tartlf rwrtfk 'A U !p -1 -rk rlS&, WAJ m 1$ A, t 4 4 J. - i i N 'VV A . .- .KUUh tr ttie people's rltni ' ot an eternal vigil keep N'o soothing strains of Maia'sson. CaD lull its hundred eves to sleep' GOt I)S H, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2L ISiH) NO 125 l?1 F?U 11 t'H Rffl tn y fc? hi m m m m .mm n n m jim i t b mmmm ROBBED kh.ii A0 II KK I 1'. ; HE COS ROASTED (iE AFFAIR V OF PI T. i TJlf I !;;i o K bit il ai d His 15 . S ' ay lor ?: u pant K 1 (1 u. Hn n (1 ii wo N - 0 m.- r: , r.. D . 18 -! th W -ii.- ucii or -;.e Co- JLus. , : :y uin , a -s en--c ed a i r , 'id', -qu ;u ! horso , if to. n a.icjjn..f., ' OCe V. , u i; d S 'liit.' ID ijs i lu a a i r jjdrt ;i P - i i 1 coun y, at iu . : - ! Were rtamutii r aiidGeoi v, , his s d, bu -in s. p.tra.te lauue-n t far npiv, b i .-.pt-cied and u i dus rtous ci Z i. ; Saturday mtfii Saui Taylor and his wife w u visiting, and George and h'.s r tbers went to town to ge tbt? oa-il, in which he t-Xpected to fi od a check for Some tobacco nn bad previously shipped for sl . Tbe letter con taining the expected check did not come. George told his brothers h&" hj was feeling so badly that be wou d go homa, and lefr. Soon tb.eril!frer his brothers staned for hom . When aoout a quarter of a mle from home, they met a bey, a son of Grey Corey, who told hem that they had better hasten; that when he passed he heard George calling for heip. This did not make much impression on them, advancing a lirrte further, th?y beheld smjke over George's house; then tQyy hurried. Arriving at the scene, they fotiod that the bouse had been entered, probably robbed and fired, and George's body in the house near the front entrance, burning. Gatacre receive I Lis drubbing at the bauds of 800 South African Dutchmen. JSow the much-lauded liuller, wiih not less than 30,000 troops, and after the most deli berate and careiul prepa a tioi-;, advances on the Boer posi tiou and gets a sound thrashing from a force oi little if any more than half the size In a word, the British hae been worsted at all points thus far. They have displayed a magnificent valor, which, employed in a righteous cause, ruigiit easily have brought tiiem victory against almost any foe; but they are now attacking a brave people who are ready to die for their liberties and who, be sides, are their ecpaals in courage and iniiniteiy their superiors in ' military efficiency. There has n i been nothing in modern warfare to compare with the deadly ac- ' curacy of tlid Boer fire, while their strategy, their amazing mo bility, swiftness of movement, and suddenness of concentration have proven simp y bewildering to the British generals. We risk noth ing in the assertion that were the war to be left to the opposing forces as they now stand in South Africa and the British outnum ber the Boers at least two to one the great Buller and his arm ies would be killed, captured, or driven into the sea. within three months. There is iust one feature of 0 this abhorrent conflict infamous in its origin and inspiration, cruel and ruthless in its purpose, and shamefnl in its moral atti tude there is just one feature buf, J of it, we say, which brave and RAM8lS OF THE RAMBLER -""1':'" , abun bis (' g dog liKKF.Y NKWH, VIEV nnniENTS. AM) at H ar.d K ars "VJ ; e Hoaming t e Str els. pNif-Tm to s , and each tim th t te trotntj Mlon r pit'g ill fl t S ff. i' tip at .fi met ton, ii!) . n - 1 s .h T - Kauiti er was SUird o tb- c n er of "Wluut ai'd J string tus in- ri-ini wh n t.w d e- cnmiti'il t i m e1- ! i ' ut i:c tl h c n vi rat ion of irh ten t t ibi- time tna he .-i ne'e like ,t coimr post and tt iit ii ti th' one wbo dnl ail t tlkujLf. JSn saiit; "I wifh 1 could cont'ol ( e co i -run in the Argus evcrv 'ay mid m b "iv but ttie WoniauV- Club knew it was me writing for ou know the uui ha-s dime for w- mnn t tuake her triumphal entry into the sphere that man has d minated -eemed ieisift 1 nil- A ttr t he i-t Chm Jenkins S id he would j;et h-m Ab 't't i vo miles ine other i-idc, of Pnnceto , while Cip1. J ukiis tat t e throttle wi(ie ,i u and ii,G .at s were rocking ft oil- o e Mii- . f ihn tr.-ick lo tht t e , tiie hi ii rte.it out to set ni'O'i t'ie d -a No di g whs to b sitn. tie in it itiougn-i thiit he ) lp u i;ii 1 1 gin i mi oi uis m : S v , ! i ur,. Lt.t i s he started b.-ick to " d ' . , , . t ikt Lis r-i at r e g a ced through, a I cr ack in the flo r ot the car and ESTABLISHED IN 1865. Qm J w .-in! House in GoidsDora. tbei't; was the Oii trottinor aloo uoiierne ith liikuj thegt eisa the iXle iflf eo long: we are determined to shape' things differently around here and i-et a pattern for these men. Liok at that large piece of paper over there by that corner store, and I expect the Mayor and the police are sitting up there at the office by a warm fire and leave us women to worry our lives away doing what they ought to do. But one thing is certain, we have the intelligence of the town and we do have sympathy for the poor, silly, weak minded women who take a Stand with the men against us. All they can do is to give out three The Scandal in South Airica. Washing-ton Post It would seem to be about time for those gifted military critics, who during the past few months, have been telling us in the clubs, the barrooms, the hotel corridors, and the newspapers exactlv how Gen. Buller would exterminate the Boers, to take a reef in their garrulity. Events have shown that these gentry never knew much at any time. The bj'stander has lost faith in the complacent oracle and the critics will, for the future, com mend themselves to indulgence by a more industrious exhibition of modesty and a less opulent display of ears. The world is beginning to understand the situ ation in South Africa pretty clear ly and to realize that when the great Buller gets through with his work of extermination there will be precious little left oE the Brit ish army as it stands to-day. It seems to be a fact that the Boers have not only outgeneraled and outfought the British upon every serious occassion, but have accomplished the result with a greatly inferior force, so far as numbers are concerned. Methuen's first check, in the neighborhood of the Modder river, some twenty days ago, was administered b y a Boer command of less than 2,500 xaen, he having oyer 7,000. Gen, honorable gentlemen the world over must view with horror and with grief. If the war, concocted things, but perhaps these elow by Jo Ghana berlain lor tbe benent i women will be able to see after of Cecil Bhodes and the harpies and pawnbrokers of the London money market, could only bring to the front as leaders the pirates and charlatans who have caused it, and could only force into ser vice as the rank and file of the fighting force the craven Out landers who fled at the first sign of danger and who now, in Cape Town or in London, are weeping into their dinner plates as they tell of their perils and their los ses if this transformation could only be effected, decent and honest men might be able to watch the war with more than equanimity, even with delight. But the thought of these gallant English gentlemen and true-hearted soldiers who are being killed like fles in a cause which they must loathe and for the sake of hiding cowards whose hands they would scorn to touch this thought is bitter to all of us who love a warrior and despise a cad. No such consummation is pos sible, however. The Jo. Chamber lains and the Cecil Bhodeses of this world do not fight. They contrive wars in which brave men are sacrificed tnat they may thrive. Not a Cnristm s comes but wh it the Kambler is sadly reminded of a visit he had to mfike one Chxts-t-mas morning not many years ago to a home where he knew that lux uries were as strange as the truth of this narrative. The house was one of a number of small frame houses on a street in the suburbs of Goldsboro. Tne children living on this street were out in the piazas and in the small front yards shooting fire crackers and playing with the many toys which Santa Claus had brought them. When we entered this house the tithw and. mother were hovered over a few embers, the mother holding the baby and the father haying the next oldest, a little eirl about three years old in his , . t , - i i meals a day, be perpiexea witu wbUe theif oldest child .i- -i i 1 I tnmgs arouna me nouse, near bQy near,y g yearg of age wa8 children squall and not see farther sitting in tlQ corner crying as if than their front gate. Their bus- his heart would break We nat bands will not try to show them urally aked wbat wag the cauSH now tney can aspire to mgner f . . , 8 crvin and were sir- wJ CJ ry we had asked the question be fore it was finished. Tears trick- awhile, when we get things in nice Jed down the cteck8 cf tne mother running order. We will then con- ag ghe raiged her gad eyes to reply vince the men that we are their Q, , uQ ari;n k(W was Prv- KJ U V CU1U UV1 iiu equals. I mean what I say, the ing because Saota Claus had not evening star may set behind the brmlffht him gome tov8 aS he had western horizon, the rock of Gi- tha othpr hil(1r(,n i; ne5t braltar may crumble into the sea, doQr gbe gaid her heat waB but we are here to stay and intend wrung witQ bitter gnef tbe nigbt to stay. In the language of Patrick befo when her b jn leetul Henry, "give us liberty or give flnticinltioi, hun? his stocking ud J L I US deatn. I wH u tVa okimnov Shu knew that Santa Claus would not Philistines had heard her secret, comt) and all nigQt long she had and the quiet woman who had t filt hnt wa9 continuallv nothing to say stood musing dreading to see the time when wnetner sne wouiu go ana nnu out her boy WQuld awake and find his the number of trousers that would stocking emply. ht her, or wnetner tne next centu- This nicture with all its sad I L ry would not be time enough to"meaDiDg comes plainly to view consider these things. with the near approach of next . ,r t .u. Monday morning, God grant l.U.1. .Ml. liL- iUUlUllUUUU, tUt3 genial car inspector for the Coast Line, informs the Rambler of im provements made in tbe passenger service of the "Great Western Vestibule," Limited, commonly known as the Smithfield or 'Col- lier's train." He says that there is " i Kt r ,.ifi An entire new stock in all the latest novelties in Watches, Jewelry and Silverware. Rich Cut Glass,. vVeddhe Presents. Novelties in Clocks, semething new and beautiful All kinds of novelties in Sterling Silver, for the Christmas and Holiday trade. I would respectfully invite all to call and inspect my new stock before purchasing, at the old reliable Parlor Jewelery Store of R. A. WATTS, Agt. All goods will be sold at the lewest possible figures. E&oy to Tmke E&sy to Operate Because purely vegetable yet thor ough, prompt, neaiuuui, sausiaciory Meed' Pilla A woman never k news a mans real disposition until she sees him intoxicated. that such a scene may not b6 wit nessed in a single heme in Golds boro this Christmas. If you know of any homes where such sad dis appointment is imminent let your charity avert it in time. No woman is so plain looking now apartraents for first and sec- that ghe thinka a man doe3 not ond class white passengers and mean it when he compiiments her first and second class colored pas- Qn her appearance. sengers, an in one car, anu mat these apartments are divided by a Did you ever notice how com chalk mark on the floor. Mr. netent most men are when it "Mack" tells of an incident con-1 comes to telling how others should nected with this road which is work? rather interesting. He says a man who was going to Smithfield had I The surprise about the things a dog he wanted to kill and so he I we get for Christmas constitutes tied him to the rear end of the I half the pleasure of the day, and train. Capt. Jenkins, the engineer, I the uncertainty about what we will was notified to try to outrun the I get is nothing to the suspense we dog. Occasionally the man would are in as to what we will give. m m 4.OO0 Florida Oranges i o Select Fruit. 3o and 4oc. a Doz. AT o C. F. Griffin, UNDER HOTEL KE.NNON. PHONE 106- tJ. W-Isler & Go, (Formerly of Baker Tsler;& Co.) WHOLESALE 'AND EETAIL DEALERS IN BUlk Meat, Flour, Siifiar, Gofeet Lard, Hay, SeedOats, Rice Meal, Salt, 6orn Meal, Bran. Cement Lime, Laths Plaster Molasses, Plastering Hair, Cotton Seed Meal, Crain Bags, etc., at Rock Bottom Prices. Christmas PreSentS- Did YouSay? What is nicer or more suitable for old or young than a good Book or Album? We have them all kinds and prices. Also a nice assortment of Leather Goods, PurceB, Card Cases, Writing Cases, Collar and Cuff Boxes,etc. Our show tables are covered with the prettiest and most dainty wares, in Opal, Silver and Brass all useful. Also frames, picture books,eto, We have the prettiest line of Pictures and Picture Frames in GoMs boro. Our Medallion Pictures are gems of beauty, at reasonable prices. - A full stock of Ledgers, Day Books, Memorandum and Blank Books, Jan I GOLDSBORO BOOK STORE. O Tl 0 TD TTnTTn TTTK TIP

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