1AMBLES OF THE RAMBLER BREEZY NEWS, YIEWS AND COMMENTS. What He Sees and Hears While Roaming the Streets. we may look for the sun, which ! mkes millions of bales of cotton, to be withdrawn from us for tne brief hour on next Monday. I is to be a morning spectacle, begin ning about six. o'clock and laslifig nearly three hours; but the period of totality will last scarcely a min ute This town is not in the line of totality, but still the eclipse will to the unscientific and uu truined eye seem total, little of tbe sun at the height of the eclipse re maining unobscured. As the eclipse progresses the light of the sun takes'on a cal c urn-light appearance, culminat- 1 g in an uncanny darKness tnat may deceiye the birds and beasts that are not well up in astrono mical lore to the extent of goiug untimely to bed or to roost. How they will feel after tbe accustom ed ligh returns, it is difficult to sav. for since Aesop's day we - have not had a good iaterpreter of auitndl philosophy, and the Rambler will not attempt any thing of the kind at this late day, If be had tbe money the Ram bler would offer a large reward for the arrest and conviction of tbe person or persons who tied two cats' tails together and hung them across the clothes line in our back yard last night. We never once closed our eyes for sleep. Wo thought it was our neighbor's children crying and this moroing we went over to speak about the disagreable noise and our neigh bor accused us of beat:ng our children and said he was going to have us arrested for cruelty to animals. We were both at daggers' points when we discovered a lot of fur and fiddle strings in acrude state strewn all over our back yard. This explained the continued yelling which we both heard, bat it did not restore the sleep which we lost, last night. Our neighbor is anxious to offer a reward, and like us he can offer but he has not the reward, and if either one of us had it we would keep it. GENERAL NEWS. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. News of tbe Stage, Social, Political and Otherwise, Called From Oar Dally Exchanges. News of a rather amusmg in cident, which occurred at Frog ZPond Saturday evening, has just reached the Rambler. While the occurrence was amusing, it is sal to relate that it cost the poor fellow his life and furnished the town its usual funeral services on Sunday afternooD, an exception to which has never been known to occur. in the history of that burg. 'Tbe sa'l occurrenco happened in this way: A young lady from the city, dressed to kill and wearing the usual loug train, was visitiDg her country cousins aud was walk ing down the main street of the town. A tallow-faced, freckled 'Tiosed son of his parents from the remote swamps of that woo-be-sone section was coming down a side street just as the city lady was crossing in front of him. Ho had his ej es fastened on the vision of loveliness just passing and "failed to notice the long train foU lowing in her wake. He stepped on the train and in a jiffy his feet flew from under him and he fell over into the gutter, breaking his neck by the fall. The young lady ran into a dry goods store, while her companions gathered up the remnant?, and by the use of a number of pins she was enabled to get cut on the street again. The town council got news of the occurrence and the Mayor -called a special meeting and .passed an ordinance requiring the ladies of Frog Pond to use more material in the top part of their dresses and less at the bot tom, other towns might follow fthis good example. The funeral -was attended by the usual gather- ing and both bands played going to Aged 1Q2 tm He still Fees ana coming irom tne cemetery. i xouug. I t -r 1 hit OA T -V. The Rambler has of ten written aew io, may 2u.-oiepu about people who read this pa- Mcratn, 01 144 .cast . J2iigniy per without paying for it. We second street, is 102 years old to- have a case in point which hap- Iday. In speaking this morning ;penedoverat Frog Pond last about his age, McGrath said: week, and whish illustrates thel "I consider myself as hale and heavy cost or borrowing tne hearty as if 1 were forty. What Argus. Tbe story as told the makea me &tTOUS is that 1 have Rambler by a man just trom the l,wayg adQere(J fcQ outdoor exer ' I Alts- vtz-kt- n 4 fir " y t nrolfflniv A man who was too economical I , , 10 iane mis paper sent nis niue i - bov to borrow the codv taken bv arin wmssey anu i uuew ioucu. his neighbor. In haste the boy There is no harm in it if you take ran over a $4 stand of bees and in it moderately. 1 have used tobacco ten minutes looked like a warty and whiskey for 85 years. .1 get summer squash. His cries reached up about 7 a. m., take a light his father, who ran to his assist- breakfast, smoke my p;pe, read ance, and failing to notice a barbed Uhe newspapers and then go out wire fence, ran into that, breaking f or a wa,k After dinner I smoke j a. : i .a i I it aown.cumng anauuiui oiiusa .. taza a nan nnH thpn nnt l . Political air castles may be told from the other kind by their always being roofed with slates. If a Vice-President is not heard much of after election, his being put at the tail end of the ticket in itself suggests being sat down on. Considering the part the censor played in the Transvaal war, when the final review of the army takes place the telegraph batteries should not be overlooked. The employes of a shoe factory in Cincinnati struck last week, because they were assessed fiye cents a week to pay for ice used to cool the drink ing water. The ice furnished has been growing less of late and the strikers wanted to furnish their own ice. xney were out only a tew noura when they won the strike. Some of the surplus revenues of the United States are to be employ ed to pay oft twenty-five millions of indebtedness. This is the only prop er thing to do with surplus revenue after it has been collected. The other thing that might be done is to reduce the revenue by cutting off some of the superfluous taxes. The Rev. George Fletcher Shep herd, a Methodist -clergyman of Deansboro, N. Y.. has sent $40 to a bank at Ilion to be kept until claim ed by merchants from whom he pur loined fruit when he was a small boy in that town. If there are no claimants in thirty days the money is to be given to the public library. The distinguished English sur geon, Frederic Treves, at the Beform Club recently denounced those Eng lish ladies who have gone, unasked, to the front in South Africa. He ac ¬ cused them of merely seekivg ex citement. Indeed, we hesitate about quoting his language, because he said "these social locusts were a plague, really a terror, hated (worse by the patients than by the doc- ors." General Buller's reoccupation of Newcastle, with the repulse of the Boers from" before Mafekiag, in Bechuanaland, marks the end of Mr. Kruger's effort to drive the British out of South Africa. Sentimental talk about "republics fighting for their independence" should not be allowed to obscure the real purpose and expectation with which the Boer leaders undertook this war, which was not simply to exclude the Out- landers from all participation in the affairs of the Transvaal, but to ex tend the Boer or Afrikander power over the British colonies. "When the excretory organs fail to carry off the waste material from the system, there is an abnor mal accumulation of effete matter which poisons and clogs the blood, and it becomes sour and acid. This poison is carried through the general circulation to all parts of the body, and upon reaching the skin surface there is a redness and eruption, and by certain peculiarities we recognize Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, Erysipelas and many other skin troubles, more or less severe. While the skin is the seat of irritation, the real disease is in the blood. Medicated lotions and powders may allay the itching and burning, but never cure, no matter how long and faithfully continued, and the condition is otten aggravated and skin permanently injured by their use. Tfte Hiseose is more than shin deep; ftie emire circulation is poisoned. The many preparations of arsenic, mercury, potash, etc, not only do not cure skin diseases, but soon ruin the digestion, and break down the constitution. S. S. S., nature's own remedy, made of roots, herbs and barks, of great purifying and tonical properties, quickly and effectually cures blood and skin troubles, because it goes direct to the root of the disease and stimulates and restores normal, healthy action to the different organs, cleanses and enriches the blood, and thus relieves the system of all poisonous secretions. S. S. S. cures permanently because it leaves none of the original poison to referment in the blood and cause a fresh attack. Healthy blood is necessary to preserve that clear, smootli skin and Deautuul com plexion so much desired by all. S. S. S. can be relied upon with certainty to keep the blood in perfect order. It has been curing blood and skia diseases for half a cen tury ; no other medicine can show such a record. S. S. S. contains no poisonous minerals is purely vegetable and harmless. Our medical department is in charge of physicians of large experience in treating blood and skin diseases, who will take pleasure in aiding by their advice and direction all who desire it. Write fully and freely about your case ; vour letters are held in strictest confidence. We make no charge whatever for this service. Our book on Blood and' Skin Diseases will be sent free upon application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, CA. II I Sheets containing PATTERNS FOR JUNE are now here and can be had for the asking. Below are three very attractive patterns appearing this month : 2253 Sizes 3 1-4 yards of ma terial 32 inches wide for of rihhnn snr? worrlc JH. of edging. '255-O'RLS' DRESS. To le worn wttti guimpo Sizes o, 9, 10, 13 years. ( for a walk. In tbe afternoon I gen erally go tc the Park. 1 thua get plenty of fresh air. After supper at night I tka a stroke again Medium size requires 10 yards of 32 inch material 1 2 yard of all over and 5 yards of lace edging. Medium size requires Sk3-4 yds of 32 inch goods; 2 1-2 yards of band trim ming. 1 3-4 yards of all over and 11-2 yards of edging. Allow -an extra MISSES' COSTUME. iyard of goods for ruffle. ss 10, 12, 14, 16 yearg."? In these "New Idea Patterns" no allowance is made for seams, thus enabling you to provide for these as you like, which is as satisfactory a way and more economical than the usual method. We ask you to makea trial of this well-known pattern. If the directions on each pattern is followed your satisfaction is assured, and you save from 15 tov 2J cents on every pattern. Every dress maker calling at our store this month and requesting acopy will receive a copy of the "New Idea Fashion Review" gratis. This is published quar terly and contains cuts of every pattern made by the company. We shall distribute the monthly sheets beginning with the June number. H. Weil Sl BroSo 225c Ladles' Wrapper. Sizes SS, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42. Real Estate Bulletin ! FORSAltE. from his anatomy and ruining a n$4 pair of pants. The old cow took advantage of the gap in the fence and got into the cornfield and killed herself eating green jorn. Hearing the racket, the read the evtning newspapers and wife ran out. uoset a four gallon generally go to bed about churnful of rich cream into a o'clock. I Jo not consider myself basket of kittens, drowning the 811 old man by any means. wnoie nocic. in ner nurry sne Red Hot From the Gun. dropped a set or raise teern. Was tne Dall tnat nit q, b. the baby, left alone, crawled Steadman of Newark, Mich., in through the soilled miik and into I the Civil War. It caused horrible tha narlnr rninincr a hranH now Ulcers that DO treatment helped on L t .v, .. I for 20 years. Then Bucklen's Ar utiU tUO cltc" nica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, ment the oldest daughter ran Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons. away with tho hired man, the dog Corns. Skin Eruptions. Best Pile broke up 11 setting hens, and the cure on earth. 25 cts. a box.Cure r I .11.. tt n .'II o calves got out and chewed the guaranteed, ooia oy j. a., nuioc the tails off four fine shirts hang ing ton the clothes line to dry. Lots of women have dresses ! xi . t ; jj i . ' i mey arts airaiu lu wear. louring tne mtie spare time me The man wno makes a fool of Rambler has we have been reading himself usually turns out a good about the sun hiding its face on job. next Monday, lhere are plenty of a woman who suffers untold reasons wbv the sun should hide agony is an exception to the Its face, but we will not discuss rule. this part of the question . Unless I rjQ average wife knows the -the astronomers deceive us, as I prick of conscience is productive 4hey did about the stars falling, ' of pin-money Congress is likely to adjourn early in June. A tacit understanding ap parently exists in the House be tween the Republican and . Demo cratic leaders to defer any new leg islation that is liable to postpone ad journment to the second session. In the Senate, nothing stands between n. ftncorlu- t.Armirifl.t.ifvn of Vinsinpss , ,T. 1, -1, Ti ' 5 Farms, 30 to 40-acre3 each, half mile south of Ceptthe Kicaraguan Canal bill. It I Webbtown; location excellent; good land IS very aoubtlul It tms "Will get I and under high state of cultivation through, although Senator Morgan is firm m his determination to force its passage. The subsidy shipping bill is almost sure to be hung up un til next December. The same is true of the pure food bill.. It is confiden tially given out that the President is quite willing to have the Philip - pine resolution aeierrea tor tne present. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into ' strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up th health. Oaly 25 cts. a box. Sold bv J. U. Hill & Son. Try A'len's Foot Ease A powder to be shaken into the shoes Your feet swollen, nervous and hot, and get tired easily ? If you rave smarting feet or tight shoes.try Allen's Foot Ease. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen, sweating feet, ingrowing nails, blisters and cal lous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Try it to-day. Sold by all "druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, IrfsRoy.N.Y. Good Enough II Farm of 30 acres, half mile south of Webbtown, near the home of J. W. Bryan. .- ' III Farm of 28 acres, quarter mile east of Webb town, on north side of county road. IV 250 acres just south of Goldsboro, and west of W. & W. Railroad, on both sides of the county road. Very valuable land, highly improved and suitable fo" cultivation for corn, cotton, tobacco, truck and grain. Can be sub-divided and sold In sections of from 10 to 50 acres. Only a few minutes walk from city. V 800 acres, 7 miles from city, Indian Springs township, Wayne county. Good land, cheap, and terms easy. VI Farm of 125 acres in Johnson county, 7 miles from Clayton; 12 miles from Smithfleld. First-class dwellings: other improvements Desirable neighborhood ; price reasonable. FOR RENT. 2 brick stores E, & W. Walnut street. 8 brick stores E. Centre, north of Mulberry St. 3 brick stores under Arlington Hotel. 2 8-room dwellings, A. M. I.", W. Walnut St. 1 11 -room dwelling, " near Epis. churcn. 1 5-room dwelling E. Walnut street. 1 6-room dwelling, Slocumb St., on Hill. Saveral narticularly desirable and absolutely safe real estate investments a rA rfc"PPY,ftf1 . JtS-Real estate bought, sold and exchanged. Special attention given to collection of rents. Humphrey-Gibson Company. WEST CENTRE STEEET, Opposite Hotel Kennon. a 2 2 (April 25 Tu Thrs Sat). for anybody isn't good enough for us, when it comes to Soda "Water. We want every one of our customers t r?ally feel that the soda they get here i BETTER than the best that other Btores are capable of producing. You who bave tried them know this U so. We know that it is so; but there are those who do not kn- w it, and this is an appeal to all those who have, not already done so, to come and par. lake of "a good thins." Come to tho fountain and be refreshed . A rambler, (not the A rgus Ban. bler though), as he was on his rambling s; the other dav, overheard a conversation between two young people, when one declared: "It's a pleasure to trade at Robinson's Drug Store, partly because they treat you so - nice, and besides they serve the best Fountain drinks in town." "Yes," remarked the other, ' and they have 6uch clever dispensers at the Fountain. Do you know Mr. Chamber'ain and Mr. Gardner? I think they are real nice looking. Let's go around and get two Tee Cream Sodas." We invite you all to come. We will endeavor to make it pleasant for you. M. E. Robinson & Bro., The Money's "Worth Druggists. Tiie newest conceptions have just been put on display at L. D. GIDDERS'. Hair Braid Clasps, Pulley Belt Rings, Shirt Waist Sets, and do you want a Chain Purse, or do you need a Purse Chain? We have both. But you'll be liberal with your jewelry buying when you leain our prices. L. D. Giddens, jfweler