RAMBLES OF THE RAMBLER BREEZY NEWS, TIEW COMMENTS. What He Sees and Hears While - Roaming tbe Streets. "How fleet is a glance of tbe mind compared with the speed of its flight," says the poet. And what a little thing will often start the mind to action and send the., thoughts back in wavering flight ; along the years, to dwell longing- j 1 tt ail Invrinrrlw rn coonoe t h ar. ! may be lulled in tha chambers of the heart, but can never fade from memory, Tha Rambler in his rounds yes terday afternoon, saw young couples returning from tne coun try, driving, and their vehicles were ladened with dogwood blos soms and yellow jassemine, and instantly, on the winds that blow, at last, from the South, the Rambler was wafted back to the Springtime of his own youth time; and, slowly wending our way among the real, we listened to the lutes of memory playing the "unheard melodies" of the "land of the leal." And the winds the blessed winds from the South, my be loved, they whisper a story they tell softly a tale infinitely ? sWeet and tender and odorous of perfume of the long ago that no language can interpret; the old, old story that has been told over and over again for a hundred thousand years, and will be told with infinite tenderness so long as the heart of man realizes aud beats in unison with the highest attribute of God love. The dogwood blossoms the honeysuckle, the jassemine, the bay, the magnolia, the happy whistle of the mating partridge and the glad song of tbe nesting birds,all sweet and gracious things in this life are borne to us on tbe winds that blow from tbe South: here the flowers bloom earliest, the Diras sing sweets ana in gayesi plumage, the bees wheel their droning flight?, the eternal arch of blue spans the South with a rad lance tnat does not mm, tne stars are brighter, the sun swings in vast space with a nobler lustre, and love born of bouthern hearts is more lasting, more true, more noble in its great qualities of sac rifice and immolation. but better still to be a dweller here in Goldsboro, the best town in the Statp, "Where smiling Spring her earliest visits pay. And 'parting Summer's blooms delay." Selah. lingering The Rambler is informed that it has been rumored over in Frog Pond that a bill Is going to be introduced in the next Legisla ture to annex it to Goldsboro, and zhe .frog .fond citizens are greatly stirred up over the re port, and a mass meeting has been called for next Saturday night to give expression to their opposition to such a bill. It is certain that the meeting nrill Vn a 1 1 17 n 1 T7 rma ari iliftrQ m ill i4xauw mi iiv.j "uv, ,not be any doubt about a subjeet for a funeral next founday over there if any man has the hardi- hood to srow himself in that meet- mg in favor of the proposed bill to make h rog Pond an annex to Goldsboro. Those people over there have! got the big head bad about the fu- ture of their burg, and it certain- lv will not be safe for any one who takes issue with them in their onnnfli Hon tn annexation. The Rambler's righteous out burst in last Saturday's Argus against cigarettes, and his ethi- cal disquisition on teaching chil- dren to.be good seem to have 51 Almost Crazy with pain faint with weakness ready to give up life Itself. That sounds exasrtrerated. but women know what it means. Many undergo it every day. They bear it sweetly and patiently, but they are doing wrong. They owe it to their friends and family to be strong, and they will be if they take Braauetos r emaie reg ulator. This is not talk, it is fact. The Regulator reforms and rebuilds. It is like a fairy's wand. It Is for nervousness, backache, drains, inflammation, period ical suffering and all weak ness and Irregularities. These are the diseases which it cures. Get it at any drug store. 91 per bottle. - TEE BIUB FIELD REGULATOR CO., suasia, vs. . Writ far our Itm illustrated " Frfct Health for Women. tOUChed a responsive chord in many hearts of Argus readers, jua"ging from the number of ap- proving letters we have received j this week. But the Rambler would not confine his admonition to chil dren alone to be good, but he would extend it to grown-up peo ple, as well; of all conditions, of all ages, of whatever short-coming, be such one or many. Within the volition of every human being is the power to be good. While life lasts there is open to eyery one the way, bright shining and glorious with eter nal love and mercy and right eousness. To whatever deeps of wretchedness men or women be iaiien, tne gate to tne way stands wide open for those who will to enter. It does not matter what the error, or shame, or sin, there is hope for the lowest fallen, in spiration for all who will see and hearken and act. In the gloom of wickedness truth may appear, and lo! there is light. The sinful, low-lying in noxious vapfors, may rise and go out in to the pure light of the sun, tbe inspiriting atmosphere of the real heaven, gaze upon the glory that beats around the heights of faith. Yea! all who seek can reach beatitude. The poorer offender, the wretch edest of all the wretched, will be uplifted if they but accept the plan and ask for the dispensation. They have but to reach out with bandg lhat tremDle and quiver and afe palsied with sinful or una wlse indulgence, and touch the hem of that garment that is for- r in reach alld tnat Power wnicn punished in the Red Sea and blessed on Calvary will soothe all pain. will 6teady and give nerve t0 the fe9Dle and transform them mto fuuarm0red soldiers to fight - tua TOrirHrrnnprfltinn That Power is ever waiting, waiting, waiting, and i ever ready to heal and to htlp. How flaet is time! It seems but yesterday since the Rambler wrote, in last Saturday's Argus, his Sunday sermon against smoks . . .. 1 . mg cigarettes ana on giving good advice to children, and yet tomorrow will be Sunday, again. Sunday, which is the Sabbath of the Christians, and under tbe temporal law the rest day of all men, is without spiritual signifi cance if it do not teach us the les sons of iovful humility, and of human charity. It is meaningless of good if it do not extend the horizon of our view; if it do not make the deeps of our souls ever 1 1 J! i a I i 12-'. I aeeper in tne way 01 iruiu; 11 it do not make the world brighter, more beautiful, more filled with joy the Space between the golden bridge of love-birth and the black I river Up0Q the other side, where fall the shadows. The exultant notes of the church bells on the morrow morning. the majestic roll of anthem, are merely brazen noises if they lead us not towards the higher heights of the higher life of man- kind's fellowship and comrade- I VI. snip. lu tuo uWBppi -uu one ot wnom tne ixamoier is, tne poorest paid class of professional I men are the doctor s and they are mnde the target of much witti- cim, as well . But the doctors and newspaper men will have their "inning" Home fiae day, or time, or eternity, : an the following recently published poem would indicate: THE DOCTOK'S DREAM. Last evening I was talking With a doctor, aged and gray, Who told me a dream he had, I think 'twas Christmas day. While snoozing' in his office, The vision came to view, And he saw an angel enter, Dressed in garments white and new. Said the angel, "I'm from heaven, The Lord just sent me down, To bring you up to glory, And put on your golden crown. "You've been a friend to everyone, And worked hard night and day, You have doctored many thousands, And from few received your pay 4 So we want you up to glory, For you have labored hard, And the good Lord is preparing Your eternal, just reward. Then the angel and the doctor Started up toward glory's gate, But when passing close to hades, The angel murmured, "Wait. "I have a place to show you; It's the hottest place in hell, Where the ones who never paid you In torment always dwell." And behold, the doctor saw there His old patients by the score, And grabbing up a chair and fan, He wished for nothing more: But was bound to sit and watch them, As they'd sizzle,fsinge and burn, And his eyes would rest on debtors Whichever way they'd turn. Said the angel, "Come on doctor. There's the pearly gates I see:" But the doctor only murmured, "This is heaven enough for me." He refused to go on further, But preferred to sit and gaze At that crowd of rank old deadheads As they lay in the blaze. But just then the doctor's office clock Cuckood the hour of sev6n , And he awoke to find himself ' In neither hell nor heaven. LWoodyard Kindling, in Franklin, Pa., Evening News. the "A day like this makes me long for the fields and the woods for the blossoms' of the wild flowers and the songs of the wild birds," delared a beautiful wo man to the Rambler yesterday. 'Woods, fields, birds and flow ers make me to rejoice, to love, to love every thing and kiss my hand to tbe sky and tbe sun and to wnatever eisel like." The birth of tbe newmroi last week was of unsurpassable br auty and spUn lor. The mot n hung a silver creact-nt invi-rted against a grey-blue sky, and it went its westward way in great glory, the evening star haDging above it in glorious radiance. Tb.3 scene was one never surpassed in the upper deep. There was no cloud. The crescent of the silver moon was suspended there in the vast depths of the firmament, and the star far above, seemed to be the rear guard in the splendid march of the heavens! It all of it was won drous splendid! It was the death t a& of a day of glory, of richness, beauty, light and worship. The going down of the new moon and the evening star were sublime. A more glorious night never veiled the earth, The stars seemed to sing a song of match less music in the vast cathedral of space. The man who had no soul to see the beauty of yesternight is not worthy to know the greater glory! The big advance and tbe up ward trend of the price of cotton is setting tbe farmers of these parts cottonward with their plant ing to a degree that is truly alarm ing. The Rambler has been taking observations personally, and re- Culture is the nami of a valu able illustrat ed pamphlet which should be in the hands 1 till of every planter who raises Cotton. The book is sent Free. Send name and address to GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. ceiving information by mail and this is his deliberate judgment. We are in receipt of a letter from a neighboring county to the effect that a large crop of cotton will be planted this year in that section, and that if a crow flies across that portion of the country the coming spring he will wish; that he had carried his rations, if he expects to depend on spring corn for his food. It can hardly be so bad as that. We can dispense with the crow and the thrasher and the lark, but we trust that this indigenous grain crop will have a show. The horses and the mules, the cattle and the pigs and the poultry raise tneir hungry mouths in sup plication. It is opportune yet for a few more acres in corn. There was a time in North Carolina when a crow was seriously inconven ienced about his rations when he journeyed across the State, but that belonged to another genera tion another era. There need be no occasion for it now. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and iN'euralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. It3 ct-cm npon the system is remarkable and mypter'ona. It re moves at once the cause and the dis ease immed ately disappear? . The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by M. E. Kobinson & Bro., druggists, Goldsboro, N. C Keep your blood rich and red by taking Roberts' Tasteless Ch'll Tonic. 25c. Pleasant to take Cures chills by purifying the blood, and producing ap petite, health- and vigor. Try it, and get the genuine, with red cross on label a When a man falls in love it is usually head foremost. Chills, fevers acd malaria yield to Roberts' Chill Tonic, if- ou get the genuine, with a red cross on label. 25c. Iso cure, no py. Web Davis is now considered in bis cativti west a literary gent. Soe Bind tafe Find " Fortify yourself now ry purifying atd enrich ing your Hood and building up your system with Hood's Sarsiparilla and you may expect good health through out the comingr season. All liver Pills. 25c ills are cured by Hood's No srowDsd need is considered popular who is not shot at now and then. Your blood is thin and yellow, your system weakened, your appetite gone, your liver idle, ana you are all out of order when malaria lurks in your sys em. Drive it out with Rogers' Chill Tonic. It will make you well and happy. 25c. per bottle. New York's biggest borer is John B. McDonald. SIOO. Dr. E. Detcbon's Anti-Diuretic May be worth to you more than $100 if you have a child who soils bedding from incontenence nf water during s'eep. Ciues old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. $1. Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bro. Druggists. - Belief in Six Honrs, Distressing Kidney and Bladder Disease relieved in six hours by l,Kew Great South American Kidney Cure." It is a great suprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder,, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention of watei almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by M, E. Robinson & Bro.. Druggists. Goldsboro. N. G m Two cats on a back-yard fence can improvise a nocturne such as Chopin never dreamed of. m m m Tha One Dav Cold Cure. r.nnntt'c rhnmiatrs T-Axatlve Ouinine for I cold in the head and sore throat. Children TonBay's Brought us a line Torrhoi Laces. Valenciennes! etc., which we are now showing at Low Prices! Ladies, don't miss the opportunity. It will certainly pay you to look. To-Day's Freight Brought us several dozen pairs of the celebrated Bion UP-TO-DATE STYLES. Koyai oitue JUtuei Our great 10-Center, all styles, in . standing and lay-down collars, at 10c, or $1.10 per dozen. All linen. Call Early and Often . Queen Quality hoes For Lames I Yours, anxious to please. Southerland, Brinkley"& Co. RHRUMAGI CURES- RHEUMATISM. To Stay Cured. All Druggists. Price $l. a "BlZZEM, & WOOTEN'S THE RELIABLE GROCERS. Are You Looking For Bargains ? We.have them. Choice California Evaporated Peaches and Prunes 8 l-3c. per pound. Call early to avoid rush. t. ir . it 7 A : Up to the In arranging our line have been so careful in the choice. of styles and de signs, that all the goods may be accepted as up-to-date and authoritive from the fashion standpoint. Something new and dependable for a reasonable con sideration is most easily found here. L. D. Established over 40 years. House Heating ! guarantee either to please. Will kave in a few days the best line of Cooking Ranges ever brought to this place. Can furnish you. many new and useful cookingluLensils. A full line of Sewing. Machines and oil and supplies., Batn room fixtures and specialties. Sanitary Plumbers, Tin and 1 Slate Boof era."NearCourt House. TOBACCO.ePLUES. Express of very beautiful Shoes ! O 1 I 1 o GROCEK8. Minute ! of SPRING JEWELRY we Giddens, JEWELER. J ck ran yyiit. rnn in n n nu If f Water Boiler, Hot Air Pur- nace. Fire .Place Heaters ana The J no. Slauahter Co. DE

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