jocratlc Newsoaper. WESSON IN COTTON. ncmd Times. ffiere is a leeson in tbo recent advance in the nrice of cotton v i - i . . i i ' . .i uiv " uuv .s When cotton, :wrent aown 10 nve cents a pousS the farmers became alarmed and disheartened and all sorts of measures to advance the price were suggested. 'Plant less cotton," said some. "Organize a great farmers' trust bo as to limit the supply and control the price," said others. And still others talked of 6lorage warehouses. But while the farmers and the f fiends of the farmers were devising ways and means, suddenly cotton jumped from five to seven cents per pound, and the prediction is freely made that the present crop will sell at even higher figures. We would impress the fact that the farmers did not organize, that the trust was not formed, that the storage warehouses were not opened, in short, that none of the schemes discussed ' were carried into effect. Cotton advanced in price because the time for the ad vance bad come. Some say that the advance is due to the fact that the crop is short. Others say that the advance is duo to the fact that there are more cotton mills and a greater demand for raw cotton Others still say that the advance has come because every other com moditv has risen in price and that it was in keeping with gen erally prosperous conditions that the price of cotton should tafce a rise. It is not our purpose to go into any minute discussion of the sub ject. We doubt not that each of the causes assigned has bad its in fluence, but the reason which we assign, and the all-sufficient reason, is that prosperity has come to the whole country and the farmer is quite naturally getting his share of it. The advance in cotton has come along in the natural order of things and in response to the nat ural laws of trade. This is true also of prosperity in general. A few years ago the ctnmn cnoa Vorc mora caTrin cr fVia.t the way and the only way to bring prosperity was through legislation. The Times contend ed that it was as absurd to talk of legislating prosperity into the country as to legislate rain into a land suffering from drought. We said that the thing to do was to let the natural laws of trade have their course. We said that if the . government would only hold its hands off and not inter fere, confidence would soon re turn and then trade would take care of itself. That is the great lesson to be learned from the rise in the price of cotton, the great lesson to be learned from the prosperity th&t has conae to the country at large. There can be no such thing as artificial prosperity, and that nation which sits down and waits to be made prosperous by legislation will go to the dogs. The government is the mere creature of the people, and the creature cannot be more powerful thanr the creator. The people must make themselves prosperous by their own en deavor, by' intelligent action and industry, and the less we have of legislative action in this direc tion the more prosperous will the people be. It has always been a strange thing to us that sensible men could be deceived by that sort of party clap-trap, by the stump speakers, who get up ' and tell them to put this .or that party in power, and this party or that will make the people prosperous, and men who are deceived by such nonsense put themselves on a leyel with the poor negroes 'who voted with the Republican party' soon after the war under the belief that each one of them would receive from the govern ment the gift of forty -acres and a mule. During the winter of 1887 Mr. James Reed, one of the leading citizens and merchants of Clay, Clay Co., W. Va., struck his leg against a cake of ice in such a manner as to bruise it severely. It became very much swollen and pained him so badly that he could net walk without the aid of crutches. He was treated by physicians, and also used several kinds of liniment and two and a half gallons of whisky in bath' lug it, but nothing gave any relief un til he began using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This brought almost a complete cure in a week's time and he believes that had he not used this remedy his leg would have had to be amputated. Pain Balm -is unequaled for sprains?, bruises and rheumatism. For sale by M. E. Robinson & Bro., and Goldsboro Drug Co. in Goldsboro, and J. R. Smith, UU OJiys J. C. The Cruel Knife! It is absolutely useless to expect a surgical operation to cure cancer, i any other blood disease. The cruelty of such treatment is illustrated in the alarming number of deaths which re sult from it. The disease is in the blood, and hence can not be cut out. Nine times out of ten the surgeon's knife only hastens death. My son had a most malignant Cancer, fot which the doctors said an operation was tM only hope. The oper ation was a severe one, as it was neces sary to cnt down to the jawbone and Scrape it. Before a great while the Can cer returned, and be gan to grow rapidly. We gave him many remedies without re lief, and finally, upon the advice of a friend, decided to try S. S. S. (Swift's Specific), and withi the second bottle he began to improve. After twenty bottles had been taken, the Cancer disappeared entirely, and he was cured. The cure "was a permanent one. for he is now seventeen years old, and hat never naa a. Bign oi ine areaarui disease to re turn. J. JN. MURDOCH, 279 Snodgiuss St., Dallas, Texas. Absolutely the only hope for Canoei is BWiu a opecmc, for WlnnA TheUlUUU as it is the only remedy which goes -. row Vkntfrtm f T.ria rilruirl anrl forces out every trace of the disease. is. . s. is guaranteed purely vegetaDie, and contains no potash, mercury, ox other mineral. Books on Cancer will he mailed free to any address by the Swift Specific 1, 0 . , Aiiaubn.T vies. . GENERAL NEWS. Lady Randolph Churchill, who has repeatedly denied that she was engaged to be married to .young Cornwallis West, now declares that the engagement is off, and this, with the reported inconsolable grief of the young soldier, surely ought to settle it. Judge Lynde Harrison, one of the executors of the will of the late Henry B. Plant, is authority for the statement that no proceedings have been taken before the Probate Court or by an appeal to the Su perior Court of New Haven, Conn., to attack tne will. Mrs. M. Ormsbee, a popular so ciety woman of Springfield, Ohio, cut John Ivrapp, a prominent mer chant, three times across the face with a small whip because the mer chant kicked her dog. Suit and counter suit charging assault and battery have been filed. The citizens of Houston, Texas, are trying to buy the cage in which Dreyfus was confined on Devil's Is land. They have already written to the President of France about it. offering a large sum for it, and if they receive it will place it on ex hibition in this country. Now if there really was no cage the rench gov ernment should manufacture one at once. It having been decided that the official emblem of the Pan-American imposition at isuttaio is to be re produced in plaster, two models are now wanted who shall be the two most beautiful women in the United States. A blonde and a brunette are needed and all the press agents in the country are at work already try ing to turn the incident to their own advantage. Miss McClellan, of New York, is proposing an endiess chain has al ready started it, in fact to raise a fund with which to present a gold loving cup to Hear Admiral Schley. The sum asked for in each letter is ten cents and should the amount collected prove too big for the cup It will be used to purchase a house for the admiral. The Itev, Dr. De Costa, of New York, has withdrawn from the Epis copal Church, although he appears to advance the idea that the ohuroh has withdrawn from him. Referring principally to the Briggs controversy he says "the Episcopal Church has made a new departure and I cannot go along with it. Some prominent French politi cians have visit President Loubet to ask him to declare general "amnesty" in order to restore "peace" to the country. The request is, of course, understood to refer to all the peo ple concerned on either side in the Dreyfus case and taking the whole thing into consideration "amnesty" and "peace" do not seem to be too strong. A sensationational preacher in At lanta recently said from his 'pulpit that Governor Candier served puuch at a reception recently given at the Executive Mansion. The Governor denies. He says that there never has been a drop of punch in the Mansion since his occupancy began. He is at loss to understand why the preacher should have made such a statement. I The Rev. Dr. Charles R. Kings - ley, of New York, in a recent ad dress concerning children and their welfare, has raised objection to the use of the prayer "Now I lay me down to sleep" because it fills the child with notions of death. "The main petition ,ofthe child is that God should take him if he does," says the doctor, "But there is noth ing about how he should live." Rudvarrl K'inline' will RdrirreiR a political meeting" in London next Friday in support of the govern- mpTlt. fl i n t.Via TVnnRTroo'l 1i"g pute. In view of the novelist's disin clination or inability to live on this side because . of his brother-in-law nn one won id Via Hiirnrinprl f.n baa him make the best of the situation by going in for pontics m Ilingland. Among other things it might result in . a new lot of most Burori&iiier copy." 5 '.. - An Ohio man by paying $75 has secured a perpetual subscription to Harper's Magazine. This sum would pay for the magazine for only fifteen years, but it is to be noticed- that 4 per cent, of it is $3, which is the an nual subscription price of the publi cation. The subscription is assign able to the subscriber's heirs and since there can be little doubt but that the magazine will be published lor at least fifteen years longer, the arrangement seems to be favorable to both parties. . A petition originating in JJpston ia ' w S SSF. b7 5bS being circulated all over the country by the Executive Committee of the Afro-American Counsel calling upon Congress for action which shall make lynching a crime against the United States and providing the severest penalty for those who en -gage in it. " Jerry Simpson, one of the anti-ex-" pansionists, was invited to the cele bration at Topeka with which the citizens are going to welcome the Kansas troops returning from the Philippines, but whether through prudence or consideration he re plied as follows: "Desiring above all that the possibility of anything that might mar the pleasure of your grand reunion in Topeka be avoided. I think it better, under the circum stance, that I stay away." The "Washington Humane Society has passed a resolution regretting that the committees of arrangements in New York and Washington for the reception of Admiral Dewey "disregarded the humane sentiment of the people of the country in pro viding docked horses for the carriage used for the guest of honor, thus giving countenance on conspicuous occasions to a senseless and barbar ous fashion, which it should be the duty cf all right thinking people to discourage. Tne Berlin correspondent of the Daily Mail says he was informed by two Portuguese representatives at the Geographical Congress that Portugal is bound by her offensive alliance with Great Britain not to interfere in the affairs of the Trans vaal and that Portugal would not oppose the passage of British troops through Portuguese .East Africa, The correspondent asserts that his informants are both Government officials and express their Govern ment's views. Prof. A. Czcke, of Peasacola, owns, pi'i-haps, tho oldest violin in the United btates, and one of only seven of the make in existence. It was built in 1516 by Gaspard Duiff opruggar, who was born in "Welch- Tyrol in 1467, and who was called to the court of Francis I, King of France, in 1510. Only seven of these old Duiffopruggar violins are known to be in existence. Three are owned in Aix-la-Chappelle, one in Bologne, one in London, one in St, Peters burg, and that of Prof. Czeke, the seventn. Marcus Daly, the great cormer king, and who, until the election of W. A. Clark to the Senate from Montana, came near being the poli tical boss of that State, has rented a New York house at 16,000 a year for ten years, presumably with the Idea of living in it. The edifice is not far from that being built by Senator Clark, and a rivalry between the two with social prominence for the end. and the lavish expenditure of money for the means, is not unlikely to keep the great metropolis amused for some time to come. BECOMING A MOTHER. A Sure Way to Avoid Danger. Every true woman wants to be a mother. A babv is the dream of her life the crowning glory of womanhood true Happiness can never be known without the blessings a child brings. Yet the ordeal through which all mothers must pass is so full of pain, anxiety and fear, that many a young life is sacrificed because of the inability to undergo the struggle of childbirth. It is not necessary to suffer in bring ing new life into the world. By the use oi - iuctner a unena, tne suffer ing and danger can be avoided, and the hour robbed of its Mread and nain. This remedy is praised by thousands who have tested it. Every woman is anxious to learn how to avoid the pain and suffering which may be in store for her. The little book, "Before Baby is Born," will be sent free to any address upon application to the Brad field Regulator Co., Atlanta, Georgia. Mrs. Hetty Green, "the richest woman in America," has again taken up her residence in Hoboken, and, according to the New lork Journal, G. Dewey" is the name displayed on the letter box of her flat, and she desires to be known as "Mrs. Dewey." Mrs. Green tells the Jour nal she calls herself Dewey because she is a Dewey, and the famous Ad miral is her cousin. "You see," she said, "Dewey's grandmother was a Storey, and lots of my folks were Storeys, and the Storeys married the Deweys, and there you are." Mr. Green does not appear to have made any objection to this arrange ment. JIOZLEI'S LEMON ELIXIR. Reulate8;tbe;Uvr,;8toiiiacl, Bowels and Kidneys. For biliousness, constipation, and malaria. For indigestion, sick and nervous headaches. For sleeplessness, nervousness, heart failure, and nervous prostration. Jj'or levers, chills, debility ana ma ney diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Jiadies, lor natural ana thorough organic regulation, take Lemon El ixir. - " 60 c and $1 bottle at druggists. Prepared only bv Dr. H. Mozely. At lanta, 6a. A Prominent Minister Write. After ten years ot great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr Mozlej 's Lemon Elixir, ana am now a wen man. Rev. C. C. Davis, Bid. M. E. Church South No. 28'T'atnall St., Atlanta, Ga. A Prominent Memphian Writes.' Dr. H. MozTey, Atlanta: Having been a erreat sufferer for Unee tears from indigestion, and een treated by many physicians, who failed to give me any relief . Continuing to grow wtirse my brother advisea me to try Dr. . t "n-1 ; : i. n miziey ts liouiuu iui.irt wcjcu remeuy he had used for several years. I com menced its uee, and must say that your Lemon Elixir is the greatest medicine ou earth. I have never suffered & day since I commenced using Lemon Fxilir. - li. Li Koc'co, 206 Hernando Bt.. Memphis, Tenn. . ; -s . - K Card. - This is to certify that I used Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir for neuralgia of the head' and eyes with the most mark ed benefit to my general health, I would gladly have paid $500 for the re lief it has given me at a cost of two or three dollars.-"' H. A. Ieall, Clerk Superior Court Randolph Co., Ga. ' .. M.b1Su ill dj GREENSBORO, N.C; for the treatment of THE LlOUCh OPIUM. MORPhlNEand jhr 'n 4$&en Tht Jhwe BsWt, Nun himipm. Tried Friends Best. Forthirty yearsTutt's Pills have proven a blessing to the invalid. Are truly the sick man's friend. A Known Fact For bilious headache, dyspepsia sour stomach, malaria.constipa- tion and all kindred diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS AN ABSOLUTE CURE. Hisjiife Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance, from a frightful death. In telliDg it he says: "I was taken with lyphoid Fever that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. 1 wa? so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. .Notbiner heloed me. 1 ex- pected to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great rel:ef. I continued to use it, and now am well and strong, I can't say too much in its praise.". This marvelous medicine is the surest aod quickest cure in the world for all Throat and Long Trouble, Regular sizes 50 cents and $-1 . 00 Trial bottles free at J. H. Hill & Son's Drug Store; every bottle guaranteed. If a man is known by the com pany he keeps be isn't doing such au awful thing when he goes to the dogs. THE BEST PSE3SSU1PJK fCSfiCHHiS and fever is a bottle of GROVE'S Taste less Chili. Tonic. Never fails to cure; then why experiment with worth less imitations? Price 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. JNo man is so absolutely dis agreeable as the one whose man ner is either overly gushing or absolutely boorish. On the 10th of December, 1897, Rev. S. A. Donahoe, pastor M. E. Church, South,Pt. Pleasant,W. Va., contracted a severe cold which was attended from the beginning by violent coughing. Ha sayo: "After resorting to a number of so-called 'specifics,' usually kept in the house, to no purpose, I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, which acted like a charm. I most cheerfully recommend it to the public. For sale by Goldsboro Drug Co. and M. E. Robinbon & Bro. in Goldsboro, and by J. R. Smith, Mt. Olive, N. O Dr. Cady's Condition Powders are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 25 cents per package. For sale by M. E Robinson and Bro. and Goldsboro Drug Co. in Goldsboro, and J. R. Smith Mt. OliveN. Q. v ' Every day hereafter is yacht race day. " "I wish to express my thanks to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for having put on the market such a won derful medicine," says W. W. Macsin gill, of Beaumont, Texas. There are many thousanls of mothers whose chil dren have been saved from attacks of dysentery and cholera infantum who must also feel thankful. For sale by M. E. Robinson & Bro. and Golds- sboro Drag f'o. in Goldsboro, and J - R. Smith, Mt. Olive. N. C. A man in love declares that be isn't worthy of a woman, but grows perfectly furious if she agrees with him. Drying preparations slnrply develop dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions which adhere to the membrane and de compose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of ca tarrh, Avoid all drying inhalants ai.d use that which cleanses, soothes and hea-s Ely's Cream Balm is such a reme dy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. All druggists sell it at 50 cents or it will be mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St "V V There aren't any fashions in heaven. " Tetter ,Salt-Bnenm and JSccema. The intense itching and smarting in cident to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Mary very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25cts. per box. For sal'" by M. E Robinson & Bro. and Goldsboro Drug Co. in If time is money, bow many are guilty of stealing fortunes. All the cotton will this year be picked. TO CURE A COLD. IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money If it fails to cure. 25c The genuine has L. B Q on each tablet. . fl. - ITOHon human cured In 30 min utes by Woolford's Sanity Lotion This t ever fails. Sold by M. E. Robin son tc Bro .. Drug-gists Goldsboro, N.C Relief in Six Hours . Distressing; Kidney -: and Bladder Disease relieved in six hours by 'New Great South American Kidney Cure." It is a great eupri&e on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in Diaaaer, Kianeys ana DacK. in male or female. Relieves retention of watei almost immediately. If vol want auick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by M. J&. itoblnson St fcsro.. Drueeuu tfyldlbpro. ff, Oi Indigestion Cured -Oi 45 Tears Standing. Mr. Rob. B. Bass, one of the County Commissioners of Person county, says: Cunningham, Person County, N. C., . Sept. 24, 1898. . About Sept., 1894, Mrs. Joe Person called at my house to see me, as she heard .1 had a sore on my face. The tore was on my cheek, near- the nose hsd teen there three or four years, and had grown to be as large as a silver dollar. It was a surface sore, but caused me much anxiety. I premised Mrs. Person to try her Remedy and Wash, anu did so. By the time I took a dozen bottles, the sore was entirely cured. Two physicians had pronounced it can cerous in its nature. I had been a sufferer from indiges tion ever since I was 18 years old. I am now 63 yeirs old. The Remedy made a perfect cure also of indigestion after I had suffered with it 45 years. It is a great medicine. I am, Very truly, R0B. B BASS. NOTICE By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Wayne county rendered by the Clerk, on the 26th day of Septem ber, lb99, in the proceeding of John R. Wooten and others to the Court, I will sell for cash at the Court Bouse door in Goldsboro on Monday the 6th day of If ovember, 1899, at 12 o'clock m , the following desi ribed land, being a tract in New Hope township: Beginning at a stake on the run of Walnut creek and runs north 52. east 90 poles to a red oak, then soutn 26, east 84i poles to the road, then with the road to a stake and pine pointers, then south 68, east 29 poles, then south 84, east to a pine corner, then north 64, east 1291 poles to a stake, then north 14, east 24 poles to a stake, then Bouth 79, wee j 100 poles to the run o. Mhe Branch then with the run of said branch to the run of Walnut creek. tnen with tne saia run to the begin ning, containing 310 acres. W. T. DORTCH. This 27th Sept., 1899. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of H, A, Tucker, deceased, all persons holding claims against his estate are notiliea to present them for payment on or befreOctober 10,1900,or this notice '"ill be, r-leaded in ba- of tteir veoovo'-y, snd 2i persons indebt ed to o&'.tf. estate jre notifluu to make immediate payment to the undersigned Hated and posted this 7th daj of October, 1899. U. D. TUCKER, Admr. 310 N. Front St., Wilmington, N. C. Farm For Sale. 275 aeres of land, known as the Robert Britt place, 150. of which is cleared and suitable for corn, cotton, tobacco and other crops: located 10 miles from Goldsboro, 24 miles north east of Beston, Plenty of fine marl on land, and easy of access. For terms apply to A. T. UZZELL, Beston, N. C . October 12, '99. 4ts Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. Rotary Motion and Ball Bearings. AGENTS WANTED in all unoc cupied territory. Wfteeter Wilson MTo- 60. ATLANTA, GA. "Fbr sale by Goldsboro Hardware Goldsboro, N. C. aug !5wly ONLY S2. 75 SfcMDNO MONEY. c:wtthis ail. out. and seaJ to u, state viiur iOhitnd taeisbt, also mira Wr of incites around body at bnsl nd irr&, sad we witi eand t-hs 7 1SV SLOTH CAPE tu you bv express, :.o.l.. subject to examination. You can examine and try it oa at your nearest express of- uee B-iiu u iounu penecuj satisfactory, exactly aa rep- rMcatea aad laa am woaserfol value yaa ever saw or hear ef pay the express ajrent ear special offer price S 2 7 5 a aatf express charges. Express cnargea will average 40 to HO cents for each 1,000 miles. THIS CAPE 13 LA TEST STYLE FOR FALL and WINTER, made from an extra floe and heavy all wool black erblne mnnln Rarlton Kea- er cloth. 27 inches Ion jr. very full sweep, 13-inch upper cape, extra full, rpper cape and large stena collar, beauti fully trimmed with black Baltic seal tvr upper cape trimmed with three rows and collar with two rows of Int mohair braldt cloth button ornaments. Tkls cap is flae tailor atade througboirt and equal to capes that Bellas more than double K.b price. Write for free Clock Catalogue. SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO.. CHICAGO (Sun, Bsaboek It Co, an UutraugUt wllabto. UiUat.) fiO.75 BOX RAIN COAT A Until B-lA Ifc 3 A M. ML.K ! fib PROOF MACKINTOSH for e)Zi I 3 SEND WO MONEY, f-j ? state your height aad weight, state aaaiheref laeaea aroaae acy at Dreaac, saaea ever vest under eoatt close p aaocr a naa, ana we will send you this coat by express, C.O.D., eabject e exaaaiaatloa. Ex amine and try it on at your nearest express office, aad tf foaad exactly aa repraaeatcd ana tae atom weaaerrm value you ever saw ar heard of, sad equal to any eeat yea caa hay far Is.ftO. iwv the express airent Ot'B SPECIAL OKFKK FKHK, $2.75, Ud express charges. " THIS MACKINTOSH Is latest 1009 .style, easy fitting, made from heavy waterprenr, taa color, geaatee Davis Covert Cloth; full length, double breasted, Baser -velvet collar, fancy plaid lining, waterproof seweeVseams. fcul tabled or both Rain or-Overcoat, and gwaraateed GRKATKST ValXB ever offered by US or f - a any ocner nouse. . aor area va Banana f of Men's Mackintoshes up to tS.OG, 1 J i and Made-to-Measure Suits and Orer- dT coats at from $5.00 to tlO.00, write for aSMa-bir-" FRKR B AMPLE BtMK No. VOE, Address, SEARS. ROEBUCK A Co, CHICAGO, i&ean, Ecabo Co. ar thereoghij reUaUe. 4itr) New Blacksmith Shop! : I have just opened a blacksmith shop next door to my sale stables and have a first-class horse shoer, whose services I 'offer tto the public, and guarantee prices and work to be satisfactory. v " Geo. D, Bennett NEW HOOK. ' i&beIt7 lWr BALL Wl Jfjji iw: -s j "4 '' outhern ailway. The standard wn.v nf The SOUTH The direct line to all points. Texas, California, Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico. Strictly first clasa equipment on all through and local trains; Pullman palace sleeping' cars on all night trains; fast and safe schedules. Travel by the Southern and you are assured a safe, comfortable and expeditious journey. Apply to ticket agents for time tables, rates and general information, or address, R. L- Vernon, T. P. A. F. R- DarDu. O. P. & T. A.. Charlotte, N. O. Asheville, N. O. a5No trouble to answer questions. FRANK 3. GANNON, i. M. CULP, W. A. TURK pv, r. a een. Man. Traf. Man. . r. a WASHINGTON. D. C. Piano Perfection Not extravagantly priced, is what you get in They're built by the most exper workmen, whose skill is unsurpassed. Their every part is the best that ex perience and money can produce. Terms to suit your purse. Standard Organs, Second-Manet Pianos cnaries M. stem. 9 25. liberty St. baitimci e EDAlUISDaON TOWN. Is situated on a beautiful hill over looking the city, only a short distance from the Graded School and Wayne Cotton Mills, between the Snow Hill road and A. & N. C. Railroad. Good water. Several nice cottages now com' pleted and occupied by nice people. If von desire a -nice, cheap home, or wish a paying investment for a little money you cannot do betu;r than to buy a lot here and build a house on it, to live in or rent. Only a few more lots left for sale. Will sell or rent to nice people only others need not apply. If you want to buy or sell your property cheap, or desire to rent a house, see me at F. B. Edmundson's store. Owing to my own business be' ing so large, I cannot take charge of any property, - - ' EL.. EDMJJNDSON T- 6- Bryan, i Tin and Sheet Metalworker- Tobacco Flues, Stovepipe, Valley Tin, Roofing, Plumbing, Repairing, You can save moneyjby seeing me before placing your orders. All work done by experienced men with dispatch, and guaranteed. Thanking the public for their past patronage and soliciting a continuance of the same. Respectfully, T. C. BRYAN, Walnut St. THE HUSTLER. W. R. L. Pearsall, Livery Lagrange, n. o. Meets all trains with comfortable conveyances, and is fully prepared to convey passengers and baggage to any point in any convenient direction. My stables are located just opposite 14. R. waiting room, and my charges are moderate and service prompt, 1 Respectfully, 923dawlm W R. I. PEARSALL, Shoemoking REPAIRING IN ORDER to meet a pressing need in the community, I have em- ployed a first-class workman ' and fitted up a shoemaking and repairing establishment, on Walnut St., op. Fonvielle's. ..-..-.. a t Hll in need of uiotk. f a in-tttis uoe mar fee a dre of jtatlsfactlot). a - "a Respectfully, ' T. R. ROBINSON: FRANK BOYETTE, fiO Dentist. Office -Borden building, over BUzeU Mroa. ds co. 's ary good store. v " OOI.D8BOBO. H. F. PRICE, CIVIL ENGINEER. Office up'stairSj cor. John Sc Walnut St , - GOLDSBORO, N. C OOD 3 inch Shingles at f 1.25 per thousand, w. JjU Urifnn At Miss Bodell's School. - At Miss Bodell's Music SefcooL in Armory building, -only a limited number of pupils will be received. Call from 12 to 1 a. m., and from 6 10 T p m, - SUBSTANTIAL sav nos The price of all sorts of leather has advanced ma terially in the last six months. Any merchant will tell you that. I'ts a cold fact. Our shoes were bought in Boston the largest shoe market in the world last March. Our regular lines were procured at the original low prices, less ad ditional reductions for taking large quantities and pay ing cash-a precedent established 34 years ago. For the benefit of our regular customers and to secure new customers we have decided to double our Shoe business by cutting our profits. As a result we shall do the biggest Fall business in our entire history and our prices for Fall must be accordingly cheap. We have therefore marked 1-4 off the price of these Shoes and a bona fide reduction of 1-4 means a great deal. We have not marked a $1.25 to $1 and then call it reduced from $1.50 We have but one price for each Shoe and the reductions are in every case real and ab solute. Oar Guarantee Goes With Every Pair. Following are a few items taken at random from our colossal stock of heavy Shoes: Men's whole stock, Kip, Creedmore, with oak back. A regular $1.25 shoe. Price this fall $1.00 Best grade, regularly $1,50. Price this fall 1.35 Women's oil grain Polkas, the regular dollar kind. Price this fall 85cts The $1.25 kind, this fall only $1.00 Ladies' Doneola Button, welted soles, former price 2. Trice this foil 1 .5!) JLadies Dongola Button, regular 1.25 value. Tins fall 1.00 Ladies" Grain Bids and Button. This fall's price ' (Thia Bhoe can t be bought to day in 10 caae lots at this price.) Boys', Misses' and Children's Shoes in similar grades at like reduction in prices. The above few quotations merely show how the reductions are made. The reduc tions are made throughout bur entire stock of heavy shoes, winter shoes, working shoes. The prices named are in force until Jan uary 1st, 1900. By the first of the year our reputation for Honest Merchandise will be diffused even more widely than before and the object of these Special prices will have been accomplished. Our stock of Clothing, Dry Goods, Heavy Groceries, etc., is larger than any in Goldsboro. Our stores close at 6:30, except Saturday at 10, during the winter. Yours faithfully, H.Weil COME AND SEE SEND US OWE DOLLAR Cat this ad. oat aad send to as with tl.OO, aad we wUl send yon IhU PiKH 1HPROYKD PARLOR 6KM ORGAN, by frtteat C O. D.. subject toexaniaa- tlaaw You cam examine It at your nearest freight yoa Baa It exactly as representee, cue greatest nine yon ever saw aad far batter than orraaa advertised by others at more atoney, par the freight rat OUR PRICE S3S.SO. less the S1.00 deposit, or 4.50 and freight ehsrres. THE PARLOR CEM Isoae of the most D Lit ABLE AND SWBKTB8T TONKD lastrameats ever saade. From the illustration ihown, which Is engraved direct from a photograph you can form lome idea of its beautiful appearance. Made from solid Quarter awed wak or walnut as desired, perforated key slip, full panel body, besntifal marquetry design panels and many other handsome decorations and oraaaieBls, making It the VERY LATEST STYLE. THE PARLOR GEM is 6 feet high, 4 3 inches long, 23 inches wide and weighs 350 pounds. Contains & octaves, 11 stops, as follows: Diapason, Principal, unietaaa. Kernels, ueiesie, uremoaa, wupicr, ireuio vuupicr, iMapaaoa Forte aad Vox Humana; 2 Octave Couplers, 1 Tone Swell, 1 Grand Orgaa Swell, 4 Sets or Orchestral Toned Resonator? pipe Qaallty Reeds, 1 Set of S7 Pare 8wet Belodia Reeds, 1 Set of 37 Charmingly Brilliant Celeste Reeds, 1 Set of 24 Rich Mellow Smooth Enapaaoa Keens sec or neaaiag sort aeiouioas rnncipu Reeds. THE PARLOR CEM action consists or the Celebrated Newell Reeds, which are only used in the high est frrade instruments; fitted with Hammond Couplers aad Vox Humana, also best Dolpe felts, leathers, etc., bellows of the best rubber cloth, 3-ply bellows stock and finest leather in valves. THE PARLOR CEM is furnished with a 10x14 beveled plate French mirror, nickel plated pedal frames, and every modern improvement. We ruralf-h free s hnadnome organ stat-l acti the bet or? aa instruc tion boot puthnnra. mm n r i.oii I TV ic CCTADI ICUCn If Ton with us ask your neighbor about us, write the publisher of this paper or Metropolitan Kational Bank, or Corn Nat Bank, of Chicago; or German Exchange Bank, New York; or any railroad or express company in Chicago. Y.e ftaie a capital a er 700,000.1)0, occupy entire and employ nearly S.000 people in onr own one or tne largest ounnese biocu w . iuckko, GUARANTEED Z5 TEARS. Zl" nZJtS QtZSe. "i4 WdlH issue a bmdiDK Si, .vfc.-(rcarar.tee, by te '' , IS. s.. tl Virltr'-M terms and conditions ofnhich it any purS gii-ea out l J , 6, $ fi. IX 2., . it frwi of rh.nt. Try it ono month and vie wi'l V K t- . I i6, . -C refund your mony if yon are nol rorlccily fatisfietl. suo , u V' J FlARfMB wllt-Ow and mpt also everythingr in musical Instruments at lowest wholesale prices. Write for free special organ, piano and musical instrument catalogue. Address. (Sears, Bsshaer A Co. are taorss,hiy to liable f nlfr.fc SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.). Fulton. Desplaines and WajmanSU.. CHICAGO. ILL. SEND MO MONEY 6RADE DRO CAIINET BUR01CK SEWIHQ MACHINE by fUrht,C.O.D..nbjeetto examiaa. ' urn. you can examine i at your nearest ireiffnt aepot ana 11 renna p nerfeetly satlnf set ory , e xact 1 j as represented, eqnal to maeh Ines ol h ers ael I v aa awn as, ana ins unumsi mhuali iuu rir.7io?r opeciaiwner rr -r and freight charges. Machine weighs 120 pounds ancHhefreltrht will average 75 cents for each 600 miles. GIVE IT THREE MONTHS' TRIAL in your owa home, and we will return your any day you are not a&tis fled. Weeell dlflVrent mafces and a-radesof Sewlos; Raehlaesat lO.OO, ll.OO, ls.OO and aa. alt fully described In our Free Sewing; Machine Cafaloxoe, but la.0 for this DROP DBSK CABIN KT BLKDICa Is the greatest valme ever oered by any house. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS lVX,?on tiaements.offering anknowa maebtaes under various names, with Tartans la dneemeats. Write some friend to Chicago and leara who are reliable a.d who sre not. THE DURP1CK has every MODKKN BTKST GOOD POINT OF EVKRV HIGH KADB SACH1NK MaDC, WITH THE luunrstiitom. neat BUKem caa bay. rrarn the beat bossed and decorated ' affadl 60.00, and then if convinced that you are savintr i Til WB TU K'll Ha xutia cikMl 11 as any time witnin mree montuayou say you are not satisfied, wailut XU-tfax-TpON'T DELAY, (aears. Roebuck A Co. are thoroughly reliable. Editor.) ' .Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago. III. axTrrtn ill DR. MOFFETT'S in Shoes. & Bros OUR BARGAINS. depot, and Ifj - , zff WITH YOUR ORDEft.cnt this ad. out and send to us.and we will send you 0(JR HIGH A m V-!? tapnorsMENT. Made by the. in America aanterlai mitn . .,-1 j tiiMii i Ji JL C ac G1 R r si, SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK DRO'DESK MHNET,iaasn.he, J . . , One illustration shows machine closed (head dropping from sight) to be used as a eeater tahla, sUaa rdrsk, the other open with full lenfrth table and bead in place for sewinir. 4 faaer Srawera, laleai 1 Ann ikdttMft.w.Tri cabinet finish, finest nickel drawer pal la,' rests on 'four casters, adjustable treadle, genuine Smyth iron stand. Ftaest large Ulrk Arm aad, positive four motion feed, self threading vlbratintf shuttle, automates bobbin winder, adjustable bearinfrs, patent tension libera tor. Improved loose wheel, adjustable pressure fodt, improved shuttle carrier, patent needle bar. patent dress guard, head is haadnaely dreereted aad eraaaieated aad beaatlnilly aleael IriaoMd. CU ARAN TEED the llrM.rt raanlR, MtMarsble aad aaanat. aalselen auekia Bute. Erary kaawa attaehaeat Is raraiahed and our Free In struction Book tells just how anyone can run it and do either plain or any kind of fancy work. A go-Yean Biadlag Guarantee is sent with every machine. IT rRCT6 Vnil iinTUIMn nm aad axaalaelhbi aehlaa. enmnara it with those your storekeeper sells at S40.6O to (2&.00:to (40.00, pay your freight avent the 916. BO. Aids Digestion, Regulates the KalgiTeeUting Easy. TEEIMA - Eellnes Ob Bowel Troubles d (Mirm nf km M9. I Oota Only as Cent n EIBBA

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