A Democratic Newsoaoer. - J08. K. ROBINSON. THE COUNT! TOTE. On our front page of this issue we publish the tabulated vote of the county in last Tuesday's elec tion. It is a glorious showing for Democracy for the sentiment of "White Supremacy in Wayne county. In the vote for County Com missioners Mr. E. A. Stevens led the ticket on the Democratic side and Mr. T. E. Hodgin on the fusion side; while Mr Willis A. Denmark led the Democratic ticket of the Tax collectors. , The newly elected county offi cials will find blank bonds for their several offices ready for them at the Register's office. It is hoped that during the interim between this date and December 5th each one will have his bond ready to go before the new Board of County Commissioners on the first Monday in next jaonth from clerk to constable. GENERAL EUROPEAN WAR. The tfork in Paris.- The exact words of the protocol show that the Spanish commis sioner have no grounds to stand upon. The protocol delcares that the United States is to occupy and hold Manila pending the con clusion of a treaty of peace "which shall detetmine the con trol, disposition and government of the Philipines." The word "disposition" is the basis of the Spanish contention. In the ori ginal document the word was "possession," and it was changed to "disposition" at pain to Spanish sensitiveness. But as the proto col reads, it is plain that the dis position of the Philippines is to be determined by the commission. The word ? 'disposition" is as broad as the word "possession," although not quite as definite. The Spanish contention is real ly contention only. They know, as all other intelligent men know, that the Philippines are not to be recondemned to Spanish rule We encouraged them to revolt; we promised to stand by them, and we must proceed with the task that Providence has o suddenly put upon us. Spain will' not seriously or stubbornly object. She wants more compensation. Now that the elections are over the adjnin istration may be willing to say what it will pay. It will pay any sum that it thinks the senate and the people later on will endorse. Whether this sum will be more or less than $40,000,000 cannot now be foreseen. The determination of the sum to be paid is all that stan ds in the way of a quick conclusion of the work at Paris. There is not across the water any under-ap-preciation of the value of the Philippines. The National Zei tung says the islands in aneri can hands would become no t only of immense commercial, ''but of "paramount political impo rtance. French and German papers; alike regret the change, apjjreciat ing its importance; and t?ae Gau lois speaks for all when i t practi cally concedes that the i aland are . to be transferred to Am erica, and that the negotiations are at length reduced to a "simple financial discussion." The Gaulois Thinks England' Is Preparing for the Inevitable. Paris, November 12. The Faulois this morning, after refer ring to the Philippine question as presenting serious complica tions, says: "The thing to be facedis no onger a renewal of the conflict between America and Spam, owing to a repture of the negotia tions, but a general European conflict. The Eashoda incident is only the prologue to a big drama which is soon to occur in the theatre of inter-European poli tics, and on reading the papers of Berlin, London and Madrid one feels that there is something un comfortable in the air." Continuing, the Gaulois asserts ;hat Great Britain is trying to bring about an onensive ana defensive allance with the United States, which of all alliances, ac cording to the Gaulois Great Britain alone would reap the benefit. The Gaulois then - says: "Her programme is well Known, one will induce the United States to refuse any concessions to Spain, and to refuse coaling stations in the Philippine Islands to Russia and Germany. A conflict breaks out, England as America's ally, intervenes, which forces the other powers having interests in he East to take up arms . The question becomes no longer that of the Philippines, but that of China; and finally a European war breaks out." Spain's Greatf jgt Need. Mr. R. P. Olivi a, of Barcelona, Spain, spends bis winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerve,s had caused severe pains in. -the back of his head. On using Elcictric Bitters, America's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all p ain soon left him. He says this ex and medicine is what his countr y needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vior ana new lile into every muscle, nerve and. organ of the body. If weak, tiretl or ailing you need it. EveTy bottle guar anteed, only 50 cents. Sold by J. H. Hill & Son, druggists, Golds poro, i. u. All the n ewlv elected county tofficers aud that means all the nffinaa of the countv. . including township tax collectors-, consta bles and number of magistrates for - everv township will be sworn in on tbe firs Monday in December. And all of them are Democrats. Aint it just glorious? , DeWitt'a 'Little Early Risers, . - Tba famous little pills. - T .1. t.n HaA nnH Aarlv to rise. T)I6- preparea a man ior bis borne in the skies. But early to bed and a Little - Early Riser, the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. J. H. Hill & Son, GoldBboro, -and John R. Smithj Mt. OliTe, A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough Bet in and finally terminated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. . I gave myself up to my Saviour, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, 1- would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God, I am saved and now a well and healthy woman. Trial bottles free at J. EJ. Hill & Son, druggists, Goldsboro, N. C. Regular size 50c, and $1.00. Guaranteed or price refunded. Quay, without specially desir ing to revive plum-tree memories. might well exclaim. 'Shake!" when he meets a friend these days. The Maria Teresa has as many lives as a cat, and she swam. quite naturally, over to Cat is and. Tne cnoice or a birtnpiace is of less importance than the choice of parents. A Frightful Blunder. Will often cause . a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise, Bucklen's Arnica Salve, tbe best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts, a box. Curtf guaranteed. Sold by J. H. Hill & Son druggists, Goldsboro, N. C. Mr. Croker never Cifaltered. He predicted majorities up to the last hour. Spain's Armies in Cuba. The delay in the evacuation of the Spanish troops in Cuba is be coming tiresome, and it promises to considerably increase the diculties that American military rule will have to contend with. The Spanish officials are looting everything: that is lootable. and the unpaid Spanish soldiers are assisting in the work of plunder ing the people of the island. General Blanco has officially asked the Spanish soldiers to remain in the island. He promises them full pay and a commutation of transportation. The number that will remain under the offer is not known but none of them, be the number great or small, will be accepted by the Cubans, or welcomed by the American army of occupation and American authorities. Such men would not become good citizens in the new Cuba. But Spain does not want them at home, where they would be without employment, ready to welcome any uprising that might occur. Alretd 30,000 of-them have been sent from eastern Cuba and Porto Rico to their homes. There are 15,000 now in tbe Pbil- ppines, and 100,000 more still in the western half of Cuba chiefly in or near Hayana. Spain would be glad to be relieved of the task of carrying these men home, and of tbe care and control of them at home. The tuth is, quick conclusion of the negotiations at Paris is needed, and an equally quick movement in Cuba towards com.- plete evacuation. Cuba is dam aged by every day of delay, and the American cask of bringing prosperity and contentment and health to the island is rendered more difficult. The Cuban problem promises be the most serious of the problems of the war in point of final solution. As soon as the Philippines are handed oyer Ad miral Dewey and General Otis will quickly bring about an im proved and settled condition of affairs throughout the islands, and business and agriculture and industries of all kinds will be resumed. But the rehabilitation of Cuba promises to be slow, and possibly difficult, and not free from opposition. There will be a clio. e of Spanish reactionists, and considerable numbers of dis contented insurgents, and at least two or three race problems, and tongue and traditions that point more towards Spain than to this country. But if the large army now ouartered on tbe Cubans could be quickly started for home. no one doubts the rest. Tact and skill and large commissary trains would settle the other problems. That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you used D. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers hiva proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong Derves and build up your health. Easy to take. Iry them. Only 25 cents, Money back if not cured. Sold by J. H. Hill & Son, druggists, Golds boro, N, C. TO CURE A "GOLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxati ve Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists rerund money if it fai's to cure. 25c. The genuiDe has L. B. Q on each tablet. Mr. Piatt's bucking guberna torial bx'oncho will now proceed to train his muscles instead of his throat. DeWitt's Witch Hazei Salve Cures Piles, Scalds, Burns. "When you ask for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve don't accept a counterfeit or imitation. There are more cases of Piles being' cured by this than all oth ers combined. J. H. Hill & Son. Goldsboro, and John R, Smith. Mt. Olive Tne gas leans are stopped in the capitol, but this is not a try ing month in that building. Old fashions in dress may be revived, Dut no oia-rasnionea meaicme can re place Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by M. E. Robinson & Bro. and Millers' Pharmacy in Gosboro, and by Jno, tt. Smith atMt. Olive, to nn Best to take alter dinner; psss mm present distress, aid diges- i 'ytf 4 tion, cure constipation. j III 2 Purely vegetable ; do not grip or udii usiu. Sold br all drngglats. 2S cents. JPxspusd only if C.X. JbwdWbUo, Lowell. UM. Mr. Croker is being told that nothing in this world succeeds like success. NO CCBB-HO DAT. That is the way all d euggists sell GROVE'S TASTE LESS CHILL. TONIC ,"of Chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron ard QuiDine in a tasteless form. Children love ii. Adapts pre fer it to bllter, nau&eatixg Tonics. Price, 50c. The capitol is" safe from explosives until December. gas One Minute Cough Cure, cures That is what it was made for. Overcome evil with good. Overcome your coughs aru colds with Ooe Mio ute Cough Cue. li. is so good cbi'd '-en cry ior it. Ucies c oc.p, broncbiuis pneumonia, grippe a-'d all throat ana lung diseases. J, a. fci'i & Sod. Isolds boro, and John K. Stmtn, Mt. Olive. Tne campaign liar has gone on a tour of other countries. Constipation prevents the body from nading itseJf of waste matter. De Witt's .Little Early Risers will remove the trouble and cure axes. Headache. Biliousness, Inactive Liver and clear the Complexion Small, sugar coated don't gripe oc cause nausea. J. H. Hill & Son Goldsboro, and John R. Smith Mt. Olive. n Towns are seldom as red as they are painted. In 1887 Mr. Thomas Mcintosh, of Allentown, Tenn., had an aUactc of dysentary which became chronic. was treated by the nest pajsicians in East Tennessee without a euro," ha savs. "Finally I tiied Caamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrboea Remedy, After using about twelve bottles I was cured sound and well," - For sa'e by M E.- Robinson & Bro., and Miller Pharmacy, in Goldsboro, and, by Jno, tt. ttraltn at oat. cmve. As a revenue measure poiitica predictions should be taxed. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS and fever is a botLleof Gijove's Taste less CfiiLL Towi c. Never . falls to cure; "then why experiment with worth- less imitations? Price 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. Satan invariably smiles when a woman falls io love with the wrong man. Riches may fly away, but man's bald head always sees him through. One Minute Cough Cure, cures, , That Is what it was made for. ; A couth is not like a fever. It does not have to run a certain course. Cure it auicklv and effectually with One Minute Cough Cure, the best remedy for all asres and for tne most sever canes. We recommend it because it o-ood. J. H. Hill & Son, Goldsboro, and John R. Smith Mt. Olive. From New Zealand. Reefton, Ne Zealand, Nov. 23, 1896. I am pleased to state that since I took the agency of Chamberlain's medicines the sale has been very large, more especially of the Cough Remedy. In two years I have sold more of this particular remedy than of all other makes for the previous five years. As toils efficacy, I have. been informed by scores of persons of the sood results they have received from it, and know its value from the use of it in my own household. It is so pleasant to take that we have to place the bottle beyond the reach of children. - E. J. Scan tl ebtjr y. For sale by M. E. Robinson & Bro.. and Miller-s Pharmacy in Goldsboro, and oj Jno. R. Smith in Mt. Olive, Mr. Tesla's prospectuses, read well, but his moters are not vis ible to the naked eye. -" The Best Piaster." A piece Of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to tbe atrected parts is superior to any plaster. When tio a bled with a pain in the chest or side, or a lame back, give it a trial. You are certain to be more than pleased with theprompt reiiei wnicn it aaords. jfain JbSalm is also a certain relief for rheumatism. For sale by M. E. Robinson & Bro, and Miller's Pharmacy, in Goldsboro, and by -Tno. R Smith, at Mt. Ohvf . Further proof of the tendency to run party interest . in the grouud around election is shown by the statement that a lot of dead meu were assessed in Chicago. Reliel.in Sixj Hour. Distressing Kidney and. Bladder diseases relieved by the "New Grea South American Kidney Cure." Thh new remedy is a great surprise on ae count of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in tne bladder, kidneys back; and every part o! tne urinary passages in male or female. It ralieves retention of v. ater and pain in passing it almost imnecuateiy, ii you ran luick relief and cu'-eth s is your rem ady. Sold by'M E Robinson iro rugglstb. LrOldsnoro. Af . A. locomotive engineer whistle for h's pay. has to A Sure Sign of Croup. Hoarseness in a child that is subject to croup is a sure indication o' the ap proach of the disease. If Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has appeared. it will prevent the attack. Many moth ers who ha?o croupy child .-'en always keep this remedy at band and find that it saves tbem mir h trouble aDd worry It cat always be iepcuded upon and is pleasant to labe, ifov sale by M. E Robinson & Jro., and Miller's Phar macy in Go'dsnoi-o and by Jno, R Smith at Mt O'ive. Some men are cynics because they are unable to make a livine at anything else. ltu on hxrna.i, mange on horEe dogs end all bocs, cures in 30 minutes by WoodToi'O's Sanitary L; f -on. It never fails. Sold bj.M. hi. KcLinson & Bro-.Goidf.boro N C H A. Tccke . E. D, Tuckar TUCKERS Granite and Marble Works. Dealers in all kinds of Granite and Marble Monuments, Headstones, Iron' Fencing, elc. Designs on Application ft fV Tucker fi Bro- GOLDSBORO, N. C. ' and W.'lnvngloa, N.C. NOTICE GOLDSBORO MARKET. tobacco; Corrected by the Farmers' Warehouse Fillers- common 3 5 Medium........... 5(3) 7 Good.. 77 ft Smokers Common............... 4 Medium ; 5 Good...... 7 Pine 8 utters Commdn , 8 Medium 11 14 Good 14 18 Fine IS rd) 25 Wrappers Common 15 (a) 18 Medium..... 18 20 Good 25 (d 35 Fine 35 ($40 Fancy 50 72 cotton. Market steady on a basis of 4,95 for middling: MEAT . Sides, dry salt 5 90 H resb pork 6 to 6 Sugar cured hams 12i N. C. Hams 10 to 12 Breakfast Bacon. 11 . Salt Mullets $2. 50 to 3 L,ard, countrv. 7 to 8 Turkeys dressed 8 to 10 Liard. JNortnern 6 to 7 Turkey p undressed 6i to T Chickens dressed 7 to 8 Chickens live, apiece. 17 to 25 . STAPLE GROCERIES. Flour fancy patent 5 00 Flour straight 4 25 Flour gooi family 3.75 Meal peroack 1.00 Sugar 5ito 6 Coffee 10 to 15 Cheese..... 10 to 11 Salt 50 to 1.20 PRODUCE. Corn 50 Rice rough 75 Rye .75 Outs 35 to 40 Bran per 100 lbs 80 Potatoes sweet. . . 35 to 40 Potatoes Irish 1.00 Peanuts 60 to 75 Apples 3. CO ggs lZi Butter 20 to 25 Tallow 2J to 3 Bieswax 18 to 20 Hides green 6 to 7 Hides dry 10 to 11 No'-th Carolina, ) Wayne County, J in tauperiOr Uoart. Mess:-s. H. HePei te Cc, and others, c"edilor3 of G, E Had- ley decease, -v . vs. - R. F. Hsdley, admin'sSvator of U. js. nauiey, deceased. This is a spec'al oceed't., sum moni, rebmnaoJe beio o roe as i. ieru the bape'ior Cojvt, ft my office f Goldsboio, on the 2ithuavo" Novem bei', 1808, to compel tbe deeodant of his edministi ation, and to - pay- the creditors wnat ma be payable vo tbem respectively: All creditors o: the oe ceased ave nereoy nouned to appear before me on or oe-o e tne iejU--n day and n;e tne evidences o- vne:r claim. C. F. HERRLNG, C. S. C This Oct. loth, 1893. Land Sale. The uncei'sipned, executors of the late Isaac M. Williams, and his late wi?e, Elizabeth Will lams,, will oEer for sale, ior rash, on Wednesday, Decern' ber t, 1898, o i the premises, tbe fine plantation in Greene county, lit) own as tne Isaac w imams place, and contain ing something ove 500 rc;'?. Also. at the same time and place, io. cash all the cotton, com, fodde', cotton seed, and other croj;s on band; also cotton gin and press,, one paJro'! males plows, cart?, etc , etc.' This plantation is well kbown as one of the nnest in Eastern JNortli Caro Una. Ed. Tavlor, J. W. Hall, Haywood Bdmundson, Executors Mothers! TH3 discom forts and dangers of child-birth can be almost en tirely avoided., WineofCardui0 relieves ex pectant moth ers. It gives toneto the gen ital organs, and puts thtm in condition to do their, work perfectly. That makes preg nancy le93 painful, shortens labor and hastens recovery after child-birth. It helps a woman bear strong healthy cnildren. has also brought happiness to thousands of homes barren for years. A few doses often brings joy to loving hearts that long for a darling baby. No woman should neglect to try it for this trouble. It cures nine cases out of ten. All druggists sell Wine of Cardui. fi.oo per bottle. Pot advice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving' symptoms, the " Ladles' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatta nooga, Term. Mrs. LOUISA. HALE, of Jefferson, 6a., says: "When I first took Wine of Cardui we had been married three years, but eould not have any children. Nine months later 1 had a fine girl baby.1' B - m -mr mm Mime mm Taxes The taxes Tor 1898 are now due, and musu be paid on or bejore December 1st, otherwise ihe penalty of law will be ircui-ied aud enforced. I trust every one on the books will make prompt settlement. H. D. HA M, Tax Collector, t'toney CVeek Townsbio. Sale of Valuable j Mill Properly. ' We offer for sale, on easy terms, an vmcliv.'ded one-half interest in tbe Ste?ens? mill properly. SAlililE K. STEVENS, AMY J. STEVENS, or I. F. DOflTCH, Attorney. Epsteiti BroSo The i New I tore! L Winners ! $8:50,: ' Epstein Brothel's. Epstein Brothers. Epstein Brothers. Epstein Brothers. Epstein Brothers. Epstein Brothers. Great Values! In Clay Worsted Suits You may search tar and near if you are interested in a new Fall suit you'll look in vain to find the equal of our 18-ounce Clay Wor stead Suit $8.50 absolutely pure wool: never wear glossy. Suits as low as $2.65, as liighas $18.00 are here. . A covert cloth Lap Coat to suit your present needs for fB5.90, made with lap seams and up-to-date. Come to see us. "We will suit you. Winners ! $8.50. New Store In Odd Fellows' LCorner I New Store In Odd Fellows'lfCornerif New Store! In Odd Fellows'IECornerJ Surveying!- I am prepared to do surveying' and map:ng !n Wayne and adjoining coun ufes at shoHesii noL'.ce possie, and guarantee sails act'oi", having had 22 years erpevJence at the business. Those wanting surveying in aoy locality will do well to tee or write me. Terms mod erate. Address, ABBOTT L. 8 WIN SON, 5m8eptl5 , Goldsboro, N. P.. Mill Wriotii- Anyone desiving tne services of a competer i .and experienced Mill Weight, whether to build or repaii' mills, are offered my services. My charges a e reasonable. Address, J OS. L. PEARSON, Goldsboro, N. C. G. U. R & CO. We are still tell'ng the people of our . line with Printers Ink. Gotfins, Gaskets and RoDes.o Embracing every grade at ... ,; satisfactory prices, . Buggies and Wagons Kepairea . bv"Mr. Graham, than whom there is no better wOi'Kman. Onr Vnneral Car to Funerals Free, j0rlont trade 'till yoi get our Prices G. U. & R. CO. Phones 81. 96,97. EPSTEIN BROS Men's Outfitters and Haberdashers. fl Revolution in Guba- Is no new thing; neither statement that you will The Largest and Best stock of goods in Goldsboro at -cFonvielle-s a new fact : but that is an old. established fact no man of truth will de ny. Our aim is always to furnish goods of the BEST QUALITY OBTAINABLE We call your attention just now to They banish pain ,ff ONE ! and prolong life. GIVES RELIEF. Fresh Arrivals of Hecker's Prepared Buckwheat, Hecker's Old Homestead Flap Jack Flour, Plain N. Y. hi. ate Buckwheat, Plain Mounta' 1 B kwheat, New Maple yr:.y a guaran tee of absolute pueity goes with every can, Hecker's Flake Taprioco, Hecker's Farina, New Crop Prunes, Genuine Olive Oil compare it with what you find else where. If you see no dif ference, THEN ANY OLD THING WILL DO FOR YOU. 1 1 zcr,k-'-i-T !l and prolong life. J ' ; 1 . hi No matter what the matter is, one will dw-ou good, and you can get ten for five cents. A. new wtjltt pack eootetolne ttt rttas t abttt-ct in a paper carton (without glaflR) fa now for ml t iome drujr stores- -foa nva cewts. Tints low-priced sort is intended for the poor and tne economi- i&l. una aoeen ot t be fire-cent cariotn(i29 tarmles) can be bad by mail by sending- fcrty-eipht cent w Auxrvia so. iulaji vuarini, ru. tv olm ujtj olivcl. now z nr or n. amain dnrtin (ns Virf in.itnln awuh maH. 1 ' abuum) wlU be mm. is tor flve cents. it IS EllOliOll "When we say that we offer you Chase & Sandborne's Famous Teas and Coffee's. IF THERE WEREIBETTER, "" HAVE'TH EM The Famous CAFtlCOLE BLEND TEA has gone into the hands of con sumers in larger quantities than any tea ever put upon the market the PRICE IS VERY LOW: YOU SHOULD TRY IT. - I. B. Fonvielle. WALNUT STREET. Skin BiseaseSo For the speedy ami permanent ctxre of tetter, salt rbenni eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. Ii relieves the iiea ing and smarting almost instantly .iad its continned use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. - Dr. Cady's CondiCon Powders for horses are tbebest t nc blood purifier Rnd vermifuge. Pries, Scmts. Soldby For sale by M. E. Robinson & Pro. and Miller's Pharmacy in Uoldaboro, and Jno. JR. Smith at Mt. Olive. 11 'err-"vS2f I x MATCHLESS . is our fine, up-to-date stock of rifles and shot guns. The hunter's moon is with us now, and the sportsman is happy if he haa such a game piece as our single and double barrel QUNS. We also have a high grade stock of amunition and cartridges belts. Yours respectfully, GOLDSBORO HARDWARE CO. I have been taking TIso's Cure for Consumption since 1S8'., for Coughs and Colds. I had an attack ot Lalxrippe in 1890, and have had others since. In the "Winter of 1896-7, I had a spell of Bronchitis, lasting all winter, and leaving a troublesome coujfh, until I again tried Piso's Cure, which relieved me. Mrs. M. B. Smalley", Colorado Springs, Colo., August 19, 1898. The Piso Company, Warren, 14.- dMS WhERE ALL ELSE FAILS. EH Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use tzj In time. Sold bv drneKists. 11 The Oettinger Company. 36 Greenwich Street, New.York. Will pay to the readers of the Argus for the best five advertisements sent them prior to Dec. 3 1 st, 1 898, accompanied by 25 Trade Marks of any of their brands mentioned below, ONE DOLLAR EACH. PERFECT BORAXSOAP, for the wrappers of: whichpresents are given. BORAX SPOON SOAP, with each cake 0f whicrr a durable teaspoon is given. ALpA SOAP, the largest cake of Jhigh- rade goods ever sold here at 5 cents. ' . ' i ? KLONDIKE SOAP POWDER, the. age to be had for $ cents. If your grocer hasn't these goods in Btock, ser d hfs n " " wo nuppueu. j.ne na largest pack- ame tothe manin me ox The Oettingf ;r Co. On Laundry Soap oxSoaR pQw wxubo jjuiny aiKi rnsureB "most er is a guarantee pf :ess in your work. Southerlatid, Brittkley & Co's USTEEOEIYED !-Bigaiue3 la Ing corsets at 50 cents. CORl 4ET3. Sed'our nure-' Our New Lvino of Rue Keceived to-day at special pi ices to close nut See our 81IOB8 ff . " , , if you are looking bai HATfc, for men and boys, at hard-time pric Yours, anxious to please, c Ladiesi gains. Gents and Children, . ' w . -1 . .

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