A f 7 '.;3t- ;ptoit S - 71 This AEGTJS o'er the people's rights, Doth an eternal vigil keep No soothing strains of Maia'sson, Can lull its hundred eyes to sleep" GOU3SBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1899. NO 119 VOL. XVII. 4 Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. A GREAT DAY Safeguards the food agamst alum Alum taking pcwders are the greatest mettacers to health of the present day. FOVAl BAKING POW0E3 CO., NEW YORK, OUR LOCAL OPTIC. Goldsboro and Vicinity History in Brelf. Epitome of Sayings and Doings, Wise and Otherwise, Kan Down and Hun In by Omnipresent Ubiquitous, Local "Grand Koundn." Away back in ihe eariiesi igea ui itits worid we liad it rt Cordcd some; hwg 10 be ad mired id man tha', "the philan thropist will plant a tree the fruit or shade of whit:h he him self wilt never fei j jy." No family where literature is cultivated, and no individual who wishes to keep abreast of the age in which we live, should be with out '-The Li teiar Digett," issued wee il) bt 3 .tr yeii by Faok & gu IL Company, New Yuik. li to the uio&i cumpientnsive iu lormaul of the period. The latest and jreUiest thiDg in the city is he cut glass jewel er's wall case, fully fctocked witb exquisite cut glass and silver ware, which is now a part and a per manent feature of Mr. R. A. Creech's up-to date jewelry ttoi id VV tst Ceuiie street. It is the aumiieU ul all visitors. Tde rt cent installation of youi g women ushers at the Ff-ws-muti Memorial Church in Newark, has caused a marked increase 01 attendance, bo far the young women act as ushers only at ine evening services-, wber, if ever, the jouiig men aiteLd. The plau is to change the ushers frequent ly. Cotton sold readily on our market Saturday for from 7.20 to 7.25, the best price of any mar ket in the State. In fact Goids boro is the best all around mar ket all the year round in the State for any thlcg the farmers may have to set', whether cot ton, tobacco, rice, cattle,or other products of the farm. Police Officer Royal of Mr,. Olive, brougnt two yuuog negro boye, Dick and Jim Simmone, to this city last week and turned them over to Sheriff Scott, who placed them in jail. The boys are charged with beiDg implicated in a cow stealing case. It is thougnt that there are two other negroes guilty of the same cff-;nsp, tu; they have notbeeD captured. The weather report for Octo ber shows that the mean temper ature was 62 degree?, which is 3 above the average for the month. The highest wind ve'ocity was 41 miles an hour on the 31st, from the North. The total rainfall was 5.12 inchee, the average for Oc tuber being only 4.10. There, were three ligat frosts and one heavy one. Goldsboro neicU a cold etorsge warehouse, and we have often wondered why the Goldsboro Ice Company does not inaugurate such an enterprise. We hear, again and agaio,complaiot among cur citizens as to the quality oi tne Deei tney have to buy, and if a cold storage warehouse were available to our green grocers whertia to get their meats in order, we would tear no more such complaints. Mr. Jno. W. Edwards sold to Mr. M. Sherman, the green gro cer, Friday, three dressed porkers, the aggregate weight of which was 868 pounds, and they were as fine specimens of pig growth as Chi ' cago or Cincinnati can produce, 4 and they sold for 6 cents per pound. It pays to raise hogs, and we are clad to feel that our farm ers are giving uore and trore at tention, of late, to this profitable feature of the farm. For Goldtboro; Hetmann Far Formally Opened. Daily Argu?, Thursday last. November 1st, 1899, will be come an initial day in the history of Isboro. Years and years after ever wearing time has turned gray the hair and bent the form of the little graded schocl children who yesterday sarg "Carolioa, C;ro!in', Heaven's BJess'ng At tfiid Her," the recollections of the opening day of Goldsboro's Park will be talked about and fondly cheriohsd by a patriotic people. Never bef re have we been prouder of Go!dsboro than on yesterday ! Providence smi'.ed on the occa sion and bestowed a glorious day, a day fair and bright and beauti ful, a day that made glad the hearts of the mul itude that as rembled to witness the ceremo nies of the opening of Hermann Park. At a little while before 2 o'clock, handsome narshals wilh streaming sashes, mounttd on pretty horse?, began to form the procession on Centre street. And such a procession! The like was cever seen in G L'sboro before. Business was ulino: t entirely sus pended in the city. First in the procession came the rnaishtls, then the splendid mili tary band, then in order the gal lant Gokl.-b:ro Rifles, the splen dd tire department, the philan thropic organizitionj, the Knights of Pythias and the Odd Fellows, followed, in carnages, by the Mayor of the cily, the Boiird of AlJer men, tbe Ciiy Attorney, and other officers of 1I13 city, and thousands pleasure and pride of our people. SEVERE LOSS FIRST DAY In the great success of the opens us". . J - British Loss Over 300 in First 18 an important lesson ior our peo- . Battle-Boer Loss is in tbese efforts to make the occa- A80 Great. sion a notable one. And as is al- TYmdnn Nov 3. A Ladv ways the case when Goldsboro smith dispatch dated Tuesday at folk9 get together and make up 5:15 o'clock and received here tc- heir mirds to do a thing it is day says tha although Monday . . it. 1 I 4. 1 J t A Si nrn dose. All we lacs to mase was uut a guuu uay iui ur, n woo Goldsboro n larco city is the positively terrible for ths enemy, nit of our neonlein an honest. artillery fire was appalling. earned, persistent, untiring enort " 'rT": r " J or chol c fi--m tlna crnnc rainon n nnn advancement uuu piuepoiitjr ux uy so uear to our uwu. CaD Tqw n 3.-ReDOrtS - . . i 1 I IT" - Goldsboro has great possioiit- r iQ Df continually increased iee. We hae the climate, we have Boer activity in Cape Colony and the soi', wo have the location on the Orange Free State fron yes, ever j fiing necessary by na- tier. Reinforcements have been ture to make us a city, the pride sent to Field Cornet Dutoi, at of all the people of this great Bethuile bridge, and it is estl commonwealth. We go forward. Top rop ot Cotton. Birmingham Age-Herald. The latest theory of the Man heater spinners relates to the al es ed top crop, and this theory is supported by a circular recently issued by Messrs Neill Bros, of ndoD. It is claimed by the En glish bears that tbe prospects of a fa ld u th fiehtin top crop are good; that the plant after. A great artillery engage s dry and that frost would not do ment must occur immediately much damage. Our guns dominate tho Boers As t) a tup crop Messrs. Price, land are much more smartly McCormick & Co. secured last handled rtn!iM fmm nil rwta of the After the battle yesterday a .. - - - ntton belt, and these ret lies, bnel armistice was given to oury coming from responsible or well- hhe dead and collect the wounded. ids nusu losses are over three hundred men. A dispatch received to-day from Durban savs the teleohone is as deficient as Ihe lower crops hne from there to Colenso is known people or bank?, go to how tfcat there will not be even n average top crop. Tne top crop in carriages and on Newsccmcs from Madrid that nresumably because of the dis nlav of naval force bv Great Brit ian at Gibraltar, the Spanish ft Gt has been ordered to "oon ceatrate at Cad z." This is retain iacent cf our war dv--. but ic view of the performances "of tt Spanish flaetsthen it will bardlj give our British cousins muuL uneasmt'ss. indeee, evto -Boston will receive the news withou nt ciliztts foot. At tbe command of Chief Mar shnlHi;l, "Forward, mirch!" tbe Band burst forth with strains of soul-stirring martial music, and the streets resounded to the tramp, tramp of tho great procost-ion, as it m irehed up Centre Street into Walnut, and up William to the Graded School, wtere 600 happy children, under command of their teachers, gracefully moved into line and the march to the Park. Oa tbe arrival at the Park ex lamtitions of ast misbmunt were heirdon every hard at tbe amount of work done, the beauties of the Park, and the elegance of the Pa vilion presented to the ciiy by Messr?. Henry and Solomon Weil. Tbe exeic;ses of the formal opening i f Ihe Park were carried out, according to the published program, without a hitch to mar the intere&t or the pleasure of the occasion. Tbe opening prayer of Rev.F. W. F arrks and the clos iog benediction of llabbi J. L. Meytrberg were earnest, eloquent and impie-sive. The presentation of the key of the beautiful pavilion, and the pavilion itself, to tbe Myor of tbe city ard through him to the people cf Goldtboro, by Mr Henry Wei', was gracefulfy done in a brief speech of chaste English and ennoblins sentiment. The Mayor's response was in excellen taste pn Invoiced tbe gratification of our community over .tho mu nificent gift. Mrs. W. li. Hollowell, presi dent of the Goldsboro Woman's Club, read an elaborate pap pertinent to the occasion and to the purposes of the organizjtion she so admirably presides over and which was "received with great favor and real epjojment and profit by the immense concourse, Mr. I. F. Doitch was prevented by professional engagements that he culd not postpone, from being present, and the address of Mr. Jos. E. Robinson, editor of the Akgus, concluded the speaking. ' And now, what the Aegus has sb long "and perststeBtly-contended for, Goldsboro has a park. Al though beautiful' and attractive now, Hermann Parbys but in its infancy. It will become-more and more beautiful all the time, the mated that he now has six thous and men under him. Joubert has sent a formal writ ten protest to White against the use of Ladysmitb, as inhuman. The British long-range guns are vastly superior to the Boere. The captured column exceeds eight hundred. We are sanguine and confident that we will win. The British long-range guns proved so superior that they here ave teen. Fif tyr-seven replies were received rom Alabaais, dated October 25, open and the railway to Lady smith remains intact. London, Nov. 3. Lord Charles nd twenty-two of this numbei Baresford has been appointed report "no top crop. Ihe towns second in command or tne JJiaai that report "no top crop" are terranean squadron. He succeeds Albens. Thomasville, Oznk, Gen eva, Enterprise, Mobile, Clayton, Alexander City, Lafayette, Ever- - i rA l i green, JV onievauo, tjoiumoia, Dadeville, Florence, Dothan, Un- ontown. Greensboro, Union Sir Gerard Noel. The War Office censorship has been established all over South Africa, except those addressed to foreign governments. This is due to Boer agents who have been sending and receiving SETTLE OJJ THE AMENDMENT i - t i ji m i I springs, itoanoKe anu iusgBu. through foreign government Nearly as many more of the cor- offi0jais uncontrolled code mes respondents say that tlie top crop sages OQ British preparations. is light, short or small. Not one says the top crop is up to that of average years. As the crop of Alabama is con ceded by Mr, Henry M. Neill and the other bears to b4 the MOZLEX'S LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Drink. Cures indigestion, headache, mala ria, kidney diseases, lever, emus, loss best State crop iu the cotton belt, 0f appetite, debility, nervous Drostra- t is readi-y seen in what coLdt- gjm ana J-." liou tne rest ci idb crop must ur. and Blood top oiuy luc.j, Mr.ZT.EY'S ELIXIR short, nothing to rest upon, i ne Qured me of indigestion. T had suffered rnn as a wholu is. short, and iust for ten years. I had tried almost every , .u; rn medicine, but all failed. Since taking " ""' "ff- Jjemon Jfillxir 1 can eat anysning i onrtaiied sbiDments. there Will like. , , ., f j I - - WiA. Usu i ami be a scramoie on tne part oi ior- Reevesville, 8. C eigu spinners, inus iar tney have stayed out of the market as Cured me of indigestion and heart dis much as pressing and heavy JSdSMl3ieff orders for ffoods would Dermit. N. D. Coleman, 1 i ix- a j-1 T'U cn Korrin tr Knti ieUlttU, O. J X uc v ixiuau ajjLM wtgau - j , .T j.u u...j u Moley's Lemon Bllxlr ireeiy, aeu tuey au.miu o i have been a exeat sufferer from to nav enouarh to make eocd the dvsDensia for about fifteen years, my losses they have inflicted through aJ exaggerated esumates oi tne on Kimr curea me. mj appeuwisgooa rn. i u ii tvt I and I am well. I had taken a barrel of crop, a uey suouiu m i. ( tber medicine that done me no good. Rptiru M NhiI . I CHARLES (jIBHAKD, I TkT ine T- C! T vnianilla iTw i t- TA n m.T ii i. i nl: I """"" - no nigui, iv jftiiucaa. Cnre(1 me of eniareed liver, nervous mu ,T,.v,..r, nhn ic lAiraiw in indigestion and Heart disease. was Iso. 98 Alexander St., Atlanta, Ga. MQZLKT'S LEMON HOT JtOPS face, form and temper will al kindofwork, . l was treated by many wavs nave irienaF, out-one wuo ohvsicians. but eot no better until l would be attractive must keep used Lemon Elixir. I am now healthy . . . . -. I .1 M 1 ll U 1 ri-nTT-w hci hoa.lt. h If a.hfi IS TOfinlr. Sif.KlV am viguiuun. kj. . uo.wnu. and all run down, she will be uei vuua , i". I Cures all Coughs, I Colds, Hoarse- constipation or kidney trouble. negreTh)at. rironchiil. Hem- her impure blood will cause orrhage, and aU throat and lung dis- 1 1 . 1 . 1 if I til . . J. 1 T 1 pimpiesDtOtcneP, Kin eruptions i eases, fiiegani, reuaoie. and a .wretched' eornplexton. xwenty-nye cents ax aru ggim r Electric Bitters is the best medi- Preu ujr -V 7" . . . .... I cine, in the yworia to reguiate stomach, liyer and kidneys and to purily thj blood, it gives strong nerves, bright Propounds Questions to Linney That are Likely to Puzz e Him. Greensborr, N. C, Nov. 4. Hon. Thomas Settle has given to me for publication the following letter to Congressman R. Z. Linney: My Daar L'nney: As chairman of tne last Republican State Con vention, and as a member of the present State Executive Commit tee; and one of the ablest lawyers and logicians in this State, I ven ture, as a fellow Republican to address you this letter hoping that you will enlighten me as to certain practical objections to the proposed opposition of the Re publican party, as an organiza tion, to the adoption of the Con stitutional Amendment now - be fore the people. At a recent meeting of the Ex ecutive Committee in Statesville lam informed a resolution was passed authorizing the chairman of the committee to employ counsel, and take the necessary steps to test the constitutionality of the Election Lw passed by the last Legislature. How can this question be brought before the courts? They will not enter tain a hypothetical or theoretical case, and I do not know any per sons having authority to submit a "case agreed." Sspposp, for the sake of argu ment, we admit the Republican Executive Committee cau bring a quo warranto or sue out an in junction against the persons composing the "State Board of EleeMonf," of what practical benefit will it be? Even if the courts should entertain such an actior, and should decide the election law unconstitutional in part, or ia toto, ot what benefit will it be to the Republican party? You cannot get a decision of the Supreme Court on the ques tion before February nex, and if they should hold the act un constitutional would that decision revive the old law? (Acts 1895 1897) The present law did not repeal these acts. The repealing act was passed on the 26 th of January, 1899, and the preseut law became operative on the 6t.h of March, 1839; so that between those dates we had no law gov erning elections whatever. The old law repealed on the 26th of January an interval with no law on the books governing the sub iiCt a new law passed March 6th and the new taw aeciarea unconstitutional by the courts do you maintain the old law, Acts 18951897 will be revived? If so still, of what benefit is it? The egislature, by resolution, is to meet in June next, and would aimediately pass an election law similar to the one we now have, under which the election in August following would be held, he fore vou could test its con stitutionality. So that after all your labor you would land sub stanlialy in the same positioo you are now in. I am not the champion oi or the apologist for tbe present election law. It is not such as x would likF. out it is before us SDeakine in the emphatic langu aee of a "condition," and not in ... -. ,, the lurid elcquence ota "tneory. ow as to tbe Constitutional Amendment. Assuming that it will be ratified, and 1 think that it is a reasonaoie assumption how will yu test its constitu tionality? You cannot get a de cision of the courts on the ques tion in a contest for a seat in Hnne-ress. or a seat in either branch of the tienerai Assemoiy of the State. For by the Con stitution of the United State?, and of the State, each of these legislative bodie3 is made the sole ludee oi the election ana qualification oi its own memoers. i j : ij l . : When a gill can't thitk of any excuse to tell "you why she did a smooth, velvety skin, rich com- thing she says; she "had her rea plexion. li win mane a goou- son looking, charming woman oi ai ruDrdowa invalid., unty ou cents at J. H. Eill & Son's Drug Store Chronic Nasal Catarrh poisons every breath that la drawn, into the lungs. There ia orocuraMe 'from any drng- Be'.ief in Six HoUrs. gist Jthe remedy for the cure of this Dietrejsins? Kidnay and Uiadclfir trouoie. A sman-' quamiiiy- oi jviy niseasW'reiieved in six hours by 'Sew I f'ream Balm placed into the nostrils (ireat South American KUney cure.' gpread3 over an inflamed and angry it is a great supr ta uu Wuu. x BUrface relieving immediately the exceeding promptness m relieving pain sun ace, relieving imnieainuBi j iu in bladder, kidneys and back, in male painful infiammationj cleanses, heals or female, ueiievea reienwoa oi whwji rand cures. A coia isihsdwu van- almost immediately, it youwani quick lghss lmmediately. Sold by druggist reliel and cure inis is me remeujr. ouw ... . -,lft(. f m ...8 bv Elv by M.E. Robinson &Bro., Drujrerists or will be ' -0 oe nts by t.iy Goldnboro, N. C I Brothers, 58 Warren street, New York, There are practical difficulties in the way of raising a. question in a contest for one of the luage ship?, which precludes that method. The judges are votea for bv the electors of the entire State, and it is probable that those persons who are declared elected will get the face of the returns by at least 15,000 or 20.000 and the difficulties of Droving that number of unlawfu votes cast for the incumbent are insurmountable. If you under take. to raise the question in contest for some other constitu tional State cfflce, such as clerk of the Superior Oour, sheriff or register of deed?, you are still tn a position scarcely less embar rassing If the majority in favor of the incumbent should be smal enough to warrant an attempt to overcome it, bow would you pre cetd? You might show by the various registrars of the county that certain persons, white and colored, registered, under the so- called "Grandfather Clause" but you must show for whom these persons voted. The best evidance of how a person voted is the oath of the elector himself, but as that class of voters can neither writs or read, how can they swear for whom they voted? They deposit their own bal.ots in tbe boxes and it is a remote possibility that any of the judges of the election will be able to wear how ttey voted Aside from these practical dif ficulties, however, there is another feature of the matter I apprehend has not received mature consider ation by those who would commit the Republican party to a policy of opposition to the Amendment The chief appeal we now h ar is addressed to the unlearned while voter, and is that he will be dis franchised because the "Grandfa ther Clause" will be declared un constitutional by tbe courts. How? f it is brought before the courts, it can only be done by such a con test as I have spoken of above, and for such a contest the Repub- ican party would have to stand ponsor. If the courts then were to decide it unconstitutional, who would be held responsible for dis franchising theBe unlearned white people? Manifestly the Republi can party, sponsor for the suit. he Democrats protected their ranchise by a provision in the Amendment, and the Republicans strike it down, leaving the balance of the Amendment standing. "Who hit Billy Patterson?" I am aware that I have been much criticised by some for my attitude on this question, but I yield to no one in the State in al- egiance to the principles of the Republican party. And I invoke he judgment of the intelligent people in the State on that prop osition. The St. Louis convention drew the lines very tight on the finan cial question. It was the leading issue of the campaign, xet those gentlemen who now control the destiny of the Republican party in this State refused to stand upon the St, Louis - platform, in fact made speeches in tbe btate in which they advocated exactly the reverse. I have forgiven them for their back-sliding, since there is much evidence of their conversion, though none of their repentance. Why would it not be the better plan for the Republican organiza tion in this State to leave tbe Amendment alone, and make the campaign on sound money, pro tection and support of the Ad ministration's foreign policy? Let us expand our currency, our man ufacture and our country by an adherence to the principles of the Nptional Republican Party. With highest esteem, I am sn cerely yours, Thomas Settle. i FURNITURE I FURNITURE I FURNITURE 1 & 0 VOU SHOULD SEE OUR LINE OF Golden Oak Suits ! Which have just come in. They are sure to please you and we will make the prices and terms 10 suit your aemanas. We received to-day 2$ of the celebrated Sm:th Si Davis Springs and are now ready to supply your wants JU in this line. Take no substitute, said to be just as good, for there are none as good made. Try one of these Springs with one of our Royal Elastic FELT MATTRESSES, j We will sell you both of these on THIRTY niunio TKCE 1 K1AL. Our stock of Chairs and Rockers was never more complete than at this timer and we invite you to see them. 500 Flower Pots, With Saucers, must be sold. Sizes, J to 8 inches. Prices, 0 5 to IS cents. Also a nice assortment of JARDINIERS, S at prices that will move them. A WORD OF CAUTION. The old saying that " a man, who is naked can't give away his shirt," is only another way of saving that you can't give what you haven't got. The man can't give "free medical advice," or any other kind of medical advice who hasn't got a medical education and a certificate to tne tact, in tne tonn oi a diploma. And in this particular a woman has no more -Drivileee than a man. She can't give medical advice witnout tneaicai eau- Canon ana meaicai Knowieuge. The offer of free medical advice made by Dr. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel ana burjjicai in stitute, Buffalo, N. Y., has.been imitated hv so tnanv. who without any medical qualifications claim to give "medical advice " that a word of caution is neces sary. . Don't write for medical advice to any one, man or woman, who is not a phy sician. If they are physicians they will take the title of physicians or doctors so that you may recognize them. If they don't claim that title it is because they dare not. for fear of the law. Do not forget that there is just as much difference in doctors as in artists. Every little town has its artist who draws and paints. But these "artists" gener ally paint copies of the works of great artists like Millet. There was only one Millet There is only one Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, such as Dr. Pierce oresides over. Thousands of women come or write to Dr. Pierce who have found no help at the hands of doctors o lesser skill and narrower experience. Any sick or ailing woman, suffering from the distressing forms of disease peculiar to women, is invited to con sult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. Such con sultations are absolutely private. Each letter is treated as a sacred confidence, and each answer is sent in a plain, en velope, bearing no printing upon it. In this way offensive questions and repulsive examinations may De avoided. Address Dr. R. V, Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. OK HICKS' CAPUDINE - Cures Nervous Headache, Cold in the Head, etc. 15, 25 and 50 cts. si Druggists. ITOHon human cured in 80 min utes by Wcslford's Sanity Lotion This tever fails. Sold by M. . Robin son & Bro .. Druggists Qoldaboro,N,Q SIS All who have seen our New Lot of Rugs say they are the best and prettiest they JU have seen for the money. Come early and get first choice, as they are bound to go H quickly at the prices we are offering. When in need of anything in the Furni- ture or House-Furnishing line, come to see us, as we are headquarters for such goods, and will make prices and terms to please you. Yours truly. Royall & Borden. 0 FURNITURE I FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE I & 55 53 61 0 fa m GoldsDoro BUOOU M't'O 60. MANUFACTURE- Light Buggies, Ladies' PMons, Surries, Traps, Landaus,"Etc SPECIAL MERITS ! f The material la of the nJgnes quauiy. l ae worKm&nsnip is gnwanseou mo urat, Our superintendent 2! years practical experience We GUftRflNTEB everyivehicle made at ou factory. t REP AIIII FQ promptly done. Orders solicited fromthe trade. Send all work and orders to -Gtoldstoa Buggy Hamifactnring Company. Sept 1 dim wly GOLDSBORO, N. O. Li I I g f-'j' H it