A Derr o"rat1o Ne soaper. THE ONE DOLLAR DINNER, Big in Point sot Numbers New York, April 15. The Dollar Jtfferson Dinner of the Chicago Platform Democrats at the Grand Central Palace last night, in point of number was one of the biggest affairs ever held in this city. Nearly 3,000 men and women sat down at long tables in the various rocma of the big pal ace. There were all kinds of peo ple there, dretsed in all kinds of clothes. White men elbowed with colored men and white wouen with colored women. There were four Japanese and three Chinese present, but the Chinese were merely spectators and sat up ia the second gallery. They said they had come to see Bryan, The main hall presented a dif ferent aspect from the Metropoli tan Opera House at the ten-dollar dinner of the Democratic Club. There was no flower embelish ment, but jus great long avenues cf tables covered with plain white plates. The only ornamentations were bunches of celery and gran-itewaie-coffee pote. Tho boxes about the hall were festooned with flagp, with silken banners suspend ed between the flags. At the back of the stage were two American flags draped, one bearing the por trait of J effei son and the other that of Bryan. Small' portraits cf Bryan were interspersed between the flags on the balconies. On tho stage was an immense floral horsobhoe of carnation?, roses and heliotrope. It had, worko ed in flowers, the words ''Women's Bryan League." Below the red carnations in white roses was the name "Bryan." Surrounding all were the numerals "16 to 1." Buck of one of the cane-bolt im chairs was a magnificent bouquet of roses, American beauties. But not even on the guests' table was there a single flower. Looking from the top tier the hall presented a scene such as is seen at "Western barbecues or Rhode Island clam bakes. A brass band of tlirty-five pieces on the balcony discoursed music through out the evening. The diners began to arrive at the Grand Central Palace at 5 o'clock There were 150 policemen in and about the place. The women to the number of 475 dined in the long hall just off the second gallery. They sat down to the tabks at 5:30 o'clock. The first excitement of the evening oc curred when the Russian.-American Democratic Association, 250 strong, from the Eighth Assembly District, marched in. They were received with cheers. There was no concerted attempt to seat the 3,000 diners simulta neously. All were told to go in and sit down. About seven o'clock nearly every seat of the men's ta ble was occupied and the service began. Over 600 waiters started into the main hall with soup a few minutes before 7 o'clock. The menu included soup, fish, roast beef, turkey, ice cream coffee and cigars. Three thousand bottles of wine were gratuitously Eerved by a wine company. "William Jennings Bryan did not arrive until shortly after 7 o'clock. Crowds on the outside signalled his appearance "by tremendous cheering. He came in a cab and was escorted through a tremendous crowd to the waitiDg room outside, Here he shook hands with tha committee. Fhen he was escorted to the guests' table, a long table ia front of the platform. Following came the speakers of the evening. The band played "Hail to the Chief" as Bryan was hurried down one of the main eis'e?. There was tremendous cheeriDg and waving of napkins. Diners stood on chairs and tables waving frantically. The demonstration lasted for five min utes. - Among thosa who sat at the guests' table were: James R. Brown, president; on his right, W. J. Bryan; on bis leff, Charles A Towne, of Minne sota; G. H. P. Belmont, Wm. S. McNary, Secretary of the Demo cratic State Committee of Minne sota; Mayor J. L. Rhimook?, of Codington, Ky.; Bolton Hall, George Frederick William?, ex Congrefsoian Wm. E. Ryan, of Rochester; A. S. Towdsod, of Virginia; Colonel Thomas Smith, of Virginia, and John Clark Rid path. The crowd was a thoroughly reprpsrntative one, and before the dinner was concluded hundreds of the diners left their seats and crowded abcut the guests' table and began to shake hands with Colonel Bryan. This was stopped with much, difficulty. At 9 o'clock the committee and speakers ascended to the platform. Bryan received a vociferous ova tion, the diners in meny instances again standing on chairs and ta bles and the women waving nap kins wildly. Shake Tnto Your Shoes. Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures pa?nful. swollen, smart ing', nervcus feet, and instantly takes the sting- out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure tor sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it to-day. fc'old by all druggist and shoe stores. By mail for 25c. in stamps. Trial package FKEE. Address, Allen S. Olmstead, Le Koy, N.Y. It is seldom that a man marries his ideal womaD, and ten to one it is better for him that he doesn't. The Best In The World. "We believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best in the world. A few weeks ago we suffered from a severe cold and a troublesome cough, and havng read their advertisements in cur own and other papers we purchased a bottle to see it it would aHect us. It cured us before the bottle was more than half used. It is the best medicine out for colds and coughs. The Herald, Anaersonville. Ind. e'or sale by M. E. Robinson & Bro. and Goldsboro Drue 'o in Croldsboro, and J . K. Smith, Alt. Olive, if. C. How soon a man knows when he is on the down grade by the way his former associates shun him. In almost every neighborhood there is some one whose life has been taved by Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or who has been cured of chronic diarrhoea by the use of that medicine. Such parsons make a point of telling of it whenever oppor tunity offers, hoping that it may be the means of saving other lives. Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bio. and (joldsboro Drue Co. in fcroldsboro, and J K Smith, Mt. Olive, C. Only a little while, and we shall bid the oyster a long sum mer farewell. Pneumonia is one of the most dan gerous and fatal diseases. It always results from a cold. Chamberlain's Chueh, Remedy will quickly cure a cold and perhaps prevent an attack of pneu monia. It is in fact made especially for that ailment and has become fa mous for Its cures over a large part of the civilized world. It counteracts any tendency of a cold towards pneumonia. Uan you afford to neglect your cold when so reliabl a remedy can be had for. a trifle? For sale by M. E. Robinson & Bro.,andGoldsboro DrugCo. in Golds boro, and J.K. Smith, Mt. Olive is. C. How long a boy and girl of 15 can stand on the steps and talk about nothing with the most ab sorbing interest, Tetter Salt-Kheuni and Eczema. The intense Itching and smarting in cident to these diseases, is instantly ailayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and SKin Ointment. Mary vers bad cases have been permanently cureo by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sort nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25cts. per box. For sale by M. E Robinson & Bro. and Goldsboro Drug Co. in Goldsboro and J. R. Smith Mt. Olive 15 . O. Aguinaldo has thrown himself in the way of the AnglosSaxon tongue, as King Canute once ats tempted to stay the tides of the sea. ExanipWis Better Than .Precept. Those sententious proverbs, or old saws, which are used as prefixes to alJ of the Hood Sarsaparilla advertising in thousands of papers throughout the country, are evidence of a new and original style of display advertising both pleasing and effective. The Hooi firm is to be congratulated on so cleverly adapting such wisdom -as has filtered down through centuries. An other charming thir g about this Hood advertising is the unique type they are using. Many people have a reputation for being virtuous when tbey are only discreet. Bismarck's Iron Herve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tre mendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order . Ii you want these qualities and the success they bring, uae Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25 cts. at J. H, Hill & Son, Goldsboro. The newspapers of the town on the great lakes abound in ref erence to ' ice-flivored wind. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That ia what it was made for. Before the discovery of One Minute Cough Cuie, ministers were greatlj disturbed by couching congregations. No excuse for it now. J. H. Hill & Bon, Goldsboro, and John R. Smith, -Mt Olive. It isn't what you know, bu' what the other fellow doesn'. know that die3 the business, RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism anc Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 day action upon tho systemIs remark able and mysterious. It removes ai once the cause and the disease imme diately disappears. The . first dost greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bro, Druggists, Golds boro, N. C, D 0 NT An American Scientist's Great Work. i rnnsnmntinn. Pneitftinnin. la Bronchitis and AS! Lung " Can be Positively and Or. Sfocum's System of Treatment A Tree Course of Treatment for SCENE IN THE SLOCUM LABORATORIES, NEW YORK CITY. The Doctor Demonstrating to Medical Men, Scientists, Statesmen and Stndentm the Value of the New Slocum System of Treatment for the Permanent Care of lung Consumption, Catarrh and All Pulmonary and Wasting Diseases. Do you cough? Do your lungs pain you? Is your throat sore and inflamed? Do you spit up phlegm? Does your head ache? Is your appetite bad? Are your lungs delicate? Are you losing flesh? Are you pale and thin? Do you lack stamina? These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of the most dangerous malady that has ever devas tated the earth consumption. Consumption, the bane of those who have been brought up in the old-fashioned beliefs that this disease was hered itary, that it was fatal, that none could recover who were once firmly clasped in its relentless grip. But now known to be curable, made so by the world-stirring discoveries of that man whose name 'has been given to this new system of treatment. Now known to be preventable and curable by following and practising his hygienic teachings. The new system of treatment will cure you of consumption and of all diseases which can be traced back to weak lungs as a foundation. It is not a drug system, but a system of germ destruction and body building. Ewart Appointed A Third Tim 3 Washington, April 13, The President to day again appointed Hamilton G. Ewart United States judge for the Western District of North Carolina. This has beootaie a causus celebrr, as this is his third appointment, the Senate baving failed to confirm him for reasons ful'y set forth at the time, The President's safest ad visers have urged him strongly not to repeat this nomination, but political necessities have proved inexorable. Ile'ief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladdnr Disease relieved in six hours by 4,Hew Great South American KiJney Cure." It is a great suprUe on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain m bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention of watei almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is tha remedy. Sold by M. E. .Robinson & Bro., Druggists, Goldsboro, N. C. When Gen. Lawton's move ment is completed. Aguinaldo's army will be in two parte, and the retreat of the southern half will be cut eff, W'ltiUi There ia JLife There is.. Hope. I was afflicted with catarrb; could neither taste nor smell and could hear but, little. Ely's Cream Balm cured it. Marcus G. Shautz. Rahway, N. J, The Balm reached ma safely atd the effect is surprising. My son says the first application gave relief. Respect'y, Sirs. Franklin FreemaD, Dover, N. H. A 103. trial size or the 50c. size of Ely's Cream Balm will be mailed. Kept by druggists. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St. N Y. Hon. Mark Hanna feels that he will haye to neglect even the second McKinley boom while the Sam Jones gubernatorial boom holds the centre of the stage, "TO CURE A COLO i7oNE1dAY . Take Laxative BromcQuinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The ."genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Time sheds a glamor over the past, which makes so many '" peo ple believe that old times were best. - One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it was made for. As the season of the year when pneu monia, la grippe, sore throat, coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubles are to be guarded against, nothing "is a" fine substitute," will "answer the purpose," or is "just as good" as One Minute Cough Cure. That is the one infallible remedy for all lung, throat or bronchial troubles insist vigorously upon haying it if 'something else" is offered you. J. H. Sill & Son, Goldsboro, and John It. Smith, Mt. Olive. The American Commissioners idopted Aguinaldo's favorite method when they issued a pro clamation. Not one child dies where ten formerly iiedfrom croup. People have learned ihe value of One Minute Cough Cure md use it for severe lung and throat troubles. It immediately stops cough ing. It never fails. J. H. Hill & Son, goldsboro, and John R, Smith. Mt, )livo . 1 t ITCH on human cured in 80 min ites by Woolford's Sanity Lotion. This i. ever fails. Sold by M. E. Bobfci Hn & JBro,,Drug;i8ts, GoldBboro, N. C, PES PAS St! firirsnpi' Asthma. Catarrh. and Bronchial Troubles Permanently Cured. Has Revolutionized Old-Time Theories. All Sufferers for the Mere Asking. Not guesswork, but science. Not a step backward, but a stride out of the old ruts. Made possible only by Pasteur's, Virchow's, Metchnikoff's and Slocum's latest discoveries in bacteriology, hy giene and therapeutics. In plain English, a system of modern scientific disease curing. The System consists of Four Prep arations which act simultaneously and supplement each other's curative action. You are invited to test what this sys tem will do for you, if you are sick, by writing for a free treatment to the Slo cum Laboratories, New York City. WRITE TO THE DOCTOR. Send your name and full express and postoffice address to the Slocum Labor atories, pS Pine street, New York, and mention this paper, and the Four Free Preparations of medicine will be for warded you. The system is a positive cure for con sumption, that most insidious disease, and for all lung troubles and disorders complicated by loss of flesh, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc. Thin, pale, weak people become fat and hearty by its use. q The test is to try it. MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIK. A Pleasant Lemon Tonic, For biliousness, constipation and ap- pendicitis, For indigestion, eick and nervous neaaacnes. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heart failure For fevers, chills, debility and kid ney diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough organic regulation, take Lemon El ixir. Dr. Mczley's Lemon Elixir is pre pared from the fresh juice of lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail you in any of the above named diseases. , 50c and $1 bottles at all druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. J;-' ' t'- AT THE CAPITOL. , I am in my woven ty -third year, and for fifty years I have been a great suf ferer from indigestion, constipation and biliousness. I have tried all the rem edies advertised for these diseases, and got no permanent relief. About one year ago. the disease assuming a more se-vere end dangerous form, I became very wealf j and lost flesh rapidly. J commenced using Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir. I gained twelve pounds in three months. My,strength and health, my appetite and my digestion were ner- fectly restored, and now I feel as young: . i x T.- i - i i- iiua viguiuus s x evor uiu in my me. L. J. ALLDKEDj 1 oor-kseper Ga. State Senate, State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga. MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR .s the very best medicine I ever used xor the diseases you recommend it for, and 1 have used many kinds for wo man's troubles. Mrs. S. A. G'kbsham, Selma.N. C. . - MOZLEY'S LEMON HOT DROPS. Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarse ness, ore Throat, Bronchitis, Hem orrhage, and all throat and lung dis eases. Elegant, reliable. - Twenty-five cents at druggists. Pre pared only. by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, (ia . It was not a broken haarf, but appendicts, that killed the pros prietor of the burned Windsor hqte " THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR .CHILLS and fever Is a bott'e of. GROVE'S Taste less Chili. Tonio. Never fails to cure; then why experiment with worth less imitations? Price 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure.- "To err is human. to . forgive devine,' but. there.is a Jot of fors giveDess wasted in this world. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q on each tablet. - SEND US ONE DOLLAR fend you this big S3&-lb. sew lt9 pattern blph-crade KKSBRYOlR COAL AND WOOD COOK &TOVK, by freight C.O.D., subject to examination. uxanuoe i a youi freight depot and if found perfect ly satisfactory a4 the greatest Stove BAR GAIN yon ever eaw or heard of, pay the FRK1UIIT AGENT oar ACME BIRD. PRICK, $13.00 less the M 00 Bent with or- (1ai nr 19.00 WRTTK POR OUR BIG FREE blUVt CATALOCUfct and freight charprea. This stove is size No. 8, oven Is 16x18x11, top is 42x23; made from best pig iron, extra large flues, heavy covers, heavy lining's and grates, large oven shelf, heavy tin-lined oven door, handsome nickel-plated ornamentations and trimmings, extra large deep, genuine Blandish pereela.ii lined reservoir, hand some large ornamented base. fist eoal banter made, and we furnish FRKK an extra wood grate, making it a per feet wood tmrwr. WG ISbl'K A BINDING OCAKANTKK with every stove and guarantee sate delivery to your rail road station. Your local dealer would charge you $o.Ut fo' euch a stove, the freight is only about tl.00 fo( each 5u0 miles, so we iave yon at least SIO.OO. Address, 6e;ars, roebuck a co.dHo Chicago, iu. thtn, aMt Cf ar imU- tmi,-wtm , GRADE DROP CABINET BUP.DICK SEWIHQ MACHINE bj found Mrfeetly aatlifaetnrv ta . h M oa v... r, . i aoml to mmehines others sell as hieh asXfMk.lUk. and TUB GHKITEST BARGAIN YOU EVER HEARD OF, pay joor frelrht aa-ent Our SnAdal nff.. DpiA r- and freight charges. The machine weighs 10'0" 120 pounds and tho f reiorht wi II average 75 cents for each 500 miles. CIVE IT THREE MONTHS' TRIAL, in your own home, and we will return your lo.50 any day you are not satisfied. We sell dif. L'TT ..m e Bd grades of Sewing Hrhlr,es at 8.S0, t 111. 00, 11.00. Jla.OOaadap, all foil, described in Onr Free Sewing machine CatalogneJ bnt SJ5.50 for this DROP DESIC CABINET BUKDICK uh tfrotswsb villus ever ouerea oy any nouss, BEWARE OF I8V.ITATIOMS w wno vertismenta, offering unknown machines under various various inducements. Write seme friend la Chicago and RKLIABIE AND WHO ARB SOT. TU JET C I I (7 n I tT has everw MODERN IMPROVEMENT. H'atas s a fc g W 1 EVERY floOD POINT OF EVERY Hllili DErktTS OF NONE. MAUL BY HIL It I ST MAKER HUM THE BEST MATERIAL 1 hmfrWfiM --iubfi to ftfiO.Oi). and t!5" lf'"teSl-50, WE TO KKIlliX TCCB 813.50 lr at any time within three month, Von sn'i icu are at satisfied. ORDER TO DAY. DON'T DELAY. (Sears, Roebuck & Co. are thr.rougrhly reliable -Editor ) Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Snc.) Chicago, Bi SIS dfC? fC3 P 316.50 TO ".90.00 SliGGiES AND URREYS. ACME QUEEN. (OUR OWN MAKE.) . M1 ft. n AA J.-w-i-?f::- fX-th W X 'f Vear2 ar-1 i hs-' out wear Five XOo:- JSXUrAis. k-H-- Gfts:r.ary Facto. y HiSi, joaiesarenaierituooeu ana -.ncnjifrai aa j.&ycr In raintin? QUK AUIVlii VSiilEii, wo-jld paini iUr-c ehctp bu -flea $55.00 BARELY COVSS COST of mate: ial and labor, ieavms us the small.-st p.ofit i-m-'mai le cut we are building 70 bui?4?ifcis a day and to advertisj cur bury factory ve are willing tu SKl.i. T"r si ON and buildup the LARGEST BOGG Y iJUSIiMESB IiM 3i. w rhwru r.A n. w w n.uuw (uuy ufui y pront Trie AUMa A QUcfN webii'Mia narrow or wi-.le track, cloth or leather trimmed, end sprintrs, MilTert top, solid panel bat-:;, springs in back, leather co.cred Boms ad Nuts, llui'Ver Situs, Vel-et 'cariiet I, No. 1 Sar en's pateut screwed rim wheels, ijainie.t in la cuats, body black, pea i daik gieea w-itl; icubnei ijutu icr i bodv. 21x51 inches. very delicate modest striping. coinpleUj with shafts. i -.nil ui ia. iuic, .itrtju.r aiiu ,? uimi-irm mi tuavv ui n:im ti.io ira. iiu,a .-.tiio iuututlia and l';e Ircltrh; will aTeraee Tor SOO miles, S'J.OO: 300 miles, 2.5: 400 miles, fj.t': C-tVt miles. $3.0: l.ODO rai.es $6 (HI. tMD fiSJP ROL I AI? with yaT order. Vt GlAHAXTKE tte Haaj to Keseh Yon SsiMt and ak.nu V!i. MVha-ft.i if satisfactory, pay tne railroad acrent balance. il.oo Bd freight cbararea, otherwise pay niuliintr and the aent will ret'irn buirry at our epcilse and v.'e will returr vonr 81 t(i DON'T BUY A CHEAP FACTORY BUGGY nnw sold almost exclusively by all Maoi'inerv Pi alers and Catalomie Houses. BUY THE BEST EUOCY MONEY CAN SUiLD, direct 1'rcra tha M-Hra at the LOWEST PHCE EVEB KKOWH. OllDER TO DAY. DON'T DELAY. WRITE FOR OUR FREE BUCCY, CARRIACE AND HARNESS CATALOGUE. Address SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (In c), CHICAGO, ILL. r. f. mi i DOLLAR Cut tl-is ad. out and b-iiui to ua vl.tjJ, ami v.e wiii sci:. i'F.W 13IPiiOVi.D ACliK QLJbKX FAkLOit UUtiAN. by freight CSi. D.t uLJoct cexaminBiioo. You caiexa:ni:te it at your nearest irciiiui Jlcpot, u'-iii f you find it exactly as reoriented, equal to or can j tiiat retail at 75.00 to jf loo. 00, thetrreatt value you ever saw and !"ar Lttoi'l. ia-n ans adveiti-'edbv others t mora iKoney, pay t"ie irc-i-Tht a -rent ysr ooeialfiOdaTsotTerDr'-,?'. 75. le. S tiiei?. orS-jO. 3 -ir.i j'rsJTtcJiari-fis. d by otbers. Huch. an oiler wiis never macie bdf ore. 'L'C hnlZ f.t!Cry is one cf the aost d!iraihJ" r.weicf Uracil il ls Rbffit yllCtsi struracnt jevcr uin.de. I'r jrutxia iUubt-i-atioa iowiij vhicb onf?iave(t ui:e:l frmu ei r.'Aji.o" V;J -i ifoi- ii ino ilea of its beaaiifai sri '-arra'c. FViOt'C fi"0..1 OoJ.O X.? .iarter Sawed Oak, anLrie fiv.u-i, iia:s---s.ly,j.:.".i and criiuiiiciiLed, IcUfJS'K --' 3 iy le. Tut, A . -.- J3 teet 5 inciie hur'i-inrsie ioi.r. a niches v-kin And wjjs ill. Out.-.Tin'. yicl j'iia, tV--:r, ftorioitss, i;-pa t'- -!T,cr, ;2 Oi't.tve t-j-;lcrs, 1 7Vti pif M, I OtM-i Orrrar Svv'.U Sets rds, 1 rtt-t of a i iii.S:3i.;' i-jv,-.;.T,.;iU iliueiju AfcC, i aet at S 't. t'lfeaft.nS S:tii.ocifHisrHi.i.;;;al lii-a ! i?!':CnM cation oci:I-t cf tis celebrated the hi'iesti yro-ia instmniei;r.rit al o !:tt.ed vi,bl.!ii-A";;-..cll.'.ri.idi.-.-sami Vox ?!.icmn.-i, ais-o L'Ct D:--c ilta, jeUicr '-v-. ., beliowi of tlie ;e. t ru.-f-- ei 'tii. ! -' hei.ov-? :i n;ic 1 1 finest leather in valve-. TKE AOJE OUSis. i.- -.isiied wi h a iOl-i be ed r-i''-- Fruiit;.: zuirvjc, r.icr."' r tr.d Vrr-.i? t t ramcMifi ev-T" ;,o!cn irnrrov-e'Ji ?nt. 4 KNiiii K t K a bao'ls-jrue orrran hU"Oi andtiie bsccrcU2 truc;tin. ooolt pn-Uhcd. UA!AH f. fcSitJ:; I CANS -m(ium iiraisa issue a v-riw?n Uut.in25Tei ' ' . : , . i t 4 f lai-antee, by the tenr.s andotm-iition. of wfcjej, litiy?,r?fZiz-?X? J'i' : i '' '. f l-i rt reives out we repair it ree of o'-.are. Iry It cm I-T 7- TaXT A- '.-,;'-J -- .uplhoniiwo will refund yourniony jr you Bro noUz-6''-' Tfcctlv sati.lieJ. oOOoftliese vrenas will C9 at" .-r-"-i'- . - j-?'s&3. ?-hri il.75. Order atonee. Dca'tdUy. .----r'&-::'?--l ?ID DCI 1.1 U!l ITV I? EST!! I?!cn if yot-rt?3.: i Jll 1'Ll.mUiLII I IO 1.I1IMI.-UIIIIL1I lavet ;ot dealt with us ti.lc your neiiThbo--al;ut us, write ne Duiriisner or-tius caner, or it.tropoiitan jsarionai special organ, pinr.o and musical instrument catalotue. SEARS, RGESUCK & CO. Una.), Fulton, Jank, National Bank o the Kejmbiie, or Hank of Commerce, cnicatr; or :e-in Kz?liantre Pnnk Vt"f Vn-v my railroad or expresncomi-'a'-iy in Clii'-ao. We have a capital of or 44i0 Oito.iiO, co.oven-irr onp of t'..VvT c business blocks in Chicago ana employ over 8i0 people in our own biiildir.fr. WE 'Sell Cliffs at : PIANOS. C125.00 and aax also evervthinir in musical in.struTnonnr. L Por Correct Styles in AtRHA ABLE Prices, Gall at Epstein ODD PRLLOWS' GORNRR. The Beautiful Orchards In California f TRAVELERS tell us that while the famous Big Trees in 3alifor- nia cause wonder and amazement, the most beautiful sichts to look upon in all that country are the rich orchards of rare and luscious fruits. : Most of us have notthe opportunity to . visit .the Golden State, with its mines and minerals and orchards and gardens, but for a small sum we can enjoy many ot its luxuries. Ave have California UH.E.KRIES, firm, fine and juicy; Glaifornia Ijemon Cling PEACHES, almost as eood as When gathered; California APRICOTS, with that peculiar delicate flavor so delightful to the taste. Please call and examine our elegant stock of canned goods. '- 'Both the price and the goods will please you, . , , Bizzell & Wooten, GolcUboro's Leading Grocers. . ' MOTS freight C. . .".ubjSet"." " -concerns COpy our ad- names, with leant who are. Vn 'aMEKTCa" bvv. SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK hopdesk iM.Kn pitriwnvn ...... jit.,... , . . CABINET, rZZZ ' XXX Z. macnine closed, ( head drop ping from sitfhl) to be used as a ecu ter table, stand ordest. tha other open with lull length table and head in place for sawine 4 fancy drawers, latest 1S09 skeleton frame, carved, paneled, embossed and decorated cabinet finish, finest nickel drawer pulls, rests on 4 cas ters, hftll hnnnnffniiilKtnT.lafnM.il. o.U.-.i.'j Mnet large Hrh Arm head, positive four motion feed, self threading vibrat Inpr shuttle, automatic bobbin winder, adjustable bearinps, patent" tension hueniuir, improved loose wheel, adjustable pres3er foot, improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar, patent dress pruard. head is handsomely decorated o7iSTuTctAb.i",tif21.ir.i-rI(K::E:r' TRIMMED. LUAKANTEKU the lightest running, most durable and nearest nnlselexs machine niade. Krery known attachment isfnmiahed and onr Free Instruction Book tells 3.uSJ12wnTonec-an ron ana do either plain or any kind of fancy work A SO-YEARS' BINDT-NO QUAEANTEE is sent with everv machine IT COSlS YOU WOTHiNg to see and examine this machine, com pare it then if convinced ran Rnudn.'s-s nn . a eul this ad put and mm to as sad if i. 1 Sf .euuOY t-. on honor r,-ra th be.-t material mopov can bur. Whik- i our jfroe Buirgy CM talcsue e si:.--.-.-. Top B-.-r!-S n-tu: I wnie bii,;,;y .,i.r,e are s.ud hy m::.tunK.y dralei-K, at .4.1(0 ( 6..v-0andftrc yts.j-wl.-i-a.-ivcrt.Sd lymnny MiJixi t.itw.0. .C'ir,.S.i"-,B V-'toN AT SS5.00 ttt tb irre -i R strut- n w ;-ax p.,t nia w miJ'.,,, carc-.v3av3 stury oKyftjetor-? for u.e ti I: ;v:v:se o. tui itlmy r;:-.i ,;. !i:n.r n t'.ve". l't I liuj. wa use a ci:Bii;-.n cl 'Ji t-e:it; ve iaaPl.it' bcat lu;:n, v. e use ict-ni l:athei , to;j-.fr u- 3 oe:. e.:!'T s ..lr.l!.i;;:v'imp ik. r.Tc i.r pay lor ItllcrU, .l,!ra, tprinss, 2.ashrs and SocLelc on j J iJU!TrTies will suticiy U3, advertise us ever VI, V.prr THE v6ilZJ. - .le and back curtains, b t s'tL'i-in aprt.-n and'anti-i att ert ffiC - 5i Address, " " ,,riieiurll,w Desplainesand Wayman Sis., CHICAGO, ILL 9 ress SON - ts tnKti : r.-':' ' V;;. ! S.;;,-: ' ; -' jiii'. I : '3 Bros W e Go Forward The following prices are bound to lead: rl3l nAAiiO fe"ca'e3 pc and up, Ginghams, 53 per ya'd and up, I II II IlllllllaS Good Homespun, 5c yard, Calico, 5c a yard and up. I U vj " VI U C? Toweling 5c yard and up, Curtain Roods, fic a yd up. Pants Cloth 8c and up, Outing 5c and up, Bed Tick ing 5c a yard and up. Yard wide Bleeching 5c a yard. N OTIONS Socka 5c. Stockings 5c per pair. Hund kerchief?, Neckties, Hamburg, etc all cheap. TRUNKS. H TS, etc V line line of Trunks with tray for only $1 and up, valines 25c and up. Hts 25c and up. A good Man's Hat for $1. ShoP ! Shop's ! n tnis one thing 1 lead. A solid leather Man's 8hoe ' for only $l and up Solid Leather Woman's Shoe $1 and up. i liuiitju 5-boPS from 5c up. lippr8 and Ox'ord Ties from 25c up. GrOCerieS J ,Jt ff,3;! 10(3 per pound, StarCi 5c d, lb, Vinegar 5c a qt, Molaa . se" 7c per qt, Fiour, Meat, Maal, et j as low as the lowest. CiocRery, Tlnwar6, Woodenware, Tobacco, and in fact everything kept in Stock will be sold at rock bottom prices. These prices are etrictiy ca&h. F. B. Edmundson, tler Moore Robinson, UNDERTAKERS. Fine and Plain Wood and Metallic Coffiinsand Caskets. Qaality and Prices Guaranteed as Low an the Lowest I Buggy and Carriage Department ! We build buggies, wagons and carts to order, and will repair your vehicle in a work man-like manner, at satis factory prices. Mr. Allen Moore, of the firm, has moved his residence to the .. veiling adjoining our place of business, (on south side), w art- can be found both day and night, when not in the shk Get our prices before going elsew e. John Street, op. Baptist Church. Phones. No. 98, ?9, and 7. ' I ---."?-.V.- . ,f. , .J, .-. K, K, t K, llH. m I - A A Watch my show window A S fur tho I.iitci- V..ii. (J Without a Rival is our superb stock cf fine Jewelry. Silver novel -ties, Wat. hes, Clocks, table silverw are, Biackets, Chains Belt Buckles, Etc. 9 I I 1 VJBXKX aKPSJr3frf J- t 'V .- -TFr v for Wedding and Anniversary presents, our goods present a wide variety to choose from. Prices low for reliable goods. R. A. Creech, Jeweler and Engraver J, W. I3! EX J, W. ISLER & CO (Formerly of,B ike-, Tsler &")Co.) Wholesale and Re! a' I Dealers -in Bulk Meat, FlourJSugar, Coffee, Lard, Hay, Seed Oats, Rice n)eal, Salt, fI)olasses, Corn 0)eal, Brat, Llrje Laths, Plaster. Plastering Hair, Cotton. Seed IVIeal, Grain &ajs, Etc. lEirWe want, it distinctly understocd now that we "will not be undersold, and wa invite the public to call and get our prices before making purchases of goods in our line. Verv Respectfully, fit the old stand of B. ryr. Privett. xJ. W Nethersale Bracelets. THE LATEST FAD. A complete line ot bracelets and hearts, in gold and silver. Prices always down. Call and inspect them, Engraving Free. Watches, Clocks. Jeuielry, lyiusical InstrarrjerHs, ". Side af7d Porppeclo : Sprlno Styles IN MBIN'S .TAN SHOE8 $1.2 to $3.50. See them. Coffins g Caskets. GJoth ixrci Varnish Finish,' Wood and Metalio. (FUNERAL CAR FREE 1 (PHONES 81, 96, Gr- U. and R- Go Prolltic Cotton Grower. Manufactured bv the GOLDSBORO OIL COMPANY, GOLDSBORO, N. C For Bright Tobacco The Goldsboro Oil Company off 3rs to mo planters of Tobacco "Prolifle Cotton Grower" as a very superior Fertilizer ior the growth of Tobacco, and can refer with pride to an of the successful growers of Tobacco in Nash, Wil- !uurr ugw.uiui t;, auu hujuotus riuniie, wnere it nas won an enviauie reputa tion in the growth of Bright Tobacco. If you wish to be successful use ''PROLIFIC" the formula of w inh nnn. tains all the elemeuta for Tobacco culture For Sale by H. Weil & Bros. Address all. communications to Goldsboro . " -'.' 'ill; Musical Instruments aim uptiv;tti uuuus, J V J. KIRKPATBICK. Isler & Go L. D. GKlflens Jeweler and Engraver, Hood & Britt. in its best form. - " . Oil Company, GO LB SBOROtfyiO