i THE WORJPNOMEN OF AMER ICA OPPOSED TOTKUSTS J. R. So vere ga in he Times. Philadelphit it i Necessity Kn&ws Np lam?' i . r - - xr.i . . The workingmen oL America fofhe necessity of keeping are unalterably opposed to trusts. &oc pZresp that the not on tne ground tnat au irusis are necessarily greedy and bp pressive, for combinations of cap ital and brains for the promotion and snccossful operation of great enterprises need not necessarily - fob or oppress anybody." The co- M. A. t w entire' system shall ke strong, healthy and vigorous .'. To takeHood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier, is therefore a law of health and it is a necessity in nearly every household. It never disappoints. Tlrfed Feeling " I had that tired, doll feeling, "dyspepsia, headaches and sinking rvf.n a hnt Hood's Sarsatmrilla made me a rknorn.fi rm rf na.nifa.1 and nranfcidal new man. SJ never was better than now." t r sr . I John Mack, laskaloosa, Iowa. experience in the development of Rosy CheeTcs i great industries may be so man aged as to prove far more bene ficial to the common people than the individnal .efforts of many - persons applied singly to the same industries. All this is admitted. But we object to the trusts because the concentration of so great arbit rary power over the fields of pro ductive and distributive enter prise furnishes the greatest pos sible incentive to robbery and op- Rosv Cheelca " I have good health and rosv cheeks, thanks to Hood's Sarsapa rilla. It builds me up and saves doctor's bills." Mabt A. Burke, 604 East lalr Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Hood's Pills cure liver Ills ; the non-Irritating ana only cathartic to take with Hood 'a Sarsaparilla. terrible stages, producing copper-colored spots on face or body, little ulcers on the tongue, in the mouth or throat, falling out of the hair or eyebrows, decay of the flesh or bones, completely and forever eradicated without the use of injurious drugs, leaving the system in a pure, strong and health ful state. UamSmmaaIa or enlarged veins, which leilvUWSIC lead to a complete loss of sexual power; also Hydrocele, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture and all Private and Venereal Diseases and Weaknesses of men quickly cureo. . ah.-OT vnn an association that - j wjuld renounce our Declaration or Independence, , repudiate our republican institutions and order this nation to begin the dreary march of retreat back on the pression, and already the process" hlood6tained road over the battle of extreme stratification so ae- structive of individual liberty, and so destructive to the perpe tuity of Republican' government is everywhere in evidence as a result of their arrogant domina tion over the industries of the country. Trusts, like kings, cannot be trusted with the welfare of the people, or the business interests and the commercial right of the nation. We have tried them to our hearts' content and find in grounds and the graves cf our he roes and martyrs to that desola t.ion and de&Dotiem whence we came. Rnf notwithstanding all this madness of money, all this hypoc nsy and cunning in politics and commercial riht. we can still ory bas been an encouragement. It was God himself who placed in evpry human heart the loye of liberty. In a monarchy the King gives to the people what he belivea" to be a good' government; in a re- Dublic the DeoDle .secure for themselves what they belive to BlOOU P0IS0il . tary sypmius m an its be a good government. If the Porto Ricans who wel corned annexation are to be de nied the guarantees of our con stitution, what is to be the lot of the Filipinos, who resisted our authority? There is no place in our sys tern of government for arbitrary and irresponsible power. Can it be our duty to kill those who, following the example of our forefather?, love liberty well enough to. fight for it? It is a reflection upon the Creator to say that He denied to any people the capacity of self government. For more than a century this nation has been a world power For ten decades it ha3 been the most potent influence ia the world A war of conquest is as unwise as it is unrighteous It is not necessary to own peo ple in order to trade with tham. The laboring man will be the first to suffer when the methods of imperialism are applied to our own government. The command "go ye into all HEP PK YOU For honest treatment and a speedy cure write or go to Dr. J. Newton Hathaway whose great reputation is a sufficient guarantee of satisfactory results. Consultation 0f byaii Free. Kidney and Urinary Sg . cult. Too Frequent, Bloody or Milky Urine; all functional diseases of the Heart, Lungs, Liver and Stomach ; also Catarrh, Rupture. Rheumatism, Piles, Fistula and all Blood and Skin Diseases and all Female Diseases treated according to the latest and best methods known to medical science. y T..AlMft ?y correspon- llWSilS 1 1 CalSSfiSlll dence always suc cessful. Write for free book just published and Symptom blank if you cannot call. " J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Dr. Ilatliaway & Co., 22K South Broad Street. Atlanta, Ga. HMTIO,N THIS FATliK WHEN WBIIINGa THOSE DESIRING N INSURANCE. ON THEIR LIVES, or to solicit applicatior 8 upon thelives of o theirs, will make no mis tase in inves tigating the plans and policies of 1 r's. IF! UMMi' 3 EPS! 9 jrtis wisfiina ton Life- Assets, $16,000,000. Paid out to policy holders. $34,500,000; See or write J. O. GUTHRIE. 505, Tucker Building, Ra. EIGH, N.C A Wonderful Discovery. Not only cures, but it keeps well. Is eold by an organized company of re sponsible business men and has the en dorsement of-thousands of Clergymen and noted people throughout the coun try. We speafc of that wonderful in strument, Electropoise, and ass your careful examination into the euies it has wrought. Col. A P. Nunally, of the Inter-Ocean, Chicago, writes: "Nearly three years exp&rier ce with Electropolse oaly confirms the truth of your claims. I say to my friends that this instrument is a taoit wonderful in vfintlnn. ,nd T would nut iifLrt with Half. Me.Vs boys' and - children's cool comfortable hmoe ifWaid not et another. end J I Address for our boox envine1 letters from people who Lave been cured by ilectropoise. iHUSU rKOPOlotJ CO., 3 Fourth Avenue, Louisville. Ky. BIN BROS MID-SUMMER CLEARING- SALE! A Harvest Time For Bargains. Prices Cut in clothing at less than manufacturer's prices. N8QHQ66 sums- at and B8I0W GOSt- them a haughty, dicta' onai poi- him who cannot discern in the icy no less subversive oi iiDercy economic thought of the age the and equality than were the tyran- -it f f tin allve And ical exactions imposed by King througa a better understanding ueorge on tne American colonies lbe la!n people, a warmer against which our forefathers brotherhood and a keener sense of belled. Mustice. we will soon give to cap The trusts to-day are striving Ual that credit and re8pect which to mate exhoroitant pronts on ,, unno0f B.nmnl!inn merit n iiuuuau uuv u a-u a v - w whisper in the spirit of the mar t red Lincoln that the hope of I the world and preach the gospel to liberty ba9 not yet perished from I every creature1 ba3 no Gattling the face of the earth. Cold and gan attachment. dull must be the temper, eaturme I How diftertnt Washington's def a a unnappy must ue iuo ubhi i, i inuloa ot "aeetmy irom ine I uaa u euows' corner. 42 Worth of Tresents For 50c. worth of work. We are giv- 500 pair Mens Fine Shoes to pick from at prices IfilIfiStfenSSJS leSS tnan COSt OT material. illustrated family paper of from 16 to Ids large pages: 04 to 120 com 01113 01 wuiw y... w.mw. v Lands.etc.e. And all vou have to Extra force of clerks. Come and take advantage tSfutcriLTat foelTtli or tne saie. Republican definition! Goldsboro, N. C. Epstein Bros, MABYLAND SUFFERS Temperature in Baltimore is Highest Sinc3 Weather Bu reau was Established. Baltimore, August 11. All the necessitiee of somebody else, and tQ tbe jodu3tri0l masses the hot weather records in this city and, by their prohibitive and re- gt profite of their iabor in pro- and State since the establishment strictive orders and policies, they I t th -ir contributions to of the Weather Bureau have been seeK iiKe Ji.ngiana, in cer colonial thQ wealtfa of the world policy, to hurl into the vortex of nnancial rum the last possible THE NEGRO IN THE PRESI- person who dares assume the in- J DENTIAL CAMPAIGN. dividual right of independent operation. I Some of the papers of the State No nation can be free while its are advocating the dropping of industries. are in slavery, and to the color line in the coming Pres enslave a people it is only neces- idential campaign. That question, ; sary to control the means and say some of our contemporaries, opportunities of their livelihood, is settled. To-day we maintain all the preju The Argus certainly fails to . dices of a free erovernment and a Kee it in that way. The National free people, b ot we blindly sacri- Republican party stands for negro fice all the virtue of freedom in office holding in North Carolina broken this week . For five sue-, cessive days the temperature has gone above the one hundred mark. Last night was the hottest night in twelve years. At mid night the mercury stood at 82, People tried to sleep on the roofs and door steps. Scores of babies have succumbed. Six deaths from sunstroke have been reported in four days, "Work in a number of foundries and on the fiery streets was suspended to-day. Numer ous sailors and stevedores have .the slavery of industry at the feet Must as much as the State Republi- Deen prostrated. of the trusts. I am in favor of forcible expan sion, but I want that kind of ex pansion that will curb the pow ers of the trusts through the for- RU MAGIDE -CURES RHRUMATISM To Stay Cured. All Druggists. Price $1. JOHN.SLAUGHTER, Mgr. CARL E. STANLEY, Asst. Mgr, Goldsboro Undertaking 60 , Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Walnut Street. Phones 81 and 96. "Prompt service at all hours. list " of presents and our paper, PAS TIME, for 6 months. If, after hearing from us, you find our statement untrue. we will return your money a'aa con tinue the paper free. Address without delay THE iASTl&llS UO., Liouisville. Kv At 6rp', At my Riverside Shingle Mill and Lumber Plant, I am prepared better than ever to supply the public with the best shingles and rough or dressed lumber. I have opposition but no competition in the shingle business. If you try my shingles you will find them best in quality and right in price. A. I. GKIrrlN. can party stands tor negro omce holding in North Carolina. Let U3 see if this statement is cot true. If you go to our neighboring cible annexation of the railroads I town of Wilson, you will find that to the government of my country. I the po3tmester and every clerk in lam in favor of forcible ex- the postoffice are negroes. Oar pansion, but I want that kind of sister town of Mr. Olive, in this expansion that will insure the county, "'"'has a negro postmaster benevclant assimilation of all our and here in Goldsboro the assist people through the forcible an- ant postmaster is a negro. The col- nexation of the archipellago of lector of cofctoms at Wilmington Wall street to the ; territory of is a negro yes, at Wilmington, America. It would be far better the metropolis of the State. More for the people of America to have than that, this the Second Con the conquest of Manhattan Island gressional District has a negro than to have the conquest of Lu- Congressman, and a Congressman zm. ' I is to be elected at the coming elec- Trusts and self government arejtion. These are only a fewin- connicting iorcesand cannot dwell J stances: many, many more couia I Greater New York , prepared together in the same house, and it joe cited oi negroes m postomces wearily for another scorching i a remarkable coincidence when I and other positions. We want this I day. And the day was a ''corker." ...we renoct that simultaneously thing stopped, and the only way Oq several of the docks and on the decks of iron steamers the temperature ranged between 110 and 120. Oa the Chesapeake Bay the heat has been unprece- dented.Passengers on the steam ers have been uuable to sleep in berths or state rooms the last few nights. la the country districts, ex cepting those along the bay shore, everything is. drying up. In many places the ground in the parched fields have cracked open. SUFFERING IN NEW YORK. Forty-Two Deaths Yesterday and the End Not in Sight. New York, August 11. After a feverish night the residents of with the growth of the trutt there ' comes the sentiment from trust . . centres ofV the country that we "ought to resist the notion that governments deriye their just powers from the consent of the governed. ": 7 ":"2 f"-5'' I "! Show me a trust and I will ehow you the organized forces of imperialism. Show me a trust and I will show you the vitalizing forces of oligarchy and aristocrat cy Show mo a trust and 1' will to stop it is to elect the entire Democratic ticket. To the Argus the negro is very much in cur next campaign. APHORISMS BY MR BRYAN SOME FEATURES OF THE New 'Rem-Sho' Typewriter, Interchangeable Rigid Roller-Bearing Carriages- The - Latest - Up-To-Date - Standard - Typewriter! Rebuilt maehin ps !!of all makes for sale, rent and exchange. Thel-only factory-equipped rebuiiding plant in the Sou-h, Typewriter and office sup plies at lowest prices. Correspondence solicited. Agents wantea.- Southern Typewriter Headquarters 41 Peachtree Street, At anta, Ga JOS. E. ROBINSON, LOCAIi AGENT. GOLDSBOUO N. C At 8 o'clock this morning the sun was snming nerceiy m a ter commenced to do oYertime at once. It continued to climb, until at 3 p. m. it' reached 107. As the heat increased the death v !- I 11 111 A No one has a right to expect roli grew ana tne, procession of from society more than a fair aniDuiances ien gmenea. un ation for the service he eTery ? str a?a n snops, tne Killing ; neat nouriy c'aimed its victims until after" compen renders to society. The Filipinos do nc need any sundown, when the list of dead is encouragement from the Amen- 42, and the hospitals are crowd- cans now living; our whole his led with sufferers. EatablisriecL 1880, BstabllshGd 1880. - -4Modr & Robinson, UNDERTAKERS. Fine and Plain Wood and Metallic Cofflins and Caskets. Quality and Prices Guaranteed as Low as tb towett John Street, op. Baptist Church. Phones, No. 9S, 79. and 7 ilen Moore & Co.& GflRRIflGE. AND BUGGY REPOSITORY. Wohuild Buggies Wa?ons, Carts and other Vehicles to order, and d all sorts of Repairing op. .same, at satisfactory prices, and we iguarantee ail work turned ont from our premises. x " Our MR. JERRY HA.RTUS S is well kmwn to the public of Sthis city and ) section, aaa naa personal Bupervis ut mi wun uui uou uuu uum com l ishment Same old stand, on John street, opposite iBaptistchurch. Staling REPAIRING INORDEIl to meet a pressing need in the commumty, I have em ployed a first-class workman and fitted up a shoeroaking and repairing establishment, on "Walnut St., cp. Fonvielle's. fill In need of utofk in ttiis line may toe slire of satisfaction- , f Respectfully, T. R. ROBINSON. James Sprunt Institute. (Formerly "Grove Awdemy") Established 1785 Reorganized as a College for Women by Wilmington Presbytery: Carefully selected faculty : One new building this year: Terms moderate; For particulars apply at once to Wm M Shaw, president, Kenansvill NC woodland Memo For Boys and Girls. Location healthy : Board and Tuition Reasonable: Terms egin September 3rd and January 1st: Newton F. Far low, graduate cf , Guilford College, principal: Fcr further information, write . T I SUTTON, Sec'y Genoa, N C HENS WANTED!11 each for 25 or 30 good laying hens. .. G. W. BROWN, Akous office, Goldsboro, N.C. Aug 16 FRANK BOYETTE, Dentist. Office la Borden Building, over Southrland Brinkley A Co.'s.Store; AXiL WORK UaARANraKD FIR3T-CLA.S

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