THE ARGUS. DAILY AND WEEKLY. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY. Goldsboro Township Nominates Delegates and a Tax Collector and Justices of the Peace? The mettle and mood of the Dem ocrats- of Goldsboro township was tested by a storm of unusual violence Friday night, and the larg number who came out through the driving rain and blinding lightning and fill ed the court house full, proved con clusively that the battle of Novem ber will be one of victory for Anglo Saxon Buwemacy in the good old county of "Wayne. The conventon was called to or der and "presided over, under the plan of organization, by the township chairman, Mr. Lon E. Pridgen, and Messrs. Jos. E.- Robinson, of the Aegus, and H . B. Parker, Jr., acted as secretaries Hon. W. R. Allen, chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of the county, was present and stat ed the plan of organization; and on motion of Mr.. W. T. Dortch, - the chairman was authorized to appoint a committee of one from each voting precinct in the city and one for the township outside, who together should retire and select a due quota of delegates for each precinct and re port the same for the consideration of the convention. The chair thereupon appointed Messrs. "W. T. Dortch, Chas. Dewey, J. E. Peterson, W. D. Creech and 5V. H. Hood, who retired and subsequently reported the fol lowing well selected and admirably distributed list, as to avocations, of delegates to represent the township in the county convention, and the same were duly elected, being voted upon by precincts and unanimously adopted as a whole: Outside Precinct L. E. Pridgen W. H. Hood, J. C. Bardin, A. M. Prince. Precinct A J. H. Hill, E. G Porter, Asher Edwards, F. K. Bor den, Jno. D. Smith. Precinct B N. O'Berry, J. S. Biz zell, S. TV. Draper, Richard Johnson J. W. Pipkin, TV. H. H. Cobb, J. TV. Gardner, J. TV. Edwards, T. TV. Slocumb, E. TV. Cox, "W. T. Dortch. Precinct C J. M. Powell, Henry TVeiL TV. G. Britt, TV. T. Yelverton R. E. Pipkin, AY. H. Godwin. Precinct D TV. H. Sueg, G. TV. Daughtry, D. J. Broadhurst, TV. D, Creech. - Mr. TVillis A. Denmark was unan for township Tax Collector, as was also Mr. Henry Grady for township Constable. Messrs. D. J. Broadhurst, A. M. Prince, Jno. H. Hill, and TV. H. Collins were nominated for Justices Tr.n fn. twcl'r fill LUC -- t LI.V. lUi LUC lVnU)iUp UVS "11 occurring vacancies by expiration. The convention then adjourned amid great enthusiasm. Not a Candidate. Fremont, N. C, Aug. 20, '98. Editoe Aegus: Please permit me to say to my friends and to the peo- pie of the county that- I am not a candidate for any office, and under no circumstances could I accept a nomination if tendered me. I love the Democratic party and am willing to do all I can for its success. I hope "to see all join in and work for white supremacy and good government. Respectfully, TV. R. Hooks. THE FARMERS' WAREHOUSE. WHY IT WAS ESTABLISHED AND THE SEASONS OF ITS SUCCESS. The Public Spirit that Prompted Its To iing Proprietors Is Being Appreciat ed and Rewarded by the Farmers. IT STANDS FOR THE FARMER. Rut er Declares Against Fnsion. Houston, Texas, August 20. la a speech at the big populist encampment at Greenville yester day Senator Marion Butler, of North Carolifia, national chair man of the populist party, sur rendered to the middle-of-the-roaders or anti-f usionists. He declared that as national chair man he would promise that there would be no trades or combines with either of the old parties fee fore the n.:xfc national conven tion; that he wouid call that con vention at least a months before the democratic or republican conventions convened, and-thus prevent any opportunity of fu sion.. lret Naval Assemblage. Washington. August 20. One of the largest fleets of warships ever assembled in an American port will be brought together in the next few days . at Fort Mon roe. Already fifty-seven warships are under orders to rendezvous there, and the orders still to be issued will raise the total to the neighborhood of seventy, Naval officials says it is difficult to real ize the extent of such a marine aggregation in oue harbor. TVhen the Goldsboro.tobacco mar ket was hrst inaugurated it was purely an experiment, and so wary were the promoters of the enterprise that it required the combined sub scriptions of many before stock suf ficient for the construction of the first salea warehouse could be secur ed; and with this accomplished and the warehouse thrown open to the public, it soon became evident that one . warehouse could never nlake Goldsboro a tobacco market, and, that the essential reauisite to her success m this regard was more warehouses. Business men convers ed with one another and all talked together, yet their conclusions were always the same another ware house is vitality essential, more warehouses must be built or. success cannot be achieved. At this critical stage in the experi ence of our community in regard to the needs of its new venture, two of Goldsboro's young men, impelled by public-spirit and buoyed by faith in the future of the city, and trust ing in the appreciation of the farm ers who would be benefited by their undertaking, Messrs. TV.E. Borden and Chas. N. Edgerton associated themselves together and out of the fruits of their individual industry determined to give to Goldsboro and the farmers another warehouse, com mensurate with the needs of the market and equipped with every convenience for handling tobacco to the best advantage. Having arrived at this detennin ation, the next thing was a cenven ient location, familiar to every farm er, easy of approach and with ample stable room convenient. The unused portion of the Court House square offered all these ad vantages, and the Board of County Commissioners being interviewed and recognizing this as a golden op portunity for converting an unsight ly waste of unprofitable land into a mecca of unfailing wealth for the farmers who might seek its (spacious floor with the ripened fruits of their toil, as the years come and go, read ily granted these young men a long term lease, and the result is the "Faemees' "Warehouse," imposing rn its magnificent proportions, inviting in its shapely beauty, its broad and burnished floor beaming from myr iads of skylights and side windows, thus affording to the farmer the best possible opportunity of displaying his tobaccco to full advantage, and the farmer who consigns his tobacco to its floor can always be sure of real izing satisfactory returns. For three years, now, the Farm ers Warehouse nas invwea tne pa tronage of tobacco growers, and its experience has been that of increasing business each year, while its in fluence upon the market has been of incalculable value, in widening the territory of our trade, in increasing the acreage, and in educating and inspiring the farmers in the cultiva tion of tobacco to best advantage; and its energetic and public spirited young proprietors, who have done so much in this regard,are now realizing in the golden stream of patronage that daily flows in upon them that the farmers know how to appreciate and reward their friends. This year the Farmers' Ware house is better equipped than ever before. Its management always ca ters to the best interest of the farm er in every sale, because buyers may come and buyers may go, . but the farmer is here to stay and so is the Farmers Warehouse and its pro: prietors. Goldsboro this season has the largest and best corps of buyers , in the State, and these attend every sale on the floor of the Farmers' Warehouse, and while the bidding is spirited, the auctioneer, Mr. J. J. Meador, is an expert in the grades and value of tobacco, and he never lets a sale go .'till the best market price is realized. The Best Remedy For Flax. Mr. John Mathias, a well known stock dealer .of Pulaski, Ky., says: "After suffering for over a week with flux, and my physician having failed to relieve me, I was advised to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and have the pleas ure of statine that the half of one bottle cured me.' For sale by M. E. Robin son & Bro., and Miller's Pharmacy, in Goldsboro and by Jno, R. Smith at Mt Olive - Try Allen's Foot Ease. . A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-fiase . It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, Mis ter& and callous spots Relieves corns .and bunions of all pain and gives rest ana comiort. iry it to-aay. Bold by all druggists and shoe stores 25-3. : Trial package fbeb. 'Address, Allen S. Olmuted, LeRoy, N. Y. MANILA'S FALL; Washington D. C, August 18. Admiral Dewey's official an- nonouncement of the bombard ment and surrender ot Manila has been received as follows: "Manila, August 13th. Secretary of the Navy, - Wash ington, D. C.; "Manila surrendered to-day to the American land and naval forces, after a combined attack. A division of the squadron shell ed the forts and entrenchments at Malate, on the south s:de of the city, driving back the enemy, our army advancing from that side at the same time. The city surrendered about 5 o'clock, the American flag being hoisted by Lieutenant Brumby. About 7, 000 prisoners were taken. The squadron had no casualties. None of the vessels was injured. 4,On August 7th, General Mer ritt and I formally demanded the surrender of the city, which the Spanish Governor General re fused. (Signed) 'Dewey." Thomas M. Brumby, flag lieu tenant to Admiral Dewey, is a Southerner, having been ap pointed to the Naval Academy from Georgia. His present rank, dating frcrn August 24th, 1892, is that of lieutenant, senior grade, his number on the list be ing 185. A SUN THAT HAS SET, AUGISTI COULD M)T SURRENDER. A man's meaning is the same during courtship and after man riage, but it is expressed in dif ferent language. Hj c8 s Stimulate the -stomach, rouse the liver, cure bilious ness, headache, dizziness, sotui.jitomacli, constipation. etc. Trine 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. The only mis to take with Hood's SariaparUla. Pills The Cortes to be Convoked: Senor Sagasta Begins to Hesitate. Madrid, August 20. The Gov ernment Las resolved to insist that the capitulation - of Manila after the signing of the protocol shall have no effect in the peace negotiations unfavorable to Spain. In any event the Government heftds that the capitulation, hav ing been signed by the command er of the town, does not entail the surrender of the whole of the Philippines. All the indications are that the peace negotiations will be pro longed, The opposition factions are redoubling the agitat'on for convoking the Cortes, and it is said that Senor Sagasta begins to hesitate, although he shares the opinion of Duke Almodovar de Kio. the Foriegn Minister, as to the inconvenience involved in a meeting cf the Cortes and a series of debates during the peace negotiations. It is -possible that the Cortes will met after the elections to the councils general about the middle of September. HAY'S SUCCESSOR. A Question That Agitates Eng land and all European Dip.os mats London, Aug. 20. Tha ques tion of Ambassador Hay's suc cessor is one of greatest concern to the British foreign office and the whole European diplomatic world. The danger which the British government fears - and which those opposed to AmerU can interests secretly hope is the appointment of a man unao quainted with intricate problems rbow in a most acute phase. The solution of the dilemma which would meet the approval of di plomatists friendly to the United States would be to onjrust Amer ican interests for the remainder of Hay's term to Henry- White, now secretary of the embassy, The Pathos of the Ruin that Has Overtaken Poor Old Spain. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. v Despite that nation's follies and wickednesses thtre is a tinge of pathos in the acknowledgement of the Madrid newspaper, the Liberal, that "Spain's mission in the new wor'd is completely ended." The close of a geograph ical and political connection which has lasted for more than four centuries is marked by. the peace stipulation which forces the Spanish troops to evacuate Cuba aod Porto Rico. From the hemisphere which Spain discov ered, which she colonized earlier than any other nation, and on which she once held more ter ritory than all the other coun tries combined, the Spanish fl.4g now vanisnes. The magnificent estate which Columbus gave to Isabella and Ferdinand, which tne great unaries tnougnt was the most valuable part of his worldly possessions, aud which Pbilip supposed he bad be- qaeathed to his people in per petuity, gradually shrunk in the mutations of the ages, and now the last fragment of it leaves Spanish hands forever. Nowhere in the thousand of years of recorded time does his tory furnish a more striking con trast than Spain's connection with the new world presents. When Philip II ordered the arrest of Drake for his presumption in sailing along the west side of "South America without Philip's permission, all of South America except Brazil, 'all of Central America and the West Indies, and the greater part of North America which had been colonized by any nation belonged to Spain, and the Pacific Ocean was a Spanish lake. In the year 1800 Spain's territory stretched from the southerly line of Oregon down to Cape Horn. She had the whole of the region . along the west side of the Mississippi from the Canadian line to the Gulf of Mexico, a strip of territory north of the Gulf extending east from the Mississippi to and including Florida, and almost all of the continent south of that line. Within the next quarter of a cen tury she. had lost all of this im mense domain except the Islands of Cuba and Porto Rico, "which now drop from her hands. Part of it she was coerced into ceding to France; another part, under pressure, she gave to the United States; and the rest of it Mex ico, Chili, Peru, Colombia, and other states of Central and South America broke away from her and set up governments for them selves. Alone of all the nations which have filled a large place in histo ry, Spain is feebler to day than she was when the century began. Of the world empire which she had in Philip IPs time, and a large part of which remained down to the reign of Ferdinand "VII, nothing is now left outside of the peninsula except part of the Philippines, which she will probably have to surrender, some territory in Africa, which has only a handful of inhabitants, and a few isolated islands in Eu ropean waters and in the Pacific. Nothing in the history of any na tion of tne world except the coK lapse of Alexander's empire af ter the great Macedonian's death. or Romes fall when Odoacer overturned the shadow throne of the "Little Augustus," equals the swift and sweeping ruin which has overtaken Spain since the end of the eighteenth centu ry. Yet in this day of Spain's tribulation, which her political infamies and imbecilities have brought upon herself, there will be no rejoiciug in this country at her downfall. On the contrary, what was once said of Veaice, America will here say of a great er state than Venice: And what if she had seen those glo ries fade, Those titles vanish and that strength decay Yet shall some tribute of regret be paid "When her long lif e hath reached its final day, Men are we and must grieve when even the shade Of that which once was great hasJ passed away. Scrofula, a Vile Inheritance. Sorof ula ia the most obstinate of blood troubles, and is often the result of an inherited taint in the blood. S. S. S. ia the only remedy which goes deep enough to reach Scrofula ; it forces out every trace of the disease, and cures the worst cases. My son, Charlie, was afflicted from Infancy with Scrofula, and be suffered so that it was impossible to dress him for three years. His head and body were a mass of sores, and his eyesight alio became affected. No treatment was spared that wa thought would relieve hi in. but he grew worse V, u ii in ma i.uiiiu Linn it n . - Indeed pitiable. I had almost despaired of his ever being cured, when by the advice of a friend we pave him S. S. S. Owift's SDeeiflc'. A de cided improvement was the result, and after he had taken a dozen bottles, no one who knew of his former dreadful condition would have recognized him. All the sores on his body have healed, his skin is perfectly clear and smooth, and h has been restored to perfect health. ' . .Mrs. s. s. mabby, 860 Elm St., Macon, Go. For 'Teal blood troubles it is a waste of time to expect a cure from the doc tors. Blood diseases are beyond their skill, awift s ispecmc, About one month ago my child, which is fifteen mon'hs old, hatLan at tack of diarrhoea accompanied by vomitin'g, I gave it such remedies as are usually given in such cases, but as nothing gave relief, we sent for apby sician and it was under his care for a week. At this time the child had been sick for about ten days and was having about twenty-five operations of the bowels every twolve hours, and we were convinced that unless itsoon ob-. tained relief it would not live. Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was recommended and I de cided to try it. I soon noticed a change for the better;- by its continued use a complete cure was brought about and it is now perfectly healthy. C, L, Biggs, Gilmer county W. Va. For sale by M. B. Robinson, & Bro., and Miller's Pharmacy, in Goldsboro, and bv Jno. K. Smith, at Mt. Olive. : ..We speak the English, not the British, language. The Victory rests with America' greatest Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla when it battles against any disease caused or promoted by impure or im poverished blood. Hood's Pills are the favorite family cathartic. Easy to take, easy to oper ate. The wise man always knows enough to cast his lot with a wo man who has enough money tc build a substantial house there on, The Rev. iW. B, Costley, of Stock bridge, Ga,, while attending to his pas toral duties at Ellen wood, fhat State, was attacked by cholera morbus. He says:. "By chance I happened to get iold of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and J think it was the means of saving mj life. It relieved me at once." For sa'e by M. E. Robinson & Bro., and Miller's Pharmacy, in Goldsboro, and by Jno, R. Smith at Mt. Olive The Hon. Thomas G. -Piatt- is between tb6 rough riders and a canal scandal and the latter is the rougher of the two. : De Witt's "Witch Hazel Salve has the largest sale of any salve in the world, This fact and its merit has. led dis honest people to attempt to counterfeit it. Look out for the man who attempts to deceive you when you call for De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great pile cure. J. H. Hill & Son, Goldsboro, and John R. Smith, Mt, Olive. reaches all deep-seated cases which bther remedies have no effect Upon. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetaole, ana contains no poi ash, mercury, or other mineral. Books mailed free to any address by swift Specific Co., Atlanta, ba. Nails Beneficial to Fruit Trees Nails driven into fruit trees, as near the ground as possible, are said to have the effect to make such fruit trees more healthy vigorous, and excellent fruit bearers than those into which no ten penny nails have been driveD. The reason why the nail in the tree is so beneficial in fruit bear ing is that worms will not attack the tree because the oxydaticn or rusting of the iron by the sap involves ammonia, which, as the sap arises, will, of course, im pregnate every part of the foliage, and prove too drastic a dose for the delicate palates of intruding insects. The salt of iron afforded by the nails is extremely- offen slve to the worms, while it is not only harmless but beneficial tn the foliage and fruit of the tree Itch on human, mange on horses dogs and all stock, cures in-30 minutes by Woodford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by M. tQ.jRoLlnson & Bro.. Goldsboro N C All fought at Manila blissfully ignorant of protocols signed or unsigned. We have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in our home for many years and bear cheerful testimony to its value as a medicine which should be in every family. In coughs and colds we have found it to be efficacious and in croup and whooping cough in children we deem it indispensable. H. P. Kit ter, 4127 Fairfax ave., St. Louis, Mo. For sale by M. E. Robinson & Bro, and Mille s Pharmj,cy, in Goldsboro, and by Jul. tt. Smith at tut. Olive. There no spheres of in fluence provided for in the peace protocol at least. Eeliel in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and -Bladder diseases relieved by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys oacK ana every part oi the urinary passages in male or female. It rslieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost imn-ediately If you ant juick relief and cu"e th s is your rem 3dy. Sold by M E Robinson 6V ivo. rusrgists. Goldsboro, N The unAmerican censorship should be withdrawn among the other ships. When you call for DeWitt s Witch Hazel Salve the great pile cure, don't accept anything else. Don't be talked into ascepting a substitute, for piles, lor sores, for burns J. H. Hill & Son, Goldsboro, and John K, Smith. Mt. Olive The stamp tax of tbe civil war lasted until 1883. It is freely pre dicted the present tax will last twenty years also. A stubborn cough o tickling in the throat yields to One' Minute Cough Cure. Harmless in effect, touches tne right spot, reliable and just what is wanted It acts at once. J. H. Hill & Son, Goldsboro , and John R, Smith, Mt. Olive. It is said that Warriprs Dave Hill and Croker are about to sign a peace protocol warranted to last through a campaign. One "Minute Cough Cure surprises people by its quick cures and children may take it in large quantities with out the least danger. It has won for itself the best reputation of any prep aration u sea laaay lor colds, croup, tickling in the throat or obstinate coughs. J. H. Hill & Son, Goldsboro, and John R. Smith Mt. Olive. There's something" crooked about the business of a corkscrew manufacturer. . . Truth wears well. Peoole have .learned that DeWitt's Little Earlv Liisei-s are reliable little pilie for regu lating the bowels, curing constipation and sick head ache . Th ey don 't gri e. J, H.' Hill & Son, Goldsboro, and John R. Smith, Mt. Olive. ' Spoony lovers stir Ln public. make quite a Tou invite disappointment when you experiment De Witt's , Little Early Risers are pieasant, easy, thorough little pills. They cure constipation and sick headache just as sure as you take them. J. H, Hill & Son, Gild&boro, and John R.Smith MtOlive. . . . The Goldsboro' War ehouse, OPPOSITE CAPT. LAMB'S STABLES, ' GOLxDSBORO, M- G Oldest Establislied warfilioiise in tne Town, For tne Sale of Leal ToDacco ! Best Light, Best Auctioneer, Experienced Force, Hard Workers, Correct weights, courteous treatment to all. Eyery sale strictly watched. We G6t TIig Very Tod Market Price For Our Patrons kvci Tinr C. B. PAYLOR, Auctioneer. . S: W. CHAMBERLAIN. Abn i EVERY FrtGIblTY FOR GRfVDING TOBACCO. America has regained the free dom from Spanish domination that she erjoyed in .1491. For broKen surfaces, sores, irsect bites,skin diseases and especially piles, there is one reliable remedy, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. When you call for DeWitt's, don't accept counterfeits or frauds. You will not be disappoint ed with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. J. H. Hill & Son, Goldsboro, and John R Smith, Mt. Olive. A large supper embraces such things of which dreams are made. More than twenty million free sam ples of DeWitt's Witch Hazel. Salve bave been distributed by the manu facturers. What better proof of their confidence in its merits do you want? It cures piles, burns, scalds, sores in the shortest space of time. J. H. Hill & Son Goldsboro, and John R. Smith, Mt. Olive Mr. Marcus Aurelius Hanna and a Chicago editor are now preparing new key-notes in the depths of the Yellowstone park. The command to increase and multiply is a back number. Now the increase is brought about by division in tbe divorce court, which makes two of one. Life is short, but it only takes two seconds to fight a duel. LEJLOSS AS .MEDICINE. They regulate tho Liver Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys and Blood as pre- Lared. by Dr. tl. Moziej, in nis Lemon Elixir, a pleasant lemon drink. It cures biliousness, constipation, indi gestion, headache, malaria, kidrey dis ease, fevers, chills, impurities of the blood, pain in tne cnest, neart failure, and all other diseases caused by a tor pid or diseased liver and kidneys nine-cenths of all the diseases of the South and West are caused by the fail ure of the liver and kidneys to do theit duty. It is an establibhed fact that lemons, when combined properly with other liver tonics, produce the most desirable results upon ilie stomach, liver and bowels, kidneys and blood. old by druggists. 5oc and $1 bottles. MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR Oured me of sick and nervous . head- ache, I had been subject to ail my life- ,MHS. JN. A. MCiSNTIBE, Spring Place,-Ga, They banish pain and prolong life. ONE GIVES RELIEF. No matter what the matter is, one will cL ou good, and you can get ten for five cents. MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR Cured me of .indigestion. I got more relief, and at once, from Ltmon Elixir tnan a 4 otner medicines. J. G Speights, Indian Sprmss, Ga. MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR Cured me of a long-standing case of chills and fever, by using two bottles. J. J. MASLEY, Engineer E. T. Va. fc Ga. R. R. MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR Cured me of a case of heart disease and indigestion of four years' standing. tried a dozen different medicines. None but Lemon Eiizir done me any good. Titles Diehl, Cor. Habersham and St. Thomas Sts.. Savannah, Ga MOZLEY'S LEMON EIXIR I fully endorse it for nervous bead- ache, indigestion and constipation, having used it with most satisfactory results, after all other remedies had tailed. J. W. liOLLo, West End. Atlanta, Ga " ALL WOMEN JlNE-TENTHS of . all the pain andsicknessfrom which women suffer, is caused by weakness or derangement In US the organs of; menstruation. Nearly always when a woman is not well these organs arf affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman is very seldom sick. IS fa? ElREC'i' ineoffa fit ft ft rmifg Is nature's provision for the regu lation of tho menstrual function. It cures all " female troubles." It Is equally effective for the girl n her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known as the " Change of LIfs." They all need it. They are all benefitted by It For aiMce In cases requiring special Directions, address, elving- symptoms, the Ladies' Advisory Department,'' The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatta nooga, Tenn. TH0S. K COOPER, Tupelo, Miss., says: ' My sister suffered from very irregular and painful menstruation and doctors could not relieve her. Wine of Cardui entirely cured her and also helped my mother through the Change of Life." - CTTI.mrflH.UII Dr, Chas. W- Grainger Has opened a suit ofDental rooms over the National Bank, on West Centre street, and .offers his .services to the public ?h itop- Neura xU t liv. UHee Fair! PHI. nffntiiij pains cured by Dr. UUee Pain PLUa, A new style packet etmtalnlni; tkh rtpans rABtTLza In a paper enrton (without giant) la now for sale at some drug fttorea for five cents. This low-priced sort is intended for the poor and the economi cal. One dozen of the fire-cent curionv (120 tabulee) can be had by mail by sendinfr forty -ei$rht cents to the Rtpahs Chrmicax. Company, No. 10 Spruce Street, New York: or a single carton (fail ubuijhi wju uw win. iwr uo j3tHii mwiMmie nt am iuhiw since we worm was cre&xea. J Established One Year. G. U, & R. GOMPA.NY The patronage we have received has been satisfactory. Buggies Waggons, Carts and Other Vehicles Repaired. OUR MR. GRAHAM is still rushing this department. His work speaks for itself. Coffins Gaskets, At most reasonaole figures. -PHONES Nos. 81, 96, 77. FUNERALS ATTENDED PROMPTLY. A "Graphophone" Commonly known as a "Talking Machine," would add very much to the pleasure of a home. ONLY TEN DOLLARS. Call in and let us show you how they sound. Respectfully, GOLDSBORO BOOK STORE Straw Hats ALL grades. LOWEST FR.ICE.S2 Full line LADIBS'JSIjIPPERS,! from 48 cents to.$2. See omv2 slippers sold elsewhere at $ 2, 50. JUST REGEIYED. Lot of celebrated Heiser Shoes, inpat. leather. RIBBONS. Ribbons at remarkably low prices. 0"See us on anything in general merchandise, if you want tojsavemoney. All goods delivered free of charge. Something special in Umbrellas. Jfoura," anxious -to. please, .jSotilberlapd, Hrinkley 4 Go. Fertilizers "We wish to announce to our customers and the farmers generally that we have arranged to sell the following brands of fertilizers: North Carolina Official . Farmers' Alliance Guano. N. C. Official Farmers Alliance Acid Phosphate. Meadow's All-Crop Guano. Meadow's Dissolved Bone and Potash Compound Genuine German Kainit.. . These are all high -grade goods and will be sold at reasonable prices for cash or on time, to responsible parties. . Hood & Britt -ST REFRIGERATOR S We are sole agents tor the Celebrated - Baldwin Refrigerators.:- . The reputation is na tional. The prices arelcheapei than anylon the market. We buy in cat lot quan tities for'our three stores and hence get them cheap, . ROYALL & BORDEN,. j -it if ';- - " 'i-. if