THE ARGUS DAILY AND WEEKLY LODGE DIRECTORY. Neuse Lodge No. 6, I. 0. O. F., meets every Tuesday evening, at 8:00 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall, Cordial welcome to visitors. Wayne Lodge No. 112, A. F. & A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Monday even ings, 7:30 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Visiting brothers heartily welcomed jjuffin Lodge No. 6, K. of P., meets every Friday evening,8:00 o'clock in Odd Fellows Hall. Knightly welcome to visitors. Goldsboro Council No. 39, Jr. O. U. A. M., meets every Wednes day evening, 8:00 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Cordial welcome to all visiting brethren. OUR LOCAL OPTIC. Goldsboro and Vicinity History In Brief Epitome of Sayings and Doings, Wise an'd Otherwise. Ron Down and Ran in by Omnipresent Ubiquitous, Iocal "Grand Roands." Bean shipping will be next in order, but the crop has been cut greatly short by the long dry spell. New residences of commodious e'ze and of the latest designs and conveniences are going up in ev ery quarter of the ?ity. We go for war 'Modes and Fashions" for June have arrived at the dry goods department of Messrs. H, Weil & Bros.' mammoth establish, ment, and can be bad for the asking- Mrs. John Slaughter is in the Virginia Hospital in Richmond, where she will spend some time and her many friends hope that her general health may be bene fited. The negro man Scoville Rib inson, who struck a negro wo man over tne head with a piece of iron in Eastern Goldsboro one day this week, has baen captur ed and placed in jail. The Republican Congressional convention of the Third district met in Clinton May 17th and after naming delegates to the national convention adjourned without naming a candidate for Congress, which will be done later. It is very proper that a reward should be offered for the appre- who destroyed the thriving young trees on Park Avenue, and we are glad to note that the Mayor has done so. We hope it will have the desired effect. Mr. Jno. E. Epps, the popular house-painter and decorator, says that a veritable house painting fever has struck the town. He has several of the .most commo dious residences of the city to put in new dresses of. paint, and still they come. .'" Mr. J. Li. Baxter has arrived in the city to take charge of the Electric Light Plant. He is a clever, congenial and courteous gentleman that Goldsboro people will welcome with pleasure, and he brings to his position practical ex perience and a thorough knowl edge of the business. County Chairman N. O'Berry, at whose pleasure the County Executive Committee left ' the appointment of a Central Com mittee, anuounces the following names for the committee: W. R. Allen, D. J. Broadhurst, W. D. Creech, W. B. Bowden and W. 5. b ort. jur. teo. ti. Mood, was appointed secretary of the Com mittee. Goldsboro talent still continues to be m demand and to advance. Oar young friend Mr. J. E. Stevens, of this city, who was called some three years ago to the telegraph office in Kins'on, ..has been promoted in the service to the office at Newport News, Va., and he is to be succeeded at Kins ton by another bright and popular Go'dsboro boy, Mr. Paul Hood. The change will take place on June 1. Mr. W. T. Dortch delivered the address at the closing exercises of the Pikeville High School May 16. The address was in keeping with Mr. Dortcu's enviable record as a speaker and was listened to with rapt attention by those pres ent.The ecbool has been conducted bv Miss Lucy Waters, of La- Orange, and ber success the past session i ve j fUtteriuu evidence of her ability as an eduewtor A telegram was recmvvd ry Mr. J. J. S'reet last Wednes day, announcing ihH death, at 5:30 o'clock, of the wfe of Rjv. V. P. Clapp, at her borne in E on College Rev. Mr. C app mde many warm friends in this city among the large congregations that, gathered nightly in the Holiness church to bear his elo quent presentation of tha Sarip tures, who deeply sympathize with him :n the loss of his dear wife. It will be remembered that Mr. C'app was called home from his labors here to the bedside of bis wife Monday. DAUGHTERS CONFEDERACY. To Build a Monument to Jefferson Davis: Goldsboro'a Cbapter Enlistsd in tbe Work. Daily Argus, Saturday May 19, As the years roll on, and "the thoughts of men are widened," the issues championed by the Southern Statesmen, and leading up to the war of the Southern Confederacy, are coming to be recognized throughout the nation, under the light of widening ex perience, as the perfection of wis dom and astute statesmanship, and the men who went through tbe fiery ordeal of war and down to death in their defense, for love of principle and right, are forever enshrined in the Temple of Fame as the most glorious heroes the world has ever known; for success is not essentially the reward of heroism, and truth may some times be crushed to earth, but, in the eternal years of God, Truth will prevail and the heroes who gave their lives for her dtftnse will receive honor, thoagh centu ries roll between. The women of the South, pure of heart and consecrated of life, pulsing with patriotism and with the courage of their heaven-born convictions, have banded them selves together under an organi zation known as "Daughters of tne Confederacy," whose purpose is to preserve the truth of the history of the Southern Confed eracy and transmit it secure to the rising generation and on through coming generations that the principles of the Lost Cause may ever prevail in South ern hearts and that its heroes may never be disparaged in the land consecrated by their blood. Among other undertakings, it is the purpose of the Daughters of the Contederasy to erect a monument to Jefferson Davis, and make it of such imposing character and enduring nature as to perpetuate through all the coming time the Southern peo ple's faith in him and love for him. And let the legends inscrib ed thereon teach the lesson of his life, and tell to all peoples his gallantry of spirit, his hero ism of soul, the righteousness of the cause he loved with his peo ple so well, and his pathetic af tertime and passing hence. Let them tell how Fame stopped him at the gates of sunset and, as he passed out beyond earth's sight, placed upon his brave, battle-bronzed brow the most glorious crown ever won by man, save that of Immortality from God Himself eternal in the Heavens the distinction of be ing made the vicarious sufferer for the people and the principles he loved. Without citizenship disfranchised by federal edict born of partisan passionate hate and resentment, he measured the years of his vicariate without a murmur, and went, at length, to his long home with abiding faith . in God and looking to the resur rectum oi rigui judgment in tne hearts of men for hs justifica tion. The good women of Goldsboro God bless them! have organ ized here a chapter of the "Daughters of the Confederacy," and it is their purpose at an early day to give some knd of an en tertainment to contribute to the monument fund, and to this end the chapter will have a meeting next Monday afternoon, at 5:30 o'clock, in the Museum of the Goldsboro Rifles, and it is urged and hoped that every woman be longing to the chapter will be in prompt attendance. Con d Not Spell. Chicago News. Great men are usually poor spellers. The man who can spell perfectly is at sea when he tries to Jefiae words and the man with a great flow of language aud the power to get the- best out of words is apt to be careless about orthography. He has no time for trifles. It is the same as remembering a date and not be ing able to recollect what hap-: pened on it. English spslling is arbitrary and accuracy in it is simply a chance a gift such as lightning calculation. Few of the great writers have been good spellers. They have not been concerned themselves with words except to use them as they would tools. The only scraps of writing of Shake speare's in existence are two signatures, and these are spelled differently. Scott, Byron, Ten nyson and Dickens were wretch ed spellers. It is said Browning was often in doubt as to the spelling of a word and had to write it down in order to see if it looked right be fore he was sure. Mmy ordinary people are addicted to this little trick, and it is needless to say that the eye, instead of memory is responsible for our knowledge of the correct spelling of many puzz'ing words in our complex language. 1 MOZLEY S LEMON ELIXIR. Regulates the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys. For biliousness, constipation, an3 malaria. a For indigestion, sick and nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness, heart failure, and nervous prostration For f aver, chills, debility and kidney diseases take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural nd thorough or ganic regulation take Lemon Elixir too and $1 bottle at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozely, At lanta, Ga. GRATITUDE. Dr. H. Mozley Dear Sir: Since us ing your Lemon E'exir I have never had another att ck of those f ea -ful sick head aches, and thank God that 1 have at last found a medicine that will cure those awful spells. Mrs. Etta W. Jojjes, Parksburg, West Virginia. M OZ LEY '3 LEMON ELTXIR. I suffered with indigestion and dys entery for two long years. I heard of .Lemon Elixir; got it: taken seven bot tles and am now a well man. MOZLBY'S LEMON ELIXIR Cured mv husband, who was afflicted for years with large ulcers on his leg, and was cured after using two bottle : and cured a friend whom the doctors had given up to die, who had suffered for years with indigestion and nervous prostration. MBS. E. BEVILLE, Woodstock, Ala. MOZ LEY'S LEMON HOT DROPS Cores all Coughs, Colds, Hoarse ness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hem orrhage, and all throat and long dis eases. Elegant, reliable. Twenty-five cents at druggists. Pre pared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, The American politician is at his worst when carpetbagging. Nasal Catarrh quickly yield? to treatment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agreeably aromatic It is received througgh the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole surface over which it diffuses itself. A remedy for Nasal Catarrh which is drying or exciting to the diseased membrane should not be used. Cream Palm is recognized as a specific. Price 50 cents at druggists or by mail. A cold in the head imme d'ately disappears when Cream Balm is used. Ely Brothers 56 Warren St., New York CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ST? SZfZZZ? Signature of tuzZO Even Buller has learned the turning method of adyance, Mexican Liver Pills cure all liver ills. Price,525c. The Cubans are receiving sev eral lessons ii 'practical" poli tics. Night Sweats, loss of appetite, weak and impoverished blood, colds, la grippe and general weakness are fre quent . results of malaria. . Rooerts' Tasteless Chill Tonio eliminates the malaria, purines your blood, restores your appetite and tones up your liver. 25c, per bottle. Insist on having Rob erts'. No other "as good." Women never enjoy an intel lectual woman who does not know how to dress. " Winter ginds Out What Summer Lays By' Be it spring, summer, autumn or. winter, someone in the family . is 44 under the weather" from trouble originating in impure blood or irritated conditionofthesystenu All these, of whatever name, can be cured by the great blood purifier. Hood' s Sarsaparilla. never disappoints. Abscesses "I am past 54 and my good health is due to Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills, which purified my blood and healed the ugly abscesses that troubled me." Mrs. Beitton C. Estell, Southard, N.J. Dyspepsia " My husband doctored a long time for dyspepsia with only tempo rary relief. The first bottle of Hood's Sarsa parilla helped and the second cured him. It cured my sick headaches." Mas. Mabt A. Clark, Wilmington, Vt. Hood'i Mils enre liver Ills ; the non-Irritating and only cathartic to take with Hood's Sarsaparlllfc. NOTICE Is hereby given that I have this day levied on the real and personal property of the parties named below, and will sell same at Court House door od Monday, the 4th day of June, 1900, for taxes and costs, due for 1899. Amount of taxes opposite names : W B Artis $ 10 04 Alfred Artis 2 93 Jonas Anderson 2 47 DS Aid ridge 6 88 Slover Bryant 9 06 Borden & Edgerton 14 40 B C Carroll 7 58 Jim Dixon 2 99 I sham Darden 192 Jacob Davis 2 44 George Davis 3 00 Whit Dortch 6 88 Charles Dudley 48 Caesar Edwards 2 61 W P Eaks 4 09 Henry Fowler 4 61 Henry Guess 7 70 Lucy Harper : 4 81 W E Highsmith ; 7 75 James Hogans 13 39 Ed Haywood 1 44 Elizabeth Hicks 2 41 Edward Harrison '. 6 18 Mrs N Hanff 1 92 Morris Jones 4 38 Ben Jackson estate 1 76 Kelly heirs 338 Needham Kennedy estate. ". 2 72 Robert Lamb 8 05 Abram Latta 8 84 Dyer Lane 1 44 P N Marable 2 92 Arnold Moses.. 4 21 H C Odoni 6 47 Willis Peel 5 76 F H Piedmont 48 Britton Sutton estate - 48 B S Stevens 8 93 Smith & Fowler 3 87 Toney Smith estate 2 83 A M Smith 18 96 Frank Sears 4 00 Bettie Thompson 96 Mary S Thompson -. 41 J E Wiggs 5 03 Henry Woodard 196 WHWhitted 6 22 Meggie Watson 2 02 W. A. Denmark, Tax Col., Goldsboro Township. May 3rd, 1900. NOTICE Is hereby given that on Monday, the 4th day of June, 1900, I will sell the real and personal property of the parties named below for taxes due the City of Goldsboro for the year 1899. Amount of taxes opposite names : WB Artis $ 4 12 Jonas Anderson 2 14 DSAldridge 8 07 Judy Askew.. 2 80 Henry Bryant 120 William Bryant, Jr 8 26 Chester Bright 2 36 Lewis Burnett 120 WE Clarke 2 70 Moses Davis, for Kelly heirs 2 60 Chas Freeman -estate .'. y... 136 George Everett 2 00 Matthew Guess 3 30 Lucy Harper 180 Isaac Hamilton estate 1 20 Levi Johnson 8 61 T O Kelly 4 38 Abram Latta. 2 90 Andrew Oakley S 63 Willis Peel 4 10 Tony Smith estate 2 70 AM Smith ; 6 80 Jno R Smith ( 6 86 Walter Smith 3 50 WHWhitted 4 26 A. J. Brown. City Tax Collector. May 4th, 1900. - WILL' Iknowit Mrs. Joe Persons REMEDY Will Cure Indigestion ! I have tried it and know it, I suffered from indigestion for years. No medi cal science reached my case. I tried the Remedy, and eight bottles cured me ix years ago, and 1 nave been well ever since. W. T- HOCKADAY, Grissom, Granville County, N. C, April 23, 1900. For sale by all druggists. Manufactured by Mrs. Joe Person. Kittrell, N. C. Straw Latest Styles - and Reliable Quality Correct shapes and a complete stock to select from. We carry a full line of other hats all shapes. 1106$ We are headquarters for Shoes and Hats: We sell nothing but Shoes and Hats. Bizzell Brothers Qu66n-aualLu Slioes ! In HighCuts and Oxfords. Received ToDay. QueenQuality OXFORDS are the talk of the town. The price is or 50c. less than the boots, as less material and labor are required in making. Look for TRADE MARK stamped on sole. Special. Special ! One half gross Ladies' silk and isatin Bows and Ties ! At 18 cents. Regular price 2? cents. Yours, anxious to please, Southerland, Brinkley & Co. !1 cooks , r..VM- j& I J!! enough CV-" I III for fitfe vJr 1 j ft Food ana 6 cups of boiling -water S 1 H! cost3C. will make a delicious break- fni fast in five minutes for five persons. I m FOR SALE BY 1 "I.B.FonvielleJI House Heatin guarantee either to please. Will have in a few days the best line of Cooking Ranges ever brought to this pla"e. Can furnish you many new and useful cooking utensils. A full line of SewingJMachines and oil and supplies. Bath room fixtures and specialties. Sanitary Plumbers, Tin and - Slate Roofers. Near Court House. TOBACCO FLUES. D. W. HURTT. Hurtt & Hummel, MerGhant Tailo Under Messenger OperaiHouse. , Repairing Etc., a Specialty, ALUWORK GUARANTEED. Hats 2 We have everything in Shoes. We can fit any foot with com fort, and suit any taste in style. Worn the world over. Also a fine line of Plant's Shoes AND Oxfords FOR LADIES. "Fashion's Favorite." Queen Quality Oxfords $250 Other Styles for Street, Dress, House, Outing. to CL) J "X3 O o o L CO 3 3 O WO SB 9Z O 2 o o 1r! : n: j- a: CO & 3 rrs co CO U CO u CO TO i-1 to -1. co o o CO CO c o BCD & 1X1 S -4- O 3 U CO OO . ! We can put you in a Hot Water Boiler, Hot Air Fui nace. Fire Place Heaters and The Jno. Slauahter Co. fl.'N. HUMMEL

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