T Vr fXvnf- 1. atr Bicycle Saddle For Sale at aBargain! Wood and Metallic Coffins and Caskets. Quality and prices guarantee! as low as the lowest. Buggy and Carriage Department. , j i i, ivr I wecuua Buggies, wagons ana uans 10 nraer, una -win repair jum A handsome, nickel-plate, double .... , - . s . . RHhififant.orv nrir.es. springs, bicycle saddle,of late patent, j Mr. Allen Moore, of iho firm, has moved his residence to the dwelling ad- 0,i crm'lor. r a "nin-n'atir" mmlfl I joir.jng our Place of busineds (on the south side), where he can De lound , t ,i e I 'oth day and night when tot in the shop, suitable for lady or gentleman, for Call and get our price3 before goiag els3where rt.l nf -rv-k rtniffo 11 V1 CJ lAC'T '' 11 Q 1 STANTON'S bicycle repair 'Totiti Street Oppostta Baptist GhurGtit SHOP, on East Centre Street. Dr. PR A Is K BOYETTE, Special Prices ! . Dentist. Office in Borden building, over Bizzell Bros. & Co.'s dry goods store GOLDSBORO, N. C A New Offer! .'. The undersigned offers his ser vices to the public to repair furni ture. Upholstering. Repair trunks and valises, and will do all kinds of odd jobs that need the services of a skilled workman. O. L. BAKER. Shop in rear of residence. -. In order to make room for our NEW SPRING GOODS, and while our buyer is at the North making purchases, we have inaugurated for the Next TenDays, Sweeping Reductions . Throughout our entire stock of Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats, No tions, Gents' Furnishings, Etc. Of courser we cannot sell you goods unless you call, and when you come we will convince you that for price and quality we lead. BIZZELL BROS. & CO. IOLDSBORO.iN. O. " ' PflsseiiflBrs Conveyed anywhere VW NfcAL A. UKAilAiYi. at any time, except Sundays -- - Sam. C. Eason An Experienced Blacksmith and Horse-Shoer, Deiey s Victory. For the speedy and permanent cure of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham? berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment, a without an equal. It relieves the xica -ing and smarting almost instant .tad its continued use effects a peitnanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching ,piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. . Cady's Condition Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 25cents. Soldby For sale by M..E. Robinson & Pro. and Miller's Pharmacy in Goldsboro, and Jno. Li. Smith at Mt. Olive. r - will have' charge of our Repair Department, on and after May 25 We solicit your patronage and . guarantee satisfaction. Full line of , A new and pretty march j Pi YriaiRobes. Metallic and Wood Caskets. nd two step Dy o. a. jrews, jr. i This march is fast becoming popular I eari'motiio lu.csuia. and can be had at the low price ot 25 cents at GOLDSBORO BOOK STORE G oldsboro Undertaking and Repair Company NcW Dental Rooi TJ ITlI V 17 S i ttj . LflRGBST- PnTRONflOE AND t FUbLBST EQUIPMENT IN ITS HISTORY.. Dr. Chas. W - Grainger Faculty, 38; Students, 508; Three Academic Courses; Three Elective Courses, Three Professional Schools in Law, Medicine and Pharmacy. Hascpe-ed a suit of Dental rooms over ADVANCED GLASSES OPEN TO WO ME, IN. the .National tsanK, on west (Jectre street, and offers his, services, to the public For Rent! Residence -rwith 6 rcoms. Good water. Splendid location, Possession given at once. Apply to jy25tf. A, U. KOrvNEQAY. TUITION S60 f YBflR. BOARD ft MONTH. Ample opportunities for elf -help. Scholarships and- loans for the needy. ' ' . ' ': - ' - . . - . SUMMER SCHOOfFOR TEACHERS . . ,-t' Twenty-four Instructors, 185 Students. : Total enrollment, 670. For catalogue, address, . - ' RESIDENT ALDERMAN, Chep! N. C

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