1 it OK'iatUKkrBV. Hiiili-.,' i -1 i - '5 3 A Democratic New soaper. Jlr?t J0-11- ransom here. Necessib) z&gs Mexican r liX JOS. K. KOB1NSOJI. :8CJSSCKIFTION FKICK; fin Advance DAILY ARGUS. One copy, one year One copy, six months One copy i hr- tn n One copy. ot month WEEKLY ARGUS, f n cnnv one vear In advance tl.00 One copy six months in advance One copv three months in advance ,.t5.00 ...2.50 . .1.50 ... N) Asked of Politics, "I Ain Liying on My Farm." Raleigh Post Gen. M. W. Ransom, who ar rived in this city yesterday to hear Col. Wharton J. Green's ad dress on the life and services of Knows No Law." gfock But a. taiv of Nature bcnvs to the necessity of keeping I PoWdd" the Diooa pure so mat, entire system shall be strong, healthy and vigorous To take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great Mood tmrifier. is therefore a 50 his brother, the late Gen. Robert the Yar 25 Ransom, is a guest at boro, In the lobby of the hotel last night the General was sought by many of the warm friends and admirers in this city. It was a pleasure to them to see hira in such splendid health. He appears The automobile that left Cieve- much stronger and looks a great 6 o'clock in deal better than when Here a vear aeo. Although in his vara Entered at the post office in Golds boro, N. C, as second-class matter. GOLDSBORO NT a7TUNEl7l899. THE AUTOMOBILE liEYOLU TTON. law of health and it is a necessity in nearly every household. It never disappoints. Tired Feeling " I bad that tired, dull feeling, dyspepsia, headaches and sinking spells, but Hood's Sarsaparilla made me a new man. I never was better than now." John Mack, Oskaloosa, Iowa. ROSY Cheeks " I have pood health and rosy cheeks, thanks to Hood's Sarsapa rilla. It builds me up and saves doctor's bills." Mary A. Burke, 601 East Clair Street, Indianapolis, Ind. JfoodS SaUafyaii Hood's Pills cnrejiverjHsthe non-irritating nd onlycathartic to take -with Hood's SarsaparitlI land last Monday at 6 o'clock in i - c a. A 4-V..-.I the morning, sioou in iroui ui iu - ;r o. an,0rruv. bi,epH4T AMI MOLSE. -y. 1 f I year, lUC tT-A. UCUaVUl A3 w I j. Alii j . - as tne average man ai ou. "As to the political situa- IIotv a Leading Drug Firm Con. Astor house in New Friday evening at 5:45 o'clock. The distance coverea was t5n . antral Ransom broke miles, and the time consumed in 1Q and beaded off that question actual moving was forty hours before the reporter complete iu and four minutes, an average of "j atn living quietly on my 17.6 miles an hour. An axle was farm," he said interruptingly, broken near Rochester, involving "and I consider myself a good a delay of eighteen hours. The farmer, if I do say il." roads were not in good condition General Ransom is not only Wwn Buffalo and Albany, but we larger piautei iu the machine at the end of the trip but he is one of the most success ful. Last year he raised 1,500 ducts Business. We welcome critical eyes. This store has no vacation. Our goods are selected to help you save. "T We warrant everything in every particular. Don't buy unless you buy io your satisfaction. To give you large value at little cost is our aim. Dm- "bargain counter" runs all Beats them all. Expels the worms, tones up the system, and makes your chickens, cows and stock improve at once. Only tc a package at Goldsboro Drug Co.! Successors to Miller & Son. GOLDSBORO, N. C. VXI 4 Gold, Silver. Filled and Nickel Watches, Qa a S a a a 8 iQgCaStt3iO Comparisons Are Odious. When you compare our fine line of "movements and beautiful cases, in plain, i, chased, engraved or mono-' gram, with any other make in the country, it is t imply odious. Our Fine Watches are renowned as CORRECT time keepers, from the expensive hunting case to the smallest chatalaine of a watch. Always a fine selection of Watches, at RIGHT PRICES R. A. Creech, Headquarters for tsi.3i.MJ!.K. jeweiry. ) Y rm'-f-irh tit t t m Jeweler and Engraver I Our New Stock of W. L. Douglas Shoes ... -i i i i nrffp.Qln!? oenuiu bales Ol cotton, ana as yei ne nan around the store. vva vn mitv. N. C. wherein onlv sold 300 bales The ex Low-priced cheapness is often dear- the petitioner, J. D. JBardin, adminis- Senator takes a great pleasure Uess aisgmsea nf assets lor the payment of vve ben guuu, .p, w debtg aU realestate of J. J. Bardin, oil phpan croons. I A nJ-.m--rr AT i t.n is seldom that he leaves niS nome, We gell a fow thirjgs not for profit WQich action aU the heirs at law of the I asked him last night if his COt but for shelf room. said J. J. Bardin have been made par- You are not here to please-u. but U. a nZ S- L we are here to please you. Griilin are hereby notified to appear We like the instruction that is got an answer or demur" to the petition was in fine trim, ready indeed for a return, or any other trip. Last week, too, a notable race occurred in France. On Wed nesday last twenty-eight electric carriages and thirty-seven motor cycles started from Paris to race ton crop this year would exceed ,i;tnr nf 353 that of the vear oast. "I am i.lUUUAj xtMiM-" W miles. The motor cycles were afraid it will," he laughingly re started nineteen minutes ahead, plied. but Were SOOn passed by the aut- Tetter Salt-Kbeum and Eczema. mK;iQ Thr. wnnpr reached The intense itching and smarting in omobiles. lho winner reacueu cident to these di33ases, is instantly Bordeaux on the Bay of Biscay in allayed by applying Chamberlain's , , , - ,c Eye and SKin Ointment. Mary very eleven hours, iortv-tnreo minutes had oases have been permanently cured and twenty seconds. His aver- J"? ? We age speed was thirty miles an hour. fVV eyefS' k less for a mouse than we would for The best motor cycle in tne race , sale bv m. E Robinson an elephant. TOna n-7f.r Inn hours behind the & Bro. and Ooldsboro Drug Co. in We dispense cool drinks of all de- winning electric wagon. Notice ! North Carolina, Wayne County. Superior ,ouri. J. D. Bardin, administrator of J J . Bardin, dee'd, vs. Moses Dew, et als. Th defendants William Barber, William Stansell. and S. 1. Griffin are hereby notified that this is a special in the cuperior are here. All styles and shapes in Calf, Kangaroo and Vici Kid. When in need ot a pair of shoes, it will pay you to see our stock. Hood Si Britt The Inspector of Plumbing in Washington City has to take a solemn oath that ho will faithfully per form the duties of his office and execute a bond to the D. C. in the sum of $5,000 with three sureties, conditioned for the further faithful performance of his (?u tips and fnr all rersons who may be aggrieved by his acts or neglect. Certainly ho would noi allow the use of Cudell and Drum Traps under sinks and other fivt.iiT-p without Vent, when tneir laws forbid same W rlr not figure on or do any but up-to-date plumbing. We trap and vent all fixtures according to modern plumbing laws. PLUMBING and ROOFING. M. E. 6at6X & 60. The Ladies' Dry Goods Store Ladies' Duck AND We have done a big business this season with Ihe "readv-to-wear garments. A new line ot bkirts just received by express. When we sell a skirt we guar antee a fit. They fit well, hang well and wear well, and you can buy them cheaper than making tnem. NEW DUCK, good Quality, plain white, with red, pink, blue or black, poka dots, skirts to fit any size person. Unly - Crash skirts, a special lot, any size Black or blue wash skirt, white polka dots and stripes ------ Ladies' 7-gored worstead skirt, made from beautiful quality brocaded goods, lined good qual ity cambric, rel binding around bottom - $1.25 Ladies' novelty plaid, lined and made up well 7-gored skirt $1.25 Extra quality Bnlliantine, lined with good quality lining, velvet binding, a handsome skirt for good wear - - - $2.35 A Full stock of Ladies' Mohair Brilliantine Skirts. Ladies' skirts, made of extra quality serge, light or heavyweight. Bias cord piques, suitable for making ladies' skirts. Prices - 25 and 35c A new line of Valencines, in match sets. Insertions 7c. 45 c 75c. Jhe John Slaughter Co. New embroideries, wide open work, for waist or skirts. from a customer's complaint. We are too busy tunning UP ourselves to run dooln oar rivals. We knoul of other GOOD stores. but ue knoul NOIlE BETTER TH JIN THIS. The hfgh quality of our goods will which has been filed herein in the of fice of the clerk of the Superior Court in Goldsboro. N. C, at 10 o'clock a. m.,on July 12, 1S99. This the 29th day of May. 1899. I. F. OBMftKD, C. S. C. Wayne County, N. C. wagon agon. The in the French race was kept at a pace that would have covered the distance from Cleve land to New York in twentyfour hours, if the eight were bright, find the roads at their best. The Goldsboro and J. R. Smith Mt. Olive H jtion at our soda fountain. The trouble cassful. Filipinos who v.wHa nf this rnnntrv are DOW- nei irom pnes out a cure w smj tuicu roads Ot tniS country art, uj Dewitt's Witch Hazel Satve cures ever far below those of France in piles, and they stay cured. Soothes ' and quickly heals old sores, scalds,cuts, almost every respect. barns, wounds and skin diseases. J. H. tho fast- Hill & Son, Goldsboro, and John it I Smith. Mt. O hve noreeiess wagons. We compound prescriptions -with hunted I accuracy; if not the public would long liovo fnnnd IT. nut, and Wfl V-Ould v i l r 1. 1 i nave oeeu mmy s Lt nw ;,w n, li, mtronara we have in this line. W kppn p.i ervthina- to be found in DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve I cf,.5tK. t!,.,.t,.f.ia,s dru? store it is I worth your while to come ifround and see what wo have got we haven t time nor space to enumerate. It would as tonish some people to know how many Cures Piles. Scalds, burns. What you want is net temporary re- HAVE YOU GOT IT? WHAT ? Fresh Butter. Ga tex & Go We get it every week : Rockv flount and Clover Hill. And keep it in the Refrigerator, hard and firm. Only 25 cents per pound. Bizzell & Woolen. Goldsboro's Leading Gfrocers. Our Aim is to give the boys and youths of Goldsboro and vicinity a good, cool, cheap crash suit. We ask you to call and inspect them. They are neat and stylish. Also a nice line of crash and duck hats and caps from 5 cents upward. A. A. Joseph. Open Evenings till 8 p. m. Saturday s tin iu:up. m. COLDS BOKO'S LEflDlNO CLOTHIES Under Hote" Kennon. These races point to coming use of hors At present such wagons are very expensive. At present, too, th are very heavy, thus teing very ducting hostilities in peace negc trying to at least briges. All the obstacles to free use will disappear as experience and inventive skill urn hrnu?ht to bear upon them. D " The locomotive was not per- feci ad in a dav. nor for that mat ter was the bicyle or any other machine of complicated construc tion; but now that the feasibil ity of self-propellel wagons on oood roads is fully demonstrated, The rains are falling in Ltzon, t . i : r . . . Cyl atiu iiic i uuoiijg iuilu i tiatiens. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The famous little pills. There is a time for all things, The time to take DeWitt's Little Early Risers is when you are suffering from constipation, biliousness, sick-head ache, indigestion or other stomach or liver troubles. They never gripe. J, H. Hill & Son, Goidiboro, and John R. 8mith, Mt. Olive. iiiffpr-pnt kinds of things we do keen a visit will enlighten you come, we cor dially invite you. Very respectfully, M. E. ROBINSON & BKOS. Potato Barrels AND o weas. --. ico-vWrHB 1ST THE MAZE OF THE VOLUPTUOUS WALTZ. "Soft eyes looked love to eyes that spake again. And all went merry as a marriage tell," and that was when his loved one had a chance to examine the exquisite color and finish on his shirt front, and ask him where he had his laundry work done Everyone should know thut the finest laundry work put on shirts, collars and culls in this town is doniS at the Steam Laundry, Bean Baskets, Goldsboro Steam Laundry, T. B. MATHEWS. Manager, Sarah. Bernhardt in Hamlet and Maude Adams as Juliet are' the Shakespearian revivalists of of our make, on sale. at the stores of J. H. Pate, Baker & Eason, and at our factory. Don't forget us. . Farmers' Milling Co. s Near J. T. Ginn's store. dawlmruol we will surely see within a year the period. or two all the improvements need- One Minute Cough Cure, cures ed towards bringing the vehicles into general use. They are noise less, or nearly so, because they are rubber-tired. They are smoke Ijss, and they are swift. They lead to cleanliness and a higher deorreo of sanitation, lney are o - coming into general use that is the long and short of it. Tbat is wbat it was made for. Win. Gallagher, of Bryan, Pa., says: "For forty years I have tried various coua-h medicines. One Minute Cough Cure is best of all.". It relieves in stantly and cures all throat and lung troubles, coughs, colds, croup, whoop-ing-coagh, la grippe and pneumonia. J.H. Hill & bon, Goldsboro, and John It. Smith, Mt. Olive. 98 The above figures tell A bunting trust is proposed iust as Dewey is coming home. The necessaries of life thus come the tools of monopoly. be A Follower of Measles. In many instances a persistent cough fol lows an attack of measles la speak ing of this Mr. Walter B Beel, editor S - All druggists refund money if Ivui, "w. . uv, Q wi to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B ITlPHK HK Wlllllll 1C1 U lilO J I - - oough. I took several doses of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and the cough has entirely disaopeared. I consider Chamberlain's medicines the best on market." For sale by M. E. Robinson & Bro. and. Goldsboro Drug"o. in Goldsboro, and J . R. Smith, Mt. Olive, N. C. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. it falls e genuine hat Q. on each tablet A Texas editor remarks that it takes a cyclone to make a man hunt his hole. II remarkable story; they represent almost exactly the per centajje ol cures made by Rheumacide the -wonderful new constitutional cure for KHKU1IAT1SM. The other two jier cent, were not curable, or fulled to take medicine according to directions. Thousands have been cured. In view of the fact that many physicians think that rhumutisra is incurable, and that most remedies fail, it must be true that KHliUMACIDK is the greatest medical discovery of the age Particulars and testimonials ot tne many wen iuiuivu sent free to all applications. Manufactured by THE B0EBITT DRUG CO, KALtluH, N- U Sold by'.Drusgists generally. Price, $1 per bottle. GOLDSBOEO, K. C. Telephone No 82. Al B Cohen&Co's Racket Store This - Week. Special bragains in PERCALES, PIQUE'S, DIMITIES, LAWNS, etc. Our line of Snrinsr and Summer Goods is complete in every depart ment. Our specialty this season is Millinery. Millinery! "We also have an immense stock of Hammocks. Croouet bets. Garden Sets. Foot Balls. Base Balls, Etc In fact, anything and everything you want, you can hnd at the Racket Store. B. COHEN & Co East Centre St. SAVE ICE Hill i t ilH When the PiliDino envoys be. come hungry for a good dinner they send in a white flag TO CURE A COLD IN NE DAY Take Laxative Bromo QuininejTablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. , 25c. The genuine has L. B, Q on each tablet Gunmaker Krupp is not con vinced that compu'sory peace is desireable. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders iiiat. what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition Price 25 cents per package. For 6ale by M E. Robinson and Bro. and Goldsboro Drug Co. in Goldsboro, and J. R. Smith Mt. Olive N. O. " ' Arbitration is so popular at The Hague tbat the nations are competing for the honor of pro posing and formulating it. " NO CURE NO PAY. v fhat is the way all druggists sell To cure piles, strike at th root that's the way. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve strikes at the root it removes Manila, the cause, quickly and permanently. to remove the effects J. H.Hili & don, Goldsboro, and John R. Smith, Mt Olive. if i H bVl hL3 11 11 3. GREENSBORO, N.C. For the treatment of THE UOUOh OPIUM, MORPHINE ano ether Or;' ridictions. TV T-'-'v Habit- Nerv Exhaus" For Two Hundred Dollars! The devil's first acr, after the Lord made woman, was to invent house plants. DeWitt's Little Early Risers act as a faultless pill should, cleansing and the svstem instead of weaken ing- it. Thev aro mild and sure, small and nlfiasant to tafee. and entirely tree from objectionable drugs They assist rather than compel. J. H. Hill & bon. Goldsboro, and John R. Smith, Mt. Olive. At last General Joe Wheeler seems to have reached the bliss ful stage in bis career v?ben he is nni fnrp.prl to be content with 'leave to print". An Epidemic of Whooping Congli. Last winter during an epidemic of whnnning covjfi-h my children contract ed the disease, having severe coughing spells. We had used Chamberlain's Coue-h tiemedv verv succeesiuiiy xur croup and naturally turned to it at that . . u 3 . V. K District Messenger Service for Goldsboro. Parcels. notes etc., delivered Dromntlv by special messenger. Fhone 02,or leave orders at western Union Ofhce. J. G. SIZES, Manager. H. F. PRICE,. CIVIL ENGINEER. Office up stairs, cor. J ohn & Walnut St? GOLDSBORO, N. C. FiiANK BOYETTE, Dentist. Office in Borden building.over Bizzell Bros. Lo. s ary gooas store. OOLDSBORO. 2 TYPE-WRITING. Parties requiring Type writing can have their orders filled accurately by Miss Sue Wilson. I'hone No 57. GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL tine and found it relieved tho cough TONIC for Chills and Malaria. It is and eneetea a complete cure, juuu . lona, wr ou olifford. Proprietor Norwood Houao, pimply 'roa and Qjlnina in altasteles jrwood, N. Y. ThU remedy is for norm. CHildren love it. Adults pre- 8aie by M. E. Robinson & Bro., and ten It to Wtter, nauseating Tonics. Goldsboro Drag U6. in Goldsboro, and Pji3 . I J. R. Smith, Mt. OUt. Ct CAPUDINE CURES HEADACHE, Neuralgia. Sick Headache. LaGripoe Pains- Nervous Headache Each bottle Guaranteed. Price 2$ 'd at all Druggists. u - T will p-ive a lot. with a new four room house on it, in Edmundson Town for the above amount. I have cnlv a few more lote lor sale at the low prices for which I have been selling them. If vou wish to duv or sen property. see me. win taico cnarge oi ywuuio nrooertv onlv. I have ror rent one six room nouso m New Town $8.00 per month. Ed. L. Edmundson. Office at F. B, Edmundson's store May be seen from 11 a. m. . to 2 p. TAX LISTING NOTICE The undersigned will attend at the Mavor's Office durinsr the month of June for the purpose of listing the real estate and personal property oi tne in habitants cf the uity oi uoiasDorc, in C, for city taxes. D. J .RROADHUEST. May 20. 1899. im City Clerk Second-hand Piano For Sale! At a Bargain, cash or on easy terms a fine Knabe Square Grand. Address this office. Strayed or Stolen. Ore liver-colored bird dog white anot on breast; left my premises 'in Goldsboro last Saturday." Liberale ward to persco-returning same, or for information. loading- fco.ms recovery: WALTER L, U M M ERI4 N. ? BUY A o Leonard Cieanable Refrigerator The best insullated, most economical and handsomest Refriger ator made any size desired. Prices on these and other goods ROCK BOTTOM. Parker & Falkener Furniture Co 'The People's Friends. Use Koch's Disinfectant. The Perfect Cleanser and Germicide. The following hotels use it: Mt. Vernon. Salisbury, N. ., Gresham's S A. L , Riley's (4rt.cn wood, 8. C, Leatherwooa s. Laurens, o. v... AsheviUo. N C . 5 t xington Hotel, Richmond, Va., Pee Dee Inn Cheraw, 8 C, and Hotel Kenuon For sale in Goldsboro Wholesale by tho Goldsboro Drug Company, aod by all druggists and loading grocers. Mannf actured by SCIENTIFIC CHEMICfL GO-. Goldsboro, N. C. He has Used it for Declares il is tho and Tonic M from Georgia's isn Yi i irons ars. and Purifier BUIUO hief outivo. NEW. NEW. NEW! Something new in Collars, the celebrated C. and C. UMBRELLAS! Big values Jjust received, nice assortment. HOW'S SHiS Big line nice Shoes for gents .wear, from Si.lO to i.UO worth from $2.50 to $5.00 Yesterday's express brought ar.oJ.her lot of Wavsrly and Ivanhoe Blcy cles Now is your chance. .. , , . P. S. Ladies we can show you some Dig values in p.ijuua an "V oursanxiousito please, Soutnerland BrlnKleu & Go's. Thr in not one oerson in a hundred whose system can successfully with stand the severe drains of the Spring season without the aid of a tonic. All of the accumulated impurities of a year must now be elim inated, and this causes a struggle which usually re sults in a break down. A few bottles of S. S. S. just now will thoroughly pu rify the blood, im prove the . appetite and give tone and" strength -to the whole system. Most important of all. S. S. will se per fectly remote all impurities aft to for tify, the system for successfully' resist- inrr thn nunv ft ATI terous forms of sickness so prevalent aring the sunimer' N Georgian is as near to the "hearts Of tbf people Mjtteir beloygd Governor, The Governor's Unqualified Endorsement STATE OF GEORGIA, ) Executive Of&ce. ) Atlanta, May 8, 1899. I have for fifteen years used S.S.S. as a remedy for rheumatism and as a tonic. It is unquestionably a good blood purifier, and I am sure the best tonic I ever used. For many years my digestion was bad, but the occasional use of a bottle of S.S.S. has entirely cured me of this malady, and I now eat with perfect impunity anything set before me. - A. D. CANDLER. T) Cndler. Faithful to every ti.ii at. hi nursed honestv is his shining virtue. His word is accepted far and wide, for he never gives an endorsement witnouc auHuiuifO knowledge of the merits of an article. Governor Candler hns used S. S. S. for fifteen years ; he knows that it is mado of the native roots of Georgia- that it contains no. drugs of any de scription and he unhesitatingly says that it is the best tonic he ever used. S. S. S. is thp only tonic which con tains no potash, soda, arsenic or other dangerous stimulant. You need S. S. S, Large Assortment Dl4- nnA f"M-i ono WoIof Cafe a Pins, Buttons, etc., just received. r??ks- LOW PRICES. Engraving Free VoA stnd need it now.. A few bottles will thor oughly cleanse the blood, improve your appetite, and renovate your system. In sist upon S, S. S. ad take nothing els? ' New Music. "Yankee Doodle Dixie," Tar Heel March and Two Steps," also a souvenir book of the First N. C. Volunteer Regiment. For sale at r- Goldsboro Book Stoie It r