... ) 4 I ' I I, - I I .1 I - I. .1 I.I.I -III ..I.-... I ,,. .II....-.- I . . ST., ,11 II ,1 I I.I II .T. . , , .. Ill II i -i. i . i ...I,, i ,.i. I- , . . . I,, .. i , ,. i .i , i , , I, i- ... - . . 1 T'T ' " "" " " '""Vr ii "' "" This AbguS o'er the people's rights, No soothing" strains of Maia'sson, x Doth an eternal vigil keep Can lull its hundred eyes to sleep" . ' Vol. XVII. .... ; - GOIiDSBORQ. JST C, THURSDAY, OCTOBERgT 1899. " NO 117 i " t . , , - , - , .. .... . 4 I si ! 1 J. t -1 .4 . 1 . a f -1 .2 Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum bakirt g powders are the greatest health of the present day. iTTt."rers to 1 f!rif.G Pttatsn CO.. Iffiw VOBX. OUR LOCAL OPTIC Miss As aggie Mark?, a trained nursp, has located in Goldsboro, and offers her services to the public. Messrs. Bizzell & Wooten re quest the Abgus to say that their "fled Seal" Lye has arrived and all paities holding cards for free lve can call t their store and be accommodated. Mr. Gto. W. Browu, fore man of the AGUS, has purchased a desirable lot on Boundary street from Mr. J. J. Langston. He will e?ecv : which be bimi-tlf. t.i-t cintagt -u the 1. 1 will prormbly occupy The first Dew departure of the new administration of the A. & N.C. K. R. is a Sunday passen ger traic, with same schedule in its arrival and departure from In the Superior Court in Wii &os last etk, the trial of J oh a J. Jcil'erson for the marder of Cpt. Calvin Barnes, the paiticalars of which are familiar to readers of the Argus, was concluded by the jur bi mgitig in a vti diet ot guilty .and Jefferson was sentenced to be banged on Novtmber 16ib. Goidsboro people who have visited the Rauigb Fair the past week speak very highly of the furniture exhibit cf Royal.! & Border. It is ore of the hand-snrae-s- ever diap'svyfj in the Suu.b. I be firm Lve been awarded about a d. zn medals and a number of ottier prizes. The exhibit is a big part of the Fair. Goldsboro continues to add city features. The "Goldsboro Ral Estate Exchange," of which Mr. Earle A. Humphrey is attorney and aianager, is tbe latest ac qui isiioii. It is iocad in one ot ibe stores of tbe Messenger Build ing, and has all the appurten ances of an up-to-date real estatf exchange aad for the collection of rent, as well. Any one wishing to sel', buy. rem or escbangw real estate will be interested id this pubiicntiou. Success to the en rtr prise. Mre. Jesse Wood, who lives at the bric's yard of Maj. H. L. Grant near this city, had a curios ity in the shape of a chicken. Some time ago Mrp. Wood set a hen, and n due course of time the hen cme off tbe nest with us many cbickers as there were "eggs with one exception. While at play in the yard the cbildran broke the egg and found a chicken still dive with two beads, one b )dy and four legs and feet. Altt-r tbe shell was broken the chicken soon died and was sent to the drug tt:re of M. E. Robinson & Bro., where it is now on exhibition for those who care to witness the curiosity. 4. Mr. B. H. ThorrpsoD, of laalia, Beaufort county, an Old Wayne coaotybPjV who js now an qxten sive land owder acd: successful farmer in his adopted cqunty, and one of the Democratic mem bers of the board of directors of tbe penitentiary, was in the city last wfeek, accompanied DiTMrs. Thompson, on their way home liof iftorSa!f hJ Wher,e iKerton, !M. J. Best, W. A. Woot also attended a meeting of his . , T : - i Boardand strenuously Opposed ine cioak oi secrecy tHaV that body has so strangely adopted, and where he urged that -Capt. JJay should show up his accounts and is purr-hases i.c th ?y" o? C I. J. A. Wa-hJngt -n hm cn ex'ju itiun at h cfticf io the court boo-e a piece of ihe rttftl wall", of tte fctute tojm of the bAttleshin Indiana occupied by bis eon LtJ lorn V ashington, while that ship did su?h efficient work at tbe moutb of Sautiago harbor. The piece of steel wall is a grim look ing relic,as it has two ugly holes through tbe centre, which were pierced -by sheila from the Span- ifh land batteries on the night of July 4th, the second night after the d estruction of Cervera's fleet, while the Texas and Indiana were standing; guard at the mouth of the harbor. It was very fortunate for Lt. Washington that he was not on duty at the time, as his room was set on fire by the bursting of the shells. After the fire was ex tinguished 15 pounds of fragments of shell wero picked up from the floor . "What had all the features of "runaway match" was a marriage that was solemnized in the parlor of the Hotel Kennon in thib city lastThursday night, the contracting parties giving their names as Waiter S. Burton and Miss Florence W . Dickerson, e tV- i r .mi or iiienmonu, va. xney came in on the afternoon train from the North and after registering at the Kennon, the gentleman sought the Register's office and applied for marriage license, but as the age of the prospective bride was given below the legal age, the Register rafused ti issue the doc ument, and the groom bad no al ternative r ut to '"tap the wires" and plead for permission from the parents of the girl in Richmond, which after two hours he duly se cured in an autbor&tive telegram and thereupon the license was is Mird. Rev. W , C. Newton, pastor of the Goldsboro Baptist church, performed the ceremony in the presence of a number of witnesses, and to-d.iy at noon the happy fouple took the North bound train cor home aain. His Lite Was Saved. Mr. J. E. JLilly, a prominent v.ii z-n of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telliDg it he sys: "I wns taken with Typho'id Fever that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. 1 was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I ex pected to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Eifcovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued 1o ute it, and now am well and frtrocg, I can't sy too much in its praise." This marvelous niedictne is the surest and quit-lie it cure in the world f r dS Ttiroat and Lung Trouble. Regular siz98 5 0 cents and $1 00. Trial bottles free at J. H. Hill & Son's Drug Store; every bottle guaranteed. WE GO FORWARD Gold-boro Navigation Compinj Organ laed OfBoers and Director elected. Not in its whole career, cov ering fifteen years of daily chron icling of Goldsboro history, has the Abgus recorded a fact that was more pregnant of progress and prosperity for our city than tli's, that, Friday night was organ.-, izod the Goldsboro Navigation Company, with an authorized cap ital stock of $50,000, and whose stockholders are men who know no such thing as fail. Tbe object and purposes of the company have been already fully given in these columns, and tbe effecting of the organization is br.t the crystahzirg of public senti ment into an organized deter mina tion to accomplish tfie end pro posed, namely, a steamboat on Neuse river, to ply between this point and Newbern, The Goldsbo.ro, Navigation Company is now a reality and. the followicg.are the officers elected last m'ght,, and their .names, carry conviction of success: Pressiden, Chas. Dawey; Vie Prestdenr, Geo. -A. Norwood, Jr.,J Secretary and Treasurer, Thos. H. Holmes; Directors: Messrs. N. O'Berry.'F. K. Borden, Henry Weil, L. M. Michaux. W. TJLel- en, tieo, A. jy or wood, Jr.,. ana R. E. PJpkin - r J V . Bismarck's Iron Nerve ,j Was the Result of; hi splendid heallh. Indomttable will nd tre- energy are1 not fount!' .Vhere Stomach, Liv'erJ Kidneys 1 .-- I 4 i . 1 ann i5iweis are om oi oruer. If you want these 'qualities and the success they bring, Hse y Dr. King's New Iiifts Pills . They ?e- velop every ; power of brain and body. Only . 25 cents at J. Hill & S jn's drugstore. : . . - TO CURE KCQLD IN flSt Oft vrake Laxative Bromo-QuinlneTablete. All druggists refund. money i( ltfilU1 to cure. 25c The genulna .has L. RUMORS OF MAM' BATTLES Censorship Over the News Tery Strict and Movements of English Troops Are Kept Secret 1 Owing to the etrict; censorship ... - . . i . . maintained over tbe cable, news from South Africa arrives slowly from the seat of war. The centre of intorest in the war situation has once more moved from the western border to Natal. The Transvaal Boers are ad vancing from the north on Glen- coe and Dundee, the object being seemingly to make a simultaneous attack from the northeast with the Free State Boers, who are in the Tintwas and Van Reenan's Passes. Bridge-burning by the Boers has grown alarmingly, and at present Kimberlay Las virtually been cut off from the outside world. The town has not been taken according to the latest ad vices. Rumors of btttles amounting to nothing more than skirmishes reach tbe outside world, and it is believed that no serious clash has taken place between the opposing forces. , All the news from South Africa received in London up to mid night indicates the continuance of outpost skirmishing. No decisive engagement is known. It is posi tively known that the dispatches which have come by the way of Cape Town for days past and which allege that battles have oc curred, with great loss of life re sulting, are figments. Tbe last of these yarns is to the effect that 1,500 men are dead on the battle field of Mafeking. BOEES LURED TO DEATH. London, October 20.--The Daiiy News Cape Town corres pondent says; -'It is rumored that news has reached De Aax Junc tion that the Boers attacked Maf eking in force, but were repulsed. The defenders, seeing the enemy retreating, pursued them for some distance. Then a feint was made, and they commenced to retire on the town, allowing themselves to be driven in by tbe Boers, who, eager to tetrieve their position, again advanced to the attack and were drawn over Lyddite mines laid for the defense of the town. It is reported that 1,500 Boers were killed be the explosions. 'It is reported from Delagoa Bay that the Swsz: King Bunu is collecting his forces with the ob ject, presumably, of attacking the Boers. It is stated that the Portu gese forces at Delagoa Bay will be raised to war strength. "It is announced from Pretoria that an eccentric person, known as Baron Deginsberg, has - been court-martialed and shot as a spy. Plans of the local forts were found in his possession." R01 ALL & BORlJEN PRIZES. Seven Premiums Awarded Their Big Ex hibit at tbe Fair. Raleigh. News Observer. The' 'mammoth exhibit of ' the Royall &' Borden Furniture Com pany came in for plenty of pre miums at the hands of the com mittee of awards of the State Fair, receiving no less than seven first prizes'.' First and best it received the premier dTstiricTion of a gold play df any kind in the main ex hibition building. The other pre miums awajrded it were for: The? best .display of furniture. ' - The? best display of office furni ture, i " , " " " "The. bfest.disglay of house f ur- -nishing good. : Bep hibitec pattre8se?,ihree to be-'ex Bot otherwise shown. . Difblay of A model .. eel ting room,1 .. .. The best display of baby car . ' -' nages. , ' Tbe exhibit 'attracted much .at-'. tension during the Fair byitsim! mense. size, - y'a rjty and the ex ceGent taste "of its arrangement. Let's Defer the Discuss ion Charlotte Observer. We suppose it is unavoidable. yet it is regrettable, that there should be as much discussion as there is, at this early date, ot the United States sensatorship to be filled by the Legislature of 1901. The names of four gentles men Chairman Simmons, Col J. S. Carr, ex-Governor Jarvis and Hon. Alfred M. Waddell are conspicuously mentioned in connection with if, and while any of them would perhaps re sent a statement that be is a can didate for it, each has his friends who are bringing him forward, and any of them would of course, feel gratified and honored in be ing elected, but it is pleasiug to note that two of them Mr. Sim mons and Col. Waddell publicly deprecate any agitation of the matter until after next August's election. The discussion of who shall be Senator should ba de ferrtd until after the election of the Legislature which is to choose him. The Democratic par- y of North Carolina has had a bitter experience resulting from thrusting of a senatorial fight into a Slate campaign. We do not believe that the heated con troversy between the friends of of Senator Ransom and ex-Gov ernor Jarvis in 1834 was the cause of the fusion victory of that year, for it was already written in the stars that the Democratic party was to be de featei in that election, but it un doubtedly contributed to it and was harmful in every imaginable way. it is to be noped tnat this generation will not see a repe t u ion of such a controversy at a similar period in politics, and e hope to be pardoned for the suggestion that the Democratic press and its correspondents have tbe matter very largely in their hands. If the . newspapers will refrain from lining up pre maturely for their respective favorites and discussing their claims which will be sure to be regarded by some as deprecia ting the merits of other gentle men and thus provoke counter discussion and if the corre spondents will withhold their hands, we can fight the next campaign and win the election practically without the hind ranee of this handicap, and then there will be planty of .time to look after the matter of who shall be Senator.Oiberwise there may be no Damocratic Legisla ture at all, and thus the State and the national party will have lost a vote in the Senate, and he State, through the loss of a Democratic Legislature, . will find itself again in the slough ftom which it pulled itself with so great effort and at such great cost in 1898. Marriage is said tobfean equal partner ship. But the kind of a One-sided partner- snip ii real ly is," can not be bet ter express-, d tnan -in that old saying, "A 'wife should double her husband's t - . ..i ovs and halve his sorrqws." That's what is expected of a wife, and the won der of the world is that she comes so closely to expectation. r For as 'a. rule.fro'm the time of marriage onward, ner Doay is aaiiy drained of strength and lier- mind daily burdened by cares. She lies on the couch, her back aching, from female trouble, and gets up and puts oi$ a smil ing face to meet her husband-. " . - -Marriage can;only be an equal -partner ship when the drains and strains of mar ried life bf the woman can be replaced by the perfect health of the delicate womanly organs. No woman need suf fer with lnnamtnation. Ulceration, aeDiii- tating drains or female trouble. There's an absolute cure-for all these in Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription.-' It makes life a pleasure, does.away with morning sickness, and makes the baby's advent easy and almost painless. . - ' I had been a ufferer ftomterfne trouble for about three yeara, having- two miscarriages in that time, and the doctors maid I would have to go through an operation oeiore l couia give irth to children," writes Mrs. Blanche E. Evans; of Parsons, Iazerne Co., Fa., Box 41. " When about to give np in despair I saw the ad vertisement of . Dr. Pierce's medicine and thought 1. would (rive ft atrial as a last resort. 1 boueht a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, and sifter taking it felt better than I ottles I irave birth to a brieht baby girl who is nil inr m ' Aim ehkuih uni auit uuciinu now four months 01a ana jus noi naa a oay 01 Favorite -Prescriptioa " contaias no- aiconoi, wmsKy or ouier mwnnnni. Nothing else is " just as good." Refuse all substitutes. If you go for Dr. Pierce's, get Dr. Pierce's.-- . ' FfiR RFNT t desirable Tesi CvO. Mtll dence. with water and seweY equipment Good neigh borhood. 'FSr particulars apply at ARGUS Office, d y GENERAL NEWS. This Boer cutting of wires simply means however victories may prewon the telegraph batteries won't bema- turely win them. r-t t (1 mm considering tne natural form in which corn conies, why shouldn't me Dig crop oe regarded as an ear mark of prosperity? No level-headed girl will insist. merely from the fighting going on around there, that Kimberley dia monds are the only ones suited for engagements. Detectives are alike the country over. Although that recent hold-up near Unicaeo took place on the rail road that circumstance even did not enable the flycops to track the thieves. It is to be noticed that the Queen of England, m ner address to Jrar 1 lament, avoided always the use of the word "war." She referred to the present situation in Africa as "diffi culties," "events" and "a state of affairs." The failure of the press of the country to devote much attention to the speeches being made by the President and the members cf his Cabinet on their Western tour may be due to the number and frequency of these addresses. - Up to yesterday Mr. McHinley bad made forty seven. The French Society for the Sup pression of Vice is going to try to prevent indecent exhibitions among the attractions at the Paris .Eixposi tion, which have of late years been allowed so much license on such oc casions on the plea that they illus trate the customs and amusements of other countries. As an offset to England's purchase of mules in this country for the Transvaal campaign, Colonel Sump- ter, military attache of the United states Jiimbassy in London, has been arranging for the purchase there of two batteries of Maxim suns for use in the Philippines. They will be shipped next month. Many Spaniards who are unable to find work in Spain are being as sisted by the government to emigrate to Cuba. During the - past two months the number of these arrivals is said to have been 2,000. The Spanish Government is giving assis tance in these cases to no women, and only to men of more than 68 years of age. Three young women have been arrested in New York, one charged with being the proprietress and the other two employees of a"ladies'pool room" on Lexington avenue. A large number of women, presumably pa trons, were in the rooms at the time of the police raid, but were not ar rested. Some of these women were fashionably dressed and -wore costly jewels. How complete are " the prepara tions of the British Government for the war m the Transvaal may be gathered from the fact that the troop of Irish Lancers which has been with Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show for some time has been recalled and is already on its way to Liverpool. I These troopers are members of the reserve and a body of the finest riders in the world. 1 1 The State Charities Aid Associa tion of New York has received a report from a special committee say ing that the number of children placed in institutions at public ex pense as destitute has risen far be yond the normal ratio, and the evil 1 is thought to be" growing rapidly due to the increasing tendency of people who do not need public char ity to avail themselves of it. The Baptist Association 6i Con necticut, in convention at Walter bury, has adopted resolutions con cerning divorce similar to those of the recent meeting of the New York diocese of the" Episcopal" Church'. It was determined as the. sense of the meeting that ministers should .sus tain no relation to the remarriage of persons divorced, "except .euch as are scripturally qualified." The annual report of the Yale co operative store shows prosperity. The 'Hpo-op" is managed entirely by undergraduates andTf or undergradu ates, and is strictly a college depart ment store. The cash sales for the" first six days of the present term were about $9,000 and net profits for the year S2.700. The total member ship of the "Co-op" is 750. The cash- business for the year was $45,123. Colonel Cody has decided ..not "to take the Wild "West Show to Paris This is not because of 'Taffaire," nor yet according to the colonel, because of the retirement from the enterprise of his partner. Nate Salsbury, but because there is plenty of territory in this country still uncovered. The, colonel says the past season has been his most successful year "since that of the "World's Fair at Chicago, when he made, $70,000. , The determination of the collec tors of . the " Republican campaign fund for Ohio not to overlook ' any body is instanced in the receipt by Mayor Jones, of Toledo, of a letter from Chairman Dick. Of the Benub- lican State committee, asking him to contribute to the cause. Mr. Jones, who happens to be an independent candidate for Governor', did not fail to answer the latter, though he de clined to assist in the campaign of his rival, . , - - .William Fitzhngh 'WhitehouseV'ai wealthy Norker. and one. f the principal cottage owners of .New - port, who has devoted most of his time and attention to" BOCial diver- ieions and fashionable' society, to go. ing to head an exploring expedition into Abyssinia. He will start from England, where he now is, taking Bixtv armed men, as many porters ana ninety camels, lie has the assis tance of the Royal Geographical So ciety oi JUondon. mi -i i . , . xne vercuci oi voiuntarv man slaughter pronounced againstGeorge Wanko, the pugilist, as a result of his trial for killing Felix Carr, his antagonise m a prize ngnt near Parkersburg, W. Va., seems to have been brought about chiefly by the defendant's own testimony. "Wanko attempted to show that the blow which caused Carr's death was dealt in self-defense. The punishment of the crime of voluntary manslaughter is irom one to nve years imprison j i ... ment m the penitentiary. Mr. tTohn K. McLean, wife of the Democratic candidate for Governor of Ohio, will, according to a "Wash ington correspondent of a New York paper, travel through Ohio during the campaign in her husband's pri vate car, accompanied by a number of beautiful girls from Virginia. "Washingtion and Maryland. These ladies will not make speeches, but they will electioneer, nevertheless Whether they will adopt the English method of offering kisses to the voters the correspondent is too dis creet to say. One of Senator Proctor's lieuten ants in the plan to nominate Dewey for President is credited in the New York World with saying that of the City-one members of the national committee sixteen are set down as being positively hostile to the present administration and hoping to see the President defeated for re-election; seven are suspected of entertaining the same opinions, but are likely to keep their views to themselves until the movement assumes a more de -finite shape, and five are for the winner, whoever he may be. Dennis B. Ryan, a resident of Jersey City, has testified before the industrial commission, now sitting in Washington, in a way to throw some light on the trust-making in dustry as carried on m New Jersey. 1 have helped organize during the last year several hundred trusts and corporations in New Jersey," said Mr, Ryan. "1 have two friends in New York city authorized to insert my name as resident director and agent in the articles of incorporation. For this they have given me a fee of $5 each time. As soon as the charter was granted I resigned from each corporation." Inasmuch as the electrolysis. which, according to experts, is caus ing rapid deterioration in some of the New York Elevated Railroad structures, comes supposedly from a current carried over the Brooklyn bridge, it is feared the bridge itself may be undergoing damage from the same cause. The places where electroysis would be the most dangerous to the structure are at the anchors of the cables, which, being covered with masonry, cannot be inspected. H, however, the moisture has been excluded there is no danger of electrolysis and in any event it is supposed that any weakening of the bridge sum -cient to cause it to give way would be preceded by ample warning. A letter written by Colonel Na- tividad, one of Aguinaldo's staff, and smuggled through the lines to Escamila, who used to be the gen eral's secretary, but who, after cap ture by our troops, has turned to teaching music in Manila, has been made public. It seems to show that the insurgent officers are all anxious to have the war stop, not alone be cause it is haid work, but because Manila with all its "life, go and gayety" is so attractive. Somehow the letter reads as though obviously intended for publication, or possi bly an out and out "fake." If Col onel Natividad has not lost his head he is likely to do so when Aguinaldo hears of the affair, unless the writ - ing was arranged between them for campaign purposes. HOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR. RegnlatesItbsCUv-ar. Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys. "For biliousness. constipation, and sick aad nervous malaria. For indigestion. headaches. - Fcr sleeplessness, nervousness, heart failure, and nervous prostration. For levers, cnuis, aeoiiity ana mo ney diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough organic regulation, take Lemon El ixir. , 50 c and fl bottle at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozely, At lanta, Q a. '-A Prominsbt Minister Writes. After ten years ot great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, . disordered kidneys ana constipation, I have been cured by.Dr, Mozlej 's Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. Rev. O. C. Davis, Bid. M. 15. Church South - .No. 2&Ttnall St. . Atlanta, Oa. A. Prominent Memphlan Writes. "Dr. !.H. MOzley, Atlanta: Having been a great sufferer for three years from indigestion, and been treated by many physicians, who failed to give me any relief . Continuing to grow worse my brother advisea me to try Dr. Mczley's- Lemon Elixir, which remedy he had used for several years. I com menced its use, and must say that your Lemon Elixir is the greatest medicine on earth.' - I hava never suffered a day since I commenced using Lemon Bxilir. . : ; R. L. Rocco, 206 Hernando St., Memphis, Term. AlCard. This i to certify thai I used Dr. 1 Mozley 's Lemon Elixir for neuralgia of the head and eyes with the mos. mark- ffJU"! 1 Hef u h lyea me ut a & fro or I three dollars. IT. A. BeaLi., f!Wlr Rnmrlnr Court UanrlnlTih f!n Ga FURNITURE I FURNITURE I Arrivals of The Week ! 20 White Enamel Beds, ranging in price from $4.00 to $20.00. See these before buying anything in that line. Five dozen Easels, in a variety of styles and finishes, at prices to make them go. Six Combination and Library Bookcases. Very pretty, and cheap. 25 Zinc and Canvas Trunks, at prices never before heard of in this city. A large case of Smyrna Rugs, any size or color. A nice assortment of Lace Curtains, from SO cents to $5.00 per pair. Another large lot of Window Shades and Curtain Poles. See our Curtain Pole com plete with fixtures for IS cents. Four Nice Golden Oak Suites. Prices from $40.00 to $90.00. The above goods, in addition to our reg ular stock, gives us, without doubt, the larg est stock of Furniture and House-Furnishing Goods in the State. New goods are coming in daily, and we are always glad to have you call and look over our stock. Yours truly, FURNITURE I FURNITURE I FURNITURE I FURNITURE ! Goldsboro buqou mtq go. MAHUFACTURE- LigM Boggles, Ladies' Phaetons, SPECIAL MERITS ! . .Orders solicited fromthe trade. Send all work and orders to ' Goldsboro Sept 1 dim wly FURNITURE ! & fa a ni9 a a A A A ill a a a a a a a Is a a a i a a a a Royall & Borden. a m m m a fa a & a Snrries, Traps, Landans,tc The material is of the highest quality. The workmanship is guaranteed the best. Our superintendent 21 yean practical experience We OUfRfNTEB every;vehicle made at ou factory. REPAIRING promptly done. : Buggy Mufacturing Company; GOLDSBORO. N O. a V C : ... : i t . t :. s I i pnniR pirhvt