Thia Argtts o'er the people's rights, Doth an eternal vigil keep No soothinar strains of Maia'sson. Can lull its hundred eyes to sleep" Vol. XVII. GOIiDSBORO. K. C, THURSDAY AUGUST 18. 1898. 1STOG6 Royal nukes the food pure, , wholesome and delicious. m PGWDEfl Absolute! Purs WOVAL BAtfINQ POWTlH CO., tifW VOIW. OUR LOCAL OPTIC. Goldsboro and Vicinity HUtory in Brief; . tpltome of S lyings and Doings, wise and Otherwise, Kno Jown and linn in by Omnipresent Ubiquitous, Local "Grand liounds." The first open cotton boll of the season was laid on our table W da s lay from the farm cf ou townsman Mr. E. W- Cox; who is a progressive farmer, as well es a, hustling citizen. The death of Mr. Wiley Davis, who came here with bis family from Johnston county to work in the cotton factory, occurred las' wetk of paeumouia. He leaves a wile and nine children. His res mains were taken to Johnston to day for burial. At the regular meeting of the Justices of the Peace recently in Craven county, thirty-five answer ed to roll call aDd twenty-nine ot these were negroes. This is simp ly one county. This condition exists all over Eastern North Car olinina due to the late fusion Legislature, of odious memory. The Argus again has the pleas ure of noting the recognition and advance of Goldsboro talent. This time it is our young friend and townsman Mr. Willis J. Brogden, "who recently distinguibhed himself at the State University. He has been selected by Mr. Morson to assist him in his notd and pros perous school for young men in Raleigh. We regret exceedingly to chronicle the death of Mr. Ban. Whitley, which occurred last Thursday, of fever,at his home in New Hope township. He was a most estimaole youcg man, abou; 25 years of age; son of Mr. Jesse Whitley ot this city and a brother of Mr, John Whitley at Bizzeli Bros, dry goods store. Ht leaves a yuung wife, who is Xjso pros trated with fever. A youDg colored man, who ev idently knew his game, called a Maj. Hurtt's residence Thursday morning and told the maid that Maj. Hurtt said send his valise by him. The man doubtless knew that Mrs. Hurtt was absent from the city, and that the Major would not be home 'till evening, but did not know that the Major has no valise. He was told this at the home, and his little gam? was suspected, but he made off before he could be identified. Last night the Goldsboro Bak ery was broken into and a number of cakes and some candy was stol en. The money drawer was broken open, but, fortunately, the cash had been locked up in the saie uy ixr. rarnes oeiore closing the store for the night. As boou as Mr. Barnes discovered the breaking, early thie morning, he informed the police, and in an in credibly brief space of time they had tracked, shadowed and located the culprit, who proved to be the ungainly negro boy Solomon Manuel,-who. is a familiar loafer about the streets. He had- an ac complice, another negro lad, who turned States witness. They were both committed to jail this morn. ing, in default or bail, for their appearanceat the coming, term of court. Daily Argus, Aug. 11 Superior court wcs in sesf i uj last week at Snow Hiu, Judge Koblnson presiding. ''Tuesday of court" is always a big day in Greene, and last Tuesday Snow Hill would hardly hold the peos. Jple who gathered there to hear . - - . - . uuu - m i Rodolpb Duffy, Damocraticcandi date for solicitor of that district It is said Ih.aJ; their speeches were cheered to the echo and that they stirred- the Democracy of Greene- as it has never been be lore. iiiVen tiepuoiicans were - converted from their, hitherto assopiations and t reclaimed. Ibis- is no lemo cratic lie, The result at the polls va Lfreene next November wil tell how' thoroughly in earnest the good people . of tUat county are in tbeir determination to overthrow Russell-Butlerism in ... m t. .. .. I V - ; iorm jroiina ana save the SUte, The Board of Trustees of the Goldsboro Public schools met last Saturday and after due considera tion of all applications, Mr. R. E. Coker, formerly of Darlington, S. C, was elected principal of the white Graded school to succeed Prof. Sharp, resigned. While boring a well Thursday afternoon on the farm of Mr. E. B. Borden, the workmen were delighted to find the water gush ing forth- from the pipe and spouting in a bold stream five fee; above the ground. This is the first artesian well ever found in this section. The water is pure and cold. Mr. Borden's farm is on the edge of the city, and no doubt artesian wells can be found in various parts of the neighbor hood. Out of regard for the United States, as 'a Rome dispatch puts it, the Italian Government has given Colombia eight months' time to settle the Cerruti claim and Cartagena will not be bom barded. Regard for the United States is likely to be influential in international dealings here after. And it is agreeable to known that in extending our domain into the eastern hemis phere we have not abandoned our. care for the western. The Spanish-American countries are some times embarrassing wards, but it is a tradition that we will not let them be bullied and in this case a hint from Mr. Day that Italy had better not go too fast appears to have been sufficient. The attention of Gov. Russell, Commalider-iuChief of "the col ored troops," is called to the seeming laxity of discipline that prevails in their regard. During all the time the white troops were quartered in Raleigh it was the rarest thing to see one of them much less dozens of them traveling on the cars or loiter ing around railroad stations. Bui there is hardly a day that from several to a score or mote of ne gro soldiers are not seennon our streets and encumbering the rail road cars. What is the reason of this? We have the right to en quire, and the tax payers who carry the burden of these negro soldiers' pay have the right to know: but Gov. Russell may re ply by asking us if we ever stuffed a ballot box which we have never done. Hon. C.B. Aye ock leiurnedFr -day from Fort Barnwell, Craven county, where Thursday he spoke at a great Democr&tic rally, aad it is estimated that 2,500 people wera present. The Newbern Journal says that it was the best peech ever heard in Craven county, and that it so enthused and aroused the great crowd thao nearly if not quite every one present manifested their deter mination to henceforth vote the Democratic ticket. No truer say- og was ever promulgated thin Hibernal vigilance is the price of Liberty," Our people became ukewarm, many of them, and seme disgruntled on account of unsatiated desire for office, and indifference creot into our rauks. The consequence has been and is terrible to our State and people out iNovemoer s election is near at hand and our people are be coming daily mora united and determined to wm. THANK GOD FOR PEACE. Daily Argus of Saturday. The Protocal or preliminary agreement between the United Stales and Spain, which the re presentatives of the two nations, under due authority, signed yes1 terday in Washington, will have the immediate effect of suspension pf hostilities, and its ultimate ef fect will be Peace. It is cot equivalent to a forma treaty of peace, because msny o: the details of final settlement must be left for more elaborate consid eration, but it establishes the gen eral basis of settlement -and se cures the fruits of" victory to the United States. And all oyer this laud in the churches to-morrow, - as " in all hearts to-day, will go up to Jthe God of hosts fervent thanksgiving for peace and for victory. 1 The woman who Is I weak, nervous, tired and S exhausted ; who' has a f jj poor and variable appe- 'fjf-m! Gi l-,Le no ssrenjfta or, nerve; wno surrers irom cains and aches, dratr- g'mg down and burning sensa tions; and who recognizes, herself, that she has become irritable, cross, blue and de spondent, is la almost every case suffering from weakness ynd disease of the delicate and important organs that bear the burdens of tnaternitv. . Thousands of women suffer in this wa-r and do not reeogrniza the cause, or if they do understand their condition, neglect it rather than submit to the obnoxious exam inatiens and local treatment insisted upon by the average physician. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a wonderful medi cine for women who suffer in this way. It does away with the necessity for these try ing ordeals, and may be used in the tmvac-r of the home. It acts directly on the deli cate orarans concerned, and makes thnm strong, vigorous and healthy. It banishes the discomforts of the expectant period and makes baby's advent easy and almost pain less. It transforms weak , nervous, petulant invalids into happy wive6 and mothers. Thousands of women hava testified, over their own signatures, to this fact. The Favorite Prescription" mav be procured from any rood medicine dealer. Anvwom- n who will write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf felo, N.Y., may have the advice of an emin ent and skillful specialist without charge. Mrs. Cora SI. McLanrin. of Rockoort. Conlah Co.. Miss., writes: "I had displacement and nnaraniation of tne nterus. I was wilder the treatment of our family physician for a lonsf time, but received no benefit. I had falling of in ternal organs with ulceration and enlargement. I eoinmenced usitijj Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, ' Golden Medical Discovery,' ' Pleasant Pellets and ' Hxtract of Smart-Weed. From the first day 1 began to improve, ad in a short time I was able to do all my housework. If it had not been for your medicines I would hava been dead long ago." Stomach and liver troubles with elugeisk action of the bowels are cured by Doctor .fierce a Pleasant Pellets. horrible nightmare, an idiot's dream of government, a chapter in our State's history that future generations (if the white race- is preserved) will discredit as the vaporings of a fictionist fused by some flagrant inadvertency into the chronicles of our time. As the Charlotte Observer says, if we North Carolinians are indeed brethren, bound together by a' common tie, it is our duty to forget theoretically politics and unite not only for the rescue of communities like New Berne, Wilmington and Greenville from condition approaching anarchy, but to avert from ourselves pos sible calamities such as these communities are dootred for at least a time to endure. We must carry the Legislature this year, in order to give to the "people of these eastern communities and counties local governments under which they can live, and not only so. but to insure tnat we 01 tne west are not ourselves reduced to their condition. HATCH BROS. EXCLRSION. Another of Tbese Big Events on August 23, From Goldsboro to Norfolk, Old Point, Washington and Baltl- CHEAP ROUND TRIP TICKET. A CRY FR03I CRAVEN. Russell Uutlerlsm In the Some of Gaston, Ellis, Hawks and Manly, With the situation in Craven county, when the tax payer is not the equal, in the determina- lon of local government, of the negro roustabout on the docu; when the banker has 'less voice n ordering city improvements than his wood sawyer, and the farmer less control over his tax ssessmeuts than the man who rives hi3 mule, how can any white man be auything less than a white man aod rise up, declare and work and strive until this monstrous and iafamous incubus is removed? To ignore this situation, to let matters drift without any effort to overcomo the evils which ins fest city and county, means white slavery, the paralysis of property values and the cessa tion of development. No good citiz?u can be blind to he situation. The remedy is within reach, and it is this the union of all white men and their nterests, to preserve their rights of citizenship and their social, commercial and property rights. 1 he incubus of Russellism must be removed by the white men of Craven county. They can and will do it. New Bern Jour nal. rr--Vou Have Any disease due t impure or impoverished blood, likt scrofula, Balt-Theumdfspepsia, or ca tarrh, you should take Hood's Sarsa parilla and be promptly cured. , Hood's" Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, biliousness. 25 cents, . In Wilmington, also, which is ikewiss dominated by the Rus- selUButler combination, a like condiiion as complained of above xists and grows worse daily. From Greenville, over the signa ture of Gov. Jarvis himseif,comes a graphic report of the dire con dition of the good people of that town and section, dominated by Butler-Russellism . And so in almost every county in tne- liiast where fusion triumphed in the last election like conditions prevail; while in the administration of the affairs of State, the rottenness has be come so fearfully odoriferous as to, threaten the very life of the commonwealth These conditions are not the paintings of Democratic imagine ation: they are the creation of Russell-Butlerism, and are known of all men, Populists, Republi cans and Uemocrats. to exist throughout the length and breadth of North Carolina, It was not so when the Democrats had control of the State; and Populism was not instituted to redeem.and .''reform" North Car olina, but "to promote a nationa issue adverse to every- principle of the Republican party and constantly declared against in every one of its national plat forms. And.yet, for the greed o office from township constabla township Justice of the Peace on up through the whole ramify ing list -this party of "reform under Butler fused with Russel and Grant in all - counties of the State and on the State, ticket, and from the -moment they went rinto power in our State corrup tion, thievery, profligacy, riot, billingsgate and incompetency havo marked theic course down to this hour. This condition in North Caro Una under Russell Is -like, some Daily Argus of Saturday. The excursion of Hatch Bros. rom Mount Olive to Wilmington, Southport and out to sea, yester- ay, was a success in every par ticular and more than met the ex pectation of the managers. Notwithstanding the threaten ing weather, quite a number went rom this city on the Shoofly and joined a large party from Mount Olive, the starting point. hey continued to add passen gers at every station until the ast one was reached, and it was estimated that at least five hun- red were on board when they arrived at Wilmington. The train pulled down to the water dock on arrival in Wilming ton, where the beautiful steamer Wilmington" was in waiting to take on its load of human freight, and was already filled with an excursion party from Concord that preceded this one a few days ago. A fine string band was aboard, which rendered superb music, and added much to the delight of the occasion. A delightful breeze was blow- ing, tne sail on the uape ear was grand, amid the magnificent scenery surrounding, and this part of the trip was especially en- oyed by all on board. At the landing near Carolina each, a small party took the Sea Coast train for the surf, and wice as many got on board the boat, of the Concord excursion party, which still swelled the al ready large crowd. At Southport, which is thirty miles from Wilmington, and a three hours ride, another cargo was discharged, and the balance was taken - ten miles out to sea. This part of the program was not so well enjoyed by some, judging rom the humor of one of the passengers wno threatened to throw a boy overboard for sight ing him to a large piece of fat meat. It is estimated that at least 800 passengers were on board. The excursion throughout was well managed, and the .managers did everything in their power for the comfort and convenience o their patrons. The best of order prevailed, no drinkig or swearing on the train, and the entire party expressed themselves as being delighted with the managemen and. the trip. PIPKIN'S EX6URSI0N. GREENVILLE NEGROIZED. HOW THE INFA310US JOB tVAS CARRIED OUT. The Wiser Way., "How fresh and rosy you look, Nora," exclaimed Isabel, who had just returned from the beach, and was greeting her friend. "Yes, dear,' replied Nora, "I am feeling splendidly, and mamma says I have an alarming appetite." "Where in the - world haye you been since I saw yon?" - r "I have remained home," replied Nora, "and have worked hard every day. But I have been taking that wonderful medicine, Hood's Sarsa parilla, and it has done me, oh, so much good7 You see I always like to feel well when I go away, and I leave for the mountains next week." "Pipkin's Excursion" has be come a household word through-. out Eastern and Central North Carolina, and hundreds of people ook forward from one of these excursions to another with antici pations of pleasure and profitable sight-seeing, for Mir. Pipkin al ways runs his excursions along routes of varying interest and to points that fail not to afford abun dant attractions for the entertain ment and profit of his patrons. Moreover, he has been running excursions so long that his exper ience has taught him very minu tia of the business, so that now nothing that could possibly cater to the comfort and convenience or essen the expense of the trip is eft unattended to in advance. He always has plenty of .clean, first class coaches, plenty of ice water and plenty of attendants to look after his passengers on the train. he steamboat routes are required to furnish comfortable quarters for every passenger, whether to Washington, Baltimore or Old bint. The hotels at all points of stopping over are under contract for special reduced rates. So that you can enquire of Mr. Pipkin at any time after his excursion is ad vertised and learn from him just to a cent what your necessary ex penses will be from the moment you take his train until hi returns you home again. His recent excursion to Norfolk, Washington and Baltimore was such a preeminent success and af- brded the many hundreds who patronized it so much enjoyment of travel and sight-seeing, that many who went on it are anxious to go again tne trip is so cneap ana hundreds who did not go are on tip-tee of desire for an opportun ity; so that Mr. Pipkin has been prevailed upon to run another ex cursion over the same route as be fore, and this he will do on AUGUST 23. The same cheap rates will be in vogue as before: viz: From Golds boro,and from all stations between Goldsboro and Tarboro, inclusive, to Norfolk and return, 2.5G, and from Goldsboro and all stations between Goldsboro and Tarboro, inclusive, to Baltimore or Wash ington and return, $5,50 The train will leave Goldsboro on Tuesday, August 23, at 12:15 o'clock, immediately upon arrival of the noon train from Wilmington, 60 that persons between Goldsboro and Wilmington, and from along the line of the A. & N. C. R. R can come to Goldsboro on the reg ular passenger trains that morn ing and arrive here jn time for the excursion train, and purchase their tickets after they arrive here or on the excursion train The excursion train will connect at Norfolk. Tuesday evening with the Washington and Baltimore boats, both of which will touch at Old Point, going and coming, for such passengers as may elect to spend the time there, This trip will afford passengers the opportunity ef spending three nights and two full days m JNor folk or Old Point, or one nigh and two full days in Washington or Baltimore. :' Merchants along the route wil find this a splendid opportunity to visits Baltimore and make their Fall purchases at a mere nomina cost for travel, while every one will find it the most pleasant sea son of theyear'to visit Washing ton or Baltimore for sight-seeing. the many attractions A Statement of Facts by ex-(Jov-ernor Jarvis Showing How "Greenville Tv.s Sliced to Turn it Over to Negro Ru'e. Raleigh, August 6, 1898. W. H. Bernard, Esq. Editor the morning Star. . Dear Sir: In response to your request for an account of how the guilt in open court at January term, 1898, and were re-elected to the same offices by the negro board of councilmen in May, 1S98. The mayor has since resigned to enter the Internal Revenue Ser vice and a better man, a Populist, has been elected in his place, but the town is still in the control of the negroes, as they again elected four negro councilmen at the town election this year and these negro coriicilmen have, in turn, elected the same number of .negro officials, with one exception; There are numerous instances in which towns have been divided up into wards to keep the towns out of the hands of the negroes, town of Greenville was turned over to the negroes by the Republican- but this is tLe first instance, of Populist-Fusion Legislature I wLidl 1 Lave au7 knowledge, submit the following statement of wli;re wllite men deliberately facts:" divided up a town into wards .for Tlia ,iv r,t T;ff i,aa Q purpose of turning it over to lation of about thirty thousand people and is one of the finest For one to properly -appreci.-a agricultural counties in the State. the roal condition of I .K, ... , . Greenville, its capital town, has UreeuvilAe 11 1S uecessary tor him population of about three c S tnere aml see lor inmseiL I I ). i j 11 c i . . t f.tirmaa.n1 ,r,nln aUa o 1 "r ue iorooarauce oi tne MVW I ' IV UIUU -I ,J LMl i. W 11.1 L . I nmovc .r1 a , white people, trouble mig' its voters are white men. and if come louS aS- ThQY the people were left to select determined to be patient and for their officers by any fair or usual beariuS ana to appeal, as they are method they would be certain to choose competent white men. The town, however, is the home of one of the leading Republicans of the State, and being under ob- igations to the negroes he plan ned to have the town turned over to them. And here is the way it was done: The fusion legislature of 1895, adopting his plan, divid ed the town into four wards. The boundaries of these wards were so turned and zigzagged as to put majority of negro voters in the second and fourth wards, first ward is shaped very much ike a large broad-axe, with a very ong handle, and the third ward s like the letter V. The next step in this devilish plan was to confer upon each of the wards Sufficient unto the day. Matthew, vi., 34, Life is made up of innumerable present moments," and if you rje attend to the duty or bear the burdens oi each one as it comes without borrowing trouble from either the past or the future you are in the best possible spiritual condition 'We needlessly add to our load the memory of outlived sorrows having a majority of negro voters or the anticipation of sorrows to the -right to elect two councilmen! coma and make life harder to each, and to restrict the white bear. wards to one councilman each. I When Jesus declared that a iw; ir iq "sufficient unto the day is the of which cities are so well known that, it is useless, even if it were possible, to enumerate, More than twenty million free sam pies of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve nave been distributed, by tne manu facturers. What better proof of their confidence in its merits do you want? It cures piles, burns, scalds, sores in the shortest space of time. J. H. Hill & Son Goldsboro, and John R. Smith Mt.OUjre, . . They havo fullvJ now doing, to their white brethren throughout the State to send men to the next Legislature who will undo this great wrong and wipe out that infamous act oi 1895. Tnos. J. Jauvls. SATURDAY SERMON For Sunday Perusal anil Guidance, Kvery Iny evil thereof" He proclaimed a philosophy of well being which after fifty generations of con tinuous progress we still fail within sound of each other's voices. Now wc would not ignore the hardships of life. Wo know too much about them to do that. They are real, they are serious, they arc trying and perplexing Still wo insist that it is neither prudent , nor wise, and wo are sure it is cot conducive to health, to summon the regrets of the past like so many ghosts to haunt and frighten' you, or to ponder the possibilities of the iulirre-tUriiL your present is shadowed and weakened. If what you have tc do now is done cheerful ly you will ad yourself in good condition for to-morrow, whatever it may bring. That 13 practical and '. possible . We are not praising a careless life, but are warning against needless anxiety. A man should ;;lan for his future, but he ought to live ia his pres- enl;. In going down stairs you ought to give to each successive step its dun amount of attention, for other wiso you may slip and ialL In living ycur Ufa you must aot ignore or despise any one day, but mut give to oacii is proper care. This one hour is yours, therefore 11 it to tho brim with fidelity. When the next hour comes, do the same thing. It is a very simr la rule, but it contains the very epirit and essence of re ligion. Cultivate the happier side of your nature; suppress the ten dency to fret and complain. Never for a moment imagine that becauso you arc gloomy you are pleasing to God. lie made the birds to sing, and you ought to join in the chorus. Got as much enjovment out cf life as you cauj and see that you contribute to the enjoyment of iUase tne world ori2uter oe- .Be cause you aro in it and becau - you have a warm heart and'genu Make the most of each passing moment, and when future mo ments come bringing their sterner duties you will be ready for them. 97, the negroes availed themselves of the power given them by the Republican-Fusion Legislature and took charge of the town. They tj comprehend. 1 1 "1 A '1 I elected iour negroes councilmen We have discovered almost while the white people could elect everything else, but do not even but two. Thus we had a board J yet know how to live at our best composed of four negroes and two J or to make the most of our cir white men, This board elected a cumstances. We can make pre- white Republican mayor, a white parations to go to heaven, but do chief of Tjoliee: a nem-o assistant noc KQOW now to orm Mavea t ii -1 I down to our earthly homes, And policeman for the day,a negro po- I - , . , , . , . ' . , 0 ' 0 I trim rp icinn nns in virw. l x ii, i 1 . - - - UifcUJk IU H10 UUitXU. I TT7 v l : . t, 111 ucu jiu occ au a uiaiauLU luc evils which threaten and which town, is near three-quarters of a will come upon y0U-next went or million of dollars. The board of next month, vour im&eination 1 ' w ij councilmen levy the taxes and or- J gives them the proportions of der the expenditures. It may be giants. If you could lay aside all interesting to know how those thought of them and simply live who levied and spent the taxes hn each day, doing each day's ranked aa tax navers. One of the duty and bearing each day's negro councilmen paid 84 cents burden as cheerfully as possible, x - i. il no VUU WUUIU taxes on, property, auumer I dreaded , I you are stronger than Sn tno frmT Tin,rrn rrmnni Im An wno 1 . ..... thought to bear them or controlled the board paid 1.47 they are smaller than you ex taxes on property tor the support pected them to be of the town. The white liepub- J if we were really io believe that lican mayor paid 43 cento on this is God's world and that we property and the white Republi- are God's children, if we could can chief of police did not do convince ourselves that there is a quite so well, he paid only Providence in the affairs of life 30 cents. The negro clerk and that the statement that as our paid nothing and the negro day is so shall our strength be is night watchman nothing. Thelnot a poetic fiction, but a practi negro assistant policeman paid I Cal fact, wo could then enjoy a $5.75. The nine men who control degree of repose to which we are the town, levy its taxes and spend J now strangers. the money,paid all together $7.75; J And yet that is the only condi- and- leaving out . the assistant tion of mind which can truly be negro day policeman, the other! called religious. If you feel that eight paid $2.20.; The revenues everything is going wrong; that it of the town for the year from i3 impossiblo.for you to set things May, 1897,t6 May; 1898 was about right and useless to ask the Lord $5,500, of which about $2,800 to do it, and that, therefore, you went to pay salaries and fees of are in "a very sorry plight, there office or place holders, The white can be nothing in your heart that Republican mayor and, the white I resembles religious feeling no Republican chief of police "were praise, nor worship,-nor gratitude, both indicted at September term, nor faith, or resignation. On the 1897, of Pitt Superior court for contrary, you are in open rebels gambling. They confessed their lion, and you and religion are not DEAFXESS CAS .SOT HJC CVIiED by local applications, as tboy cannot reach the diseased -jjovtiou of tho ear. There's only ouo way to cure Deafness that is by constitutional remedies. Dearness ii caused by sa inflamed con dition of the mucous lining- of tho Eu stachian Tube When this tubo pets inflamed yon tiave a rumbling-sound or imperfect heariEi-f, and when lfc is en tirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless tho iaiiammiition can be taken out and this tube restored to its nor mal condition.beaiing will be destroyed forevt; nine canes out of ten are caused by catan-h, which is nothing out an inuamed of the mucous surfaces. We will a-ive One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free, F. J. Ciisxky & Co., Toledo, O, Cirsoid by Druaista, 75a The professional pugilists who never eniisr, are again trying to attract the attention and the dols lars of the public.. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Cures a Prominent Attorney. t. "v - - 11 V-v;..,-,!!s jot H I 0 MR. R. C. FIIELrS, the loadinspenslon attorney of .Belfast, N. Y., writes: L "I was discharged from tho array on account of ill health, and suirered front, heart trouble evor since. I frequently had faiuting and smothering spells. My form ' was bent as a man of SO. I constantly wore an overcoat, even In summer, for fear of taking cold. I could not attend to my busi ness. My. rest was broken by severe pains abouothe heart and left shoulder. Three years ago I commenced using Dr. Milos Ileart Cure, uotwith? taud'.ng I had usod so much patent medicine and taken drugs from doctors for years shout being helped. Dr. Miles' Heart Curo restored me to health, ft is truly a wonderful medicine and it affords me much pleasure to recommend this rem edy to everyone." Dr. Milea' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first botti benefits or money re funded. Book ou dLs-u eases of the heart and nerves free. Address, VS., MILES MEDICAL CO KlkUart, ltd railed -X NealtH v