o soothing-strains -of Maia'ssoia, Can lulLits hundred eyes to sleep" v t ) Vol. XVII. GOIDBORO, N. C; THURSDAY, JULY 27. 1899. HO 104: 1 This AEGtTS o'er the people's rights, Doth an eternal vigH keep ' I J m H t-i -5 - j r i I O Baking Powder Mads from pure ., cream of tartar; Safeguards tbd food against alum Alum bak-n powders are t greatest EA-aaeers to health of the present day. cai. e.i-iNa rowiB eo., new vpsw. OUR LOCAL OPTIC. Tie first floor of the Law Rmidicsr is beine fitted rm for tbe postofrice, wbich is to be movf-a anout tne 1st oi August Negotiations are pending be- tweet the Mt. Oiive and Golds-- boro fcase ball teams for a match s&mext taae place in tne near futun?. Rev. S. H. Isler, Evangelist of fi&st Carolina, will htgin his pre t;?ted meeting at Ssveo Springs mine Fresoytanaq Cburcb, on 1 28th of July at S p. m, Rev. F, W. Farries will assist him in ttese meetings after the 5;h Slbbath. Mr, F, A. Daniel,-wbo has been spending some weeks in jrciladeiphia under special meai cal treatment, arrived home last Wednesday entirely restored to his wonted health, which will b a source of gratification to his hosts of friends. Mr. W. H - Collins did the entire Auaus "force" proud last Friday by a "set up ', to water melons and cantaloupes and as fine as the fiaest He makes a specialty of fine cantaloupes and watermelons, and his Monte Christo and Dixie melons are simply superb, ;; Mrs. Jennie Davis, wife cf Mr. T. C. Davis, died at her home in Wil-OD, ut a lato hour Tuesday night, and was buried Wedne -day in Y lidos. Mr?. Davis was 67 years of age, and had lived in Wileon for many years. Sao was tea aunt of Col. A, C. Davis, of this' city. Mr. J. J. Meador,,the auc tioneer for ine Farmers Ware house Imi seasor, has arrived in tlit; city lo 11 .1 a similar position "with tbe sanid warehouse this season, ucdar the nasaagement of Mr. Thos. Idmuudop, who is well known and popular with the farmers ihoughout this section, Mr. 11. E. Pipkin went dowc to Dudley last Friday, where he bought aad loaded enough water mesocs to fill a ha?f dozen freight ours, .The trucker and fruii grower in this section has no better friends than 'Bab' Pip kin. He buys and pays cash for their products on the spot and they take no risks. 1 - The Board of Aldermen have passed an rdinarice taxing sur face closets at 50c, per year when used by private residences, and t$8 per y.ar when used by inanu facraricg interprises, , tobacco warehouses, railroad depots and public buildings, and $2 per year when used by sale and livery stables. Surface closets havS been excluded from, the centre of the city extending from "Mul berry to Cbestnat street and from James to John street. Mr. M, E. Ccx, one of the managers of the popular Seveji Springs Hotel,- was in tbe city Friday on business. He says the hotel never ' eb-j'yed a mor liberal patronage man. that which is being bestowed this seasoa. IT you are disponden, sick or tired.go to Use springs, drink the water and be healed of . disease in mind or Body, as a number , of pthers bay e done and are doing. Another evidence of the growth and widening importance of Goldsbo.o lies in the' fact teat the Western" Uflion Telegraph Com panj, in order to meet the greater demands of Goldsboro "as a busi ness and populous centre, 'will henceforth keep their office iu this oi ty open on Sundays from 8 to 10 o'clock in the moEnicg and from 4 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon. "We go forward. ... A distressing'accident occurred on Saturday near the Southern Railway freight depot. Eric, the 4 year-old son of . Mr. and Mrs. . A, McDarmond, was run over by a dray, while at play, the wheel passing over his. neck and .caus ing such serious injuries as to give his parents much anxiety.' The many friends of the solicit-; ous parents are" twnderjug their eppathy, ;; ;r : j LS LOVING .fiEMEMJKASiCE Of Miss Minnie Qrlnialey, Daughter of Sirs. W. P. Griuisley, Who Dltd at Her Homt in Suow BUI. on July Olh, 8Siv; For be AHGTJS.J In tbe morning of life ber spirit hath taken its flight through "the gates of Paradise, all ajar for her" there to dwell with her Savioy and .loved ones-for.l'Wci-rfio the pure in heart" In the bloom of early wotuanlrood, in the full enjoy itient of life's pleasures, ere its disappoitments, like a cloud, had gathered in her pathway and left their shadows on her youtnj ful brow. Like some fajr flower that grew in beauty in the morn of life, but wilted 'neath the heated rays of 4 the noon-day sun, and faded away ere his reluming beams had shed their soothing influence over tired Nature, and suak tol rest behind the WesUro hills, at the c!o3o of life's lonjr eummor day. But, all unlike thst flower, she has been transplanted frru this bright world of joy and pain, to one far more beautiful shall we say too soon? God, who is omniscient, only "doeth all things well," Some of His loveliest creatures Ho loans to earth for a little season, bnt, knowing their gentle end tender natures, He re moves them early from contact with life's rough changes and takes these treasures unto Himself, drawing, the hearts cf their loved oaes Heavenward. W it thou not, gentle spirit; ecmetimes return from that blissful home to which thou art gooe ? Wilt thou not re visit the scenes of earth again and whisper words of comfort ti the fond mother and sorrowing broth ers and sisters who now so sallj lHourn f ar thee i Groat GoiA, be pleased Thy strength to scud, And with Thy love TUy meruy uow to bk'iid ; And from TUy btmndlocs stoit-s ot richest g;aue To fill ttiese sadauied 7ic:irts with perfect peace. Within you consecrated spot of$iotfnd. There lit a now-made grave a "HcAe mouml. Where sleeps the form of'her 'beloved so veli : Her spiriVjjoiie-iu l'aiauise Uj uwvll, Th tall, green pines a requiem shall siii, AHd raft it on the 2ephyrs passing by, While vodland choristers upon the wing Sliail join their notes in melody to sin. There i-osos beaitiifa; and rare shalj Uooni. ' Audr slunl tlielr.l;avis Ssrotn.1".lthnveetriii'r fftHMJ. Some loving litmd sliiiU i!;;nt tlie evergreen, To brlKhten up each gloomy Winter's .-Ci-ne. While violets and -'sweet forget-me-nots, With trailing vines shall cover o'er that spot And all tlio stars their nightly vigiis ke -p, WJit're naught shall o'er lis?urb that bufii! . sleep. A FaiENi). Snow Hil!, Nt O., Jujy 20, 1899. A PliECOCIOCS DOG. Sfrrangar than "a snak stury51 s the incident reported to the Argus last Saturday by Revr M8jor Best, brother 'of our mer chant townsman Mr. M J. Best, and absolutely "a man of truth.'j He tells us that Mr. Wm. Boyett, his neighbor in the country, a ew miles out from this city, has a drove of geefce and, that a ra pacious, rpving dog has been making invasions on -them at night, killing, .however, only one goose on such occasions and deyouring it in part. But the other night after killing and eat ing one goose, the precocious dog seized another goose and buried it alive up to its neck, doubtless for ."the next night's feast.. Mr, Richard Boyett was attracted, by the cries of the goose, and' going to the rescue found it buried as above describ ed, and on releasting it; ittrotted off unseattied, " r "' - Uobbed' the Gray e. .' A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated -by him as follows: 1 was in a most dreadful -condition. My skin was almost yellow, -eyes sunken. tongue coated.-'' pain continually n back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three - physicians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend adv-isedi trying 'Electric Bitters;' and to. my great joy-and, surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I contin ued their use , for throe ' weeks-" and am now a well man, I know they saved my lif e, and robbed the grava of another victim. "To one should fail to try them. Oaly SQcts.; guaranteed, at J, U Hill & S0fi fcJtory, v '. BREAKING THE SAD NEWS. llailroad Jlen on Special Duty to Notily Bereaved Wives h n Accicknta Occur. vWo formerly left it to some of the ejiiployffs to inform wives that-iikir husbands hal beeti kill- Uar' said a reild Vsv buttu now regular men do it men vrho know- how to break .the sad news to widows anel orphans at home. 1 did it myself foT thirteen ye: rs. The company chose me because I was falht'ily-looaing, a eel i ttaek to the job as long as 1 could, , Lut, it's wearing work. To go into a home and hear the wife singing, about her work and be c nioeilod to to l her that her Jack's just been killed down in the . freight yard, takes nerve. ' Of course I bad dliTei-ecfrways cf breaking ibe news, Sineuiiias 1 asked -ha Vmj Jim .would be heme, or where he was going that night anythiag to gee fctartsd, especially if I never knew tbe wt man, S range to say, , thcuover I ciinid near to the fee, saying fi heaiel tha? Jim was hurt, tao wo men wpakl scream out they were sure ho was killed Then 1 let them cry awhile, until they'd gc; ready to ask."f urther ab mt it. It was not So hard aftcr that. I oi- Jea thought that, the women saw so much sarrow iu my face frcm my long serving ia ih'j ISuslmsi that tl ey knew what I Ci-nsa far. 1 tried to iook ebetiful, but tbert was a weight on my heuit that I couleki't throw off'. "Qjce I called ac the homa of a young wife.' Her husband-, sa engineer, was kiiied ai a onuge that maruing. When sli-3 cpeus:d' the door and looked as me she dtopped in a dead 1'aiat wuhoul saying a word. Afterward &L& told me that she-had taken a 'nap after breakfast that morning ana had seen rns in her dream siand icg in froct of ber, telling hit' that Harry was killed. Once the wifa j caaia tf warn was making breaci.' She was up to her elbows i; "A.-iii :?lv. T n-.Ir--;-. UTho-ti iVl ;- fnr.o'i' ia, rl -cr u. Lr.i;1 r fr trr, -t "V L-L W AAVWWf 11 HI. W - -f U i-M-I waited for half aad hour, eit;: she got her bread iu the paer, aiid 'hen I .wis at back aud tald Uir thidsad story of her husbaau'd Jeath hva cave-in .ala culvert. At anotuer house the mother and two children, ntaiiy dressed, were ready to go to a iSuudr school pieaic. It took carve to stop them aad break the news. It was cloudy. Then I said to te wife she had better not go, as Tom might be back from wc.rfc oon Then she knew. --- 'T asked the ccmpiay to be re lieved of my job three times be-' fore they foujid some oae o take my place." Lard Macaulay. ' Young people, look in, thco eyes, listen to that dear voice, and notice the f eeling of even a touch that is bestowed upon you by thet gentle hand. ' Make much of it wh'le yet you have that most prec ious of all' good gifts, a lovingJ mother. Read the unfathomable love of those eyes; the kind anx iety of that tone and look, how ever slight your pain. In after life you may have friends, fond, dear,;kind. friends; but never will you 'have again tho unexpressibfa lave and gentleness lavished upon you w.hich none but a mother nevj stows, Often do I sigh in my struggles with the hard, . uncaring world for tho deep, sweet 2curitJ I felt when at evening, resting in hex bosom, I listened to some quiet tale, suitable to my age, read in her tender,"" untiring - voice. jNeyer can I forgeit her sweet glances cast upon me when I apv peareet asleep; never ;, tier kiss ; of peace' at night, Years ha?e passed since we laid -her .Preside my father in the cold, churchyard, yet still ber voice whispers from the grave, and her eye-Watches over me as I visit, spots long since hallowed by bermewcryv " "lNGEKSOLL J3EA1) Qr&At Lavy w and. Agaogtic Pass ed Away iu New ork tiii - i.tterm02i. NewYorkj, July 21. Eu'uert IcgersciU tie -iiotfed lawyer and agnosli '-died suJdauly at bis homt Robert $reen IngeiSoll was 3ors iaDresdee, Naw York, Au gust -ilia, lll-nner was a Coogreganoaal cKrgymfn of "such bread views as fr.-qucntly to cause dissensioas between hiniseHand bis parish. Tne soa's byhocd.was speat iu "Wi-cor.'iia aad llliapi, where tha family removed ia 1S-43. After s-tu lying law, He opened an ir2ce ia ghawnectowD, III , with his brother Ebo, ifho was fcubfiCM qurafya mem box' of Congress. Bjlh eo;-g5;H!i politics but the fearrouaeliogs were uncongenial, aad in- 1S57 taey removed- to Pejiia. Ia 1SG0 lt:oert wa a Dc-moeratic candieluta for Con gress, but was defeated. Ia 1S82, he became Celouei of iLe lith Ilii eo! Cavalry, aad a year aad a half lat -at" united with the Repub lican party. Ia 1S86; be was ap pointed Attorney General for Illi nois. At the National llcpublican convention of 1876 he proposed j t'ac nt;m-e of Jtiuu's G. lib ice for tbe presidential nomination io a speech that attiactsd mach uttn ' iron, rctn that time his services as a camraun b'Eatjr wero in dc masd thro-jghoai tbe country. Ia 1S77, he refused the poet cf Minisiur to Gcrmaay. He has taken part m numerous noted law ttiits ia uli parts of Ihe-.couQtry acel was counsel for the scalled star "rsto conepirttors, whose trial en did ia acquittal ia Ua was well kpowa by his book, pamphlets and' speedhrs directed against the Curititia religion. fii, -.0 oald be recti ved Ttb ' feel ;i2a more widely varied tb'aa are : aroused by the d'.u'h cf Cuiouei liobert G. -iGgoreoll. AmoEg thesa who kuew.tim oily ss the aggi e sivu j-giiOEtie hh death will awakea ii seme a feeling of re lief that the briliiaut co abator of Chiist'.aoity is fovevcr silenced; ia 'others regret ihsX ia seme way or other te.was not brought to ac- unowtcelsre fcis error, and there are siiil others who will cherish the coHviciion that a righteous re tribution has at last overtaken the 'sco ft or, Awhile by all that have hud tha personal acquaintaoce and friendship of tho tuaa aad Ihe&a aie uoany his death will be view ed with p rofound sorrow. ;' Colonel Ingcrsoll had in high degree the quuii'ks of head and of heart which endear a taan to his fellows. Handscma of person, brilliant of wit, persuasive cf tongue, a clear, logical reasoner anel a deep student of liieiature, law aad pc-lit:ca, he had every, re qaisrte for a eucccsbful. career. Brave, geaeroue, truthful, char itabie and patriotic, ho had the power to ssay the reason of men and win their hearts. He wes in ail his dealings a living exempli -fioation of tho goldea rule. He was a elevoted husbanJ, a kind -father, a generous neighbor. Love Wes his neiigioh, horn? was his heaven. He hTno sympathy with those of his prctinded' followers and blatant imitators that declaim against tbe sanctity of marriage aad the liberty 6f -law. At the Cincinnati convention in . 1876 he delivere-the most eloqnent, thrill ing and tifective political speech that has been -msde in Amerifia eince Patrick Henry. ; At ' the funeral of hi3 brother a, few yearSj later he paid tha most beautiful tribute " to fraternal f affection" of which we , have any knowledge, vhile at the "same time admitting the poB&bilit jrbf and expressing a 1 ;-fJt. mmm STOMACH m ECT5 YOUR mOlE BODY ion 1' ft s i r ipyiT 10 THE 3T0'TIiElUH05. testier yearairi g itr a meeting m the great bevoad. ' Ana yet tiicjrfo t this man enii&wed t) wia the brightest laurels iu the jut or a great gocerous pecple, iuuit-ie written ia fail-are . Whyf Because bis nchc-tt gifiy, his. "keenest wit, his 1 I rnoti tursuasiv eloeiaeneo werelifi& at this time. Rtnne sairl it. used to break do ?a the CliristTan - religiOP""i.ue aObt beneficent civili zation the world has ever knows, the .oaly civilization that his work ed to tha elevation a set real ad vancement cf mankind. His fatal fault was not thai Lo was an un believer, . bat hz-.t he paraded his ucb-lkf aiui boaIitto iles'roy tbe faith of others?. Lie tried to tear down the; djsre?t posessi-jn God has given to His diiidren, and of fered cothiag iu its placi. There fore is this man's ci;ai which i ! LVO C03 dacej so high, wi'ilteaiii snd. t vo ia his death 'iL-aU;ar, t-igive Uii'ssv not waat they lav Ho vers oa the " while wa CoGia cf a 'ieiii'.e. father, a faithful ,b; tiientl, tn cpea-liacd-ii bee-of actor,, a brave so-disfaad &n nriachiaa, patriot. . A Tisaasand Toques. Could not express t'ac rupture of Asnie E. Sprioger, of 1125 Howard sf., l-o':?a;H-lpbia, Pa., whc-i? bhc iiuL-d tint Dr. King'? Ne .v Dif covet j to? Oonsunjlion had c?mr.lctvly cased her of a hacking con 5b thai formaoy years had made Vila a buniea. All other reoicdies and Uoetjrs culd g've her no help, bat she fitys of this Uoyul Care -:iit soon removed the pain in my chest aad I u.n now sleep eoaLdly. so-aetbiogs I can scarcelv reaicmbcr eloing ba- fc-r.1. I i'eel ii3ef--0!melins' - its praises throughout the Univtrse." 80 will every one who tries Dr. Ktngls New D 'savory for Eny trouble of the 'iiiiri'-, Cbrst or Lungs. Price 5a. and 100. Trial" bcttlos free at J, IT. Iliu & Sons Drug Store; evety bottSe guaran teed. An Euttffn.ofcHe ia a quiet streets is as much a causa for excitement us a runaway horse. Two lictlev,'ords, 'Fesglve aeJ;' can changes the darkest sky to heaven's mosi ceuusean blue. That Throbb-iis Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you usad 3r, King's New Life Pills, Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. Thty make pure blood and strong nrsryes aci bnild p your health, Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 centB. Money bck if not- cured. Sold. by J, IL.Hill & Son Drug- giss-. . " ? : So Dewey likes his coffee hot. He certainly inado it hot for the Spaniards. ; TO UUfi A CQLQ IS CNfeOAV ; Take Laxative Bronio-Quinxne Tablets, All druggists r-j'und money if 1i fail to euro. 26c. Tt genuine baa L. B. Qt on each tablet, .... -i UK VAN WATCHES. The Proceedings of the Meeting of the National Demo- cratie Committee. Chicago, July 20. The Na .i r, ;'ri I biutitti WBinocraue committee mftt! here to-day, and throughout aijt-uuurs session vvniiam V,.. t TIT ' 11! T I Bryan sat beside William j. Stone, wbo has been acting Enairmin m senator Jones' ab sencp, and watched every move. It was pointed out that rarely does a leader find it necessary to attend a meetinsr of the commit- tee, but in view of the " rumored r asoirations of Stone and nthsr plans which have been secretly inating my official connection . For a11 bis talent in the par makinir Mr. Brvan evidentlw with vour administration I wish Zoning line Ex-Governor Altgeld deemed it advisable to be on the i-nnn TTa hQii h cmum. JM. w Ut VUV JiUAjr vjx National Committeeman CamDan. but said never a word. K C A. "Walsh, of Iowa, secretary, called the committee to order, and ex-Governor Johnson, of Kansas, wa9 made temporary chairman. The first important business was the seating of George Fred Williams as national committeeman in place of JohnjPonse: W. Corcoran. Then P. J. Devlin was deposed as head of the press bureau for helnine alone AlU geld's tight against Mayor Hare rjSOD Uuring the nreliminaries Till - . oi ooutn Carolina, was res, r-i i i ttv?. and nnallv be could noti14"" "auo VL JUi Ai7 13 tepi ... i .i. . ,.n i . . seaua ene .aiding longer, tor ne jjmpeu iu uis lees aou uemana - 4 j i i . . i j j -iu: c. i . eu ui juaiiiweku otuuu wuat was the Dumosa of caliine the maet. - I -C3 rules, wnereupon Tillman said . . ... . they did not want anv rule ex cept to stick to the Chicago oitf.-irm of iQft Tt:nmo- ;lf ' took a short recess for lunch. State of Ohio, City of Toledo. Lucas County. - f Ft auk J Cheney makes oath that he is tbe senior partner of the firm of P. J. city of Toledo, county and state afore- auv ui j. u.uuu, 11 u y ouu sjfcotc mui - sum ofOneHundred Dollars .,..; Gr.ii that- cowl ti ,.!! .1 . f hA iorfeatji and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hail's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Svvoi n to befoi'e me and subscribed tjTniy picence. this 6t"h day of Decem bor, A. 1. li.66. - SEAL. . A. W. GifiASON. ( r 1 Notary Public. Plall's Catarrh Cure is" taken" in- ternally and acts directly on the blood and mucous su,riacesof the system. Send for testimonials, h-ee. F. J.CHENE J & CO, Toledo, O. dent McKinley's Cabinet. The Mr- Charles Holzhauer, Druggist -Sold by Drugg-'sts. 75c. I. , . Newark, N. J. "It is perfectly safe Kail's Family Pills are the best. JeffrivS Will Meet McCoy, Toledo, O., July 22 ChamJPr6Sldent Secretar A,er had pion ; Jeffries boxed to-oight three rounds with his sparring partner. secretary Alger naa connaent- i- . t-..- . x r: T-.-illv exDected the aoDointment of nu ir rK ana c-asino, jennes, in taiKing nf hie; futurp fip"htc aid that ho or nis luture ngnis, saia tnat ne proposed to fight McCoy, as he had ao-rPPd tn dr .ft,Pr the mill uaa agreea to dc, alter toe mill With Sharkey. "Personally, I do not think McCoy is eligible to heavyweight honors, but I will take him on, because I have I ii.uuiu .Lu ui-. -u-aer-, said the chamDion. - 1 A Frightful Blunder j I Will often causo , a horrible Dum, Scald, -Cut or Bruise. Buck- !' A h Kat 5-. ml .lu. "t , . v. world. will kill -the na'nnnd promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, t ever bores, Ulcers, Boils, lel on?, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Mfifst Pi ft fnrfl on PBTth. Ilnlv 25 1 - cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold J - I by J, H. Hill & Son Druggist. Alger is said to be worth, $10,- ooo.ooo. And stun he is not bappy, i DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The lamoua little pills. I '. DeWitt's Little Early Risers benefit I peimanently. They lend gentle as aiHtau-o ua.ui-, -oiuomj- uu (iu vlj ....--, y . ... j c pation and liver ailments. J. H.Hill & -ion, Goldsboro, and John K. bmith,! Mt. Olive. . , I : -r Washington, July senator Pritchard. of North Carolina. I na'i1 af. tho Wh ta Haiioo tA.rtan . WW V -- -1 UVWUV wi aMJ I i . . : . ana secureu me appjiuiuiwius ui i ft' Wn5?'r -- v -t ZL nCr t L0, ?". -,08 ,wiuu.-.4 .-iu.. ,; I THE.BEST PHESCRiPTlOICf 0RC0HIU3 and fever Is -a bottle of-GnovE's Taste- less Cmic Tonic Never fails to dure? then why.experiment with worth-1 CHINGLES. all kinds, all Pri ut ltolUVwOU. Your 'BVoocl--d coalTarl Idsb money bacOf it fails to cure, ., Goldsboro, N. P. Ptone,.No. Y., Olive, N. C. -u. ALGER GOES OCT His Lesignation Accepted hy the President to Take Affect , The First ot Auenst. - Washington. July 20 Si8fcfe - i tary Aleer'S letter of resicnatinn itsLnd thfl Pp(aillont,. S reply were J.i . . .. - wis aernoon.Al- J V 1 A 1 ' . , er s '9Uer roilows: - j mufiWu.jUijr 1 be to terxdet to you my res- lunation of the office of Secre- iary 01 war, to taKe affect ' such time in the Qear future as 1 vou w av decide the affairs of this department will permit. In ter- for you continued bealth and the highest measures of success in carrying on tne great work en trusted to you. I have the honor to be Very Respectively, Your Obedient Servant, R. A. Alger, To the President. This is the President's Res- Executvie Mansion, Washington. Julv 20 Aoaa- t rss mT I aon A-Aiger, secretary of j War: 1 "aL " iour resngnauon 01 lit-- iT m t-v " - w . , toe QHLoe oi oecretarv or War. Iprl t.n talro nfFort. nn tha fii-pt rt . rr - .V. . . . " Ausasr ibhh in tnna aatrarmtr i . "7 . Itneomcial relation which has I continued for more than two 1 -r i . - years,L aesire to tnana: you lor I ronrlararl 1 Via nrti nfm a f v-.-.f- 4- I . --jr-- " exacting period,aud to wish you loag ana naPPy ilIB- With as- i surances oi nign regard and es teem. I am. most sincerelv. WILLIAM McKlNLEY. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders are just what a horse needs when In f an0 vermiiuge. I ney are not food but I memcine ana the best in use to put a horse in prime condition Price 25 l06nt8 P81, package. For sale by M. E. I ... , . r, j I lAUumsuu njii, r,ru. .nn Ull UaDlir I 1 f ft 1 IT Oo. 1B Goldsboro, and J. R. Smith Mt. ) O'lvew. U. I - ROOT ACCEPTS. The Appointment Pleases Secre tary Alger Washington, .July 22.Elihu d . ' " I K0t Ot XNew lOrlc, has accepts ed the War Portfolio in Presi- I lelsria ot acceptauoo was re- ceived shortly after noon to-day "' ... J secretary Long was With the JU 1 e - - mines neartn. it auna tne brain, kills Phased at the President's Choice, energy, destroys the nervous system, aiAannA ; ua ni and predisposes to insanity and fatal ThlS Was evidenced in the fol- aiseLea. All dyspeptic troubles are !V"0g letter which Secretary quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia . , - 'cure. It has cured thousands of cases . 601 "ulura'cu l,",WUB' w his successor, . STYoctOfS 51V- Rilin.inrl TntPrmitbntFpvpr9 . . . ... . ... wuitu prevail in 111ii.1un.1u u- 1 tricts are invariably accompan- m I led by derangements Ot the Stomach' Liver and Bowels, . ... I rift nf i 1 T rl 1 "C U1 1 J""1 The liver is the great " driving wheel in the mechanism Of m ' nj Tx,an .;, fr liicuii ui n x ..., jia. wub -b --wA 1 . ' ' . I .U l---.-r,, wuwc y" u - ranged and disease is the result. TU', .'V'ST vureaiiLiver irouoics. For Two Hundred 1 fill 0 PC I UUilfll hi i wuigive ioi, wiui anew iour room i iuwudo vu II) Ul JJUU.UOUU XVIfU IUI UIO f I above amount. ' I I have only a few more lots for sale at the low prices for which I have been I aeliine them. i jf you wish to buy or sell property, see me. Will take charge of valuable I ' I -i .1 Properly oniy. I -- Hnr KPnf - Pour-room house, eood well of water. -ertto theKeaton r-sidence,onJohn - ' .1 w . .1 1 I f' r"""w --t! T, "uTa' 8Wre- " w " iruui " R Virginia? Mother ?aysshe used fie:bottlea Friend, beginning six months before con finement. She felt Derfectlv wall 'in in a - rew .hDiir? btfore h by jwaa bofn. and was m iaDor less man two Hours. . Shs had I no morning sickness, no headache. I SH? lft5M.llM ?r. rlsi? breasts. Her baby was strong and tho picv 1 VI ilCttllil. ture of -h. Mother's Friend is the ety rem- rno'th;"w ,t STJSST lemauy. wotmng but harm can come from JL eS!!"& f "?h tlmes hng mothers are not .only humbugs, but jprund tt drng?iSto.ereyounitotUe' T&e Bradfkld Reeulator Co., Atlanta. Ga. r t won t pardon Mayor Harrison Ior tnat letter. writes: "I suffered, from piles seven or oitfui, years, o remedy pave me re lief until DeWitt's Witch Hazol Salvo. less thau a box of which permanently cured me." Soothing, healing, per fectly harmless Beware of counterfeits J. t. mil & son Cioldsboro, and Jno. R. Smith, Mt. Olive. The trouble with many skele tons is that they acquire flesh so rapidly that they have to push the closet door open. Jl - k mm, - I imp rninflffa .rwii n-h ma Aa. tk" . ."ZVT." ".r,.r"w "What might have been" if that little cough hadnrt been neglected ia sumptives. Cne Minute Ceugh Cure I jnnnn .V. Jl 11 W T T-l" . 11 a I r."iCO tuuua uuius j, n, txm c& son, Goldsboro, and John R. Smith, mi. uuva Hon. W. J. Brvar, wil I h nnrr, I ' ' inatfirl aain fnr nroe;Hant nvt r- term I UV i -. . . - - iuumay oenaiae aapiing.outnot bit to cure it. That is the reason whj it ia best to take Hood's SarsankrUla when dlseaee.firstshows itself. Hood'8 Pills are the vorite family cathartic. Shade trees are often wanted I where they can't be moved. DeWitt's Witch Hazel SaiVe Cures Piles, Scalds, Burns. Gun-shot wounds and Dowder burns. i , , I 1 w.uvu rvuuuua UUUI naii insect stings and ivypois- wuiu Liin ly uoiiicu uy UGVLvva Witch Hazel Halve. Positively prevents blood poisoning. Beware of counter, fieits. "DeWitt's is safe and sure J, H. Hill & Son, Goldsboro, and John B. Smith. Mt. Olive. The yarn trust will make ft warm for people next. winter. we nave som many ainerent cougn remedies, but. none has given better and can be relied upon in all casos 01 cougns, corns or noarsness. Por8alebvM. E. Robinson Sr. Tim. and Goldsboro Drug Co. in Goldsboro,-and r amltn In ? , Alger wishes he had a kept his mouth shut now.- -. - A 'diseased stomach rely under- and is curing them every uay. Its ln- gredients are such that it can't help caring. J. H. Hill & Bon, Goldsboro, ana j onn it. umitn, Mt. curve, The thousrht of sleen real! v makes soma neoole skenv. xrj Alien S H 00ti.ase, a powder, to be shaken into the fthOfifl. At thin oam.s.ti vnni fttt. f(t swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired f1-.1101 naJ?, 8ni,ting feet or . -jiciia x out- -w. i. coois the reet and makes walking easy, Relieves corns and hunton of .ll rJn gjsgj" f 0ZhfTelL shoe stores and general storekeeDers ey116: ,Prioe 8?: TrLal package m ' m a rt n ncn j i inw u m -1 - ni,. i VT ' """'-"i -n-. . "n-.ow-, S1WV, . X , Dewey is taking hs own time, Belief In Six Hours, ' Distressing Kidnev And Bladdei Disease relieved in six hours by '-New Great South American Kidney Cure." It is a (rreat suprise on account of its exceeding promptness iqgrelievlng pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in mala or female. Relieves retention of water almost Immediately. If vou want cmlck- relief and Cure this In thn ramaUti M,1.1 Dy ra, . noDinson cc liro., Drugelsts UUiU UV1V( ill Ui Tha chifFnn .oil o --i ... . - . , . . tiiuue oi oeiects, ana also makes the wearer feel as though she . ..... 6. XTPTn inn.' lit -1Kfrxn.t. v.. .lau uOW, An Enidemto of rirrt.o. Mr- A. Sanders, writing from CoWa- nut Grove, Fla.. says there. has been quite an epidemic of diarrhcea there. He had n. Kevnra attstnlr nnrl waa " w ---------- rlnoaa rf niiviViMlnfnl Tt-.lf savs he also -commended f1 l?At?Z and they say it is the best mediclde they ever used. For sale by M. E. i t- f .- 1 1 4 t : v;.

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