II .Jk. Jl V Ik. mt " " mZ TS- " " i - , rr The N Agonal; Bank - The National Bank or uoldsboro wants your business, and Will be glad to. talk cr correspond with vou. of Goldsboro offers! fo depositors every accommodation that, safe .banking will warrant. Geo. A. Noawood, Jr., Pres. M. J. Best, Vice-Pres. Geo. A Norwood. Jr.. Pres. M. J. Best, Vice-Pres. 4 This Argus o'er the peoplo'a rights, Doth an eternal vigil keep TSo soothing strains of Maia's son, ( Can lull its hundred eyes to sleep' 1 Vol. XVII. GOIiDSBORO. N. C. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2. 1899. NO 89 - -aVJ 1 A V. A. V if! w . X i , . . . , , " , -'. - 4 . ' -- - .iO - ri - , : ' . - ... II I (4 J Bat ing Powder Made from pure t j-eam of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum fc&ing powders are the greatest mcnacexs to neaitn ot tne present diy. i bo . aKma powptr ea, new vork. OUR LOCAL OPTIC. We understand Judge Fairclo b will build a brick store on the va cant lot west of tho Slaughter building. ! Messrs C. E. Wilkins and G. D. Bizze 1 and Dr. J. S. Bzz-H will soo', Jeave on a prospeciiDg trip to P jrto Rico. That report of the Grand Jury is an excellent one. Tbey urge the Cou.-ny Commissioners to in crease t le siza of the jail. It it too sma;l, Mr, 1. B. FonvieUe arrived home on last Thursday from his southern health tour, and his many friends will be gratified to learn IhiU his trip has greatly benefited him. 1 , Charity covereth a multitude of sins with the white mantel of God's forgiveness, because He so lores the poor, whom we have al ways with us. Do you know of any to-day whom you could help and do a worthy charity? So Cap'n Bill Day is going to fight in the courts for his place as Russell's superintendent of the penitentiary? Well, we will see what we will see. But the Cap'n and his pard the Governor may both have to "walk the plank. " Mr. Jno. B. Exum, one of Wayne county's most energetic young farmers, was here last week with a quantity of cotton, , which h-3 sold for 6i cents. He says he has tried other markets during the season, but that Goldsboro is the best he has patronized. The marriage of Mr. Andrew J. Gliss-',n to Miss Mary E. Derr : occurred last week at th home of "the iaride's parents Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Derr in East Golds boro, Rt v. J. W. Bryan t nictat ing. Tb happy young couple have the best wishes of a number of friends for a long an useful life, Mr. W. B, Bawden, of Dudley, has sent to the Argus tffise a sample of second crop White Bliss Potatoes which ha raised himself and which are very fine. Mr. Bowden is the leadiog mer chant of his town and is a iarge farmer besides. He grows the noted White Bliss for seed pota toes and has them for sale. A private letter from More- head City informs us that thirty thousand pounds of speckled trout were caught there on Tues day, one boat receiving $465.00 for its catch. The average v price paid the fishermen for their catch was 41 cents per pound. This was Very good for one day's business. The case of the negro woman from Mt. Olive, charged with . infantlc.de, came up in the Supe rior Court last week. ,She was found guilty of man-slaughter find sentenced to the penitentiary for 20 years. A description of this case was duly - chronicled in the Argus at the time it occu r red by our energetic correspondent tit Mt. Olive. ,. . ' . In the report of our court pro- -Ceedings which appear to.day it -' IV ill be observed that Alien God" ... 'yin failed to , appear when his ' case was called. Our readers will remember, this is the case of the young Morman preachertwho, "while passing through Goldsboro ifc .'oaemgbt last fall, stole . Mr. John Crawford's bicycle from where he had left it in front of the Book Store. Noah Robertson, a negm man, against wnom tnere were ten or twelve warrants for stealing and 'housebreakincr and who had 'been the terror of communities though which he passed, was sentenced to 20 years in the penitentiary last we k by Judge Brown. Joe. Pettlford was sen tenced to 2 years io the pabiten tiary last wet k for1 robbing the gambling machine in tha safdon of Mr. John M. Grantham. Mr. J. W. Isler, formerly of Bdker, Isler & Co., has -rented tno stora recently i occupied by r the old , 'firm' on West Centre " Street' and ; ia having some im- 'pr'Vtments made preparatory to occupying the building: himself. He las associated himself with Mr. Kirkpatrick, h:s brotherin iw. a conductor on the Seaboard Air Line, and the firm will be s-yled J. W. Isler & Co. Our County Commissioners should put a pump in the well on the court house square. It is the be st water m Goldsboro, and many small children and women co I there for water, and the high curb and heavy buckets are very bur densome to them. We doubt not our excellent board of com mis sioners will have the matter at- tended io. Thp following include the list of marriage licences issued in Wayne county sinca last publish ed in the Argus: White A'bert Crawford to Alice Corbett, Rob ert Gurley to Julia Harmon, J. J. Smith to Octavia Strickland. Colored William Bryan to Sarah Staton, Isaiah Durham to Lou Jones. Octavius Peacock to Lou Lane, Isaac Taylor to Annie Johnson, Ban Whitley1 to Emma Exum. A large number of divorce eases will be tried at this term of court North Dakota is not tha only state that grants divorces "there are others" Divorces are largely on the increase in North Carolina. Is this a good sign of improvement morally of our peo ple? Are not onr divorce laws too lax? The constitution of the State of South Carolina absolute ly proh'bits divorce. Loose di vorce laws cause hasty marriages. The sanctity of the marriage re -lation is the hope of the State. The Legislature is working away on the penitentiary bill. VV ell, this is a queer world any how. Some people have to be guarded with guns to keep them in the penitentiary, other? will not come out even when invited and urged to come out, but will stay until the strong arm of the law puts them out. Others have to bt chained and almost dragged to the penitentiary, while some other men of high character are beg ging the Legislature to send them to the penitentiary. THE FIRE LAST NIGHT. Three Horsei Loitt Their Lire Consider. able Damage Done. Daily Argus of Saturday. The alaim of fire from box 55. about 7 o'clock last night, was caused by tte burning of the mule pen and shelter of Mr. Mor- decai Witberington. The fire originated in the hay racks, and although the fire department -was promptly on the scene and did heroic work, the flames soon spread to the main building of the stab'es and did considerable damage. The building is a frame struc ture and the inflamable material used the lire to spread so jpidly that nothing could be saved. Tne entire stock of vehicles and harness and two hurtses belonging to Mr. Wither ington were burned. One horse belonging to the Farmer's Ware house was also burned. Mr. Carter lived up stairs over the stables. His entire possess sions, consisting of household and kitchen furniture, were either burned or so damaged by water as to render them unfit for ser vice. His case is truly a sad one to day, while this unexpected snow-storm is raging. While other people are resting comfort ably by their firesides and ad miring the suow-clad roofs and landscapes.he has no home to go to and nothing with which - to furnish one, if he had one. Charit ably disposed people' could here find a splendid opportunity to txercise their generous impulses of philanthropy. The industrious wife was brought up amid plenty and comfortable surroundings, and bravely she is fighting the battle day by day, takiug in sew ing, helping to raise and educate the children. ; We know the good women of Goldsboro will speedily take this matter in hand. : - "Inasmuch as ye did it unto these, the least of my brethren, ye did it unto me." Mr. Witherington had 11.600 insuran.ee on his building, which is damaged several hundred dol lars, but he had none on his ve hicles, harness and stock, all of which, with the exception of the stock he saved, will be a total loss. . i - - The Junior Hand Reel also was on the scene and rendered Valu able assistance. One Minute Cough Cure, cure. That lav what it wai made tor. Mr. B A. Fackler, Editor of theMic- anopy (Fla.) Hustler, with his wife and children suffered terribly from La Grippe. One Minute Cough Cure was the only remedy that helped them. .. It acted quickly. Thousands of others use thin remedy as a specific for Liar Grippe, and its exhausting after ef fects, jn ever falls J. M. ilili ection, Goldsboro, and John B, Smith. Mt. Olive SUPERIOR COURT. The Llit of Convictions n the Criminal Docket. The criminal docket of the Su perior Court was cleared up Fri day afternoon and the follow ing is a list of the cases in which judgment was rendered: James Sutton, affray, judgment suspended on payment of costs. George Hinson, larceny.not guilty Wiley Whitfield, larceny, not guilty. M. J. Ammons and Joe Williams affray, judgment suspenden on pay ment of costs. Joshua Fort, assault with deadly weapon, judgment suspended on payment of cost. Jackson Fort, assault with deadly weapon, $10 and costs. Ed Exum, colored, assault with deadly weapon, judgment suspended on paymen of costs . Will Farmer, Ernest Farmer, and Julius Wells, larceny, 8 months on public road. Gus Bryant, larceny, 10 months State prison. Alexander Sutton, concealed weapon, discharged. Alien Godwin, larceny, defendant called and failed, judgment nici scL fa. capias. Daniel Howell, concealed weapon, 60 days on public road. "Ldb Merritt, assault with deadly weapon, $5 and costs. Wm Farmer, larceny, judgment suspended on payment of costs. Paul Griswold, chicken catcher, 8 months in State prison. Henry Smith, concealed weapon, 2i months on public roads. Will Manuel, assault with deadly weapon, 60 days on public road. Bryant Wright, resistmg officer, 4 months on public road. Isham Blen, larceny, 10 months in State prison. Charley Johnson, concealed weap on. 60 days on public road. Kobert Galloway, concealed weap on, 2 months on public road. Arthur Williams and Tom Jordan, affray, $5 each and costs. Alex Johnson, assault with deadly weapon, 6 months on public rood. Eugene Scales, concealed weapon, GO days on public road. Joe Pettiford, larceny 2 years in State prison. Madison Williams, larceny, not guilty. Isaac Washington, concealed weapon, 30 days on public road. George Southerland, colored, lar ceny, 12 months in State prison. C. B. Fail, Needham Fail, Jesse Parnell, affray, judgment suspended on payment of costs. Noah Robinson, burglary in sec ond degree, 20 years in State prison. Prince Edwards, concealed weapon, 40 days on public road. Dossy George, larceny, 30 months in State prison. Nasby Winn, Ira Winn, Will Winn, Adam Jones, affray, judgment sus pended op payment of costs. Robert Carter, burglary in second degree, 5 years in State prison. Dennis Whitfield, concealed weapon, judgment suspended on payment of costs. Claude Williams, larceny, 2 years in State prison. Bettie Hinton, manslaughter, 20 years in penitentiary. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Promo Quinine Titblets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q on each tablet. m THE OLD CONFEDERATE SOL DIERS From the Raleigh News and Observer, ' we notice that ; the great house of J. B. Lippincott Company, publishers of Worces ter's Dictionary, school books, and miscellaneous works, . have donated to the Confederate Bazar two copies of Worcester's Una bridged Dictionary, bound in mo rocco and gilt,, and ten other beautiful volumes of their publi cations. Those books will bring a handsome sum for the ; old Con federate soldiers' home. , The house of J. B. .Lippincott Com pany is one of the great institu tions of the Republic. For more than half a century it has gone on publishing the best books on all lines of thought. The - series of Worcester s dictionaries is un questionably the best series ever published for the American peo ple, grown people and school children. In the school book j de partment, all books are written by practical teachers of large ex perience, and the binding, is: the most durable we have ever seen. It is jut like the Lippincotts to help the old Confederate soldiers. We have known of the house for many years. i t Orlppe Sbooeaefally Treated ; "I have just recovered from the! see ond attack of la grippe this year," says Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Alexia, Texas. "In the latter case I used Chamberlain's Oousrh Rem edy, and 1 think with considerable buc- eess, only being In bed a little overt aays against ten days lor tne former, attack. The second attach: I am satis fied would have been equally as bad, as the first bat for the use of this remedv as I had to go to bed in aboat six hours after being, 'struck' with.it, while In the firot oase I was able to attend to business about two days before getting awn.", rpr oj m c, noDiaeon fc Bro.. and Miller's Pharmacy, in ldsbo Mdj by k Tno, Smjth. vwa THE GENERAL: ASSEMBLY. Special Telegram to The Argus. li Raleigb, Jan. 25: HOUSE. jj Bills were introduced in the House as follows: i By Mr. Leatherwood to make abpndonment and non-residence additional cause for divorce, kso a bill reducing auction fees on leaf tobacco. i ' House passed, by vote of 89 to 15, a bill placing the Penitentiary in the hands of Democrats. ! . It creates twelve new directors and changes the name to State's prison. It was stated on the floor that the bill was in the nature of a writ of ejectment. The Senate resolution was adopted by the House raising a Joint Committee to ivestigate the affairs of the Agiicultural Department, Treasury JDapar -ment, and charitable institutions for the past four years. Bill passed to restore Mt. Airy township, in Surry county, as it was prior to 1895, so as to pre vent repudiation of $20,000 of rail way bonds it had issued. Senate. A bill introduced to place Cra ven County in the hands of the whites passed in the Senate by a vote of 38 to 5. i The Senate also passed the House bill giving Democrats charge of the Penitentiary. A bill to codify all laws' re garding the insane was defeated. Great opposition developed in regard to confinement of crimi nal insane in the Penitentiary, and the bill was re-referred . Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 2G. HOUSE. A Bills were introduced in the House as follows: To require Telegraph cempa nies to use due diligence in trans mitting and delivering telegraph messages, making the penalty $ 100; to establish a tax commis sion of three members, to be ap pointed by the Governor; to amend law regarding the removal of causes from one county to an other; to create , the county of Scotland out of - parts -of Rich mond and Robeson; to allow J, W. Wilson and S. Otho ..Wilson to bring suit in Burke and Wake respectively to test under : quo warranto proceedings the right of Messrs. Jj. C. Caldwell and Jno, H. Pearson to be Railway Com missioners, and if they win the suit to reinstate them and give them power to bring suit for the recovery of full salary , for the time for which they were elected. A bill passed to annul the force of Judge Timberlake's order re straining officers of Greene coun ty from exercising duties of office and receiving pay. A lbill passed putting public drunkenness in: Buncombe under jurisdiction of magistrates, mat ing minimum fine $5 and- maxi mum $:10. I : A bill' paased requiring indem nity, insurance or security com panies which: furnish bonds to have $50,000 ; on deposit swith State Treasurer. It is for the1 pur pose of aUowitsg county commis sioners of eastern counties to re ject bonds tendered by ; negro . of ficials. - - ; SENATE. The Sena.te nnseated' "White, Populist, and seated Jones, Iem ocrat,' from 14th district.' ; Baleigh, N. C, Jan, 27 The sessions of both houses to-; day were exceedingly interesting. A bill passed tb protect people' from quack doctors "by requiring all applicants' for .license -to j have1 diplomas 'from -Wedical : i colleges and such olinycat i apquirei pents as the' State Board t of 'USx aaiiners The bill covering all ti'ie Jaws governing; the insane HsylcVms, of the State was imade the? special order for next Tuesday. . ; s Strong; L'; opposition developed 'X 6 placing t crtmrna . insane , i-jii-. the PeflitfentirjT'naJ also to 1 1! q line Carried Dow Stream. When a mar. crossing- some difficult place io his working career ; spurring all his energies to accomplish some critical passage in his business jour ney, suddenly finds his health giving way and leels himself swept out of the ept c ddl saddle by the swift-running current or dis ease then is the time when the marvelous rejuvenating properties of Dr. Pierce'8 Golden Medical Discovery will prove an unfailing means of rescue and restoration. It is a very simple fhousrh eminently scientific medicine. It is not a mere stim ulant like so many malt extracts. It re stores healthy power Oy reviving the in nermost sources of vitality in the nutritive system. . It enables the digestive and blood-making organism to manufacture good blood abundantly and rapidly, so that the immense waste ot tissue and nerve nber entailed by hard labor is offset by a speedy upbuilding ot tresh energy and strength. A prominent and venerable Illinois physician. D. W. Vowles, M. D., .of Fowler, Adams Co.. writing to Dr. Pierce, says: " I send herewith thirty-one (31) cents in stamps for ' The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser 1 in cloth bind ing. With this pittance for so valuable a work Itruly a gift to the public), I must express my high appreciation of the vast amount of good that you have rendered the public. A correct measure of vour usefulness never has been, and never will be estimated by the public; no, not even by the multitude of afflicted humanity that has been relieved and cured by your medi cines. Wherever I go or have been m the United States, I find persons who have used, and fire using Dr. Pierce's medicines with satisfac tion, for all conditions for which they are recom mended. Never has one spoken disparagingly of their action, and from having seen so often their good effects, I am also enthused with con- ndence m tneir action in cases ana conditions for which thev are recommended. It is not common for regular physicians to endorse and recommend proprietary medicines, but in thU case I have no equivocation or hesitancy in so doing." The quick constipation . eiire Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Nev.r gripe briate department at Morganton asylum. Congressmen elect Crawford, Kluttz and Atwater were in vited to seats. Bills were introducpd in tho House as follows: to promote ed ucation among tbe masses; to al ow any township to vote on road tax, such tax to be appMed solely to such townships. A resolution was adopted rais ing a committee (and Uurrie, Johnson and Petree were ap pointed) to investigate State Treasurer's payment to the Pen itentiary, "Bills passed chartering the South Carolina aDd Georgia Ex tension Railway, the Baaufort and Pamlico Riiiway, aad East Tennessee aad Wes'eru North Carolina Railway; to es'ablish liquor dispensary at Jackson; to incorporate Iuterbtate tele graph Cumpany The House passed the bill re pealing the Wayne Road law. Allen, of Wayne, introduced a bill to amend Mt Oi.vu's charier. THE NEW fcLECTI N LAW. The Democrats caucus to- night to decide on the suffr&ge amend ment to the Constitution. The committee has com Dieted i. It strikes out the $300 claus3. but requires that voters must be able to read and write any part of the Constitution and must ex hibit poll tax receipt for the pre vious two years. Madness N. Y. Sun The country must soon under stand how recklessly the anti peace Senators are playiDg with the national interests. The Philippines are, in tbe eyes of all the world, a rightful prize of American victory in war. Their future disposition is right". fully the province ' of Congres?, not of the Senate alore. Senators who, while the prob lem of the Eist is still undefined and unexplored, arrogate the set tlement of the Philippine ques tinn to themselves", and let the light arguments of anti-expansion sentiment outweigh the overwhelm ing commercial and military rea sons for endiDff the war in tbe manner proposed by the Admin'. istration, are . guilty of folly I scarcely conceivable -nay, more, they are indulging m a prejudice that amounts to betrayal of the United States. They are mad. , Bow to Prevent Pneumonia. You are perhaps aware that pneu moriia always " results from a cold or from an attack of la grippe. During the enideruiG. of la grippe a iew years aga when so many . cases resulted in in. it was observed tnat tne attack was never followed by that diS' ease when Chamberlain's Cough Bern o.i uraa used. It counteracts .any ten dency of a cold or la grippe to result Tv t.Ht. dangerous disease. It is the best remedy Tn the world forbad colds and la grippe- ifivery DOtue warranteu. en. vb1 bv M. E. RobiBson & Bro. "Miller s Pharmacy in Goldsboro, and.bj. Jno. K. puiq inm..,v"vo, GENERAL WHEELERS CASE. - The indications now are that tbe circumstances governing the casa of General Wheeler are likely to be very widely extended, and to cover cases not contemplated or dreamed of wnn his was brought up. General Wheeler is not the only man who is practi cally holding both civil and milita ry positions, as there are several others whose status is tha same as his, to all intents and purposes, and who will doubtless share whatever decision is ariivcd at in connection with his case- The de termication now is, it appears, to extend the inquiry to all members of Congress who have been ap pointed oa commissions which took them out of the country, and for which they received piy. If a member of Congress cannot law fully and constitutionally &l-o hold a commission in the volun teer army, could he legally and constitutionally accept a place on the Hawaiian Commission, or on the Anglo-American Commission, and if not, what Congressmen have thus practically vicated their seats? It nromises tn ho n very wide inquiry, and is likily to bring on some developments not expected at the beginning. Keliei in Six Hours jnistressiner Kidney and Bladdei diseases relieved by the l:New Greaf South Americaji Kidney Cure." Thie new remedy is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding1 promptness ir. relieving- pain in the bladder, kidney0 back and every part oi the urinary passag-es in male or female. It ranpves retention of water and pain in passing it almost lmixediately II you van uick reliel ana cuetn e is vour ram- sdy. Sold by M E Robinson ?ro rvg-gistc, Godsbcro, N Bazaar Will Net $1,500 Raleigh Post. The Confederate Bazaar came to a close yesterday afternoon. It is superfluous to say that it was both an artistic and financia' suc cess. Commander Stronach has not footed up the exact total of re ceipts, but he feels almost certain that the Bazaar will net $1,500 for the old veterans after all bills are paid. This information will be most gratifying to those who have con tributed to, worked lor, and pa tronized the Bazaar. Especially sh mld it be a source of gratifica tion and pleasure to the ladies ' . . who labored so earnestly and in- cessantlv for the entenrise and made it the success it was. A no bler band of women never worked or a nobler cause. Their efforts have been crowned with success and they should feel happy with the knowledge and certainty that many old hearts will be made glad as a result. iracoloos Benefit RECEIVED FROM Dr. Miles New Heatt Cure. -r j. S, v w 1 " m ' ' it' 1 'WW W-LI P. BASCOCK, of Avc-a, K. Y.. a st. veteran of the O.-cI I,". Y. .niil-. ry and 'for thirty yearn oi tha Baboock &. rn.rri:isre Co.. of Auburn, Gays: "I write to express my CTatitudo for the mirac Ions benefit received from Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. I suffered for years, as result of army life, from sciatica which affected my heart in the worst form, my limbs swelled from the ankles up. I bloated until I was unable to button my clothing; had sharp pains about the heart, smothering spells and shortness of breath. For three months I was unable to lie down, and all tke sleep I sot was in an arm chair. I was treated by the best doctors but gradually grew worse. About a vear aao I commenced taking Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure and It saved my life as if by a miracle." 1 rw M!loo Remedies! Pi- are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee first bottle benefits or money re funded. Book on dis- A eases of the heart and nerves free, aaaress, ,DK. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart. Ind. X tjr'ners' almanac- Parties I ' wishing Turners Almanac for 1899. an be supplied hy calling on B. B. KAlx UrtU, tn.e ;" veteran. " e. . t- - T-.-a i . Catarrh Leads to Consumption. A Forerunner of the NLost Fatal Disease. Though its offensive features are sometimes almost, unbearable, few people are si wares of the danger of which Catarrh i.s the forerun ner. Catarrh invariably leads to Consumption. Growing worse and worse each winter, those who rely upon the usual treatment of sprays, washes and inhaling mix tures find that it is in; possible to check the disease with these local applications which only reach the surf.'.ce. The offensive discharge increases all the while, causing a feeling of personal tlefilennmt , and gets dcener and deeper until it is only a question of a short time until the lungs are afue.ted. The importance of the proper treat m"-: it can therefore he readily appreciated. Rut no good what ever c;;'i le ex'H'ded from local amplications, as such trpntmput never did cure Catarrh, and never will. They banish pain and prolong life mom av nil fr-.."..j i-il!' No matter what the matter is, one will cL ou good, and you can get ten for five cents. A new Btrlw pvike or. Mining ttx RTTAri-rTiTJT.vs in n parer prton (vrtthont Fliimfs now for ml 1 oJidr'ifE- store o;-. nvK r::xa. 'Ciu. k-w pii c .:. sort is mtt aded i.-r tho poor and the ecoiiowl- A 0L Oae oozca of the flrs-cont :.i.rona (!:') talmU .;i can be h-ni 'v u't;l by ajudlntT fortT-to-ht Mru m I toe Bil-iNS CHESOC4I. Ooar.'.Nir. So. !U Spiiiou ABULj;")'rtUbe,u'",",r,lv8ciuU- n-t iooiUco Coar.'.sy. So. 10 Bpi-ucu Four Gar lne Horses And I am still receiving every day new stock, which I will sell . , For Cast or or Tirrje, $20 Per Head Cheaper Tban any rylan in tre State. Don't buy until you see "Uncle Joe." All my stock was bought from parties that raised them and not from Parties wishing to Buy Goods on Time will find it to their interest to call. I will sell cheaper than anyone else, and if any customer needs a little 1 also keep A full line of Buggies, Wagons and Harness, and will sell them for cash or Remember ths Old Stand Opposite Jos, i The Champion of Low Pi Tobacco You will want some Tobacco Cloth to. coyer that plant bed. '"'! You will also need some Rnsteree .Sa 1 1 - ' with which to enrich thesoil and make the plants grow. We have - both, and will be pleased to sell you t ; "I hud such a severe case of Catarrh that I lost my hearing in one ear, and part of the bone in my nose sloughed off. I was constantly treated with sprays and washes, but each winter the disease seemed to have a firmer hold on me. I had finally been de clared incurable when I decided, to try S. S. S. It seemed to get right at the seat of the disease, and cured me permanently, for I have had no touch of Catarrh for seven years. "Mrs. Josephinu Polhiia, "Due West, S. C." Those who have had the first touch of Catarrh will save endless suffering by tak- y- remedy at the t':''jVM outset. Others V i, A'unUf. years sought re lief and -found only disappoint ment in local treatment will find it wise to waste no further time on sprays, washes, -inhaling mix tures, et c., which are only tempo rary and can not save them from Consumption. Catarrh is a deep seated blood disease. S. S. S. is the only remedy which can reach the very bottom of the disease and cure it permanently. Books sent free by the Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. mm t.i tl-et New York or a single cartoa zur 1 ttrew. New York or a bmirIo carto ovp EiaaojiceihJworidwMciatet. 1 Loads of and third hands. cash, I will accommodate them. on time, at Rock Bottom Prices. Jim Dickinson's ..Edwards, ices. ' Cloth at very low prices; - . . . . nood Brut, ,m ONE 'J M0k GIVES fl :T.',.i--??N II -." A. -i V." R666IV6G Mil es r 't. r: r