l. . i. - ' .. u The National Bank of Goldsboro offers t I to depositors every accommodation tfiat sale banking will warrant. Geo. A. Norwood, Jr., Pres. M. J. Best, Vice-Pres. This Argtjs o'er the people's rights, Doth an eternal vigil keep No soothing-strains of Maia'sson, Can lull its hundred eyes to sleep' ' 4f I'M 4 ' if Vol. XVII. GOLDSBORO, N. C. THURSDAY JANUARY 5. 1899 NO 85 Geo a! Noaw, Jr Pres. s 3L J. Best, Vice-Pres. n52) flf ji 0 ,11 !1 5Vj Caking Powder Made from pure cream cf tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present diy. ROVl BAKING POV.UEB CO.. NEW YORK. OUR LOCAL OPTIC. Write it '99. Judge Ilobirjson is confined to his bed, ard suffering very much w5th a carbuncle. Miss. Lucy Hicks, of Kutber fordrou, wbo has been visiting her aunt & rs. w. A. Alien, in this city, has returnrd home. Mr. W. G. Britr, his miaj friends wiii be g ad to kauw, recovtrtd from his tectm Hindis and is able to be at his place of business again. If a man does not unbosom hims-ll to a woman woo iike him ne shudders to think of the life hi ltd before her example bruught rtpeuitnce 10 him. Alfcrd H-dg-, a colored man who was cotfidi d in lue coulij jail for juuacy, died Sunday inh and ibe Coumy CJuimnissioiitis Monday issued n order fur his burial. The handsome n . t dry wagot of Mrfcsrs. tsmuti & Y-'Vi-r.oti buia by Aitssrs. .vjuuie & Robin son to order, is a m; ael 01 w rk mausbip atd is admired by tv ery body. -A "ear all !ba joung iadie." alemeu wnu have bten spending the holidays at homt from scbool have returned t. toe several institutions of learning at which tbey are enrolled. Luisa Biount, a colored woman living in the northern section of the city, died Sunday and was buried Monday under auspices of the Good iSamariiaus, to which order she belonged. Sidney Ptarce, a young white man from the neighborhood of Princeton , employed at the Wayne Coiton Mill iu this city, was severely kjured on Monday by being caugat in the belticg His injuries are Jiostly about the head, Out they aee not considered serious. 'On to Raleigh ' is now the watchword. Repressmatives, candidates for place advisarv statesmen, and Democrats gener ally, who are jubilaut and warn toclimax their joy with the sight of a Dtmjcatic Legislature in sessiorj, are all now moving on the Capital. Mr A. J. Maxwell, editor of the Whiteville Njwf, who did such good service in the late campaign in bis county and sec tion for the success of the Demo cracy, is in the city, on a visit to his old home, and we are alt glao to see him. Mr. Maxwell is a candidate for Reading clerk of the Senate, and .he is in every way qualified for and deserving of the p'ace. The sewerage committee met Friday night at the Mayor's office and formally accepted the sewerage system from Messrs Guild & Co , the contractors Tnere was some complaint about the condition of the streets, but this was considered of minor im portance, and the balance of the money amounting $6,536.65 was paid over to the contractors. Charlie Dent, the colored bar ber, had his arm cut ofl Wednes day last while trying to board the outgoing A. & N. C. B. B. pas senger train. He has been run ning a barber shop in La Grange for Henry Guess and was leaving for his work when the accident occurred. He missed his hold on the hand rails and fell, the wheels toassing over his arm. He died Sunday night from loss of blood, Mr. M, T. Johnson, of Fre mont, was here last week and brought news of a tragedy which occurred at Kerwy on Saturday Dight. A White man named ,Talton shot and killed Floyd Hinnant. . The two quarrelled and Hinnant told TaUon he was going to whip him and advanced, when Tal ton drew his pistol and fired the fatal shot. Hinnant, it -will be remembered, figured con spicuously as a witness in the trial of George Moore for killing .b if? wife some yzars ago, and- he was generally regarded as a bad character, ABOUT THE PENITENTIARY Some days ago the entire pop ulation of North Carolina and the civilized inhabitants of Hawaii aud the Philippines were startled at the announcement that Gc-er-nor Russell had appointed "Cap1n Bill Day" superintendent of the penitentiary, vice J. M. Mevv' boorue resigned. It had come to be the prevail ing sentiment throughout the State that Governor Russell could not spring any more surprises upon the people that anything he might do in his official capacity would he received with com placency by a public whom, it was thought, he had so belabored during his administation, thus far, wi h the flail of his execu tive that they had become cal lous to his misconduct of the high office he has so signally disgraced. But, the day of surprises is not an epoch of the past. Only yester day we read in a newspaper that a negro down in Georgia, lured by the aroma of beaten biscuit baking in the oven of a neighbor's stove actually stole the hot stove in order to secure the banquet within, but had to drop it before he had satiated his desire. There is an apropos moral in this stove incident for the Demo cratic legislature to take unto it self which being interpreted in plain English means, that 'Cap'n Bill Day" should be dropped, and dropped quick. We hope that no Democratic member of the Gen eral assembly will be so for getful of the recent past or so short sighted of the future as to even suggest on the outside much less in the halls of legisla tion, tbe retention of "Cap'n" Day as superintendent- of the penitentiary. The Aegus is constrained to make this delivearnce by reason of the announcement, and repeat ed assurance, without comment, by Raleigh Democratic papers, that Capt . Day will appoint none but Democrats to places under him; and already several have been appointed, and others des ignated; which would suggest the surmise, it not warrant tne con clusion, that Capt. , Day hopes to thus ingratiate himself into fa vor with the Democratic legisla ture and forestall their action in the premises. Be this as it may, there is one thing settled in North Carolina beyond all peradventure, and that is, that the people of the State are sick of Russellism, Populism and Fusion and "Cap n Bill Day" is all of these and more: he is Russell's appointee. He has been Russell's apologist even to the extent of "blaspheemy (as Jim Pou would say) equal to Russell's when lauding his Fat ness and abus ng Democrats and Democracy, within recent months. He has been a veering, vacillating politician, training with all par ties in power and true to none in adversity. The Democracy that stood firm bv the people during the travail of fusion, that fought the great battle of '98 and. redeemed the State, and is now entering upon the administration of its affairs, has patriots and statesmen enough in its ranks competent to fill any and all offices in the State and worthy ot the preferment. We need no hold-overs from Russell's regime, even though ap pointed bv him on the eve of 'evacuation," and as quasi Dem ocrats. Moreover, it is believed that the administration of the peni tentiary has been the most incom petent, if not corrupt, of any branch of the State's affairs, de manding of. the Democratic Leg islature the closest investigation, and Capt. Day has been Governor Russell's attorney and confiden tial advisor. How, then, can the Legislature discover and unearth, as it should, what of corruption has prevailed in the peniten tiary affairs, when at the head of it stands Governor - llussell s paid attorney to thwait them in their researches? . TO CURE A COLD INIONEIDAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund money if it falls to cure. 25c The genuine has L. B, Q on each tablet. FOR RAILROAD COMMIS SIONER. Since it was first instituted .in North Carolina the Riil Road Comiiission has been a mutter of deepest interest to the people of our State and to the Railroads, as well. Tde position of Railroid.Gom misiioner is one of greatest im portance, as it has to deal with freight and passenger rate?, upon which depend tbe cummerca and intercourse of the entire people. It icquires, therefore, a nfiin of fiiiniss ks well as deserving. The fact is, there are few men quali fied for the exacting position, for the reason that few men available possess the necessary kno'vledaje of the subject to do justic3 to all parties concerned and that is what the commission was created for and what the people demand. Of course the new Commis sioners to be elected by the com ing Legislature must be tried and true Democrats, but men should not be advanced to these impor tant places simply because they are polr.icians. God knows fusion did enough of that in North Car olina to last for all time, and re tribution, born of an outraged people's righteous indignation, has followed swift and sweeping. We have in Golasboro a man admirably equipped for and de serving abrea?t of any in the Stnte of the preferment, 'f nat man is Capt. Thos. W. Slocumb. He was born in this county. His fa ther before him was born here, and his grandfather represented this section with distinguished ability in Congress, and died there, before' the days of Kail roads, and is buried in the Con gressional cemetery in Washing ton. He comes of a long line of distinguished statesmen and pa triots, and he has ever shown himself worthy of his lineage. He volunteered in the Confederate service when the war first broke out, and hundreds of his old com rades in arms attest to his bravely acd heroism in battle during those four long and fearful years of the South's history. He has been as loyal to tho Democratic party as he was to ''The Bonnie Blue Flag. For aquaiter of a century he has tilled with absolute efficiency the responsible position of agent at Goldsboro for tbe great Atlantic Coast Line, and in that capacity. has had to deal with every poss ible phase of transportation rates and controversy, and yet he has always found time to attend his party's conventions and has ever taken an active interest in ad vancin? its successes and sustain ing it in times of adversity. No man in North ' Carolina is better posted on railroad matters than is Capt. Slocumb; He knows all abou"; freight and passenger rates and his knowledge and com prehensive experience would be of incalculable value to the Com mission. He is a man of the high est character, faultless habits, and of untiring energy, and would do absolute justice to all concerned. The Legislature could not do the whole State a better service than by electing Capt. Slocumb one of the three Railroad Com missioners. 100 Reward 100. The reader of this papers will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease re quires a constitutional treatment, Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken mtei nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by b ulding up the consti tution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure, Send for testimonials. ; Address, F. J.Cheney & Co.,Toledo.O S5old by Druggists, 75c. Itch on human, mange on horses, dogs and all stock, cures in 30 minutes by Woodford's Sanitary Lotion, It never fails. Sold bj.M. E.;ttot lnson & Bro., Goldsboro NC STATEMENT of Receipts and Disbursements ot Wayne County For the Year Ending Not. 30, 1898. DECEMBER 1897. Accounts were audited and allowed to : S B Smith, for tm-rj-ing pauper. . . . V" J Roberts, Brogden ience Jos Edwards, jail account N ii Holland, registration A A Oranthani, land tax reduced K B Rhodes bank tax reduced Isaac Harris, fee bill omitted B T Smitb, error in fence tax P O llutton, fil D, salary City of Uoldsboro, cleaning big ditch.. A o Spivey, bridge guard D il Whitley, tax error J W i'arker, registration O h Sullivan t, poor house J Johnson, tax error J S iioore, Brogden fence W J Flowers, constable II U Porter, bridge guard M Sherman, beet for poor house Hood & Britt, supplies for poor house... W E Jj Musgrave, bridge lumber N A Howell, bridge lumber Henry Lane, tax error Kobt Aldridge, Brogden fence L V Humphrey, Fork fence J T Price, tax error W B Whitfield, fee bill omitted.... N O Powell heirs, tax error VV H Sugg, building gallow9 Ki O Kornegay, account filed U Copelauu, J P, examining lunatic S Cohencius, clothes for Sam Wright.... Isham Smith, bridge lumber F B Edmundson, poor house supplies. . Enterprise Lumber Co, bridge lumber.. standard Mau'l'g Oo, bridge lumber J E Robinson, publishing to date Smith Bros, poor house supplies V H Ham, poor house supplies J H Johnson, Treas, for paupers B E Scott, Sheriff, jail account 0 O Kornegay, on tax settlements 1 F Iortch, Oo Attorney, on salary Dr W J Jones, work on road W H Hani, Com, per diem and mileage.. M. E Cox. E A Stevens, " " " " " Jos Rosenthal, error in tax Morris Miller, burying pauper ' Arnold Sasser, burying pauper J T C'arroway, Brogden fence V R May, Bear Creek bridge lumber ... C W Denning, constable O O Kornegay, postage account Thos Hill, coroner, barah Stuart case. . . Thos Hill, for jurors in above cae J R Moore, Brogden fence Edwards J; Broughton, account filed. ... V StromLjfor pauper removal B F Scoir, sheriff, account nled Walker, Evans Si Cogswell, docket Dr Thos Hill, coroner, M Mable inquest AAOraiitham, bridge work Mrs li il Hudson, lax refunded 2 20 7 2 1 2 2 20 50 5 1 1 55 1 7 3 1 1 18 5 9 1 14 2 1 1 1 7 46 2 8 1 89 4 13 38 4 5 155 131 60 40 35 30 25 18 17 1 2 15 27 2 2 8 10 5 15 1 87 8 8 11 2 JANUARY 1898. J II Mattocks, error in tax $ 2 25 N McBuie, bridge repairs 25 15 H Weil Bros, county supplies 36 70 R Aldridge, Brogden fence account 11 56 U E Sullivant. poor house account 29 22 W' H Ham, eash lor poor house 3 yo Dr P O Hutton, salary 20 00 B F Scott, sheiiff, jail account 163 70 Ooldsboro Water Oo, for jail 6 25 O AHollowell, Brogden fence 6 00 J li Roberts, Bear CreeK bridge. 15 65 W H Sasser, bridge guard......... 8 83 M Jinnett, bridge work. 8 so O C Kornegay, reg't, account filed R 8a W A sasser, bridge lumber 4'y I M W Parks, bridge guard..... 2 32 LR Mitchell, Fork fence i. 4 00 Goldsboro Hardware Co. forjali 175 H D Hain, Stony Creek fence 7 60 Bizzell Bros & oo, supplies. 18 36 F Musgrave, bridge lumber 5 34 Smith, Fort & Co, account filed 4 95 J W Britt, bridge account 2 20 J H Johnson, Treas, cash to paupers 135 00 FEBRUARY, 1898. Pauper orders omitted I 9 00 Smith, F'ort ifc Co, bridge lumber 12 87 H it Jl L Dee, poor house supplies 16 59 A Roscower, on printing account 25 00 W P Whitley, New Hope fence 15 00 J V Branch, New Hope fence 10 oo WH Smith, bridge lumber a 2o T O Blalock, burying pauper 3 00 Argus office, printing 4 00 H J Jones, Fork fence 84 39 N Y Racket Store, prisoner's clothing... 7 15 Royall & Borden, for poor house 8 5o O L Sullivant, for poor house 35 65 J J Casey, bridge guard lo 00 Thos Hinnant, New Hope fence 41 6t Isaac H Cox, tax error 5 2,s P D Summerlin, New Hope fence 89 6o John Williams, poor house work 3 li Thos Ulenn, poor house work 5 Ot T B Ashford & Oo, work on court house 1 8t A Holland, bridge lumber 2 2f B F Scott, sheriff, account filed 268 80 Owen liinn, bridge repairs 2 6t H O Grady, sundry accounts 19 6c J M Edgerton, bridge work 1 00 O V Kornegay, account filed 49 43 Smith, Scott & Oo, jail account 9 So r j nuuon, .ai u. Health Sunt 20 00 C F" Herring, O S O, account tiled 14 60 Baker, Jsier & Co., coal for jail 13 50 i. nmim, uriuge luinDer 4 7o Edwards & Broughton. for C, F n . . R 40 Smith Bros, poor house account 5 29 ake oounty sherill. Gil Ward n't, 15 00 J H Johnson, treas, for paupers 157 60 Broadhurst & Humphrey, J 's,act filed 2 00 Swariugen & Gulick, J P s, act filed 4 00 louug ciaeuuou, register's account... 12 SO Enterprise Dumber Co, bridge account.. 15 79 MARCH 1898. J H Shackelford, pauper coffins t 4 00 Li i urantnam. oridee wort .so 55 J E Byrd . ' " 22 4s J S Keen ' " 14 52 H G Grady, prisoner's expenses 8 00 A Sasser, burying paupers 6 00 in tjrawiord, t orn ience 18 10 H T Jones, Fork fence 42 62 Urban Lewis, Brogden fence 82 81 T O Mozingo, " 11816 w J .Roberts, " " 77 79 A G Spivey, bridge guard 6 00 B F Scott, sherirl, account filed 45 75 J T Starling, PikevUle fence 29 70 li li nam, 45 90 Goldsboro Hospital, annual donation.. 100 00 h wen sros, jail account 19 20 T W Uzzell, White Hall bridge lumber.. 83 04 f.o strotner, j tr, examining lunatic 1 00 H D Porter, bridge guard 2 65 l j urmonu, j r, account niea. . l oo W A Sasser, Capps' bridge lumber 16 13 A Manuel, Brogden fence 8 00 w a sasser, Drioge guard s 33 G L Sullivant, for poor house 89 75 w it nam, casn to paupers 2 80 J L l'earson, pauper coffins 4 00 W J Flowers, constable account 0 00 D Fleming, care of pauper '.. 7 50 p Li summerlin, New Hope fence; 16 05 L Godwin, pool houte work 200 J E Robinson, printing 4 00 rt u soutneriand, ew Hope fence 16 00 Southerland & Ivey, bridge lumber 7 79 E T Crawford, registration 8 80 Alfred Exum, service to paupers 2 00 Nick Chambers, ail guard 2 00 A Lane, fee bill omitted 2 05 C Herring, CSC, stationery 6 75 A J Harrell & Son, for jail 13 G C Kornegay, Register 23 lo Baker Isler & Co, coal for jail 27 00 Edwards & Broughton, docket 10 00 Henry Moore, fee bill omitted 1 40 Nash Bros, stationery for register 2 75 Gulick & Broadhurst, J P's. account filed 2 00 Dr P C Hutton, salary 20 00 R E Pipkin, poor house supplies 18 40 Smith & Scott, jail supplies 1 11 J H Johnson, Treas, paid to paupers 147 00 H E King, brick work at jaU 3 80 Nat Vaccine Virus Co,, per account 62 62 B F Scott, sherill, arrest. . . 1 90 John Williams, ditching. 3 50 Goldsboro Electric Co, C H lighting 2 00 N B Berger, registration 8 90 Humphrey & Broadhurst, J P's, ac't filed 2 00 APRIL, 1888. A. A Grantham, bridge work A Sasser, burying pauper E Edwards, bridge work B F Scott, sheriff, account filed Baker Isler & Co, for jail G C Kornegay, register, ac't filed. Smith & Scott, jail supplies Thos Hill, coroner's inquest "Headlight," printing P C Hutton, M D, salary O Vernon, burying pauper G L Sullivant, poor house account. O L Rose, bridge lumber M R Hooks, bridge lumber G W Pipkin, Capps' bridge wok.... W A Sasser, bridge lumber L A Grantham. bridge work , . 13 50 . 3 00 2 40 . 42 85 . 2 60 . 25 75 . 19 47 . 5 00 . 25 00 . 20 00 2 00 . 48 00 . 2 00 . 23 00 . 8 69 . 8 02 . 12 12 H T Jones, Fork fence account . 85 19 . 2 00 . 1 15 H B Parker, for court house square. . MW Parks. White Hall bridge N A Howell, bridge lumber P L Summerlin, New Hope Supt H D Ham, Stony Oreek fence W T Davis, poor house shingles...... J H Johnson, treas for paupers . 6 08 . 1L95 . 4T 19 . 14 49 . 147 00 MAY, 1898. N D Southerland. bridge lumber..... . 0 00 Jos Sasser, bridge building .....s... J 00 B W Sasser, bridge work 9 56 nrnirihiirat AHumnhrev. J P's. ac't filed ; 8- 90 J J Oasev, bridge guard .-. ... 10 00 Charles Waaner. burying pauper.... . 1 00 A wreck at sea is not the only place where a life line is of i7npovtnr.ee." There is a life line for the sick, a? well as for the drowning man. It is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is not a eure-all, but it is a scientific medicine that foes to the fountain hcrnl of a number of serious and fatal dir,earc. When a man pets seriously sick, he can pcnerallv be cured by the rig-fit cture of treatment. The treatment that curt.-, many obstinate chronic diseases consists i f pure air, good food, rational exercise, .-"the- use of a remedy that wii sin then the weak stomach, correct 4ie iv.i) aired digestion, 'twig-orate the liver ai:d promote "the as similation of the live-giving elements of the food. The "Goidtu Medical Discov ery " accomplishes all these things. " A youngf man lay pale r.nd motionless upon (what neighbors called-) his flying bed. Disease of the lungs, liver com plain, t. kii'mey trouble, and ?leurisy were fast hastening him "to tlte grave, he doctors had given him up to die. Ti'.e neighbors said, ' he cannot live.' ' Oh, 1 would not care to die,' he said, ' vere it not for leaving my dear wife and little child, but I k-now thnt I must die. A brother had presented him with three bottles of medicine, hnt he hat nofaiih in ' patent medicines ' ; but, after the doctors had grvien him up t die and he i-d banished every hope of recovery, he said t; Ins v,'i;e, dear wife, I am going to die, there cri-i I e no harm now i taking that medicine. ' I will begin its use p.t once." He did begin to i-.se it and at first he grew worse, but soon tiicre caine a change. Slowly but surely he got better. To-day thnt man is strong ana hea't'iy and he owes his Hie to that medicine Vh::t v n-s the medicine? It was Dr. Pierce's Golden Mc-.Hcal Discovery, and I, Luther Martin, am t'.:- rured men." Dr. Pierce, I thank you from the v-ry cienth of my heart, for rescuing me lVum t:;t; Vvc.'' The foregoing is from Lnth.r : .: -t::i, !(- , s pro'il nent citizen of Lubcc, WcoJ Co., W. Va. A A Grantham, bridge building.... C W Denning, constable ajeount DrThos Hill, coroner's inquest. ... Jurors in above ease Edwards & Broughton, stel pens H Humphrey, J P, account tiled B F Scott, sheriff, account filed Major Jones, fence lumber W H Ham, commissioner W H Ham. cash paid to pauper B E Crocker, bridge work W A Sasser bridge lumber Charlotte Cotton, pauper Kedar Rhodes, pauper J W Gardner &. Son, poor house a count J W Mitchell, bridge work G W Summerlin, poor house account. . . . P C llutton, M D, salary Smith & Scott, jail supplies H Gurganeous.. board of jury John Deans, Pikeville fence G C Kornegay, register, account T R Johnson, bridge lumber W E Hm, guano for f-ohr house J P Smith .SsSon, guano for p:or house.. P- UU-SVjcK1. J H Sanders, couuty work. F B Edmundson, poor house account 17 II D Ham, Stony Creek fence 14 S L Hastings, registration 1 F B Edmundson, tickets omitted 11 Geo B Edwards, Brogden fence 4 J H Johnson, cash to paupers. . 153 W illis Cole, care of pauper 4 Major Jones, jail lumber 25 Charity Dunn, pauper 1 A A Grantham, bridge work 5 JUNE. 1898. J M Holland, bridge work Goldsboro Water Co, for jail David Johnson, for jail fence E C Exum, fee bill omitted King Atkinson, fee bill omitted P E Jones, Quaker bridge guard Cora Dering. pauper burial W F Patrick. Brogden fence P L Summerlin, New Hope fence William Daniels " " " Henry Vinson, constable G L Sullivant. poor house account A M Shrago, for jail Caroline Faucett, pauper: Floyd Walker, constable Smith & Yelverton, for jail Dr Thos Hill, on Lizzie Mann inquest ' " for jurors and witnesses. .. 65 00 6 25 9 65 3 90 4 00 4 75 2 00 15 61' 6 00 12 55 1.20 3S 71 50 2 00 1 Si 2 14 80 22 50 2 20 2 (X) 2 00 ij 0" 14 9:! 2 00 2 W) 25 00 2 50 17 85 20 (Ml 28 80 22 20 2 00 2 60 2 (i 1 28 151 00 1 60 2 00 3 00 31 03 2 00 1 00 47 82 1 28 2 00 1 CO 18 24 85 2 25 11 Jones, rort ience account J T Starling, Pikevilie fence John Deans " " H D Porter, bridge guard Hood e Britt. Door house account W Blackman, burying pauper Edwards and Broughton for tax lists. . . "Headlight," publishing account - M E Best, Stouy Creek fence G C Kornegay, register, account Dr j H Powell, health superintendent.. B F Scott, account filed II T Jones, sh'ff Wake Co, Gil Ward fees Golds Elee Co for ct house Floyd Walker, constable J H Lane, care pauper D Southerland, jail lumber J H Johnson, treas, paid to paupers.... W A Sasser. bridge lum A A Grantham, for Toler bridge W H Ham, for pauper A H Edgerton, work at poor house , larv cnesnut, pauper Cilia Whitfield, pauper Flnterprise Lumber Co, lumber ji J isest. error in tax Go'dsboro Argus, printing schedules Floyd Walker, bridge guard J W Gulick, on tax listing J J Johnson, Wake county, for Gil Ward G C Kornegay, for circulars printed. . . . JULY, 1898. Dr J H Powell, mon salary W J Roberts. Brogden fence 20 00 5 74 6 02 1 80 SC 00 80 00 30 00 40 00 24 00 20 00 84 00 20 00 24 00 32 00 68 60 29 76 77 05 1 00 85 68 1 00 2 00 1 60 ,J8 50 7 75 6 25 30 20 1 50 157 00 3 00 1 00 1 25 8 00 22 15 16 80 3 20 26 00 81 55 15 13 220 00 112 on 20 00 1 50 48 60 5 00 3 5-"i 39 75 T R Johnson, bridge lumber Smith, Scott and Co, jail supplies J H Hollowell, tax lister E T Crawford, " " J B Parks, . " s s btrother, " " A H Edgerton " " J L Pearson " " W G Broadhurst -' " D A Cogdell " " H D Ham " " J W Daly " " A T Grady " J W Gulick " B E Scott, sheriff, jail act Mrs Faucett, pauper G L Sullivant, poor house act H D Porter, bridge guard Humphrey and Broadhurst, Jp's act filed H G Grady, constable, act Edwards and Broughton, for register Wm Mann and Co, for Clerk. Golds Water Co, for jail G C Kornegay, reg, act filed J T Aycock, pauper burial J H Johnson, treas, for paupers Arnold Sasser, pauper burial AUGUST, 1898. H D Porter, bridge guard J L Pearsonr bridge raft work A Sasser, burial of pauper. ; . G L Sullivant, poor house act G C Kornegay, regt, act, Wm Sasser, bridge lum A Roscower, printing G C Kornegay. SchB tax listtng Best and Thompson, poor hojseac B F Scott, sh'ff, for D and D and Bl'd asy act filed J H Powell, M D, Health supt. "Argus," publishing road notices Lewis Gaylor, bnilding Sasser bridge... J II Barefoot, care of pauper W H Sasser, bridge guard A II Edgerton, work on jail andofiice A A Grantham, bridge lumber, etc. J H Johnson, treas, -paid to paupers .... Franklinand Dail, work on jail.. G C Kornegay, baton tax settlement Alex Sasser bridge luinbe' Arnold Sasser, burying pauper.. B F Scott, sheriff, tax book N J Jinnett, court house repairs A Sasser, burying pauper Thos S Kenan, clerk, copy of SC decision SE1TEMBER 1893 3 4S 148 00 1 50 60 00 7 W 3 00 1 00 8(1 2 00 8 25 C Jordan, washing jail blankets J C Cook, burying pauper P E Jones, bridge guard. B Parks, burying pauper Sheriff Green Co, Gil Ward ease W A Sasser, bridge lumber.- II W Stuckey, bridge work : W B Floars, " V G L Sullivant. poor house account B F Scott, sheriff, account filed... J M Howell, bridge lumber J II Bunn, " "and work,... Floyd Walker ' ' " and guard. . . J S Worrell, working road H D Porter, bridge guard -. . K L Pate, road work P R Peacock, bridge lumber W A Denmark, pauper burial.,..,......, G O Kornegay, Regt,- act tiled.. 8 25 2 00 4 2 00 4 40 11 82 4 00 ,8 60 27 65 151 65 2 46 9 83 2 70 1 00 5 40 2 0: 2 00 46 70 j C F Herring, CSC, stationery Nash Bros, printing tax books j (ioldsboro Argus, stationery , Moore and Robinson, pauper burial. ! J II Powell, M D, salary. B Colin and Co, jail blanket-..: t A Kritt-iirflu 1 65 32 00 3 00 3 00 20 00 3 50 6 10 3 00 6 87 2 00 151 50 200 00 i 00 50 00 1 00 5 19 Best and Thompson " " Standard Lumber Qp, bridge lumber. XV E Blackman, burying pauper J II Johnson, treas, paid to paupers. . . Golds Rifles, annual appropriation . . iviiit; Diiiuoury, pauper I F Dortch, county attorney Goldsboro Book Store, blank books. . . . Smith and Scott, for jail OCTOBER, 1R98. W B Odom, bridge lumber H D Porter, bridge guard D Montague, road work Jno Montague ' J B Exum - Z a Best " ' XV H Smith, bridge lumber L II Price, Sr, road work T O Mozingo " ' W E Murgrave, bridge lumber W B Bailey, road work G L Sullivant, poor house account W" ASasser. bridge lumber P L Summerlin, New Hope fence R W Craton. insurance premium Martha Davis, work at poor house A M Smith, burying pauper Bizzell Bros and:: Co, Sept poor house act J A Royall, prisoner's expenses J X Britt. pauper expenses J II Rose, fee bill omitted J 11 Powell, M D. use Dr J H Hill A Roscower, publishing occount Goidsboro Argus, forC SC Smith and Scott, jail supplies C F Herriug.C S C, account filed G O Kornegay, reg, account Edwards and Broughton. for CSC BFSeott, sheriff, account filed Goldsboro W ater Co, for jail Wm Mann Co. for Clerk T O Mozingo, road' work S L Blount, care of pauper E L Pipkin, bridge lumber H G (irady, constable, lunatic expenses J F Cox, road work J h Johnson, treas, paid to paupers. . . . . . W II nuggins hdw for road work Sally Davis, pauper Mack Williams, pauper expenses C F Herring, C S C, election blanks II Humphrey, J P, judgand costs vs Co. . H W Godwin, rord work 12 08 1 00 60 7 00 3 74 8 13 10 81 89 S3 10 02 22 01 20 08 9 9 9 70 27 00 1 00 8 00 hi 21 6 20 2 00 2 80 20 00 25 00 2 00 75 56 80 44 5' 8 25 312 20 6 25 7 00 5 00 1 00 3 38 7 15 69 07 149 0(1 81 79 2 00 1 00 1 00 29 15 27 60 NOVEMBER, 1S9S. H W Godwin, great Swamp road 76 45 TO Mozingo, Brogden road 121 75 J B nam, Goldsboro road 52 73 J B Brock, New Hope 11 10 T o iSlaiock, .Nahunta road 12 94 W B Bailey, Nahunta roid 40 11 L H Price, Sr, Ind Springs road 66 00 J B Hastings, Fork road : : 53 14 O 1- Dees, Pikeville road 38 75 Owen (jinn, saulston road 9 60 W h Godwin. Great Swamp road 27 10 J FCox, Grantham road 214 89 G M Edgerton, Stony Creek road 96 80 11 1) Porter, Cox bridge guard 1 00 W A Sasser, bridge lum'.ier 447 A Strickland, road work : 6 80 Henry Smith, cutting grass 1 20 W 11 nam, commissioner, services 26 00 J P Smith and Son, poor house supplies 11 85 1 L Summerlin, New Hope fence 3 25 N J Jinnett, jail work 185 Thos Bright, hanling lunatic 1 00 B 8 Godwin, account filed 9n G L Sullivant, poor house account 40 28 MBTallon, hauling pauper 1 00 Dr J H Powell, county physician 20 00 W J Flowers, luna tic ehgs to Raleigh 10 85 W L Edgerton, Pikeville road 75 80 R L Kornegay, Brogden road 48 63 S D Montague, road work 60 vv J. Murfcrave. road lumber 7 71 P R Peacock, road lumber 20 91 B F Seott, sheriff, court and jail account 125 75 ' election account 82 lo C F Herring, C S C, election account 62 72 R L Pate, registering voters 5 74 Beii.4Jasey 4 44 (rn.lf - 7 km J H Grady ' ' ' 443 rc j soutneriand, Jr., 7 3 h E Parks. .... . si T J Fusel I, ballot boxes 4 95 Spencer Best, tax error 2 2.S w i' Patri'jn, Brogden fence 14 02 Smith and Scott, county supplies 35 89 iioaonursL aim vxuiici:, j f s, act tiled . . 2 00 H G Grady, constable, account tiled 1 60 1 Hob mil, coroner, M mil ton. inouesi. . . 6 45 witnesses aud jurors in above case 12 80 C F Herring, CSC, indexing wills 48 60 court expenses 5 25 Arnold Sasser. burvine Dauuer a no Golds Elec Light Co. for court room 3 00 J 11 Johnson, treas. paid to paupers 149 00 ur 1 nos mn, lee 01 il omitted 55 11 weil and Bros, supplies to countv 116 l'o Standard M'f'g Co., fence lumber 27 50 Smith and Yclverten, act filed 3 73 G C Kornegay, making tax lists 78U 00 J HBonitz, tax error 68 w G Lewis, registration 3 73 w B Hood, registration 3 10 Eliza Barnes, tax error 1 83 J Fl'ate, tax error 1 00 w B nood, G rr.nthnm read account 54 57 Owen Ginn, Saulston road " 28 77 w 11 iluggins, road supplies 21 84 J J Ivey, road lumber 4 82 :iUi and Scott. iail supplies 7 55 B F Seott, sheriff, account filed 32 40 ' " ollicial notices 41 50 vr A Martin, registration 5 69 F Yelverton ' 4 29 Humphrey and Broadhurst, J p's act filed 2 00 H G unidy, constable, act filed 1 90 j no slaughter, jail supplies 23 70 j 1. rear-on, registration 6 SS ,1 t Grantham " 4 32 w 13 Creech 6 US 11 o Grady, lunatic to Raleigh 6 80 aojall and Borden, cot for jail 1 75 s Enson, pauper hauling 1 00 smith and yelverton. act filed 28 16 jury tickets paid 1 100 75 insolvent Fee Bins paid 1 ao a Total imt of orders issued $14 927 91 Statement of tax levy of wa vne Co fortheyear ended Nov. 80, 1898, be ing 18 cents 011 each ioo 01 rem ana personal property, including rail roads and bank stock, 23 ets on each taxable poll, -i of 1 per cent, on in comes, including Fence tax, Sehed B taxesand unlisted taxes collected, $14 927 91 Also for 15 cts levied on each W100 of real and personal property, 45 ets on polls and other property taxable as above, for the Public Roads, less errors and allowances by the Board, insolvents and commissions al lowed Treasurer and Tax collectors Dr. isles' Heart Cure Cures a Prominent Attorney. T E. E. C. rilELPS. tho leading pension 'ViF "tU!V:',py ot Belfast, N. Y., writes: ' I wild discharged from the army on ccount ef 111 health, and suffered from j?art trouble ever since. I frequently had aiming and smothering spells. My form ?as bent, as a man of 80. I constantly wore in overcoat, even In summer, for fear of taking cold. I could not attend to my busi oess. My rest was- broken by severe pains about the heart and left shoulder. Three years ago I commenced using Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, notwithstanding 1 had used so much patent medicine and taken drugs from doctors for years without being helped. Dr. Miles Heart Cure restored me to health. It Is t.rulv a wonderful medicine and it affords me much pleasure to recommend this rem edy to everyone.' Dr. Miles' Homed ies are sold by all dru gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases of the heart and nerves free. Address, ,R8st.or4 75 V. Hearth PB. MILE MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. 1 ,'in collection and settlement of the ; above taxes , $10 898 25 Total levy for County. . $25 826 16 I certify that the foregoing is a correct transcript from my official records of the dis bursements and receipts of Wayne County, for the fiscal year ended November 30, 189S. witness my hand and seal of ollice at Golds boro this 1st day of December, 1898. ) G. C. KORNEGAY. ) official ( Register of Deeds. I SEAI' Ex-Oflicio Clerk to Board. H 3 K I W is 1 1 1 S l oo , td : O . I i i Hj ; 1 & : : ! o 60 I hh CS I to JO IS A O j O O O &j O j O O O 5?" Cl I tO l- tC g-rg P tl Ot Cl OS M ! G tr" r-i p O S -" p to to p B g 000 &g ! &. t3 te! 5 o CO -q OO w a .-! p g t 000 a g 000 -g ! Ci tO -q B ?i o en 00 r: . 000 Cl ao o ; m - CO CO 1 1 CO w B a 1-1 otocc gtP bo b 00 b SJ 2 CD t is B&H 1-1 1- (- g. 5 o h-i p 00 co g p fL "go o go b 05 g -a & -i o o ts "0 m O o B B O B CD "t ts o o 3 a m a so i-s a ts p . CD 5z o co o GO GO I certify that the foreeroinsr is a correct transcript from the of ficial records. " Witness my hand and the seal of my office at Golds boro, this 1st day of Dec. 1898. u. G. Kornegay, Register of Deeds. Ex-Oflicio Clerk to Board of Com. AT HYMEN'S ALTAR Two Goldsboro Couples Set Sail Zti'sht On the Matrimonial . HOSE A KALE. Daily Arguo of December 29th. At the residence of rIr. E. W. Cox, the bride's ancle, last night at 9 o'clock, Mr. J. Franklin Hosea and Miss Lydia Kale were united in tbe holy bonds of wed lock, llev. F. W. -Farriea officiat ing, and Miss Eunice Cox presid ing at ihe piano. The parlors had been handsomer. ly decorated for the occasion aud there had assembled a number of the friends and relatives of the contracting parties to witness the bappy event. After the ceremony ihe bridal party repaired to the dining room, where supper was served. The attendants were Mr. R. II . Hot ea, brother of the groom, with Miss Effie Blow, of Pikeville; Mr. E. G. Scott with Miss Annie Bland, of Pitt countj ; Mr. Wil- lard Stailiog with Miss Daisy Ginn; Mr. Henry Cox with Miss Lizzie Smith, of Fremont. The happy couple have the best wishes of their many friends for a long and happy life. TUDOR CRAW OKI!: While the above bappy event was being consummated in one part of the city similar scenes were be ing enacted in another" section of town at tho same hour. Mr. Way land A. Tudor and Mrs. Lucy Crawford were married at hoiae of the bride in - Eastern Goldsboro, Rev. F. D. Swindell fficiating. Mr. Tudor is a young mechanic and has a cumber of friends, who will with tho many cd nirers of the bride, wish for tho hnppy couple ODg life and happiness al ways. DAIGBTKT FAIKCLOTU, To-night Mr. Jno. Daughtry, an employe of tho Seaboird Air Line shopa in Portsmouth, will wed Miss Grac:e Fairclotb, a charming young lady, of Eastern Goldsboro DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cutis Pile, Scalds, Burns. Horrible asronv Is caused bv Pilos. Burns and Skin Diseases. These are Immediately relieved and quickly cured by DeWUt's .Witch Bazol Salve Beware of worthless imitations. J. H, Hill & Son, Goldsboro, aud John H, 9n.ua, ut. uiive, . REFLECTIONS. The Pulse Beats of the Old Year Grow Fainter as the Moments Speed Away. Tho end of the old year is fast approaching, and soon its heavily burdened heart will have ceased beating forever. There is no hu man power that can add one more puliation when the end comes, or quicken into life, for one instant, one spark of dormant energy by which the fatal issue could be de ferred. We aie approaching eter nity as each successive year breathes out its existence, and many may now bo in hearing of the Bummons to "join the innum erable caravan." That which should concern us most is not the departure of tbe old year, or the advent of the new, but a "con science void of offence" and an abiding faith which lifts us far above the trials and perplexities of this life, and causes us to "ap proach cur graves like one who wraps tbe drapery of his couch about him and lies down to peace ful dream?." Christmas was very quiet with our people, one thing we point to with pride, and that is, there was less drinking than we have ever noticed before, while the day was quietly observed, ev eryone seemed to be enjoying the occasion and a feeling of general "good will to men" was evident. Wo were glad to meet our boy hood friend Mr. Tom Kennedy last week, son of Col. J. D. Ken ned', who is on a visit, to his pa rents. Tom has many friends in theFprk Avb? he was rarscdr v and who are glad to know that -be is tloinsr well in ihe "Cracker" Slate. , Mr. Dally Hines and MisFan-.. nie Jones were married at tbe res idence of Mr. H.. T. Jones on Wedned.y '-evening. We wish them life's fullest measure of hap piness. Mr. Ed. Gurley is moving near Ebenezer, where he goes to take charge of Mr. Lotte Humphrey's farm. The Christmas tree at Pine Forest was highly enjoyed Satur day night, especially by the child ren of the Sunday School. KlLLICKINNICK. Walter, N. C, Dec. 30, '98. MARRIAGE LICENSES The following include the list of marriage licenses issued for the week during Christmas for Wayne county: White J. A. Best to Maggie Roberts, Walter Bridgers to Min nie Dail, George Baker to Lula Smith, Charles H. Deans to Annie McK. Smith, John Forehand to Bettie Farrell, James Forehand to Mary Pope, James E. Gardner to Louisa Hare, J. D. -Hines to Fanny D. Jones, J. F. Hosea to". Lydia Kale, Wm. E. Pate to Alin E. Lewis, Charles N. Parker to Freddie M. Herring, Way land A. Tudor to Lucy Crawford, Peter Walker to Annie Durham. Col ored Thomas Everett to Mary Ann Williams, Dennis Bobinson to Penny Brown, Kenny Smith to Lou Berta Draughorn, Ed. Smith to Lou Ellen Beaman, L. S. San ders to Pinkey Everrett, Albert Smith to Loulin Faison. Secret of Beauty is health. The secret of health is the power to digest and assim ilate a proper quanity of food. This can never be done when the liver does not act it's part. Doyou know th is ? Tutt's Liver Pills are an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, torpid liver, piles, jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness and kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills Turner's Almanac ! I am prepared to furnish the pub lie with Turner's N. C, Almanac for 1899. 10c. per copy; 65c per dozen; $10 per grots. I am also agent for Hick's world renowned ahnanac. HENRY J. HOWELL, Goldsboro, N. C. V 1 I h i s f. - 3 1 In i . 1 r V i t - I iK r !Th A fVlTn TTtilPn 1T1 TIP