THE ARGUS DAILY AND WKKKIjY. OUR LOCAL OPTIC. Goldsboro and Vicinity Hlitory In Brelf: Epitome of Sayings and Doings, Wise and Otherwise, Kan Down and Run In br Omnipresent Ubiquitous, Local "Grand Bounds." Raleigh Fair week. Miss May Smitb, of M, OHve, is in the citv. visitine Miss Sal- lie Stevens. The renowned Gentry's Dog and Pony Show is heading this way, and will hold forth here ou October 24. ' Rev. S. T. Moyle has returned from Nash county, where he.has been assisting in a protracted revival meeting. The city tax collector is on the war patb, and those who arede linquent in this regard should govern themselves accordingly. There is to cert" in the be a "Cocn Con Messenger Opera House at an early date for the benefit of the organ fund of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Maurice Epstein, of the popular firm of JUpsteiu Brcs , has just returned from an ex tended trip North where he made purchase of a complete stcck of fall goods in thsir lines. The following marriage licenses have been issued during the past Teek: White Louis Williams to M.'-" S- Hnllrman. Colored Tuts aucuou tit'UstJ oi i".:. ix D. Holt has closed its doors and gone out of business. Heisacxi ous for those who have goods on consignment to call for them at once. The business has been closed up in order to rent the building to other tenants. Mr. Zeb Vance Barrow, from Jason, Greene county, brought a quantity of tobacco to Goldsboro yesterday which he sold on this market this morniDg at prices entirely satisfactory and went home praisiog the Goldsboro market. The city ordinance which for bids the riding of bicycles on the sidewalks will go into effect on Friday, the 20tb, Bicycie riders had better try the streets occa sionally in order to get accus tomed to tbe change. The ordin ance provides a fine for riding on the sidewalks beginning with the date mentioned. Mr. "VV. O. TarkingtoD, the pc lite press agent for Prof. Gen try's Dcg and Pony Show, was in the city tc-day. The show will hold forth in Goldsboro next Tuesday. The best trained ani mals in the world are said to be with this show. This is not the first appearance of the show in Goldsboro. The programme is not only interesting to children, but grown people as well. Dr. Williams Spicer won tbe prize for holding tne largest number of lickets at the soda fountain of M. E Robinson & Bros, this season, which closed Monday. The tickets were counted Motday and Dr. Spicer was awarded a fine Jersey cow, which was the prize this year. Last year and the year before they gave away a handsome pony. Not the least among the subs stantial growths of Goldsboro is the Goldsboro Weekly Akgus, which covers within its circulation the entire trading territory of Goldsboro, and carries weekly to an ever increasing nuo.bcr of sub scribers the advantaged of our city as a market town. If you J are a business mm in Goldsboro and are not an advertiser in the Argus you do not evidence business sa gacity that's all. Fine breaks of tobacco were had on the floors of our city warehouses to-day. Thus do the farmers real'za from day to day that we've got the best tobacco market in the State. Experiment ing, wth other markets in Cotton and tobacco when Goldsboro is thft natural market of the 'farm ers of this county and section has cost some of our country friends considerable. It is time that all such were learning that Goldsboro is the market for them.. - ; Mr Haywood Lynch, was in the city Tuesday' telling about a wonderful huaWhat he and Rev. N. M Jurney and Wili Granger had down near Newport, at the "Lodge", last week. Toey killed several of which weigh ing 200 pounds. Haywood-.Bays he never bad so much real fun in his life, before, and that one of the chief funny features was that brother Jurney, who b a crack Bhot at all times, did not' get a cbanqp at a single deer.. He . says that after the third deer had! been killed brother Jurney got tired of being'Jonahed" and--' broke up the hxiui. : . . , ' - Superior Court, for- one-week's teim,convened,in this city Monday morning', with Judje Moore prb- sidirg and Solicitor Pou at bid foit. The criminal docket is brief, and . will be s on disputed of, when civil causes wH.I be taken up. The followiug.coDatitute the Grand Jurj : Measr . N. McN. Bute, loremanj II. C. bberard, A. T Dail, M. B. Herring, Isaac S. Smith, rs. L.. Edgerton, W. B. BIt.kck, J. B. Eduiundson, Geo. VV. Packer, H. H. Grady, E. F. Daily, James E. Bizzell, H. C, Holmes, C. B. Fail, James M. Holland, Geo. W. Lane, W. B. Vail and C. D. Howell, Jr. Yes. the Gup is still ours Fifty-one years ago an Amer ican crew crossed the rolling deep and brought the trophy back with them. Ever since, at given period?, the "crack" yachts of the world have come over the sea to our shores and tried to wrest the priza from us; but Yankee ingenuity and skill still hold the jaastery, and the Cup is to remain. The Columbia defeated the Shamrock in the first and second successful race?, .aionciay ana Tuesday, over a thirty-mile course. Time: The Columbia covered the distance in 4 hours, 53 minutes and 53 sec onds, 14 seconds better than the Shamrock, which covered tbe course in 5 hours, 4 minutes and 7 second?, in the first race. Sec ond race, time not yet received. One of tbe best farming sections of the county, one in which spir ited rivalry mingles with abiding friendship, and where year after year the victors and the vanquish ed weary not in well-doing, is what is known as the Salem church neighborhood, embracing the fertile fields and cozy homes from Scottsville to Hooks' Mill, Whether it be the earliest cotton biocm, or boll, the largest yield oi corn, the fattest pig or biggest pumpkin, the largest catch of fish in tbe spring or the nlumnest possum in the fall, the same snirit cf fnen:?Iy and admirable socouu crop lrisn potatoes, is the prevailing topic, and thus far Messrs. "Bud" Andrews, Billy Scott and John Sherard have sent in returns that are each 1 4 I .1 -a - marveis oi wnat tneir lands can produce and their energy accom plish. The Argus has been asked to report on the merits of the re spective growths, and while they are all admirable at this writing Had has the be3t of it, but it is pretty near 'neck and neck." WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? Judge Robinson and the Statearille Bar. Some days ago several papers in the State published a sensa tional telegraphic report from Statesville to the effect that the Bar of that town had continued the civil docket of the county by reason of aversion to Judge Rob inson, and now the Bar of that place are endeavoring to locate the author of the insidious lie. In the meantime, the Statesville Mascot speaks of the incident ed itorially as follows: CIVIL DOCKET CONTINUED. ' "At a meeting of the Statesville bar Tuesday all civil cases for trial at November term of Iredell Superior Court were continued by unanimous consent. Civil suitors and witnesses in civil case? need not attend the term, unless they have other business. This action was taken by the bar for the reason that the second week of our couit conflicts with the week set apart for the hearing of cases from this district by the Supreme Court, and several of tbe members of our bar have important cases to argue before the Supreme Court and will be in Raleigh at that time. The county commissioners, antic ipating that the bar would take this action, drew jurors. for only one week of court. Only criminal business will be disposed of . "An article has appeared in two or three newspapers of the State saying that the reason we are to have only one week of court .is that our lawyers resented Judge Robinson's discourtesy to them at the August term. This is & mis take. Judge Robinson - was not discourteous to them, and ' they' make no such charge against him." COMMISSIONER'S COURT. The Board met.Tn called session, all the members piispntr' Accounts were audited and al lowed to.'N. D' Southerland, bdg. lumber, $19 25; Benj. Vinson, convict. gua-d, 9 :7.5.;. M; Ayeock, Gt; Swamp roads, 11.55; Elect'ricJ Light Co., for-court, 5 00; Golds boro water Co:, for- jail, -6 25; Edwards & Broughton, foif C, 33 50; Nash Bros., Schednle-j B books,: .2 50; C. Gurley, Fork roads,. :1 40; j&. G. lorn&gay, Reg., t making tax lists, 55000; W. A, Sasser, bridge lumber, 3 20, J. W. Thompson, Pikeville roads, 1 50 j. W, Britt,tax error. . The Board contracted with the Fajully Jail Manufacturing .Co., for two steel celU to be placed in the i ail-within' 30 -.days, at cost of '$985;00. ' . ' . ; V G.ildaboro. Oct. 14, '99. The irate female who pounded her husband with ra rolling pin gave as her excuse that s&e wasH Man-acturd by the .plf 'a dub wornan, ' V lfQHuaFigSjrupCo, GOLDSBORO A FIELD For Enterprising; Men: Mr. A. T. Griffin Big Shingle Mill. A little over a year ago, there came to Goldsboro a young man who modestly announced that he was going to erect a shingle mil on the banks of Neuee "river, near the suburbs of the city. That man's name is A. T. Griffin. Dime people generously (?) in formed him that the shingle bus iness could not be made to pay at Goldsboro. But with an energy and snap and go possessed by few men Mr. Griffin rolled up his own cleeves and erected a small mill and began to make shingles In a very short time, our people saw that he knew what he was about. They furthermore found that Mr. Griffin not only knows how to make shingles, that he not only knowi all about the shingle business, from the time the big trees break the stillness of the great forests as they fall victims to the sturdy woodman's axe to the time they float down the river into the "boom!' at th mill, thence into the greedy jaws of the ever busy whizzing saws, but that he knows how to sell shingles, too! In a short time, the home mar ket was supplied, and then car oad after car load of ehing oegan going to otner marsets in North Carolina and distant States H.vrrv- ((", tr" mill turps out i..v: iiLv-ti uo ihouaaud shingles. The mill has grown to large proportions, and occupies a beau tiful site on the Neuse. Go down to see it. The sight will do you good. You realize, perhaps, more than ever before, the opportuni ties in our midst open to men of industry, energy, and character- in a word, men like A. T. Griffin. Jiir. tfrimn guarantees every shingle to be of juss tbe quality he represents it to be. He places on each bundle the stamp of his own name, and no matter how large an order a big dealer in tbe North wants to place for shingles, if he requests the bundles to go unmarked he cannot buy them. Mr. Griffin's motto is, "I stand by my name, and my name must be stamped on every bundle of shin gle that goes from my nrl!." QUALITY AND HEWS FAME AND EXCELLENCE ARE DETERMINING FACTORS In Successful Development One of the Important Func tions ot High Class Newspapers. In presenting interesting phases of scientific and econo mic problems, high class news papers frequently give informa tion of as great value in their advertising columns as in those devoted to the publication of the principal events of the day, and when the fame of a product is extended beyond its natural limits into foreign lands, and a large demand created through out Great Britian and her col onies and the principal sea-ports and cities of Europe, Asia and Africa, it becomes a pleasant duty to note the factand to tell of the points of excellence on which so great a success is based. We refer to the now World-famed laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, the product of the Californa Fie Svruri w w a. Company. The merits of this well-known excellent laxative were first made -known to the world through the medical journals and newspapers of the United States; and is one of the distinct achievements of the press. It is now well known that Syrup of Figs .is an 'ethical pro prietory remedy, approved by the most eminent ,. physicians everywhere, because it is simple and effective, yet pleasant to the taste and acceptable, to the .sys tem, and not only prompt in its beneficial effects but also wholly free from any unpleasant, after effects, It ia frequently referred to as the remedy-of the healthy, because itjs used by people who enjoy good health and-"who live well arid feel, well, and, are well Informed on all subjects generT allyw incjqding laxatives. In or der Jto get jt beneficial" effects, it is necessary to get, the genuine oyrup oi mgs, wmcn is manu- facturecLby jhe. California, Fig Syrup Company. enly. " ' THAT JOIIDI. FEELING.' With the exhilarating sense of renewed J Jealthr a3d strength and Internal clean- lines?, which follows the use of Syrup of 'Figs, is unknown to, the few who have not nrDpressed he von d the old 'time - medicines and the eheap substi- ""T TirVL - ,Tl!. aF;- WALTER LETTER. A Week's E rents in That Thriv ing Neighborhood. This is tbe seaeon for "'possum and 'taters," . Miss Lula Neal spent Saturday night and Sunday visiting friends near Pinkney. Mr. Alex Edgerton speot Sun day night at Mr. W. H. Neal's. We did not learn the character of his business. Rev. Mr. Jackson filled his reg ular appointment Sunday at Ebenezor, and preached to a large congregation. Mr. Henry Johnson and son Deems, from Lucama, are visiting in our section, whore their many friends are glad to see them. Mr. Phil Crawford and wife re turned to their home near Kins ton to-day, after a short visit to Col. andMrs. M. K. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Becton and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Overman are on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Jack YelvertoD, near Stantonsbnrg. From present prospects the cotton picking and ginning season will soon be over. Don't let as forget to plant plenty of small grain. VYnen a young man gets it so bad he can't distinguish between a man cooking syrup and a kitchen fire, it is time to call in the preacher. Cooking syrup is the order of the day now, and there has been a sweet time around here for sev eral days. It beats paying for long ietening to drag your biscuit through. Mr. Bill Thompson is making improvements on his house, near Ebenezer. We do not know whether "coming events cast their shadows before," in this instance or not, but we will watch him . There are many farmers who do not realize the fact that the cotton crop will not bring any more money than it did last year. What we need is a big crop and a big price at the same time. But still the farmers are some better off, as there are not so many of them in debt as in the past, and if prices stay up the acreage will be more than double next year. We have been "baching" at 'Oak Glen" for more than two weeks, as Mrs. K. is off on a visit, and while we have been calm, we have not at all been serene. We have fried every egg (sound ones) we could find, and now the hens are on a strike, and with all our persuasive powers we can't induce one to lay, so if Mrs. K. dossn't soon return, or our hens get a move on them, we are in a shy row of stumps. Well, the Reynards of our. sec- ion now know that if Bob Hooks has been off, he has come hack, for the music of his "club" is oft' heard in the land, and as a me mento of a very exciting and engthy chase, one morning last week, he presented us with a fine 'brush" which now adorns our sanctum. We think we will have it nicely mounted, and utilize it in coming years to 'ieep the festive fly from perambulating over our cranium, after its integument has been denuded of its present cipil ary growth. Many thanks, Bob. KlLLICKINICK C, Oct.l8tb, 1899. Walter, N. Nasal CATARRH In aH its stages there Should .be cleanliness.. .Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, soothes and heala the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives away a cold, in the head qnicklyv Cream Balmla placed into the nostrils, spreads oyer the membrane and iabsorbet.-Relief is im mediate and a cure follows. It iff not drying does not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50i cents at Drug-, gists or by mail; Trial Size, id cents by mail. ) ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street, New York. PARKER'S HAIR, BALSAM , Cletnm and beautifies. th halt. rmmotM . lBxnnant rrowlll. never Tall to Restore Gray nur w xv xniuuai vuiur. Cans icaip dieeaeee hair iaHiii 0c,and1.00t Dniggfato Pennyroyal pills .f-Tfc?i rc, always reliabla. lAOita & Iraggit for Ck1rextfm MntjlUh Diet-A mond Brand in U4 and GoU metallioV iDoxes, eMa witb bme moon. Tate in stamps for particular, teatuno&iala and M Relief tor Cmdlea. letfr, by ret-ara Bfell lf?M Testimonial. Name Paper. Ir-h vsrt- fjkcsmlcBl (V.. M d Imovb PIoosl. tixm and imitation. At Dnmnattm. nr mmA oUtiliiiKai.Uruiss. . PHlLiADA.. PA. HiiDiiotlsnfi A fortune fa it for-you. Start Jner SET seat Free. You can be made a splendid HypnoVzr-atonce? Address M. Young-, 363 Henry St. i Brooklyn, N. Y. - - . GOOD 3 inch Shingles at $1.25 per thousand. W. II. Grifin If ; .w mi HT. OLIYE LETTER. A Week's Happenings of the Mt Olive Section. Argus Bureau, tEAU, " 1 . Mgr. V 18, 1899.) jno. K. Smith October Mr I. K. Tomlinson spent bunday in Goldsboro. Mr. B. B Jackson, of Wallace, spent last Sunday in our section Miss Julia Elmore left Tuesday for Kileigh to attend the State Pair. Miss Juiia Lofttn- spent a few days with relatires at Goldsboro last week. Mr. Ed Suttor, of Goldsboro, spent a few days in our town last week. Mr. Walter Flower?, of Golds bore, spent Sunday with his parents near here. Mr. Sam WooteD,of LaGrange, made a business call in our town last Thursday. Mrs. Lucy Stimpsor, of Turn ersbur, is spending this week with her brother. Mr. R. J. Rivenbark. of the A.C.L., at Wilmington, spent Sunday in our midst. Mr. 3am Moore, of Warsaw, was a pieasant visitor in our midst last Thursday. Mrs. James Ingram, of New ton Grove, is visiting her moth er. Mrs. Ann Hatch. Mrs. Isaac Faison, of Faison, spent a few days with relatives in our town last week. Miss Lily Mclntyre, of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday with her mother Mrs. A. S. Mclntyre. Mr. Robert Davis, of Seven Springs, -was the guest of his sister Mrs. Jas. M. McGee last Sunday. Mr. W. F. Martin has been carrying around a bright counsi tenance for the past few days it's a girl. - Mr. W. R. Phillips the popu ar and hustling representative of the Argus, made a business call in our town last week. Mr. Chas. Southerland, of near Kenansville, was the guest of his brother, Mr.R.J, Souther- and, a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. O.l Summerlin returned Monday from Turkey, where they have been visiting tneir daughter Mrs. J. B. Moore. Miss Sue Carr who has been spending several weeks with relatives and friends at Seven Springs, returned home last Saturday. The many friends of Miss Delia Herring will regret to earn of her sad death, which oc curred at her home near here. ast Wednesday night. Mr. Herbert Maxwell, -' of the F.G. & P. R.R., at Jacksonville, Fla., arrived last Friday night, to spend several days with his mother, Mrs. Annie Maxwell. Miss Alice Lee Butler, one of Mt. Olive's most popular and highly appreciated daughters, eft last. Sunday, morning for Raleigh, where she will spend several, days visiting her many admiring friends. Jno. R. Smith offers for sale a nic9 mule and buggy. For everything in the drug ine, call on Jno. R. Smith, the druggist.- SENT FREE to Housekeepers . Ljebig COMPANY'S Extract of Beef COOKBOOK-; V telling how to prepare many del icate and delicious dishes. Address, Laebig Co., P. O. Box' 2818, New York. wearaTruss? If so, call at the Goldsboro Drug Co. and examine one of those American Silver Trusses I Lightest, most durable and Cheapest Truss on the market. We also have.: a full line, of v Soft Fad and the cheaper " ' grade of Trusses, and " guarantee to fit your Rupture 4 and your pocket book, too. . Experienced expert fits all " Trusses only at Goldsboro Drug Company " Wholesale and Retail. ' - Goldsboro, N. C."'- Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels riEANSES THE YSTEM err L&TUALLY h4B.TUALCONST.PAT.ON Mmi r Cn mAPILPI i LI M5BE ECTS. 6V? THE 6ENUIN6 - MANT O . QUIvRNIA ffG eSYRVP(S Rheumacide Is rapidly taking the place of all other known remedies as a rheu matic cure, laxative, tonic and blood purifier. The reason Is plain, for it Cures There la no better time to treat rheumatism than during the fall months. Cure yourself before the rigors of winter are felt. RHEU MACIDE costs but $1 per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Secure It and cure your Rheumatism. $42 Worth of Presents For 50c. worth of work. We are eriv' ing away Watches, Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Guns, etc., etc., to introduce our paper, PASTl&iE, a high-class illustrated family paper of from 16 to 32 large pages: 64 to 128 columns of Choice trood btories, literature, Art, Humor, letters oi Travel in JToreisrn Lands, etc., etc. And all jou have to do to get 42 worth of presents is to get 20 subscribers at 10c. each. Send 10c. in stamps for full particulars, loner list of presents and our paper, PA S- TlMJfi, lor b months. II, alter hearing from us, jou find our statement untrue. we will return your money and con tinue the paper free. Address without delay THE PASTIME CO., Louisville, Ji.y. A Wonderful Discoyery. Not only cures, but It keeps well. Is sold bv an organized company of re sponsible business men ana has tne en dorsement of thousands of Clergymen and noted people throughout the coun try. We speak of that wonderful In strument, Electropoise, and ask your careful examination into the cures it has wrought. Col, A. P. Nunally, of the Inter-Ocean. Chicago, writes: 'Nearly three years experience with Electropoise only confirms the truth of your claims. I say to my friends that this instrument is a most wonderful in vention, and I would not part with mine if I could not get another." Send address for our book giving letters from people who have been cured by Electropoise. ELECTROPOISE CO., 513 Fourth Avenue, Louisville, Ky. Dissolution Notice ! The firm of Edgerton & Hollowell has dissolved copartnership, by mutual consent. W. R- Hollowell will continue the business at the old stand with the good will of the old firm. All debts due by the old firm will . be paid when p reiented. All who are indebted to the same will please come forward and make eett'ement. J B- EDGERTON, W. R. HOLLOWELL. This 13th day of October, 1899. As above stated, I have succeeded to the bus'ness and good will of the late firm of Edgerton & Hollowell, and can be found at the same old stand, on Walnut street, where I will be glad to see my friends and supply their wants in my line, either for cash or on time Thanking the public for their past generous patronage, I am, ttespecoiuiiy, W. R HOLLOWELL. TobaGGO Farmers- WANTED : A position a? superin tendent of Tobacco Farm. Have had 12 years experience and can furnish satisfactory reference as to my knowl edge and success as a tobacco grower. I have a wife and four children, and will want a home on the farm or near it. Address, A. R WILLIAMS, cctl8wlmd2t Goldsboro, N. C. $10 Given Away ! I will give Ten Dollars to the pe"- son sending me by Nov. 15th, 1899, the best written 5-inch advertisement of Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy. Those who do not know about the Remedy, can get reading matter telling of its merits bv applying for same. Hon. Jno. Nichols and Mr. E. M. TJzzell, of Ra leigh, acting with Mr. Thad. R. Man ning, of Henderson, will be the com mit te to decide who sends the best written 5-inch ' advertisement of ' the Remedr. MB S. JOE PERSON. Oct. 12, '99. ' Kittrell, N. C. Notice To Gity Tax Payers ! The Citv TftTrftS am in mxr h&nrla for nnllFOt.inn. and all thnn intai.nat.ArI will please come forward and pay the -Km 1- il -1 . . wme. xi is my imperative auty 1,0 col lect them: the urgent necessities of the citv demand them and If delaved. thnv will be sure to find you out. respectfully, A Jr. RROWW Oct. 16, 99. lm City Tax Collector. DR. W. S. ANDERSON. DISEASES OF THE Eye,Ear,Nose &Throat Office at the Wilson Drug Co.'s, Tar- boro street. Ofilce hours 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m. oct 17 3m SHINGLES, all kinds, all Pricey at .OrifHn'n vnnd u-nA. ,0A Goldaboro, & O. Phonea. 7. Dewey Has fought, won and Conqured! o AND SO HAS- o Josepti Edwards Fought tre Hldtj Prices to ' rylairjtalJTi His Title as "Canjjpioij of I,ou)liccs.,, I have just returned from the northern markets with a large new stock of Dry Goods, Clothing ! Shoes, Hats, Caps, and Ready-made Ladies' Wear. In fact anything that is kept in a first-class Dry Goods Store. The general cry now is that all classes of goods have "gone up." So they have; but not with Jos. Edwards. TfllS SPEGIflfc GUT PHIGE SALE I IS GOOD FOR THIRTY DAYS FROM DATE. And I will sell goods cheaper now than ever before. The cut prices that I could give you would be astonishing, but the space will not allow it. However, a visit to my store will convince you of the fact that I am still THE CHAMPION OF LOW PRICES, Jos. Edwards. GOlflSDoro BUflflll MTg 60. MANUFACTURE- Light Buggies, Ladies' Phaetons, r SPECIAL MERITS ! j WefactortRflNTEE' everyvehicl mado &tou l RE FAIRING promptly done. Orders solicited from the trade. Send all work and orders to --f-f Goldsboro Sept 1 dim wly Best & Thompson We offer at Wholesale and Retail 7Q Rolls new 2-lb Bagging. 10,000 Heavv Cotton Sacks. 1 200 Bdla new 5"lb Arrow Ties 3 HO Bbls Fancy Patent .Straight OKJU and Clear Flour. QQ Sacks Corn Meal. 2,000 Lb8 cut reSular Sides Q Bbls full weight Mess Pork Of Cases Simon Pure and Leaf Lard. Of Bbls Standard Granulated Sugar. Of) Sacks Fancy and Medium Green Coffee. Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Oysters, Cheese, Crackers, Soapetc. ' Country Merchants and Money by Getting Our Prices. DrilGOOtlS.GIOtllilKJ.SIlOCS Hals, Notions, Etc.j E oods. Hats. Notions. Buggy Harness $4.7f to $10; Whips, 10 to 7$ cents; Horse Collars 40 cents to $.2$. Pocket and Table Cutlery; Axes, Shovels, Hames, Traces, Trunks, Valicea, Leather, etc. Spool Cotton and Knitting Cotton, at Jobber's prices. Everything at Rock Bottom Prices. Best & Thompson, WALNUT STREET, GOLDSBORO, N. C. , 177751 DR. HOFFETT'S U Llnrptp?igBBnn mm i O TEETK1JI3 Sunies, Traps, LandausEtc- The material is of the highest quality. The workmanship is guaranteed the best. uur superintendent 21 years practical experience Bnggy Manufacturing Company. GOLDSBORO. N. O. Af Cases Good Luck Baking Powder. Of Cases Greenwich Potash and Lye. 2 Cases Starch i q Bbls and half-bbls Vinegar 1 00 0X6S an c&dcUes Tobacco Cri Pails Lorrilard, G. & A. and u Railroad Mills Snuff. 2Q Bbls Molasses and Syrup. 2 Casea Soda 300 aclc8coarse and fine a' j Car load Corn, Hay A Oats Large Purchasers Can Save Prints 5c. Outings 5 to 8c, Plaids, 4 to 5c, Domestics 4 to 5c, Bleeching 5 to 7c, Pant Goods 10 40c, Canton Flannel, Drills, Cambric, Dress Goods, Ginghams, Ticking, etc. Men's 1.00 to $2,00. Ladies' 11.00 to 91.50, Children's 25c to $1.00. Men's Suits 14.00 to $8,00, Boys' $3.00 to $6.00. Children's 75o to $3.00. Pants 75c to $2.50. Men's 50c to $1.50, Boys' 25 to 75c, Men's and Boys' Shirts, Men's and Ladies' Hose, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Neokwear, Umbrellas, etc. fiidi Digestion, Regulates tbe Bowels, Hak&TeetMng Easy. TEElflTNA Mines tta Bowel Troubles o( . CMIdren of inj iga. tumtm (Mr SB Casta. FQWCEBS